mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:55:41 +00:00
1817 lines
56 KiB
1817 lines
56 KiB
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <zlib.h>
#include "elf.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct RplLibsDef
be_val<uint32_t> name;
be_val<uint32_t> stubStart;
be_val<uint32_t> stubEnd;
#pragma pack(pop)
static const uint32_t LoadAddress = 0x01000000u;
static const uint32_t CodeAddress = 0x02000000u;
static const uint32_t DataAddress = 0x10000000u;
static const uint32_t WiiuLoadAddress = 0xC0000000u;
int verbose = 0;
constexpr int verbose_loaded_sections = 1;
constexpr int verbose_loaded_symbols = 3;
constexpr int verbose_loaded_imports = 2;
constexpr int verbose_loaded_relocations = 4;
constexpr int verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc = 4;
constexpr int verbose_pruned_symbols = 2;
constexpr int verbose_convert_relocations = 4;
constexpr int verbose_dup_symbols = 3;
constexpr int verbose_output_sections = 1;
constexpr int verbose_output_symbols = 2;
struct OutputSection;
using OutputSectionPtr = std::shared_ptr<OutputSection>;
struct ElfFile
struct DataSection
std::string name;
uint32_t address = 0;
elf::SectionType type = elf::SHT_NULL;
elf::SectionFlags flags = elf::SectionFlags(0);
OutputSectionPtr outSection;
int inIndex = -1;
/* Data used if type == SHT_PROGBITS */
std::vector<char> data;
/* Size used if type == SHT_NOBITS */
uint32_t size = 0;
DataSection(uint32_t _address, std::string _name,
elf::SectionType _type, elf::SectionFlags _flags)
: name(_name), address(_address), type(_type), flags(_flags)
static std::shared_ptr<DataSection>
New(uint32_t _address, std::string _name,
elf::SectionType _type, elf::SectionFlags _flags)
return std::make_shared<DataSection>(_address, _name, _type, _flags);
bool contains(uint32_t _address, uint32_t _size = 0)
if (!(flags & elf::SHF_ALLOC) || size == 0 || size == uint32_t(-1))
return false;
auto start = address;
auto end = start + size;
if (_address >= start && _address + _size <= end)
return true;
return false;
using DataSectionPtr = std::shared_ptr<DataSection>;
using DataSectionList = std::vector<DataSectionPtr>;
struct Symbol
std::string name;
uint32_t address = 0;
uint32_t size = 0;
elf::SymbolType type = elf::STT_NOTYPE;
elf::SymbolBinding binding = elf::STB_LOCAL;
uint32_t outNamePos = 0;
uint32_t refCount = 0;
int inIndex = -1;
int outIndex = -1;
DataSectionPtr inSection;
OutputSectionPtr outSection;
Symbol(uint32_t _address, const std::string& _name,
uint32_t _size, elf::SymbolType _type, elf::SymbolBinding _binding)
: name(_name), address(_address), size(_size), type(_type), binding(_binding)
static std::shared_ptr<Symbol>
New(uint32_t _address, const std::string& _name,
uint32_t _size, elf::SymbolType _type, elf::SymbolBinding _binding)
return std::make_shared<Symbol>(_address, _name, _size, _type, _binding);
using SymbolPtr = std::shared_ptr<Symbol>;
using SymbolList = std::vector<SymbolPtr>;
using SymbolByAddrMap = std::map<uint32_t, SymbolPtr>;
struct Relocation
uint32_t target = 0;
elf::RelocationType type = elf::R_PPC_NONE;
SymbolPtr symbol;
DataSectionPtr symbolSection;
uint32_t addend = 0;
OutputSectionPtr targetSection;
using RelocationPtr = std::shared_ptr<Relocation>;
using RelocationList = std::vector<RelocationPtr>;
struct RplImport
SymbolPtr trampSymbol;
SymbolPtr stubSymbol;
uint32_t stubAddr = 0;
uint32_t trampAddr = 0;
RplImport(uint32_t _stubAddr, uint32_t _trampAddr,
SymbolPtr _stubSymbol, SymbolPtr _trampSymbol)
: trampSymbol(_trampSymbol), stubSymbol(_stubSymbol),
stubAddr(_stubAddr), trampAddr(_trampAddr)
static std::shared_ptr<RplImport>
New(uint32_t _stubAddr, uint32_t _trampAddr,
SymbolPtr _stubSymbol, SymbolPtr _trampSymbol)
return std::make_shared<RplImport>(_stubAddr, _trampAddr, _stubSymbol, _trampSymbol);
using RplImportPtr = std::shared_ptr<RplImport>;
using RplImportList = std::vector<RplImportPtr>;
using RplImportByAddrMap = std::map<uint32_t, RplImportPtr>;
struct RplImportLibrary
std::string name;
RplImportList imports;
RplImportLibrary(const std::string& _name)
: name(_name)
static std::shared_ptr<RplImportLibrary>
New(const std::string& _name)
return std::make_shared<RplImportLibrary>(_name);
addImport(const RplImportPtr& import)
using RplImportLibraryPtr = std::shared_ptr<RplImportLibrary>;
using RplImportLibraryList = std::vector<RplImportLibraryPtr>;
uint32_t entryPoint = 0;
DataSectionList dataSections;
SymbolList symbols;
RelocationList relocations;
RplImportLibraryList rplImports;
SymbolByAddrMap symbolsByAddr;
RplImportByAddrMap importsByAddr;
addDataSection(const DataSectionPtr& section)
addSymbolToIndex(const SymbolPtr& symbol)
auto iter = symbolsByAddr.find(symbol->address);
if (iter != symbolsByAddr.end())
if ((iter->second->type == elf::STT_NOTYPE
&& symbol->type != elf::STT_NOTYPE)
|| (iter->second->type != elf::STT_SECTION
&& symbol->type == elf::STT_SECTION
&& symbol->address != 0))
if (verbose >= verbose_dup_symbols)
std::cout << "Duplicate symbol - changed type "
<< std::hex << "0x" << symbol->address << " "
<< iter->second->name << " / " << symbol->name
<< std::endl;
iter->second = symbol;
else if ((iter->second->type != elf::STT_SECTION || symbol->type == elf::STT_SECTION)
&& symbol->type != elf::STT_NOTYPE && iter->second->size == 0
&& symbol->size != 0 && symbol->size != uint32_t(-1) && symbol->address != 0)
if (verbose >= verbose_dup_symbols)
std::cout << "Duplicate symbol - changed size "
<< std::hex << "0x" << symbol->address << " "
<< iter->second->size << " / " << symbol->size << " "
<< iter->second->type << " / " << symbol->type << " "
<< iter->second->name << " / " << symbol->name
<< std::endl;
iter->second = symbol;
if (symbol->name != iter->second->name && symbol->address != 0)
if (verbose >= verbose_dup_symbols)
std::cout << "Duplicate symbol "
<< std::hex << "0x" << symbol->address << " "
<< iter->second->size << " / " << symbol->size << " "
<< iter->second->type << " / " << symbol->type << " "
<< iter->second->name << " / " << symbol->name
<< std::endl;
symbolsByAddr.emplace(symbol->address, symbol);
addSymbol(const SymbolPtr& symbol)
insertSymbol(SymbolList::iterator iter, const SymbolPtr& symbol)
return symbols.insert(iter, symbol);
addImport(const RplImportLibraryPtr& lib,
const RplImportPtr& import)
auto result = importsByAddr.emplace(import->stubAddr, import);
if (!result.second)
std::cout << "Duplicate import stub address "
<< import->stubSymbol->name << std::endl;
result = importsByAddr.emplace(import->trampAddr, import);
if (!result.second)
std::cout << "Duplicate import tramp address "
<< import->trampSymbol->name << std::endl;
addImportLibrary(const RplImportLibraryPtr& lib)
addRelocation(const RelocationPtr& relocation)
findSymbol(uint32_t address)
auto iter = symbolsByAddr.find(address);
if (iter != symbolsByAddr.end())
return iter->second;
return nullptr;
findImport(uint32_t address)
auto iter = importsByAddr.find(address);
if (iter != importsByAddr.end())
return iter->second;
return nullptr;
findSection(uint32_t address,
const DataSectionPtr& hint = nullptr)
if (address == 0)
return dataSections[0];
if (hint && hint->contains(address))
return hint;
for (auto §ion : dataSections) {
if (section->contains(address))
return section;
return nullptr;
return dataSections;
return symbols;
return relocations;
return rplImports;
SymbolList new_symbols;
unsigned d = 0;
/* Prune out unneeded symbols - but keep those used for relocations! */
for (unsigned s = 0u; s < symbols.size(); ++s)
if (!symbols[s]->name.empty() && symbols[s]->type == elf::STT_NOTYPE
&& symbols[s]->size == 0 && symbols[s]->refCount == 0)
if (verbose >= verbose_pruned_symbols)
std::cout << "Pruning symbol " << symbols[s]->name << std::endl;
std::swap(new_symbols[d], symbols[s]);
std::swap(new_symbols, symbols);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < symbols.size(); ++i)
symbols[i]->outIndex = i;
struct InputSection
elf::SectionHeader header;
std::vector<char> data;
template<typename Type>
static Type *
getLoaderDataPtr(std::vector<InputSection> &inSections, uint32_t address)
for (auto §ion : inSections)
auto start = section.header.addr;
auto end = start + section.data.size();
if (start <= address && end > address)
auto offset = address - start;
return reinterpret_cast<Type *>(section.data.data() + offset);
return nullptr;
static elf::Symbol *
getSectionSymbol(InputSection §ion, size_t index)
auto symbols = reinterpret_cast<elf::Symbol *>(section.data.data());
return &symbols[index];
static bool
read(ElfFile &file, const std::string &filename)
std::ifstream in { filename, std::ifstream::binary };
std::vector<InputSection> inSections;
ElfFile::DataSectionList dataSectionIndex;
if (!in.is_open()) {
std::cout << "Could not open " << filename << " for reading" << std::endl;
return false;
/* Read header */
elf::Header header;
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&header), sizeof(elf::Header));
if (header.magic != elf::HeaderMagic) {
std::cout << "Invalid ELF magic header" << std::endl;
return false;
if (header.fileClass != elf::ELFCLASS32) {
std::cout << "Unexpected ELF file class" << std::endl;
return false;
if (header.encoding != elf::ELFDATA2MSB) {
std::cout << "Unexpected ELF encoding" << std::endl;
return false;
if (header.machine != elf::EM_PPC) {
std::cout << "Unexpected ELF machine type" << std::endl;
return false;
if (header.elfVersion != elf::EV_CURRENT) {
std::cout << "Unexpected ELF version" << std::endl;
return false;
file.entryPoint = header.entry;
/* Read section headers and data */
for (auto §ion : inSections) {
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(§ion.header), sizeof(elf::SectionHeader));
if (!section.header.size || section.header.type == elf::SHT_NOBITS) {
auto pos = in.tellg();
in.read(section.data.data(), section.data.size());
auto shStrTab = inSections[header.shstrndx].data.data();
/* Process any loader relocations */
for (auto §ion : inSections)
if (section.header.type != elf::SHT_RELA)
auto name = std::string { shStrTab + section.header.name };
if (name.compare(".rela.dyn") != 0)
auto symSection = inSections[section.header.link];
auto relas = reinterpret_cast<elf::Rela *>(section.data.data());
auto count = section.data.size() / sizeof(elf::Rela);
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i)
auto &rela = relas[i];
auto index = rela.info >> 8;
auto symbol = getSectionSymbol(symSection, index);
auto addr = symbol->value + rela.addend;
auto type = rela.info & 0xff;
auto ptr = getLoaderDataPtr<uint32_t>(inSections, rela.offset);
if (!ptr)
std::cout << "Unexpected relocation offset in .rela.dyn section" << std::endl;
return false;
switch (type) {
case elf::R_PPC_RELATIVE:
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << "Dyn relocation 0x" << std::hex << rela.offset << " 0x" << byte_swap(*ptr) << " -> 0x" << addr << std::endl;
*ptr = byte_swap(addr);
case elf::R_PPC_NONE:
/* ignore padding */
std::cout << "Unexpected relocation type in .rela.dyn section" << std::endl;
return false;
int index = -1;
/* Read text/data sections */
for (auto §ion : inSections) {
if (section.header.addr >= LoadAddress && section.header.addr < CodeAddress) {
/* Skip any load sections */
auto name = std::string { shStrTab + section.header.name };
auto address = section.header.addr.value();
auto type = elf::SectionType(section.header.type.value());
auto flags = elf::SectionFlags(section.header.flags.value());
auto size = section.header.size.value();
if (type == elf::SHT_PROGBITS) {
auto data = ElfFile::DataSection::New(address, name, type, flags);
data->data = section.data;
data->size = size;
data->inIndex = index;
dataSectionIndex[index] = data;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_sections)
std::cout << "Data section #" << index << ' ' << name
<< std::hex << ": 0x" << address << " - 0x" << address + size << std::endl;
} else if (type == elf::SHT_NOBITS) {
auto bss = ElfFile::DataSection::New(address, name, type, flags);
bss->size = size;
bss->inIndex = index;
dataSectionIndex[index] = bss;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_sections)
std::cout << "BSS section #" << index << ' ' << name
<< std::hex << ": 0x" << address << " - 0x" << address + size << std::endl;
} else {
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_sections)
std::cout << "Section #" << index << " type 0x" << type << ' ' << name
<< std::hex << ": 0x" << address << " - 0x" << address + size << std::endl;
/* Default symbols */
auto symNull = ElfFile::Symbol::New(0, "", 0, elf::STT_NOTYPE, elf::STB_LOCAL);
auto symText = ElfFile::Symbol::New(CodeAddress, "$TEXT", 0, elf::STT_SECTION, elf::STB_LOCAL);
auto symData = ElfFile::Symbol::New(DataAddress, "$DATA", 0, elf::STT_SECTION, elf::STB_LOCAL);
auto symUndef = ElfFile::Symbol::New(0, "$UNDEF", 0, elf::STT_OBJECT, elf::STB_GLOBAL);
/* Read symbols */
for (auto §ion : inSections)
if (section.header.type != elf::SHT_SYMTAB)
auto name = std::string { shStrTab + section.header.name };
if (name.compare(".symtab") != 0)
std::cout << "Unexpected symbol section " << name << std::endl;
return false;
auto strTab = inSections[section.header.link].data.data();
auto symTab = reinterpret_cast<elf::Symbol *>(section.data.data());
auto count = section.data.size() / sizeof(elf::Symbol);
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i)
auto &sym = symTab[i];
/* Skip any load symbols */
if (sym.value >= LoadAddress && sym.value < CodeAddress)
auto type = elf::SymbolType(sym.info & 0xF);
auto binding = elf::SymbolBinding((sym.info >> 4) & 0xF);
if (type == elf::STT_NOTYPE && sym.value == 0) {
/* Skip null symbol */
if (type == elf::STT_FILE || type == elf::STT_SECTION) {
/* Skip file, section symbols */
auto name = strTab + sym.name;
auto symbol = ElfFile::Symbol::New(sym.value, name, sym.size, type, binding);
auto inSection = dataSectionIndex[sym.shndx];
if (inSection && inSection->size != 0)
symbol->inSection = dataSectionIndex[sym.shndx];
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_symbols)
std::cout << "Symbol " << symbol->name << " 0x" << std::hex << symbol->address
<< " 0x" << symbol->size;
if (symbol->inSection)
std::cout << " (" << symbol->inSection->name << ')';
std::cout << '\n';
/* Read RPL imports */
for (auto §ion : inSections) {
auto name = std::string { shStrTab + section.header.name };
if (name.compare(".lib.rplLibs") != 0)
auto rplTab = reinterpret_cast<RplLibsDef *>(section.data.data());
auto count = section.data.size() / sizeof(RplLibsDef);
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i)
auto &rpl = rplTab[i];
auto libName = getLoaderDataPtr<char>(inSections, rpl.name);
auto lib = ElfFile::RplImportLibrary::New(libName);
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_sections)
std::cout << "Import library " << libName << std::endl;
for (auto stubAddr = rpl.stubStart; stubAddr < rpl.stubEnd; stubAddr += 4) {
auto trampAddr = byte_swap(*getLoaderDataPtr<uint32_t>(inSections, stubAddr));
/* Get the tramp symbol */
auto trampSymbol = file.findSymbol(trampAddr);
if (!trampSymbol)
std::cout << "No symbol found for import @ 0x" << std::hex << trampAddr << " in " << libName << std::endl;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_imports)
std::cout << "Import symbol " << trampSymbol->name << " 0x" << std::hex << stubAddr << " -> 0x" << trampAddr << std::endl;
/* Create a new symbol to use for the import */
auto stubSymbol = ElfFile::Symbol::New(0, trampSymbol->name, 0, elf::STT_FUNC, elf::STB_GLOBAL);
auto import = ElfFile::RplImport::New(stubAddr, trampAddr, stubSymbol, trampSymbol);
/* Rename tramp symbol */
/* These are not needed anymore, right */
/* trampSymbol->refCount++; */
trampSymbol->name += "_tramp";
file.addImport(lib, import);
ElfFile::DataSectionPtr prevSection;
/* Read relocations */
for (auto §ion : inSections) {
if (section.header.type != elf::SHT_RELA)
auto name = std::string { shStrTab + section.header.name };
if (name.compare(".rela.dyn") == 0) {
/* Skip dyn relocations */
auto symTab = reinterpret_cast<elf::Symbol *>(inSections[section.header.link].data.data());
auto relTab = reinterpret_cast<elf::Rela *>(section.data.data());
auto count = section.data.size() / sizeof(elf::Rela);
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i)
auto relocation = std::make_shared<ElfFile::Relocation>();
auto &rela = relTab[i];
auto type = rela.info & 0xff;
auto index = rela.info >> 8;
auto &sym = symTab[index];
auto symType = sym.info & 0xf;
if (symType == elf::STT_SECTION && sym.value == CodeAddress) {
if (rela.offset < CodeAddress || rela.offset >= DataAddress) {
std::cout << "Unexpected symbol referenced in relocation section " << name << std::endl;
return false;
auto addend = static_cast<uint32_t>(rela.addend);
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << "Relocation #" << std::dec << file.getRelocations().size()
<< " sym index " << index << ' '
<< " offset 0x" << std::hex << rela.offset
<< " addend 0x" << addend;
if (auto import = file.findImport(addend)) {
relocation->symbol = import->stubSymbol;
relocation->addend = 0;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> import ";
} else if (auto symbol = file.findSymbol(addend)) {
relocation->symbol = symbol;
relocation->addend = 0;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> symbol ";
#if 0
} else if (addend >= DataAddress && addend < WiiuLoadAddress) {
relocation->symbol = symData;
relocation->addend = addend - DataAddress;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> data symbol ";
} else if (addend >= CodeAddress && addend < DataAddress) {
relocation->symbol = symText;
relocation->addend = addend - CodeAddress;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> code symbol ";
} else if ((prevSection = file.findSection(addend)) != nullptr) {
relocation->symbolSection = prevSection;
relocation->addend = addend - prevSection->address;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> section ";
} else {
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> not found" << std::endl;
/* If we can't find a proper symbol, write the addend in and hope for the best */
auto ptr = getLoaderDataPtr<uint32_t>(inSections, rela.offset);
*ptr = addend;
std::cout << "Unexpected addend " << std::hex << addend << " referenced in relocation section " << name << ", continuing." << std::endl;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
if (relocation->symbol)
std::cout << relocation->symbol->name;
else if (relocation->symbolSection)
std::cout << relocation->symbolSection->name;
if (relocation->addend != 0)
std::cout << " + " << relocation->addend;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (relocation->symbol)
relocation->target = rela.offset;
relocation->type = static_cast<elf::RelocationType>(type);
/* Read dyn relocations */
for (auto §ion : inSections)
if (section.header.type != elf::SHT_RELA)
auto name = std::string { shStrTab + section.header.name };
if (name.compare(".rela.dyn") != 0)
auto symSection = inSections[section.header.link];
auto relas = reinterpret_cast<elf::Rela *>(section.data.data());
auto count = section.data.size() / sizeof(elf::Rela);
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i) {
auto relocation = std::make_shared<ElfFile::Relocation>();
auto &rela = relas[i];
auto type = rela.info & 0xff;
auto index = rela.info >> 8;
auto symbol = getSectionSymbol(symSection, index);
auto addr = symbol->value + rela.addend;
if (type == elf::R_PPC_NONE)
/* ignore padding */
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << "Dyn relocation #" << std::dec << file.getRelocations().size()
<< " offset 0x" << std::hex << rela.offset
<< " addend 0x" << rela.addend
<< " addr 0x" << addr;
// Why index must be == 0? Cause it's required for R_PPC_RELATIVE
if (index == 0)
auto addend = static_cast<uint32_t>(rela.addend);
if (auto import = file.findImport(addend)) {
relocation->symbol = import->stubSymbol;
relocation->addend = 0;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << " -> import ";
} else if (auto symbol = file.findSymbol(addend)) {
relocation->symbol = symbol;
relocation->addend = addend - symbol->address;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << " -> symbol ";
#if 0
} else if (addr >= CodeAddress && addr < DataAddress) {
index = 1;
relocation->symbol = symText;
relocation->addend = rela.addend - CodeAddress;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << " -> code symbol ";
} else if (addr >= DataAddress && addr < WiiuLoadAddress) {
index = 2;
relocation->symbol = symData;
relocation->addend = rela.addend - DataAddress;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << " -> data symbol ";
} else if ((prevSection = file.findSection(addend)) != nullptr) {
relocation->symbolSection = prevSection;
relocation->addend = addend - prevSection->address;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_relocations)
std::cout << " -> section ";
} else {
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << " -> bad" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Unexpected relocation symbol address 0x" << std::hex << addr
<< " in .rela.dyn section" << std::endl;
return false;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
std::cout << " -> index " << std::dec << index << std::endl;
std::cout << "Unexpected relocation symbol index " << std::dec << index
<< " in .rela.dyn section" << std::endl;
return false;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_dyn_reloc)
if (relocation->symbol)
std::cout << relocation->symbol->name;
else if (relocation->symbolSection)
std::cout << relocation->symbolSection->name;
if (relocation->addend != 0)
std::cout << " + " << relocation->addend;
std::cout << std::endl;
switch (type) {
case elf::R_PPC_RELATIVE:
type = elf::R_PPC_ADDR32;
std::cout << "Unexpected relocation type in .rela.dyn section" << std::endl;
return false;
relocation->target = rela.offset;
relocation->type = static_cast<elf::RelocationType>(type);
/* Scrap any compiler/linker garbage */
if(relocation->target >= CodeAddress && relocation->target < WiiuLoadAddress)
if (relocation->symbol)
return true;
struct OutputSection
std::string name;
elf::SectionHeader header;
std::vector<char> data;
std::shared_ptr<OutputSection> relocationSection;
std::shared_ptr<ElfFile::Symbol> sectionSymbol;
uint32_t index = uint32_t(-1);
bool contains(uint32_t address, uint32_t size = 0)
if (!(header.flags & elf::SHF_ALLOC) || header.size == 0 || header.size == uint32_t(-1))
return false;
auto start = header.addr;
auto end = start + header.size;
if (address >= start && address + size <= end)
return true;
return false;
struct OutputSections
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OutputSection>> sections;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OutputSection>> sections_by_name;
void addSection(std::shared_ptr<OutputSection> section)
section->index = sections.size();
if (verbose >= verbose_output_sections)
auto& header = section->header;
std::cout << "Output section #" << std::dec << section->index
<< std::hex << ' ' << section->header.type << ' ' << section->header.flags
<< ' ' << section->name
<< " (0x" << header.addr << " - 0x" << header.addr + header.size << ')'
<< std::endl;
if (!section->name.empty())
if (sections_by_name.count(section->name))
std::cout << "Duplicate output section name " << section->name
<< std::endl;
sections_by_name[section->name] = section;
template<typename SymbolIterator>
SymbolIterator addSection(ElfFile &file, SymbolIterator symbolIterator, std::shared_ptr<OutputSection> section)
ElfFile::SymbolPtr sectionSymbol;
if (section->header.size != 0)
sectionSymbol = ElfFile::Symbol::New(section->header.addr, section->name, -1, elf::STT_SECTION, elf::STB_LOCAL);
sectionSymbol->outSection = section;
section->sectionSymbol = sectionSymbol;
section->index = sections.size();
if (verbose >= verbose_output_sections)
auto& header = section->header;
std::cout << "Output section #" << std::dec << section->index
<< std::hex << ' ' << section->header.type << ' ' << section->header.flags
<< ' ' << section->name
<< " (0x" << header.addr << " - 0x" << header.addr + header.size << ')'
<< std::endl;
if (sections_by_name.count(section->name))
std::cout << "Duplicate output section name " << section->name
<< std::endl;
sections_by_name[section->name] = section;
if (!sectionSymbol)
return symbolIterator;
if (verbose >= verbose_loaded_symbols)
std::cout << "Section symbol " << sectionSymbol->name << " 0x" << std::hex << sectionSymbol->address
<< " 0x" << sectionSymbol->size << '\n';
return file.insertSymbol(symbolIterator, sectionSymbol) + 1;
getSectionIndex(uint32_t address)
if (address == 0)
return 0;
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < sections.size(); ++i)
if (sections[i]->contains(address))
return i;
return -1;
getSectionIndex(const std::string &name)
auto iter = sections_by_name.find(name);
if (iter == sections_by_name.end())
return -1;
return iter->second->index;
getSection(uint32_t address,
const std::shared_ptr<OutputSection>& hint = nullptr)
if (address == 0)
return sections[0];
if (hint && hint->contains(address))
return hint;
for (auto §ion : sections) {
if (section->contains(address))
return section;
return nullptr;
getSection(const std::string &name)
auto iter = sections_by_name.find(name);
if (iter == sections_by_name.end())
return nullptr;
return iter->second;
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OutputSection>>&
return sections;
static bool
write(ElfFile &file, const std::string &filename)
OutputSections outSections;
auto sectionSymbolItr = file.getSymbols().begin() + 4;
/* Create NULL section */
auto nullSection = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
memset(&nullSection->header, 0, sizeof(elf::SectionHeader));
/* Create text/data sections */
for (auto §ion : file.getDataSections())
auto out = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
out->header.name = -1;
out->header.type = section->type;
out->header.flags = section->flags;
out->header.addr = section->address;
out->header.offset = -1;
if (section->type == elf::SHT_NOBITS)
out->header.size = section->size;
out->header.size = section->data.size();
out->header.link = 0;
out->header.info = 0;
if (section->address == DataAddress)
out->header.addralign = 4096;
out->header.flags |= elf::SHF_WRITE; /* .rodata needs to be writable? */
out->header.addralign = 256;
out->header.entsize = 0;
/* Add section */
out->name = section->name;
out->data = section->data;
section->outSection = out;
sectionSymbolItr = outSections.addSection(file, sectionSymbolItr, out);
std::shared_ptr<OutputSection> targetSection;
/* Create relocation sections */
for (auto &relocation : file.getRelocations()) {
targetSection = outSections.getSection(relocation->target, targetSection);
if (!targetSection)
std::cout << "Error could not find section for relocation" << std::endl;
return false;
relocation->targetSection = targetSection;
if (!targetSection->relocationSection)
/* Create new relocation section */
auto out = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
out->header.name = -1;
out->header.type = elf::SHT_RELA;
out->header.flags = 0;
out->header.addr = 0;
out->header.offset = -1;
out->header.size = -1;
out->header.link = -1;
out->header.info = targetSection->index;
out->header.addralign = 4;
out->header.entsize = sizeof(elf::Rela);
/* Add section */
out->name = ".rela" + targetSection->name;
sectionSymbolItr = outSections.addSection(file, sectionSymbolItr, out);
targetSection->relocationSection = out;
/* Calculate sizes of symbol/string tables so RPL imports are placed after them */
auto loadAddress = 0xC0000000;
auto predictStrTabSize = 1;
auto predictSymTabSize = 1;
auto predictShstrTabSize = 1;
for (auto &symbol : file.getSymbols())
predictStrTabSize += symbol->name.size() + 1;
predictSymTabSize += sizeof(elf::Symbol);
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
predictShstrTabSize += section->name.size() + 1;
predictStrTabSize = align_up(predictStrTabSize, 0x10);
predictSymTabSize = align_up(predictSymTabSize, 0x10);
predictShstrTabSize = align_up(predictShstrTabSize, 0x10);
loadAddress += predictStrTabSize + predictSymTabSize + predictShstrTabSize;
/* Create RPL import sections, .fimport_*, .dimport_* */
for (auto &lib : file.getImportLibs())
auto out = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
out->header.name = -1;
out->header.type = elf::SHT_RPL_IMPORTS;
out->header.flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC | elf::SHF_EXECINSTR;
out->header.addr = loadAddress;
out->header.offset = -1;
out->header.link = 0;
out->header.info = 0;
out->header.addralign = 4;
out->header.entsize = 0;
out->name = ".fimport_" + lib->name;
/* Calculate size */
auto nameSize = align_up(8 + lib->name.size(), 8);
auto stubSize = 8 + 8 * lib->imports.size();
out->header.size = std::max(nameSize, stubSize);
/* Setup data */
auto imports = reinterpret_cast<elf::RplImport*>(out->data.data());
imports->count = lib->imports.size();
imports->signature = crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0);
memcpy(imports->name, lib->name.data(), lib->name.size());
imports->name[lib->name.size()] = 0;
/* Update address of import symbols */
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < lib->imports.size(); ++i)
lib->imports[i]->stubSymbol->address = loadAddress + 8 + i * 8;
loadAddress = align_up(loadAddress + out->header.size, 4);
/* Add section */
sectionSymbolItr = outSections.addSection(file, sectionSymbolItr, out);
/* Prune out unneeded symbols - but keep those used for relocations! */
auto symText = file.findSymbol(CodeAddress);
auto symData = file.findSymbol(DataAddress);
int number = -1;
/* Convert relocations */
for (auto &relocation : file.getRelocations()) {
auto targetSection = relocation->targetSection;
if (!targetSection || !targetSection->relocationSection) {
std::cout << "Error could not find section for relocation" << std::endl;
return false;
/* Get address of relocation->target */
auto relocationSection = targetSection->relocationSection;
/* Find symbol this relocation points to */
if (!relocation->symbol && relocation->symbolSection && relocation->symbolSection->outSection)
relocation->symbol = relocation->symbolSection->outSection->sectionSymbol;
auto symbol = relocation->symbol;
auto idx = symbol->outIndex;
bool symbol_found = idx != -1;
if ((verbose >= verbose_convert_relocations) || !symbol_found)
std::cout << "Converting relocation #" << std::dec << number
<< std::hex << " @ 0x" << relocation->target;
if ((verbose >= verbose_convert_relocations) && symbol_found)
std::cout << "-> symbol " << std::dec << idx
<< ' ' << symbol->name << std::endl;
/* If the symbol doesn't exist but it is within DATA or TEXT, use those symbols + an addend */
if (!symbol_found) {
if (relocation->symbol->address >= CodeAddress && relocation->symbol->address < DataAddress) {
idx = 1;
relocation->addend = relocation->symbol->address - CodeAddress;
relocation->symbol = symText;
std::cout << "-> no symbol, using TEXT" << std::endl;
} else if (relocation->symbol->address >= DataAddress && relocation->symbol->address < WiiuLoadAddress) {
idx = 2;
relocation->addend = relocation->symbol->address - DataAddress;
relocation->symbol = symData;
std::cout << "-> no symbol, using DATA" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "-> invalid" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Could not find matching symbol for relocation" << std::endl;
return false;
/* Create relocation */
elf::Rela rela;
rela.info = relocation->type | idx << 8;
if(relocation->type == elf::R_PPC_RELATIVE)
rela.info = elf::R_PPC_ADDR32 | idx << 8;
rela.addend = relocation->addend;
rela.offset = relocation->target;
/* Append to relocation section data */
char *relaData = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&rela);
relocationSection->data.insert(relocationSection->data.end(), relaData, relaData + sizeof(elf::Rela));
/* String + Symbol sections */
auto symTabSection = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
auto strTabSection = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
auto shStrTabSection = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
symTabSection->name = ".symtab";
strTabSection->name = ".strtab";
shStrTabSection->name = ".shstrtab";
auto symTabIndex = symTabSection->index;
auto strTabIndex = strTabSection->index;
auto shStrTabIndex = shStrTabSection->index;
/* Update relocation sections to link to symtab */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if (section->header.type == elf::SHT_RELA)
section->header.link = symTabIndex;
if (section->header.type != elf::SHT_NOBITS)
section->header.size = section->data.size();
if (section->sectionSymbol)
section->sectionSymbol->address = section->header.addr;
section->sectionSymbol->size = section->header.size;
/* Create .strtab */
strTabSection->header.name = 0;
strTabSection->header.type = elf::SHT_STRTAB;
strTabSection->header.flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
strTabSection->header.addr = 0;
strTabSection->header.offset = -1;
strTabSection->header.size = -1;
strTabSection->header.link = 0;
strTabSection->header.info = 0;
strTabSection->header.addralign = 1;
strTabSection->header.entsize = 0;
/* Add all symbol names to data, update symbol->outNamePos */
for (auto &symbol : file.getSymbols())
if (symbol->name.empty())
symbol->outNamePos = 0;
symbol->outNamePos = static_cast<uint32_t>(strTabSection->data.size());
std::copy(symbol->name.begin(), symbol->name.end(), std::back_inserter(strTabSection->data));
/* Create .symtab */
symTabSection->header.name = 0;
symTabSection->header.type = elf::SHT_SYMTAB;
symTabSection->header.flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
symTabSection->header.addr = 0;
symTabSection->header.offset = -1;
symTabSection->header.size = -1;
symTabSection->header.link = strTabIndex;
symTabSection->header.info = 0;
symTabSection->header.addralign = 4;
symTabSection->header.entsize = sizeof(elf::Symbol);
std::shared_ptr<OutputSection> symSection;
for (auto &symbol : file.getSymbols())
elf::Symbol sym;
if (symbol->outSection)
symSection = symbol->outSection;
else if (symbol->inSection && symbol->inSection->outSection)
symSection = symbol->inSection->outSection;
else if (symbol->type == elf::STT_SECTION && symbol->address == 0)
symSection = outSections.getSection(symbol->name);
symSection = outSections.getSection(symbol->address, symSection);
if (symSection == nullptr)
std::cout << "Could not find section for symbol " << symbol->name
<< " 0x" << std::hex << symbol->address << std::endl;
return false;
sym.name = symbol->outNamePos;
sym.value = symbol->address;
sym.size = symbol->size;
sym.info = symbol->type | (symbol->binding << 4);
sym.other = 0;
sym.shndx = symSection->index;
if (verbose >= verbose_output_symbols)
std::cout << std::right
<< std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << symbol->address
<< ' ' << std::setw(8) << symbol->size << std::dec
<< ' ' << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(3) << sym.shndx
<< ' ' << std::setw(12) << std::left << symSection->name
<< ' ' << symbol->name << std::endl;
/* Compound symbol crc into section crc */
if (symSection->header.type == elf::SHT_RPL_IMPORTS && symbol->type != elf::STT_SECTION)
auto rplImport = reinterpret_cast<elf::RplImport*>(symSection->data.data());
rplImport->signature = crc32(rplImport->signature, reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(strTabSection->data.data() + sym.name),strlen(strTabSection->data.data() + sym.name)+1);
/* Append to symtab data */
char *symData = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&sym);
symTabSection->data.insert(symTabSection->data.end(), symData, symData + sizeof(elf::Symbol));
/* Finish SHT_RPL_IMPORTS signatures */
Bytef *zero_buffer = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(calloc(0x10, 1));
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if(section->header.type == elf::SHT_RPL_IMPORTS)
auto rplImport = reinterpret_cast<elf::RplImport*>(section->data.data());
rplImport->signature = crc32(rplImport->signature, zero_buffer, 0xE);
/* Create .shstrtab */
shStrTabSection->header.name = 0;
shStrTabSection->header.type = elf::SHT_STRTAB;
shStrTabSection->header.flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
shStrTabSection->header.addr = 0;
shStrTabSection->header.offset = -1;
shStrTabSection->header.size = -1;
shStrTabSection->header.link = 0;
shStrTabSection->header.info = 0;
shStrTabSection->header.addralign = 1;
shStrTabSection->header.entsize = 0;
/* Add all section header names to data, update section->header.name */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if (section->name.empty())
section->header.name = 0;
section->header.name = shStrTabSection->data.size();
std::copy(section->name.begin(), section->name.end(), std::back_inserter(shStrTabSection->data));
loadAddress = 0xC0000000;
/* Update symtab, strtab, shstrtab section addresses */
symTabSection->header.addr = loadAddress;
symTabSection->header.size = symTabSection->data.size();
loadAddress = align_up(symTabSection->header.addr + predictSymTabSize, 16);
strTabSection->header.addr = loadAddress;
strTabSection->header.size = strTabSection->data.size();
loadAddress = align_up(strTabSection->header.addr + predictStrTabSize, 16);
shStrTabSection->header.addr = loadAddress;
shStrTabSection->header.size = shStrTabSection->data.size();
/* Create SHT_RPL_FILEINFO section */
auto fileInfoSection = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
fileInfoSection->header.name = 0;
fileInfoSection->header.type = elf::SHT_RPL_FILEINFO;
fileInfoSection->header.flags = 0;
fileInfoSection->header.addr = 0;
fileInfoSection->header.offset = -1;
fileInfoSection->header.size = -1;
fileInfoSection->header.link = 0;
fileInfoSection->header.info = 0;
fileInfoSection->header.addralign = 4;
fileInfoSection->header.entsize = 0;
elf::RplFileInfo fileInfo;
fileInfo.version = 0xCAFE0402;
fileInfo.textSize = 0;
fileInfo.textAlign = 32;
fileInfo.dataSize = 0;
fileInfo.dataAlign = 4096;
fileInfo.loadSize = 0;
fileInfo.loadAlign = 4;
fileInfo.tempSize = 0;
fileInfo.trampAdjust = 0;
fileInfo.trampAddition = 0;
fileInfo.sdaBase = 0;
fileInfo.sda2Base = 0;
fileInfo.stackSize = 0x10000;
fileInfo.heapSize = 0x8000;
fileInfo.filename = 0;
fileInfo.flags = elf::RPL_IS_RPX;
fileInfo.minVersion = 0x5078;
fileInfo.compressionLevel = -1;
fileInfo.fileInfoPad = 0;
fileInfo.cafeSdkVersion = 0x51BA;
fileInfo.cafeSdkRevision = 0xCCD1;
fileInfo.tlsAlignShift = 0;
fileInfo.tlsModuleIndex = 0;
fileInfo.runtimeFileInfoSize = 0;
fileInfo.tagOffset = 0;
/* Count file info textSize, dataSize, loadSize */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
auto size = section->data.size();
if (section->header.type == elf::SHT_NOBITS)
size = section->header.size;
if (section->header.addr >= CodeAddress && section->header.addr < DataAddress)
auto val = section->header.addr.value() + section->header.size.value() - CodeAddress;
if(val > fileInfo.textSize)
fileInfo.textSize = val;
else if (section->header.addr >= DataAddress && section->header.addr < WiiuLoadAddress)
auto val = section->header.addr.value() + section->header.size.value() - DataAddress;
if(val > fileInfo.dataSize)
fileInfo.dataSize = val;
else if (section->header.addr >= WiiuLoadAddress)
auto val = section->header.addr.value() + section->header.size.value() - WiiuLoadAddress;
if(val > fileInfo.loadSize)
fileInfo.loadSize = val;
else if (section->header.addr == 0 && section->header.type != elf::SHT_RPL_CRCS && section->header.type != elf::SHT_RPL_FILEINFO)
fileInfo.tempSize += (size + 128);
/* TODO: These were calculated based on observation, however some games differ. */
fileInfo.sdaBase = align_up(DataAddress + fileInfo.dataSize + fileInfo.heapSize, 64);
fileInfo.sda2Base = align_up(DataAddress + fileInfo.heapSize, 64);
char *fileInfoData = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fileInfo);
fileInfoSection->data.insert(fileInfoSection->data.end(), fileInfoData, fileInfoData + sizeof(elf::RplFileInfo));
/* Create SHT_RPL_CRCS section */
auto crcSection = std::make_shared<OutputSection>();
crcSection->header.name = 0;
crcSection->header.type = elf::SHT_RPL_CRCS;
crcSection->header.flags = 0;
crcSection->header.addr = 0;
crcSection->header.offset = -1;
crcSection->header.size = -1;
crcSection->header.link = 0;
crcSection->header.info = 0;
crcSection->header.addralign = 4;
crcSection->header.entsize = 4;
std::vector<uint32_t> sectionCRCs;
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
auto crc = 0u;
if (!section->data.empty())
crc = crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0);
crc = crc32(crc, reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(section->data.data()), section->data.size());
char *crcData = reinterpret_cast<char *>(sectionCRCs.data());
crcSection->data.insert(crcSection->data.end(), crcData, crcData + sizeof(uint32_t) * sectionCRCs.size());
/* Update section sizes and offsets */
auto shoff = align_up(sizeof(elf::Header), 64);
auto dataOffset = align_up(shoff + outSections.getSections().size() * sizeof(elf::SectionHeader), 64);
/* Add CRC and FileInfo sections first */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if (section->header.type != elf::SHT_RPL_CRCS && section->header.type != elf::SHT_RPL_FILEINFO)
if (section->header.type != elf::SHT_NOBITS)
section->header.size = section->data.size();
if (!section->data.empty())
section->header.offset = dataOffset;
dataOffset = align_up(section->header.offset + section->data.size(), 64);
section->header.offset = 0;
/* Add data sections next */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if(section->header.offset != -1)
if (section->header.addr < DataAddress || section->header.addr >= WiiuLoadAddress)
if (section->header.type != elf::SHT_NOBITS)
section->header.size = section->data.size();
section->header.offset = dataOffset;
dataOffset = align_up(section->header.offset + section->data.size(), 64);
/* Add load sections next */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if(section->header.offset != -1)
if (section->header.addr < WiiuLoadAddress)
if (section->header.type != elf::SHT_NOBITS)
section->header.size = section->data.size();
if (!section->data.empty()) {
section->header.offset = dataOffset;
dataOffset = align_up(section->header.offset + section->data.size(), 64);
} else {
section->header.offset = 0;
/* Everything else */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections()) {
if(section->header.offset != -1)
if (section->header.type != elf::SHT_NOBITS)
section->header.size = section->data.size();
if (!section->data.empty())
section->header.offset = dataOffset;
dataOffset = align_up(section->header.offset + section->data.size(), 64);
section->header.offset = 0;
/* Write to file */
std::ofstream out { filename, std::ofstream::binary };
std::vector<char> padding;
if (!out.is_open())
std::cout << "Could not open " << filename << " for writing" << std::endl;
return false;
elf::Header header;
header.magic = elf::HeaderMagic;
header.fileClass = 1;
header.encoding = elf::ELFDATA2MSB;
header.elfVersion = elf::EV_CURRENT;
header.abi = elf::EABI_CAFE;
memset(&header.pad, 0, 7);
header.type = 0xFE01;
header.machine = elf::EM_PPC;
header.version = 1;
header.entry = file.entryPoint;
header.phoff = 0;
header.phentsize = 0;
header.phnum = 0;
header.shoff = shoff;
header.shnum = outSections.getSections().size();
header.shentsize = sizeof(elf::SectionHeader);
header.flags = 0;
header.ehsize = sizeof(elf::Header);
header.shstrndx = shStrTabIndex;
out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&header), sizeof(elf::Header));
/* Write section headers */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(§ion->header), sizeof(elf::SectionHeader));
/* Write section data */
for (auto §ion : outSections.getSections())
if (!section->data.empty())
out.write(section->data.data(), section->data.size());
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int arg_start = 1;
while (argc >= arg_start + 1 && argv[arg_start][0] == '-')
if (argv[arg_start] == std::string("--"))
else if (argv[arg_start] == std::string("-v"))
if (argc < arg_start + 1)
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <src> <dst>" << std::endl;
return -1;
ElfFile elf;
auto src = argv[arg_start];
auto dst = argv[arg_start + 1];
if (!read(elf, src))
return -1;
if (!write(elf, dst))
return -1;
return 0;