Tim Allen d87a0f633d Update to bsnes v107r4 beta release.
byuu says:

  - bsnes: added video filters from bsnes v082
  - bsnes: added ZSNES snow effect option when games paused or unloaded
    (no, I'm not joking)
  - bsnes: added 7-zip support (LZMA 19.00 SDK)

[Recent higan WIPs have also mentioned bsnes changes, although the higan code
no longer includes the bsnes code. These changes include:

  - higan, bsnes: added EXLOROM, EXLOROM-RAM, EXHIROM mappings
  - higan, bsnes: focus the viewport after leaving fullscreen exclusive
  - bsnes: re-added mightymo's cheat code database
  - bsnes: improved make install rules for the game and cheat code
  - bsnes: delayed construction of hiro::Window objects to properly show
    bsnes window icons

- Ed.]
2019-07-07 19:44:09 +10:00

90 lines
2.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include <nall/array-span.hpp>
#include <nall/array-view.hpp>
#include <nall/range.hpp>
#include <nall/view.hpp>
namespace nall {
template<typename T> struct array;
//usage: int x[256] => array<int[256]> x
template<typename T, uint Size> struct array<T[Size]> {
array() = default;
array(const initializer_list<T>& source) {
uint index = 0;
for(auto& value : source) {
operator[](index++) = value;
operator array_span<T>() {
return {data(), size()};
operator array_view<T>() const {
return {data(), size()};
alwaysinline auto operator[](uint index) -> T& {
#ifdef DEBUG
struct out_of_bounds {};
if(index >= Size) throw out_of_bounds{};
return values[index];
alwaysinline auto operator[](uint index) const -> const T& {
#ifdef DEBUG
struct out_of_bounds {};
if(index >= Size) throw out_of_bounds{};
return values[index];
alwaysinline auto operator()(uint index, const T& fallback = {}) const -> const T& {
if(index >= Size) return fallback;
return values[index];
auto fill(const T& fill = {}) -> array& {
for(auto& value : values) value = fill;
return *this;
auto data() -> T* { return values; }
auto data() const -> const T* { return values; }
auto size() const -> uint { return Size; }
auto begin() -> T* { return &values[0]; }
auto end() -> T* { return &values[Size]; }
auto begin() const -> const T* { return &values[0]; }
auto end() const -> const T* { return &values[Size]; }
T values[Size];
template<typename T, T... p> auto from_array(uint index) -> T {
static const array<T[sizeof...(p)]> table{p...};
struct out_of_bounds {};
#if defined(DEBUG)
if(index >= sizeof...(p)) throw out_of_bounds{};
return table[index];
template<int64_t... p> auto from_array(uint index) -> int64_t {
static const array<int64_t[sizeof...(p)]> table{p...};
struct out_of_bounds {};
#if defined(DEBUG)
if(index >= sizeof...(p)) throw out_of_bounds{};
return table[index];