# Software Information display_name = "Texas Instruments TI-83 (Numero)" authors = "Neil Barkhina|Wabbitemu" supported_extensions = "8xp|8xk|8xg" corename = "Numero" license = "GPLv2" permissions = "" display_version = "v1.0" categories = "Emulator" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Texas Instruments" systemname = "TI83" systemid = "ti_83" # Libretro Features supports_no_game = "true" savestate = "true" savestate_features = "deterministic" cheats = "false" core_options = "true" needs_fullpath = "false" # BIOS / Firmware firmware_count = 3 firmware0_desc = "ti83se.rom (TI-83 Silver Edition)" firmware0_path = "ti83se.rom" firmware0_opt = "true" firmware1_desc = "ti83plus.rom (TI-83 Plus)" firmware1_path = "ti83plus.rom" firmware1_opt = "true" firmware2_desc = "ti83.rom (TI-83)" firmware2_path = "ti83.rom" firmware2_opt = "true" notes = "(!) ti83se.rom (md5): c6ff8204c5c81b7be34614dbbd690c8b|(!) ti83plus.rom (md5): 8011181f810b5ec4e9d6a03f0e14257a|(!) ti83.rom (md5): d4448d09bbfde687c04f9e3310e023ab" description = "An emulator for the TI-83 family of graphing calculators. It is a port of the Wabbitemu emulator to libretro. It allows you to play your TI-83 games like never before in fullscreen using a gamepad. You can also control it with a mouse or keyboard, or you can just use the virtual mouse for navigation."