fixed shortnames and descriptions where needed, improved parent/clone relationships, made better use of
part_id features in multidisk sets. Also, re-ordered sets in ZX softlist. [Anonymous, Fabio Priuli]
out of whatsnew: I have temporarily marked as unsupported the Atari ST disks since the majority does not seem
to load and/or being playable. per-game tests will be done soon, so to give the correct status to each entry.
for the record (and to acknowledge credits where it's due), most work came from the same external contributor
who cleaned up our a2600 list in the past, with some intervention by myself here and there...
(MESS) amigaaga/amigaocs.xml: Added a few more dumps from CAPS releases [Kaylee]
(MESS) apfm1000.xml: Verified compatibility in some entries [Shideravan]