DEBUG=0 DEBUGGER=0 SPLIT_UP_LINK=0 CORE_DIR := src TARGET_NAME := mame2003_plus ARM ?= 0 # set to 0 or 1 to indicate ARM or not CPU_ARCH ?= 0 # as of November 2018 this flag doesn't seem to be used but is being set to either arm or arm64 for some platforms ifneq ($(SANITIZER),) CFLAGS := -fsanitize=$(SANITIZER) $(CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS := -fsanitize=$(SANITIZER) $(CXXFLAGS) LDFLAGS := -fsanitize=$(SANITIZER) $(LDFLAGS) endif GIT_VERSION ?= " $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD || echo unknown)" ifneq ($(GIT_VERSION)," unknown") CFLAGS += -DGIT_VERSION=\"$(GIT_VERSION)\" endif ifeq ($(platform),) system_platform = unix platform = unix ifeq ($(shell uname -a),) system_platform = win platform = win else ifneq ($(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname -a)),) system_platform = win platform = win else ifneq ($(findstring Darwin,$(shell uname -a)),) system_platform = osx platform = osx else ifneq ($(findstring win,$(shell uname -a)),) system_platform = win platform = win endif endif #Windows and wsl need to have their linking split up due to cmd length limits ifneq ($(findstring Microsoft,$(shell uname -a)),) SPLIT_UP_LINK=1 endif ifneq ($(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname -a)),) SPLIT_UP_LINK=1 endif ifeq ($(system_platform), win) SPLIT_UP_LINK=1 endif X86_ASM_68000 = # don't use x86 Assembler 68000 engine by default; set to 1 to enable X86_ASM_68020 = # don't use x86 Assembler 68020 engine by default; set to 1 to enable X86_MIPS3_DRC = # don't use x86 DRC MIPS3 engine by default; set to 1 to enable ifeq ($(ARCH),) # no architecture value passed make; try to determine host platform UNAME_P = $(shell uname -p) ifneq ($(findstring powerpc,$(UNAME_P)),) ARCH = ppc else ifneq ($(findstring x86_64,$(UNAME_P)),) # catch "x86_64" first, but no commands for x86_x64 only at this point else ifneq ($(findstring 86,$(UNAME_P)),) ARCH = x86 # if "86" is found now it must be i386 or i686 endif endif ifeq ($(ARCH), x86) X86_MIPS3_DRC = 1 endif LIBS := ifeq (,$(findstring msvc,$(platform))) LIBS += -lm endif ifneq (,$(findstring msvc,$(platform))) system_platform = win endif ifeq ($(platform), unix) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME) fpic = -fPIC CFLAGS += $(fpic) -std=gnu90 LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T else ifeq ($(platform), linux-portable) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME) fpic = -fPIC -nostdlib CFLAGS += $(fpic) -std=gnu90 LIBS = LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T else ifeq ($(platform), osx) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro.dylib fpic = -fPIC ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc) BIGENDIAN = 1 PLATCFLAGS += -D__ppc__ -D__POWERPC__ endif LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -dynamiclib OSXVER = `sw_vers -productVersion | cut -c 4` fpic += -mmacosx-version-min=10.1 # iOS else ifneq (,$(findstring ios,$(platform))) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_ios.dylib fpic = -fPIC LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -dynamiclib PLATCFLAGS += -D__IOS__ ifeq ($(IOSSDK),) IOSSDK := $(shell xcodebuild -version -sdk iphoneos Path) endif CC = cc -arch armv7 -isysroot $(IOSSDK) LD = cc -arch armv7 -isysroot $(IOSSDK) ifeq ($(platform),ios9) fpic += -miphoneos-version-min=8.0 CC += -miphoneos-version-min=8.0 LD += -miphoneos-version-min=8.0 else fpic += -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 CC += -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 LD += -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 endif else ifeq ($(platform), ctr) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a CC = $(DEVKITARM)/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc$(EXE_EXT) CXX = $(DEVKITARM)/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++$(EXE_EXT) AR = $(DEVKITARM)/bin/arm-none-eabi-ar$(EXE_EXT) PLATCFLAGS += -DARM11 -D_3DS PLATCFLAGS += -march=armv6k -mtune=mpcore -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp PLATCFLAGS += -Wall -mword-relocations PLATCFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++11 CPU_ARCH := arm STATIC_LINKING = 1 else ifeq ($(platform), rpi2) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME) fpic = -fPIC CFLAGS += $(fpic) -std=gnu90 LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T PLATCFLAGS += -marm -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard PLATCFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions CPU_ARCH := arm ARM = 1 else ifeq ($(platform), rpi3) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME) fpic = -fPIC CFLAGS += $(fpic) -std=gnu90 LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T PLATCFLAGS += -marm -mcpu=cortex-a53 -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfloat-abi=hard PLATCFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions CPU_ARCH := arm ARM = 1 # Classic Platforms #################### # Platform affix = classic__<µARCH> # Help at # (armv7 a7, hard point, neon based) ### # NESC, SNESC, C64 mini else ifeq ($(platform), classic_armv7_a7) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME) fpic := -fPIC LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T CFLAGS += -Ofast \ -flto=4 -fwhole-program -fuse-linker-plugin \ -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections \ -fno-stack-protector -fno-ident -fomit-frame-pointer \ -falign-functions=1 -falign-jumps=1 -falign-loops=1 \ -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-unroll-loops \ -fmerge-all-constants -fno-math-errno \ -marm -mtune=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard CXXFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) CPPFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) ASFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) HAVE_NEON = 1 ARCH = arm BUILTIN_GPU = neon USE_DYNAREC = 1 CPU_ARCH := arm ARM = 1 ifeq ($(shell echo `$(CC) -dumpversion` "< 4.9" | bc -l), 1) CFLAGS += -march=armv7-a else CFLAGS += -march=armv7ve # If gcc is 5.0 or later ifeq ($(shell echo `$(CC) -dumpversion` ">= 5" | bc -l), 1) LDFLAGS += -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ endif endif ####################################### # generic armhf######################## else ifeq ($(platform), armhf) CFLAGS += $(fpic) -std=gnu90 LDFLAGS += $(fpic) -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T PLATCFLAGS += -march=armv6 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp PLATCFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math else ifeq ($(platform), android-armv7) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME) CFLAGS += -fPIC -std=gnu90 PLATCFLAGS += -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp LDFLAGS += -fPIC -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T CC = arm-linux-androideabi-gcc AR = arm-linux-androideabi-ar LD = arm-linux-androideabi-gcc else ifeq ($(platform), qnx) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).so CFLAGS += -fPIC PLATCFLAGS += -march=armv7-a LDFLAGS += -fPIC -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T CC = qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le AR = qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le LD = QCC -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le else ifeq ($(platform), wii) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a BIGENDIAN = 1 CC = $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-gcc$(EXE_EXT) AR = $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-ar$(EXE_EXT) PLATCFLAGS += -DGEKKO -mrvl -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float -D__ppc__ -D__POWERPC__ PLATCFLAGS += -U__INT32_TYPE__ -U __UINT32_TYPE__ -D__INT32_TYPE__=int STATIC_LINKING = 1 else ifeq ($(platform), wiiu) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a BIGENDIAN = 1 CC = $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-gcc$(EXE_EXT) AR = $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-ar$(EXE_EXT) PLATCFLAGS += -DGEKKO -DWIIU -mwup -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float -D__ppc__ -D__POWERPC__ PLATCFLAGS += -U__INT32_TYPE__ -U __UINT32_TYPE__ -D__INT32_TYPE__=int STATIC_LINKING = 1 # Nintendo Switch (libnx) else ifeq ($(platform), libnx) include $(DEVKITPRO)/libnx/switch_rules EXT=a TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).$(EXT) DEFINES := -DSWITCH=1 -U__linux__ -U__linux -DRARCH_INTERNAL -DHAVE_LIBNX CFLAGS := $(DEFINES) -g -O3 -ffast-math -fPIE -I$(LIBNX)/include/ -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -ftls-model=local-exec -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -specs=$(LIBNX)/switch.specs CXXFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++11 CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 PLATCFLAGS += -D__SWITCH__ -march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a57 -mtp=soft -fPIE CPU_ARCH := arm64 STATIC_LINKING = 1 # Nintendo Switch (libtransistor) else ifeq ($(platform), switch) EXT=a TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).$(EXT) PLATCFLAGS += -D__SWITCH__ include $(LIBTRANSISTOR_HOME)/ STATIC_LINKING=1 else ifeq ($(platform), ps3) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a BIGENDIAN = 1 CC = $(CELL_SDK)/host-win32/ppu/bin/ppu-lv2-gcc.exe AR = $(CELL_SDK)/host-win32/ppu/bin/ppu-lv2-ar.exe PLATCFLAGS += -D__CELLOS_LV2__ -D__ppc__ -D__POWERPC__ STATIC_LINKING = 1 SPLIT_UP_LINK=1 else ifeq ($(platform), sncps3) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_ps3.a BIGENDIAN = 1 CC = $(CELL_SDK)/host-win32/sn/bin/ps3ppusnc.exe AR = $(CELL_SDK)/host-win32/sn/bin/ps3snarl.exe PLATCFLAGS += -D__CELLOS_LV2__ -D__ppc__ -D__POWERPC__ STATIC_LINKING = 1 else ifeq ($(platform), psl1ght) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a BIGENDIAN = 1 CC = $(PS3DEV)/ppu/bin/ppu-gcc$ AR = $(PS3DEV)/ppu/bin/ppu-ar$ PLATCFLAGS += -D__CELLOS_LV2__ -D__ppc__ -D__POWERPC__ STATIC_LINKING = 1 else ifeq ($(platform), psp1) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a CC = psp-gcc$(EXE_EXT) AR = psp-ar$(EXE_EXT) PLATCFLAGS += -DPSP CFLAGS += -G0 STATIC_LINKING = 1 else ifeq ($(platform), vita) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).a CC = arm-vita-eabi-gcc$(EXE_EXT) AR = arm-vita-eabi-ar$(EXE_EXT) PLATCFLAGS += -DVITA CFLAGS += -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -fsingle-precision-constant CFLAGS += -Wall -mword-relocations CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math CFLAGS += -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables CFLAGS += -fno-optimize-sibling-calls CFLAGS += -ftree-vectorize -funroll-loops -fno-short-enums CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions HAVE_RZLIB := 1 ARM = 1 STATIC_LINKING := 1 DEBUG = 0 else ifneq (,$(findstring armv,$(platform))) TARGET = $(TARGET_NAME) CFLAGS += -fPIC -std=gnu90 LDFLAGS += -fPIC -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T # GCW0 else ifeq ($(platform), gcw0) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME) CC = /opt/gcw0-toolchain/usr/bin/mipsel-linux-gcc-4.9.1 CXX = /opt/gcw0-toolchain/usr/bin/mipsel-linux-g++ AR = /opt/gcw0-toolchain/usr/bin/mipsel-linux-ar LDFLAGS += -shared -Wl,--version-script=link.T -Wl,-no-undefined PLATCFLAGS += -D__GCW0__ LIBS := -lc -lgcc fpic := -fPIC -nostdlib LIBS = CFLAGS += -lm -march=mips32 -mtune=mips32r2 -mhard-float else ifeq ($(platform), emscripten) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_$(platform).bc HAVE_RZLIB := 1 STATIC_LINKING := 1 PLATCFLAGS += -D__EMSCRIPTEN__ # Windows MSVC 2003 Xbox 1 else ifeq ($(platform), xbox1_msvc2003) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_xdk1.lib MSVCBINDIRPREFIX = $(XDK)/xbox/bin/vc71 CC = "$(MSVCBINDIRPREFIX)/CL.exe" CXX = "$(MSVCBINDIRPREFIX)/CL.exe" LD = "$(MSVCBINDIRPREFIX)/lib.exe" export INCLUDE := $(XDK)/xbox/include export LIB := $(XDK)/xbox/lib PSS_STYLE :=2 CFLAGS += -D_XBOX -D_XBOX1 CXXFLAGS += -D_XBOX -D_XBOX1 STATIC_LINKING=1 # Windows MSVC 2010 Xbox 360 else ifeq ($(platform), xbox360_msvc2010) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro_xdk360.lib MSVCBINDIRPREFIX = $(XEDK)/bin/win32 CC = "$(MSVCBINDIRPREFIX)/cl.exe" CXX = "$(MSVCBINDIRPREFIX)/cl.exe" LD = "$(MSVCBINDIRPREFIX)/lib.exe" export INCLUDE := $(XEDK)/include/xbox export LIB := $(XEDK)/lib/xbox PSS_STYLE :=2 CFLAGS += -D_XBOX -D_XBOX360 CXXFLAGS += -D_XBOX -D_XBOX360 STATIC_LINKING=1 BIGENDIAN = 1 # Windows MSVC 2010 x64 else ifeq ($(platform), windows_msvc2010_x64) CC = cl.exe CXX = cl.exe PATH := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../../VC/bin/amd64"):$(PATH) PATH := $(PATH):$(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../IDE") LIB := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../../VC/lib/amd64") INCLUDE := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../../VC/include") WindowsSdkDir := $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')lib/x64 WindowsSdkDir ?= $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')lib/x64 WindowsSdkDirInc := $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')Include WindowsSdkDirInc ?= $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')Include INCFLAGS_PLATFORM = -I"$(WindowsSdkDirInc)" export INCLUDE := $(INCLUDE) export LIB := $(LIB);$(WindowsSdkDir) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro.dll PSS_STYLE :=2 LDFLAGS += -DLL LIBS = # Windows MSVC 2010 x86 else ifeq ($(platform), windows_msvc2010_x86) CC = cl.exe CXX = cl.exe PATH := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../../VC/bin"):$(PATH) PATH := $(PATH):$(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../IDE") LIB := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath -w "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../../VC/lib") INCLUDE := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS100COMNTOOLS)../../VC/include") WindowsSdkDir := $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')lib WindowsSdkDir ?= $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')lib WindowsSdkDirInc := $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')Include WindowsSdkDirInc ?= $(shell reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A" -v "InstallationFolder" | grep -o '[A-Z]:\\.*')Include INCFLAGS_PLATFORM = -I"$(WindowsSdkDirInc)" export INCLUDE := $(INCLUDE) export LIB := $(LIB);$(WindowsSdkDir) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro.dll PSS_STYLE :=2 LDFLAGS += -DLL LIBS = # Windows MSVC 2005 x86 else ifeq ($(platform), windows_msvc2005_x86) CC = cl.exe CXX = cl.exe PATH := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS80COMNTOOLS)../../VC/bin"):$(PATH) PATH := $(PATH):$(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS80COMNTOOLS)../IDE") INCLUDE := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS80COMNTOOLS)../../VC/include") LIB := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath -w "$(VS80COMNTOOLS)../../VC/lib") BIN := $(shell IFS=$$'\n'; cygpath "$(VS80COMNTOOLS)../../VC/bin") WindowsSdkDir := $(INETSDK) export INCLUDE := $(INCLUDE);$(INETSDK)/Include;src/libretro/libretro-common/include/compat/msvc export LIB := $(LIB);$(WindowsSdkDir);$(INETSDK)/Lib TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro.dll PSS_STYLE :=2 LDFLAGS += -DLL CFLAGS += -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE LIBS = # Windows else TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME)_libretro.dll CC = gcc LDFLAGS += -shared -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -s -Wl,--version-script=link.T CFLAGS += -D__WIN32__ -D__WIN32_LIBRETRO__ -std=gnu90 endif # Architecture-Specific Flags ############################# # Compiling and linking flags for specific architectures follow ifeq ($(BIGENDIAN), 1) PLATCFLAGS += -DMSB_FIRST endif # explictly use -fsigned-char on all platforms to solve problems with code written/tested on x86 but used on ARM # for example, audio on rtype leo is wrong on ARM without this flag PLATCFLAGS += -fsigned-char # Use position-independent code for all platforms PLATCFLAGS += $(fpic) RETRO_PROFILE = 0 CFLAGS += -DRETRO_PROFILE=$(RETRO_PROFILE) ifneq ($(platform), sncps3) ifeq (,$(findstring msvc,$(platform))) CFLAGS += -Wall -Wunused \ -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -Waggregate-return \ -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes \ -Wformat-security -Wwrite-strings \ -Wdisabled-optimization endif endif ifeq (,$(findstring msvc,$(platform))) CFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing endif # End of Architecture-Specific Flags ###################### # Disable optimization when debugging ##################### ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) CFLAGS += -O0 -g3 else CFLAGS += -O2 -DNDEBUG endif # include the various .mak files include Makefile.common # build the targets in different object dirs, since mess changes # some structures and thus they can't be linked against each other. DEFS = $(COREDEFINES) -Dasm=__asm__ DEFS += -DFLAC__NO_DLL CFLAGS += $(INCFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS_PLATFORM) # combine the various definitions to one CDEFS = $(DEFS) $(COREDEFS) $(CPUDEFS) $(SOUNDDEFS) $(ASMDEFS) $(DBGDEFS) OBJECTS := $(SOURCES_C:.c=.o) OBJOUT = -o LINKOUT = -o ifneq (,$(findstring msvc,$(platform))) OBJOUT = -Fo LINKOUT = -out: ifeq ($(STATIC_LINKING),1) LD ?= lib.exe STATIC_LINKING=0 else LD = link.exe endif else LD = $(CC) endif define NEWLINE endef all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) @echo "** BUILDING $(TARGET) FOR PLATFORM $(platform) **" ifeq ($(STATIC_LINKING),1) @echo Archiving $@... ifeq ($(SPLIT_UP_LINK), 1) ulimit -s unlimited && $(AR) rcs $@ $(foreach OBJECTS,$(OBJECTS),$(NEWLINE) $(AR) q $@ $(OBJECTS)) else $(AR) rcs $@ $(OBJECTS) endif else @echo Linking $@... @echo platform $(system_platform) ifeq ($(SPLIT_UP_LINK), 1) # Use a temporary file to hold the list of objects, as it can exceed windows shell command limits $(file >$,$(OBJECTS)) ulimit -s unlimited && $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINKOUT)$@ @$ $(LIBS) @rm $ else $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINKOUT)$@ $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) endif endif @echo "** BUILD SUCCESSFUL! GG NO RE **" %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(PLATCFLAGS) -c $(OBJOUT)$@ $< $(OBJ)/%.a: @echo Archiving $@... $(RM) $@ $(AR) cr $@ $^ clean: ifeq ($(SPLIT_UP_LINK), 1) # Use a temporary file to hold the list of objects, as it can exceed windows shell command limits $(file >$,$(OBJECTS)) rm -f @$ $(TARGET) @rm $ endif rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET)