2014-06-09 13:13:57 +02:00

472 lines
16 KiB

/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 - Daniel De Matteis
* RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch.
* If not, see <>.
#include <xtl.h>
#include "d3d_font.h"
#include "../gfx_common.h"
#include "../../general.h"
#include "../../xdk/xdk_resources.h"
#define FONT_SCALE ((g_extern.lifecycle_state & (1ULL << MODE_MENU_HD)) ? 2 : 1)
typedef struct GLYPH_ATTR
unsigned short tu1, tv1, tu2, tv2; // Texture coordinates for the image
short wOffset; // Pixel offset for glyph start
short wWidth; // Pixel width of the glyph
short wAdvance; // Pixels to advance after the glyph
unsigned short wMask;
typedef struct
unsigned long m_dwSavedState;
unsigned long m_cMaxGlyph; // Number of entries in the translator table
unsigned long m_dwNumGlyphs; // Number of valid glyphs
float m_fFontHeight; // Height of the font strike in pixels
float m_fFontTopPadding; // Padding above the strike zone
float m_fFontBottomPadding; // Padding below the strike zone
float m_fFontYAdvance; // Number of pixels to move the cursor for a line feed
wchar_t * m_TranslatorTable; // ASCII to glyph lookup table
D3DTexture* m_pFontTexture;
const GLYPH_ATTR* m_Glyphs; // Array of glyphs
} xdk360_video_font_t;
static xdk360_video_font_t m_Font;
static PackedResource m_xprResource;
#define CALCFONTFILEHEADERSIZE(x) ( sizeof(unsigned long) + (sizeof(float)* 4) + sizeof(unsigned short) + (sizeof(wchar_t)*(x)) )
typedef struct {
unsigned long m_dwFileVersion; // Version of the font file (Must match FONTFILEVERSION)
float m_fFontHeight; // Height of the font strike in pixels
float m_fFontTopPadding; // Padding above the strike zone
float m_fFontBottomPadding; // Padding below the strike zone
float m_fFontYAdvance; // Number of pixels to move the cursor for a line feed
unsigned short m_cMaxGlyph; // Number of font characters (Should be an odd number to maintain DWORD Alignment)
wchar_t m_TranslatorTable[1]; // ASCII to Glyph lookup table, NOTE: It's m_cMaxGlyph+1 in size.
} FontFileHeaderImage_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned long m_dwNumGlyphs; // Size of font strike array (First entry is the unknown glyph)
GLYPH_ATTR m_Glyphs[1]; // Array of font strike uv's etc... NOTE: It's m_dwNumGlyphs in size
} FontFileStrikesImage_t;
static const char g_strFontShader[] =
"struct VS_IN\n"
"float2 Pos : POSITION;\n"
"float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;\n"
"struct VS_OUT\n"
"float4 Position : POSITION;\n"
"float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0;\n"
"uniform float4 Color : register(c1);\n"
"uniform float2 TexScale : register(c2);\n"
"sampler FontTexture : register(s0);\n"
"VS_OUT main_vertex( VS_IN In )\n"
"VS_OUT Out;\n"
"Out.Position.x = (In.Pos.x-0.5);\n"
"Out.Position.y = (In.Pos.y-0.5);\n"
"Out.Position.z = ( 0.0 );\n"
"Out.Position.w = ( 1.0 );\n"
"Out.TexCoord0.x = In.Tex.x * TexScale.x;\n"
"Out.TexCoord0.y = In.Tex.y * TexScale.y;\n"
"return Out;\n"
"float4 main_fragment( VS_OUT In ) : COLOR0\n"
"float4 FontTexel = tex2D( FontTexture, In.TexCoord0 );\n"
"return FontTexel;\n"
typedef struct {
D3DVertexDeclaration* m_pFontVertexDecl;
D3DVertexShader* m_pFontVertexShader;
D3DPixelShader* m_pFontPixelShader;
} Font_Locals_t;
static Font_Locals_t s_FontLocals;
static HRESULT xdk360_video_font_create_shaders (void *data, xdk360_video_font_t * font)
d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data;
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3dr = d3d->dev;
if (!s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexDecl)
static const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 decl[] =
hr = d3dr->CreateVertexDeclaration( decl, &s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexDecl );
if (hr >= 0)
ID3DXBuffer* pShaderCode;
hr = D3DXCompileShader( g_strFontShader, sizeof(g_strFontShader)-1 ,
NULL, NULL, "main_vertex", "vs.2.0", 0,&pShaderCode, NULL, NULL );
if (hr >= 0)
hr = d3dr->CreateVertexShader( ( unsigned long * )pShaderCode->GetBufferPointer(),
&s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexShader );
if (hr >= 0)
hr = D3DXCompileShader( g_strFontShader, sizeof(g_strFontShader)-1 ,
NULL, NULL, "main_fragment", "ps.2.0", 0,&pShaderCode, NULL, NULL );
if (hr >= 0)
hr = d3dr->CreatePixelShader((DWORD*)pShaderCode->GetBufferPointer(),
&s_FontLocals.m_pFontPixelShader );
if (hr >= 0)
hr = 0;
s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexShader = NULL;
s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexDecl = NULL;
}while (0);
hr = 0;
return hr;
static bool xdk_init_font(void *data, const char *font_path, unsigned font_size)
// Create the font
xdk360_video_font_t *font = &m_Font;
d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data;
font->m_pFontTexture = NULL;
font->m_dwNumGlyphs = 0L;
font->m_Glyphs = NULL;
font->m_cMaxGlyph = 0;
font->m_TranslatorTable = NULL;
// Create the font
if (FAILED( m_xprResource.Create(font_path)))
goto error;
D3DTexture *pFontTexture = m_xprResource.GetTexture( "FontTexture" );
const void *pFontData = m_xprResource.GetData( "FontData");
// Save a copy of the texture
font->m_pFontTexture = pFontTexture;
// Check version of file (to make sure it matches up with the FontMaker tool)
const unsigned char * pData = (const unsigned char*)pFontData;
unsigned long dwFileVersion = ((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_dwFileVersion;
if (dwFileVersion == FONTFILEVERSION)
font->m_fFontHeight = ((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_fFontHeight;
font->m_fFontTopPadding = ((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_fFontTopPadding;
font->m_fFontBottomPadding = ((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_fFontBottomPadding;
font->m_fFontYAdvance = ((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_fFontYAdvance;
// Point to the translator string which immediately follows the 4 floats
font->m_cMaxGlyph = ((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_cMaxGlyph;
font->m_TranslatorTable = const_cast<FontFileHeaderImage_t*>((const FontFileHeaderImage_t *)pData)->m_TranslatorTable;
pData += CALCFONTFILEHEADERSIZE( font->m_cMaxGlyph + 1 );
// Read the glyph attributes from the file
font->m_dwNumGlyphs = ((const FontFileStrikesImage_t *)pData)->m_dwNumGlyphs;
font->m_Glyphs = ((const FontFileStrikesImage_t *)pData)->m_Glyphs; // Pointer
RARCH_ERR( "Incorrect version number on font file.\n" );
goto error;
// Create the vertex and pixel shaders for rendering the font
if (FAILED(xdk360_video_font_create_shaders(d3d, font)))
RARCH_ERR( "Could not create font shaders.\n" );
goto error;
RARCH_LOG("Successfully initialized D3D9 HLSL fonts.\n");
return true;
RARCH_ERR("Could not initialize D3D9 HLSL fonts.\n");
return false;
static void xdk_deinit_font(void *data)
xdk360_video_font_t *font = &m_Font;
// Destroy the font
font->m_pFontTexture = NULL;
font->m_dwNumGlyphs = 0L;
font->m_Glyphs = NULL;
font->m_cMaxGlyph = 0;
font->m_TranslatorTable = NULL;
if (s_FontLocals.m_pFontPixelShader)
if (s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexShader)
if (s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexDecl)
s_FontLocals.m_pFontPixelShader = NULL;
s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexShader = NULL;
s_FontLocals.m_pFontVertexDecl = NULL;
if (m_xprResource.Initialized())
static void xdk_render_msg_post(xdk360_video_font_t * font, void *video_data)
// Cache the global pointer into a register
d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)video_data;
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3dr = d3d->dev;
d3dr->SetTexture(0, NULL);
D3DDevice_SetVertexShader(d3dr, NULL);
D3DDevice_SetPixelShader(d3dr, NULL);
d3dr->SetRenderState( D3DRS_VIEWPORTENABLE, font->m_dwSavedState );
static void xdk_render_msg_pre(xdk360_video_font_t * font, void *video_data)
d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)video_data;
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3dr = d3d->dev;
// Save state
d3dr->GetRenderState( D3DRS_VIEWPORTENABLE, &font->m_dwSavedState );
// Set the texture scaling factor as a vertex shader constant
D3DTexture_GetLevelDesc(font->m_pFontTexture, 0, &TextureDesc); // Get the description
// Set render state
d3dr->SetTexture(0, font->m_pFontTexture);
// Read the TextureDesc here to ensure no load/hit/store from GetLevelDesc()
float vTexScale[4];
vTexScale[0] = 1.0f / TextureDesc.Width; // LHS due to int->float conversion
vTexScale[1] = 1.0f / TextureDesc.Height;
vTexScale[2] = 0.0f;
vTexScale[3] = 0.0f;
d3dr->SetRenderState( D3DRS_VIEWPORTENABLE, FALSE );
// Set the texture scaling factor as a vertex shader constant
// Call here to avoid load hit store from writing to vTexScale above
d3dr->SetVertexShaderConstantF( 2, vTexScale, 1 );
static void xdk_video_font_draw_text(xdk360_video_font_t *font, void *video_data,
float x, float y, const wchar_t * strText)
d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)video_data;
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3dr = d3d->dev;
// Set the color as a vertex shader constant
float vColor[4];
vColor[0] = ( ( 0xffffffff & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16L ) / 255.0f;
vColor[1] = ( ( 0xffffffff & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8L ) / 255.0f;
vColor[2] = ( ( 0xffffffff & 0x000000ff ) >> 0L ) / 255.0f;
vColor[3] = ( ( 0xffffffff & 0xff000000 ) >> 24L ) / 255.0f;
// Perform the actual storing of the color constant here to prevent
// a load-hit-store by inserting work between the store and the use of
// the vColor array.
d3dr->SetVertexShaderConstantF( 1, vColor, 1 );
float m_fCursorX = floorf(x);
float m_fCursorY = floorf(y);
// Adjust for padding
y -= font->m_fFontTopPadding;
// Begin drawing the vertices
// Declared as volatile to force writing in ascending
// address order. It prevents out of sequence writing in write combined
// memory.
volatile float * pVertex;
unsigned long dwNumChars = wcslen(strText);
d3dr->BeginVertices(D3DPT_QUADLIST, 4 * dwNumChars, sizeof(XMFLOAT4), (void**)&pVertex);
// Draw four vertices for each glyph
while (*strText)
// Get the current letter in the string
wchar_t letter = *strText++;
if (letter == L'\n')
// Handle the newline character
m_fCursorX = x;
m_fCursorY += font->m_fFontYAdvance * FONT_SCALE;
// Translate unprintable characters
const GLYPH_ATTR *pGlyph;
if (letter <= font->m_cMaxGlyph)
pGlyph = &font->m_Glyphs[font->m_TranslatorTable[letter]];
pGlyph = &font->m_Glyphs[0];
float fOffset = FONT_SCALE * (float)pGlyph->wOffset;
float fAdvance = FONT_SCALE * (float)pGlyph->wAdvance;
float fWidth = FONT_SCALE * (float)pGlyph->wWidth;
float fHeight = FONT_SCALE * font->m_fFontHeight;
m_fCursorX += fOffset;
// Add the vertices to draw this glyph
unsigned long tu1 = pGlyph->tu1; // Convert shorts to 32 bit longs for in register merging
unsigned long tv1 = pGlyph->tv1;
unsigned long tu2 = pGlyph->tu2;
unsigned long tv2 = pGlyph->tv2;
// NOTE: The vertexes are 2 floats for the screen coordinates,
// followed by two USHORTS for the u/vs of the character,
// terminated with the ARGB 32 bit color.
// This makes for 16 bytes per vertex data (Easier to read)
// Second NOTE: The uvs are merged and written using a DWORD due
// to the write combining hardware being only able to handle 32,
// 64 and 128 writes. Never store to write combined memory with
// 8 or 16 bit instructions. You've been warned.
// Setup the vertex/screen coordinates
pVertex[0] = m_fCursorX;
pVertex[1] = m_fCursorY;
pVertex[3] = 0;
pVertex[4] = m_fCursorX + fWidth;
pVertex[5] = m_fCursorY;
pVertex[7] = 0;
pVertex[8] = m_fCursorX + fWidth;
pVertex[9] = m_fCursorY + fHeight;
pVertex[11] = 0;
pVertex[12] = m_fCursorX;
pVertex[13] = m_fCursorY + fHeight;
#ifndef LSB_FIRST
((volatile unsigned long *)pVertex)[2] = (tu1 << 16) | tv1; // Merged using big endian rules
((volatile unsigned long *)pVertex)[6] = (tu2 << 16) | tv1; // Merged using big endian rules
((volatile unsigned long *)pVertex)[10] = (tu2 << 16) | tv2; // Merged using big endian rules
((volatile unsigned long *)pVertex)[14] = (tu1 << 16) | tv2; // Merged using big endian rules
pVertex[15] = 0;
pVertex += 16;
m_fCursorX += fAdvance;
// Since we allocated vertex data space based on the string length, we now need to
// add some dummy verts for any skipped characters (like newlines, etc.)
while (dwNumChars)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++)
pVertex[i] = 0;
pVertex += 16;
static void xdk_render_msg(void *data, const char *str_msg, const struct font_params *params)
d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data;
xdk360_video_font_t *font = &m_Font;
wchar_t msg[PATH_MAX];
float x, y;
if (params)
x = params->x;
y = params->y;
x = (g_extern.lifecycle_state & (1ULL << MODE_MENU_HD)) ? 160 : 100;
y = 120;
mbstowcs(msg, str_msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(wchar_t));
if (msg || msg[0] != L'\0')
xdk_render_msg_pre(font, d3d);
xdk_video_font_draw_text(font, d3d, x, y, msg);
xdk_render_msg_post(font, d3d);
const d3d_font_renderer_t d3d_xbox360_font = {
"Xbox 360 fonts",