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synced 2024-11-23 07:50:03 +00:00
- Move code around in pce_fast/input.c to avoid forward declaration
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156 lines
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#ifndef _GIT_H
#define _GIT_H
#include <libretro.h>
#include "file.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "video.h"
typedef enum
IDIT_BUTTON, // 1-bit
IDIT_BUTTON_BYTE, // 8-bits, Button as a byte instead of a bit.
IDIT_X_AXIS, // (mouse) 32-bits, signed, fixed-point: 1.15.16 - in-screen/window range: [0.0, nominal_width)
IDIT_Y_AXIS, // (mouse) 32-bits, signed, fixed-point: 1.15.16 - in-screen/window range: [0.0, nominal_height)
IDIT_X_AXIS_REL, // (mouse) 32-bits, signed
IDIT_Y_AXIS_REL, // (mouse) 32-bits, signed
IDIT_BUTTON_ANALOG, // 32-bits, 0 - 32767
IDIT_RUMBLE, // 32-bits, lower 8 bits are weak rumble(0-255), next 8 bits are strong rumble(0-255), 0=no rumble, 255=max rumble. Somewhat subjective, too...
// May extend to 16-bit each in the future.
// It's also rather a special case of game module->driver code communication.
} InputDeviceInputType;
typedef struct
const char *SettingName; // No spaces, shouldbe all a-z0-9 and _. Definitely no ~!
const char *Name;
/*const InputDeviceInputVB VirtButton;*/
const int ConfigOrder; // Configuration order during in-game config process, -1 for no config.
const InputDeviceInputType Type;
const char *ExcludeName; // SettingName of a button that can't be pressed at the same time as this button
// due to physical limitations.
const char *RotateName[3]; // 90, 180, 270
} InputDeviceInputInfoStruct;
typedef struct
const char *ShortName;
const char *FullName;
const char *Description;
//struct InputPortInfoStruct *PortExpanderDeviceInfo;
const void *PortExpanderDeviceInfo; // DON'T USE, IT'S NOT IMPLEMENTED PROPERLY CURRENTLY.
int NumInputs; // Usually just the number of buttons....OR if PortExpanderDeviceInfo is non-NULL, it's the number of input
// ports this port expander device provides.
const InputDeviceInputInfoStruct *IDII;
} InputDeviceInfoStruct;
typedef struct
const char *ShortName;
const char *FullName;
int NumTypes; // Number of unique input devices available for this input port
InputDeviceInfoStruct *DeviceInfo;
const char *DefaultDevice; // Default device for this port.
} InputPortInfoStruct;
typedef struct
int InputPorts;
const InputPortInfoStruct *Types;
} InputInfoStruct;
struct MemoryPatch;
struct CheatFormatStruct
const char *FullName; //"Game Genie", "GameShark", "Pro Action Catplay", etc.
const char *Description; // Whatever?
struct CheatFormatInfoStruct
unsigned NumFormats;
struct CheatFormatStruct *Formats;
// Miscellaneous system/simple commands(power, reset, dip switch toggles, coin insert, etc.)
// (for DoSimpleCommand() )
// This command should select the next disk or disk side in the set and use MDFN_DispMessage() to show which disk is selected.
// (If it's only allowed while a disk is ejected, or not, is emulation module specific.
MDFN_MSC__LAST = 0x3F // WARNING: Increasing(or having the enum'd value of a command greater than this :b) this will necessitate a change to the netplay protocol.
typedef struct
// Pitch(32-bit) must be equal to width and >= the "fb_width" specified in the MDFNGI struct for the emulated system.
// Height must be >= to the "fb_height" specified in the MDFNGI struct for the emulated system.
// The framebuffer pointed to by surface->pixels is written to by the system emulation code.
MDFN_Surface *surface;
// Will be set to TRUE if the video pixel format has changed since the last call to Emulate(), FALSE otherwise.
bool VideoFormatChanged;
// Set by the system emulation code every frame, to denote the horizontal and vertical offsets of the image, and the size
// of the image. If the emulated system sets the elements of LineWidths, then the horizontal offset(x) and width(w) of this structure
// are ignored while drawing the image.
MDFN_Rect DisplayRect;
// Pointer to an array of uint8, 3 * CustomPaletteEntries.
// CustomPalette must be NULL and CustomPaletteEntries mujst be 0 if no custom palette is specified/available;
// otherwise, CustomPalette must be non-NULL and CustomPaletteEntries must be equal to a non-zero "num_entries" member of a CustomPalette_Spec
// entry of MDFNGI::CPInfo.
// Set and used internally if driver-side code hasn't specified a non-NULL value for CustomPalette. If driver side uses it, driver side should
// set VideoFormatChanged to true whenever the custom palette changes.
uint8 *CustomPalette;
uint32 CustomPaletteNumEntries;
// Set(optionally) by emulation code. If InterlaceOn is true, then assume field height is 1/2 DisplayRect.h, and
// only every other line in surface (with the start line defined by InterlacedField) has valid data
// (it's up to internal Mednafen code to deinterlace it).
bool InterlaceOn;
bool InterlaceField;
// Skip rendering this frame if true. Set by the driver code.
int skip;
// Pointer to sound buffer, set by the driver code, that the emulation code should render sound to.
// Guaranteed to be at least 500ms in length, but emulation code really shouldn't exceed 40ms or so. Additionally, if emulation code
// generates >= 100ms,
// DEPRECATED: Emulation code may set this pointer to a sound buffer internal to the emulation module.
int16 *SoundBuf;
// Number of frames currently in internal sound buffer. Set by the system emulation code, to be read by the driver code.
int32 SoundBufSize;
} EmulateSpecStruct;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int StateAction(StateMem *sm, int load, int data_only);
#ifdef __cplusplus
uint8 MemRead(uint32 addr);
extern retro_log_printf_t log_cb;