# Software Information display_name = "LowRes NX" authors = "timoinutilis" supported_extensions = "nx" corename = "lowresnx" categories = "Game engine" license = "zlib" permissions = "" display_version = "v1.2" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "inutilis" systemname = "LowRes NX" systemid = "lowresnx" # Libretro Features database = "LowRes NX" supports_no_game = "false" savestate = "false" cheats = "false" input_descriptors = "true" memory_descriptors = "true" libretro_saves = "false" core_options = "false" core_options_version = "1.0" load_subsystem = "false" hw_render = "false" needs_fullpath = "false" disk_control = "false" is_experimental = "false" description = "A port of the LowRes NX fantasy console to libretro. This core represents an imaginary handheld game console inspired by real 8- and 16-bit systems that is intended for simple games that can be programmed in second-generation, structured BASIC. It supports a d-pad, two action buttons and a keyboard for input. The LowRes NX platform comes with a variety of development tools including a Character Designer for editing sprites tile sand fonts, a Background Designer for tile maps and screen layouts and a Sound Composer for music and sound effects."