TARGET_NAME := chailove include Makefile.libretro ifeq ($(STATIC_LINKING),1) FLAGS += -DSTATIC_LINKING endif FLAGS += -D__LIBRETRO__ $(COREDEFINES) $(ENDIANNESS_DEFINES) $(PLATFORM_DEFINES) $(WARNINGS) $(fpic) CXXFLAGS += $(FLAGS) -std=c++14 CFLAGS += $(FLAGS) -std=gnu99 # Ignore first attempt builds, and re-try for a cleaner dependency chain. all: $(TARGET) $(MAKE) $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) | vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h $(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) %.o: %.cpp | vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h $(CXX) -c -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS) %.o: %.c | vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) %.o: %.m | vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) clean: rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) git clean -xdf rm -rf vendor git reset --hard HEAD git submodule update -f --init --recursive git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xfd git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard HEAD vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h: @git submodule update --init --recursive submodules-update: @git submodule update --remote test: unittest unittest-chailove cpplint @echo "Run the testing suite by using:\n\n retroarch -L $(TARGET) test/main.chai\n\n" vendor/noarch/noarch: vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h @$(MAKE) -C vendor/noarch unittest: vendor/noarch/noarch all vendor/noarch/noarch $(CORE_DIR)/$(TARGET) test/unittests/main.chai unittest-chailove: vendor/noarch/noarch all vendor/noarch/noarch $(CORE_DIR)/$(TARGET) test/test.chailove examples: all @retroarch -L $(TARGET) examples/benchmark/main.chai test-script: all @retroarch -L $(TARGET) test/main.chai docs: vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h docs/html docs/html: docs-clean doxygen docs/Doxyfile docs-start: docs/html php -S localhost:8080 -t docs/html docs-clean: rm -rf docs/html docs-deploy: docs npm init --force -y npm install push-dir node_modules/.bin/push-dir --dir=docs/html --branch=docs cpplint: vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h @vendor/styleguide/cpplint/ \ --linelength=120 \ --quiet \ --counting=detailed \ --filter=-build/include,-legal/copyright,-runtime/int,-runtime-readability/braces,\ -runtime/threadsafe_fn,-build/namespaces,-runtime/explicit,-whitespace/tab,\ -readability/casting,-whitespace/line_length,-runtime/references \ src/*.h src/*.cpp src/love/*.h src/love/*.cpp src/love/Types/*/*.h src/love/Types/*/*.cpp tests: vendor/libretro-common/include/libretro.h $(MAKE) HAVE_CHAISCRIPT=0 HAVE_TESTS=1 PREFIX := /usr INSTALLDIR := $(PREFIX)/lib/libretro install: all mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLDIR) cp $(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLDIR)