mirror of
synced 2024-11-27 19:00:35 +00:00
Add SABR texture shader - remove 3point and bilinear filter - produced
too many glitches to be worthwhile
This commit is contained in:
@ -3995,7 +3995,7 @@ void retro_set_environment(retro_environment_t cb)
{ option_internal_resolution, "Internal GPU resolution; 1x(native)|2x|4x|8x" },
#if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGLES)
// Only used in GL renderer for now.
{ option_filter, "Texture filtering; nearest|3point N64|bilinear" },
{ option_filter, "Texture filtering; nearest|SABR" },
{ option_depth, "Internal color depth; dithered 16bpp (native)|32bpp" },
{ option_wireframe, "Wireframe mode; disabled|enabled" },
{ option_display_vram, "Display full VRAM; disabled|enabled" },
@ -35,13 +35,12 @@ GlRenderer::GlRenderer(DrawConfig* config)
var.key = option_filter;
uint8_t filter = 0;
if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) {
if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value)
if (!strcmp(var.value, "nearest"))
filter = 0;
else if (!strcmp(var.value, "3point N64"))
else if (!strcmp(var.value, "SABR"))
filter = 1;
else if (!strcmp(var.value, "bilinear"))
filter = 2;
this->filter_type = filter;
@ -570,10 +569,8 @@ bool GlRenderer::refresh_variables()
if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) && var.value) {
if (!strcmp(var.value, "nearest"))
filter = 0;
else if (!strcmp(var.value, "3point N64"))
else if (!strcmp(var.value, "SABR"))
filter = 1;
else if (!strcmp(var.value, "bilinear"))
filter = 2;
this->filter_type = filter;
@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ const uint BLEND_MODE_RAW_TEXTURE = 1U;
const uint FILTER_MODE_NEAREST = 0U;
const uint FILTER_MODE_3POINT = 1U;
const uint FILTER_MODE_SABR = 1U;
// Read a pixel in VRAM
vec4 vram_get_pixel(uint x, uint y) {
@ -137,104 +136,162 @@ vec4 sample_texel(vec2 coords) {
return texel;
// 3-point filtering
vec4 get_texel_3point()
// constants and functions for sabr
const vec4 Ai = vec4( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
const vec4 B45 = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
const vec4 C45 = vec4( 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
const vec4 B30 = vec4( 0.5, 2.0, -0.5, -2.0);
const vec4 C30 = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.0);
const vec4 B60 = vec4( 2.0, 0.5, -2.0, -0.5);
const vec4 C60 = vec4( 2.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.5);
const vec4 M45 = vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
const vec4 M30 = vec4(0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.4);
const vec4 M60 = M30.yxwz;
const vec4 Mshift = vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
const float coef = 2.0;
const vec4 threshold = vec4(0.32, 0.32, 0.32, 0.32);
const vec3 lum = vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.07);
vec4 lum_to(vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2, vec3 v3) {
return vec4(dot(lum, v0), dot(lum, v1), dot(lum, v2), dot(lum, v3));
vec4 lum_df(vec4 A, vec4 B) {
return abs(A - B);
bvec4 lum_eq(vec4 A, vec4 B) {
return lessThan(lum_df(A, B) , vec4(threshold));
vec4 lum_wd(vec4 a, vec4 b, vec4 c, vec4 d, vec4 e, vec4 f, vec4 g, vec4 h) {
return lum_df(a, b) + lum_df(a, c) + lum_df(d, e) + lum_df(d, f) + 4.0 * lum_df(g, h);
float c_df(vec3 c1, vec3 c2) {
vec3 df = abs(c1 - c2);
return df.r + df.g + df.b;
vec4 get_texel_sabr()
float x = frag_texture_coord.x;
float y = frag_texture_coord.y;
vec2 tc = vec2(frag_texture_coord.x, frag_texture_coord.y);// * vec2(1.00001);
vec4 xyp_1_2_3 = tc.xxxy + vec4( -1., 0.0, 1., -2.0 * 1.);
vec4 xyp_6_7_8 = tc.xxxy + vec4( -1., 0.0, 1., -1.);
vec4 xyp_11_12_13 = tc.xxxy + vec4( -1., 0.0, 1., 0.0);
vec4 xyp_16_17_18 = tc.xxxy + vec4( -1., 0.0, 1., 1.);
vec4 xyp_21_22_23 = tc.xxxy + vec4( -1., 0.0, 1., 2.0 * 1.);
vec4 xyp_5_10_15 = tc.xyyy + vec4(-2.0 * 1., -1., 0.0, 1.);
vec4 xyp_9_14_9 = tc.xyyy + vec4( 2.0 * 1., -1., 0.0, 1.);
float u_frac = fract(x);
float v_frac = fract(y);
// Store mask values
vec3 P1 = sample_texel(xyp_1_2_3.xw ).rgb;
vec3 P2 = sample_texel(xyp_1_2_3.yw ).rgb;
vec3 P3 = sample_texel(xyp_1_2_3.zw ).rgb;
vec4 texel_00;
vec3 P6 = sample_texel(xyp_6_7_8.xw ).rgb;
vec3 P7 = sample_texel(xyp_6_7_8.yw ).rgb;
vec3 P8 = sample_texel(xyp_6_7_8.zw ).rgb;
if (u_frac + v_frac < 1.0) {
// Use bottom-left
texel_00 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 0, y + 0));
} else {
// Use top-right
texel_00 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 1, y + 1));
vec3 P11 = sample_texel(xyp_11_12_13.xw).rgb;
vec3 P12 = sample_texel(xyp_11_12_13.yw).rgb;
vec3 P13 = sample_texel(xyp_11_12_13.zw).rgb;
float tmp = 1 - v_frac;
v_frac = 1 - u_frac;
u_frac = tmp;
vec3 P16 = sample_texel(xyp_16_17_18.xw).rgb;
vec3 P17 = sample_texel(xyp_16_17_18.yw).rgb;
vec3 P18 = sample_texel(xyp_16_17_18.zw).rgb;
if (is_transparent(texel_00)) {
return texel_00;
vec3 P21 = sample_texel(xyp_21_22_23.xw).rgb;
vec3 P22 = sample_texel(xyp_21_22_23.yw).rgb;
vec3 P23 = sample_texel(xyp_21_22_23.zw).rgb;
vec4 texel_10 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 1, y + 0));
vec4 texel_01 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 0, y + 1));
vec3 P5 = sample_texel(xyp_5_10_15.xy ).rgb;
vec3 P10 = sample_texel(xyp_5_10_15.xz ).rgb;
vec3 P15 = sample_texel(xyp_5_10_15.xw ).rgb;
if (is_transparent(texel_10)) {
texel_10 = texel_00;
vec3 P9 = sample_texel(xyp_9_14_9.xy ).rgb;
vec3 P14 = sample_texel(xyp_9_14_9.xz ).rgb;
vec3 P19 = sample_texel(xyp_9_14_9.xw ).rgb;
if (is_transparent(texel_01)) {
texel_01 = texel_00;
vec4 texel = texel_00
+ u_frac * (texel_10 - texel_00)
+ v_frac * (texel_01 - texel_00);
// Store luminance values of each point
vec4 p7 = lum_to(P7, P11, P17, P13);
vec4 p8 = lum_to(P8, P6, P16, P18);
vec4 p11 = p7.yzwx; // P11, P17, P13, P7
vec4 p12 = lum_to(P12, P12, P12, P12);
vec4 p13 = p7.wxyz; // P13, P7, P11, P17
vec4 p14 = lum_to(P14, P2, P10, P22);
vec4 p16 = p8.zwxy; // P16, P18, P8, P6
vec4 p17 = p7.zwxy; // P11, P17, P13, P7
vec4 p18 = p8.wxyz; // P18, P8, P6, P16
vec4 p19 = lum_to(P19, P3, P5, P21);
vec4 p22 = p14.wxyz; // P22, P14, P2, P10
vec4 p23 = lum_to(P23, P9, P1, P15);
vec2 fp = fract(tc);
vec4 ma45 = smoothstep(C45 - M45, C45 + M45, Ai * fp.y + B45 * fp.x);
vec4 ma30 = smoothstep(C30 - M30, C30 + M30, Ai * fp.y + B30 * fp.x);
vec4 ma60 = smoothstep(C60 - M60, C60 + M60, Ai * fp.y + B60 * fp.x);
vec4 marn = smoothstep(C45 - M45 + Mshift, C45 + M45 + Mshift, Ai * fp.y + B45 * fp.x);
vec4 e45 = lum_wd(p12, p8, p16, p18, p22, p14, p17, p13);
vec4 econt = lum_wd(p17, p11, p23, p13, p7, p19, p12, p18);
vec4 e30 = lum_df(p13, p16);
vec4 e60 = lum_df(p8, p17);
vec4 final45 = vec4(1.0);
vec4 final30 = vec4(0.0);
vec4 final60 = vec4(0.0);
vec4 final36 = vec4(0.0);
vec4 finalrn = vec4(0.0);
vec4 px = step(lum_df(p12, p17), lum_df(p12, p13));
vec4 mac = final36 * max(ma30, ma60) + final30 * ma30 + final60 * ma60 + final45 * ma45 + finalrn * marn;
vec3 res1 = P12;
res1 = mix(res1, mix(P13, P17, px.x), mac.x);
res1 = mix(res1, mix(P7 , P13, px.y), mac.y);
res1 = mix(res1, mix(P11, P7 , px.z), mac.z);
res1 = mix(res1, mix(P17, P11, px.w), mac.w);
vec3 res2 = P12;
res2 = mix(res2, mix(P17, P11, px.w), mac.w);
res2 = mix(res2, mix(P11, P7 , px.z), mac.z);
res2 = mix(res2, mix(P7 , P13, px.y), mac.y);
res2 = mix(res2, mix(P13, P17, px.x), mac.x);
float texel_alpha = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x, frag_texture_coord.y)).w;
vec4 texel = vec4(mix(res1, res2, step(c_df(P12, res1), c_df(P12, res2))), texel_alpha);
return texel;
// Bilinear filtering
vec4 get_texel_bilinear()
float x = frag_texture_coord.x;
float y = frag_texture_coord.y;
float u_frac = fract(x);
float v_frac = fract(y);
vec4 texel_00 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 0, y + 0));
vec4 texel_10 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 1, y + 0));
vec4 texel_01 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 0, y + 1));
vec4 texel_11 = sample_texel(vec2(x + 1, y + 1));
if (is_transparent(texel_00)) {
return texel_00;
if (is_transparent(texel_10)) {
texel_10 = texel_00;
if (is_transparent(texel_01)) {
texel_01 = texel_10;
if (is_transparent(texel_11)) {
texel_11 = texel_01;
vec4 texel = texel_00 * (1. - u_frac) * (1. - v_frac)
+ texel_10 * u_frac * (1. - v_frac)
+ texel_01 * (1. - u_frac) * v_frac
+ texel_11 * u_frac * v_frac;
return texel;
void main() {
vec4 color;
if (frag_texture_blend_mode == BLEND_MODE_NO_TEXTURE) {
if (frag_texture_blend_mode == BLEND_MODE_NO_TEXTURE)
color = vec4(frag_shading_color, 0.);
} else {
vec4 texel;
if (texture_flt == FILTER_MODE_3POINT) {
texel = get_texel_3point();
} else if (texture_flt == FILTER_MODE_BILINEAR) {
texel = get_texel_bilinear();
} else {
texel = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x,
if (texture_flt == FILTER_MODE_SABR)
texel = get_texel_sabr();
texel = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x,
// texel color 0x0000 is always fully transparent (even for opaque
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