2018-02-22 15:12:11 +01:00

2420 lines
229 KiB

This list contains all games supported by FB Alpha.
2412 games supported in total; X = excluded from build; D = included in debug build only; NW = not working
name status full name parent year company hardware remarks
| ddungeon | D NW | "ddungeon" | | 1992 | Miscellaneous | | Game Room |
| drgw3 | D NW | "drgw3" | | 1998 | PolyGameMaster| | IGS |
| dsoccr94 | NW | "dsoccr94" | | 1994 | M107 | | Irem (Data East Corporation license) |
| dwex | D NW | "dwex" | | 1998 | PolyGameMaster| | IGS |
| funcube2 | D NW | "funcube2" | | 2001 | Newer Seta | | Namco |
| funcube4 | D NW | "funcube4" | | 2001 | Newer Seta | | Namco |
| happy6 | D NW | "happy6" | | 2004 | PolyGameMaster| | IGS |
| jockeyc | D NW | "jockeyc" | | 1990 | Seta | | [Seta] (Visco license) |
| kengo | D NW | "kengo" | | 1991 | M84? | | Irem |
| kiwame | D NW | "kiwame" | | 1994 | Seta | | Athena |
| monsterz | D NW | "monsterz" | | 19?? | Galaxian | | Nihon |
| mwalk | NW | "mwalk" | | 1990 | System 18 | | Sega |
| nbbatman | D NW | "nbbatman" | | 1993 | M92 | | Irem |
| victnine | D NW | "victnine" | | 1984 | Miscellaneous | | Taito |
| 88games | | '88 Games | | 1988 | Konami | GX861 | |
| 99lstwar | | '99: The Last War | repulse | 1985 | Proma | Kyugo | |
| 99lstwara | | '99: The Last War (alternate) | repulse | 1985 | Proma | Kyugo | |
| 99lstwark | | '99: The Last War (Kyugo) | repulse | 1985 | Kyugo | Kyugo | |
| gtmra | | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/06/13) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmr | | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/07/18) | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| 1942b | | 1942 (First Version) | 1942 | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942a | | 1942 (Revision A) | 1942 | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942abl | | 1942 (Revision A, bootleg) | 1942 | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942 | | 1942 (Revision B) | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1942w | | 1942 (Williams Electronics license) | 1942 | 1985 | Capcom (Willia| Miscellaneous | |
| 1943kai | | 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943ja | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943j | | 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943b | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (bootleg set 1, hack of Jap| 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943b2 | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (bootleg set 2, hack of Jap| 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943 | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| 1943u | | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) | 1943 | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| bgareggabl | | 1945 Part 2 (Battle Garaga hack) | bgaregga | 1996 | hack | Toaplan GP9001| |
| 1945kiii | | 1945k III | | 2000 | Oriental | Miscellaneous | |
| 4enraya | | 4 En Raya | | 1990 | IDSA | Miscellaneous | |
| 4in1 | | 4 Fun in 1 | | 1981 | Armenia / Food| Galaxian | |
| 4dwarrio | | 4-D Warriors (315-5162) | | 1985 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| 600 | | 600 | turtles | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| 7ordi | | 7 Ordi (Korea) | | 2002 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| 800fath | | 800 Fathoms | mariner | 1981 | Amenip (US Bil| Galaxian | |
| abcopj | | A.B. Cop (Japan, FD1094 317-0169b) | abcop | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| abcop | | A.B. Cop (World, FD1094 317-0169b) | | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| ad2083 | | A.D. 2083 | | 1983 | Midcoin | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| abscam | | Abscam | puckman | 1981 | GL (US Billiar| Pac-man | |
| aceattac | NW | Ace Attacker (FD1094 317-0059) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aceattaca | | Ace Attacker (Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0060) | aceattac | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| acrobatm | | Acrobat Mission | | 1991 | UPL (Taito lic| NMK16 | |
| actfancrj | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan revision 1)| actfancr | 1989 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| actfancr1 | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 1)| actfancr | 1989 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| actfancr | | Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)| | 1989 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| afighter | | Action Fighter, FD1089A 317-0018 | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| hatena | | Adventure Quiz 2 Hatena Hatena no Dai-Bouken (Japan 90| | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| aerofgt | | Aero Fighters | | 1992 | Video System C| Video System | |
| aerofgtb | | Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1) | aerofgt | 1992 | Video System C| Video System | |
| aerofgtc | | Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2) | aerofgt | 1992 | Video System C| Video System | |
| aburner | | After Burner (Japan) | aburner2 | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| aburner2 | | After Burner II | | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| superbon | | Agent Super Bond (scobra hardware) | | 1985 | Signaton USA | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| agress | | Agress | | 1991 | Palco | Miscellaneous | |
| agressb | | Agress (English bootleg) | agress | 2003 | Palco | Miscellaneous | |
| koshien | | Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| airattck | | Air Attack (set 1) | | 1996 | Comad | NMK16 | |
| airattcka | | Air Attack (set 2) | airattck | 1996 | Comad | NMK16 | |
| airbustrb | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (bootleg) | airbustr | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| airbustrj | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan) | airbustr | 1990 | Kaneko (Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| airbustr | | Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World) | | 1990 | Kaneko (Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| airduel | | Air Duel (Japan) | | 1990 | Irem | M72 | |
| agallet | | Air Gallet (Europe) | | 1996 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| agalleth | | Air Gallet (Hong Kong) | agallet | 1996 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| agalletj | | Air Gallet (Japan) | agallet | 1996 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| agalletk | | Air Gallet (Korea) | agallet | 1996 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| agallett | | Air Gallet (Taiwan) | agallet | 1996 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| agalletu | | Air Gallet (USA) | agallet | 1996 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| airwolf | | Airwolf | | 1987 | Kyugo | Kyugo | |
| airwolfa | | Airwolf (US) | airwolf | 1987 | Kyugo (UA Thea| Kyugo | |
| ajax | | Ajax | | 1987 | Konami | GX770 | |
| ajaxj | | Ajax (Japan) | ajax | 1987 | Konami | GX770 | |
| akumajoun | | Akuma-Jou Dracula (Japan ver. N) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| akumajou | | Akuma-Jou Dracula (Japan ver. P) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| alcon | | Alcon (US) | | 1986 | Taito America | Early Toaplan | |
| alexkidd1 | | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 1, FD1089A 317-unknown)| alexkidd | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| alexkidd | | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| alibaba | | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves | | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| alienchac | | Alien Challenge (China) | aliencha | 1994 | IGS | Miscellaneous | Imperfect sound |
| aliencha | | Alien Challenge (World) | | 1994 | IGS | Miscellaneous | Imperfect sound |
| aliensec | | Alien Sector | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| astormj | | Alien Storm (set 1, Japan Rev B, 2 Players, FD1094 317| astorm | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| astormu | | Alien Storm (set 2, US, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0147) | astorm | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| astorm3 | | Alien Storm (set 3, World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0148)| astorm | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| astorm | | Alien Storm (set 4, World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0154)| | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| aliensynjo | | Alien Syndrome (set 1, Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089A| aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| aliensyn2 | | Alien Syndrome (set 2, System 16A, FD1089A 317-0033) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| aliensyn3 | | Alien Syndrome (set 3, System 16B, FD1089A 317-0033) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensyn | | Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensyn5 | | Alien Syndrome (set 5, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0037) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| aliensynj | | Alien Syndrome (set 6, Japan, new, System 16B, FD1089A| aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensyn7 | | Alien Syndrome (set 7, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-00xx) | aliensyn | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| aliensa | | Aliens (Asia) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliensj | | Aliens (Japan set 1) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliensj2 | | Aliens (Japan set 2) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliensu | | Aliens (US) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens | | Aliens (World set 1) | | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens2 | | Aliens (World set 2) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| aliens3 | | Aliens (World set 3) | aliens | 1990 | Konami | GX875 | |
| altbeastbl | | Altered Beast (Datsu bootleg) | altbeast | 1988 | bootleg (Datsu| System 16B | no Sound |
| altbeast2 | | Altered Beast (set 2, MC-8123B 317-0066) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast4 | | Altered Beast (set 4, MC-8123B 317-0066) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast5 | | Altered Beast (set 5, FD1094 317-0069) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast6 | | Altered Beast (set 6, 8751 317-0076) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeast | | Altered Beast (set 8, 8751 317-0078) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| ambush | | Ambush | | 1983 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| ambushh | | Ambush (hack?) | ambush | 1983 | Tecfri | Miscellaneous | |
| ambushj | | Ambush (Japan) | ambush | 1983 | Nippon Amuse C| Miscellaneous | |
| ambushv | | Ambush (Volt Elec co-ltd) | ambush | 1983 | Volt Elec co-l| Miscellaneous | |
| anteaterg | | Ameisenbaer (German) | anteater | 1983 | TV-Tuning (F.E| Galaxian | |
| amidar | | Amidar | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| amidarb | | Amidar (bootleg) | amidar | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| amidar1 | | Amidar (older) | amidar | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| amidaro | | Amidar (Olympia) | amidar | 1982 | Konami (Olympi| Galaxian | |
| amidars | | Amidar (Scramble hardware) | amidar | 1982 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| amidaru | | Amidar (Stern) | amidar | 1982 | Konami (Stern | Galaxian | |
| amigo | | Amigo | amidar | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| angelkds | | Angel Kids (Japan) | | 1988 | Sega / Nasco? | Miscellaneous | |
| anteater | | Anteater | | 1982 | Stern (Tago li| Galaxian | |
| aponow | | Apocaljpse Now | rescue | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| aquajackj | | Aquajack (Japan) | aquajack | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| aquajacku | | Aquajack (US) | aquajack | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| aquajack | | Aquajack (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| aquarium | | Aquarium (Japan) | | 1996 | Excellent Syst| Miscellaneous | |
| arabian | | Arabian | | 1983 | Sun Electronic| Miscellaneous | |
| arabiana | | Arabian (Atari) | arabian | 1983 | [Sun Electroni| Miscellaneous | |
| aracnis | | Aracnis (bootleg of Scorpion on Moon Cresta hardware) | scorpion | 19?? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| arbalest | | Arbalester | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | Imperfect inputs |
| arcadia | | Arcadia | raphero | 1994 | NMK | NMK16 | Incomplete sound |
| lwingsj | | Ares no Tsubasa (Japan) | lwings | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| rygarj | | Argus no Senshi (Japan) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| arkgcbl | | Arkanoid (bootleg on Block hardware) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjb | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjb2 | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg (Beta)| Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidjba | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, alt) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| ark1ball | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, harder) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| ark1balla | | Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, harder, alt) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkangc | | Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg, set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkangc2 | | Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg, set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidj | | Arkanoid (Japan) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Arkanoid | |
| arkatayt | | Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arktayt2 | | Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg, harder) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoidu | | Arkanoid (US) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito America | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoiduo | | Arkanoid (US, older) | arkanoid | 1986 | Taito America | Arkanoid | |
| arkanoid | | Arkanoid (World) | | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Arkanoid | |
| arknoid2b | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan bootleg) | arknoid2 | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| arknoid2j | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan) | arknoid2 | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| arknoid2u | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (US) | arknoid2 | 1987 | Taito America | Miscellaneous | |
| arknoid2 | | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| armedf | | Armed Formation | | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| armedff | | Armed Formation (Fillmore license) | armedf | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| batriderc | | Armed Police Batrider (China) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| batrider | | Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| batriderk | | Armed Police Batrider (Korea) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| batrideru | | Armed Police Batrider (U.S.A.) (Fri Feb 13 1998) | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| batriderja | | Armed Police Batrider - A Version (Japan) (Mon Dec 22 | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| batridert | | Armed Police Batrider - A Version (Taiwan) (Mon Dec 22| batrider | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| batriderj | | Armed Police Batrider - B Version (Japan) (Fri Feb 13 | batrider | 1998 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| armorcar | | Armored Car (set 1) | | 1981 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| armorcar2 | | Armored Car (set 2) | armorcar | 1981 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| ashnojoe | | Ashita no Joe (Japan) | scessjoe | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Incomplete sound |
| ashuraj | | Ashura Blaster (Japan) | ashura | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| ashurau | | Ashura Blaster (US) | ashura | 1990 | Taito America | Taito B System| |
| ashura | | Ashura Blaster (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| astrians | | Astrians (clone of Swarm) | galaxian | 1979 | BGV Ltd | Galaxian | |
| asukaj | | Asuka & Asuka (Japan) | asuka | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| asuka | | Asuka & Asuka (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| asurabld | | Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan) | | 1998 | Fuuki | FG-3 | Imperfect GFX |
| asurabus | | Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan) | | 2000 | Fuuki | FG-3 | Imperfect SND, freezes on first boss |
| asideral | | Ataque Sideral (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Elect| Galaxian | |
| atehate | | Athena no Hatena ? | | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| acitya | | Atlantic City Action | bwcasino | 1983 | EPOS Corporati| Pac-man | |
| atomboya | | Atomic Boy (revision A) | wilytowr | 1985 | Irem (Memetron| M63 | |
| atomboy | | Atomic Boy (revision B) | wilytowr | 1985 | Irem (Memetron| M63 | |
| atomicp | | Atomic Point (Korea) | | 1990 | Philco | System 16B | |
| atompunk | | Atomic Punk (US) | dynablst | 1991 | Irem America (| M90 | |
| aurailj | | Aurail (set 1, Japan, FD1089A 317-0167) | aurail | 1990 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| aurail1 | | Aurail (set 2, World, FD1089B 317-0168) | aurail | 1990 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| aurail | | Aurail (set 3, US, unprotected) | | 1990 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| avengers | | Avengers (US set 1) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| avengers2 | | Avengers (US set 2) | avengers | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| aztarac | | Aztarac | | 1983 | Centuri | Miscellaneous | Vector graphics |
| azurian | | Azurian Attack | | 1982 | Rait Electroni| Galaxian | |
| bonkadv | | B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| bcstry | | B.C. Story (set 1) | | 1997 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| bcstrya | | B.C. Story (set 2) | bcstry | 1997 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| backfirt | | Back Fire (Tecmo) (Japan, Bootleg, Prototype?) | | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| bssoccer | | Back Street Soccer | | 1996 | SunA | Miscellaneous | graphics issues? |
| backfire | | Backfire! (set 1) | | 1995 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| backfirea | D NW | Backfire! (set 2) | backfire | 1995 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | Set inputs to \"Joystick\" in test mod|
| baddudes | | Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US) | | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| bagmanmc | D NW | Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware set 1) | bagman | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| bagmanm2 | | Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware set 2) | bagman | 1982 | Valadon Automa| Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| bakubrkr | | Bakuretsu Breaker | explbrkr | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| ballboy | | Ball Boy | snowbro3 | 2003 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora| |
| ballbros | | Balloon Brothers | | 1992 | East Technolog| Taito-X | |
| bankp | | Bank Panic | | 1984 | [Sanritsu] Seg| Miscellaneous | |
| baraduke | | Baraduke | aliensec | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| batman2 | | Batman Part 2 | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| batsugun | | Batsugun (set 1) | | 1993 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan G| |
| batsuguna | | Batsugun (set 2) | batsugun | 1993 | Dual Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| batsugunsp | | Batsugun (Special Ver.) | batsugun | 1993 | Dual Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| bbakraidja | | Battle Bakraid (Japan) (Wed Apr 7 1999) | bbakraid | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001| |
| bbakraidj | | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (Japan) (Tue Jun 8 | bbakraid | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001| |
| bbakraid | | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (U.S.A.) (Tue Jun 8| | 1999 | Eighting | Toaplan GP9001| |
| bchopper | | Battle Chopper | | 1987 | Irem | M72 | |
| bgareggahk | | Battle Garegga (Hong Kong / Austria?) (Sat Feb 3 1996)| bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| bgareggatw | | Battle Garegga (Taiwan / Germany) (Thu Feb 1 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| bgaregga | | Battle Garegga (World) (Sat Feb 3 1996) | | 1996 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| bgaregganv | | Battle Garegga - New Version (Hong Kong / Austria?) (S| bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| bgareggacn | | Battle Garegga - Type 2 (China / Denmark?) (Tue Apr 2 | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| bgareggat2 | | Battle Garegga - Type 2 (World) (Sat Mar 2 1996) | bgaregga | 1996 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| btlkroad | | Battle K-Road | | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| atlantisb | | Battle of Atlantis (bootleg) | atlantis | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| atlantis | | Battle of Atlantis (set 1) | | 1981 | Comsoft | Galaxian | |
| atlantis2 | | Battle of Atlantis (set 2) | atlantis | 1981 | Comsoft | Galaxian | |
| bsharkj | | Battle Shark (Japan) | bshark | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| bsharkjjs | | Battle Shark (Japan, Joystick) | bshark | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| bsharku | | Battle Shark (US) | bshark | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| bshark | | Battle Shark (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| bayroute1 | | Bay Route (set 1, US, unprotected) | bayroute | 1989 | Sunsoft / Sega| System 16B | No Sound, Missing Z80 Program ROM |
| bayroutej | | Bay Route (set 2, Japan, FD1094 317-0115) | bayroute | 1989 | Sunsoft / Sega| System 16B | |
| bayroute | | Bay Route (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0116) | | 1989 | Sunsoft / Sega| System 16B | |
| beastf | | Beastie Feastie | suprglob | 1984 | Epos Corporati| Pac-man | |
| ddp2100c | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, China) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2100hk | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Hong Kong) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2100j | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Japan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2100k | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Korea) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2100t | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, Taiwan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2100 | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V100, World) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2101c | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, China) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2101hk | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Hong Kong) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2101j | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Japan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2101k | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Korea) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2101t | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, Taiwan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2101 | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V101, World) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2c | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, China) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2hk | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Hong Kong) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2j | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Japan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2k | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Korea) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2t | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, Taiwan) | ddp2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddp2 | | Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, World) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| blswhstl | | Bells & Whistles (ver. L) | | 1991 | Konami | GX060 | |
| bestbest | | Best Of Best | | 1994 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| bestri | | Bestri (Korea) | | 1998 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| bigbang | | Big Bang (9th Nov. 1993) | tdragon2 | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bigbucks | | Big Bucks | | 1986 | Dynasoft Inc. | Pac-man | |
| bigkarnk | | Big Karnak | | 1991 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| bigtwin | | Big Twin | | 1995 | Playmark | Misc | |
| bioship | | Bio-ship Paladin | | 1990 | UPL (American | NMK16 | |
| biomtoya | | Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1884) | biomtoy | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| biomtoy | | Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1885) | | 1995 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| bionicc | | Bionic Commando (Euro) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| bionicc1 | | Bionic Commando (US set 1) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| bionicc2 | | Bionic Commando (US set 2) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| birdiy | | Birdiy | | 1982 | Mama Top | Pac-man | |
| blkdrgonb | | Black Dragon (bootleg) | blktiger | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| blkdrgon | | Black Dragon (Japan) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blkheart | | Black Heart | | 1991 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| blkheartj | | Black Heart (Japan) | blkheart | 1991 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| blkhole | | Black Hole | | 1981 | TDS | Galaxian | |
| blktiger | | Black Tiger | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blktigerb1 | | Black Tiger (bootleg set 1) | blktiger | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| blktigerb2 | | Black Tiger (bootleg set 2) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blktigera | | Black Tiger (older) | blktiger | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| bmaster | | Blade Master (World) | | 1991 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| blandia | | Blandia | | 1992 | Allumer | Seta | |
| blandiap | | Blandia (prototype) | blandia | 1992 | Allumer | Seta | |
| blazeon | | Blaze On (Japan) | | 1991 | Atlus | Kaneko16 | |
| arkblock | | Block (Game Corporation bootleg, set 1) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| arkbloc2 | | Block (Game Corporation bootleg, set 2) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| blockbl | | Block Block (bootleg) | block | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| blockj | | Block Block (Japan 910910) | block | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| block | | Block Block (World 910910) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blockjoy | | Block Block (World 911116 Joystick) | block | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| blockcar | | Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2 | | 1992 | Visco | Seta | |
| blockgal | | Block Gal (MC-8123B, 317-0029) | | 1987 | Sega / Vic Tok| System 1 | |
| blockhl | | Block Hole | | 1989 | Konami | GX973 | |
| blockoutj | | Block Out (Japan) | blockout | 1989 | Technos + Cali| Miscellaneous | |
| blockout | | Block Out (set 1) | | 1989 | Technos + Cali| Miscellaneous | |
| blockout2 | | Block Out (set 2) | blockout | 1989 | Technos + Cali| Miscellaneous | |
| blmbycar | | Blomby Car | | 1994 | ABM & Gecas | Miscellaneous | |
| blmbycaru | | Blomby Car (not encrypted) | blmbycar | 1994 | ABM & Gecas | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbro | | Blood Bros. (set 1) | | 1990 | Tad | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbroa | | Blood Bros. (set 2) | bloodbro | 1990 | Tad | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodbrob | | Blood Bros. (set 3) | bloodbro | 1990 | Tad | Miscellaneous | |
| bloodwar | | Blood Warrior | | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| bloxeed | | Bloxeed (Japan, FD1094 317-0139) | | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| blox16b | | Bloxeed (System 16B, PS2 data file) | bloxeed | 2008 | Sega | System 16B | |
| blueprntj | | Blue Print (Jaleco) | blueprnt | 1982 | [Zilec Electro| Miscellaneous | |
| blueprnt | | Blue Print (Midway) | | 1982 | [Zilec Electro| Miscellaneous | |
| bwcasino | | Boardwalk Casino | | 1983 | EPOS Corporati| Pac-man | |
| boblbobl | | Bobble Bobble (set 1) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| boblbobl2 | D NW | Bobble Bobble (set 2) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| bodyslam | | Body Slam (8751 317-0015) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| bombjack | | Bomb Jack (set 1) | | 1984 | Tehkan | Bomb Jack | |
| bombjack2 | | Bomb Jack (set 2) | bombjack | 1984 | Tehkan | Bomb Jack | |
| bombjackt | | Bomb Jack (Tecfri, Spain) | bombjack | 1984 | Tehkan (Tecfri| Bomb Jack | |
| bombkick | | Bomb Kick (set 1) | | 1998 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bi| |
| bombkicka | | Bomb Kick (set 2) | bombkick | 1998 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bi| |
| bomber | | Bomber (bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| bombrman | | Bomber Man (Japan) | dynablst | 1991 | Irem (licensed| M90 | |
| bbmanwj | | Bomber Man World (Japan) | bbmanw | 1992 | Irem | M90 | |
| bbmanw | | Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest | | 1992 | Irem | M90 | |
| bjtwin | | Bombjack Twin (set 1) | | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bjtwina | | Bombjack Twin (set 2) | bjtwin | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| bongo | | Bongo | | 1983 | Jetsoft | Galaxian | |
| bonzeadvu | | Bonze Adventure (US) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| bonzeadv | | Bonze Adventure (World, Newer) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| bonzeadvo | | Bonze Adventure (World, Older) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| boobhack | | Booby Kids (Italian manufactured graphic hack / bootle| horekid | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| boogwinga | | Boogie Wings (Asia v1.5, 92.12.07) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| boogwing | | Boogie Wings (Euro v1.5, 92.12.07) | | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| bottom9n | | Bottom of the Ninth (ver. N) | bottom9 | 1989 | Konami | GX891 | |
| bottom9 | | Bottom of the Ninth (ver. T) | | 1989 | Konami | GX891 | |
| bouldashj | | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (Japan) | bouldash | 1990 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| bouldash | | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) | | 1990 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| bballs | | Bouncing Balls | | 1991 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| brain | | Brain | | 1986 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| breywood | | Breywood (Japan revision 2) | shackled | 1986 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| brix | | Brix | zzyzzyxx | 1982 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |
| bubl2000 | | Bubble 2000 | | 1998 | Tuning | NMK16 | |
| bublbobl | | Bubble Bobble | | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| bub68705 | | Bubble Bobble (boolteg with 68705) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| bublbobl1 | | Bubble Bobble (older) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| bublboblr | | Bubble Bobble (US with mode select) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| bublboblr1 | | Bubble Bobble (US) | bublbobl | 1986 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| bublcave10 | | Bubble Bobble Lost Cave (v1.0) | bublbobl | 1986 | Bisboch and Al| Taito Misc | |
| bublcave | | Bubble Bobble Lost Cave (v1.1) | bublbobl | 1986 | Bisboch and Al| Taito Misc | |
| bucaner | | Buccaneer | puckman | 19?? | hack | Pac-man | |
| buccanrs | | Buccaneers (set 1) | | 1989 | Duintronic | Miscellaneous | |
| buccanrsa | | Buccaneers (set 2) | buccanrs | 1989 | Duintronic | Miscellaneous | |
| bullet | | Bullet (FD1094 317-0041) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| bullfgt | | Bullfight (315-5065) | | 1984 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| burglarx | | Burglar X | | 1997 | Unico | Unico | |
| bbros | | Buster Bros. (US) | pang | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| buzzard | | Buzzard | gyrodine | 1984 | Crux | Kyugo | |
| bygone | | Bygone | | 1985 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Imperfect sound |
| cactus | | Cactus (bootleg of Saboten Bombers) | sabotenb | 1992 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| cadashf | | Cadash (France) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| cadashg | | Cadash (Germany) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| cadashi | | Cadash (Italy) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| cadashj | | Cadash (Japan) | cadash | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| cadashu | | Cadash (US) | cadash | 1989 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| cadash | | Cadash (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| calibr50 | | Caliber 50 | | 1989 | Athena / Seta | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| calipso | | Calipso | | 1982 | Stern (Tago li| Galaxian | |
| cameltryj | | Cameltry (Japan, YM2610) | cameltry | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| cameltrya | | Cameltry (US, YM2203 + M6295) | cameltry | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| cameltry | | Cameltry (US, YM2610) | | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| cameltryau | | Cameltry (World, YM2203 + M6295) | cameltry | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| cannonbp | | Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware) | | 198? | Novomatic | Pac-man | wrong colors |
| candance | | Cannon Dancer (Japan) | osman | 1996 | Mitchell (Atlu| Simple 156 | |
| cworld | | Capcom World (Japan) | | 1990 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| csilverj | | Captain Silver (Japan) | csilver | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| csilver | | Captain Silver (World) | | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| catacomb | | Catacomb | | 1982 | MTM Games | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| catapult | D NW | Catapult | | 1982 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | Bad dump |
| ctrpllrp | | Caterpillar Pacman Hack | puckman | 1982 | hack | Pac-man | |
| catt | | Catt (Japan) | mcatadv | 1993 | Wintechno | LINDA | |
| cavelon | | Cavelon | | 1983 | Jetsoft | Galaxian | |
| cninjabl | | Caveman Ninja (bootleg) | cninja | 1991 | bootleg | DECO IC16 | |
| cninjau | | Caveman Ninja (US ver 4) | cninja | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| cninja1 | | Caveman Ninja (World ver 1) | cninja | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| cninja | | Caveman Ninja (World ver 4) | | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| chaknpop | | Chack'n Pop | | 1983 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| chainrec | | Chain Reaction (World, Version 2.2, 1995.09.25) | | 1995 | Data East | Simple 156 | |
| pgmdemo | | Chaos (PGM Demo) | | 2005 | Raster | PolyGameMaster| Demo Game |
| charlien | | Charlie Ninja | | 1995 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| chasehqj | | Chase H.Q. (Japan) | chasehq | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| chasehqu | | Chase H.Q. (US) | chasehq | 1988 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| chasehq | | Chase H.Q. (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| checkman | | Check Man | | 1982 | Zilex-Zenitone| Galaxian | |
| checkmanj | | Check Man (Japan) | checkman | 1982 | Jaleco | Galaxian | |
| chelnovj | | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (Japan) | chelnov | 1988 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| chelnovu | | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) | chelnov | 1988 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| chelnov | | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) | | 1988 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| chewing | | Chewing Gum | luctoday | 1980 | unknown | Galaxian | |
| 7toitsu | | Chi-Toitsu | mgakuen | 1988 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| chinatwn | | China Town (Japan) | | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| chokchok | | Choky! Choky! | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| legiono | | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (ver 1.05) | legion | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | Imperfect Graphics |
| legion | | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (ver 2.03) | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | Imperfect Graphics |
| chukataij | | Chuka Taisen (Japan) | chukatai | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| chukataiu | | Chuka Taisen (US) | chukatai | 1988 | Taito America | Miscellaneous | |
| chukatai | | Chuka Taisen (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| drgw2j | | Chuugokuryuu II (V100J, Japan) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| cltchitrj | | Clutch Hitter (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0175) | cltchitr | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| cltchitr | | Clutch Hitter (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0176) | | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| cobracomb | | Cobra-Command (Italian bootleg) | cobracom | 1988 | bootleg | DEC8 | |
| cobracomj | | Cobra-Command (Japan) | cobracom | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| cobracomja | | Cobra-Command (Japan?, set 2) | cobracom | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| cobracom | | Cobra-Command (World revision 5) | | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| combh | | Combat Hawk | | 1987 | Sega / Sanrits| Miscellaneous | |
| commandob2 | | Commando (bootleg 2) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| commandob | | Commando (bootleg) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| commandou | | Commando (US) | commando | 1985 | Capcom (Data E| Miscellaneous | |
| commando | | Commando (World) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| conquer | D NW | Conquer | | 1982 | unknown | Galaxian | Bad dump |
| contcircj | | Continental Circus (Japan) | contcirc | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| contcircu | | Continental Circus (US set 1) | contcirc | 1987 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| contcircua | | Continental Circus (US set 2) | contcirc | 1987 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| contcirc | | Continental Circus (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| contrab | | Contra (bootleg) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contrabj1 | | Contra (Japan bootleg, set 2) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contraj | | Contra (Japan) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contra | | Contra (US, Set 1) | | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| contra1 | | Contra (US, Set 2) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| cookbib | | Cookie & Bibi | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| cookbib2 | | Cookie & Bibi 2 | | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| cookbib3 | | Cookie & Bibi 3 | | 1997 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| cavenger | | Cosmic Avenger | | 1981 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| cosmccop | | Cosmic Cop (World) | | 1991 | Irem | M84 | |
| cottonja | | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A, FD1094 317-0179a)) | cotton | 1991 | Success / Sega| System 16B | |
| cottonj | | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B, FD1094 317-0179b)) | cotton | 1991 | Success / Sega| System 16B | |
| cottonu | | Cotton (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0180) | cotton | 1991 | Success / Sega| System 16B | |
| cotton | | Cotton (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0181a) | | 1991 | Success / Sega| System 16B | |
| qcrayon2 | | Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| cclimbr2 | | Crazy Climber 2 (Japan) | | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| cclimbr2a | | Crazy Climber 2 (Japan, Harder) | cclimbr2 | 1988 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| crazycop | | Crazy Cop (Japan) | gbusters | 1988 | Konami | GX878 | |
| crazyfgt | | Crazy Fight | | 1996 | Subsino | Seta | |
| ckongg | | Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | ckong | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ckongmc | | Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) | ckong | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ckongs | | Crazy Kong (Scramble hardware) | ckong | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrsl | | Cresta Mundo (Laguna S.A. Spanish Moon Cresta bootleg)| mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Lagun| Galaxian | |
| crimecj | | Crime City (Japan) | crimec | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| crimecu | | Crime City (US) | crimec | 1989 | Taito America | Taito B System| |
| crimec | | Crime City (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| crimfghtj | | Crime Fighters (Japan 2 Players) | crimfght | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| crimfght | | Crime Fighters (US 4 players) | | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| crimfght2 | | Crime Fighters (World 2 Players) | crimfght | 1989 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| vendettaj | | Crime Fighters 2 (Japan 2 Players ver. P) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| crockman | | Crock-Man (bootleg, Rene-Pierre) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Rene-| Pac-man | |
| croquis | | Croquis (Germany) | logicpro | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Har| |
| crossbld | | Cross Blades! (Japan) | bmaster | 1991 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| crospang | | Cross Pang | | 1998 | F2 System | Miscellaneous | |
| cbusterj | | Crude Buster (Japan) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| cbusterw | | Crude Buster (World FU version) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| cbuster | | Crude Buster (World FX version) | | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| crushbl | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 1) | crush | 1981 | Kural Samno El| Pac-man | |
| crushbl2 | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 2) | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| crushbl3 | | Crush Roller (bootleg set 3) | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| crush3 | | Crush Roller (Kural - bootleg?) | crush | 1981 | Kural Electric| Pac-man | |
| crush2 | | Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?) | crush | 1981 | Kural Esco Ele| Pac-man | |
| crush | | Crush Roller (Kural Samno) | | 1981 | Kural Samno El| Pac-man | |
| crush4 | | Crush Roller (Kural TWT) | crush | 1981 | Kural TWT | Pac-man | |
| crushs | | Crush Roller (Sidam bootleg) | crush | 19?? | [Kural] (Sidam| Pac-man | |
| crusherm | | Crusher Makochan (Japan) | | 1999 | Takumi | Miscellaneous | |
| cuebrickj | | Cue Brick (Japan) | cuebrick | 1989 | Konami | GX903 | |
| cuebrick | | Cue Brick (World ver. D) | | 1989 | Konami | GX903 | |
| cybertnk | | Cyber Tank (v1.4) | | 1988 | Coreland | Miscellaneous | |
| cyvern | | Cyvern (Japan) | | 1998 | Kaneko | Super Kaneko N| |
| dcon | | D-Con | | 1992 | Success | Miscellaneous | |
| ddcrew1 | | D. D. Crew (set 1, World, 4 Players, FD1094 317-?) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrew2 | | D. D. Crew (set 2, World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0184) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrewu | | D. D. Crew (set 3, US, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0186) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrew | | D. D. Crew (set 4, World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0190) | | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrewj | | D. D. Crew (set 5, Japan, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0185) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| ddcrewj2 | | D. D. Crew (set 6, Japan, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0182) | ddcrew | 1991 | Sega | System 18 | |
| dkgensanm72 | | Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M72) | hharry | 1990 | Irem | M72 | |
| dkgensan | | Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82) | hharry | 1990 | Irem | M82 | |
| daioh | | Daioh (set 1) | | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daioha | | Daioh (set 2) | daioh | 1993 | Athena | Seta | |
| daisenpu | | Daisenpu (Japan) | twinhawk | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-X | |
| dambustruk | | Dambusters (UK) | dambustr | 1981 | South West Res| Galaxian | |
| dambustr | | Dambusters (US, set 1) | | 1981 | South West Res| Galaxian | |
| dambustra | | Dambusters (US, set 2) | dambustr | 1981 | South West Res| Galaxian | |
| dfeveron | | Dangun Feveron (Japan, ver. 98/09/17) | feversos | 1998 | Cave / Nihon S| Cave | |
| daraku | | Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| dariuse | | Darius (Extra) (Japan) | darius | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| dariuso | | Darius (Japan old version) | darius | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| dariusj | | Darius (Japan) | darius | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| darius | | Darius (World) | | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| darius2do | | Darius II (dual screen) (Japan old version) | darius2 | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| darius2d | | Darius II (dual screen) (Japan) | darius2 | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| darius2 | | Darius II (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| darkadv | | Dark Adventure | devilw | 1987 | Konami | GX687 | |
| darkplnt | | Dark Planet | | 1982 | Stern | Galaxian | Dial doesn't work very well |
| darksealj | | Dark Seal (Japan) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| darkseal1 | | Dark Seal (World revision 1) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| darkseal | | Dark Seal (World revision 3) | | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| darkseal2 | | Dark Seal 2 (Japan v2.1) | wizdfire | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| darktowr | | Dark Tower | | 1992 | Game Room | Miscellaneous | |
| dquizgo | | Date Quiz Go Go (Korea) | | 1998 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| powj | | Datsugoku - Prisoners of War (Japan) | pow | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| deadconxj | | Dead Connection (Japan) | deadconx | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| deadconx | | Dead Connection (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| deathbrd | | Death Brade (Japan ver JM-3) | mutantf | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| deerhunte | | Deer Hunting USA V1 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntd | | Deer Hunting USA V2 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntc | | Deer Hunting USA V3.0 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| deerhuntb | | Deer Hunting USA V4.0 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| deerhunta | | Deer Hunting USA V4.2 | deerhunt | 2000 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| deerhunt | | Deer Hunting USA V4.3 | | 2000 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| redufo | | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO | | 1981 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| redufob | | Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg) | redufo | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| defense | | Defense (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028) | sdi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| dmnfrnta | | Demon Front (V102, China) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| dmnfrntb | | Demon Front (V103) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| dmnfrnt | | Demon Front (V105) | | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| dmnfrntpcb | D NW | Demon Front (V107, Korea, Single PCB Version) | dmnfrnt | 2002 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Insert coin to get past ERROR |
| demonwld | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1) | | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| demonwld2 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 3) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| demonwld3 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 4) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| demonwld1 | | Demon's World / Horror Story (Taito license, set 2) | demonwld | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| deroon | | Deroon DeroDero | | 1995 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| dassault4 | | Desert Assault (US 4 Players) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| dassault | | Desert Assault (US) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| desertbrj | | Desert Breaker (Japan, FD1094 317-0194) | desertbr | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| desertbr | | Desert Breaker (World, FD1094 317-0196) | | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| detatwin | | Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan ver. J) | blswhstl | 1991 | Konami | GX060 | |
| devstors3 | | Devastators (ver. V) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | |
| devstors2 | | Devastators (ver. X) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | |
| devstors | | Devastators (ver. Z) | | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | |
| devilfsh | | Devil Fish | | 1982 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| devilfsg | | Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware, bootleg?) | devilfsh | 1984 | Vision / Artic| Galaxian | |
| devilw | | Devil World | | 1987 | Konami | GX687 | |
| diamond | | Diamond Run | | 1985 | KH Video | Miscellaneous | |
| dietgoe | | Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.08.04) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| dietgo | | Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26) | | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| dietgoj | | Diet Go Go (Japan v1.1 1992.09.26) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| dietgou | | Diet Go Go (USA v1.1 1992.09.26) | dietgo | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| dingo | | Dingo | | 1983 | Ashby Computer| Galaxian | |
| dingoe | D NW | Dingo (encrypted) | dingo | 1983 | Ashby Computer| Galaxian | Encrypted |
| dinorexj | | Dino Rex (Japan) | dinorex | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| dinorexu | | Dino Rex (US) | dinorex | 1992 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| dinorex | | Dino Rex (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| diverboy | | Diver Boy | | 1992 | Electronic Dev| Miscellaneous | |
| ddonpachjh | | DoDonPachi (Arrange Mode version 1.1, hack by Trap15) | ddonpach | 1997 | hack / Trap15 | Cave | |
| ddonpach | | DoDonPachi (International, master ver. 97/02/05) | | 1997 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| ddonpachj | | DoDonPachi (Japan, master ver. 97/02/05) | ddonpach | 1997 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| ddpdojb | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V100 (first version), Japan) | ddpdoj | 2002 | Cave / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddpdoja | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V100 (second version), Japan) | ddpdoj | 2002 | Cave / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddpdoj | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V101, Japan) | | 2002 | Cave / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddpdojblka | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (V100 (2002.10.07 Bl| ddpdoj | 2002 | Cave / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| ddpdojblk | | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (V100, (2002.10.07.B| ddpdoj | 2002 | Cave / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| dogyuun | | Dogyuun | | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan G| |
| dogyuuna | | Dogyuun (Licensed to Unite Trading For Korea) | dogyuun | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan G| |
| dogyuunt | | Dogyuun (test location version) | dogyuun | 1992 | Toaplan | Dual Toaplan G| |
| dokaben | | Dokaben (Japan) | | 1989 | Dokaben | Miscellaneous | |
| dommy | | Dommy | | 198? | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| dondokodj | | Don Doko Don (Japan) | dondokod | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| dondokodu | | Don Doko Don (US) | dondokod | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| dondokod | | Don Doko Don (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| dkingjr | | Donkey King Jr. (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongj | | Donkey Kong (Japan set 1) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjo | | Donkey Kong (Japan set 2) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjo1 | | Donkey Kong (Japan set 3) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkong | | Donkey Kong (US set 1) | | 1981 | Nintendo of Am| Miscellaneous | |
| dkongo | | Donkey Kong (US set 2) | dkong | 1981 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkong3b | | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) | dkong3 | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dkong3j | | Donkey Kong 3 (Japan) | dkong3 | 1983 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| dkong3 | | Donkey Kong 3 (US) | | 1983 | Nintendo of Am| Miscellaneous | No sound |
| dkongf | | Donkey Kong Foundry (hack) | dkong | 2004 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongx11 | | Donkey Kong II - Jumpman Returns (V1.1) (hack) | dkong | 2006 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongx | | Donkey Kong II - Jumpman Returns (V1.2) (hack) | dkong | 2006 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjrb | | Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjrj | | Donkey Kong Jr. (Japan) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjrm | | Donkey Kong Jr. (Moon Cresta hardware) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| dkongjre | D NW | Donkey Kong Junior (Easy) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo of Am| Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjnrj | | Donkey Kong Junior (Japan?) | dkongjr | 1982 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| dkongjr | | Donkey Kong Junior (US) | | 1982 | Nintendo of Am| Miscellaneous | |
| donpachihk | | DonPachi (Hong Kong, ver. 1.10, 95/05/17) | donpachi | 1995 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| donpachij | | DonPachi (Japan, ver. 1.01, 95/05/11) | donpachi | 1995 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| donpachikr | | DonPachi (Korea, ver. 1.12, 95/05/2x) | donpachi | 1995 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| donpachi | | DonPachi (USA, ver. 1.12, 95/05/2x) | | 1995 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| dorodon | | Dorodon (set 1) | | 1982 | Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| dorodon2 | | Dorodon (set 2) | dorodon | 1982 | Falcon | Miscellaneous | |
| dotrikun | | Dottori Kun (new version) | | 1990 | Sega | Test Hardware | |
| dotrikun2 | | Dottori Kun (old version) | dotrikun | 1990 | Sega | Test Hardware | |
| dblaxleu | | Double Axle (US earlier) | dblaxle | 1991 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| dblaxle | | Double Axle (US) | | 1991 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| ddragonb | | Double Dragon (bootleg with HD6309) | ddragon | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonba | | Double Dragon (bootleg with M6803) | ddragon | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonb2 | | Double Dragon (bootleg) | ddragon | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon | | Double Dragon (Japan) | | 1987 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonu | | Double Dragon (US set 1) | ddragon | 1987 | [Technos] (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonua | | Double Dragon (US set 2) | ddragon | 1987 | [Technos] (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonub | | Double Dragon (US set 3) | ddragon | 1987 | [Technos] (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonw | | Double Dragon (World set 1) | ddragon | 1987 | [Technos] (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| ddragonw1 | | Double Dragon (World set 2) | ddragon | 1987 | [Technos] (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3b | | Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (bootleg) | ddragon3 | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3j | | Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (Japan) | ddragon3 | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3p | | Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (prototype) | ddragon3 | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon3 | | Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (US) | | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon2u | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (US) | ddragon2 | 1988 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ddragon2 | | Double Dragon II - The Revenge (World) | | 1988 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| dblpoint | | Double Point | | 1995 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| dblpointd | | Double Point (Dong Bang Electron, bootleg?) | dblpoint | 1995 | Dong Bang Elec| Miscellaneous | |
| downtownj | | DownTown / Mokugeki (Joystick Hack) | downtown | 1989 | Seta | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| downtownp | D NW | DownTown / Mokugeki (prototype) | downtown | 1989 | Seta | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| downtown | NW | DownTown / Mokugeki (Set 1) | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| downtown2 | D NW | DownTown / Mokugeki (Set 2) | downtown | 1989 | Seta | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| drtomy | | Dr. Tomy | | 1993 | Playmark | Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppelu | | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (US) | drtoppel | 1987 | Taito America | Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppel | | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| drtoppelj | | Dr. Toppel's Tankentai (Japan) | drtoppel | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| dragnblz | | Dragon Blaze | | 2000 | Psikyo | PS5V2 | |
| drgnbowl | | Dragon Bowl | | 1992 | Nics | Miscellaneous | |
| dbreedm72 | | Dragon Breed (M72 PCB version) | dbreed | 1989 | Irem | M72 | |
| dbreed | | Dragon Breed (M81 PCB version) | | 1989 | Irem | M81 | |
| drgnbstr | | Dragon Buster | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | Missing sounds |
| drgnmst | | Dragon Master | | 1994 | Unico | Misc | |
| drgnunit | | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | |
| dw2001 | | Dragon World 2001 (V100, Japan) | | 2001 | IGS (Alta Co.,| PolyGameMaster| Bad sound? |
| drgw3100 | D NW | Dragon World 3 (ver. 100) | drgw3 | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| drgw3105 | D NW | Dragon World 3 (ver. 105) | drgw3 | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| dw2v100x | | Dragon World II (V100X, World) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| drgw2 | | Dragon World II (V110X, World) | | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| dwpc | | Dragon World Pretty Chance (V101, Japan) | | 2001 | IGS (Alta Co.,| PolyGameMaster| Bad sound? |
| drgninjab | | Dragonninja (bootleg set 1) | baddudes | 1988 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| drgninjab2 | | Dragonninja (bootleg set 2) | baddudes | 1988 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| drgninja | | Dragonninja (Japan) | baddudes | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| drakton | | Drakton (DK conversion) | | 1984 | Epos Corporati| Miscellaneous | No sound |
| drktnjr | | Drakton (DKJr conversion) | drakton | 1984 | Epos Corporati| Miscellaneous | No sound |
| dland | | Dream Land / Super Dream Land (bootleg of Bubble Bobbl| bublbobl | 1987 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| dremshpr | | Dream Shopper | | 1982 | Sanritsu | Pac-man | |
| dsoccr94j | | Dream Soccer '94 (Japan) | dsoccr94 | 1994 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| driftout | | Drift Out (Europe) | | 1991 | Visco (Europe)| Taito-F2 | |
| driftoutj | | Drift Out (Japan) | driftout | 1991 | Visco (Japan) | Taito-F2 | |
| driveout | | Drive Out | driftout | 1991 | bootleg | Taito-F2 | |
| drivfrcb | | Driving Force (Galaxian conversion bootleg) | drivfrcp | 1985 | bootleg (Elsys| Galaxian | |
| drivfrcg | | Driving Force (Galaxian conversion) | drivfrcp | 1984 | Shinkai Inc. (| Galaxian | |
| drivfrcp | | Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion) | | 1984 | Shinkai Inc. (| Pac-man | |
| dumpmtmt | | Dump Matsumoto (Japan, 8751 317-unknown) | bodyslam | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| dunkshot | | Dunk Shot (FD1089 317-0022) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16B | |
| dynablst | | Dynablaster / Bomber Man | | 1991 | Irem (licensed| M90 | |
| dynduke | | Dynamite Duke (Europe set 1) | | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| dyndukea | | Dynamite Duke (Europe set 2) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| dyndukej | | Dynamite Duke (Japan) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| dyndukeu | | Dynamite Duke (US) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| dduxbl | | Dynamite Dux (bootleg) | ddux | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| ddux1 | | Dynamite Dux (set 1, 8751 317-0095) | ddux | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| ddux | | Dynamite Dux (set 2, FD1094 317-0096) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eswatbl | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg) | eswat | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| eswatj | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0128) | eswat | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eswatu | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0129) | eswat | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eswat | | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0130) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| eagle | | Eagle (set 1) | mooncrst | 1980 | Centuri | Galaxian | |
| eagle2 | | Eagle (set 2) | mooncrst | 1980 | Centuri | Galaxian | |
| eagle3 | | Eagle (set 3) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu (Ce| Galaxian | |
| egghunt | | Egg Hunt | | 1995 | Invi Image | Miscellaneous | |
| eggor | | Eggor | | 1982 | Telko | Pac-man | |
| eggs | | Eggs | scregg | 1983 | [Technos] Univ| Miscellaneous | |
| 8bpm | | Eight Ball Action (Pac-Man conversion) | 8ballact | 1985 | Seatongrove Lt| Pac-man | |
| eightfrc | | Eight Forces | | 1994 | Tecmo | Seta | |
| endurobl | | Enduro Racer (bootleg set 1) | enduror | 1986 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| enduror | | Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A) | | 1986 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| enduror1 | | Enduro Racer (YM2203, FD1089B 317-0013A) | enduror | 1986 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| enforcej | | Enforce (Japan) | enforce | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| enforceja | | Enforce (Japan, Analog Controls) | enforce | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| enforce | | Enforce (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| esckids | | Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players) | | 1991 | Konami | GX975 | |
| esckidsj | | Escape Kids (Japan, 2 Players) | esckids | 1991 | Konami | GX975 | |
| espradejo | | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, ver. 98/04/14) | esprade | 1998 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| espradej | | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, ver. 98/04/21) | esprade | 1998 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| esprade | | ESP Ra.De. - A.D.2018 Tokyo (International, ver. 98/04| | 1998 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| espgal | | Espgaluda (V100, Japan) | | 2003 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| euroch92 | | Euro Champ '92 (World) | footchmp | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| wc90b1 | | Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90) | wc90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| excelsr | | Excelsior (set 1) | | 1996 | Playmark | Misc | |
| excelsra | | Excelsior (set 2) | excelsr | 1996 | Playmark | Misc | |
| exctleag | | Excite League (FD1094 317-0079) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| exedexes | | Exed Exes | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| exerizerb | | Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg) | skyfox | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| exodus | | Exodus (bootleg?) | redufo | 19?? | Subelectro | Galaxian | |
| explorer | | Explorer | scramble | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| explbrkr | | Explosive Breaker | | 1992 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| extrmatnj | | Extermination (Japan) | extrmatn | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| extrmatnu | | Extermination (US) | extrmatn | 1987 | [Taito] World | Miscellaneous | |
| extrmatn | | Extermination (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| extdwnhl | | Extreme Downhill (v1.5) | | 1995 | Sammy Industri| Seta | |
| eyesb | | Eyes (bootleg set 1) | eyes | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| eyeszacb | | Eyes (bootleg set 2, decrypted) | eyes | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| eyes | | Eyes (Digitrex Techstar) | | 1982 | Digitrex Techs| Pac-man | |
| eyes2 | | Eyes (Techstar) | eyes | 1982 | Techstar (Rock| Pac-man | |
| f1dream | | F-1 Dream | | 1988 | Capcom (Romsta| Miscellaneous | |
| f1dreamb | | F-1 Dream (bootleg) | f1dream | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gp | | F-1 Grand Prix | | 1991 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| f1gpb | D NW | F-1 Grand Prix (Playmark bootleg) | f1gp | 1991 | [Video System | Miscellaneous | |
| f1gp2 | | F-1 Grand Prix Part II | | 1992 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| fxa | | F-X (alternate set) | srdmissn | 1986 | bootleg | Kyugo | |
| fx | | F-X | srdmissn | 1986 | bootleg | Kyugo | |
| fncywld | | Fancy World - Earth of Crisis | | 1996 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| fantasiaa | | Fantasia (940307 PCB) | fantasia | 1994 | Comad / New Ja| Miscellaneous | |
| fantasia | | Fantasia (940429 PCB) | | 1994 | Comad / New Ja| Miscellaneous | |
| fantsia2 | | Fantasia II (Explicit) | | 1997 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| fantsia2a | | Fantasia II (Less Explicit) | fantsia2 | 1997 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| fantastc | | Fantastic (Galaga conversion on Galaxian hardware) | | 198? | Taito do Brasi| Galaxian | |
| fantsy95 | | Fantasy '95 | | 1995 | Hi-max Technol| Miscellaneous | |
| fantzonep | | Fantasy Zone (317-5000) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantzone | | Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantzone1 | | Fantasy Zone (unprotected) | fantzone | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| fantzn2x | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C) | | 2008 | Sega / M2 | System 16C | |
| fantzn2xp | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C, pr| fantzn2x | 2008 | Sega / M2 | System 16C | |
| fantzn2xps2 | | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C, PS| fantzn2x | 2008 | Sega / M2 | System 16C | |
| fantznta | | Fantasy Zone Time Attack (System 16B, PS2 data file) | fantzn2x | 2008 | Sega | System 16B | |
| fantazia | | Fantazia (bootleg?) | mooncrst | 1980 | SubElectro | Galaxian | |
| farmer | | Farmers Rebellion | ikki | 1985 | Sun Electronic| Miscellaneous | |
| feversos | | Fever SOS (International, ver. 98/09/25) | | 1998 | Cave / Nihon S| Cave | |
| fghtbskt | | Fighting Basketball | | 1984 | Paradise Co. L| M63 | |
| ffantasy | | Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision 2) | hippodrm | 1989 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| ffantasya | | Fighting Fantasy (Japan) | hippodrm | 1989 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| finalbj | | Final Blow (Japan) | finalb | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| finalbu | | Final Blow (US) | finalb | 1988 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| finalb | | Final Blow (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| fstarfrcj | | Final Star Force (Japan) | fstarfrc | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| fstarfrc | | Final Star Force (US) | | 1992 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| finalttr | | Final Tetris | | 1993 | Jeil Computer | Kaneko Pandora| |
| firehawk | | Fire Hawk | | 2001 | ESD | NMK16 | |
| fireshrkd | | Fire Shark (Korea, set 1, easier) | fireshrk | 1990 | Toaplan (Dooyo| Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| fireshrkdh | | Fire Shark (Korea, set 2, harder) | fireshrk | 1990 | Toaplan (Dooyo| Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| fireshrk | | Fire Shark | | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| fixeight | | FixEight (Europe) | | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightt | | FixEight (Europe, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeighth | | FixEight (Hong Kong) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightht | | FixEight (Hong Kong, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightj | | FixEight (Japan) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightjt | | FixEight (Japan, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightk | | FixEight (Korea) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightkt | | FixEight (Korea, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeighta | | FixEight (Southeast Asia) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightat | | FixEight (Southeast Asia, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeighttw | | FixEight (Taiwan) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeighttwt | | FixEight (Taiwan, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightu | | FixEight (USA) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fixeightut | | FixEight (USA, Taito license) | fixeight | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| fpointbj | | Flash Point (Japan, bootleg) | fpoint | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| fpoint1 | | Flash Point (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A) | fpoint | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| fpoint | | Flash Point (set 2, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| fpointbl | | Flash Point (World, bootleg) | fpoint | 1989 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| flashgal | | Flashgal (set 1) | | 1985 | Sega | Kyugo | |
| flashgala | | Flashgal (set 2) | flashgal | 1985 | Sega | Kyugo | |
| flicky | | Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickyg | | Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051, alt graphics| flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickys2 | | Flicky (128k Version, System 2, not encrypted) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickys2g | | Flicky (128k Version, System 2, not encrypted, alt gra| flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickyo | | Flicky (64k Version, System 1, 315-5051, set 1) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| flickys1 | | Flicky (64k Version, System 1, 315-5051, set 2) | flicky | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| footchmp | | Football Champ (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| freeze | | Freeze | | 1984 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |
| frogf | | Frog (Falcon bootleg) | frogger | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| frogg | | Frog (Galaxian hardware) | frogger | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| froggers | | Frog | frogger | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pgmfrog | | Frog Feast (PGM) | | 2006 | RasterSoft | PolyGameMaster| |
| frogger | | Frogger | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| froggermc | | Frogger (Moon Cresta hardware) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega l| Galaxian | No Sound |
| froggrs | | Frogger (Scramble hardware) | frogger | 1981 | Coin Music | Galaxian | |
| froggers1 | | Frogger (Sega set 1) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega l| Galaxian | |
| froggers2 | | Frogger (Sega set 2) | frogger | 1981 | Konami (Sega l| Galaxian | |
| fullthrl | | Full Throttle (Japan) | topspeed | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| funkybee | | Funky Bee | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| funkybeeb | | Funky Bee (bootleg, harder) | funkybee | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| fnkyfish | | Funky Fish | | 1981 | Sun Electronic| Kangaroo | |
| funkyjetj | | Funky Jet (Japan) | funkyjet | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| funkyjet | | Funky Jet (World) | | 1992 | [Data East] (M| DECO IC16 | |
| funybubl | | Funny Bubble | | 1999 | In Chang Elect| misc | |
| funybublc | | Funny Bubble (Comad version) | funybubl | 1999 | Comad Industry| misc | |
| gloc | | G-LOC Air Battle (US) | | 1990 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| glocr360 | | G-LOC R360 | gloc | 1990 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gaia | | Gaia Crusaders | | 1999 | Noise Factory | Cave | |
| galagamf | | Galaga (Midway set 1 with fast shoot hack) | galaga | 1981 | Namco (Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| galagamw | | Galaga (Midway set 1) | galaga | 1981 | Namco (Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| galagamk | | Galaga (Midway set 2) | galaga | 1981 | Namco (Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| galaga | | Galaga (Namco rev. B) | | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galagao | | Galaga (Namco) | galaga | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| galaxbsf | | Galaxian (bootleg, set 1) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxianbl | | Galaxian (bootleg, set 2) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| galaxianm | | Galaxian (Midway set 1) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Midway | Galaxian | |
| galaxianmo | | Galaxian (Midway set 2) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Midway | Galaxian | |
| galaxian | | Galaxian (Namco set 1) | | 1979 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| galaxiana | | Galaxian (Namco set 2) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| galaxrf | | Galaxian (Recreativos Franco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | galaxian | 1980 | bootleg (Recre| Galaxian | |
| galaxiant | | Galaxian (Taito) | galaxian | 1979 | Namco (Taito l| Galaxian | |
| galap4 | | Galaxian Part 4 (hack) | galaxian | 1979 | G.G.I | Galaxian | |
| galapx | | Galaxian Part X (moonaln hack) | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| tst_galx | | Galaxian Test ROM | galaxian | 1979 | Test ROM | Galaxian | |
| galturbo | | Galaxian Turbo (superg hack) | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| galemp | | Galaxy Empire (bootleg?) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (Taito| Galaxian | |
| gforce2 | | Galaxy Force 2 | | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gforce2j | | Galaxy Force 2 (Japan) | gforce2 | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gforce2ja | | Galaxy Force 2 (Japan, Rev A) | gforce2 | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| gallag | | Gallag | galaga | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gallop | | Gallop - Armed police Unit (Japan) | cosmccop | 1991 | Irem | M72 | |
| galmedes | | Galmedes (Japan) | | 1992 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| galhustl | | Gals Hustler | | 1997 | ACE Internatio| Miscellaneous | |
| galpanic | | Gals Panic (Unprotected) | | 1990 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| galspnbl | | Gals Pinball | | 1996 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| ginkun | | Ganbare Ginkun | | 1995 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | Imperfect GFX |
| gangonta | | Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 / Party Time: Gonta the Diver II (J| prtytime | 1995 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| gbusters | | Gang Busters (set 1) | | 1988 | Konami | GX878 | |
| gbustersa | | Gang Busters (set 2) | gbusters | 1988 | Konami | GX878 | |
| gardia | | Gardia (317-0006) | | 1986 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| gardiab | D NW | Gardia (317-0007?, bootleg) | gardia | 1986 | Sega / Corelan| System 1 | |
| garogun | | Garogun Seroyang (Korea) | | 2000 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| garuka | | Garuka (Japan ver. W) | devstors | 1988 | Konami | GX890 | |
| garyoret | | Garyo Retsuden (Japan) | | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| gatedoom1 | | Gate of Doom (US revision 1) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| gatedoom | | Gate of Doom (US revision 4) | darkseal | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| gauntlet2pg1 | | Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 1) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlet2pg | | Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 4) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlet2pj2 | | Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese rev 2) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlet2pj | | Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 5) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlet2pr3 | | Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 3) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlet2p | | Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 6) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletg | | Gauntlet (German, rev 10) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletgr3 | | Gauntlet (German, rev 3) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletgr6 | | Gauntlet (German, rev 6) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletgr8 | | Gauntlet (German, rev 8) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletj12 | | Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 12) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletj | | Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 13) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletr1 | | Gauntlet (rev 1) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlet | | Gauntlet (rev 14) | | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletr2 | | Gauntlet (rev 2) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletr4 | | Gauntlet (rev 4) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletr5 | | Gauntlet (rev 5) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletr7 | | Gauntlet (rev 7) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntletr9 | | Gauntlet (rev 9) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gauntlets | | Gauntlet (Spanish, rev 15) | gauntlet | 1985 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gaunt2 | | Gauntlet II | | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gaunt22pg | | Gauntlet II (2 Players, German) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gaunt22p1 | | Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 1) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gaunt22p | | Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 2) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gaunt2g | | Gauntlet II (German) | gaunt2 | 1986 | Atari Games | Atari Gauntlet| |
| gemini | | Gemini Wing | | 1987 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| genix | | Genix Family | | 1994 | NIX | Miscellaneous | |
| gensitou | | Genshi-Tou 1930's (Japan) | prehisle | 1989 | SNK | Prehistoric Is| |
| geostorm | | Geostorm (Japan) | gunforc2 | 1994 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gtstarb1 | | Get Star (bootleg, set 1) | getstar | 1986 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| gtstarb2 | | Get Star (bootleg, set 2) | getstar | 1986 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| getstarj | | Get Star (Japan) | getstar | 1986 | Toaplan / Tait| Early Toaplan | |
| ghostmun | | Ghost Muncher | puckman | 1981 | Leisure and Al| Galaxian | |
| gmgalax | | Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) | | 1981 | LAX | Galaxian | |
| gngbl | | Ghosts'n Goblins (bootleg with Cross) | gng | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gngbla | | Ghosts'n Goblins (bootleg, harder) | gng | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gngblita | | Ghosts'n Goblins (Italian bootleg, harder) | gng | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gngprot | | Ghosts'n Goblins (prototype) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gngt | | Ghosts'n Goblins (US) | gng | 1985 | Capcom (Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| gngc | | Ghosts'n Goblins (World Revision C) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gng | | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gnga | | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 2) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| ghoxj | | Ghox (joystick) | ghox | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| No Sound (undumped MCU) |
| ghox | | Ghox (spinner) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| No Sound (undumped MCU) |
| gigandes | | Gigandes | | 1989 | East Technolog| Taito-X | |
| gigandesa | | Gigandes (earlier) | gigandes | 1989 | East Technolog| Taito-X | |
| ginganin | | Ginga NinkyouDen (set 1) | | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| ginganina | | Ginga NinkyouDen (set 2) | ginganin | 1987 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| gteikoku | | Gingateikoku No Gyakushu | uniwars | 1980 | Irem | Galaxian | |
| gteikokb | | Gingateikoku No Gyakushu (bootleg set 1) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| gteikob2 | | Gingateikoku No Gyakushu (bootleg set 2) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| goldnaxe1 | | Golden Axe (set 1, World, FD1094 317-0110) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe2 | | Golden Axe (set 2, US, 8751 317-0112) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe3 | | Golden Axe (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0120) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxej | | Golden Axe (set 4, Japan, FD1094 317-0121) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxeu | | Golden Axe (set 5, US, FD1094 317-0122) | goldnaxe | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| goldnaxe | | Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| imsorryj | | Gonbee no I'm Sorry (315-5110, Japan) | imsorry | 1985 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| gondo | D NW | Gondomania (US) | | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | Broken inputs |
| gorkans | | Gorkans | mrtnt | 1983 | Techstar | Pac-man | |
| gotcha | | Got-cha Mini Game Festival | | 1997 | Dongsung | Miscellaneous | |
| plegends | | Gouketsuji Gaiden Legends (USA, ver. 95/06/20) | | 1995 | Atlus / KM Int| Cave | |
| plegendsj | | Gouketsuji Gaiden Saikyou Densetsu (Japan, ver. 95/06/| plegends | 1995 | Atlus | Cave | |
| powerinsj | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan) | powerins | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| pwrinst2j | | Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2 (Japan, ver. 94/04/08) | pwrinst2 | 1994 | Atlus | Cave | |
| gpriderj | | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| gprideru | | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) | gprider | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| gprider | | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) | | 1990 | Sega | X-Board | |
| gradius2 | | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan New ver.) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| gradius2a | | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Old ver.) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| gradius2b | | Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Older ver.) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| gradius3a | | Gradius III (Asia) | gradius3 | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| gradius3j | | Gradius III (Japan) | gradius3 | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| gradius3 | | Gradius III (World) | | 1989 | Konami | GX945 | |
| gtmr2u | | Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/05/18) | gtmr2 | 1995 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmre | | Great 1000 Miles Rally: Evolution Model!!! (94/09/06) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmrusa | | Great 1000 Miles Rally: U.S.A Version! (94/09/06) | gtmr | 1994 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gberet | | Green Beret | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| gberetb | | Green Beret (bootleg) | gberet | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| grindstm | | Grind Stormer | | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| grindstma | | Grind Stormer (older set) | grindstm | 1992 | Toaplan GP9001| Toaplan | |
| growlu | | Growl (US) | growl | 1990 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| growl | | Growl (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| gryzor | | Gryzor (Set 1) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| gryzor1 | | Gryzor (Set 2) | contra | 1987 | Konami | GX633 | |
| getstar | | Guardian | | 1986 | Toaplan / Tait| Early Toaplan | |
| grdnstrmg | | Guardian Storm (Germany) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| grdnstrm | | Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted) | | 1998 | Afega (Apples | NMK16 | |
| grdnstrmv | | Guardian Storm (vertical) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega (Apples | NMK16 | |
| grdians | | Guardians\0Denjin Makai II | | 1995 | Banpresto | Newer Seta | |
| gumbo | | Gumbo | | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| gunfront | | Gun & Frontier (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| gunball | | Gun Ball (Japan) | nitrobal | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| gunfrontj | | Gun Frontier (Japan) | gunfront | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| gunhohki | | Gun Hohki (Japan) | mysticri | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gunsmokej | | Gun. Smoke (Japan) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeu | | Gun. Smoke (US set 1) | gunsmoke | 1985 | Capcom (Romsta| Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmokeua | | Gun. Smoke (US set 2) | gunsmoke | 1986 | Capcom (Romsta| Miscellaneous | |
| gunsmoke | | Gun. Smoke (World) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| gnbarich | | Gunbarich | | 2001 | Psikyo | PS5V2 | |
| gunbirdj | | Gunbird (Japan) | gunbird | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| gunbirdk | | Gunbird (Korea) | gunbird | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| gunbird | | Gunbird (World) | | 1994 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| gunbird2 | | Gunbird 2 | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS5 | |
| gundhara | | Gundhara | | 1995 | Banpresto | Seta | |
| gunforcej | | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Japan) | gunforce | 1991 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gunforceu | | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US) | gunforce | 1991 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gunforce | | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) | | 1991 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gunforc2 | | Gunforce 2 (US) | | 1994 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gunnail | | GunNail (28th May. 1992) | | 1993 | NMK / Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| gussun | | Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) | riskchal | 1993 | Irem | M90 | Unemulated CPU functions |
| guwange | | Guwange (Japan, Master Ver. 99/06/24) | | 1999 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| guwanges | | Guwange (Japan, Special Ver. 00/01/01) | guwange | 1999 | Atlus / Cave | Cave | |
| gyrodine | | Gyrodine | | 1984 | Crux | Kyugo | |
| gyrodinet | | Gyrodine (Taito Corporation license) | gyrodine | 1984 | Crux (Taito Co| Kyugo | |
| gyrussb | | Gyruss (bootleg) | gyruss | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| gyrussce | | Gyruss (Centuri) | gyruss | 1983 | Konami (Centur| Miscellaneous | |
| gyruss | | Gyruss (Konami) | | 1983 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hachamf | | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991) | | 1991 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| hharryu | | Hammerin' Harry (US) | hharry | 1990 | Irem America | M82 | |
| hharry | | Hammerin' Harry (World) | | 1990 | Irem | M82 | |
| hangon1 | | Hang-On | hangon | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| hangon | | Hang-On (rev A) | | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| hangon2 | | Hang-On (ride-on) | hangon | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| hangly | | Hangly-Man (set 1) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| hangly2 | | Hangly-Man (set 2) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| hangly3 | | Hangly-Man (set 3) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| hpuncher | | Hard Puncher (Japan) | fround | 1988 | Konami | GX870 | |
| hasamu | | Hasamu (Japan) | | 1991 | Irem | M90 | |
| hthero | | Hat Trick Hero (Japan) | footchmp | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| htchctch | | Hatch Catch | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| hcastlee | | Haunted Castle (ver. E) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hcastlek | | Haunted Castle (ver. K) | hcastle | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hcastle | | Haunted Castle (ver. M) | | 1988 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| hedpanic | | Head Panic (ver. 0117, 17/01/2000) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | Story line & game instructions in Engl|
| hedpanicf | | Head Panic (ver. 0315, 15/03/2000) | hedpanic | 2000 | ESD / Fuuki | Miscellaneous | Story line in Japanese, game instructi|
| hbarrel | | Heavy Barrel (US) | | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| hbarrelw | | Heavy Barrel (World) | hbarrel | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| hvymetal | | Heavy Metal (315-5135) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| hwchamp | | Heavyweight Champ | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| hwchampj | | Heavyweight Champ (Japan, FD1094 317-0046) | hwchamp | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| hellfire1 | | Hellfire (1P Ver.) | hellfire | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| hellfire3 | | Hellfire (1P Ver., alt) | hellfire | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| hellfire | | Hellfire (2P Ver.) | | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| hellfire2 | | Hellfire (2P Ver., first edition) | hellfire | 1989 | Toaplan (Taito| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| herbiedk | | Herbie at the Olympics (DK conversion) | huncholy | 1984 | Century Electr| Miscellaneous | No sound |
| herodku | | Hero in the Castle of Doom (DK conversion not encrypte| hero | 1984 | Seatongrove Lt| Miscellaneous | |
| herodk | | Hero in the Castle of Doom (DK conversion) | hero | 1984 | Seatongrove Lt| Miscellaneous | No sound |
| heuksun | | Heuk Sun Baek Sa (Korea) | | 199? | Oksan / F2 Sys| Miscellaneous | |
| hexpoola | | Hex Pool (Senko) | racknrol | 1985 | Senko | Galaxian | |
| hexpool | | Hex Pool (Shinkai) | racknrol | 1986 | Shinkai | Galaxian | |
| hexa | | Hexa | | 199? | D. R. Korea | Arkanoid | |
| hexion | | Hexion (Japan ver. JAB) | | 1992 | Konami | GX122 | |
| hippodrm | | Hippodrome (US) | | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| buraiken | | Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan) | avengers | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| hiticej | | Hit the Ice (Japan) | hitice | 1990 | Midway/Taito C| Taito B System| Imperfect graphics |
| hitice | | Hit the Ice (US) | | 1990 | Williams | Taito B System| Imperfect graphics |
| honeydol | | Honey Dolls | | 1995 | Barko Corp | Kaneko Pandora| |
| hookj | | Hook (Japan) | hook | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| hooku | | Hook (US) | hook | 1992 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| hook | | Hook (World) | | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| horizon | | Horizon | | 1985 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| hotbubl | | Hot Bubble | bubl2000 | 1998 | Pandora | NMK16 | |
| hotmind | | Hot Mind (Hard Times hardware) | | 1996 | Playmark | Misc | |
| hotpinbl | | Hot Pinball | | 1995 | Comad & New Ja| Miscellaneous | |
| hotshock | | Hot Shocker | | 1982 | E.G. Felaco (D| Galaxian | |
| hotshockb | | Hot Shocker (bootleg) | hotshock | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| hotdogst | | Hotdog Storm - The First Supersonics (International) | | 1996 | Marble / ACE I| Cave | |
| hunchbkd | D NW | Hunchback (DK conversion) | hunchbak | 1983 | Century Electr| Miscellaneous | No sound |
| hunchbkg | | Hunchback (Galaxian hardware) | hunchbak | 1981 | Century Electr| Galaxian | |
| hunchbks | | Hunchback (Scramble hardware) | hunchbak | 1983 | Century Electr| Galaxian | |
| hncholms | | Hunchback Olympic (Scramble hardware) | huncholy | 1984 | Century Electr| Galaxian | Imperfect Sound |
| hyperpac | | Hyper Pacman | | 1995 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| hyperpacb | | Hyper Pacman (bootleg) | hyperpac | 1995 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| hypsptsp | | Hyper Sports Special (Japan) | 88games | 1988 | Konami | GX861 | |
| imsorry | | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) | | 1985 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| igmo | | IGMO | | 1984 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | Incorrect Colors |
| ikari3 | | Ikari III - The Rescue (8-Way Joystick) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3k | | Ikari III - The Rescue (Korea, 8-Way Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3u | | Ikari III - The Rescue (US, Rotary Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikari3j | | Ikari Three - The Rescue (Japan, Rotary Joystick) | ikari3 | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| ikki | | Ikki (Japan) | | 1985 | Sun Electronic| Miscellaneous | |
| imgfightj | | Image Fight (Japan) | imgfight | 1988 | Irem | M72 | |
| imgfight | | Image Fight (Japan, revision A) | | 1988 | Irem | M72 | |
| scrambp | | Impacto (Billport S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Billp| Galaxian | |
| inthuntu | | In The Hunt (US) | inthunt | 1993 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| inthunt | | In The Hunt (World) | | 1993 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| insectx | | Insector X (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| inttoote | D NW | International Toote (Germany) | jockeyc | 1998 | Coinmaster | Seta | |
| inttootea | D NW | International Toote II (World?) | jockeyc | 1993 | Coinmaster | Seta | |
| isgsm | | ISG Selection Master Type 2006 System BIOS | | 2006 | ISG | ISG Selection | BIOS only |
| jjsquawk | | J. J. Squawkers | | 1993 | Athena / Able | Seta | |
| jjsquawkb | | J. J. Squawkers (bootleg) | jjsquawk | 1993 | bootleg | Seta | |
| jjsquawkb2 | | J. J. Squawkers (bootleg, Blandia conversion) | jjsquawk | 1993 | Athena / Able | Seta | |
| jack | | Jack the Giantkiller (set 1) | | 1982 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |
| jack2 | | Jack the Giantkiller (set 2) | jack | 1982 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |
| jack3 | | Jack the Giantkiller (set 3) | jack | 1982 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |
| jchan | | Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master | | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| jchan2 | | Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire | | 1995 | Kaneko | Miscellaneous | |
| jigkmgri | | Jigoku Meguri (Japan) | bonzeadv | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| joemacra | | Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.0, 1994.05.19) | joemacr | 1994 | Data East | Simple 156 | |
| joemacr | | Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27) | | 1994 | Data East | Simple 156 | |
| joinem | | Joinem | | 1986 | Global Corpora| Jack the Giant| |
| jojobaner1 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / Jo| jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobane | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / Jo| jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobar1 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / Jo| jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojobanr1 | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / Jo| jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoba | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / Jo| | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoban | | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / Jo| jojoba | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojonr2 | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Asia 981202| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojonr1 | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Asia 990108| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojon | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Asia 990128| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojojr2 | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan 98120| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojojr1 | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan 99010| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojoj | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan 99012| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojor2 | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (USA 981202)| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojor1 | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (USA 990108)| jojo | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| jojo | | JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (USA 990128)| | 1998 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| joyman | | Joyman | puckman | 1982 | hack | Pac-man | |
| juju | | JuJu Densetsu (Japan) | toki | 1989 | Tad | Miscellaneous | |
| jujuba | | JuJu Densetsu (Japan, bootleg) | toki | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| jujub | | JuJu Densetsu (Playmark bootleg) | toki | 1989 | bootleg (Playm| Miscellaneous | |
| jumpbug | | Jump Bug | | 1981 | Rock-ola | Galaxian | |
| jumpbugb | | Jump Bug (bootleg) | jumpbug | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| jumpkids | | Jump Kids | | 1993 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| jumpshot | | Jump Shot | | 1985 | Bally Midway | Pac-man | |
| jumpshotp | | Jump Shot Engineering Sample | jumpshot | 1985 | Bally Midway | Pac-man | |
| jumping | | Jumping | rbisland | 1989 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| jpopnics | | Jumping Pop (Nics, Korean bootleg of Plump Pop) | | 1992 | Nics | Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| jumppop | | Jumping Pop (set 1) | | 2001 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| jumppope | | Jumping Pop (set 2) | jumppop | 2001 | Emag Soft | Miscellaneous | |
| jungler | D NW | Jungler | | 1981 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| jrking | | Junior King (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) | dkongjr | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| altbeastj3 | | Juuouki (set 3, Japan, FD1094 317-0068) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| altbeastj | | Juuouki (set 7, Japan, 8751 317-0077) | altbeast | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| kabukizj | D | Kabuki-Z (Japan) | kabukiz | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| kabukiz | D | Kabuki-Z (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| kagekih | | Kageki (hack) | kageki | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Imperfect Sound |
| kagekij | | Kageki (Japan) | kageki | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Imperfect Sound |
| kageki | | Kageki (US) | | 1988 | Taito America | Miscellaneous | Imperfect Sound |
| yanchamr | | Kaiketsu Yanchamaru (Japan) | kidniki | 1986 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| kaiteids | | Kaitei Daisensou (Japan) | inthunt | 1993 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| kamakazi3 | | Kamakazi III (superg hack) | galaxian | 1979 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| kangaroo | | Kangaroo | | 1982 | Sun Electronic| Kangaroo | |
| kangarooa | | Kangaroo (Atari) | kangaroo | 1982 | [Sun Electroni| Kangaroo | |
| kangaroob | | Kangaroo (bootleg) | kangaroo | 1982 | Bootleg | Kangaroo | |
| karatblzj | | Karate Blazers (Japan) | karatblz | 1991 | Video System C| Video System | |
| karatblzu | | Karate Blazers (US) | karatblz | 1991 | Video System C| Video System | |
| karatblz | | Karate Blazers (World?) | | 1991 | Video System C| Video System | |
| karianx | | Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0) | | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Har| |
| karnovj | | Karnov (Japan) | karnov | 1987 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| karnova | | Karnov (US, rev 5) | karnov | 1987 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| karnov | | Karnov (US, rev 6) | | 1987 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| keroppi | | Kero Kero Keroppi no Issyoni Asobou (Japan) | | 1993 | Sammy Industri| Seta | |
| ketarr | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.0, | ket | 2002 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster| |
| ketarr15 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.5, | ket | 2002 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster| |
| ketarr151 | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Arrange Mode version 1.51,| ket | 2002 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster| |
| ketstoicu | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (MR. Stoic version, hack by| ket | 2002 | hack / Trap15 | PolyGameMaster| |
| ketb | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Original?, Japan) | ket | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| keta | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Revision 1?, Japan) | ket | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| ket | | Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Revision 2?, Japan) | | 2002 | CAVE / AMI | PolyGameMaster| |
| kikcubicb | | Kickle Cubele | kikcubic | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| kidnikiu | | Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (US) | kidniki | 1986 | Irem (Data Eas| Irem M62 | |
| kidniki | | Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (World) | | 1986 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| horekid | | Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| horekidb | | Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (bootleg) | horekid | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| kingballj | | King & Balloon (Japan) | kingball | 1980 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| kingball | | King & Balloon (US) | | 1980 | Namco | Galaxian | |
| kingdmgp | | Kingdom Grandprix (World) | | 1994 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| kov100 | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V100, Japan) | kov | 1999 | IGS (Alta Co.,| PolyGameMaster| |
| kov115 | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V115) | kov | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov | | Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V117) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2100 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V100, 100, 100, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2101 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V101, 101, 100, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2102 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V102, 101, 100, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2103 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V103, 101, 100, Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2106 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V106, 102, 100 Hong Kong) | kov2 | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2 | | Knights of Valour 2 (V107, 102, 100, Hong Kong) | | 2000 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2p202 | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM202XX) | kov2p | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2p204 | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM204XX) | kov2p | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kov2p | | Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM205XX, Chin| | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovplusa | | Knights of Valour Plus - Sangoku Senki Plus (V119 alt)| kovplus | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovplus | | Knights of Valour Plus - Sangoku Senki Plus (V119) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovshpa | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Su| kovshp | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshp | | Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Su| | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovshb | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superher| kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsh101 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superher| kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsh102 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superher| kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsh103 | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superher| kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsh | | Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superher| | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovshxas | | Knights of Valour: Ao Shi San Guo / Sangoku Senki: Ao | kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovassg | D NW | Knights of Valour: Ao Shi San Guo / Sangoku Senki: Ao | kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| kovlsjba | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Jie Ba / Sangoku Senki: Lu| kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| kovlsjb | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Jie Ba / Sangoku Senki: Lu| kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovlsqh | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki| kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| kovlsqhd | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki| kovshp | 2008 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| kovlsqh2 | D NW | Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang II / Sangoku Se| kovshp | 2009 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| kovqhsgsa | | Knights of Valour: Quan Huang San Guo Special / Sangok| kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovqhsgs | | Knights of Valour: Quan Huang San Guo Special / Sangok| kovsh | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsgqyz | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki| kovplus | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsgqyza | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki| kovplus | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsgqyzb | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki| kovplus | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovsgqyzc | | Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki| kovplus | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kovytzy | | Knights of Valour: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan / Sangoku Senki:| | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| knockout | | Knock Out!! | triplep | 1982 | KKK | Galaxian | |
| kbash | | Knuckle Bash | | 1993 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| kbash2 | | Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg) | | 1999 | bootleg | Toaplan GP9001| |
| eto | | Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan) | | 1994 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| konami88 | | Konami '88 | 88games | 1988 | Konami | GX861 | |
| kontest | | Konami Test Board (GX800, Japan) | | 1987? | Konami | GX800 | |
| kong | | Kong (Donkey Kong conversion on Galaxian hardware) | | 198? | Taito do Brasi| Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| korokoro | | Koro Koro Quest (Japan) | | 1999 | Takumi | Cave | |
| korosuke | | Korosuke Roller | crush | 1981 | Kural Electric| Pac-man | |
| myangel | | Kosodate Quiz My Angel (Japan) | | 1996 | Namco | Newer Seta | |
| myangel2 | | Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 (Japan) | | 1996 | Namco | Newer Seta | |
| strahl | | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1) | | 1992 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| strahla | | Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 2) | strahl | 1992 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| kozure | | Kozure Ookami (Japan) | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | Imperfect Graphics |
| krzybowl | D NW | Krazy Bowl | | 1994 | American Sammy| Seta | |
| kuhga | | Kuhga - Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' (Japan revision 3| vaportra | 1989 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| kungfum | | Kung-Fu Master | | 1984 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| kungfub | | Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 1) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| kungfub2 | | Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 2) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| kungfub3 | | Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 3) | kungfum | 1984 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| kungfumd | | Kung-Fu Master (Data East) | kungfum | 1984 | Irem (Data Eas| Irem M62 | |
| ladybug | | Lady Bug | | 1981 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| ladybugg | | Lady Bug (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | ladybug | 1983 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| ladybugb | | Lady Bug (bootleg set 1) | ladybug | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ladybgb2 | | Lady Bug (bootleg set 2) | ladybug | 1981 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lvgirl94 | | Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94) | | 1994 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| lghostu | | Laser Ghost (set 1, US, 317-0165) | lghost | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| lghost | | Laser Ghost (set 2, World, 317-0166) | | 1990 | Sega | System 18 | |
| lastduelb | | Last Duel (bootleg) | lastduel | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lastduelj | | Last Duel (Japan) | lastduel | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lastduel | | Last Duel (US New Ver.) | | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lastduelo | | Last Duel (US Old Ver.) | lastduel | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lastmisnj | | Last Mission (Japan) | lastmisn | 1986 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| lastmisno | | Last Mission (US revision 5) | lastmisn | 1986 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| lastmisn | | Last Mission (US revision 6) | | 1986 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| kyustrkr | | Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker | | 1989 | East Technolog| Taito-X | |
| lastsurv | | Last Survivor (FD1094 317-0083) | | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| ledstorm | | Led Storm (US) | madgear | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| ledstorm2 | | Led Storm Rally 2011 (US) | madgear | 1988 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| legend | | Legend | | 1986 | Sega / Corelan| Kyugo | |
| loht | | Legend of Hero Tonma | | 1989 | Irem | M72 | |
| lohtb | | Legend of Hero Tonma (bootleg, set 1) | loht | 1989 | bootleg | M72 | |
| lohtb2 | | Legend of Hero Tonma (bootleg, set 2) | loht | 1989 | bootleg | M72 | |
| lohtj | | Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan) | loht | 1989 | Irem | M72 | |
| lwingsb | | Legendary Wings (bootleg) | lwings | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lwings | | Legendary Wings (US set 1) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lwings2 | | Legendary Wings (US set 2) | lwings | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| lemmings | | Lemmings (US prototype) | | 1991 | Data East USA | Miscellaneous | |
| crshrace | | Lethal Crash Race (set 1) | | 1993 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| crshrace2 | | Lethal Crash Race (set 2) | crshrace | 1993 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| lethalth | | Lethal Thunder (World) | | 1991 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| levers | | Levers | | 1983 | Rock-ola | Galaxian | |
| lgtnfghta | | Lightning Fighters (Asia) | lgtnfght | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| lgtnfghtu | | Lightning Fighters (US) | lgtnfght | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| lgtnfght | | Lightning Fighters (World) | | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| shangonle | | Limited Edition Hang-On | shangon | 1991 | Sega | Out Run | |
| loffirej | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (Japan, FD1094 317-0134) | loffire | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| loffireu | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (US, FD1094 317-0135) | loffire | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| loffire | | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World, FD1094 317-0136) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| liquidku | | Liquid Kids (US) | liquidk | 1990 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| liquidk | | Liquid Kids (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| lithero | | Little Hero | kidniki | 1987 | bootleg | Irem M62 | |
| livequiz | | Live Quiz Show | | 1999 | Andamiro Enter| Andamiro Midas| |
| lizwiz | | Lizard Wizard | | 1985 | Techstar (Sunn| Pac-man | |
| ldrun | | Lode Runner (set 1) | | 1984 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| ldruna | | Lode Runner (set 2) | ldrun | 1984 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| loderndfa | | Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. A) | loderndf | 2000 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| loderndf | | Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B) | | 2000 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| ldrun2 | | Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back | | 1984 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| ldrun3j | | Lode Runner III - Majin No Fukkatsu | ldrun3 | 1985 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| ldrun3 | | Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth | | 1985 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| ldrun4 | | Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu | | 1986 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| logicpro | | Logic Pro (Japan) | | 1996 | Deniam | Deniam-16b Har| |
| logicpr2 | | Logic Pro 2 (Japan) | | 1997 | Deniam | Deniam-16c Har| |
| lordgun | | Lord of Gun (USA) | | 1994 | IGS | Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics and sound |
| losttomb | | Lost Tomb (Easy) | | 1982 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| losttombh | | Lost Tomb (Hard) | losttomb | 1982 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| lotlot | | Lot Lot | | 1985 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| loverboy | | Lover Boy | | 1983 | G.T Enterprise| Jack the Giant| No sound |
| luctoday | | Lucky Today | | 1980 | Sigma | Galaxian | Bad colours |
| miaj | | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (Japan) | mia | 1989 | Konami | GX808 | |
| mia2 | | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (ver. S) | mia | 1989 | Konami | GX808 | |
| mia | | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (ver. T) | | 1989 | Konami | GX808 | |
| madgearj | | Mad Gear (Japan) | madgear | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| madgear | | Mad Gear (US) | | 1989 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| madshark | | Mad Shark | | 1993 | Allumer | Seta | |
| mbrush | | Magic Brush | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| magicbub | | Magic Bubble | | 199? | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bi| |
| magicbuba | | Magic Bubble (Adult version) | magicbub | 199? | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bi| |
| mcatadv | | Magical Cat Adventure | | 1993 | Wintechno | LINDA | |
| mcatadvj | | Magical Cat Adventure (Japan) | mcatadv | 1993 | Wintechno | LINDA | |
| mgcrystlj | | Magical Crystals (Japan, 92/01/13) | mgcrystl | 1991 | Kaneko (Atlus | Kaneko16 | |
| mgcrystlo | | Magical Crystals (World, 91/12/10) | mgcrystl | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| mgcrystl | | Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) | | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| magdrop | | Magical Drop (Japan, Version 1.1, 1995.06.21) | chainrec | 1995 | Data East | Simple 156 | |
| magdropp | | Magical Drop Plus 1 (Japan, Version 2.1, 1995.09.12) | chainrec | 1995 | Data East | Simple 156 | |
| ttmahjng | | Mahjong | | 1980 | Taito | Route 16 | |
| mjgtaste | | Mahjong G-Taste | | 2002 | Psikyo | PS5V2 | |
| mgakuen | | Mahjong Gakuen | | 1988 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| mgakuen2 | | Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou no Fukushuu | | 1989 | Face | Miscellaneous | |
| hotgmcki | | Mahjong Hot Gimmick Integral (Japan) | | 2001 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| mjnquest | | Mahjong Quest (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| mjnquestb | | Mahjong Quest (No Nudity) | mjnquest | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| mahoudai | | Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) | sstriker | 1993 | Raizing | Toaplan GP9001| |
| mstadium | | Main Stadium (Japan ver. 4) | bottom9 | 1989 | Konami | GX891 | |
| majest12 | | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (Japan) | ssi | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| mjleague | | Major League | | 1985 | Sega | System 16A | |
| majtitlej | | Major Title (Japan) | majtitle | 1990 | Irem | M84 | |
| majtitle | | Major Title (World) | | 1990 | Irem | M84 | |
| majtitl2j | | Major Title 2 (Japan) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| majtitl2 | | Major Title 2 (World) | | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| majuu | | Majuu no Ohkoku | devilw | 1987 | Konami | GX687 | |
| makaimurc | | Makai-Mura (Japan revision C) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| makaimurg | | Makai-Mura (Japan revision G) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| makaimur | | Makai-Mura (Japan) | gng | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| maketrax | | Make Trax (set 1) | crush | 1981 | [Kural] (Willi| Pac-man | |
| maketrxb | | Make Trax (set 2) | crush | 1981 | [Kural] (Willi| Pac-man | |
| makyosen | D NW | Makyou Senshi (Japan) | gondo | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | Broken inputs |
| mangchi | | Mang-Chi | | 2000 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| maniacsp | | Maniac Square (prototype) | maniacsq | 1996 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| manybloc | | Many Block | | 1991 | Bee-Oh | NMK16 | |
| marineb | | Marine Boy | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| mariner | | Mariner | | 1981 | Armenip | Galaxian | |
| markham | | Markham | | 1983 | Sun Electronic| Miscellaneous | |
| mars | | Mars | | 1981 | Artic | Galaxian | |
| martmastc102 | | Martial Masters (V102, 101, 101, China) | martmast | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| martmastc | | Martial Masters (V104, 102, 101, China) | martmast | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| martmast | | Martial Masters (V104, 102, 102, USA) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| kamenrid | | Masked Riders Club Battle Race | | 1993 | Toei / Banpres| Seta | |
| masterwj | | Master of Weapon (Japan) | masterw | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| Imperfect graphics |
| masterwu | | Master of Weapon (US) | masterw | 1989 | Taito America | Taito B System| Imperfect graphics |
| masterw | | Master of Weapon (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| Imperfect graphics |
| matchit2 | | Match It II | | 1993 | Tamtex | M90 | |
| mofflott | | Maze of Flott (Japan) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| mazingerj | | Mazinger Z (Japan, ver. 94/06/27) | mazinger | 1994 | Banpresto / Dy| Cave | |
| mazinger | | Mazinger Z (World, ver. 94/06/27) | | 1994 | Banpresto / Dy| Cave | |
| megablstj | | Mega Blast (Japan) | megablst | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| megablstu | | Mega Blast (US) | megablst | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| megablst | | Mega Blast (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| megadon | | Megadon | | 1982 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | |
| meijinsn | | Meijinsen | | 1986 | SNK Electronic| Miscellaneous | |
| kikcubic | | Meikyu Jima (Japan) | | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| meikyuh | | Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, set 1) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| meikyuha | | Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, set 2) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| metafox | | Meta Fox | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | Imperfect inputs |
| metalbj | | Metal Black (Japan) | metalb | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| metalb | | Metal Black (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| metlsavr | | Metal Saver | | 1994 | First Amusemen| Miscellaneous | |
| metmqstr | | Metamoqester (International) | | 1995 | Banpresto / Pa| Cave | |
| metrocrs | | Metro-Cross (set 1) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| metrocrsa | | Metro-Cross (set 2) | metrocrs | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| mwalkbl | | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (bootleg) | mwalk | 1990 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| midresj | | Midnight Resistance (Japan) | midres | 1989 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| midresu | | Midnight Resistance (US) | midres | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| midres | | Midnight Resistance (World) | | 1989 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| mimonkey | | Mighty Monkey | | 198? | Universal Vide| Galaxian | |
| mimonscr | | Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Scramble hardware) | mimonkey | 198? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mimonsco | | Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Super Cobra hardware) | mimonkey | 198? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| gtmr2a | | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/04/04) | gtmr2 | 1995 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| gtmr2 | | Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24) | | 1995 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| minefld | | Minefield | | 1983 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| minivadr | | Minivader | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Minivader | |
| msbingo | | Miss Bingo | | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| missmw96 | | Miss Mister World '96 (Nude) | missw96 | 1996 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| mspuzzle | | Miss Puzzle | | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| mspuzzleg | | Miss Puzzle (Clone of Gumbo) | gumbo | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| mspuzzlen | D NW | Miss Puzzle (Nudes) | mspuzzle | 1994 | Min Corp. | Miscellaneous | |
| missw96 | | Miss World '96 (Nude) | | 1996 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| mrviking | | Mister Viking (315-5041) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| mrvikingj | | Mister Viking (315-5041, Japan) | mrviking | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| quiz18k | | Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin | | 1992 | EIM | Miscellaneous | |
| mizubaku | | Mizubaku Daibouken (Japan) | liquidk | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| msgundam | | Mobile Suit Gundam | | 1993 | Banpresto | Seta | |
| msgundam1 | | Mobile Suit Gundam (Japan) | msgundam | 1993 | Banpresto | Seta | |
| gundamex | | Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue | | 1994 | Banpresto | Newer Seta | |
| mogura | | Mogura Desse | | 1991 | Konami | Miscellaneous | Konami test board |
| mole | | Mole Attack | | 1982 | Yachiyo Electr| Miscellaneous | |
| momoko | | Momoko 120% | | 1986 | Jaleco | Miscellaneous | |
| mstworld | | Monsters World | | 1994 | TCH | Miscellaneous | |
| moonaln | | Moon Alien | galaxian | 1979 | Nichibutsu (Ka| Galaxian | |
| moonal2 | | Moon Alien Part 2 | galaxian | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| moonal2b | | Moon Alien Part 2 (older version) | galaxian | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mooncrs4 | | Moon Crest | mooncrst | 1980 | SG-Florence | Galaxian | |
| mooncrsb | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrs2 | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mooncrs3 | | Moon Cresta (bootleg set 3) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncreg | | Moon Cresta (Electrogame S.A. Spanish bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg (Elect| Galaxian | |
| mooncrgx | | Moon Cresta (Galaxian hardware) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstg | | Moon Cresta (Gremlin) | mooncrst | 1980 | Gremlin | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstuk | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu UK) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu UK | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstuku | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu UK, unencrypted) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu UK | Galaxian | |
| mooncrstu | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, unencrypted) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu USA| Galaxian | |
| mooncrst | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) | | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mooncrsto | | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, old rev) | mooncrst | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mooncptc | | Moon Cresta (Petaco S.A. Spanish bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980? | bootleg (Petac| Galaxian | |
| moonqsr | | Moon Quasar | | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | |
| mshuttlej2 | | Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| mshuttlej | | Moon Shuttle (Japan) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| mshuttle2 | | Moon Shuttle (US? set 2) | mshuttle | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| mshuttle | | Moon Shuttle (US?) | | 1981 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| mooncmw | | Moon War (Moon Cresta bootleg) | mooncrst | 198? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| moonwar | | Moonwar | | 1981 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| moonwara | | Moonwar (older) | moonwar | 1981 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| moremore | | More More | | 1999 | SemiCom / Exit| Kaneko Pandora| |
| moremorp | | More More Plus | | 1999 | SemiCom / Exit| Kaneko Pandora| |
| mrdo | | Mr. Do! | | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdofix | | Mr. Do! (bugfixed) | mrdo | 1982 | Universal (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| mrdoy | | Mr. Do! (prototype) | mrdo | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| mrdot | | Mr. Do! (Taito license) | mrdo | 1982 | Universal (Tai| Miscellaneous | |
| mrdu | | Mr. Du! | mrdo | 1982 | Bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| mrgoemon | | Mr. Goemon (Japan) | | 1986 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| mrheli | | Mr. HELI no Dai-Bouken | bchopper | 1987 | Irem | M72 | |
| mrkougar | | Mr. Kougar | | 1984 | ATW | Galaxian | |
| mrkougb | | Mr. Kougar (bootleg set 1) | mrkougar | 1983 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mrkougb2 | | Mr. Kougar (bootleg set 2) | mrkougar | 1983 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| mrkougar2 | | Mr. Kougar (earlier) | mrkougar | 1983 | ATW | Galaxian | |
| mrlo | | Mr. Lo! | mrdo | 1982 | Bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| mrtnt | | Mr. TNT | | 1982 | Telko | Pac-man | |
| mspacman | | MS Pacman | | 1980 | Namco | Pac-man | |
| mspacmab | | MS Pacman (bootleg) | mspacman | 1981 | Namco | Pac-man | |
| mspacmat | | Ms. Pac Attack | mspacman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| mspacmanbg | | Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' bootleg) | mspacman | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| mspacmbe | | Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, encrypted) | mspacman | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| mspacmnf | | Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack) | mspacman | 1980 | Midway | Pac-man | |
| msheartb | | Ms. Pac-Man Heart Burn | mspacman | 1980 | hack (Two-Bit | Pac-man | |
| mspacpls | | Ms. Pac-Man Plus | mspacman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| mschamps | | Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal | mspacman | 1995 | hack | Pac-man | |
| mschamp | | Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal | mspacman | 1995 | hack | Pac-man | |
| rocktrv2 | | MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2) | | 1986 | Triumph Softwa| Pac-man | |
| mugsmash | | Mug Smashers | | 1990? | Electronic Dev| Miscellaneous | |
| semibase | | MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) (Korea) | | 1997 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| nmg5 | | Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 | | 1998 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| nmg5e | | Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (earlier) | nmg5 | 1997 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| multchmpk | | Multi Champ (Korea) | multchmp | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| multchmp | | Multi Champ (World) | | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| mchampdx | | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 0106, 06/01/2000) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| mchampdxa | | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1126, 26/11/1999) | mchampdx | 1999 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| alibabab | | Mustafa and 40 Thieves (bootleg) | alibaba | 1982 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| mutantf3 | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-3) | mutantf | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| mutantf4 | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-4) | mutantf | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| mutantf | | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5) | | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| mvpj | | MVP (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0142) | mvp | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| mvp | | MVP (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143) | | 1989 | Sega | System 16B | |
| myherok | | My Hero (Korea) | myhero | 1985 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| myhero | | My Hero (US, not encrypted) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| mystston | | Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure | | 1984 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| myststono | | Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure | mystston | 1984 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| myststonoi | | Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure (Itisa PCB) | mystston | 1984 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| mysticrib | | Mystic Riders (bootleg?) | mysticri | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| mysticri | | Mystic Riders (World) | | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| naname | | Naname de Magic! | | 1994 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| nastar | | Nastar (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| nastarw | | Nastar Warrior (US) | nastar | 1988 | Taito America | Taito B System| |
| nmouse | | Naughty Mouse (set 1) | | 1981 | Amenip (Palcom| Pac-man | |
| nmouseb | | Naughty Mouse (set 2) | nmouse | 1981 | Amenip Nova Ga| Pac-man | |
| kuniokunb | | Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan bootleg) | renegade | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| kuniokun | | Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan) | renegade | 1986 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| newapunk | | New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) | bbmanw | 1992 | Irem America | M90 | |
| newfant | | New Fantasia | | 1995 | Comad / New Ja| Miscellaneous | |
| newfanta | | New Fantasia (set 2) | newfant | 1995 | Comad / New Ja| Miscellaneous | |
| newpuckx | | New Puck-X | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| nrallyx | | New Rally X | | 1981 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| newsin7 | | New Sinbad 7 | | 1983 | ATW USA, Inc. | Galaxian | |
| newpuc2 | | Newpuc2 | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| newpuc2b | | Newpuc2b | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| news | | News (set 1) | | 1993 | Poby / Virus | Miscellaneous | |
| newsa | | News (set 2) | news | 1993 | Poby / Jeansol| Miscellaneous | |
| nightstrj | | Night Striker (Japan) | nightstr | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| nightstru | | Night Striker (US) | nightstr | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| nightstr | | Night Striker (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| ninja | | Ninja (315-5102) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nbbatmanu | D NW | Ninja Baseball Batman (US) | nbbatman | 1993 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| gaiden | | Ninja Gaiden (US) | shadoww | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nprinces | | Ninja Princess (315-5051, 64k Ver. bootleg?) | seganinj | 1985 | bootleg? | System 1 | |
| nprincesb | | Ninja Princess (315-5051?, 128k Ver. bootleg?) | seganinj | 1985 | bootleg? | System 1 | |
| nprinceso | | Ninja Princess (315-5098, 128k Ver.) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| nprincesu | | Ninja Princess (64k Ver. not encrypted) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| ryukendn | | Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 1) | shadoww | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| ryukendna | | Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 2) | shadoww | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| nspirit | | Ninja Spirit | | 1988 | Irem | M72 | |
| nitrobal | | Nitro Ball (US) | | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| nob | NW | Noboranka (Japan) | | 1986 | Data East Corp| System 1 | |
| nobb | | Noboranka (Japan, bootleg) | nob | 1986 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| nost | | Nostradamus | | 1993 | Face | LINDA | |
| nostj | | Nostradamus (Japan) | nost | 1993 | Face | LINDA | |
| nostk | | Nostradamus (Korea) | nost | 1993 | Face | LINDA | |
| nouryoku | | Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai | | 1995 | Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| ohmygod | | Oh My God! | | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| oisipuzl | | Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka | | 1993 | Sunsoft + Atlu| Seta | |
| omega | | Omega | theend | 19?? | bootleg? | Galaxian | |
| omni | | Omni | pisces | 19?? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| nmaster | | Oni - The Ninja Master (Japan) | metmqstr | 1995 | Banpresto / Pa| Cave | |
| onna34ro | | Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (set 1) | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| onna34roa | | Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (set 2) | onna34ro | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| opwolfb | | Operation Bear | opwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| othunderj | | Operation Thunderbolt (Japan) | othunder | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| othunderu | | Operation Thunderbolt (US) | othunder | 1988 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| othunderuo | | Operation Thunderbolt (US, older) | othunder | 1988 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| othunder | | Operation Thunderbolt (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| opwolfj | | Operation Wolf (Japan) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| opwolfu | | Operation Wolf (US) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| opwolf | | Operation Wolf (World, set 1) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| opwolfa | | Operation Wolf (World, set 2) | opwolf | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| opwolf3u | | Operation Wolf 3 (US) | opwolf3 | 1994 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| opwolf3 | | Operation Wolf 3 (World) | | 1994 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| orbitron | | Orbitron | | 19?? | Signatron USA | Galaxian | |
| orbs | | Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?) | | 1994 | American Sammy| Seta | |
| orlegend105k | | Oriental Legend (V105, Korea) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| orlegend111c | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V111, China) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| orlegendca | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112 alt, Chi| orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| orlegende | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| orlegendc | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112, China) | orlegend | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| orlegend | | Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V126) | | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| olds100a | | Oriental Legend Special - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang Super | olds | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| olds100 | | Oriental Legend Special - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang Super | olds | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| olds103t | | Oriental Legend Special - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang Super | olds | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| oldsplus | | Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Supe| | 2004 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| olds | | Oriental Legend Super (V101, Korea) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Imperfect Protection Emulation |
| osman | | Osman (World) | | 1996 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| outrunb | | Out Run (bootleg) | outrun | 1986 | bootleg | Out Run | |
| outrundx | | Out Run (deluxe sitdown) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outruno | | Out Run (sitdown/upright) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outrunra | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev A) | outrun | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outrun | | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) | | 1986 | Sega | Out Run | |
| outzone | | Out Zone (set 1) | | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| outzonea | | Out Zone (set 2) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| outzoneb | | Out Zone (set 3, prototype?) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| outzonec | | Out Zone (set 4) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| outzoned | | Out Zone (set 5) | outzone | 1990 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| ozon1 | | Ozon I | | 1983 | Proma | Galaxian | |
| pgemeni | | P-GeMeni (060123) | | 2006 | blastar@gmx.ne| PolyGameMaster| |
| pow | | P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US version 1) | | 1988 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| pacgal | | Pac-Gal | mspacman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| paclandj | | Pac-Land (Japan new) | pacland | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| paclandjo | | Pac-Land (Japan old) | pacland | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| paclandjo2 | | Pac-Land (Japan older) | pacland | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| paclandm | | Pac-Land (Midway) | pacland | 1984 | Namco (Bally M| Miscellaneous | |
| pacland | | Pac-Land (World) | | 1984 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| pacmanbl | | Pac-Man (Galaxian hardware, set 1) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pacmanbla | | Pac-Man (Galaxian hardware, set 2) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pacheart | | Pac-Man (Hearts) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| pacman | | Pac-Man (Midway) | puckman | 1980 | [Namco] (Midwa| Pac-man | |
| pacmod | | Pac-Man (Midway, harder) | puckman | 1981 | [Namco] (Midwa| Pac-man | |
| pacmanf | | Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack) | puckman | 1980 | [Namco] (Midwa| Pac-man | |
| pacplus | | Pac-Man Plus | | 1982 | [Namco] (Midwa| Pac-man | |
| pacuman | | Pacu-Man (Spanish bootleg of Puck Man) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg (Recre| Pac-man | |
| paddle2 | | Paddle 2 (bootleg on Block hardware) | arkanoid | 1986 | bootleg | Arkanoid | |
| paintrlr | | Paint Roller | crush | 1981 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| pairlove | | Pairs Love | | 1991 | Athena | Seta | |
| pajaroes | | Pajaro del Espacio (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg (PSV S| Galaxian | |
| pangb | | Pang (bootleg, set 1) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pangbold | | Pang (bootleg, set 2) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pangb2 | | Pang (bootleg, set 4) | pang | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pang | | Pang (World) | | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| pangpang | | Pang Pang | | 1994 | Dong Gue La Mi| Miscellaneous | |
| paprazzi | | Paparazzi | | 1996 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bi| |
| parodiusa | | Parodius DA! (Asia) | parodius | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| parodiusj | | Parodius DA! (Japan) | parodius | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| parodius | | Parodius DA! (World, set 1) | | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| parodiuse | | Parodius DA! (World, set 2) | parodius | 1990 | Konami | GX955 | |
| prtytime | | Party Time: Gonta the Diver II / Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 (W| | 1995 | Mitchell | Simple 156 | |
| ppchamp | | Pasha Pasha Champ Mini Game Festival | gotcha | 1997 | Dongsung | Miscellaneous | |
| pass | | Pass | | 1992 | Oksan | Miscellaneous | |
| passshtb | D | Passing Shot (bootleg, 2 Players) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| passshtj | | Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0070) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| passsht16a | | Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players, System 16A, FD1094 317| passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| passsht | | Passing Shot (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0080) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| passshta | | Passing Shot (World, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0074) | passsht | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| pengob | | Pengo (bootleg) | pengo | 1982 | Bootleg | Pac-man | |
| pengo | | Pengo (set 1 rev c) | | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengo2u | | Pengo (set 2 not encrypted) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengo2 | | Pengo (set 2) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengo3u | | Pengo (set 3 not encrypted) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| pengo4 | | Pengo (set 4) | pengo | 1982 | Sega | Pac-man | |
| penbros | | Penguin Brothers (Japan) | | 2000 | Subsino | Newer Seta | |
| pkunwarj | | Penguin-Kun Wars (Japan) | pkunwar | 1985 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| pkunwar | | Penguin-Kun Wars (US) | | 1985 | UPL | Miscellaneous | |
| penta | | Penta | pengo | 1982 | Bootleg | Pac-man | |
| psoldier | | Perfect Soldiers (Japan) | ssoldier | 1993 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| pestplce | | Pest Place | mario | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ppan | | Peter Pan (bootleg of Hook) | hook | 1992 | bootleg | M92 | Imperfect graphics |
| pgm | NW | PGM (Polygame Master) System BIOS | | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| BIOS only |
| phoenxp2 | | Phoenix Part 2 | phoenix | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| photoy2k104 | | Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V104) | photoy2k | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| photoy2k | | Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V105) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| pgm3in1 | D NW | Photo Y2K 2 (3-in-1) | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| py2k2 | D NW | Photo Y2K 2 | | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| pipibibsp | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (prototype) | pipibibs | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| whoopee | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Teki Paki hardware) | pipibibs | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| No sound (sound MCU not dumped) |
| pipibibs | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| pipibibsa | | Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 2) | pipibibs | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| piranha | | Piranha | puckman | 1981 | GL (US Billiar| Pac-man | |
| piranhah | | Piranha (hack) | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| piranhao | | Piranha (older) | puckman | 1981 | GL (US Billiar| Pac-man | |
| higemaru | | Pirate Ship Higemaru | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| pirates | | Pirates | | 1994 | NIX | Miscellaneous | |
| pisces | | Pisces | | 19?? | Subelectro | Galaxian | |
| piscesb | | Pisces (bootleg) | pisces | 19?? | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| pitfall2 | | Pitfall II (315-5093) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| pitfall2a | | Pitfall II (315-5093, Flicky Conversion) | pitfall2 | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| pitfall2u | | Pitfall II (not encrypted) | pitfall2 | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| plumppop | | Plump Pop (Japan) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| pktgaldx | | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00) | | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| pktgaldxb | D NW | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00, bootleg) | pktgaldx | 1992 | bootleg | DECO IC16 | |
| pktgaldxj | | Pocket Gal Deluxe (Japan v3.00) | pktgaldx | 1993 | Nihon System | DECO IC16 | |
| pkladies | | Poker Ladies | | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| pkladiesla | | Poker Ladies (Leprechaun ver. 401) | pkladies | 1989 | Leprechaun | Miscellaneous | |
| pkladiesl | | Poker Ladies (Leprechaun ver. 510) | pkladies | 1989 | Leprechaun | Miscellaneous | |
| pompingw | | Pomping World (Japan) | pang | 1989 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| ponpoko | | Ponpoko | | 1982 | Sigma Enterpri| Pac-man | |
| ponpokov | | Ponpoko (Venture Line) | ponpoko | 1982 | Sigma Enterpri| Pac-man | |
| pootan | | Pootan | pooyan | 1982 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| pooyan | | Pooyan | | 1982 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| pooyans | | Pooyan (Stern) | pooyan | 1982 | [Konami] (Ster| Miscellaneous | |
| popspops | | Pop's Pop's | | 1999 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| popeyeman | | Popeye-Man | puckman | 1981 | hack | Pac-man | |
| porky | | Porky | | 1985 | Shinkai Inc. (| Pac-man | |
| porter | | Port Man (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) | dockman | 19?? | Nova Games Ltd| Galaxian | |
| poundforj | D NW | Pound for Pound (Japan) | poundfor | 1990 | Irem | M85 | |
| poundforu | D NW | Pound for Pound (US) | poundfor | 1990 | Irem America | M85 | |
| poundfor | D NW | Pound for Pound (World) | | 1990 | Irem | M85 | |
| pdriftj | | Power Drift (Japan) | pdrift | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| pdrifta | | Power Drift (World) | pdrift | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| pdrifte | | Power Drift (World, Earlier) | pdrift | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| pdrift | | Power Drift (World, Rev A) | | 1988 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| powerins | | Power Instinct (USA) | | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinsa | | Power Instinct (USA, bootleg set 1) | powerins | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| powerinsb | | Power Instinct (USA, bootleg set 2) | powerins | 1993 | Atlus | Miscellaneous | |
| pwrinst2 | | Power Instinct 2 (USA, ver. 94/04/08) | | 1994 | Atlus | Cave | Bad Music from first MSM6295 |
| pwheelsj | | Power Wheels (Japan) | dblaxle | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| prehislek | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (Korea) | prehisle | 1989 | SNK (Victor li| Prehistoric Is| |
| prehisleu | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US) | prehisle | 1989 | SNK of America| Prehistoric Is| |
| prehisle | | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) | | 1989 | SNK | Prehistoric Is| |
| sailormno | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22, Europe) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnoh | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22, Hong Kong) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnoj | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22, Japan) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnok | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22, Korea) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnot | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22, Taiwan) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnou | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22, USA) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormn | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, Europe) | | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnh | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, Hong Kong)| sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnj | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, Japan) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnk | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, Korea) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnt | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, Taiwan) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| sailormnu | | Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, USA) | sailormn | 1995 | BanPresto / Ga| Cave | |
| oscarj1 | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 1) | oscar | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| oscarj2 | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 2) | oscar | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| oscaru | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (US) | oscar | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| oscar | | Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0) | | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| puckmanb | | Puck Man (Bootleg set 1) | puckman | 1980 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| puckmanh | | Puck Man (bootleg set 2) | puckman | 1981 | bootleg (Falco| Pac-man | |
| puckman | | Puck Man (Japan set 1) | | 1980 | Namco | Pac-man | |
| puckmod | | Puck Man (Japan set 2) | puckman | 1981 | Namco | Pac-man | |
| pacmansp | | Puck Man (Spanish, 'Made in Greece' bootleg) | puckman | 198? | hack | Pac-man | |
| puckmanf | | PuckMan (speedup hack) | puckman | 1980 | hack | Pac-man | |
| pulirulaj | | PuLiRuLa (Japan) | pulirula | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | Some priority problems |
| pulirula | | PuLiRuLa (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | Some priority problems |
| punkshotj | | Punk Shot (Japan 2 Players) | punkshot | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| punkshot2 | | Punk Shot (US 2 Players) | punkshot | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| punkshot | | Punk Shot (US 4 Players) | | 1990 | Konami | GX907 | |
| pushmans | | Pushman (American Sammy license) | pushman | 1990 | Comad (America| Miscellaneous | |
| pushman | | Pushman (Korea, set 1) | | 1990 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| pushmana | | Pushman (Korea, set 2) | pushman | 1990 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| pbobble | | Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System) | | 1994 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| pzlbreak | | Puzzle Break | | 1997 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| pclubys | | Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 1) | | 2000 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| pclubysa | | Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 2) | pclubys | 2000 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| pzlbowl | | Puzzle De Bowling (Japan) | | 1999 | Nihon System /| Newer Seta | |
| 4in1boot | | Puzzle King | | 2002 | K1 Soft | Kaneko Pandora| |
| puzlstar | | Puzzle Star (V100MG) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| uopoko | | Puzzle Uo Poko (International, ver. 98/02/06) | | 1999 | Cave / Jaleco | Cave | |
| uopokoj | | Puzzle Uo Poko (Japan, ver. 98/02/06) | uopoko | 1999 | Cave / Jaleco | Cave | |
| puzzli2 | | Puzzli 2 (V100) | | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| puzzli2s | | Puzzli 2 Super (V200) | puzzli2 | 2001 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete dump |
| quarteta | | Quartet (8751 315-5194) | quartet | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| quartet | | Quartet (Rev A, 8751 317-unknown) | | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| quartet2 | | Quartet 2 (8751 317-0010) | quartet | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| quartet2a | | Quartet 2 (unprotected) | quartet | 1986 | Sega | System 16A | |
| quarth | | Quarth (Japan) | blockhl | 1989 | Konami | GX973 | |
| qzchikyu | | Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| qcrayon | | Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| hotdebut | | Quiz de Idol! Hot Debut (Japan) | | 2000 | Psikyo / Moss | PS4 | |
| quizf1 | | Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan) | | 1992 | Irem | M90 | |
| qgakumon | | Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA1 Type H) | | 1993 | Konami | GX248 | |
| quizhq | | Quiz H.Q. (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| qjinsei | | Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) | | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| qzkklogy | | Quiz Kokology | | 1992 | Tecmo | Seta | |
| qzkklgy2 | | Quiz Kokology 2 | | 1993 | Tecmo | Seta | |
| quizo | | Quiz Olympic | | 1985 | Seoul Coin Cor| Miscellaneous | |
| qzquest | | Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| qsangoku | | Quiz Sangokushi (Japan) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| qzshowby | | Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| qtono1 | | Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan) | | 1991 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| qtorimon | | Quiz Torimonochou (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| rtypejp | | R-Type (Japan prototype) | rtype | 1987 | Irem | M72 | |
| rtypej | | R-Type (Japan) | rtype | 1987 | Irem | M72 | |
| rtypeu | | R-Type (US) | rtype | 1987 | Irem (Nintendo| M72 | |
| rtypeb | | R-Type (World bootleg) | rtype | 1987 | bootleg | M72 | |
| rtype | | R-Type (World) | | 1987 | Irem | M72 | |
| rtype2 | | R-Type II | | 1989 | Irem | M82 | |
| rtype2j | | R-Type II (Japan) | rtype2 | 1989 | Irem | M82 | |
| rtype2jc | | R-Type II (Japan, revision C) | rtype2 | 1989 | Irem | M82 | |
| rtypeleoj | | R-Type Leo (Japan) | rtypeleo | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| rtypeleo | | R-Type Leo (World) | | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| rpunch | | Rabbit Punch (US) | rabiolep | 1987 | V-System Co. (| Miscellaneous | |
| rabiolep | | Rabio Lepus (Japan) | | 1987 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| racingb | | Racing Beat (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| rachero | | Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| racknrol | | Rack + Roll | | 1986 | Status (Shinka| Galaxian | |
| radarscp | | Radar Scope | | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| radarscp1 | | Radar Scope (TRS01) | radarscp | 1980 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| raflesia | | Rafflesia (315-5162) | | 1986 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| raidenk | | Raiden (Korea) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raiden | | Raiden (set 1) | | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raidena | | Raiden (set 2) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raidenb | | Raiden (set 3, Alternate hardware) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raident | | Raiden (Taiwan) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raidenu | | Raiden (US, set 1) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raidenua | | Raiden (US, set 2, SEI8904 + SEI9008 PCBs) | raiden | 1990 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| raiga | | Raiga - Strato Fighter (Japan) | stratof | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| stratof | | Raiga - Strato Fighter (US) | | 1991 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rchasej | | Rail Chase (Japan) | rchase | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| rchase | | Rail Chase (World) | | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| rbislande | | Rainbow Islands (Extra) | rbisland | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rbisland | | Rainbow Islands (new version) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rbislando | | Rainbow Islands (old version) | rbisland | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rallybik | | Rally Bike / Dash Yarou | | 1988 | [Toaplan] Tait| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| rallyxa | | Rally X | rallyx | 1980 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyx | | Rally X (32k Ver.?)) | | 1980 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyxm | | Rally X (Midway) | rallyx | 1980 | Namco (Midway | Miscellaneous | |
| rallyxmr | | Rally X (Model Racing) | rallyx | 1980 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| rambo3 | | Rambo III (Europe) | | 1989 | Taito Europe C| Taito B System| |
| rambo3p | | Rambo III (Europe, Proti?) | rambo3 | 1989 | Taito Europe C| Taito B System| |
| rambo3u | | Rambo III (US) | rambo3 | 1989 | Taito Europe C| Taito B System| |
| raphero | | Rapid Hero | | 1994 | Media Trading | NMK16 | Incomplete sound |
| rastanu | | Rastan (US Rev 1) | rastan | 1987 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| rastanua | | Rastan (US) | rastan | 1987 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| rastanub | | Rastan (US, Earlier code base) | rastan | 1987 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| rastan | | Rastan (World Rev 1) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rastana | | Rastan (World) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rastsaga | | Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rastsagaa | | Rastan Saga (Japan) | rastan | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| rastsag2 | | Rastan Saga 2 (Japan) | nastar | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| photoy2k102 | | Real and Fake\0Photo Y2K (V102, Japan) | photoy2k | 1999 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| redearthr1 | | Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961023) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| redearth | | Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) | | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| redfoxwp2 | | Red Fox War Planes II (China, set 1) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| redfoxwp2a | | Red Fox War Planes II (China, set 2) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| redhawke | | Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (Excelle| NMK16 | |
| redhawki | | Red Hawk (Italy) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (Hea Don| NMK16 | |
| redhawk | | Red Hawk (US) | stagger1 | 1997 | Afega (New Vis| NMK16 | |
| reguluso | | Regulus (315-5033) | regulus | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| regulus | | Regulus (315-5033, rev. A) | | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| regulusu | | Regulus (not encrypted) | regulus | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| renegade | | Renegade (US) | | 1986 | Technos (Taito| Miscellaneous | |
| repulse | | Repulse | | 1985 | Sega | Kyugo | |
| rescue | | Rescue | | 1982 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| retofinv | | Return of the Invaders | | 1985 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| retofinv1 | | Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 1) | retofinv | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| retofinv2 | | Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 2) | retofinv | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| revenger | D NW | Revenger | | 1984 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | Bad dump |
| rezon | | Rezon | | 1991 | Allumer | Seta | |
| rezont | | Rezon (Taito) | rezon | 1992 | Allumer (Taito| Seta | |
| ringohja | | Ring no Ohja (Japan 2 Players ver. N) | mainevt | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| riot | | Riot | | 1992 | NMK | Miscellaneous | |
| riotcity | | Riot City (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| riskchal | | Risky Challenge | | 1993 | Irem | M90 | Unemulated CPU functions |
| robocopj | | Robocop (Japan) | robocop | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| robocopu0 | | Robocop (US revision 0) | robocop | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| robocopu | | Robocop (US revision 1) | robocop | 1988 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| robocopb | | Robocop (World bootleg) | robocop | 1988 | bootleg | DEC0 | |
| robocopw | | Robocop (World revision 3) | robocop | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| robocop | | Robocop (World revision 4) | | 1988 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| robocop2 | | Robocop 2 (Euro/Asia v0.10) | | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| robocop2j | | Robocop 2 (Japan v0.11) | robocop2 | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| robocop2u | | Robocop 2 (US v0.05) | robocop2 | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| rockclim | | Rock Climber | | 1981 | Taito | Galaxian | |
| rockduck | | Rock Duck (prototype?) | | 1983 | Datel SAS | Miscellaneous | incorrect colors |
| rohga1 | | Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v3.0 Set 1) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| rohga2 | | Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v3.0 Set 2) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| rohga | | Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0) | | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| rohgah | | Rohga Armor Force (Hong Kong v3.0) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| rohgau | | Rohga Armor Force (US v1.0) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| rollergj | | Rollergames (Japan) | rollerg | 1991 | Konami | GX999 | |
| rollerg | | Rollergames (US) | | 1991 | Konami | GX999 | |
| route16 | | Route 16 | | 1981 | Tehkan/Sun (Ce| Route 16 | |
| route16b | | Route 16 (bootleg) | route16 | 1981 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| route16a | | Route 16 (set 2) | route16 | 1981 | Tehkan/Sun (Ce| Route 16 | |
| routex | | Route X (bootleg) | route16 | 1981 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| rascot | D | Royal Ascot | | 19?? | ???? | X-Board | |
| runark | | Runark (Japan) | growl | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| rushcrsh | | Rush & Crash (Japan) | srumbler | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| rushatck | | Rush'n Attack (US) | gberet | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| rygar | | Rygar (US set 1) | | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygar2 | | Rygar (US set 2) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygar3 | | Rygar (US set 3, old version) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| rygarb | | Rygar (US, bootleg) | rygar | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| ryujin | | Ryu Jin (Japan) | | 1993 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| ryukyu | | RyuKyu (Japan, FD1094 317-5023) | | 1990 | Success / Sega| System 16B | |
| spyu | | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (US ver. M) | spy | 1989 | Konami | GX857 | |
| spy | | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N) | | 1989 | Konami | GX857 | |
| srdmissn | | S.R.D. Mission | | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Kyugo | |
| ssmissin | | S.S. Mission | | 1992 | Comad | NMK16 | |
| svgpcb | D NW | S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V100, Japan, Single P| svg | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| svg | D NW | S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V200, China) | | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| sabotenb | | Saboten Bombers (set 1) | | 1992 | NMK / Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| sabotenba | | Saboten Bombers (set 2) | sabotenb | 1992 | NMK / Tecmo | NMK16 | |
| nspiritj | | Saigo no Nindou (Japan) | nspirit | 1988 | Irem | M72 | |
| samesame | | Same! Same! Same! (2 player alternating ver.) | fireshrk | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| samesame2 | | Same! Same! Same! | fireshrk | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| samuraia | | Samurai Aces (World) | | 1993 | Psikyo / Banpr| Psikyo 68EC020| |
| ssanchan | | Sanrin San Chan (Japan) | spatter | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| searcharj | | SAR - Search And Rescue (Japan) | searchar | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| searcharu | | SAR - Search And Rescue (US) | searchar | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| searchar | | SAR - Search And Rescue (World) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| saturnzi | | Saturn | | 1983 | [Zilec Electro| Miscellaneous | |
| savgbees | | Savage Bees | exedexes | 1985 | Capcom (Memetr| Miscellaneous | |
| schmeisr | | Schmeiser Robo (Japan) | | 1993 | Hot B | DECO IC16 | |
| scotrsht | | Scooter Shooter | | 1985 | Konami | Miscellaneous | |
| scorpionmc | | Scorpion (Moon Cresta hardware) | scorpion | 19?? | Dorneer | Galaxian | |
| scorpion | | Scorpion (set 1) | | 1982 | Zaccaria | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| scorpiona | | Scorpion (set 2) | scorpion | 1982 | Zaccaria | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| scorpionb | | Scorpion (set 3) | scorpion | 1982 | Zaccaria | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| scramble | | Scramble | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| scramblb | | Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| scramb2 | | Scramble (bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| scramblebb | | Scramble (bootleg?) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg? | Galaxian | |
| scramblebf | | Scramble (Karateko, French bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | Karateko (boot| Galaxian | |
| scrampt | | Scramble (Petaco S.A., Spanish bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Petac| Galaxian | |
| scrambler | | Scramble (Reben S.A. Spanish bootleg) | scramble | 1981 | bootleg (Reben| Galaxian | |
| scrambles | | Scramble (Stern) | scramble | 1981 | Konami (Stern | Galaxian | |
| scregg | | Scrambled Egg | | 1983 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| sdfight | | SD Fighters (Korea) | | 1996 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| neobattl | | SD Gundam Neo Battling (Japan) | | 1992 | Banpresto / So| Seta | |
| sdgndmps | | SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui | | 1991 | Banpresto / Ba| Miscellaneous | |
| sdibl | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg) | sdi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| sdi | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System| | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| sdib | | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (System 16B, FD1089| sdi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| searchey | | Search Eye | | 1999 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| searchp2 | | Search Eye Plus V2.0 | | 1999 | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| secretag | | Secret Agent (World) | slyspy | 1989 | Data East Corp| DEC0 | |
| sectionz | | Section Z (set 1) | | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sectionza | | Section Z (set 2) | sectionz | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| seganinj | | Sega Ninja (315-5102) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| seganinju | | Sega Ninja (not encrypted) | seganinj | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| amatelas | | Sei Senshi Amatelass | amazon | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| sscandal | | Seishun Scandal (315-5132, Japan) | myhero | 1985 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| selfeena | | Sel Feena | | 1991 | East Technolog| Taito B System| |
| grdnstrmk | | Sen Jin - Guardian Storm (Korea) | grdnstrm | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| sngkace | | Sengoku Ace (Japan) | samuraia | 1993 | Psikyo / Banpr| Psikyo 68EC020| |
| commandoj | | Senjou no Ookami | commando | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| setaroul | D NW | Seta / Visco Roulette? | | 198? | Seta / Visco | Seta | |
| sfx | | SF-X | | 1983 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Incomplete Sound |
| shackled | | Shackled (US) | | 1986 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| shdancbl | D NW | Shadow Dancer (bootleg) | shdancer | 1989 | bootleg | System 18 | |
| shdancer1 | | Shadow Dancer (set 1) | shdancer | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| shdancerj | | Shadow Dancer (set 2, Japan) | shdancer | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| shdancer | | Shadow Dancer (set 3, US) | | 1989 | Sega | System 18 | |
| shadfrcejv2 | | Shadow Force (Japan Version 2) | shadfrce | 1993 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| shadfrcej | | Shadow Force (Japan Version 3) | shadfrce | 1993 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| shadfrce | | Shadow Force (US Version 2) | | 1993 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| shadoww | | Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) | | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| shadowwa | | Shadow Warriors (World, set 2) | shadoww | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| shinoblb | | Shinobi (beta bootleg, System 16A) | shinobi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| shinobi1 | | Shinobi (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0050) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| shinobi2 | | Shinobi (set 2, System 16B, FD1094 317-0049) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi3 | | Shinobi (set 3, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi4 | | Shinobi (set 4, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi5 | | Shinobi (set 5, System 16B, unprotected) | shinobi | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| shinobi | | Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| shinobls | | Shinobi (Star bootleg, System 16A) | shinobi | 1987 | bootleg | System 16A | |
| shinfz | | Shinobi / FZ-2006 (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Sele| | 2006 | ISG | ISG Selection | |
| shippumd | | Shippu Mahou Daisakusen - kingdom grandprix | kingdmgp | 1994 | Raizing / 8ing| Toaplan GP9001| |
| shisen2 | | Shisensho II | matchit2 | 1993 | Tamtex | M90 | |
| shocking | | Shocking | | 1997 | Yun Sung | Yun Sung 16 Bi| |
| shootbul | D NW | Shoot the Bull | | 1985 | Bally Midway | Pac-man | Analog inputs not hooked up |
| sidepcktb | | Side Pocket (bootleg set 1) | sidepckt | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sidepcktb2 | | Side Pocket (bootleg set 2) | sidepckt | 1986 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sidepcktj | | Side Pocket (Japan) | sidepckt | 1986 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| sidepckt | | Side Pocket (World) | | 1986 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| silentdj | | Silent Dragon (Japan) | silentd | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| silentdu | | Silent Dragon (US) | silentd | 1992 | Taito America | Taito B System| |
| silentd | | Silent Dragon (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| silkworm | | Silk Worm | | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| silkwormb | | Silk Worm (bootleg) | silkworm | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| silkwormj | | Silk Worm (Japan) | silkworm | 1988 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| silvmil | | Silver Millennium | | 1995 | Para | Miscellaneous | |
| skelagon | D NW | Skelagon | sfx | 1983 | Nichibutsu USA| Galaxian | Bad Dump |
| skybase | | Sky Base | | 1982 | Omori Electric| Galaxian | |
| skyfox | | Sky Fox | | 1987 | Jaleco (Nichib| Miscellaneous | |
| skykidd | | Sky Kid (CUS60 version) | skykid | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| skykid | | Sky Kid (new version) | | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| skykido | | Sky Kid (old version) | skykid | 1985 | Namco | Miscellaneous | |
| skykids | | Sky Kid (Sipem) | skykid | 1985 | Namco [Sipem l| Miscellaneous | |
| skylancr | | Sky Lancer | | 1983 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| skylancre | | Sky Lancer (Esco Trading Co license) | skylancr | 1983 | Orca (Esco Tra| Miscellaneous | |
| skyraidr | | Sky Raiders | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| skysmash | | Sky Smasher | | 1990 | Nihon System | Miscellaneous | |
| skywolf | | Sky Wolf (set 1) | airwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Kyugo | |
| skywolf2 | | Sky Wolf (set 2) | airwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Kyugo | |
| skywolf3 | | Sky Wolf (set 3) | airwolf | 1987 | bootleg | Kyugo | |
| slapfighb1 | | Slap Fight (bootleg set 1) | alcon | 1986 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| slapfighb2 | | Slap Fight (bootleg set 2) | alcon | 1986 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| slapfighb3 | | Slap Fight (bootleg set 3) | alcon | 1986 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| slapfigh | | Slap Fight (Japan set 1) | alcon | 1986 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| slapshot | | Slap Shot (Japan) | | 1994 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| slyspy2 | | Sly Spy (US revision 2) | slyspy | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| slyspy | | Sly Spy (US revision 3) | | 1989 | Data East USA | DEC0 | |
| snapjack | | Snap Jack | | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| snapper | | Snapper (Korea) | | 1990 | Philko | System 16B | |
| snowbrosd | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan (Dooyo| Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbrosj | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbros | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1) | | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbrosa | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbrosb | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbrosc | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 4) | snowbros | 1990 | Toaplan | Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbroswb | | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (The Winter Bobble hardware bo| snowbros | 1990 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora| |
| snowbro2 | | Snow Bros. 2 - with new elves | | 1994 | [Toaplan] Hana| Toaplan GP9001| |
| snowbro3 | | Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure | | 2002 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora| |
| sokonuke | | Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan) | | 1995 | Sammy Industri| Seta | |
| soldivid | | Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness | | 1997 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| amazon | | Soldier Girl Amazon | | 1986 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| solfigtr | | Solitary Fighter (World) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| solomonj | | Solomon's Key (Japan) | solomon | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| solomon | | Solomon's Key (US) | | 1986 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| sonofphx | | Son of Phoenix | repulse | 1985 | Associated Ove| Kyugo | |
| sonson | | Son Son | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sonsonj | | Son Son (Japan) | sonson | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sbm | | Sonic Blast Man (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| sonicbom | | Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| sonicwi | | Sonic Wings (Japan) | aerofgt | 1992 | Video System C| Video System | |
| sstriker | | Sorcer Striker (World) | | 1993 | Raizing | Toaplan GP9001| |
| sstrikera | | Sorcer Striker (World, alt) | sstriker | 1993 | Raizing | Toaplan GP9001| |
| sotsugyo | | Sotsugyo Shousho | | 1995 | Mitchell (Atlu| DECO IC16 | |
| spacbatt | | Space Battle (bootleg set 1) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spacbat2 | | Space Battle (bootleg set 2) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| sbsgomo | | Space Battle Ship Gomorrah | bioship | 1990 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| sbombera | | Space Bomber | sbomber | 1998 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| sbomber | | Space Bomber (ver. B) | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| spcdrag | | Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 1) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spcdraga | | Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 2) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spacecho | | Space Echo (bootleg) | speakres | 1980 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| spacempr | | Space Empire (bootleg) | uniwars | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| spacegun | | Space Gun (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| sharrier1 | | Space Harrier (8751 315-5163) | sharrier | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| sharrier | | Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) | | 1985 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| spacedxo | | Space Invaders DX (Japan, v2.0) | spacedx | 1994 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| spacedxj | | Space Invaders DX (Japan, v2.1) | spacedx | 1994 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| spacedx | | Space Invaders DX (US, v2.1) | | 1994 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| galap1 | | Space Invaders Galactica (galaxiaj hack) | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| sinvasnb | | Space Invasion (bootleg) | commando | 1985 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| sinvasn | | Space Invasion (Europe) | commando | 1985 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| spcpostn | | Space Position (Japan) | | 1986 | Sega / Nasco | Miscellaneous | |
| sraider | | Space Raider | | 1982 | Universal | Miscellaneous | |
| spctbird | | Space Thunderbird | mooncrst | 1981? | bootleg? (Fort| Galaxian | |
| spartanx | | Spartan X (Japan) | kungfum | 1984 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| spatter | | Spatter | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| speakres | | Speak & Rescue | | 1980 | Sun Electronic| Route 16 | |
| scij | | Special Criminal Investigation (Japan) | sci | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| scinegro | | Special Criminal Investigation (Negro bootleg) | sci | 1989 | Negro | Taito-Z | |
| sciu | | Special Criminal Investigation (US) | sci | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-Z | |
| sci | | Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| scia | | Special Criminal Investigation (World set 2) | sci | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-Z | |
| spec2k | | Spectrum 2000 (Euro) | | 2000 | YONA Tech | NMK16 | |
| spdcoin | | Speed Coin (prototype) | | 1984 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| speedspn | | Speed Spin | | 1994 | TCH | Miscellaneous | |
| spelunkr | | Spelunker | | 1985 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| spelunkrj | | Spelunker (Japan) | spelunkr | 1985 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| spelunk2 | | Spelunker II | | 1986 | Irem (licensed| Irem M62 | |
| spinlbrkj | | Spinal Breakers (Japan) | spinlbrk | 1990 | V-System Co. | V-System | |
| spinlbrku | | Spinal Breakers (US) | spinlbrk | 1990 | V-System Co. | V-System | |
| spinlbrk | | Spinal Breakers (World) | | 1990 | V-System Co. | V-System | |
| springer | | Springer | | 1982 | Orca | Miscellaneous | |
| squash | | Squash (Ver. 1.0) | | 1992 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| stagger1 | | Stagger I (Japan) | | 1998 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| starfght | | Star Fighter | galaxian | 1979 | Juetel | Galaxian | |
| starfgmc | | Star Fighter (Moon Cresta bootleg) | mooncrst | 198? | bootleg (Samyr| Galaxian | |
| starjack | | Star Jacker (Sega) | | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| starjacks | | Star Jacker (Stern) | starjack | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| stera | | Steraranger (Moon Cresta bootleg) | mooncrst | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| stoneage | | Stoneage (bootleg of Caveman Ninja) | cninja | 1991 | bootleg | DECO IC16 | |
| strfbomb | | Strafe Bomb | scramble | 1981 | Omni | Galaxian | |
| stratgyx | | Strategy X | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| stratgys | | Strategy X (Stern) | stratgyx | 1981 | Konami (Stern | Galaxian | |
| stratvox | | Stratovox | speakres | 1980 | [Sun Electroni| Route 16 | |
| stratvoxb | | Stratovox (bootleg) | speakres | 1980 | bootleg | Route 16 | |
| streakng | | Streaking (set 1) | | 1981 | Shoei | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| streaknga | | Streaking (set 2) | streakng | 1981 | Shoei | Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| sfj | | Street Fighter (Japan) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfp | | Street Fighter (Prototype) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfu | | Street Fighter (US set 1) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfua | | Street Fighter (US set 2) | sf | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sf | | Street Fighter (World) | | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| sfiii2n | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Asia 9709| sfiii2 | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii2j | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Japan 970| sfiii2 | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii2 | | Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 97093| | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3r1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (E| sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (E| | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3nr1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (J| sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3n | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (J| sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3ur1 | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (U| sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii3u | | Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (U| sfiii3 | 1999 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiin | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204, NO CD| sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiih | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Hispanic 970204) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiiij | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (Japan 970204) | sfiii | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| sfiii | | Street Fighter III: New Generation (USA 970204) | | 1997 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| streetsmj | | Street Smart (Japan version 1) | streetsm | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| streetsm1 | | Street Smart (US version 1) | streetsm | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| streetsm | | Street Smart (US version 2) | | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| streetsmw | | Street Smart (World version 1) | streetsm | 1989 | SNK | Miscellaneous | |
| strkfgtr | | Strike Fighter (Japan) | | 1991 | Sega | Y-Board | |
| stg | | Strike Gunner S.T.G | | 1991 | Athena / Tecmo| Seta | |
| s1945 | | Strikers 1945 | | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| s1945a | | Strikers 1945 (Alt) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| s1945j | | Strikers 1945 (Japan) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| s1945jn | | Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| s1945k | | Strikers 1945 (Korea) | s1945 | 1995 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| s1945ii | | Strikers 1945 II | | 1997 | Psikyo | PS3-V1 | |
| s1945iii | | Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan) | | 1999 | Psikyo | PS5 | |
| strongx | | Strong X | stratgyx | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| scessjoe | | Success Joe (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | Incomplete sound |
| sjryuko1 | | Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B 317-50| sjryuko | 1987 | White Board | System 16A | |
| sjryuko | | Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 2, System 16B, FD1089B 317-50| | 1987 | White Board | System 16B | |
| sunaq | | SunA Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6) | | 1994 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| ssridersabd | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver. ABD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersebc | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver. EBC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersebd | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver. EBD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersjbd | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver. JBD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersubc | | Sunset Riders (2 Players ver. UBC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersadd | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. ADD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssriderseaa | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. EAA) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssriders | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. EAC) | | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersjac | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. JAC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersuab | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. UAB) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersuac | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. UAC) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersuda | | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. UDA) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| ssridersb | D NW | Sunset Riders (bootleg 4 Players ver. ADD) | ssriders | 1991 | Konami | GX064 | |
| superbar | | Super Bar | wiggie | 1994 | Promat | Seta | |
| sboblboa | | Super Bobble Bobble (set 1) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| sboblbob | | Super Bobble Bobble (set 2) | bublbobl | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| supbtimej | | Super Burger Time (Japan) | supbtime | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| supbtime | | Super Burger Time (World, set 1) | | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| supbtimea | | Super Burger Time (World, set 2) | supbtime | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| sbbros | | Super Buster Bros. (US 901001) | spang | 1990 | Mitchell + Cap| Miscellaneous | |
| sucasino | | Super Casino | | 1984 | Data Amusement| Jack the Giant| |
| superchsj | | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (Japan) | superchs | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | No Sound |
| superchsu | | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (US) | superchs | 1992 | Taito America | Taito Misc | No Sound |
| superchs | | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) | | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | No Sound |
| scobra | | Super Cobra | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| scobrab | | Super Cobra (bootleg) | scobra | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| scobrase | | Super Cobra (Sega) | scobra | 1981 | Konami (Sega l| Galaxian | |
| scobras | | Super Cobra (Stern) | scobra | 1981 | Konami (Stern | Galaxian | |
| scontra | | Super Contra | | 1988 | Konami | GX775 | |
| scontraj | | Super Contra (Japan) | scontra | 1988 | Konami | GX775 | |
| superg | | Super Galaxians (galaxiaj hack) | galaxian | 1979 | hack | Galaxian | |
| suprglob | | Super Glob | | 1983 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | |
| sprglobp | | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporati| Pac-man | |
| sprglbpg | | Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German | suprglob | 1983 | bootleg | Pac-man | |
| supergx | D NW | Super GX | galaxian | 1980 | Nichibutsu | Galaxian | Bad Dump |
| shangonrb | D NW | Super Hang-On (bootleg) | shangon | 1992 | bootleg | Hang-On | |
| shangonro | D NW | Super Hang-On (Japan, FD1094 317-0038) | shangon | 1992 | Sega | Hang-On | |
| shangon2 | | Super Hang-On (mini ride-on, Rev A, FD1089B 317-0034) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| shangon3 | | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, FD1089B 317-0034) | shangon | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| shangon | | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) | | 1987 | Sega | Out Run | |
| suprheli | | Super Heli (Super Cobra bootleg) | scobra | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| suprleag | | Super League (FD1094 317-0045) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| suprlocoo | | Super Locomotive | suprloco | 1982 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| suprloco | | Super Locomotive (Rev.A) | | 1982 | Sega | Miscellaneous | |
| smwa | D | Super Mario World (Europe) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| smw | D | Super Mario World (Europe) (Rev 1) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| smwj | D | Super Mario World (Japan) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| smwu | D | Super Mario World (USA) | | 1986 | Nintendo | Miscellaneous | |
| marukin | | Super Marukin-Ban (Japan 901017) | | 1990 | Yuga | Miscellaneous | |
| supmodel | | Super Model | | 1994 | Comad / New Ja| Miscellaneous | |
| smgpja | | Super Monaco GP (Japan, Rev A, FD1094 317-0124a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpj | | Super Monaco GP (Japan, Rev B, FD1094 317-0124a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpu2 | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev A, FD1094 317-0125a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpu1 | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev B, FD1094 317-0125a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgpu | | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev C, FD1094 317-0125a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgp5 | | Super Monaco GP (World, FD1094 317-0126) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgp6 | | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev A, FD1094 317-0126a) | smgp | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smgp | | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B, FD1094 317-0126a) | | 1989 | Sega | X-Board | |
| smooncrs | | Super Moon Cresta | mooncrst | 1981? | Nichibutsu (Gr| Galaxian | |
| spangj | | Super Pang (Japan 901023) | spang | 1990 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| spang | | Super Pang (World 900914) | | 1990 | Mitchell | Miscellaneous | |
| srdarwinj | | Super Real Darwin (Japan) | srdarwin | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| srdarwin | | Super Real Darwin (World) | | 1987 | Data East Corp| DEC8 | |
| ssi | | Super Space Invaders '91 (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| macross | | Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macros| | 1992 | Banpresto | NMK16 | |
| macross2 | | Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Mac| | 1993 | Banpresto | NMK16 | |
| sstarcrs | | Super Star Crest | mooncrst | 1980? | Nichibutsu (Ta| Galaxian | |
| suprtrio | | Super Trio | | 1994 | Gameace | Miscellaneous | |
| striv2 | | Super Triv (set 2) | striv | 1985 | Hara Industrie| Jack the Giant| No sound |
| striv | | Super Triv | | 1985 | Hara Industrie| Jack the Giant| No sound |
| svolley | | Super Volleyball (Japan) | | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| svolleyk | | Super Volleyball (Korea) | svolley | 1989 | V-System Co. | Miscellaneous | |
| svolleyu | | Super Volleyball (US) | svolley | 1989 | V-System Co. (| Miscellaneous | |
| ssoldier | | Superior Soldiers (US) | | 1993 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| supermanj | | Superman (Japan) | superman | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-X | |
| supermanu | | Superman (US) | superman | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-X | |
| superman | | Superman (World) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Taito-X | |
| suratka | | Surprise Attack (Asia ver. L) | suratk | 1990 | Konami | GX911 | |
| suratkj | | Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M) | suratk | 1990 | Konami | GX911 | |
| suratk | | Surprise Attack (World ver. K) | | 1990 | Konami | GX911 | |
| swarm | | Swarm (bootleg?) | galaxian | 1979 | Sebelectro | Galaxian | |
| swat | | SWAT (315-5048) | | 1984 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| swatpolc | | SWAT Police | | 2001 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| hotgmck | | Taisen Hot Gimmick (Japan) | | 1997 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hotgmck3 | | Taisen Hot Gimmick 3 Digital Surfing (Japan) | | 1999 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hotgm4ev | | Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever (Japan) | | 2000 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| hgkairak | | Taisen Hot Gimmick Kairakuten (Japan) | | 1998 | Psikyo | PS4 | |
| tangtang | | Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) | | 2000 | ESD | Miscellaneous | |
| taotaido | | Tao Taido (set 1) | | 1993 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| taotaidoa | | Tao Taido (set 2) | taotaido | 1993 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| tharrier | | Task Force Harrier | | 1989 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| tharrieru | | Task Force Harrier (US?) | tharrier | 1989 | UPL (American | NMK16 | |
| joemac | | Tatakae Genshizin Joe & Mac (Japan ver 1) | cninja | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| trojanj | | Tatakai no Banka (Japan) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| tazzmang | | Tazz-Mania (Galaxian hardware) | tazmania | 1982 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| tazmania | | Tazz-Mania (set 1) | | 1982 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| tazmani2 | | Tazz-Mania (set 2) | tazmania | 1982 | Stern | Galaxian | |
| tknight | | Tecmo Knight | wildfang | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| teddybb | | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) | | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| teddybbo | | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, Old Ver.) | teddybb | 1985 | Sega | System 1 | |
| teddybbobl | | TeddyBoy Blues (bootleg) | teddybb | 1985 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| tmht2p | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, set 1) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmht2pa | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, set 2) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmht | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, set 1) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmhta | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, set 2) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmht22pe | | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Playe| tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmnt2pj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players) | tmnt | 1990 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntj | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players) | tmnt | 1990 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmnt2po | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntu | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 1) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmntua | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 2) | tmnt | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmnt | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players) | | 1989 | Konami | GX963 | |
| tmnt22pu | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Play| tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmnt2a | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Play| tmnt2 | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tmnt2 | | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Play| | 1991 | Konami | GX063 | |
| tekipaki | | Teki Paki | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| No sound (sound MCU not dumped) |
| tengai | | Tengai (world) | | 1996 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| tengaij | | Tengai\0Sengoku Blade - sengoku ace episode II | tengai | 1996 | Psikyo | Psikyo 68EC020| |
| terracren | | Terra Cresta (YM2203) | terracre | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terracre | | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) | | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terracreo | | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 2) | terracre | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terracrea | | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 3) | terracre | 1985 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | |
| terrafb | | Terra Force (bootleg set 2) | terraf | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| terrafjb | | Terra Force (Japan bootleg set 1, with additional Z80)| terraf | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| terrafu | | Terra Force (US) | terraf | 1987 | Nichibutsu USA| Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| terraf | | Terra Force | | 1987 | Nichibutsu | Miscellaneous | imperfect graphics |
| atetrisb | | Tetris (bootleg set 1) | atetris | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| atetrisb2 | | Tetris (bootleg set 2) | atetris | 1988 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tetrisbl | | Tetris (bootleg) | tetris | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| atetrisc | | Tetris (cocktail set 1) | atetris | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| atetrisc2 | | Tetris (cocktail set 2) | atetris | 1989 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| tetrsark | | Tetris (D.R. Korea) | | 198? | D.R. Korea | Arkanoid | Wrong colors |
| tetrista | | Tetris (Japan, B-System, YM2203) | tetris | 1989 | Sega | Taito B System| |
| tetrist | | Tetris (Japan, B-System, YM2610) | tetris | 1989 | Sega | Taito B System| |
| atetris | | Tetris (set 1) | | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| tetris1 | | Tetris (set 1, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0091) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| atetrisa | | Tetris (set 2) | atetris | 1988 | Atari Games | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| tetris2 | | Tetris (set 2, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0092) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| tetris3 | | Tetris (set 3, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093a) | tetris | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| tetris | | Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16A | |
| tetrbx | | Tetris / Bloxeed (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selec| | 2006 | ISG | ISG Selection | |
| tgm2 | | Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 | | 2000 | Arika | PS5V2 | |
| tgm2p | | Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus | tgm2 | 2000 | Arika | PS5V2 | |
| mrflea | | The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea | | 1982 | Pacific Novelt| Miscellaneous | |
| anteateruk | | The Anteater (UK) | anteater | 1983 | Free Enterpris| Galaxian | |
| battroad | | The Battle-Road | | 1984 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| berlwall | | The Berlin Wall | | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| berlwallt | | The Berlin Wall (bootleg ?) | berlwall | 1991 | Kaneko | Kaneko16 | |
| billiard | | The Billiards | hustler | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| edrandyj | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (Japan ver 3) | edrandy | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| edrandy1 | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 1) | edrandy | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| edrandy2 | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 2) | edrandy | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| edrandy | | The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3) | | 1990 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| ctribeb | | The Combatribes (bootleg set 1) | ctribe | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribeb2 | | The Combatribes (bootleg set 2) | ctribe | 1990 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribej | | The Combatribes (Japan) | ctribe | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribe | | The Combatribes (US) | | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| ctribe1 | | The Combatribes (US) - Set 1? | ctribe | 1990 | Technos | Miscellaneous | |
| dealer | | The Dealer | | 198? | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | Incorrect Colors |
| dbldynj | | The Double Dynamites (Japan) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| dbldynu | | The Double Dynamites (US) | dynduke | 1989 | Seibu Kaihatsu| Miscellaneous | |
| theend | | The End | | 1980 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| theends | | The End (Stern) | theend | 1980 | Konami (Stern | Galaxian | |
| flstory | | The FairyLand Story | | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| flstoryj | | The FairyLand Story (Japan) | flstory | 1985 | Taito | Miscellaneous | |
| froundl | | The Final Round (ver. L) | fround | 1988 | Konami | GX870 | |
| fround | | The Final Round (ver. M) | | 1988 | Konami | GX870 | |
| thegladpcb | D NW | The Gladiator / Shen Jian (V100, Japan, Single PCB Ver| theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| theglad | D NW | The Gladiator / Shen Jian (V101) | | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| theglada | D NW | The Gladiator / Shen Jian (V101, Taiwan) | theglad | 2003 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| theglob | | The Glob | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | |
| theglob2 | | The Glob (earlier) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | |
| theglobp | | The Glob (Pac-Man hardware) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporati| Pac-man | |
| theglob3 | | The Glob (set 3) | suprglob | 1983 | Epos Corporati| EPOS Tristar | |
| ragtimea | | The Great Ragtime Show (Japan v1.3, 92.11.26) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| ragtime | | The Great Ragtime Show (Japan v1.5, 92.12.07) | boogwing | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| skingame | | The Irem Skins Game (US set 1) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| skingame2 | | The Irem Skins Game (US set 2) | majtitl2 | 1992 | Irem America | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| killbld104 | | The Killing Blade (V104) | killbld | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| killbld | | The Killing Blade (V109, China) | | 1998 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| killbldp | D NW | The Killing Blade Plus (V300) | | 2005 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| Incomplete Dump |
| lkage | | The Legend of Kage | | 1984 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| lkageb | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 1) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lkageb2 | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 2) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| lkageb3 | | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3) | lkage | 1984 | bootleg | hardware | |
| lkageo | | The Legend of Kage (older) | lkage | 1984 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| lkageoo | | The Legend of Kage (oldest) | lkage | 1984 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| silkroad | | The Legend of Silkroad | | 1999 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| silkroada | | The Legend of Silkroad (larger roms) | silkroad | 1999 | Unico | Miscellaneous | |
| mainevt2p | | The Main Event (2 Players ver. X) | mainevt | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| mainevto | | The Main Event (4 Players ver. F) | mainevt | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| mainevt | | The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y) | | 1988 | Konami | GX799 | |
| tnzsj | | The NewZealand Story (Japan, new version, newer PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsjo | | The NewZealand Story (Japan, old version) (older PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| tnzs | | The NewZealand Story (World, newer) | | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| tnzso | | The NewZealand Story (World, old version) (older PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| tnzsop | | The NewZealand Story (World, prototype?) (older PCB) | tnzs | 1988 | Taito Corporat| Miscellaneous | |
| ninjakj | | The Ninja Kids (Japan) | ninjak | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| ninjaku | | The Ninja Kids (US) | ninjak | 1990 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | |
| ninjak | | The Ninja Kids (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| ninjawj | | The Ninja Warriors (Japan) | ninjaw | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| ninjawu | | The Ninja Warriors (US) | ninjaw | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| ninjaw | | The Ninja Warriors (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| thepitm | | The Pit (bootleg on Moon Quasar hardware) | thepit | 198? | bootleg (KZH) | Galaxian | |
| ghostb | | The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players, revision 2) | | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| ghostb3 | | The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players) | ghostb | 1987 | Data East USA | DEC8 | |
| simpsons2pa | | The Simpsons (2 Players Asia) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2pj | | The Simpsons (2 Players Japan) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2p | | The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons2p2 | | The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 2) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons | | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) | | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| simpsons4pa | | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 2) | simpsons | 1991 | Konami | GX072 | |
| srumbler | | The Speed Rumbler (set 1) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| srumbler2 | | The Speed Rumbler (set 2) | srumbler | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| srumbler3 | | The Speed Rumbler (set 3) | srumbler | 1986 | Capcom (Tecfri| Miscellaneous | |
| thetogyu | | The Togyu (315-5065, Japan) | bullfgt | 1984 | Coreland / Seg| System 1 | |
| wintbob | | The Winter Bobble (bootleg) | snowbros | 1990 | bootleg | Kaneko Pandora| |
| thunderl | | Thunder & Lightning | | 1990 | Seta | Seta | |
| thndrbld1 | | Thunder Blade (deluxe/standing, unprotected) | thndrbld | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| thndrbld | | Thunder Blade (upright, FD1094 317-0056) | | 1987 | Sega | X-Board | |
| thndblst | | Thunder Blaster (Japan) | lethalth | 1991 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| thunderxj | | Thunder Cross (Japan) | thunderx | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thunderx | | Thunder Cross (set 1) | | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thunderxa | | Thunder Cross (set 2) | thunderx | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thunderxb | | Thunder Cross (set 3) | thunderx | 1988 | Konami | GX873 | |
| thndrx2a | | Thunder Cross II (Asia) | thndrx2 | 1991 | Konami | GX073 | |
| thndrx2j | | Thunder Cross II (Japan) | thndrx2 | 1991 | Konami | GX073 | |
| thndrx2 | | Thunder Cross II (World) | | 1991 | Konami | GX073 | |
| tdragon1 | | Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991) | tdragon | 1991 | NMK (Tecmo lic| NMK16 | |
| tdragon | | Thunder Dragon (9th Jan. 1992) | | 1991 | NMK (Tecmo lic| NMK16 | No sound |
| tdragonb | | Thunder Dragon (bootleg) | tdragon | 1991 | bootleg | NMK16 | No sound |
| tdragon2a | | Thunder Dragon 2 (1st Oct. 1993) | tdragon2 | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| tdragon2 | | Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993) | | 1993 | NMK | NMK16 | |
| thundfoxj | | Thunder Fox (Japan) | thundfox | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | NULL |
| thundfoxu | | Thunder Fox (US) | thundfox | 1990 | Taito America | Taito-F2 | NULL |
| thundfox | | Thunder Fox (World) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | NULL |
| theroes | | Thunder Heroes | | 2001 | Primetec Inves| Cave | |
| thoop | | Thunder Hoop (Ver. 1) | | 1992 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| thndzonej | | Thunder Zone (Japan) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| thndzone4 | | Thunder Zone (World 4 Players) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| thndzonea | | Thunder Zone (World) | thndzone | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| thndzone | | Thunder Zone (World, Rev 1) | | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| tndrcade | D NW | Thundercade / Twin Formation | | 1987 | [Seta] (Taito | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| tigerhb1 | | Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 1) | tigerh | 1985 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| tigerhb2 | | Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 2) | tigerh | 1985 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| tigerhb3 | | Tiger Heli (bootleg, set 3) | tigerh | 1985 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| tigerhj | | Tiger Heli (Japan) | tigerh | 1985 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| tigerh | | Tiger Heli (US) | | 1985 | Taito | Early Toaplan | |
| tigeroadb | | Tiger Road (US bootleg) | tigeroad | 1987 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| tigeroad | | Tiger Road (US) | | 1987 | Capcom (Romsta| Miscellaneous | |
| timefgtr | | Time Fighter (Time Pilot conversion on Galaxian hardwa| | 198? | Taito do Brasi| Galaxian | Bad Colours |
| timescan1 | | Time Scanner (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0024) | timescan | 1987 | Sega | System 16A | |
| timescan | | Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) | | 1987 | Sega | System 16B | |
| tjumpman | D NW | Tobikose! Jumpman | | 1999 | Namco | Cave | Coin input not working? |
| tokib | | Toki (bootleg) | toki | 1989 | bootleg (Datsu| Miscellaneous | |
| tokiu | | Toki (US) | toki | 1989 | Tad (Fabtek li| Miscellaneous | |
| toki | | Toki (World set 1) | | 1989 | Tad | Miscellaneous | |
| tokia | | Toki (World set 2) | toki | 1989 | Tad | Miscellaneous | |
| tokiob | | Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg) | tokio | 1986 | bootleg | Taito Misc | |
| tokio | NW | Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer) | | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| tokioo | D NW | Tokio / Scramble Formation (older) | tokio | 1986 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| tokiou | D NW | Tokio / Scramble Formation (US) | tokio | 1986 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| tndrcadej | D NW | Tokusyu Butai U.A.G. (Japan) | tndrcade | 1987 | [Seta] (Taito | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| drivfrct | | Top Racer (bootleg of Driving Force) | drivfrcp | 1985 | bootleg (EMT G| Galaxian | |
| topsecrt | | Top Secret (Japan) | bionicc | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| topspeedu | | Top Speed (US) | topspeed | 1987 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| topspeed | | Top Speed (World) | | 1987 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| toppyrap | | Toppy & Rappy | | 1996 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| toramich | | Tora e no Michi (Japan) | tigeroad | 1987 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| toryumon | | Toryumon | | 1994 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| tturfu | | Tough Turf (set 1, US, 8751 317-0099) | tturf | 1989 | Sega / Sunsoft| System 16B | |
| tturf | | Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104) | | 1989 | Sega / Sunsoft| System 16B | No Sound, Missing Z80 Program |
| tkdenshoa | | Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960427) | tkdensho | 1996 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| tkdensho | | Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960614) | | 1996 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | No sound |
| arkatour | | Tournament Arkanoid (US) | | 1987 | Taito America | Arkanoid | |
| treahunt | | Treasure Hunt (bootleg?) | jack | 1982 | Hara Industrie| Jack the Giant| |
| tripool | | Tri-Pool (Casino Tech) | | 1981 | Noma (Casino T| Jack the Giant| |
| tripoola | | Tri-Pool (Costal Games) | tripool | 1981 | Noma (Costal G| Jack the Giant| |
| trigon | | Trigon (Japan) | lgtnfght | 1990 | Konami | GX939 | |
| triothepj | | Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (Japan) | triothep | 1989 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| triothep | | Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (World) | | 1989 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| tdpgal | | Triple Draw Poker | | 1983 | Design Labs / | Galaxian | |
| triplfun | | Triple Fun | oisipuzl | 1993 | bootleg | Seta | |
| triplep | | Triple Punch (set 1) | | 1982 | KKI | Galaxian | |
| triplepa | | Triple Punch (set 2) | triplep | 1982 | KKK | Galaxian | |
| trojanr | | Trojan (Romstar) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom (Romsta| Miscellaneous | |
| trojan | | Trojan (US set 1) | | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| trojana | | Trojan (US set 2) | trojan | 1986 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| trophyh | | Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0 | | 2002 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| truxton2 | | Truxton II\0Tatsujin Oh | | 1992 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| truxton | | Truxton\0Tatsujin | | 1988 | [Toaplan] Tait| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| tumbleb | | Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1) | tumblep | 1991 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| tumbleb2 | | Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2) | tumblep | 1991 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| tumblepj | | Tumble Pop (Japan) | tumblep | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| tumblep | | Tumble Pop (World) | | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| turbofrc | | Turbo Force | | 1991 | Video System C| Video System | |
| toutrun2 | D | Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0106) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrun3 | | Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0107) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrun1 | | Turbo Out Run (deluxe cockpit, FD1094 317-0109) | toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrunj | | Turbo Out Run (Japan, Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0117| toutrun | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| toutrun | | Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118) | | 1989 | Sega | Out Run | |
| turkhunt | | Turkey Hunting USA V1.0 | | 2001 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| turpin | | Turpin | turtles | 1981 | Konami (Sega l| Galaxian | |
| turpins | | Turpin (bootleg on Scramble hardware) | turtles | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | No Sound |
| turtles | | Turtles | | 1981 | Konami (Stern | Galaxian | |
| twinactn | | Twin Action | | 1995 | Afega | NMK16 | |
| twinadvk | | Twin Adventure (Korea) | twinadv | 1995 | Barko Corp | Kaneko Pandora| |
| twinadv | | Twin Adventure (World) | | 1995 | Barko Corp | Kaneko Pandora| |
| twineagl | | Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother | | 1988 | Seta (Taito li| Seta | Imperfect inputs |
| twinhawku | | Twin Hawk (US) | twinhawk | 1989 | Taito America | Taito-X | |
| twinhawk | | Twin Hawk (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito-X | |
| twinkle | | Twinkle | | 1997 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| twocrude | | Two Crude (US) | cbuster | 1990 | Data East USA | DECO IC16 | |
| typhoon | | Typhoon | ajax | 1987 | Konami | GX770 | |
| earthjkr | | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker | | 1993 | Visco | Taito Misc | |
| usclssic | D NW | U.S. Classic | | 1989 | Seta | Seta | No sound, imperfect inputs |
| uballoon | | Ultra Balloon | | 1996 | SunA | Miscellaneous | |
| utoukond | | Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan) | | 1993 | Banpresto + Ts| Seta | No sound |
| ultraman | | Ultraman (Japan) | | 1991 | Banpresto / Ba| GX910 | |
| umanclub | | Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! | | 1992 | Tsuburaya Prod| Seta | |
| uccopsar | | Undercover Cops (Alpha Renewal Version) | uccops | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| uccopsj | | Undercover Cops (Japan) | uccops | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| uccopsu | | Undercover Cops (US) | uccops | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| uccops | | Undercover Cops (World) | | 1992 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| uniwars | | UniWar S | | 1980 | Irem | Galaxian | |
| unkpacg | | unknown Pac-Man gambling game | | 199? | unknown | Miscellaneous | |
| upndown | | Up'n Down (315-5030) | | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| upndownu | | Up'n Down (not encrypted) | upndown | 1983 | Sega | System 1 | |
| mustangs | | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990 / Seoul Trading) | mustang | 1990 | UPL (Seoul Tra| NMK16 | |
| mustang | | US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990) | | 1990 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| mustangb | | US AAF Mustang (bootleg) | mustang | 1990 | bootleg | NMK16 | No sound |
| mustangb2 | | US AAF Mustang (TAB Austria bootleg) | mustang | 1990 | bootleg | NMK16 | No sound |
| vfive | | V-Five (Japan) | grindstm | 1993 | Toaplan | Toaplan GP9001| |
| vanvan | | Van-Van Car | | 1983 | Sanritsu | Pac-man | |
| vanvank | | Van-Van Car (Karateco) | vanvan | 1983 | Karateco | Pac-man | |
| vanvanb | | Van-Van Car (set 3) | vanvan | 1983 | Karateco | Pac-man | |
| vandykeb | | Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57) | vandyke | 1990 | [UPL] (bootleg| NMK16 | No sound |
| vandykejal | | Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 1) | vandyke | 1990 | UPL (Jaleco li| NMK16 | |
| vandykejal2 | | Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 2) | vandyke | 1990 | UPL (Jaleco li| NMK16 | |
| vandyke | | Vandyke (Japan) | | 1990 | UPL | NMK16 | |
| vaportrau | | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US) | vaportra | 1989 | Data East USA | DECO IC16 | |
| vaportra | | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision | | 1989 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| vaportra3 | | Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision | vaportra | 1989 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| vmetaln | | Varia Metal (New Ways Trading Co.) | vmetal | 1995 | Excellent Syst| Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| vmetal | | Varia Metal | | 1995 | Excellent Syst| Miscellaneous | Imperfect graphics |
| vendetta2pd | | Vendetta (Asia 2 Players ver. D) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta2pu | | Vendetta (Asia 2 Players ver. U) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta2p | | Vendetta (World 2 Players ver. W) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendettar | | Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. R) | vendetta | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| vendetta | | Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. T) | | 1991 | Konami | GX081 | |
| venus | | Venus | gyruss | 1983 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| hustler | | Video Hustler | | 1981 | Konami | Galaxian | |
| hustlerb | | Video Hustler (bootleg) | hustler | 1981 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| vpool | | Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) | hustler | 1980 | bootleg | Galaxian | |
| vigilantj | | Vigilante (Japan) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| vigilantu | | Vigilante (US) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem (Data Eas| Miscellaneous | |
| vigilantu2 | | Vigilante (US, rev G) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem (Data Eas| Miscellaneous | |
| vigilant | | Vigilante (World, set 1) | | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| vigilant1 | | Vigilante (World, set 2) | vigilant | 1988 | Irem | Miscellaneous | |
| vimanaj | | Vimana (Japan) | vimana | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| vimana | | Vimana (World, set 1) | | 1991 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| vimanan | | Vimana (World, set 2) | vimana | 1991 | Toaplan (Nova | Toaplan BCU-2 | No sound |
| redhawkb | | Vince (Redhawk bootleg) | stagger1 | 1997 | bootleg | NMK16 | |
| viofightj | | Violence Fight (Japan) | viofight | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| viofightu | | Violence Fight (US) | viofight | 1989 | Taito America | Taito B System| |
| viofight | | Violence Fight (World) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito B System| |
| volfiedjo | | Volfied (Japan) | volfied | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| volfiedj | | Volfied (Japan, revision 1) | volfied | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| volfiedu | | Volfied (US, revision 1) | volfied | 1989 | Taito America | Taito Misc | |
| volfied | | Volfied (World, revision 1) | | 1989 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| vulcan | | Vulcan Venture (New) | | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| vulcana | | Vulcan Venture (Old) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| vulcanb | | Vulcan Venture (Oldest) | vulcan | 1988 | Konami | GX785 | |
| vulgusj | | Vulgus (Japan?) | vulgus | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| vulgus | | Vulgus (set 1) | | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| vulgusa | | Vulgus (set 2) | vulgus | 1984 | Capcom | Miscellaneous | |
| mj4simai | | Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Japan) | | 1996 | Maboroshi Ware| Newer Seta | |
| wallc | | Wall Crash (set 1) | | 1984 | Midcoin | Miscellaneous | |
| wallca | | Wall Crash (set 2) | wallc | 1984 | Midcoin | Miscellaneous | |
| wwallyja | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev A, Japan, FD1094 317-0197A) | wwallyj | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| wwallyj | | Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, FD1094 317-0197B) | | 1992 | Sega | System 18 | |
| wrofaero | | War of Aero - Project MEIOU | | 1993 | Yang Cheng | Seta | |
| warofbug | | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom | | 1981 | Armenia | Galaxian | |
| warofbugg | D NW | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom | warofbug | 1981 | Armenia | Galaxian | |
| warofbugu | | War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom | warofbug | 1981 | Armenia | Galaxian | |
| warzardr1 | | War-Zard / Red Earth (Japan 961023) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| warzard | | War-Zard / Red Earth (Japan 961121) | redearth | 1996 | Capcom | CPS-3 | |
| warriorb | | Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan) | | 1991 | Taito Corporat| Taito Misc | |
| watrball | | Water Balls | | 1996 | ABM | Miscellaneous | |
| wmatch | | Water Match (315-5064) | | 1984 | Sega | System 1 | |
| welltrisj | | Welltris - Alexey Pajitnov's (Japan, 2 players) | welltris | 1991 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| welltris | | Welltris - Alexey Pajitnov's (World?, 2 players) | | 1991 | Video System C| Miscellaneous | |
| weststry | D NW | West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros.) | bloodbro | 1991 | Datsu | Miscellaneous | |
| wiggie | | Wiggie Waggie | | 1994 | Promat | Seta | |
| wildfang | | Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| wilytowr | | Wily Tower | | 1984 | Irem | M63 | |
| wschampb | | Wing Shooting Championship V1.00 | wschamp | 2001 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| wschampa | | Wing Shooting Championship V1.01 | wschamp | 2001 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| wschamp | | Wing Shooting Championship V2.00 | | 2001 | Sammy USA Corp| Newer Seta | |
| wits | | Wit's (Japan) | | 1989 | Athena (Visco | Seta | |
| wizdfire | | Wizard Fire (Over Sea v2.1) | | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| wizdfireu | | Wizard Fire (US v1.1) | wizdfire | 1992 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| wolffang | | Wolf Fang -Kuhga 2001- (Japan) | rohga | 1991 | Data East Corp| DECO IC16 | |
| wboyu | | Wonder Boy (not encrypted) | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboyo | | Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5135) | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboy | | Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177) | | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboy2 | | Wonder Boy (set 2, 315-5178) | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboy2u | | Wonder Boy (set 2, not encrypted) | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboy3 | | Wonder Boy (set 3, 315-5135) | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboy4 | | Wonder Boy (set 4, 315-5162) | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wboy5 | | Wonder Boy (set 5, bootleg) | wboy | 1986 | bootleg | System 1 | |
| wbdeluxe | | Wonder Boy Deluxe | wboy | 1986 | Sega (Escape L| System 1 | |
| wb3bbl | D | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (bootleg) | wb3 | 1988 | bootleg | System 16B | |
| wb31 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1, Japan, System 16| wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone| System 16A | |
| wb32 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 2, Japan, System 16| wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| wb33 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 3, World, System 16| wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| wb34 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16| wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| wb35 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 5, Japan, System 16| wb3 | 1988 | Sega / Westone| System 16A | |
| wb3 | | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16| | 1988 | Sega / Westone| System 16B | |
| wondl96 | | Wonder League '96 (Korea) | | 1995 | SemiCom | Miscellaneous | |
| wlstar | | Wonder League Star - Sok-Magicball Fighting (Korea) | | 1995 | Mijin | Miscellaneous | |
| wndrplnt | | Wonder Planet (Japan) | | 1987 | Data East Corp| Miscellaneous | |
| wondstck | | Wonder Stick | | ???? | Yun Sung | Miscellaneous | |
| woodpeck | | Woodpecker (set 1) | | 1981 | Amenip (Palcom| Pac-man | |
| woodpeca | | Woodpecker (set 2) | woodpeck | 1981 | Amenip (Palcom| Pac-man | |
| wc90b2 | | World Cup '90 (bootleg) | wc90 | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wc90a | | World Cup '90 (Euro set 1) | wc90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| wc90b | | World Cup '90 (Euro set 2) | wc90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| wc90t | | World Cup '90 (trackball) | wc90 | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| wc90 | | World Cup '90 (World) | | 1989 | Tecmo | Miscellaneous | |
| wownfant | | WOW New Fantasia | | 2002 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| wrestwar1 | | Wrestle War (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0090) | wrestwar | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| wrestwar2 | | Wrestle War (set 2, World, FD1094 317-0102) | wrestwar | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| wrestwar | | Wrestle War (set 3, World, 8751 317-0103) | | 1988 | Sega | System 16B | |
| wwfsstarb | | WWF Superstars (bootleg) | wwfsstar | 1989 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstar | | WWF Superstars (Europe) | | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstarj | | WWF Superstars (Japan) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstarua | | WWF Superstars (US) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfsstaru | | WWF Superstars (US, newer) | wwfsstar | 1989 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestj | | WWF WrestleFest (Japan) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestk | | WWF WrestleFest (Korea) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfestb | | WWF WrestleFest (US bootleg) | wwfwfest | 1991 | bootleg | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfest | | WWF WrestleFest (US set 1) | | 1991 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| wwfwfesta | | WWF WrestleFest (US Tecmo) | wwfwfest | 1991 | Technos Japan | Miscellaneous | |
| xmultiplm72 | | X Multiply (Japan, M72) | xmultipl | 1989 | Irem | M72 | |
| xmultipl | | X Multiply (World, M81) | | 1989 | Irem | M81 | |
| xmen2pa | | X-Men (2 Players ver AAA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen2pe | | X-Men (2 Players ver EAA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen2pj | | X-Men (2 Players ver JAA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenaa | | X-Men (4 Players ver ADA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmena | | X-Men (4 Players ver AEA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmene | | X-Men (4 Players ver EBA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmenj | | X-Men (4 Players ver JBA) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen | | X-Men (4 Players ver UBB) | | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen6p | D NW | X-Men (6 Players ver ECB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| xmen6pu | D NW | X-Men (6 Players ver UCB) | xmen | 1992 | Konami | GX065 | |
| 3in1semi | | XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1) | | 1997 | SemiCom | Kaneko Pandora| |
| xorworld | | Xor World (prototype) | | 1990 | Gaelco | Miscellaneous | |
| leaguemn | D NW | Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan) | nbbatman | 1993 | Irem | M92 | Imperfect sound and graphics |
| yankeedo | | Yankee DO! | mrdo | 1982 | hack | Miscellaneous | |
| yesnoj | | Yes/No Sinri Tokimeki Chart | | 1992 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| youjyudn | | Youjyuden (Japan) | | 1986 | Irem | Irem M62 | |
| yuyugogo | | Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Japan) | | 1990 | Taito Corporat| Taito-F2 | |
| zeropntj | | Zero Point (Japan) | zeropnt | 1998 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeropnt | | Zero Point (set 1) | | 1998 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeropnta | | Zero Point (set 2) | zeropnt | 1998 | Unico | Unico | |
| zeropnt2 | | Zero Point 2 | | 1999 | Unico | Unico | |
| zerotime | | Zero Time | galaxian | 1979 | Petaco S.A | Galaxian | |
| zerowing | | Zero Wing | | 1989 | Toaplan | Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| zerowing2 | | Zero Wing (2 player simultaneous ver.) | zerowing | 1989 | [Toaplan] Will| Toaplan BCU-2 | |
| zerozone | | Zero Zone | | 1993 | Comad | Miscellaneous | |
| drgw2c | | Zhong Guo Long II (V100C, China) | drgw2 | 1997 | IGS | PolyGameMaster| |
| zigzag | | Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1) | | 1982 | LAX | Galaxian | |
| zigzag2 | | Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 2) | zigzag | 1982 | LAX | Galaxian | |
| zingzip | | Zing Zing Zip | | 1992 | Allumer + Tecm| Seta | |
| zipzap | | Zip & Zap | | 1995 | Barko Corp | Miscellaneous | Imperfect GFXs, No Sound |
| zombraid | | Zombie Raid (US) | | 1995 | American Sammy| Seta | |
| zzyzzyxx | | Zzyzzyxx (set 1) | | 1982 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |
| zzyzzyxx2 | | Zzyzzyxx (set 2) | zzyzzyxx | 1982 | Cinematronics | Jack the Giant| |