2021-04-09 14:03:27 -04:00

21 lines
726 B

# Software Information
display_name = "PICO8 (Retro8)"
authors = "jakz"
supported_extensions = "p8|png"
corename = "Retro8"
license = "GPLv3"
permissions = ""
display_version = "Git"
categories = "Emulator"
# Hardware Information
manufacturer = "Lexaloffle"
systemname = "PICO8"
systemid = "pico8"
# Libretro Features
supports_no_game = "false"
database = "PICO8"
description = "A port of the Retro8 open-source reimplementation of the PICO-8 fantasy console to libretro. This core can load both p8 'cart' files and embedded png images, and much of the PICO-8 API is working with good performance, including basic sound and music, though it is still missing some obscure Lua extension quirks and fixed arithmetic support."