mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 06:57:37 +00:00
421 lines
14 KiB
421 lines
14 KiB
import json, re, struct
import os.path
from tblgen import interpret, Dag, TableGenBits
def dag2expr(dag):
def clean(value):
if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2 and value[0] == 'defref':
return value[1]
return value
def sep((name, value)):
if name is None:
return clean(value)
return name
if isinstance(dag, Dag):
return [dag2expr(sep(elem)) for elem in dag.elements]
return dag
if not os.path.exists('insts.td.cache') or os.path.getmtime('insts.td') > os.path.getmtime('insts.td.cache'):
insts = interpret('insts.td').deriving('BaseInst')
ops = []
for name, (bases, data) in insts:
ops.append((name, bases[1], data['Opcode'][1], data['Function'][1] if 'Function' in data else None, data['Disasm'][1], dag2expr(data['Eval'][1])))
with file('insts.td.cache', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(ops, fp)
ops = json.load(file('insts.td.cache'))
toplevel = {}
for name, type, op, funct, dasm, dag in ops:
if funct is None:
assert op not in toplevel
toplevel[op] = name, type, dasm, dag
if op not in toplevel:
toplevel[op] = [type, {}]
toplevel[op][1][funct] = name, type, dasm, dag
def generate(gfunc):
switch = []
for op, body in toplevel.items():
if isinstance(body, list):
type, body = body
subswitch = []
for funct, sub in body.items():
subswitch.append(('case', funct, gfunc(sub)))
if type == 'CFType':
when = ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 21), 0x1F)
elif type == 'RIType':
when = ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 16), 0x1F)
when = ('&', 'inst', 0x3F)
switch.append(('case', op, ('switch', when, subswitch)))
switch.append(('case', op, gfunc(body)))
return ('switch', ('>>', 'inst', 26), switch)
def indent(str, single=True):
if single and '\n' not in str:
return ' %s ' % str
return '\n%s\n' % '\n'.join('\t' + x for x in str.split('\n'))
def output(expr, top=True):
if isinstance(expr, list):
return '\n'.join(output(x, top=top) for x in expr)
elif isinstance(expr, int) or isinstance(expr, long):
return '0x%x' % expr
elif isinstance(expr, str) or isinstance(expr, unicode):
expr = expr.replace('$', '')
return expr
op = expr[0]
if op == 'switch':
return 'switch(%s) {%s}' % (output(expr[1]), indent(output(expr[2])))
elif op == 'case':
return 'case %s: {%s\tbreak;\n}' % (output(expr[1]), indent(output(expr[2]), single=False))
elif op in ('+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '>>', '&', '|', '^', '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>='):
return '(%s) %s (%s)' % (output(expr[1], top=False), op, output(expr[2], top=False))
elif op == '!':
return '!(%s)' % output(expr[1], top=False)
elif op == '=':
lval = output(expr[1], top=False)
type = ''
if lval != 'branched':
type = 'uint32_t '
return '%s%s %s %s;' % (type, lval, op, output(expr[2], top=False))
elif op == 'if':
return 'if(%s) {%s} else {%s}' % (output(expr[1], top=False), indent(output(expr[2]), single=False), indent(output(expr[3]), single=False))
elif op == 'when':
return 'if(%s) {%s}' % (output(expr[1], top=False), indent(output(expr[2])))
elif op == 'comment':
return '/*%s*/' % indent(output(expr[1]))
elif op == 'str':
return `str(expr[1])`
elif op == 'index':
return '(%s)[%s]' % (output(expr[1], top=False), output(expr[2], top=False))
elif op == 'emit':
return '\n'.join(flatten(emitter(expr[1])))
elif op in gops:
return output(gops[op](*expr[1:]))
elif op == 'zeroext':
return output(expr[1])
return '%s(%s)%s' % (op, ', '.join(output(x, top=False) for x in expr[1:]), ';' if top else '')
def flatten(x):
if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple):
return reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, map(flatten, x))
return [x]
gops = {
'add' : lambda a, b: ('+', a, b),
'sub' : lambda a, b: ('-', a, b),
'and' : lambda a, b: ('&', a, b),
'or' : lambda a, b: ('|', a, b),
'nor' : lambda a, b: ('~', ('|', a, b)),
'xor' : lambda a, b: ('^', a, b),
'mul' : lambda a, b: ('*', a, b),
'div' : lambda a, b: ('/', a, b),
'mod' : lambda a, b: ('%', a, b),
'shl' : lambda a, b: ('<<', a, b),
'shra' : lambda a, b: ('>>', ('signed', a), ('signed', b)),
'shrl' : lambda a, b: ('>>', a, b),
'eq' : lambda a, b: ('==', a, b),
'ge' : lambda a, b: ('>=', a, b),
'gt' : lambda a, b: ('>', a, b),
'le' : lambda a, b: ('<=', a, b),
'lt' : lambda a, b: ('<', a, b),
'neq' : lambda a, b: ('!=', a, b),
eops = {
'add' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_add', a, b),
'sub' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_sub', a, b),
'and' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_and', a, b),
'or' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_or', a, b),
'nor' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_not', ('jit_insn_or', a, b)),
'xor' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_xor', a, b),
'mul' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_mul', a, b), # XXX: This needs to be a 64-bit mul!
'div' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_div', a, b),
'mod' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_rem', a, b),
'shl' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_shl', a, b),
'shra' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_sshr', a, b),
'shrl' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_ushr', a, b),
'eq' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_eq', a, b),
'ge' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_ge', a, b),
'gt' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_gt', a, b),
'le' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_le', a, b),
'lt' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_lt', a, b),
'neq' : lambda a, b: ('jit_insn_ne', a, b),
def cleansexp(sexp):
if isinstance(sexp, list):
return [cleansexp(x) for x in sexp if x != []]
elif isinstance(sexp, tuple):
return tuple([cleansexp(x) for x in sexp if x != []])
return sexp
def find_deps(dag):
if isinstance(dag, str) or isinstance(dag, unicode):
return set([dag])
elif not isinstance(dag, list):
return set()
return reduce(lambda a, b: a|b, map(find_deps, dag[1:])) if len(dag) != 1 else set()
def decoder(code, vars, type, dag):
def decl(name, val):
if name in deps:
code.append(('=', name, val))
deps = find_deps(dag)
if type == 'IType' or type == 'RIType':
decl('$rs', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 21), 0x1F))
decl('$rt', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 16), 0x1F))
decl('$imm', ('&', 'inst', 0xFFFF))
elif type == 'JType':
decl('$imm', ('&', 'inst', 0x3FFFFFF))
elif type == 'RType':
decl('$rs', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 21), 0x1F))
decl('$rt', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 16), 0x1F))
decl('$rd', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 11), 0x1F))
decl('$shamt', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 6), 0x1F))
elif type == 'SType':
decl('$code', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 6), 0x0FFFFF))
elif type == 'CFType':
decl('$cop', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 26), 3))
decl('$rt', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 16), 0x1F))
decl('$rd', ('&', ('>>', 'inst', 11), 0x1F))
decl('$cofun', ('&', 'inst', 0x01FFFFFF))
print 'Unknown instruction type:', type
assert False
debug = False
def dlog(dag, code, pos):
if dag[0] == 'gpr':
name = ('regname', dag[1])
elif dag[0] == 'copreg':
name = '+', ('+', ('+', ('str', 'cop'), dag[1]), ('str', ' reg ')), dag[2]
elif dag[0] == 'copcreg':
name = '+', ('+', ('+', ('str', 'cop'), dag[1]), ('str', ' control reg ')), dag[2]
elif dag[0] in ('hi', 'lo', 'pc'):
name = dag[0]
elif dag[0] == 'store':
name = '>>', dag[1], 0
print 'Unknown dag to dlog:', dag
return ('phex32', name, ('str', pos + ':'), code, ('str', 'uint:'), ('>>', code, 0))
temp_i = 0
def tempname():
global temp_i
temp_i += 1
return 'temp_%i' % temp_i
def to_val(val):
if val.startswith('jit_') or val.startswith('call_'):
return val
return 'jit_value_create_nint_constant(func, jit_type_uint, %s)' % val
def emitter(sexp, storing=False):
if isinstance(sexp, list):
if len(sexp) == 1:
sexp = sexp[0]
return '/* Unhandled list */'
if isinstance(sexp, str) or isinstance(sexp, unicode):
return sexp.replace('$', '')
elif isinstance(sexp, int):
if sexp >= 0:
return '0x%x' % sexp
return '-0x%x' % -sexp
op = sexp[0]
if op == '=':
lvalue = sexp[1]
if isinstance(lvalue, list) and len(lvalue) == 1:
lvalue = lvalue[0]
if lvalue[0] == 'reg':
return 'jit_insn_store_relative(func, jit_insn_add(func, state, jit_insn_mul(func, %s, %s)), 0, %s);' % (to_val(emitter(lvalue[1])), to_val('4'), to_val(emitter(sexp[2])))
elif lvalue[0] == 'pc':
return 'jit_insn_store_relative(func, state, 32*4, %s);' % to_val(emitter(sexp[2]))
elif lvalue[0] == 'hi':
return 'jit_insn_store_relative(func, state, 33*4, %s);' % to_val(emitter(sexp[2]))
elif lvalue[0] == 'lo':
return 'jit_insn_store_relative(func, state, 34*4, %s);' % to_val(emitter(sexp[2]))
elif lvalue[0] == 'copreg':
return 'call_write_copreg(func, %s, %s, %s);' % (emitter(lvalue[1]), emitter(lvalue[2]), to_val(emitter(sexp[2])))
elif lvalue[0] == 'copcreg':
return 'call_write_copcreg(func, %s, %s, %s);' % (emitter(lvalue[1]), emitter(lvalue[2]), to_val(emitter(sexp[2])))
print 'Unknown lvalue', lvalue
raise False
elif op == 'reg':
return 'jit_insn_load_relative(func, jit_insn_add(func, state, jit_insn_mul(func, %s, %s)), 0, jit_type_uint)' % (to_val(emitter(sexp[1])), to_val('4'))
elif op == 'pc':
return 'jit_insn_load_relative(func, state, 32*4, jit_type_uint)'
elif op == 'hi':
return 'jit_insn_load_relative(func, state, 33*4, jit_type_uint)'
elif op == 'lo':
return 'jit_insn_load_relative(func, state, 34*4, jit_type_uint)'
elif op == 'copreg':
return 'call_read_copreg(func, %s, %s)' % (emitter(sexp[1]), emitter(sexp[2]))
elif op == 'copcreg':
return 'call_read_copcreg(func, %s, %s)' % (emitter(sexp[1]), emitter(sexp[2]))
elif op == 'branch':
return 'call_branch(func, %s);' % (to_val(emitter(sexp[1])))
elif op == 'syscall':
return 'call_syscall(func, %s);' % (emitter(sexp[1]))
elif op == 'break_':
return 'call_break(func, %s);' % (emitter(sexp[1]))
elif op == 'copfun':
return 'call_copfun(func, %s, %s);' % (emitter(sexp[1]), emitter(sexp[2]))
elif op == 'emit':
return emitter(sexp[1], storing=storing)
elif op == 'store':
return 'call_store_memory(func, %i, %s, %s);' % (sexp[1], to_val(emitter(sexp[2])), to_val(emitter(sexp[3])))
elif op == 'load':
return 'call_load_memory(func, %i, %s)' % (sexp[1], to_val(emitter(sexp[2])))
elif op == 'if':
temp = tempname()
end = tempname()
return [
'jit_label_t %s = jit_label_undefined, %s = jit_label_undefined;' % (temp, end),
'jit_insn_branch_if(func, %s, &%s);' % (to_val(emitter(sexp[1])), temp),
'jit_insn_branch(func, &%s);' % end,
'jit_insn_label(func, &%s);' % temp,
'jit_insn_label(func, &%s);' % end,
elif op == 'when':
temp = tempname()
return [
'jit_label_t %s = jit_label_undefined;' % temp,
'jit_insn_branch_if_not(func, %s, &%s);' % (to_val(emitter(sexp[1])), temp),
'jit_insn_label(func, &%s);' % temp
elif op == 'overflow':
if sexp[1][0] == 'add':
return 'call_overflow(func, %s, %s, 1);' % (to_val(emitter(sexp[1][1])), to_val(emitter(sexp[1][2])))
return 'call_overflow(func, %s, %s, -1);' % (to_val(emitter(sexp[1][1])), to_val(emitter(sexp[1][2])))
elif op == 'zeroext':
return emitter(sexp[2], storing=storing)
elif op == 'signext':
return 'call_signext(func, %i, %s)' % (sexp[1], emitter(sexp[2], storing=storing))
elif op in eops:
return emitter(eops[op](*sexp[1:]), storing=storing)
elif op.startswith('jit_'):
return '%s(func, %s)' % (op, ', '.join([to_val(emitter(x, storing=storing)) for x in sexp[1:]]))
print 'Unknown', sexp
return ''
def genDecomp((name, type, dasm, dag)):
code = [('comment', name), ('emit', ('=', ('pc', ), '$pc'))]
vars = []
decoder(code, vars, type, dag)
has_branch = [False]
def subgen(dag):
if isinstance(dag, str) or isinstance(dag, unicode):
return dag
elif isinstance(dag, int) or isinstance(dag, long):
return dag
elif not isinstance(dag, list):
print 'Fail', dag
assert False
op = dag[0]
if op in ('let', 'rlet'):
if dag[1] not in vars:
ret = [('=', dag[1], subgen(dag[2]))] + subgen(['block'] + dag[3:])
if op == 'rlet':
return [('emit', ret)]
return ret
elif op == 'set':
left = dag[1]
leftjs = subgen(left)
ret = [('emit', ('=', leftjs, subgen(dag[2])))]
if left[0] == 'gpr':
ret = [('when', ('neq', left[1], 0), ret)]
return ret
# XXX: Conditionals should detect if they can happen at decompile-time
elif op == 'if':
return [('emit', ('if', subgen(dag[1]), subgen(dag[2]), subgen(dag[3])))]
elif op == 'when':
return [('emit', ('when', subgen(dag[1]), subgen(dag[2])))]
elif op in gops:
return tuple(map(subgen, dag))
elif op in ('signext', 'zeroext'):
return (op, dag[1], subgen(dag[2]))
elif op == 'pc':
return ['$pc']
elif op in ('hi', 'lo'):
return [(op, )]
elif op == 'pcd':
return [('add', '$pc', 4)] # Return the delay slot position
elif op == 'gpr':
return ('reg', subgen(dag[1]))
elif op == 'copreg':
return ('copreg', subgen(dag[1]), subgen(dag[2]))
elif op == 'copcreg':
return ('copcreg', subgen(dag[1]), subgen(dag[2]))
elif op == 'block':
return list(map(subgen, dag[1:]))
elif op == 'unsigned':
return subgen(dag[1])
elif op == 'signed':
return subgen(dag[1])
elif op == 'check_overflow':
return [('emit', ('overflow', subgen(dag[1])))]
elif op == 'raise':
return [('emit', ('raise', dag[1]))]
elif op == 'break':
return [('emit', ('break_', dag[1]))]
elif op == 'syscall':
return [('emit', ('syscall', dag[1]))]
elif op == 'branch':
has_branch[0] = True
return [('emit', ('branch', subgen(dag[1]), 'true'))]
elif op == 'load':
return [('load', dag[1], subgen(dag[2]))]
elif op == 'store':
return [('emit', ('store', dag[1], subgen(dag[2]), subgen(dag[3])))]
elif op == 'copfun':
return [('emit', ('copfun', subgen(dag[1]), subgen(dag[2])))]
print 'Unknown op:', op
return []
code += cleansexp(subgen(dag))
if has_branch[0]:
code.append(('=', 'branched', 'true'))
code.append(('return', 'true'))
return code
def build():
print 'Rebuilding from tables'
with file('mednafen/psx/decomp.cpp', 'w') as fp:
print >>fp, '/* Autogenerated from insts.td. DO NOT EDIT */'
print >>fp, file('decompstub.cpp', 'r').read()
print >>fp, 'bool decompile(jit_function_t func, jit_value_t state, uint32_t pc, uint32_t inst, bool &branched) {%s\treturn false;\n}' % indent(output(generate(genDecomp)))
if __name__=='__main__':