#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mednafen/mednafen.h" #include "mednafen/git.h" #include "mednafen/general.h" #include "mednafen/state_helpers.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/pce.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/vdc.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/psg.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/input.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/huc.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/pcecd.h" #include "mednafen/pce_fast/pcecd_drive.h" #include "mednafen/hw_misc/arcade_card/arcade_card.h" #include "mednafen/mempatcher.h" #include "mednafen/cdrom/cdromif.h" #include "mednafen/cdrom/CDUtility.h" #include "libretro_core_options.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "mednafen/msvc_compat.h" #endif #ifdef __PS3__ using namespace std; #endif std::string retro_base_directory; #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_NAME_MODULE "pce_fast" #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_NAME "Beetle PCE Fast" #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_VERSION "v1.31.0.0" #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_EXTENSIONS "pce|cue|ccd|chd|toc|m3u" #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_TIMING_FPS 59.82 #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_BASE_W 256 #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_BASE_H 243 #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_MAX_W 512 #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_MAX_H 243 #define MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_ASPECT_RATIO (6.0 / 5.0) #define FB_WIDTH 512 #define FB_HEIGHT 243 static const uint8 BRAM_Init_String[8] = { 'H', 'U', 'B', 'M', 0x00, 0x88, 0x10, 0x80 }; //"HUBM\x00\x88\x10\x80"; ArcadeCard *arcade_card = NULL; static uint8 *HuCROM = NULL; static uint8 HuCSF2Latch = 0; static bool IsPopulous; uint8 SaveRAM[2048]; static bool cdimagecache = false; static bool use_palette = false; std::string setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard3.pce"; static int16_t sound_buf[0x10000]; /* Composite palette 2020/09/14 * authors: Dshadoff, Turboxray, Furrtek, Kitrinx and others */ static uint8_t composite_palette[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 1, 2, 61, 0, 0, 88, 1, 4, 123, 0, 0, 149, 2, 5, 184, 0, 2, 211, 28, 0, 4, 32, 4, 39, 29, 1, 65, 33, 6, 100, 29, 2, 127, 34, 7, 162, 30, 4, 188, 34, 9, 223, 64, 6, 16, 60, 3, 43, 65, 8, 78, 61, 5, 104, 66, 10, 139, 62, 6, 166, 66, 11, 200, 62, 8, 227, 92, 5, 20, 88, 2, 47, 93, 7, 82, 89, 4, 108, 94, 9, 143, 90, 5, 170, 94, 10, 205, 90, 7, 231, 120, 4, 25, 125, 9, 59, 121, 6, 86, 125, 11, 121, 122, 8, 147, 126, 13, 182, 122, 9, 209, 127, 14, 243, 156, 11, 37, 153, 8, 63, 157, 13, 98, 153, 10, 125, 158, 15, 160, 154, 12, 186, 158, 17, 221, 155, 13, 247, 184, 10, 41, 181, 7, 68, 185, 12, 102, 181, 9, 129, 186, 14, 164, 182, 10, 190, 186, 15, 225, 183, 12, 252, 212, 9, 45, 217, 14, 80, 213, 11, 106, 218, 16, 141, 214, 13, 168, 218, 18, 203, 214, 14, 229, 219, 19, 255, 9, 37, 2, 5, 34, 29, 9, 39, 64, 6, 36, 90, 10, 41, 125, 6, 37, 152, 11, 42, 186, 7, 39, 213, 37, 36, 6, 33, 33, 33, 37, 38, 68, 34, 35, 94, 38, 40, 129, 34, 36, 156, 39, 41, 190, 35, 38, 217, 65, 35, 10, 69, 40, 45, 65, 37, 72, 70, 42, 107, 66, 39, 133, 70, 44, 168, 67, 40, 194, 71, 45, 229, 101, 42, 23, 97, 39, 49, 102, 44, 84, 98, 41, 111, 102, 46, 145, 98, 43, 172, 103, 48, 207, 99, 44, 233, 129, 41, 27, 125, 38, 53, 130, 43, 88, 126, 40, 115, 130, 45, 150, 126, 42, 176, 131, 47, 211, 127, 43, 237, 157, 40, 31, 161, 45, 66, 158, 42, 92, 162, 47, 127, 158, 44, 154, 163, 49, 188, 159, 45, 215, 163, 50, 250, 193, 47, 43, 189, 44, 70, 194, 49, 105, 190, 46, 131, 194, 51, 166, 191, 48, 192, 195, 53, 227, 191, 49, 254, 221, 46, 47, 217, 43, 74, 222, 48, 109, 218, 45, 135, 222, 50, 170, 219, 47, 197, 223, 52, 231, 219, 48, 255, 9, 66, 0, 14, 71, 31, 10, 68, 58, 14, 73, 92, 10, 70, 119, 15, 75, 154, 11, 71, 180, 16, 76, 215, 45, 73, 9, 42, 70, 35, 46, 75, 70, 42, 72, 97, 47, 77, 131, 43, 74, 158, 39, 70, 184, 44, 75, 219, 73, 72, 13, 70, 69, 39, 74, 74, 74, 70, 71, 101, 75, 76, 135, 71, 73, 162, 75, 78, 197, 72, 74, 223, 101, 71, 17, 106, 76, 52, 102, 73, 78, 106, 78, 113, 103, 75, 139, 107, 80, 174, 103, 77, 201, 108, 82, 236, 138, 78, 29, 134, 75, 56, 138, 80, 90, 134, 77, 117, 139, 82, 152, 135, 79, 178, 131, 75, 205, 136, 80, 240, 166, 77, 33, 162, 74, 60, 166, 79, 95, 162, 76, 121, 167, 81, 156, 163, 78, 182, 168, 83, 217, 164, 79, 244, 194, 76, 37, 198, 81, 72, 194, 78, 99, 199, 83, 133, 195, 80, 160, 199, 85, 195, 196, 82, 221, 200, 87, 255, 230, 84, 50, 226, 80, 76, 230, 85, 111, 227, 82, 137, 223, 79, 164, 227, 84, 199, 224, 81, 225, 228, 86, 255, 18, 103, 0, 14, 100, 25, 18, 105, 60, 15, 102, 86, 19, 107, 121, 15, 104, 148, 20, 109, 183, 16, 105, 209, 46, 102, 3, 50, 107, 37, 46, 104, 64, 51, 109, 99, 47, 106, 125, 52, 111, 160, 48, 108, 187, 52, 113, 221, 74, 101, 7, 78, 106, 42, 74, 103, 68, 79, 108, 103, 75, 105, 129, 80, 110, 164, 76, 107, 191, 80, 112, 226, 110, 108, 19, 106, 105, 46, 111, 110, 80, 107, 107, 107, 111, 112, 142, 108, 109, 168, 112, 114, 203, 108, 110, 230, 138, 107, 23, 142, 112, 58, 139, 109, 84, 143, 114, 119, 139, 111, 146, 144, 116, 181, 140, 113, 207, 144, 118, 242, 166, 106, 27, 170, 111, 62, 167, 108, 89, 171, 113, 123, 167, 110, 150, 172, 115, 185, 168, 112, 211, 172, 117, 246, 202, 114, 40, 198, 110, 66, 203, 115, 101, 199, 112, 127, 204, 117, 162, 200, 114, 189, 204, 119, 224, 200, 116, 250, 230, 112, 44, 235, 117, 78, 231, 114, 105, 235, 119, 140, 232, 116, 166, 236, 121, 201, 232, 118, 228, 237, 123, 255, 18, 132, 0, 23, 137, 27, 19, 134, 54, 23, 139, 89, 20, 136, 115, 24, 141, 150, 20, 138, 177, 25, 143, 211, 55, 139, 5, 51, 136, 31, 55, 141, 66, 51, 138, 93, 56, 143, 128, 52, 140, 154, 57, 145, 189, 53, 141, 215, 83, 138, 9, 87, 143, 44, 83, 140, 70, 88, 145, 105, 84, 142, 132, 88, 147, 166, 85, 144, 193, 89, 149, 228, 111, 137, 13, 115, 142, 48, 111, 139, 74, 116, 144, 109, 112, 141, 136, 116, 146, 171, 113, 143, 197, 117, 148, 232, 147, 145, 25, 143, 141, 52, 147, 146, 87, 144, 143, 113, 148, 148, 148, 144, 145, 175, 149, 150, 209, 145, 147, 236, 175, 143, 29, 179, 148, 64, 175, 145, 91, 180, 150, 126, 176, 147, 152, 181, 152, 187, 177, 149, 213, 181, 154, 248, 203, 142, 34, 207, 147, 68, 203, 144, 95, 208, 149, 130, 204, 146, 156, 209, 151, 191, 205, 148, 218, 209, 153, 252, 239, 150, 46, 235, 146, 72, 240, 151, 107, 236, 148, 134, 240, 153, 169, 237, 150, 195, 241, 155, 230, 237, 152, 255, 27, 169, 0, 31, 174, 30, 28, 171, 56, 32, 176, 91, 28, 173, 118, 33, 178, 152, 29, 175, 179, 25, 171, 205, 55, 168, 0, 59, 173, 34, 56, 170, 60, 60, 175, 95, 56, 172, 122, 61, 177, 156, 57, 174, 183, 61, 179, 218, 91, 176, 11, 87, 172, 38, 92, 177, 73, 88, 174, 99, 93, 179, 134, 89, 176, 160, 93, 181, 195, 89, 178, 222, 119, 175, 15, 124, 180, 50, 120, 176, 77, 124, 181, 111, 121, 178, 138, 117, 175, 165, 121, 180, 199, 117, 177, 226, 147, 173, 19, 152, 178, 54, 148, 175, 81, 152, 180, 116, 149, 177, 142, 153, 182, 177, 149, 179, 203, 154, 184, 238, 183, 181, 32, 180, 177, 58, 184, 182, 93, 180, 179, 120, 185, 184, 154, 181, 181, 181, 185, 186, 216, 182, 183, 242, 211, 180, 36, 216, 185, 71, 212, 181, 97, 217, 186, 132, 213, 183, 158, 209, 180, 185, 213, 185, 220, 210, 182, 246, 239, 179, 40, 244, 184, 75, 240, 180, 101, 245, 185, 136, 241, 182, 163, 245, 187, 197, 241, 184, 224, 246, 189, 255, 36, 207, 0, 32, 203, 24, 36, 208, 58, 33, 205, 85, 37, 210, 120, 33, 207, 146, 38, 212, 181, 34, 209, 208, 64, 206, 1, 60, 202, 28, 64, 207, 63, 61, 204, 89, 65, 209, 124, 61, 206, 150, 66, 211, 185, 62, 208, 212, 92, 205, 5, 96, 210, 40, 92, 206, 67, 97, 211, 101, 93, 208, 128, 97, 213, 163, 94, 210, 189, 98, 215, 224, 128, 212, 18, 124, 208, 44, 129, 213, 79, 125, 210, 105, 129, 215, 140, 125, 212, 167, 130, 217, 202, 126, 214, 228, 156, 211, 22, 152, 207, 48, 157, 212, 83, 153, 209, 110, 157, 214, 144, 153, 211, 171, 158, 216, 206, 154, 213, 232, 184, 210, 26, 188, 215, 61, 185, 211, 87, 189, 216, 122, 185, 213, 148, 190, 218, 183, 186, 215, 210, 190, 220, 245, 220, 217, 38, 216, 214, 65, 221, 219, 99, 217, 215, 126, 221, 220, 161, 218, 217, 187, 222, 222, 222, 218, 219, 249, 248, 216, 42, 244, 213, 69, 249, 218, 103, 245, 214, 130, 249, 219, 165, 246, 216, 191, 250, 221, 226, 246, 218, 253, 36, 236, 0, 41, 241, 26, 37, 237, 52, 41, 242, 87, 37, 239, 114, 42, 244, 149, 38, 241, 175, 43, 246, 210, 72, 243, 3, 69, 240, 30, 73, 245, 65, 69, 241, 91, 74, 246, 126, 70, 243, 153, 74, 248, 187, 71, 245, 214, 100, 242, 8, 97, 238, 34, 101, 243, 69, 97, 240, 95, 102, 245, 130, 98, 242, 157, 102, 247, 192, 99, 244, 218, 128, 241, 12, 133, 246, 46, 129, 242, 73, 133, 247, 108, 130, 244, 134, 134, 249, 169, 130, 246, 196, 135, 251, 230, 165, 248, 24, 161, 245, 50, 165, 250, 85, 161, 246, 112, 166, 251, 147, 162, 248, 173, 167, 253, 208, 163, 250, 235, 193, 247, 28, 189, 244, 55, 193, 249, 89, 189, 245, 116, 194, 250, 151, 190, 247, 177, 195, 252, 212, 191, 249, 239, 221, 246, 32, 225, 251, 67, 221, 248, 93, 226, 253, 128, 222, 249, 155, 226, 254, 190, 223, 251, 216, 227, 255, 251, 255, 253, 44, 253, 250, 71, 255, 255, 106, 254, 251, 132, 255, 255, 167, 254, 253, 194, 255, 255, 228, 255, 255, 255 }; /* Mednafen - Multi-system Emulator * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ static PCEFast_PSG *psg = NULL; extern ArcadeCard *arcade_card; // Bah, lousy globals. static Blip_Buffer sbuf[2]; bool PCE_ACEnabled = false; // Statically allocated for speed...or something. uint8 ROMSpace[0x88 * 8192 + 8192]; // + 8192 for PC-as-pointer safety padding uint8 BaseRAM[32768 + 8192]; // 8KB for PCE, 32KB for Super Grafx // + 8192 for PC-as-pointer safety padding uint8 PCEIODataBuffer; uint8 MemRead(uint32 addr) { return(HuCPU.PCERead[(addr / 8192) & 0xFF](addr)); } static DECLFW(ACPhysWrite) { arcade_card->PhysWrite(A, V); } static DECLFR(ACPhysRead) { return(arcade_card->PhysRead(A, false)); } static DECLFR(SaveRAMRead) { if((!PCE_IsCD || PCECD_IsBRAMEnabled()) && (A & 8191) < 2048) return(SaveRAM[A & 2047]); return(0xFF); } static DECLFW(SaveRAMWrite) { if((!PCE_IsCD || PCECD_IsBRAMEnabled()) && (A & 8191) < 2048) SaveRAM[A & 2047] = V; } static DECLFR(HuCRead) { return ROMSpace[A]; } static DECLFW(HuCRAMWrite) { ROMSpace[A] = V; } static DECLFW(HuCRAMWriteCDSpecial) // Hyper Dyne Special hack { BaseRAM[0x2000 | (A & 0x1FFF)] = V; ROMSpace[A] = V; } static DECLFR(HuCSF2Read) { return(HuCROM[(A & 0x7FFFF) + 0x80000 + HuCSF2Latch * 0x80000 ]); // | (HuCSF2Latch << 19) ]); } static DECLFW(HuCSF2Write) { if((A & 0x1FFC) == 0x1FF0) { HuCSF2Latch = (A & 0x3); } } static DECLFR(PCEBusRead) { return(0xFF); } static DECLFW(PCENullWrite) { } static DECLFR(BaseRAMRead) { return BaseRAM[(size_t)A - (0xF8 * 8192)]; } static DECLFR(BaseRAMRead_Mirrored) { return(BaseRAM[A & 0x1FFF]); } static DECLFW(BaseRAMWrite) { BaseRAM[(size_t)A - (0xF8 * 8192)] = V; } static DECLFW(BaseRAMWrite_Mirrored) { BaseRAM[A & 0x1FFF] = V; } #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) #define PCEF_CASEL(label, caseval) label #else #define PCEF_CASEL(label, caseval) case (caseval) #endif static DECLFR(IORead) { A &= 0x1FFF; #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) const void * const IOReadHandlers[0x20] = { &&VDC_00, &&VDC_01, &&VDC_02, &&VDC_03, &&VCE_00, &&VCE_01, &&VCE_02, &&VCE_03, &&PSG_00, &&PSG_01, &&PSG_02, &&PSG_03, &&TIMER_00, &&TIMER_01, &&TIMER_02, &&TIMER_03, &&INPUT_00, &&INPUT_01, &&INPUT_02, &&INPUT_03, &&IRQ_00, &&IRQ_01, &&IRQ_02, &&IRQ_03, &&CDROM_00, &&CDROM_01, &&CDROM_02, &&CDROM_03, &&EXP_00, &&EXP_01, &&EXP_02, &&EXP_03 }; goto *IOReadHandlers[((A & 0x1C00) >> 8) | (A & 0x3)]; #else switch(((A & 0x1C00) >> 8) | (A & 0x3)) #endif { PCEF_CASEL(VDC_00, 0x00): HuC6280_StealCycle(); return(VDC_Read(0)); PCEF_CASEL(VDC_01, 0x01): HuC6280_StealCycle(); return(VDC_Read(1)); PCEF_CASEL(VDC_02, 0x02): HuC6280_StealCycle(); return(VDC_Read(2)); PCEF_CASEL(VDC_03, 0x03): HuC6280_StealCycle(); return(VDC_Read(3)); PCEF_CASEL(VCE_00, 0x04): PCEF_CASEL(VCE_01, 0x05): PCEF_CASEL(VCE_02, 0x06): PCEF_CASEL(VCE_03, 0x07): HuC6280_StealCycle(); return(VCE_Read(A)); PCEF_CASEL(PSG_00, 0x08): PCEF_CASEL(PSG_01, 0x09): PCEF_CASEL(PSG_02, 0x0A): PCEF_CASEL(PSG_03, 0x0B): if(HuCPU.in_block_move) return(0); return(PCEIODataBuffer); PCEF_CASEL(TIMER_00, 0x0C): PCEF_CASEL(TIMER_01, 0x0D): PCEF_CASEL(TIMER_02, 0x0E): PCEF_CASEL(TIMER_03, 0x0F): if(HuCPU.in_block_move) return(0); { uint8 ret = HuC6280_TimerRead(A); PCEIODataBuffer = ret; return(ret); } PCEF_CASEL(INPUT_00, 0x10): PCEF_CASEL(INPUT_01, 0x11): PCEF_CASEL(INPUT_02, 0x12): PCEF_CASEL(INPUT_03, 0x13): if(HuCPU.in_block_move) return(0); { uint8 ret = INPUT_Read(A); PCEIODataBuffer = ret; return(ret); } PCEF_CASEL(IRQ_00, 0x14): PCEF_CASEL(IRQ_01, 0x15): PCEF_CASEL(IRQ_02, 0x16): PCEF_CASEL(IRQ_03, 0x17): if(HuCPU.in_block_move) return(0); { uint8 ret = HuC6280_IRQStatusRead(A); PCEIODataBuffer = ret; return(ret); } PCEF_CASEL(CDROM_00, 0x18): PCEF_CASEL(CDROM_01, 0x19): PCEF_CASEL(CDROM_02, 0x1A): PCEF_CASEL(CDROM_03, 0x1B): if(!PCE_IsCD) return(0xFF); if((A & 0x1E00) == 0x1A00) { if(arcade_card) return(arcade_card->Read(A & 0x1FFF, false)); return(0); } return(PCECD_Read(HuCPU.timestamp * 3, A)); PCEF_CASEL(EXP_00, 0x1C): PCEF_CASEL(EXP_01, 0x1D): PCEF_CASEL(EXP_02, 0x1E): PCEF_CASEL(EXP_03, 0x1F): #ifdef HAVE_HES if(IsHES) return(ReadIBP(A)); #endif return(0xFF); } } static DECLFW(IOWrite) { A &= 0x1FFF; switch(A >> 10) { case 0: HuC6280_StealCycle(); VDC_Write(A, V); break; case 1: HuC6280_StealCycle(); VCE_Write(A, V); break; case 2: PCEIODataBuffer = V; psg->Write(HuCPU.timestamp / pce_overclocked, A, V); break; case 3: PCEIODataBuffer = V; HuC6280_TimerWrite(A, V); break; case 4: PCEIODataBuffer = V; INPUT_Write(A, V); break; case 5: PCEIODataBuffer = V; HuC6280_IRQStatusWrite(A, V); break; case 6: if(!PCE_IsCD) break; if((A & 0x1E00) == 0x1A00) { if(arcade_card) arcade_card->Write(A & 0x1FFF, V); } else PCECD_Write(HuCPU.timestamp * 3, A, V); break; case 7: break; // Expansion. } } static void PCECDIRQCB(bool asserted) { if(asserted) HuC6280_IRQBegin(MDFN_IQIRQ2); else HuC6280_IRQEnd(MDFN_IQIRQ2); } bool PCE_InitCD(void) { PCECD_Settings cd_settings; memset(&cd_settings, 0, sizeof(PCECD_Settings)); cd_settings.CDDA_Volume = (double)MDFN_GetSettingUI("pce_fast.cddavolume") / 100; cd_settings.CD_Speed = MDFN_GetSettingUI("pce_fast.cdspeed"); cd_settings.ADPCM_Volume = (double)MDFN_GetSettingUI("pce_fast.adpcmvolume") / 100; cd_settings.ADPCM_LPF = MDFN_GetSettingB("pce_fast.adpcmlp"); return(PCECD_Init(&cd_settings, PCECDIRQCB, PCE_MASTER_CLOCK, pce_overclocked, &sbuf[0], &sbuf[1])); } static int LoadCommon(void); static void LoadCommonPre(void); static int HuCLoad(const uint8 *data, uint32 len, uint32 crc32) { int x; uint32 crc = 0; uint32 sf2_threshold = 2048 * 1024; uint32 sf2_required_size = 2048 * 1024 + 512 * 1024; uint32 m_len = (len + 8191)&~8191; bool sf2_mapper = false; if(m_len >= sf2_threshold) { sf2_mapper = true; if(m_len != sf2_required_size) m_len = sf2_required_size; } IsPopulous = 0; PCE_IsCD = 0; if(!(HuCROM = (uint8 *)malloc(m_len))) return(0); memset(HuCROM, 0xFF, m_len); memcpy(HuCROM, data, (m_len < len) ? m_len : len); memset(ROMSpace, 0xFF, 0x88 * 8192 + 8192); if(m_len == 0x60000) { memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x00 * 8192, HuCROM, 0x20 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x20 * 8192, HuCROM, 0x20 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x40 * 8192, HuCROM + 0x20 * 8192, 0x10 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x50 * 8192, HuCROM + 0x20 * 8192, 0x10 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x60 * 8192, HuCROM + 0x20 * 8192, 0x10 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x70 * 8192, HuCROM + 0x20 * 8192, 0x10 * 8192); } else if(m_len == 0x80000) { memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x00 * 8192, HuCROM, 0x40 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x40 * 8192, HuCROM + 0x20 * 8192, 0x20 * 8192); memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x60 * 8192, HuCROM + 0x20 * 8192, 0x20 * 8192); } else { memcpy(ROMSpace + 0x00 * 8192, HuCROM, (m_len < 1024 * 1024) ? m_len : 1024 * 1024); } for(x = 0x00; x < 0x80; x++) { HuCPU.FastMap[x] = &ROMSpace[x * 8192]; HuCPU.PCERead[x] = HuCRead; } if(!memcmp(HuCROM + 0x1F26, "POPULOUS", strlen("POPULOUS"))) { uint8 *PopRAM = ROMSpace + 0x40 * 8192; memset(PopRAM, 0xFF, 32768); IsPopulous = 1; for(x = 0x40; x < 0x44; x++) { HuCPU.FastMap[x] = &PopRAM[(x & 3) * 8192]; HuCPU.PCERead[x] = HuCRead; HuCPU.PCEWrite[x] = HuCRAMWrite; } MDFNMP_AddRAM(32768, 0x40 * 8192, PopRAM); } else { memset(SaveRAM, 0x00, 2048); memcpy(SaveRAM, BRAM_Init_String, 8); // So users don't have to manually intialize the file cabinet // in the CD BIOS screen. HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xF7] = SaveRAMWrite; HuCPU.PCERead[0xF7] = SaveRAMRead; MDFNMP_AddRAM(2048, 0xF7 * 8192, SaveRAM); } // 0x1A558 //if(len >= 0x20000 && !memcmp(HuCROM + 0x1A558, "STREET FIGHTER#", strlen("STREET FIGHTER#"))) /* Street Fighter 2 Mapper */ if(sf2_mapper) { for(x = 0x40; x < 0x80; x++) HuCPU.PCERead[x] = HuCSF2Read; HuCPU.PCEWrite[0] = HuCSF2Write; HuCSF2Latch = 0; } return(1); } static int Load(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { int x; uint32 headerlen = 0; uint32 r_size; LoadCommonPre(); if(size & 0x200) // 512 byte header! headerlen = 512; r_size = size - headerlen; if(r_size > 4096 * 1024) r_size = 4096 * 1024; for(x = 0; x < 0x100; x++) { HuCPU.PCERead[x] = PCEBusRead; HuCPU.PCEWrite[x] = PCENullWrite; } uint32 crc = encoding_crc32(0, data + headerlen, size - headerlen); HuCLoad(data + headerlen, size - headerlen, crc); if(crc == 0xfae0fc60) OrderOfGriffonFix = true; return(LoadCommon()); } static void LoadCommonPre(void) { int x; HuC6280_Init(); // FIXME: Make these globals less global! pce_overclocked = MDFN_GetSettingUI("pce_fast.ocmultiplier"); PCE_ACEnabled = MDFN_GetSettingB("pce_fast.arcadecard"); for(x = 0; x < 0x100; x++) { HuCPU.PCERead[x] = PCEBusRead; HuCPU.PCEWrite[x] = PCENullWrite; } MDFNMP_Init(1024, (1 << 21) / 1024); } static int LoadCommon(void) { int x; VDC_Init(); { HuCPU.PCERead[0xF8] = BaseRAMRead; HuCPU.PCERead[0xF9] = HuCPU.PCERead[0xFA] = HuCPU.PCERead[0xFB] = BaseRAMRead_Mirrored; HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xF8] = BaseRAMWrite; HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xF9] = HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xFA] = HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xFB] = BaseRAMWrite_Mirrored; for(x = 0xf8; x < 0xfb; x++) HuCPU.FastMap[x] = &BaseRAM[0]; HuCPU.PCERead[0xFF] = IORead; } MDFNMP_AddRAM(8192, 0xf8 * 8192, BaseRAM); HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xFF] = IOWrite; psg = new PCEFast_PSG(&sbuf[0], &sbuf[1]); psg->SetVolume(1.0); if(PCE_IsCD) { unsigned int cdpsgvolume = MDFN_GetSettingUI("pce_fast.cdpsgvolume"); psg->SetVolume(0.678 * cdpsgvolume / 100); } PCEINPUT_Init(); PCE_Power(); return(1); } #ifdef _WIN32 static void sanitize_path(std::string &path) { size_t i; size_t size = path.size(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (path[i] == '/') path[i] = '\\'; } #endif // Use a simpler approach to make sure that things go right for libretro. static std::string MDFN_MakeFName(MakeFName_Type type, int id1, const char *cd1) { #ifdef _WIN32 char slash = '\\'; #else char slash = '/'; #endif std::string ret; switch (type) { case MDFNMKF_FIRMWARE: ret = retro_base_directory + slash + std::string(cd1); #ifdef _WIN32 sanitize_path(ret); // Because Windows path handling is mongoloid. #endif break; default: break; } if (log_cb) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "MDFN_MakeFName: %s\n", ret.c_str()); return ret; } static void Cleanup(void) { if(arcade_card) delete arcade_card; arcade_card = NULL; if(PCE_IsCD) PCECD_Close(); if(HuCROM) free(HuCROM); HuCROM = NULL; } static int HuCLoadCD(const char *bios_path) { int x; MDFNFILE *fp = file_open(bios_path); if(!fp) { MDFN_DispMessage("Firmware not found: '%s'", bios_path); return(0); } memset(ROMSpace, 0xFF, 262144); memcpy(ROMSpace, fp->data + (fp->size & 512), ((fp->size & ~512) > 262144) ? 262144 : (fp->size &~ 512) ); if (fp) file_close(fp); fp = NULL; PCE_IsCD = 1; PCE_InitCD(); for(x = 0; x < 0x40; x++) { HuCPU.FastMap[x] = &ROMSpace[x * 8192]; HuCPU.PCERead[x] = HuCRead; } for(x = 0x68; x < 0x88; x++) { HuCPU.FastMap[x] = &ROMSpace[x * 8192]; HuCPU.PCERead[x] = HuCRead; HuCPU.PCEWrite[x] = HuCRAMWrite; } HuCPU.PCEWrite[0x80] = HuCRAMWriteCDSpecial; // Hyper Dyne Special hack MDFNMP_AddRAM(262144, 0x68 * 8192, ROMSpace + 0x68 * 8192); if(PCE_ACEnabled) { if (!(arcade_card = new ArcadeCard())) { Cleanup(); return(0); } for(x = 0x40; x < 0x44; x++) { HuCPU.PCERead[x] = ACPhysRead; HuCPU.PCEWrite[x] = ACPhysWrite; } } memset(SaveRAM, 0x00, 2048); memcpy(SaveRAM, BRAM_Init_String, 8); // So users don't have to manually intialize the file cabinet // in the CD BIOS screen. HuCPU.PCEWrite[0xF7] = SaveRAMWrite; HuCPU.PCERead[0xF7] = SaveRAMRead; MDFNMP_AddRAM(2048, 0xF7 * 8192, SaveRAM); return(1); } static int LoadCD(std::vector *CDInterfaces) { std::string bios_path = MDFN_MakeFName(MDFNMKF_FIRMWARE, 0, setting_pce_fast_cdbios.c_str() ); LoadCommonPre(); if(!HuCLoadCD(bios_path.c_str())) return(0); PCECD_Drive_SetDisc(true, NULL, true); PCECD_Drive_SetDisc(false, (*CDInterfaces)[0], true); return(LoadCommon()); } static void HuC_Close(void) { Cleanup(); } static void Cleanup_PCE(void) { HuC_Close(); VDC_Close(); if(psg) delete psg; psg = NULL; } static void CloseGame(void) { Cleanup_PCE(); } static void Emulate(EmulateSpecStruct *espec) { INPUT_Frame(); MDFNMP_ApplyPeriodicCheats(); if(espec->VideoFormatChanged) VDC_SetPixelFormat(espec->CustomPalette, espec->CustomPaletteNumEntries); VDC_RunFrame(espec, false); if(PCE_IsCD) { PCECD_Run(HuCPU.timestamp * 3); } psg->EndFrame(HuCPU.timestamp / pce_overclocked); { uint8_t y; for(y = 0; y < 2; y++) { Blip_Buffer_end_frame(&sbuf[y], HuCPU.timestamp / pce_overclocked); espec->SoundBufSize = Blip_Buffer_read_samples(&sbuf[y], espec->SoundBuf + y, sizeof(sound_buf) >> 1); } } INPUT_FixTS(); HuC6280_ResetTS(); if(PCE_IsCD) PCECD_ResetTS(); } int HuC_StateAction(StateMem *sm, int load, int data_only) { SFORMAT StateRegs[] = { SFARRAY(ROMSpace + 0x40 * 8192, IsPopulous ? 32768 : 0), SFARRAY(SaveRAM, IsPopulous ? 0 : 2048), SFARRAY(ROMSpace + 0x68 * 8192, PCE_IsCD ? 262144 : 0), SFVARN(HuCSF2Latch, "HuCSF2Latch"), SFEND }; int ret = MDFNSS_StateAction(sm, load, data_only, StateRegs, "HuC", false); if(load) HuCSF2Latch &= 0x3; if(PCE_IsCD) { ret &= PCECD_StateAction(sm, load, data_only); if(arcade_card) ret &= arcade_card->StateAction(sm, load, data_only); } return(ret); } void HuC_Power(void) { if(PCE_IsCD) memset(ROMSpace + 0x68 * 8192, 0x00, 262144); if(arcade_card) arcade_card->Power(); } extern "C" int StateAction(StateMem *sm, int load, int data_only) { SFORMAT StateRegs[] = { SFARRAY(BaseRAM, 8192), SFVARN(PCEIODataBuffer, "PCEIODataBuffer"), SFEND }; int ret = MDFNSS_StateAction(sm, load, data_only, StateRegs, "MAIN", false); ret &= HuC6280_StateAction(sm, load, data_only); ret &= VDC_StateAction(sm, load, data_only); ret &= psg->StateAction(sm, load, data_only); ret &= INPUT_StateAction(sm, load, data_only); ret &= HuC_StateAction(sm, load, data_only); return(ret); } void PCE_Power(void) { memset(BaseRAM, 0x00, sizeof(BaseRAM)); for(int i = 8192; i < 32768; i++) BaseRAM[i] = 0xFF; PCEIODataBuffer = 0xFF; HuC6280_Power(); VDC_Power(); psg->Power(HuCPU.timestamp / pce_overclocked); HuC_Power(); if(PCE_IsCD) { PCECD_Power(HuCPU.timestamp * 3); } } static void DoSimpleCommand(int cmd) { switch(cmd) { case MDFN_MSC_RESET: PCE_Power(); break; case MDFN_MSC_POWER: PCE_Power(); break; } } bool IsBRAMUsed(void) { int x; if(memcmp(SaveRAM, BRAM_Init_String, 8)) // HUBM string is modified/missing return(1); for(x = 8; x < 2048; x++) if(SaveRAM[x]) return(1); return(0); } static void ReadM3U(std::vector &file_list, std::string path, unsigned depth = 0) { std::string dir_path; char linebuf[2048]; RFILE *fp = filestream_open(path.c_str(), RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!fp) return; MDFN_GetFilePathComponents(path, &dir_path); while(filestream_gets(fp, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf)) != NULL) { std::string efp; if(linebuf[0] == '#') continue; string_trim_whitespace_right(linebuf); if(linebuf[0] == 0) continue; efp = MDFN_EvalFIP(dir_path, std::string(linebuf)); if(efp.size() >= 4 && efp.substr(efp.size() - 4) == ".m3u") { if(efp == path) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "M3U at \"%s\" references self.\n", efp.c_str()); goto end; } if(depth == 99) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "M3U load recursion too deep!\n"); goto end; } ReadM3U(file_list, efp, depth++); } else file_list.push_back(efp); } end: filestream_close(fp); } static std::vector CDInterfaces; // FIXME: Cleanup on error out. // TODO: LoadCommon() static bool MDFNI_LoadCD(const char *path, const char *ext) { bool ret = false; if (!path || !ext) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "Error opening CD - invalid path\n"); return false; } log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "Loading %s...\n\n", path); if(!strcasecmp(ext, "m3u")) { std::vector file_list; ReadM3U(file_list, path); for(unsigned i = 0; i < file_list.size(); i++) { CDIF *cdif = CDIF_Open(file_list[i].c_str(), cdimagecache); CDInterfaces.push_back(cdif); } } else { CDIF *cdif = CDIF_Open(path, cdimagecache); if (cdif) { ret = true; CDInterfaces.push_back(cdif); } } if (!ret) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "Error opening CD.\n"); return false; } if(!(LoadCD(&CDInterfaces))) { unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < CDInterfaces.size(); i++) delete CDInterfaces[i]; CDInterfaces.clear(); return false; } //MDFNI_SetLayerEnableMask(~0ULL); MDFN_LoadGameCheats(NULL); MDFNMP_InstallReadPatches(); return true; } static bool MDFNI_LoadGame(const char *path, const char *ext, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { MDFNFILE *GameFile = NULL; const uint8_t *content_data = NULL; size_t content_size = 0; if(ext && (!strcasecmp(ext, "cue") || !strcasecmp(ext, "ccd") || !strcasecmp(ext, "chd") || !strcasecmp(ext, "toc") || !strcasecmp(ext, "m3u"))) return MDFNI_LoadCD(path, ext); /* Check whether we already have a valid * data buffer */ if (data) { content_data = data; content_size = size; } else { if (!path) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "Error loading content - invalid path\n"); goto error; } /* Load content from file */ GameFile = file_open(path); if(!GameFile) goto error; content_data = GameFile->data; content_size = GameFile->size; } if(Load(content_data, content_size) <= 0) goto error; MDFN_LoadGameCheats(NULL); MDFNMP_InstallReadPatches(); if (GameFile) file_close(GameFile); return true; error: if (GameFile) file_close(GameFile); return false; } static uint8 lastchar = 0; struct retro_perf_callback perf_cb; retro_get_cpu_features_t perf_get_cpu_features_cb = NULL; retro_log_printf_t log_cb; static retro_video_refresh_t video_cb; static retro_audio_sample_t audio_cb; static retro_audio_sample_batch_t audio_batch_cb; static retro_environment_t environ_cb; static retro_input_poll_t input_poll_cb; static retro_input_state_t input_state_cb; static bool libretro_supports_option_categories = false; static bool libretro_supports_bitmasks = false; static MDFN_Surface *surf = NULL; static bool failed_init = false; static unsigned video_width = 0; static unsigned video_height = 0; static uint64_t video_frames = 0; static uint64_t audio_frames = 0; #include "mednafen/pce_fast/pcecd.h" /* Frameskipping Support */ static unsigned frameskip_type = 0; static unsigned frameskip_threshold = 0; static uint16_t frameskip_counter = 0; static bool retro_audio_buff_active = false; static unsigned retro_audio_buff_occupancy = 0; static bool retro_audio_buff_underrun = false; /* Maximum number of consecutive frames that * can be skipped */ #define FRAMESKIP_MAX 30 static unsigned audio_latency = 0; static bool update_audio_latency = false; static void retro_audio_buff_status_cb( bool active, unsigned occupancy, bool underrun_likely) { retro_audio_buff_active = active; retro_audio_buff_occupancy = occupancy; retro_audio_buff_underrun = underrun_likely; } static void init_frameskip(void) { if (frameskip_type > 0) { struct retro_audio_buffer_status_callback buf_status_cb; buf_status_cb.callback = retro_audio_buff_status_cb; if (!environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATUS_CALLBACK, &buf_status_cb)) { if (log_cb) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_WARN, "Frameskip disabled - frontend does not support audio buffer status monitoring.\n"); retro_audio_buff_active = false; retro_audio_buff_occupancy = 0; retro_audio_buff_underrun = false; audio_latency = 0; } else { /* Frameskip is enabled - increase frontend * audio latency to minimise potential * buffer underruns */ float frame_time_msec = 1000.0f / (float)MEDNAFEN_CORE_TIMING_FPS; /* Set latency to 6x current frame time... */ audio_latency = (unsigned)((6.0f * frame_time_msec) + 0.5f); /* ...then round up to nearest multiple of 32 */ audio_latency = (audio_latency + 0x1F) & ~0x1F; } } else { environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATUS_CALLBACK, NULL); audio_latency = 0; } update_audio_latency = true; } static void check_system_specs(void) { unsigned level = 5; environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL, &level); } void retro_init(void) { struct retro_log_callback log; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOG_INTERFACE, &log)) log_cb = log.log; else log_cb = NULL; CDUtility_Init(); const char *dir = NULL; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY, &dir) && dir) { retro_base_directory = dir; // Make sure that we don't have any lingering slashes, etc, as they break Windows. size_t last = retro_base_directory.find_last_not_of("/\\"); if (last != std::string::npos) last++; retro_base_directory = retro_base_directory.substr(0, last); } else { /* TODO: Add proper fallback */ if (log_cb) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_WARN, "System directory is not defined. Fallback on using same dir as ROM for system directory later ...\n"); failed_init = true; } enum retro_pixel_format rgb565 = RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PIXEL_FORMAT, &rgb565) && log_cb) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "Frontend supports RGB565 - will use that instead of XRGB1555.\n"); if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_PERF_INTERFACE, &perf_cb)) perf_get_cpu_features_cb = perf_cb.get_cpu_features; else perf_get_cpu_features_cb = NULL; bool yes = true; environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_ACHIEVEMENTS, &yes); setting_initial_scanline = 0; setting_last_scanline = 242; check_system_specs(); libretro_supports_bitmasks = false; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_INPUT_BITMASKS, NULL)) libretro_supports_bitmasks = true; frameskip_type = 0; frameskip_threshold = 0; frameskip_counter = 0; retro_audio_buff_active = false; retro_audio_buff_occupancy = 0; retro_audio_buff_underrun = false; audio_latency = 0; update_audio_latency = false; video_width = 0; video_height = 0; video_frames = 0; audio_frames = 0; lastchar = 0; failed_init = false; } void retro_reset(void) { DoSimpleCommand(MDFN_MSC_RESET); } bool retro_load_game_special(unsigned, const struct retro_game_info *, size_t) { return false; } static void set_volume (uint32_t *ptr, unsigned number) { switch(number) { default: *ptr = number; break; } } #define MAX_PLAYERS 5 #define MAX_BUTTONS 15 static uint8_t input_type[MAX_PLAYERS] = {}; static uint8_t input_buf[MAX_PLAYERS][5] = {}; static float mouse_sensitivity = 1.0f; static bool disable_softreset = false; // Array to keep track of whether a given player's button is turbo static int turbo_enable[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_BUTTONS] = {}; // Array to keep track of each buttons turbo status static int turbo_counter[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_BUTTONS] = {}; // The number of frames between each firing of a turbo button static int Turbo_Delay; static int Turbo_Toggling = 1; static bool turbo_toggle_alt = false; static int psg_channels_volume[6] = { 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 }; static int turbo_toggle_down[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_BUTTONS] = {}; static void check_variables(bool first_run) { struct retro_variable var = {0}; unsigned frameskip_type_prev; if (first_run) { var.key = "pce_fast_cdimagecache"; cdimagecache = false; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) if (strcmp(var.value, "enabled") == 0) cdimagecache = true; var.key = "pce_fast_cdbios"; setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard3.pce"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if (strcmp(var.value, "System Card 3") == 0) setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard3.pce"; else if (strcmp(var.value, "System Card 2") == 0) setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard2.pce"; else if (strcmp(var.value, "System Card 1") == 0) setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard1.pce"; else if (strcmp(var.value, "Games Express") == 0) setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "gexpress.pce"; else if (strcmp(var.value, "System Card 3 US") == 0) setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard3u.pce"; else if (strcmp(var.value, "System Card 2 US") == 0) setting_pce_fast_cdbios = "syscard2u.pce"; } char key[256]; key[0] = '\0'; var.key = key ; for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_PLAYERS ; i++) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "pce_fast_default_joypad_type_p%d", i + 1); if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if(strcmp(var.value, "2 Buttons") == 0) AVPad6Enabled[i] = false; else if(strcmp(var.value, "6 Buttons") == 0) AVPad6Enabled[i] = true; } } } var.key = "pce_fast_nospritelimit"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if (strcmp(var.value, "disabled") == 0) setting_pce_fast_nospritelimit = 0; else if (strcmp(var.value, "enabled") == 0) setting_pce_fast_nospritelimit = 1; } var.key = "pce_fast_ocmultiplier"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { setting_pce_overclocked = atoi(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_frameskip"; var.value = NULL; frameskip_type_prev = frameskip_type; frameskip_type = 0; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if (strcmp(var.value, "auto") == 0) frameskip_type = 1; else if (strcmp(var.value, "manual") == 0) frameskip_type = 2; } /* Reinitialise frameskipping, if required */ if (first_run || (frameskip_type != frameskip_type_prev)) init_frameskip(); var.key = "pce_fast_frameskip_threshold"; var.value = NULL; frameskip_threshold = 33; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) frameskip_threshold = strtol(var.value, NULL, 10); var.key = "pce_fast_hoverscan"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { setting_pce_hoverscan = atoi(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_initial_scanline"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { setting_initial_scanline = atoi(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_last_scanline"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { setting_last_scanline = atoi(var.value); } bool do_cdsettings = false; var.key = "pce_fast_cddavolume"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { do_cdsettings = true; setting_pce_fast_cddavolume = atoi(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_adpcmvolume"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { do_cdsettings = true; setting_pce_fast_adpcmvolume = atoi(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_cdpsgvolume"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { do_cdsettings = true; setting_pce_fast_cdpsgvolume = atoi(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_cdspeed"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { do_cdsettings = true; setting_pce_fast_cdspeed = atoi(var.value); } if (do_cdsettings) { PCECD_Settings settings = {0}; settings.CDDA_Volume = (double)setting_pce_fast_cddavolume / 100; settings.CD_Speed = setting_pce_fast_cdspeed; settings.ADPCM_Volume = (double)setting_pce_fast_adpcmvolume / 100; if (PCECD_SetSettings(&settings) && log_cb) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "PCE CD Audio settings changed.\n"); } char pce_sound_channel_volume_base_str[] = "pce_fast_sound_channel_0_volume"; var.key = pce_sound_channel_volume_base_str; for (unsigned c = 0; c < 6; c++) {; pce_sound_channel_volume_base_str[23] = c+'0'; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { psg_channels_volume[c] = atoi(var.value); } } // Set Turbo_Toggling var.key = "pce_fast_turbo_toggling"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if (strcmp(var.value, "enabled") == 0) Turbo_Toggling = 1; else Turbo_Toggling = 0; } // Set TURBO_DELAY var.key = "pce_fast_turbo_delay"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { Turbo_Delay = atoi(var.value); } // False sets turbo hotkey X/Y, true assigns hotkey to L3/R3 var.key = "pce_fast_turbo_toggle_hotkey"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if (strcmp(var.value, "enabled") == 0) turbo_toggle_alt = true; else turbo_toggle_alt = false; } var.key = "pce_fast_disable_softreset"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { disable_softreset = (strcmp(var.value, "enabled") == 0); } var.key = "pce_fast_mouse_sensitivity"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { mouse_sensitivity = atof(var.value); } var.key = "pce_fast_palette"; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) { if (strcmp(var.value, "Composite") == 0) use_palette = true; else use_palette = false; } } bool retro_load_game(const struct retro_game_info *info) { uint8_t y; unsigned c; struct retro_input_descriptor desc[] = { #define button_ids(INDEX) \ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT, "D-Pad Left" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP, "D-Pad Up" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN, "D-Pad Down" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT, "D-Pad Right" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B, "II" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A, "I" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X, "IV" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y, "III" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L, "V" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R, "VI" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L2, "Mode Switch" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT, "Select" },\ { INDEX, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START, "Run" }, button_ids(0) button_ids(1) button_ids(2) button_ids(3) button_ids(4) { 0 }, }; const struct retro_game_info_ext *info_ext = NULL; const uint8_t *content_data = NULL; size_t content_size = 0; const char *content_path = NULL; char content_ext[8]; content_ext[0] = '\0'; if (failed_init) return false; /* Attempt to fetch extended game info */ if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_GAME_INFO_EXT, &info_ext)) { content_data = (const uint8_t *)info_ext->data; content_size = info_ext->size; /* Content path information is only required * if we do not have a valid data buffer */ if (!content_data) { content_path = info_ext->full_path; strncpy(content_ext, info_ext->ext, sizeof(content_ext)); content_ext[sizeof(content_ext) - 1] = '\0'; } } else { const char *ext = NULL; if (!info || !info->path) return false; content_data = NULL; content_size = 0; content_path = info->path; if ((ext = strrchr(info->path, '.'))) { strncpy(content_ext, ext + 1, sizeof(content_ext)); content_ext[sizeof(content_ext) - 1] = '\0'; } } environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS, desc); check_variables(true); if (!MDFNI_LoadGame(content_path, content_ext, content_data, content_size)) return false; surf = (MDFN_Surface*)calloc(1, sizeof(*surf)); if (!surf) return false; surf->width = FB_WIDTH; surf->height = FB_HEIGHT; surf->pitch = FB_WIDTH; surf->pixels = (uint16_t*) calloc(2, FB_WIDTH * FB_HEIGHT); if (!surf->pixels) { free(surf); return false; } // Possible endian bug ... for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { input_type[i] = RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD; PCEINPUT_SetInput(i, "gamepad", (uint8_t*)&input_buf[i][0]); } VDC_SetPixelFormat(NULL, 0); struct retro_memory_descriptor descs[8]; struct retro_memory_map mmaps; int i = 0; memset(descs, 0, sizeof(descs)); descs[i].ptr = (uint8_t*)BaseRAM; descs[i].start = 0xf8 * 8192; descs[i].len = 8192; descs[i].select = 0xFFFFE000; i++; if (IsPopulous) { descs[i].ptr = (uint8_t*)(ROMSpace + 0x40 * 8192); descs[i].start = 0x40 * 8192; descs[i].len = 8192 * 4; i++; } else { descs[i].ptr = (uint8_t*)SaveRAM; descs[i].start = 0xf7 * 8192; descs[i].len = 2048; i++; } if (PCE_IsCD) { // Super System Card RAM descs[i].ptr = (uint8_t*)(ROMSpace + 0x68 * 8192); descs[i].start = 0x68 * 8192; descs[i].len = 8192 * 24; descs[i].select = 0xFFFD0000; i++; // CD RAM descs[i].ptr = (uint8_t*)(ROMSpace + 0x80 * 8192); descs[i].start = 0x80 * 8192; descs[i].len = 8192 * 8; descs[i].select = 0xFFFF0000; i++; } for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) psg->SetChannelUserVolume(c, psg_channels_volume[c]); mmaps.descriptors = descs; mmaps.num_descriptors = i; environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MEMORY_MAPS, &mmaps); for(y = 0; y < 2; y++) { Blip_Buffer_set_sample_rate(&sbuf[y], 44100, 50); Blip_Buffer_set_clock_rate(&sbuf[y], (long)(PCE_MASTER_CLOCK / 3)); Blip_Buffer_bass_freq(&sbuf[y], 10); } return true; } void retro_unload_game(void) { unsigned i; MDFN_FlushGameCheats(0); CloseGame(); MDFNMP_Kill(); for(i = 0; i < CDInterfaces.size(); i++) delete CDInterfaces[i]; CDInterfaces.clear(); } static void update_input(void) { unsigned i,j; int16_t joy_bits[MAX_PLAYERS] = {0}; static int turbo_map[] = { -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 }; static int turbo_map_alt[] = { -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, 1, 0 }; int *turbo_map_selected = (!turbo_toggle_alt ? turbo_map : turbo_map_alt); static unsigned map[] = { RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L2, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L3, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R3 }; for (j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERS; j++) { if (libretro_supports_bitmasks) joy_bits[j] = input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_MASK); else { for (i = 0; i < (RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R3+1); i++) joy_bits[j] |= input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, i) ? (1 << i) : 0; } } for (unsigned j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERS; j++) { switch (input_type[j]) { case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: { uint16_t input_state = 0; // read normal inputs for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_BUTTONS; i++) { input_state |= (joy_bits[j] & (1 << map[i])) ? (1 << i) : 0; // disable soft reset if (disable_softreset == true) if ((input_state & 0xC) == 0xC) input_state &= ~0xC; // handle turbo buttons if (turbo_enable[j][i] == 1) // Check whether a given button is turbo-capable { if (input_state & (1 << i)) { if (turbo_counter[j][i] < 2) // Some PCE games needs 2 frames to react to button presses, so input_state |= 1 << i; // trigger turbo button at counter 0 and 1 else input_state &= ~(1 << i); turbo_counter[j][i]++; // Counter is incremented by 1 if (turbo_counter[j][i] > Turbo_Delay) // When the counter exceeds turbo delay, reset counter to zero turbo_counter[j][i] = 0; } else turbo_counter[j][i] = 0; // Reset counter if button is not pressed. } else turbo_counter[j][i] = 0; // Reset counter if button is not pressed. // handle 2/6 button mode switching if (turbo_map_selected[i] != -1 && Turbo_Toggling && !AVPad6Enabled[j]) { if (input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, map[i])) { if (turbo_toggle_down[j][i] == 0) { turbo_toggle_down[j][i] = 1; turbo_enable[j][turbo_map_selected[i]] = turbo_enable[j][turbo_map_selected[i]] ^ 1; MDFN_DispMessage("Pad %i Button %s Turbo %s", j + 1, i == (!turbo_toggle_alt ? 9 : 14) ? "I" : "II", turbo_enable[j][turbo_map_selected[i]] ? "ON" : "OFF" ); } } else turbo_toggle_down[j][i] = 0; } } // Input data must be little endian. input_buf[j][0] = (input_state >> 0) & 0xff; input_buf[j][1] = (input_state >> 8) & 0xff; } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE: { int16_t raw_x = input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_X); int16_t raw_y = input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_Y); int16_t x = (int16_t)roundf((float)raw_x * mouse_sensitivity); int16_t y = (int16_t)roundf((float)raw_y * mouse_sensitivity); input_buf[j][0] = (x >> 0) & 0xff; input_buf[j][1] = (x >> 8) & 0xff; input_buf[j][2] = (y >> 0) & 0xff; input_buf[j][3] = (y >> 8) & 0xff; input_buf[j][4] = 0; // left mouse button if (input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT)) input_buf[j][4] |= (1 << 0); // right mouse button if (input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT)) input_buf[j][4] |= (1 << 1); // select if (input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT)) input_buf[j][4] |= (1 << 2); // start if (input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START) || input_state_cb(j, RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE)) input_buf[j][4] |= (1 << 3); } break; } // case } } void update_geometry(unsigned width, unsigned height) { struct retro_system_av_info system_av_info; system_av_info.geometry.base_width = width; system_av_info.geometry.base_height = height; system_av_info.geometry.max_width = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_MAX_W; system_av_info.geometry.max_height = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_MAX_H; system_av_info.geometry.aspect_ratio = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_ASPECT_RATIO * ((float) MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_BASE_H / height); environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_GEOMETRY, &system_av_info); } void retro_run(void) { static bool last_palette_format; EmulateSpecStruct spec; bool resolution_changed = false; int skip_frame = 0; input_poll_cb(); update_input(); /* Check whether current frame should * be skipped * > Note: Cannot skip the first frame, * since we need at least one rendered * frame in order to set initial (valid) * width/height values for the video_cb * callback */ if ((frameskip_type > 0) && retro_audio_buff_active && video_frames) { switch (frameskip_type) { case 1: /* auto */ skip_frame = retro_audio_buff_underrun ? 1 : 0; break; case 2: /* manual */ skip_frame = (retro_audio_buff_occupancy < frameskip_threshold) ? 1 : 0; break; default: skip_frame = 0; break; } if (!skip_frame || (frameskip_counter >= FRAMESKIP_MAX)) { skip_frame = 0; frameskip_counter = 0; } else frameskip_counter++; } /* If frameskip settings have changed, update * frontend audio latency */ if (update_audio_latency) { environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MINIMUM_AUDIO_LATENCY, &audio_latency); update_audio_latency = false; } spec.surface = surf; spec.VideoFormatChanged = false; spec.DisplayRect.x = 0; spec.DisplayRect.y = 0; spec.DisplayRect.w = 0; spec.DisplayRect.h = 0; spec.CustomPalette = use_palette ? composite_palette : NULL; spec.CustomPaletteNumEntries = use_palette ? 512 : 0; spec.InterlaceOn = false; spec.InterlaceField = false; spec.skip = skip_frame; spec.SoundBuf = sound_buf; spec.SoundBufSize = 0; if (last_palette_format != use_palette) { spec.VideoFormatChanged = true; last_palette_format = use_palette; } Emulate(&spec); if (skip_frame) video_cb(NULL, video_width, video_height, FB_WIDTH * 2); else { if (video_width != spec.DisplayRect.w || video_height != spec.DisplayRect.h) resolution_changed = true; video_width = spec.DisplayRect.w; video_height = spec.DisplayRect.h; video_cb(surf->pixels + surf->pitch * spec.DisplayRect.y, video_width, video_height, FB_WIDTH * 2); } audio_batch_cb(spec.SoundBuf, spec.SoundBufSize); bool updated = false; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE, &updated) && updated) { unsigned c; check_variables(false); if(PCE_IsCD){ psg->SetVolume(0.678 * setting_pce_fast_cdpsgvolume / 100); } for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) psg->SetChannelUserVolume(c, psg_channels_volume[c]); update_geometry(video_width, video_height); } else if (resolution_changed) update_geometry(video_width, video_height); video_frames++; audio_frames += spec.SoundBufSize; } void retro_get_system_info(struct retro_system_info *info) { memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); info->library_name = MEDNAFEN_CORE_NAME; #ifndef GIT_VERSION #define GIT_VERSION "" #endif info->library_version = MEDNAFEN_CORE_VERSION GIT_VERSION; info->need_fullpath = true; info->valid_extensions = MEDNAFEN_CORE_EXTENSIONS; info->block_extract = false; } void retro_get_system_av_info(struct retro_system_av_info *info) { memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); info->timing.fps = MEDNAFEN_CORE_TIMING_FPS; info->timing.sample_rate = 44100; info->geometry.base_width = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_BASE_W; info->geometry.base_height = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_BASE_H; info->geometry.max_width = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_MAX_W; info->geometry.max_height = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_MAX_H; info->geometry.aspect_ratio = MEDNAFEN_CORE_GEOMETRY_ASPECT_RATIO; } void retro_deinit(void) { if (surf) { if (surf->pixels) free(surf->pixels); surf->pixels = NULL; free(surf); } surf = NULL; if (log_cb) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "[%s]: Samples / Frame: %.5f\n", MEDNAFEN_CORE_NAME, (double)audio_frames / video_frames); log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "[%s]: Estimated FPS: %.5f\n", MEDNAFEN_CORE_NAME, (double)video_frames * 44100 / audio_frames); } libretro_supports_option_categories = false; libretro_supports_bitmasks = false; } unsigned retro_get_region(void) { return RETRO_REGION_NTSC; // FIXME: Regions for other cores. } unsigned retro_api_version(void) { return RETRO_API_VERSION; } void retro_set_controller_port_device(unsigned in_port, unsigned device) { if (in_port > 4) return; // Filter out other device types, otherwise we can // accidentally skip devices like joypad+analog. device &= RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD | RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE; switch(device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: input_type[in_port] = RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD; PCEINPUT_SetInput(in_port, "gamepad", (uint8_t*)&input_buf[in_port][0]); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE: input_type[in_port] = RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE; PCEINPUT_SetInput(in_port, "mouse", (uint8_t*)&input_buf[in_port][0]); break; default: input_type[in_port] = RETRO_DEVICE_NONE; break; } } void retro_set_environment(retro_environment_t cb) { struct retro_vfs_interface_info vfs_iface_info; environ_cb = cb; static const struct retro_controller_description pads[] = { { "PCE Joypad", RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD }, { "Mouse", RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE }, }; static const struct retro_controller_info ports[] = { { pads, 2 }, { pads, 2 }, { pads, 2 }, { pads, 2 }, { pads, 2 }, { 0 }, }; static const struct retro_system_content_info_override content_overrides[] = { { "pce", /* extensions */ false, /* need_fullpath */ false /* persistent_data */ }, { NULL, false, false } }; libretro_supports_option_categories = false; libretro_set_core_options(environ_cb, &libretro_supports_option_categories); environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CONTROLLER_INFO, (void*)ports); environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CONTENT_INFO_OVERRIDE, (void*)content_overrides); vfs_iface_info.required_interface_version = 1; vfs_iface_info.iface = NULL; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VFS_INTERFACE, &vfs_iface_info)) filestream_vfs_init(&vfs_iface_info); } void retro_set_audio_sample(retro_audio_sample_t cb) { audio_cb = cb; } void retro_set_audio_sample_batch(retro_audio_sample_batch_t cb) { audio_batch_cb = cb; } void retro_set_input_poll(retro_input_poll_t cb) { input_poll_cb = cb; } void retro_set_input_state(retro_input_state_t cb) { input_state_cb = cb; } void retro_set_video_refresh(retro_video_refresh_t cb) { video_cb = cb; } size_t retro_serialize_size(void) { StateMem st; st.data = NULL; st.data_frontend = NULL; st.loc = 0; st.len = 0; st.malloced = 0; st.initial_malloc = 0; if (!MDFNSS_SaveSM(&st, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return 0; free(st.data); return st.len; } bool retro_serialize(void *data, size_t size) { StateMem st; bool ret = false; st.data_frontend = (uint8_t *)data; st.data = st.data_frontend; st.loc = 0; st.len = 0; st.malloced = size; st.initial_malloc = 0; /* MDFNSS_SaveSM will malloc separate memory for st.data to complete * the save if the passed-in size is too small */ ret = MDFNSS_SaveSM(&st, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (st.data != st.data_frontend) { log_cb(RETRO_LOG_WARN, "Save state size has increased\n"); free(st.data); ret = false; } return ret; } bool retro_unserialize(const void *data, size_t size) { StateMem st; st.data_frontend = (uint8_t *)data; st.data = st.data_frontend; st.loc = 0; st.len = size; st.malloced = 0; st.initial_malloc = 0; return MDFNSS_LoadSM(&st, 0, 0); } void *retro_get_memory_data(unsigned type) { switch (type) { case RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM: if (IsPopulous) return (uint8_t*)(ROMSpace + 0x40 * 8192); return (uint8_t*)SaveRAM; case RETRO_MEMORY_SYSTEM_RAM: return BaseRAM; default: break; } return NULL; } size_t retro_get_memory_size(unsigned type) { switch (type) { case RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM: if (IsPopulous) return 32768; return 2048; case RETRO_MEMORY_SYSTEM_RAM: return 8192; default: break; } return 0; } void retro_cheat_reset(void) { MDFN_FlushGameCheats(0); } void retro_cheat_set(unsigned index, bool enabled, const char *code) { char name[256]; char temp[256]; char *codepart; if (code == NULL) return; sprintf(name, "N/A"); strcpy(temp, code); codepart = strtok(temp, "+,;._ "); while (codepart) { // Cheat references are based on // https://gamehacking.org/system/pce // https://gamehacking.org/system/pcd // // accepts 1Fxxxx:xx raw format (ram) // accepts 10xxxx:xx raw format (cd-ram) // accepts F8xxxx:xx physical address format (ram) if ((strlen(codepart) == 9) && (codepart[6]==':')) { uint32 a; uint64 v; codepart[6] = '\0'; a = strtoul(codepart, NULL, 16); v = strtoul(codepart + 7, NULL, 16); // RAM region (0x1F0000 - 0x1F2000) //translate physical address to raw address format if ((a & 0xFFE000) == 0xF82000) { a &= 0x1FFF; a |= 0x1F0000; } // CD-RAM region (0x100000 - 0x110000) // translate physical address to raw address format // this is just guess-work and assumed the target address is always 0x10Axxx, // better use raw formats if possible if ((a & 0xFFC000) == 0x80C000) { a &= 0x1FFF; a |= 0x10A000; } // only accept codes in of valid address range // raw address = 0x1F0000 - 0x1F1FFF or physical address 0xF82xxx - 0xF83xxx (RAM) // raw address = 0x0D0000 - 0x10FFFF (SYSTEM CARD RAM / CD-RAM) if (((a >= 0x1F0000) && (a < 0x1F2000)) || // main RAM ((a >= 0x100000) && (a < 0x110000)) || // CD RAM ((a >= 0x00D000) && (a < 0x10FFFF))) // System Card RAM { if (!MDFNI_AddCheat(name, a, v, 0, 'R', 1, 0)) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_DEBUG, "Failed to set code: '%s:%02x'\n", codepart,v); else log_cb(RETRO_LOG_DEBUG, "Code set: '%s:%02x'\n", codepart,v); } else log_cb(RETRO_LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid or unknown code: '%s:%02x'\n", codepart,v); /* log_cb(RETRO_LOG_DEBUG, "address=%08x v=%02x\n", a, v); */ } else log_cb(RETRO_LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid or unknown code: '%s'\n", codepart); codepart = strtok(NULL,"+,;._ "); } } extern "C" void MDFN_DispMessage(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; struct retro_message msg; const char *strc = NULL; char *str = (char*)malloc(4096 * sizeof(char)); va_start(ap,format); vsnprintf(str, 4096, format,ap); va_end(ap); strc = str; msg.frames = 180; msg.msg = strc; environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MESSAGE, &msg); free(str); }