# Software Information display_name = "Nintendo - DS (NooDS)" authors = "Hydr8gon|Jonian Guveli" supported_extensions = "nds" corename = "NooDS" license = "GPLv3" permissions = "microphone_optional" display_version = "Git" categories = "Emulator" # Hardware Information manufacturer = "Nintendo" systemname = "Nintendo DS" systemid = "nds" # Libretro Features database = "Nintendo - Nintendo DS|Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play)" supports_no_game = "true" cheats = "true" core_options = "true" savestate = "true" savestate_features = "serialized" load_subsystem = "true" needs_fullpath = "true" disk_control = "false" hw_render = "false" # Firmware / BIOS firmware_count = 5 firmware0_desc = "firmware.bin (NDS Firmware)" firmware0_path = "firmware.bin" firmware0_opt = "true" firmware1_desc = "bios7.bin (ARM7 BIOS)" firmware1_path = "bios7.bin" firmware1_opt = "true" firmware2_desc = "bios9.bin (ARM9 BIOS)" firmware2_path = "bios9.bin" firmware2_opt = "true" firmware3_desc = "gba_bios.bin (Game Boy Advance BIOS)" firmware3_path = "gba_bios.bin" firmware3_opt = "true" firmware4_desc = "nds_sd_card.bin (NDS SD card)" firmware4_path = "nds_sd_card.bin" firmware4_opt = "true" notes = "(!) bios7.bin (md5): df692a80a5b1bc90728bc3dfc76cd948|(!) bios9.bin (md5): a392174eb3e572fed6447e956bde4b25|(!) gba_bios.bin (md5): a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6" description = "Unofficial libretro port of NooDS, the speedy DS emulator"