2015-07-05 11:59:07 +02:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

// Dumps the ASCII content of Oberon texts. Doesn't properly
// parse the files so doesn't work very well.
use std::io::*;
use std::process::exit;
fn ob2unix() -> Result<()> {
let mut input = stdin();
let mut output = stdout();
let mut buf = [0u8; 1024];
let res = try!(copy(&mut input.by_ref().take(6),
&mut &mut buf[..])) as usize;
let is_oberon = res == 6 && ((buf[0] == 240 && buf[1] == 1)
|| buf[0] == 1 && buf[1] == 240);
if is_oberon {
// skip header
let size = (buf[2] as u64) | (buf[3] as u64) << 8
| (buf[4] as u64) << 16 | (buf[5] as u64) << 24;
try!(copy(&mut input.by_ref().take(size - 6), &mut sink()));
// translate '\r' to '\n'
loop {
let res = try!(copy(&mut input.by_ref().take(buf.len() as u64),
&mut &mut buf[..])) as usize;
if res == 0 {
for ch in &mut buf[..res] {
if *ch == b'\r' {
*ch = b'\n'
try!(copy(&mut &buf[..res], &mut output));
} else {
// Not an Oberon text file: copy input to output
try!(copy(&mut &buf[..res], &mut output));
try!(copy(&mut input, &mut output));
fn main() {
if let Err(e) = ob2unix() {
writeln!(&mut stderr(), "ob2unix: {}", e).unwrap();