- Supports cheats in the form of F82xxx-F83xxx (physical
address. RAM)
- Cheats in 1F0xxx-1F1xxx (raw address, RAM)
- Cheats in 00D000-100000 (raw address, System Card Ram)
- Cheats in 100000-110000 (raw address, CD RAM)
- Cheats in 802000-802000 (physical address, CD RAM)
- Cheats in F82000-F83000 (physical address, main RAM)
- as well as multi-line cheats.
- Cheats has to be a 9-digit format, address in 6-digit followed by ':'
separator and then a 1-byte value, aka xxxxxx:yy
- Multiline cheats has to be represented as xxxxxx:yy+xxxxxx:yy with '+'
as a code separator
- It is best to use raw format (or mednafen code formats) within the
range expected above.
- ROM based cheats not implemented (most of the labeled raw address) as
they require writing to read-only memory.
Reference: libretro/beetle-pce-fast-libretro#93