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synced 2024-12-04 22:27:15 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://cvs.khronos.org/svn/repos/ogl/trunk/ecosystem/public/sdk/tools/glslang@27538 e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848
228 lines
4.5 KiB
228 lines
4.5 KiB
#version 120
float lowp;
float mediump;
float highp;
float precision;
in vec4 i;
out vec4 o;
uniform sampler2D s2D;
centroid varying vec2 centTexCoord;
uniform mat4x2 m;
struct s {
float f;
void main()
mat2x3 m23 = mat2x3(m);
int a;
bool b;
s sv = s(a);
float[2] ia = float[2](3, i.y);
float f1 = 1;
float f = a;
f = a;
ivec3 iv3;
vec3 v3 = iv3;
f = f + a;
f = a - f;
f += a;
f = a - f;
v3 *= iv3;
v3 = iv3 / 2.0f;
v3 = 3.0 * iv3;
v3 = 2 * v3;
v3 = v3 - 2;
if (f < a ||
a <= f ||
f > a ||
f >= a ||
a == f ||
f != a);
f = b ? a : f;
f = b ? f : a;
f = b ? a : a;
s news = sv;
i.xy + i.xyz; // ERROR
m * i.xyz; // ERROR
m + i; // ERROR
int aoeu = 1.0; // ERROR
f = b; // ERROR
f = a + b; // ERROR
f = b * a; // ERROR
b = a; // ERROR
b = b + f; // ERROR
f |= b; // ERROR
gl_FragColor = texture2D(s2D, centTexCoord);
float flat;
float smooth;
float noperspective;
float uvec2;
float uvec3;
float uvec4;
//packed; // ERROR, reserved word
mat4 m;
vec4 v;
bool b;
gl_FragColor += b ? v : m; // ERROR, types don't match around ":"
gl_FragColor.xr; // ERROR, swizzlers not from same field space
gl_FragColor.xyxyx.xy; // ERROR, cannot make a vec5, even temporarily
centTexCoord.z; // ERROR, swizzler out of range
(a,b) = true; // ERROR, not an l-value
float imageBuffer;
float uimage2DRect;
int main() {} // ERROR
void main(int a) {} // ERROR
const int a; // ERROR
int foo(in float a);
int foo(out float a) // ERROR
return 3.2; // ERROR
foo(a); // ERROR
bool gen(vec3 v)
if (abs(v[0]) < 1e-4F && abs(v[1]) < 1e-4)
return true;
void v1()
void v2()
return v1(); // ERROR, no expression allowed, even though void
void atest()
vec4 v = gl_TexCoord[1];
v += gl_TexCoord[3];
varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[6]; // okay, assigning a size
varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[5]; // ERROR, changing size
mat2x2 m22;
mat2x3 m23;
mat2x4 m24;
mat3x2 m32;
mat3x3 m33;
mat3x4 m34;
mat4x2 m42;
mat4x3 m43;
mat4x4 m44;
void foo123()
mat2 r2 = matrixCompMult(m22, m22);
mat3 r3 = matrixCompMult(m33, m33);
mat4 r4 = matrixCompMult(m44, m44);
mat2x3 r23 = matrixCompMult(m23, m23);
mat2x4 r24 = matrixCompMult(m24, m24);
mat3x2 r32 = matrixCompMult(m32, m32);
mat3x4 r34 = matrixCompMult(m34, m34);
mat4x2 r42 = matrixCompMult(m42, m42);
mat4x3 r43 = matrixCompMult(m43, m43);
mat3x2 rfoo1 = matrixCompMult(m23, m32); // ERROR
mat3x4 rfoo2 = matrixCompMult(m34, m44); // ERROR
void matConst()
vec2 v2;
vec3 v3;
mat4 m4b1 = mat4(v2, v3); // ERROR, not enough
mat4 m4b2 = mat4(v2, v3, v3, v3, v3, v2, v2); // ERROR, too much
mat4 m4g = mat4(v2, v3, v3, v3, v3, v3);
mat4 m4 = mat4(v2, v3, v3, v3, v3, v2);
mat3 m3 = mat3(m4);
mat3 m3b1 = mat3(m4, v2); // ERROR, extra arg
mat3 m3b2 = mat3(m4, m4); // ERROR, extra arg
mat3x2 m32 = mat3x2(m4);
mat4 m4c = mat4(m32);
mat3 m3s = mat3(v2.x);
mat3 m3a1[2] = mat3[2](m3s, m3s);
mat3 m3a2[2] = mat3[2](m3s, m3s, m3s); // ERROR, too many args
uniform sampler3D s3D;
uniform sampler1D s1D;
uniform sampler2DShadow s2DS;
void foo2323()
vec4 v;
vec2 v2;
float f;
v = texture2DLod(s2D, v2, f); // ERROR
v = texture3DProjLod(s3D, v, f); // ERROR
v = texture1DProjLod(s1D, v, f); // ERROR
v = shadow2DProjLod(s2DS, v, f); // ERROR
#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : require
void foo2324()
vec4 v;
vec2 v2;
float f;
v = texture2DLod(s2D, v2, f);
v = texture3DProjLod(s3D, v, f);
v = texture1DProjLod(s1D, v, f);
v = shadow2DProjLod(s2DS, v, f);
uniform sampler2DRect s2DRbad;
void foo121111()
vec2 v2;
vec4 v = texture2DRect(s2DRbad, v2);
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
uniform sampler2DRect s2DR;
uniform sampler2DRectShadow s2DRS;
void foo12111()
vec2 v2;
vec3 v3;
vec4 v4;
vec4 v;
v = texture2DRect(s2DR, v2);
v = texture2DRectProj(s2DR, v3);
v = texture2DRectProj(s2DR, v4);
v = shadow2DRect(s2DRS, v3);
v = shadow2DRectProj(s2DRS, v4);