mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 17:59:47 +00:00
i18n: backport po from 0.9.8 and merge ter&dev into main&ico.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4733 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
# Translation of Iconized.po from PCSX2 project. (No icons here, what a let down.)
# Copyright (C) 2002-2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
# Zbyněk Schwarz <zbynek.schwarz@gmail.com>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-01 20:15+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-28 13:31+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Zbyněk Schwarz <zbynek.schwarz@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Zbyněk Schwarz\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr ""
"Není dostatek virtuální paměti, nebo potřebná mapování virtuální paměti již "
"byly vyhrazeny jinými procesy, službami, nebo DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr ""
"Herní disky Playstation nejsou PCSX2 podporovány. Pokud chcete emulovat hry "
"PSX, pak si budete muset stáhnout PSX emulátor, jako ePSXe nebo PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Tento rekompilátor nemohl vyhradit přilehlou paměť potřebnou pro vnitřní "
"vyrovnávací paměti. Tato chyba může být způsobena nízkými zdroji virtuální "
"paměti, jako např. vypnutý nebo malý stránkovací soubor, nebo jiným "
"programem náročným na paměť. Můžete také zkusit snížit výchozí velikost "
"vyrovnávací paměti pro všechny rekompilátory PCSX2, naleznete v Nastavení "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nemůže přidělit paměť potřebnou pro virtuální stroj PS2. Zavřete "
"některé úlohy na pozadí náročné na paměť a zkuste to znovu."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr ""
"Varování: Váš počítač nepodporuje SSE2, která je vyžadována většinou "
"rekompilátorů PCSX2 a zásuvných modulů. Vaše volby budou omezené a emulace "
"bude *velmi* pomalá."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr ""
"Varování: Některé z nastavených rekompilátorů PS2 nelze spustit a byly "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr ""
"Poznámka: Rekompilátory nejsou potřeba ke spuštění PCSX2, nicméně normálně "
"výrazně zlepšují rychlost emulace. Možná budete muset ruřne rekompilátory "
"znovu zapnout, pokud vyřešíte chyby."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 vyžaduje ke spuštění BIOS PS2. Z právních důvodů *musíte* BIOS získat "
"ze skutečného PS2, které vlastníte (půjčení se nepočítá). Podívejte se "
"prosím na Nejčastější Otázky a Průvodce pro další instrukce."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr ""
"'Ignorovat' pro pokračování čekání na odpověď vlákna.\n"
"'Zrušit' pro pokus o zrušení vlákna."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr ""
"Ujistěte se prosím, že tyto adresáře jsou vytvořeny a že Váš uživatelský "
"účet má udělená oprávnění k zápisu do těchto adresářů -- nebo znovu spusťte "
"PCSX2 jako správce (administrátorské oprávnění), což by mělo udělit PCSX2 "
"schopnost samo si potřebné adresáře vytvořit. Pokud nemáte na tomto počítači "
"správcovská oprávnění, pak budete muset přepnout do režimu Uživatelských "
"Dokumentů (klikněte na tlačítko níže)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Můžete také zde dobrovolně zadat umístění Vašeho nastavení PCSX2. Pokud "
"umístění obsahuje existující nastavení PCSX2, bude Vám dána možnost je "
"importovat nebo přepsat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr ""
"Tento průvodce Vám pomůže skrz nastavení zásuvných modulů, paměťových karet "
"a BIOSu. Je doporučeno, pokud je toto poprvé co instalujete %s, si "
"prohlédnout 'Přečti mě' a průvodce nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 vyžaduje *legální* kopii BIOSu PS2, abyste mohli hrát hry.\n"
"Nemůžete použít kopii získanou od kamaráda nebo z Internetu.\n"
"Musíte ho vypsat z *Vaší* vlastní konzole Playstation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr ""
"Existující nastavení %s byly nalezeny v určeném adresáři nastavení. Chtěli "
"byste tyto nastavení importovat nebo je přepsat výchozími hodnotami %s?\n"
"(nebo stiskněte Zrušit pro vybrání jiného adresáře nastavení)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr ""
"Komprimace NTFS je zabudovaná, rychlá a naprosto spolehlivá a většinou "
"komprimuje paměťové karty velmi dobře (tato volba je vysoce doporučená)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr ""
"Zabraňuje poškození paměťové karty tím, že donutí hry reindexovat obsah "
"karty po načtení uloženého stavu. Nemusí být kompatibilní se všemi hrami "
"(Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Vlákno '%s' neodpovídá. Mohlo uváznout, nebo prostě běží *velmi* pomalu."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr ""
"Tato činnost resetuje existující stav virtuálního stroje PS2; veškerý "
"současný postup bude ztracen. Jste si jisti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Tento příkaz vyčistí nastavení %s a umožňuje Vám znovu spustit Průvodce "
"Prvním Spuštěním. Po této operaci budete muset ručně restartovat %s.\n"
"VAROVÁNÍ!! Kliknutím na OK smažete *VŠECHNA* nastavení pro %s a přinutíte "
"tuto aplikaci uzavřít, čímž ztratíte jakýkoli postup emulace. Jste si "
"naprosto jisti?\n"
"(poznámka: nastavení zásuvných modulů nejsou ovlivněna)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr ""
"Pozice PS2 %d byla automaticky zakázána. Můžete tento problém opravit\n"
"a znovu ji kdykoli povolit pomocí Nastavení:Paměťové Karty z hlavního menu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr ""
"Prosím zvolte platný BIOS. Pokud nejste schopni provést platnou volbu, pak "
"stiskněte Zrušit pro zavření Konfiguračního panelu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgstr "Upozornění: Většina her bude v pořádku s výchozím nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgstr "Upozornění: Většina her bude v pořádku s výchozím nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "Zadaná cesta/adresář neexistuje. Chtěli byste je vytvořit?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
"Opravy her můžou obejít špatnou emulaci v některých hrách.\n"
"Můžou ale také způsobit problémy s kompatibilitou a výkonem, takže nejsou "
"Opravy her jsou použity automaticky, takže zde nic nemusíte nastavovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
"Chystáte se smazat formátovanou paměťovou kartu '%s'. Všechna data na kartě "
"budou ztracena! Jste si naprosto a zcela jisti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
"Selhání: Kopírování je povoleno pouze na prázdnou pozici PS2 nebo do systému "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "Selhání: Cílová paměťová karta '%s' se používá."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
"Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty "
"uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, "
"nastavení a uložené stavy). Tyto umístění adresářů mohou být kdykoli "
"potlačena použitím panelu Hlavního Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
"Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty "
"uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, "
"nastavení a uložené stavy). Tato volba ovlivňuje pouze Standardní Cesty, "
"které jsou nastaveny, aby používali výchozí hodnoty instalace."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgstr "Varování! Změna zásuvných modulů vyžaduje"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr ""
"Všechny zásuvné moduly musí mít platný výběr pro %s ke spuštění. Pokud "
"nemůžete provést výběr kvůli chybějícímu modulu nebo nedokončené instalaci "
"%s, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro uzavření panelu Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr ""
"Hacky Rychlosti většinou zlepšují rychlost emulace, ale můžou způsobovat "
"chyby, špatný zvuk a špatné údaje o SZS. Když máte problémy s emulací, tento "
"panel zakažte nejdříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Upozornění: Kvůli hardwarovému designu PS2 je přesné přeskakování snímků "
"nemožné. Zapnutím tohoto způsobí vážné grafické chyby v některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr ""
"Váš systém má příliš nízké virtuální zdroje, aby mohl být PCSX2 spuštěn. To "
"může být způsobeno malým nebo vypnutým stránkovacím souborem, nebo jinými "
"programy, které jsou náročné na zdroje."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Došla Paměť (tak trochu): Rekompilátor SuperVJ nemohl vyhradit určitý "
"vyžadovaný rozsah paměti a nebude dostupný k použití. To není kritická "
"chyba, protože rek sVU je zastaralý a stejně byste místo něj měli používat "
"mVU :)."
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Bez udání důvodu."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Aktivita vláken: spuštění, odpojení, synch, smazání, atd."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Zahrnuje zpracování nečinné události a další neobyčejné používání událostí."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"Vlákno VVGS přestalo odpovídat při čekání na otevření zásuvného modulu GS."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Vnitřní zásuvný modul Paměťové Karty nelze spustit."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Nejbezpečnější"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Bezpečné (rychlejší)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Vyrovnaný"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresivní"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agresivní plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Většinou Škodlivý"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Nacpe spoustu záznamu do mikrokosmicky malé oblasti."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "To, co používám já (programátor)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Je hezké a čitelné."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "V případě, že máte displej s opravdu vysokým rozlišením."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Výchozí barevné schéma jemných odstínů."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Klasický vzhled černé barvy pro lidi, kteří mají rádi text vypálen do jejich "
"optických nervů."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
"Při zaškrtnutí bude okno záznamu viditelné nad ostatními okny v popředí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"Komprese NTFS může být kdykoliv ručně změněna použitím vlastností souboru z "
"Průzkumníku Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Používejte tuto volbu vždy, když chcete nejbezpečnější a nejjistější chování "
"paměťové karty."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 a 32 MB karty mají zhruba stejný faktor kompatibility."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Používejte na vlastní riziko. Je možné nestálé chování paměťové karty (i "
"když nepravděpodobné)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá Vaše nastavení, zahrnující i nastavení "
"vytvořená většinou zásuvných modulů (některé starší moduly nemusí tuto "
"hodnotu respektovat)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše "
"uložená nastavení. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v "
"dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, pokud zde použijete jakékoli "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše "
"uložená nastavení zásuvných modulů a/nebo adresářů. Tyto volby příkazového "
"řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, když "
"zde použijete jakékoli změny nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé "
"opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n"
"Informace o předvolbách:\n"
"1 --> Nejpřesnější emulace, ale také nejpomalejší.\n"
"3 --> Pokouší se vyvážit rychlost a kompatibilitu.\n"
"4 --> Některé agresivní hacky.\n"
"6 --> Příliš mnoho hacků, což pravděpodobně zpomalí většinu her."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé "
"opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n"
" --> Odškrtněte pro ruční změnu nastavení (se současnými předvolbami jako "
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Záznam událostí, jak jsou předávány virtuálnímu stroji PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Je-li zaškrtnuto, tento adresář bude automaticky odrážet výchozí asociaci se "
"současným nastavením uživatelského režimu PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"Vsynch odstraňuje trhání obrazovky, ale má velký vliv na výkon. Většinou se "
"toto týká režimu celé obrazovky a nemusí fungovat se všemi zásuvnými moduly "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Povolí Vsynch když snímkovací frekvence je přesně na plné rychlosti. Pokud "
"spadne pod tuto hodnotu, Vsynch je zakázána k zabránění dalších penalizací "
"výkonu. Poznámka: Toto nyní správně funguje pouze s GSdx jako zásuvný modul "
"GS a nastaveným na použití hardwarového vykreslování DX10/11. Jakýkoli jiný "
"modul nebo režim vykreslování toto bude ignorovat, nebo vytvoří černý "
"snímek, který blikne, kdykoliv je režim přepnut. Také vyžaduje povolenou "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Zašrktněte toto pro vynucení zneviditelnění kurzoru myši uvnitř okna GS; "
"užitečné, jestli myš používáte jako hlavní kontrolní zařízení pro hraní. "
"Standardně je myš schována po 2 vteřinách nečinnosti."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Povolí automatické přepnutí režimu na celou obrazovku, při spuštění nebo "
"obnově emulace. Stále můžete přepnout na celou obrazovku pomocí alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Úplně zavře často velké a rozměrné okno GS při stisku ESC nebo pozastavení "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (Opravuje FMV a pády)\n"
"* SSX (Opravuje špatnou grafiku a pády)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Způsobuje zkomolené textury)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II and III\n"
"* Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá uložené stavy, které jsou zaznamenány buď "
"použitím menu/panelů nástrojů, nebo stisknutím F1/F3 (uložit/nahrát)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá snímky obrazovky. Vlastní formát a styl "
"snímku se může měnit v závislosti na používaném zásuvném modulu GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá své soubory se záznamem a diagnostické "
"výpisy. Většina zásuvných modulů bude také používat tento adresář, ale "
"některé starší ho můžou ignorovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"Výchozí množství cyklů. Toto se blíže shoduje se skutečnou rychlostí "
"opravdového EmotionEngine PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 33%. Mírné zrychlení ve většině her s vysokou "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 50%. Průměrné zrychlení, ale *způsobí* "
"zadrhování zvuku ve spoustě FMV."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "Zakáže krádež cyklů VJ. Nejkompatibilnější nastavení"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"Mírná krádež cyklů VJ. Nižší kompatibilita, ale jisté zrychlení ve většině "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"Průměrná krádež cyklů VJ. Ještě nižší kompatibilita, ale výrazné zrychlení v "
"některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"Maximální krádež cyklů VJ. Užitečnost je omezená protože toto způsobuje "
"blikání grafiky nebo zpomalení ve většině her. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Nastavením vyšších hodnot na tomto šoupátku účinně sníží rychlost hodin "
"jádra R5900 procesoru EmotionEngine a typicky přináší velké zrychlení hrám, "
"které nemohou využívat plný potenciál skutečného hardwaru PS2. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Toto šoupátko kontroluje množství cyklů, které VJ ukradne od EmotionEngine. "
"Vyšší hodnoty zvyšují počet ukradených cyklů od EE pro každý mikroprogram, "
"který VJ spustí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Aktualizuje Příznaky Stavu pouze v blocích, které je budou číst, místo "
"neustále. Toto je většinou bezpečné a Super VJ dělá standardně něco "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Předpokládá, že daleko v budoucnosti bloky nebudou potřebovat staré příznaky "
"dat instancí. Toto by mělo být celkem bezpečné. Není známo, jestli toto "
"nějakou hru poškozuje..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Tento hack funguje nejlépe v hrách, které používají stavy KPŘE registru pro "
"čekání na vsynch, což hlavně zahrnuje ne-3D rpg hry. Ty, co tuto metodu v "
"synch nepoužívají z tohoto hacku nedostanou žádné nebo malé zrychlení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Má za cíl hlavně čekací smyčku EE na adrese 0x81FC0 v kernelu, tento hack se "
"pokusí zjistit smyčky, jejichž těla mají zaručeně za následek stejný stav "
"stroje pro každé opakování doku naplánovaná událost nespustí emulaci další "
"jednotky. Po prvním opakováním takovýchto smyček, pokročíme do doby další "
"události nebo konce pracovního intervalu procesoru, co nastane dříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Zkontrolujte seznam kompatibility HDLoadera pro hry, známé, že s tímto mají "
"problémy. (často označené jako vyžadující 'mode 1' nebo 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Nezapomeňte, že když je omezení snímků vypnuté, nebudou ani také dostupné "
"režimy Turbo a ZpomalenýPohyb."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Chyba při analýze nastavení snímkovací frekvence NTSC nebo PAL. Nastavení "
"musí být platná čísla s plovoucí čárkou."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Pouze pro řešení možných chyb v VVGS, protože je toto potenciálně velmi "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Úplně zakáže jakoukoli aktivitu zásuvného modulu GS; ideální pro měření "
"výkonu hlavních součástí EE."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Zapněte toto, pokud si myslíte, že synch vlákna VVGS způsobuje pády a "
"grafické problémy."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Odstraní jakýkoli šum výkonnostního testu způsobený vláknem VVGS nebo časem "
"zpracování grafického procesoru. Tato volba se nejlépe používá spolu s "
"uloženými stavy: uložte stav v ideální scéně, zapněte tuto volbu, a znovu "
"načtěte uložený stav.\n"
"Varování: Tato volba může být zapnuta za běhu ale typicky nemůže být takto "
"vypnuta (obraz bude většinou poškozený)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Používá Min/Max SSE operace s plovoucí čárkou místo vlastních logických "
#~ "rutin Min/Max. Známo, že nefunguje v Gran Turismo 4, Tekken 5."
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2 Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-09 10:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-14 19:41+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 01:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: PCSX2\n"
"Language-Team: PCSX2\n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE;pxExpandMsg\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE;pxExpandMsg\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\new trunk!\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\\..\\\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
@ -156,26 +158,25 @@ msgstr "Normalerweise müssen diese Einstellungen nicht angepasst werden."
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "Das angegebene Verzeichnis existiert nicht. Möchtest du es erstellen?"
msgstr "Das angegebene Verzeichnis existiert nicht. Möchtest du es erstellen?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Spielefixes können spezifische, bekannte Fehler in einigen Spielen beheben. "
"Spielefixes können spezifische, bekannte Fehler in einigen Spielen beheben. "
"Sie sollten aber nur für diese Spiele aktiviert werden."
"Sie sollten aber nur für diese Spiele aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Hiermit wird die komplette Memory Card in Slot %u gelöscht. Bist du dir "
"Hiermit wird die komplette Memory Card in Slot %u gelöscht. Bist du dir "
"absolut sicher?"
"absolut sicher?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Hiermit wird die komplette Memory Card in Slot %u gelöscht. Bist du dir "
"Fehler: Duplizieren ist nur in einen leeren PS2 Port oder in das Dateisystem "
"absolut sicher?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "Konnte die Memory Card nicht kopieren. Die Zieldatei ist in Benutzung."
msgstr "Konnte die Memory Card nicht kopieren. Die Zieldatei ist in Benutzung."
@ -261,3 +262,312 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Der interne Framelimiter reguliert die Geschwindigkeit, mit dem das Spiel "
#~ "Der interne Framelimiter reguliert die Geschwindigkeit, mit dem das Spiel "
#~ "auf deinem PC läuft (solange dein PC schnell genug ist!)."
#~ "auf deinem PC läuft (solange dein PC schnell genug ist!)."
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Kein Grund angegeben."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Threading Aktivität."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "Idle Zeit und Anderes."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "Der MTGS Thread ist eingefroren."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Internes Memory Card Plugin konnte nicht Initialisiert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Sicher"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Sicher (schneller)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Ausbalanciert"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressiv"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressiv Plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Maximum"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Packt viel Info in ein kleines Fenster."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Das, was ich auch nutze (der Programmierer)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Nett und lesbar."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Für Riesendisplays."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Standard Farbschema."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "Klassisch tiefschwarz :)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "Hält das Logfenster im Vordergrund."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"Die NTFS Komprimierung kann jederzeit via Windows Explorer geändert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "Nutze diese Option, um die sichersten Memory Cards zu Erstellen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 und 32MB Karten sind gleich gut kompatibel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Auf eigenes Riskio benutzen. Fehlerhaftes Memory Card Verhalten ist möglich "
"(aber unwahrscheinlich)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 und Plugins werden versuchen ihre Einstellungen in diesen Ordner zu "
"schreiben. Einige (ältere) Plugins könnten dies jedoch nicht unterstützen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier zu "
"tätigenden Einstellungen übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen vornehmen, "
"werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier "
"einzustellenden Plugins und Ordner übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen "
"vornehmen, werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Preset info: \n"
" 1 - Akkurat aber langsam \n"
" 3 - Balance zwischen Geschwindigkeit und Kompatibilität \n"
" 4 - Etwas aggressivere Hacks \n"
" 6 - Viele Hacks, wird Spiele verlangsamen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Presets erleichtern dir die Konfiguration, indem sie passende Einstellungen "
"zur gewünschten Geschwindigkeitsstufe wählen. Höhere Stufen aktivieren mehr "
"Hacks und sind daher nicht mit allen Spielen kompatibel."
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Loggt Ereignisse, die der PS2 Virtual Machine übergeben werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Nutzt das Standardverzeichnis des gewählten Installationsmodus."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"VSync ist eine Grafikoption, die versucht Jidder und Tearing zu vermeiden. "
"Sie setzt voraus, dass das Spiel mit voller Geschwindigkeit läuft, was "
"selten zu 100% der Fall ist. Es wird nicht empfohlen, VSync zu aktivieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Aktiviert Vsync nur bei voller Geschwindigkeit. Sobald die FPS unter 50 "
"(PAL) oder 60 (NTSC) fallen, wird Vsync deaktiviert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Versteckt den Mauscursor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Kann auch während der Emulation mit ALT+ENTER erreicht werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Versteckt das GS Fenster wenn man mit ESC die Emulation pausiert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Ändert das wichtige Timing für alle DMA Komponenten auf einen festen, "
"schnellen Wert. Hat diversen Einfluss auf die Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr "Veraltet"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner wird PCSX2 versuchen Savestates zu schreiben. States können "
"bei vielen Spielen schnell recht viel Platz beanspruchen!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Screenshots zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Logdateien zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "Deaktiviert"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "Stufe 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "Stufe 3."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "Kein Cycle Steal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "Stufe 1."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "Stufe 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "Stufe 3."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Erhöhen dieses Wertes untertaktet die virtuelle PS2 CPU (Emotion Engine). "
"Daher läuft die Emulation etwas schneller aber viele Spiele laufen stockend."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"\"Stiehlt\" der PS2 CPU einige Zyklen bei jeder VU Programmausführung. "
"Geschwindigkeitsgewinn bei reduzierter Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Lässt einige VU Statusflags aus. Sicher."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "Kann die Geschwindigkeit leicht erhöhen. In FFX kontraproduktiv!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Einige Spiele erwarten ein standardkonformes (langsam lesendes) DVD "
"Laufwerk. Diese können dann hängenbleiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert den Framelimiter. Das Spiel läuft so schnell wie es dein Rechner "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "Fehler beim Einlesen der NTSC oder PAL Framerateeinstellungen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "Um eventualle Fehler im MTGS Thread zu debuggen. Sehr langsam!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert alle GS Plugin Aktivitäten. Ideal um den Emulatorkern zu "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Nur für das Debugging aktivieren. Sehr langsam."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Entfernt störende Faktoren von der Grafikkarte oder Treiberproblemen. Nur "
"für PCSX2 Benchmarks interressant."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
#~ msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr "Funktioniert nicht mit Gran Turismo 4 oder Tekken 5."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Versucht das GS Plugin in den exklusiven Vollbildmodus zu versetzen. "
#~ "Einige Treibereinstellungen (VSync) funktionieren damit besser."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-14 19:41+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: PCSX2\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt;pxLt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\new trunk!\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Kein Grund angegeben."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Threading Aktivität."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "Idle Zeit und Anderes."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "Der MTGS Thread ist eingefroren."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Internes Memory Card Plugin konnte nicht Initialisiert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Sicher"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Sicher (schneller)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Ausbalanciert"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressiv"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressiv Plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Maximum"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Packt viel Info in ein kleines Fenster."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Das, was ich auch nutze (der Programmierer)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Nett und lesbar."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Für Riesendisplays."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Standard Farbschema."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "Klassisch tiefschwarz :)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "Hält das Logfenster im Vordergrund."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"Die NTFS Komprimierung kann jederzeit via Windows Explorer geändert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "Nutze diese Option, um die sichersten Memory Cards zu Erstellen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 und 32MB Karten sind gleich gut kompatibel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Auf eigenes Riskio benutzen. Fehlerhaftes Memory Card Verhalten ist möglich "
"(aber unwahrscheinlich)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 und Plugins werden versuchen ihre Einstellungen in diesen Ordner zu "
"schreiben. Einige (ältere) Plugins könnten dies jedoch nicht unterstützen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier zu "
"tätigenden Einstellungen übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen vornehmen, "
"werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier "
"einzustellenden Plugins und Ordner übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen "
"vornehmen, werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Preset info: \n"
" 1 - Akkurat aber langsam \n"
" 3 - Balance zwischen Geschwindigkeit und Kompatibilität \n"
" 4 - Etwas aggressivere Hacks \n"
" 6 - Viele Hacks, wird Spiele verlangsamen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Presets erleichtern dir die Konfiguration, indem sie passende Einstellungen "
"zur gewünschten Geschwindigkeitsstufe wählen. Höhere Stufen aktivieren mehr "
"Hacks und sind daher nicht mit allen Spielen kompatibel."
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Loggt Ereignisse, die der PS2 Virtual Machine übergeben werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Nutzt das Standardverzeichnis des gewählten Installationsmodus."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"VSync ist eine Grafikoption, die versucht Jidder und Tearing zu vermeiden. "
"Sie setzt voraus, dass das Spiel mit voller Geschwindigkeit läuft, was "
"selten zu 100% der Fall ist. Es wird nicht empfohlen, VSync zu aktivieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Aktiviert Vsync nur bei voller Geschwindigkeit. Sobald die FPS unter 50 "
"(PAL) oder 60 (NTSC) fallen, wird Vsync deaktiviert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Versteckt den Mauscursor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Kann auch während der Emulation mit ALT+ENTER erreicht werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Versteckt das GS Fenster wenn man mit ESC die Emulation pausiert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Ändert das wichtige Timing für alle DMA Komponenten auf einen festen, "
"schnellen Wert. Hat diversen Einfluss auf die Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr "Veraltet"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner wird PCSX2 versuchen Savestates zu schreiben. States können "
"bei vielen Spielen schnell recht viel Platz beanspruchen!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Screenshots zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Logdateien zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "Deaktiviert"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "Stufe 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "Stufe 3."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "Kein Cycle Steal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "Stufe 1."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "Stufe 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "Stufe 3."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Erhöhen dieses Wertes untertaktet die virtuelle PS2 CPU (Emotion Engine). "
"Daher läuft die Emulation etwas schneller aber viele Spiele laufen stockend."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"\"Stiehlt\" der PS2 CPU einige Zyklen bei jeder VU Programmausführung. "
"Geschwindigkeitsgewinn bei reduzierter Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Lässt einige VU Statusflags aus. Sicher."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "Kann die Geschwindigkeit leicht erhöhen. In FFX kontraproduktiv!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr "Funktioniert nicht mit Gran Turismo 4 oder Tekken 5."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Einige Spiele erwarten ein standardkonformes (langsam lesendes) DVD "
"Laufwerk. Diese können dann hängenbleiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert den Framelimiter. Das Spiel läuft so schnell wie es dein Rechner "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "Fehler beim Einlesen der NTSC oder PAL Framerateeinstellungen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "Um eventualle Fehler im MTGS Thread zu debuggen. Sehr langsam!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert alle GS Plugin Aktivitäten. Ideal um den Emulatorkern zu "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Nur für das Debugging aktivieren. Sehr langsam."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Entfernt störende Faktoren von der Grafikkarte oder Treiberproblemen. Nur "
"für PCSX2 Benchmarks interressant."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Versucht das GS Plugin in den exklusiven Vollbildmodus zu versetzen. "
#~ "Einige Treibereinstellungen (VSync) funktionieren damit besser."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-24 14:45+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-24 14:13+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Víctor González <pajaroloco_2@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Program Files\\PCSX2 Tradu\\Volcado PCSX2 - Export"
"\\Volcado PCSX2\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Spanish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: SPAIN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr ""
"No hay la suficiente memoria virtual disponible, o las asignaciones de "
"memoria virtual necesarias ya las han reservado otros procesos, servicios o "
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 no admite discos de juego de PlayStation 1. Si quieres emular juegos "
"de PSX tendrás que descargarte un emulador específico para PSX, como ePSXe o "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Este recompilador no ha podido reservar la memoria contigua necesaria para "
"las cachés internas.\n"
"Este error lo peuden provocar una cantidad baja de recursos de memoria "
"virtual, como un swapfile pequeño o desactivado, o cualquier otro programa "
"que esté acumulando mucha memoria. También puedes intentar reducir los "
"tamaños de caché predeterminados para todos los recompiladores de PCSX2, "
"encontrado en la Configuración del anfitrión."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr ""
"PCSX no puede ubicar la memoria necesaria para la máquina virtual de PS2.\n"
"Cierra cualquier programa en segundo plano que esté acumulando recursos y "
"vuelve a intentarlo."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Tu ordenador no admite SSE2, que es necesario por la mayoría de "
"recompiladores y plugins de PCSX2.\n"
"Tus opciones estarán limitadas y la emulación será *muy* lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Algunos de los recompiladores configurados de PS2 no se han iniciado "
"y por lo tanto están desactivados:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr ""
"Nota: Los recompiladores no son necesarios para el funcionamiento de PCSX2, "
"sin embargo suelen mejorar la velocidad de emulación sustancialmente.\n"
"Tendrás que volver a activar manualmente los recompiladores indicados "
"encima, si consigues arreglar los errores."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 necesita una BIOS de PS2 para poder funcionar. Por motivos legales, "
"*debes* conseguir una BIOS de una consola PS2 real que poseas (no vale "
"pedirla prestada).\n"
"Consulta los FAQs y las guías para tener más información."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr ""
"'Ignorar' para seguir esperando a que el hilo responda.\n"
"'Cancelar' para intentar cancelar el hilo.\n"
"'Terminar' para abandonar PCSX2 de inmediato."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr ""
"Asegúrate de que estas carpetas son creadas y de que tu cuenta de usuario "
"tiene los permisos para escribir en ellas; o vuelve a ejecutar PCSX2 con "
"derechos superiores (de administrador), que debería dar a PCSX2 la capacidad "
"de crear las carpetas necesarias por su cuenta. Si no tienes los permisos "
"superiores en este ordenador, tendrás que cambiar al modo de Documentos del "
"usuario (pulsa en el botón de abajo)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Puedes especificar de forma opcional la ubicación de la configuración de "
"PCSX2 aquí. Si la ubicación ya contiene configuración de PCSX2, se te dará "
"la opción de importarla o sobrescribirla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr ""
"Este asistente te guiará para configurar los plugins, tarjetas de memoria y "
"BIOS. Si es la primera vez que instalas %s se recomienda que mires el "
"archivo léeme y la guía de configuración."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 necesita una copia *legal* de una BIOS de PS2 para poder ejecutar "
"No puedes utilizar una copia que te haya pasado un amigo o descargada de "
"Debes volcar la BIOS desde tu *propia* consola PlayStation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr ""
"Se ha encontrado configuración ya existente de %s en la carpeta\n"
"de configuración asignada. ¿Quieres importar esta configuración o "
"con los ajustes predeterminados de %s?\n"
"(o pulsa en Cancelar para seleccionar otra carpeta de configuración)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr ""
"La compresión NTFS está integrada, es rápida y completamente fiable, y "
"generalmente comprime bastante las tarjetas de memoria (esta opción es muy "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr ""
"Evita que se dañe la tarjeta de memoria forzando a los juegos a rehacer el "
"índice de los contenidos de la tarjeta tras cargar un guardado rápido. "
"Puede no ser compatible con todos los juegos (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr ""
"El hilo '%s' no responde. Podría haber dejado de funcionar, o simplemente "
"se ejecute *muy* lentamente."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr ""
"Esta acción reiniciará el estado actual de la máquina virtual de PS2, y se "
"perderán todos los progresos no guardados. ¿Seguro que quieres continuar?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Esta opción elimina la configuración de %s y te permite volver a ejecutar\n"
"el asistente inicial. Tendrás que reiniciar de forma manual %s tras esta "
"¡¡AVISO!! Pulsa en Aceptar para borrar *TODA* la configuración de %s\n"
"y forzar el cierre de la aplicación, perdiendo todo el progreso hecho en la "
"¿Estás completamente seguro?\n"
"(Nota: la configuración de los plugins no se verá afectada)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr ""
"La ranura de PS2 %d ha sido desactivada automáticamente. Puedes resolver el "
"problema y volver a activarla en cualquier momento dirigiéndote a Ajustes -> "
"Tarjetas de memoria en el menú principal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr ""
"Selecciona una BIOS válida. Si no puedes seleccionar una opción válida, "
"pulsa en Cancelar para cerrar el panel de configuración."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Nota: La mayoría de los juegos funcionan bien con las opciones "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Nota: La mayoría de los juegos funcionan bien con las opciones "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "La carpeta indicada no existe. ¿Quieres crearla?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
"Los arreglos para juegos son un arreglo temporal para poder emular algunos "
"También pueden provocar problemas de compatibilidad o de rendimiento.\n"
"Es mejor activar 'Arreglos para juegos automáticos' en el menú principal y "
"dejar esta sección vacía.\n"
"('Automático' significa: utilizar de forma selectiva arreglos ya probados "
"para juegos concretos)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
"Vas a eliminar la tarjeta de memoria formateada '%s'.\n"
"¡Se perderán todos los datos de esta tarjeta! ¿Estás total y completamente "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
"Sólo se permite duplicar a un puerto vacío de PS2 o al sistema de archivos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "Error: La tarjeta de memoria de destino '%s' está siendo utilizada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
"Selecciona tu ubicación preferida para los documentos de usuario de PCSX2:\n"
"(incluye tarjetas de memoria, capturas de pantalla, configuración y "
"guardados rápidos)\n"
"Las carpetas seleccionadas pueden cambiarse en cualquier momento en el panel "
"de ajustes generales."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
"Puedes cambiar la ubicación preferida para los documentos de usuario de "
"PCSX2 aquí:\n"
"(incluye tarjetas de memoria, capturas de pantalla, configuración y "
"guardados rápidos)\n"
"Esta opción sólo afecta a las carpetas estándar, que se utilizarán según la "
"configuración de instalación predeterminada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgstr ""
"¡Aviso! Cambiar de plugins necesita apagar y reiniciar por completo la "
"máquina virtual de PS2.\n"
"PCSX2 intentará hacer un guardado rápido y cargarlo, pero si los plugins "
"cambiados no son compatibles la recuperación podría fallar, y se perderán "
"los progresos no guardados.\n"
"¿Seguro que quieres aplicar la configuración ahora?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr ""
"Todos los plugins deben tener una opción válida para que %s funcione. Si no "
"puedes hacer una selección válida porque te falten plugins o la instalación "
"de %s esté incompleta, pulsa en Cancelar para cerrar el panel de "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr ""
"Los arreglos de velocidad generalmente mejoran la velocidad de la emulación, "
"pero pueden provocar fallos gráficos, sonido entrecortado, y falsas lecturas "
"de FPS. Si tienes problemas de emulación, empieza por desactivar este panel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Debido al diseño del hardware de PS2, es imposible hacer un salto de "
"fotogramas preciso.\n"
"Activarlo causará serios fallos visuales en varios juegos."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr ""
"Tu sistema tiene muy pocos recursos virtuales para que PCSX2 pueda "
"funcionar. Esto lo puede provocar tener un swapfile pequeño o desactivado, "
"o que otros programas estén acumulando recursos."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Sin memoria (algo parecido): El recompilador SuperVU no ha podido reservar "
"los rangos de memoria concretos que son necesarios, y no podrá ser "
"utilizado. Este no es un error crítico, ya que el recompilador SuperVU es "
"obsoleto, y deberías utilizar en su lugar microVU."
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "No se ha indicado una razón."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr ""
"Actividad de threading: inicio, desacople, sincro, eliminación, etcétera."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Incluye proceso de eventos detenidos y otros usos de eventos no habituales."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"El flujo de MTGS ha dejado de resonder mientras esperaba a que se iniciara "
"el plugin GS."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "El plugin interno de Memory Cards no se ha iniciado."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Lo más seguro"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Seguro (más rápido)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Equilibrado"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Muy agresivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Muy peligroso"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Entra mucho texto en una zona tan pequeña como el ojo de una aguja."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Es lo que suelo utilizar (el programador)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Bonito y fácil de leer."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Por si tienes una pantalla con una resolución muy alta."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Esquema de colores predeterminado de tonos suaves."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Esquema clásico de blanco y negro para a los que les encante que les "
"taladren los nervios ópticos con texto."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
"Al activarse, la ventana de registro se verá por encima de otras ventanas "
"que haya encima."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"La compresión NTFS puede cambiarse a mano en cualquier momento utilizando "
"las propiedades del archivo en el Explorador de Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Utiliza esta opción siempre que quieras que la Memory Card se utilice de la "
"forma más segura."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
"Las tarjetas de 16 y 32 MBs tienen prácticamente la misma compatiblidad."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Utilízala bajo tu propio riesgo. Es posible que la Memory Card se comporte "
"de forma errática (aunque es poco probable)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Esta es la carpeta donde PCSX2 guarda tu configuración, incluyendo los "
"ajustes generados por la mayoría de los plugins (Los más antiguos pueden no "
"seguir este parámetro)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"¡Aviso! Estás ejecutando PCSX2 con opciones de línea de comandso que se "
"saltarán tu configuración actual.\n"
"Estas opciones de línea de comandos no se mostrarán en la ventana de "
"configuración, y se desactivarán si realizas cambios aquí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"¡Aviso! Estás ejecutando PCSX2 con opciones de línea de comandso que se "
"saltarán tu configuración de plugins y/o de carpetas actual.\n"
"Estas opciones de línea de comandos no se mostrarán en la ventana de "
"configuración, y se desactivarán si realizas cambios aquí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Los preajustes aplican arreglos de velocidad, opciones del recompilador y "
"algunos arreglos de juegos conocidos para aumentar la velocidad.\n"
"Los arreglos para juegos más importantes conocidos se aplicarán de forma "
"Información de los preajustes:\n"
"1 - La emulación más precisa, pero también la más lenta.\n"
"3 --> Intenta equilibrar la velocidad con la compatibilidad.\n"
"4 - Utiliza unos arreglos más agresivos.\n"
"6 - Demasiados arreglos que probablemente ralenticen a la mayoría de los "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Los preajustes aplican arreglos de velocidad, opciones del recompilador y "
"algunos arreglos de juegos conocidos para aumentar la velocidad.\n"
"Los arreglos para juegos más importantes conocidos se aplicarán de forma "
"--> Desactivar esta opción para modificar los ajustes a mano (utilizando "
"como base el preajuste actual)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Registra los eventos mientras pasan por la máquina virtual de PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Si se activa esta opción, la carpeta se asignará automáticamente al ajuste "
"actual de modo de usuario de PCSX2 asociado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"La sincronía vertical elimina las imágenes cortadas, pero normalmente reduce "
"el rendimiento. Sólo se aplica normalmente al modo en pantalla completa, y "
"no podría funcionar con todos los plugins GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Activa la sincronía vertical cuando la velocidad de fotogramas vaya a la "
"velocidad normal.\n"
"Si se reduce la velocidad, la sincronía vertical se desactivará para evitar "
"problemas de rendimiento.\n"
"Nota: Este modo sólo funciona bien con el plugin GSdx configurado para "
"utilizar renderizado por hardware DX10/11.\n"
"Cualquier otro plugin o modo de renderizado ignorará esta opción o mostrará "
"una ventana negra que parapadeará al cambiar el modo.\n"
"También necesita que la sincronía vertical esté activada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Activa esta opción para forzar que el cursor del ratón sea invisible dentro "
"de la ventana GS; es útil si utilizas tu ratón como mando de control. Por "
"defecto el ratón se esconde automáticamente tras dos segundos de inactividad."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Activa el cambio automático a pantalla completa al iniciar o reanudar la "
"Aún puedes activar la pantalla completa en cualquier momento pulsando Alt"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Cierra por completo la a menudo enorme y molesta ventana de GS al pulsar ESC "
"o al pausar el emulador."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Arregla los vídeos FMV y sus cierres repentinos)\n"
" * SSX (Arregla los gráficos dañados y sus cierres repentinos)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Provoca gráficos deformados)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II y III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Al salir \"fuera del campus\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"Esta es la carpeta donde PCSX2 guarda los guardados rápidos; que se "
"almacenan o bien al seleccionarlo en los menús/barras de herramientas, o "
"pulsando F1/F3 (guardar/cargar, respectivamente)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Esta es la carpeta donde PCSX2 guarda las capturas de pantalla. El formato "
"de imagen y el estilo de las capturas de pantalla cambiará según el plugin "
"GS que se utilice."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Esta carpeta es donde PCSX2 guarda sus archivos de registro y sus volcados "
"de diagnóstico. La mayoría de los plugins seguirán esta carpeta, aunque "
"algunos plugins más antiguos pueden ignorarla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Tasa de ciclos predeterminada. Es lo más parecido a la velocidad de un "
"EmotionEngine real de PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Reduce la tasa de ciclos del EE a un 33%. Ligera subida de velocidad "
"para la mayoría de los juegos, y alta compatibilidad."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Reduce la tasa de ciclos del EE a un 50%. Subida de velocidad moderada, "
"pero causará sonido entrecortado en FMVs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - Desactiva el robo de ciclos VU. ¡El ajuste más compatible!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Bajo robo de ciclos VU. Baja compatibilidad, pero aumenta la velocidad "
"en algunos juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Robo de ciclos VU moderado. Compatibilidad muy baja, pero aumenta "
"bastante la velocidad en algunos juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Robo de ciclos VU máximo. No sirve de mucho, provoca gráficos "
"parpadeantes o ralentizará casi todos los juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Si asignas un valor alto con esta opción reducirás la velocidad de reloj "
"real de la CPU del núcleo R5900 del EmotionEngine, y generalmente aumenta la "
"velocidad de los juegos que no saben utilizar el verdadero potencial del "
"hardware de PS2 real."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Este deslizador controla la cantidad de ciclos que la unidad VU quita al "
"EmotionEngine. Un valor alto aumenta el número de ciclos robados del EE a "
"cada microprograma del VU que utiliza el juego."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Actualiza las etiquetas de estado sólo en los bloques que podrán leerse, en "
"lugar de hacerlo constantemente.\n"
"Generalmente es la opción más segura, y Super VU ya hace algo parecido de "
"forma predeterminada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Asume que en lo profundo de los bloques futuros no necesitarán estos datos "
"de instancia antiguos.\n"
"Debería ser una opción muy segura. No se sabe si dañará la emulación de "
"algún juego..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Este arreglo funciona mejor en juegos que utilizan el registro de estado "
"INTC para esperar a la sincronía vertical, que incluyen principalmente a los "
"RPGs que no son 3D. Los juegos que no utilizan este método de sincronía "
"vertical no recibirán aumentos de velocidad con este arreglo."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Al apuntar directamente al bucle de espera del EE en la dirección 0x81FC0 "
"del kernel, este arreglo intenta localizar bucles cuyos cuerpos demuestran "
"tener el mismo estado de la máquina en cada iteración hasta que un evento "
"prefijado activa la emulación de otra unidad. Tras una iteración de tales "
"bucles, aumentamos el tiempo del siguiente evento o el final del espacio de "
"tiempo del procesador, en función de lo que llegue primero."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Comprueba las listas de compatibilidad del HDLoader para saber qué juegos "
"tienen problemas con esta opción. (Generalmente marcadas como 'modo 1' o "
"'DVD lento'."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Observa que al desactivar la limitación de fotogramas, los modos Turbo y "
"Velocidad lenta no estarán disponibles."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Error al analizar la configuración de la velocidad de fotogramas PAL o "
"NTSC. La configuración debe ser un valor numeral entero."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Usar sólo para evitar posibles fallos en el MTGS; ya que probablemente "
"funcione muy lento."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Desactiva por completo toda actividad del plugin GS; ideal para probar "
"componentes de EEcore."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Activa esta opción si crees que la sincronía de hilos MTGS provoca caídas o "
"fallos gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Elimina cualquier ruido de benchmark provocado por el hilo MTGS o la "
"elevación de la GPU. Esta opción se utiliza junto con los guardados "
"rápidos: guarda un guardado rápido en la escena ideal, activa esta opción, y "
"luego vuelve a cargar el guardado rápido.\n"
"Aviso: Esta opción puede activarse al vuelo, pero normalmente no puede "
"desactivarse al vuelo (la imagen se mostrará dañada)."
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-19 19:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-17 17:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Hungarian\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr ""
"Nincs elegendő szabad virtuális memória, vagy a szükséges virtuális memória "
"kiosztás más folyamatok, szolgáltatások vagy DLL-ek számára van fenntartva."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr ""
"A PlayStation játék lemezeket nem támogatja a PCSX2. Ha PSX játékokat akarsz "
"emulálni, akkor le kell töltened egy PSX emulátort, ilyenek az ePSXe vagy a "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Ez a recompiler nem tudott folyamatos memóriát lefoglalni, ami szükséges a "
"belső gyorsítótár számára. Ilyen hibát okozhat a nem elegendő virtuális "
"memória erőforrás, mint például a kis méretű vagy kikapcsolt lapozófájl, "
"vagy más, nagy mennyiségű memóriát fogyasztó program. Megpróbálhatod "
"csökkenteni az alapértelmezett gyorsítótár méretét is minden PCSX2 "
"recomplier számára a Gazdagép beállításai alatt."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nem képes a szükséges memória lefoglalására a PS2 virtuális gép "
"számára. Zárj be néhány nagy memóriaigényű háttér feladatot és próbáld újra."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem: A számítógép nem támogatja az SSE2 utasításkészletet, ami "
"szükséges a legtöbb PCSX2 recomplier és plugin számára. A lehetőségek "
"korlátozottak, az emuláció pedig *nagyon* lassú lesz."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem: Néhány beállított PS2 recomplier iniciálása sikertelen és ezért "
"használatuk letiltva:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: Recompilerek nem szükségesek a PCSX2 futtatásához, azonban "
"lényegesn gyorsítják az emuláció sebességét. Kézileg kell majd újra "
"bekapcsolnod a feljebb listázott recompilereket, ha megoldottad a hibákat."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 emulátor működéséhez szükséges egy PS2 BIOS. Jogi okokból a BIOS fájlt "
"egy valódi PS2 egységből *kell* kimentened, olyanból amit birtokolsz "
"(kölcsönözni is lehet). További információk végett ajánlatos megtekinteni az "
"Olvass el fájlt, és átnézni a Beállítási útmutató tartalmát."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr ""
"'Kihagyás' tovább várakozás az folyamat válaszára.\n"
"'Mégsem' kísérlet a folyamat leállítására.\n"
"'Megszakítás' kilépés a PCSX2 emulátorból azonnal."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr ""
"Győződj meg róla, hogy ezek a mappák létre vannak hozva és rendelkezel a "
"szükséges írási jogosultsággal hozzájuk -- vagy indítsd újra a PCSX2 "
"emulátort magasabb szintű (rendszergazdai) jogosultságokkal, amelyek "
"biztosítják a PCSX2 számára a szükséges mappák létrehozását. Ha nem "
"rendelkezel magasabb szintű jogosultsággal a számítógépen, akkor át kell "
"váltanod a Felhasználói dokumentumok módra (kattints a lenti gombra)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Megadhatsz egy választható helyet a PCSX2 beállítások számára itt. Ha ott "
"lesznek PCSX2 beállítások, akkor az importálási vagy felülírási lehetőségek "
"lesznek felkínálva."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr ""
"Ez a varázsló segít a pluginok, memória kártyák és a BIOS beállításaiban. Ha "
"először telepíted a %s emulátort, akkor ajánlatos megtekinteni az Olvass el "
"fájlt, és átnézni a Beállítási útmutató tartalmát."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 emulátor számára szükséges egy *legális* PS2 BIOS másolat a játékok "
"Nem használhatsz egy baráttól, vagy az internetről beszerzett másolatot.\n"
"A BIOS fájlt a *saját* PlayStation 2 konzolodból kell kimentened."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr ""
"Meglévő %s beállítások találhatóak a konfigurált beállítások mappában. "
"Szeretnéd importálni ezeket a beállításokat vagy felülírni azokat a %s "
"alapértelmezett beállításaival?\n"
"(vagy nyomd le a Mégsem gombot egy másik beállítási mappa választásához)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr ""
"Az NTFS tömörítés beépített, gyors és teljesen megbízható; és meglehetősen "
"jól tömöríti a memória kártyákat (ez az opció erősen ajánlott)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr ""
"Memória kártya sérülés elkerülése végett a játékok a kártya tartalom újra "
"indexelésére vannak kényszerítve állásmentés betöltését követően. Nem minden "
"játékkal kompatibilis (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr ""
"'%s' folyamatág nem válaszol. Holtponton van vagy egyszerűen csak "
"*rendkívül* lassan fut."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr ""
"Ez a művelet alapra állítja a meglévő PS2 virtuális gép állapotát; minden "
"eddigi adat el fog veszni. Biztosan akarod?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Ez a parancs törli a %s beállításait és vissza enged térni az első "
"indításkori varázslóhoz. A %s kézi újraindítására van szükség a művelet "
"FIGYELEM! Kattints a Rendben gombra *MINDEN* %s beállítás törléséhez és az "
"alkalmazás kényszerített bezárásához, az emulációs adatok mind elvesznek. "
"Biztosan ezt akarod?\n"
"(megjegyzés: nincs hatással a plugin beállításokkal)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr ""
"A PS2 %d. memória kártya csatlakozója automatikusan ki van kapcsolva. "
"Javíthatod a problémát\n"
"és bármikor visszakapcsolhatod a főmenüből a Beállítások > Memória kártyák "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr ""
"Válassz egy érvényes BIOS fájlt. Ha nem áll rendelkezésre megfelelő fájl, "
"akkor nyomj Mégsem gombot a beállítás panel bezárásához."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A legtöbb játéknak megfelelőek az alapértelmezett beállítások. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A legtöbb játéknak megfelelőek az alapértelmezett beállítások. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "A megadott hely/könyvtár nincs meg. Szeretnéd létrehozni?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
"A játék javítások megoldások lehetnek a hibás emulációra néhány játék "
"esetében. \n"
"Egyben kompatibilitási és teljesítmény problémákat is okozhatnak, ezért nem "
"ajánlottak. \n"
"A játék javítások alapból be vannak kapcsolva, ezért nem kell semmit sem "
"beállítanod itt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
"Éppen törölni szándékozod a(z) '%s' nevű formázott memória kártyát. Minden a "
"kártyán lévő adat el fog veszni! Teljesen és egészen biztos vagy a dologban?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
"Hiba: Másolás csak egy üres PS2 portra vagy a fájlrendszerbe engedélyezett."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "Hiba: A(z) '%s' nevű memória kártya használatban van."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
"Add meg az általad kedvelt alapértelmezett helyet a PCSX2 felhasználói "
"szintű dokumentumaihoz (beleértve a memória kártyákat, pillanatképeket, "
"beállításokat és állásmentéseket). Ezek a mappák bármikor "
"megváltoztathatóak a Központi beállítások panelen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
"Megváltoztathatod az általad kedvelt alapértelmezett helyet a PCSX2 "
"felhasználói szintű dokumentumaihoz itt (beleértve a memória kártyákat, "
"pillanatképeket, beállításokat és állásmentéseket). Ez a beállítás csak a "
"standard helyre vonatkozik, ami az alapértelmezett telepítési értékre "
"használatára van állítva."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem! Pluginok váltása esetén a PS2 virtuális gép teljes leállítására "
"és alapra állítására van szükség. A PCSX2 megkísérli menteni és "
"visszaállítani az állapotát, de ha az új, kiválasztott plugin nem "
"kompatibilis, akkor a visszaállítás sikertelen lehet és a jelenlegi adatok "
"el fognak veszni\n"
"Biztosan alkalmazod mégis a beállításokat most?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr ""
"Minden helyen szerepelnie kell kiválasztott pluginnak a %s működéséhez. Ha "
"valamelyik nem áll rendelkezésre, mert plugin hiányzik vagy a %s telepítése "
"nem volt teljes, akkor nyomd meg a Mégsem gombot a beállítási panel "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr ""
"A gyorsító hackek általában növelik az emuláció sebességét, de grafikai "
"hibákat, hang problémákat és hibás FPS beolvasást eredményezhetnek. "
"Emulációs problémák esetén először ezt a panelt kapcsold ki."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A PS2 hardver összetételének köszönhetően a pontos képkocka "
"kihagyás nem lehetséges. Használata számos grafikai hibát okoz néhány "
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr ""
"A rendszer túl kevés virtuális erőforrással rendelkezik a PCSX2 "
"működtetéséhez. Ilyen hibát okozhat a kis méretű vagy kikapcsolt "
"lapozófájl, vagy más, nagy mennyiségű erőforrást fogyasztó program."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Kevés a memória (valahogyan): A SuperVu recompiler nem volt képes lefoglalni "
"egy megadott mennyiségű szükséges memóriát, ezért nem lesz képes használni "
"azt. Ez nem kritikus hiba, amióta az sVU rec elavult és bármikor használható "
"helyette a microVU. :)"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Nincs meghatározott ok."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Folyamatág aktivitás: indítás, elkülönítés, szinkron, törlés, stb."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Beleértve az üresjárati esemény feldolgozást és néhány más rendkívüli "
"esemény felhasználást."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"Az MTGS folyamatág nem válaszol, miközben a GS plugin megnyitására várakozik."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Belső memória kártya plugin iniciálása sikertelen."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Legbiztonságosabb"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Biztonságos (gyorsabb)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Kiegyensúlyozott"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresszív"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agresszív plusz"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Legártalmasabb"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Legtöbb bejelentkezésre alkalmas egy mikrokozmikusan piciny területre."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Ezt használom én (a programozó fickó)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Szép és olvasható."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Ha tényleg nagyfelbontású kijelzőt használsz."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Finom tónusú alapértelmezett szín sémák."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Hagyományos fekete szín sémák azoknak, akik szeretik a beégett szöveget az "
"optikai érzékelőikbe."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "Bekapcsoláskor a naplóablak megjelenik a háttérablakok előtt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"NTFS tömörítés használata kézileg bármikor átállítható a fájl "
"tulajdonságoknál a Windows intézőből."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Mindig ezt a beállítást használd, ha a legbiztonságosabb és legbiztosabb "
"memória kártya működést szeretnéd."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
"16 és 32 MB-os kártyák nagyjából azonos kompatibilitási faktorral "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Csak saját felelősségre használd. Szabálytalan memória kártya működés "
"előfordulhat (noha valószínűtlen)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Ebbe a mappába menti a PCSX2 a beállításokat, beleértve a legtöbb plugin "
"által létrehozott beállításokat (néhány régebbi plugin nem veszi figyelembe "
"ezt az értéket)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem! A PCSX2 emulátort parancssori beállításokkal használod és ez "
"felülbírálja az eddigi beállításaidat. Ezek a parancssori beállítások nem "
"fognak megjelenni a Beállítások párbeszédablakban, és ki lesznek kapcsolva, "
"ha valamelyik változtatást elfogadod itt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem! A PCSX2 emulátort parancssori beállításokkal használod és ez "
"felülbírálja az eddigi plugin vagy/és mappa beállításaidat. Ezek a "
"parancssori beállítások nem fognak megjelenni a Beállítások "
"párbeszédablakban, és ki lesznek kapcsolva, ha valamelyik változtatást "
"elfogadod itt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"A Beállítás alkalmazza a sebesség hackeket, néhány recomplier opció és "
"néhány játék javítás jelentősen növeli a sebességet.\n"
"Az ismert játék javítások automatikusan alkalmazva lesznek.\n"
"Beállítás infó:\n"
"1 - A legpontosabb emuláció és ugyanakkor a leglassabb is.\n"
"3 --> Megpróbálja a sebességet a kompatibilitással egyensúlyban tartani.\n"
"4 - Néhány még agresszívebb hack.\n"
"6 - Túl sok hack, melyek valószínűleg a legtöbb játékot lassítják."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"A Beállítás alkalmazza a sebesség hackeket, néhány recomplier opció és "
"néhány játék javítás jelentősen növeli a sebességet.\n"
"Az ismert játék javítások automatikusan alkalmazva lesznek.\n"
"--> Kijelölés megszűntetése a beállítások kézi módosításához (a jelenlegi "
"beállítást alapul véve)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "A PS2 virtuális gépben zajló eseményeket naplózza."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Kijelöléskor ez a mappa automatikusan megmutatja a PCSX2 jelenlegi "
"felhasználói mód beállítás társítását."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"A függőleges szinkron (Vsync) csökkenti a kép töredezettséget, de nagy "
"hatással van a teljesítményre is. Általában csak teljes képernyős módban "
"használatos és nem minden GS plugin esetén működik."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"A függőleges szinkron (Vsync) csak akkor van használatban, amikor a "
"képfrissítés teljes sebességen van. Ha az alá esik, akkor a Vsync kikapcsol "
"a további teljesítmény csökkenés elkerülése végett.Megjegyzés: Ez jelenleg "
"csak a GSdx és GS plugin használatakor működik megfelelően és csak akkor, ha "
"a DX10/11 hardveres renderelés van beállítva. Minden más plugin vagy "
"renderelési mód esetén az alkalmazása elmarad vagy villogó fekete képkockát "
"hoz létre minden módváltásnál. Szükséges még, hogy a Vsync be legyen "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Legyen kijelölve ez annak érdekében, hogy az egérmutató ne látszódjon a GS "
"ablakban; hasznos ha egeret használsz elsődleges irányítóként a játékokhoz. "
"Alapértelmezettként a mutató automatikusan eltűnik két másodperc tétlenség "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Bekapcsolja az automatikus teljes nézetre váltást emuláció indításakor vagy "
"folytatásakor. Ettől bármikor válthatsz teljes nézetre és vissza az ALT + "
"ENTER kombinációval."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Teljesen bezárja a gyakran nagy és terjedelmes GS ablakot az ESC billentyű "
"lenyomásakor vagy az emulátor szüneteltetésekor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (FMV és fagyás javítások)\n"
" * SSX (Rossz grafika és fagyás javítások)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Elferdített textúrákat okoz)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II és III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (\"off campus\" esetén)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"Ebben a mappában tárolja a PCSX2 az állásmentéseket; ezek elmenthetőek vagy "
"a menük/eszköztárak használatával, vagy az F1/F3 lenyomásával (mentés/"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Ebbe a mappába menti a PCSX2 a pillanatképeket. Az aktuális pillanatkép "
"formátum és stílus nagymértékben függ a használatban lévő GS plugintól."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Ebbe a mappába menti a PCSX2 a naplófájlokat és a diagnosztikai "
"eredményeket. A legtöbb plugin ehhez a mappához ragaszkodik, azonban néhány "
"régebbi plugin nem ismeri fel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Alapértelmezett ciklusszám. Ez megközelítőleg hasonlít a valódi PS2 "
"EmotionEngine tényleges sebességéhez."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 33 %-kal csökkenti az EE ciklusszámát. Enyhe sebesség növekedés a "
"legtöbb játéknál magas kompatibilitással."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Megközelítőleg 50 %-kal csökkenti az EE ciklusszámát. Mérsékelt "
"sebesség növekedés, de recsegő hangot *okoz* számos FMV esetén."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr ""
"0 - Kikapcsolja a VU ciklus csökkentést. Leginkább kompatibilis beállítás!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Enyhe VU ciklus csökkentés. Alacsonyabb kompatibilitás, de bizonyos "
"sebességnövekedés a legtöbb játéknál."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Mérsékelt VU ciklus csökkentés. Még alacsonyabb kompatibilitás, de "
"jelentős sebességnövekedés néhány játéknál."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Maximális VU ciklus csökkentés. Használhatósága korlátozott, mivel "
"képvillogást és lassulást okoz a legtöbb játéknál."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Magasabb érték állítása a csúszkán hatásosan csökkenti az EmotionEngine's "
"R5900 központi processzor órajelét és tipikusan nagy sebesség növekedést "
"okoz azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek nem képesek kihasználni a valódi PS2 "
"hardver tényleges képességeit."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Ez a csúszka szabályozza azon ciklusok mennyiségét, amelyeket a VU egység "
"elvesz az EmotionEngine elől. Magasabb érték növeli az EE elől elvett és a "
"játék által futtatott összes mikroprogram számára átadott ciklusok számát."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Az állapot jelzőket csak azokon a blokkokon frissíti amelyek olvassák "
"azokat. Legtöbbször ez biztonságos és a Super VU is valami hasonlót végez "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Elfogadva, hogy a távoli jövőbeni blokkoknak nem lesz szükségük a régi "
"jelzőre utaló adatokra. Ez meglehetősen biztonságos lehet. Nem ismeretes, "
"hogy valamelyik játék kifagyását okozná..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Ez a hack működik legjobban azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek használják az INTC "
"állapot regisztert a függőleges szinkronra várakozáshoz, ebbe elsődlegesen a "
"nem 3D-s RPG játékok tartoznak. Azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek nem ezt az "
"eljárást használják a függőleges szinkronhoz csak csekély, vagy semmilyen "
"gyorsulás nem észlelhető a hack használatával."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Elsődlegesen megcélozva az EE üresjárati hurkot a 0x81FC0 címzésen a "
"kernelben, ez a hack megkísérli észlelni azokat a hurkokat, amelyeknek "
"megjelenése biztosan várható eredmény az azonos gép állapotában minden "
"ismétlődéskor, egészen addig amíg az ütemezett esemény kiváltja egy másik "
"egység emulációját. Az ilyen hurkok egyszerű ismétlődése után, "
"előrehozhatjuk a következő eseményt vagy a processzor időszeletének végét, "
"bármelyik is következik előbb."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Ellenőrizd a HDLoader kompatibilitási listát a problémás játékok végett. "
"(Gyakran ez szerepel 'mode 1' vagy 'slow DVD')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Nem árt tudni, ha a képkocka korlátozás ki van kapcsolva, a turbó és "
"lassított mód sem érhető el."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Hiba vagy az NTSC vagy PAL képfrissítési beállítások elemzésekor. A "
"beállításoknak érvényes lebegőpontos számoknak kell lenniük."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Lehetséges hibák keresése csupán az MTGS-ben, mivel potenciálisan nagyon "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Teljesen leállít minden GS plugin tevékenységet; ideális az EEcore "
"összetevők tesztelése esetén."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Kapcsold ezt be, ha úgy gondolod az MTGS folyamatág szinkron okozza a "
"fagyást vagy grafikai hibákat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Eltávolít bármely teszt zajt, amit az MTGS folyamatág vagy az általános GPU "
"okoz. Ez az opció legjobban az állásmentésekkel együtt használható: ments "
"állást egy ideális résznél, kapcsold be ezt az opciót és töltsd be újra a "
"mentett állást.\n"
"Figyelem: Ez az opció bekapcsolható, de többnyire nem kapcsolható ki játék "
"közben (a videó tipikusan szétesik)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr "Nem működik a Gran Turismo 4 vagy Tekken 5 esetén."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fullscreen Exclusive Mode may look better on older CRTs and might be a "
#~ "little faster on older video cards, but typically can lead to memory "
#~ "leaks or random crashes when entering/leaving fullscreen mode."
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2 Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-01 08:17+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-30 14:57+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Leucos <leucos@live.it>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE;pxExpandMsg\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Italian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: ITALY\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr ""
"Non c'è abbastanza memoria virtuale disponibile o gli spazi della memoria "
"virtuale necessari sono già stati riservati ad altri processi, servizi o DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr ""
"I dischi di gioco per PlayStation non sono supportati in PCSX2. Se desideri "
"emulare i giochi della PSX dovrai scaricare un emulatore specifico per PSX, "
"come ePSXe o PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Questo ricompilatore non è stato in grado di riservare la memoria contigua "
"richiesta per le cache interne. Questo errore può essere causato da una "
"memoria virtuale insufficiente, derivante da un file di swap troppo piccolo "
"o disattivato, o da qualche altro programma che sta occupando molta memoria. "
"Puoi anche provare a ridurre le dimensioni predefinite delle cache dei "
"ricompilatori di PCSX2, che si trovano in Impostazioni Host."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 non è in grado di allocare la memoria necessaria per la macchina "
"virtuale PS2. Chiudi dei task in background che stanno occupando memoria e "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: il tuo computer non supporta le SSE2, richieste da molti dei "
"plugin e dei ricompilatori di PCSX2. Le tue opzioni saranno limitate e "
"l'emulazione sarà *molto* lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: alcuni dei ricompilatori PS2 configurati hanno fallito "
"l'inizializzazione e sono stati disabilitati:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr ""
"Nota: i ricompilatori non sono necessari per l'esecuzione di PCSX, però, di "
"solito, migliorano nettamente la velocità di emulazione. Se gli errori "
"saranno risolti, sarà necessario riabilitare manualmente i ricompilatori "
"elencati qui sopra."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr ""
" \n"
"PCSX2 richiede un BIOS della PS2 per essere eseguito. Per questioni legali, "
"*è necessario* \n"
"che tu ottenga il BIOS da una vera PS2 di *tua proprietà* (il prestito non "
"conta). \n"
"Per favore consulta le FAQ e le guide per ulteriori istruzioni."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr ""
"'Ignora' per continuare ad attendere la risposta del thread.\n"
"'Annulla' per tentare di annullare il thread.\n"
"'Termina' per chiudere PCSX2 immediatamente.\n"
" "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr ""
"Per favore assicurati che queste cartelle siano presenti e che il tuo "
"account utente ne abbia i permessi per la scrittura -- oppure riavvia PCSX2 "
"con privilegi più elevati (amministratore), questo dovrebbe garantire a "
"PCSX2 la facoltà di creare in modo autonomo le proprie cartelle. Se non "
"possiedi privilegi elevati in questo computer, dovrai passare alla Modalità "
"Documenti Utente (fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Opzionalmente puoi specificare qui il percorso per le impostazioni di PCSX2. "
"Se il percorso contiene delle impostazioni di PCSX2 preesistenti, ti sarà "
"data la possibilità di importarle o sovrascriverle."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr ""
"Questa Procedura Guidata ti aiuterà nella configurazione dei plugin, delle "
"memory card e del BIOS.\n"
"Se si tratta della prima volta che installi PCSX2 è consigliato che\n"
"tu consulti la Guida alla Configurazione ed il file leggimi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 richiede una copia *legale* del BIOS PS2 per eseguire i giochi.\n"
"Non puoi utilizzare una copia ottenuta da un amico o da Internet.\n"
"Devi creare un dump del BIOS dalla console PlayStation 2 di *tua* proprietà."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr ""
"Nella cartella configurata sono state trovate impostazioni di %s "
"preesistenti. Desideri importare queste impostazioni o sovrascriverle\n"
"con le impostazioni predefinite di %s?\n"
"(o puoi premere Annulla per selezionare una diversa cartella per le "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr ""
"La compressione NTFS è integrata, veloce e completamente affidabile. "
"Solitamente comprime le memory card molto bene (questa opzione è vivamente "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr ""
"Evita la corruzione delle memory card forzando i giochi a reindicizzare il "
"contenuto della scheda dopo il caricamento di un salvataggio di stato. "
"Potrebbe non essere compatibile con tutti i giochi (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Il thread '%s' non risponde. Potrebbe essere bloccato o è in esecuzione in "
"maniera *veramente* molto lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr ""
"Questa azione resetterà lo stato attuale della macchina virtuale PS2 e tutti "
"i progressi correnti saranno perduti. Sei sicuro?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Questo comando cancella le impostazioni di %s e permette di eseguire "
"nuovamente la Procedura Guidata del primo avvio. \n"
"Sarà necessario riavviare %s manualmente dopo questa operazione.\n"
"ATTENZIONE!! Fai Clic su OK per cancellare *TUTTE* le impostazioni di %s e "
"forzare la chiusura dell'applicazione, includendo la perdita dello stato "
"attuale dell'emulazione. \n"
"Sei assolutamente sicuro?\n"
"Nota: le impostazioni dei singoli plugin non saranno cancellate."
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr ""
"La memory card nello slot %d è stata automaticamente disabilitata. Si può "
"correggere il problema\n"
"e riabilitare la memory card utilizzando Configurazione -> Memory Card dai "
"menù principali."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr ""
"Per favore seleziona un BIOS valido. Se non è possibile effettuare una "
"selezione valida, premi Annulla per chiudere il pannello di configurazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Avviso: La maggior parte dei giochi funzionano bene con le impostazioni "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Avviso: La maggior parte dei giochi funzionano bene con le impostazioni "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "Il percorso/cartella specificato non esiste. Desideri crearlo?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
"I GameFix possono correggere i problemi di emulazione in alcuni giochi.\n"
"Possono tuttavia causare problemi di compatibilità e di prestazioni in altri "
"È consigliato attivare l'opzione 'GameFix automatici' nel menu 'Sistema' per "
"applicare automaticamente Fix specifici già testati per i soli giochi che li "
"richiedono, lasciando quindi le opzioni di questo pannello non selezionate."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
"Stai per cancellare la memory card formattata nello slot %u. Tutti i dati di "
"questa scheda saranno perduti! Sei assolutamente e positivamente sicuro?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
"Fallita: La copia è permessa solamente verso una Porta-PS2 non occupata o "
"verso il file system."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr ""
"Errore! Impossibile copiare la memory card nello slot %u. Il file di "
"destinazione è in uso"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
"Per favore seleziona il percorso predefinito dei documenti utente di PCSX2 "
"in questa sezione (sono incluse memory card, screenshot, impostazioni e "
"salvataggi di stato). Questa impostazione potrà essere modificata "
"successivamente utilizzando il pannello d'Impostazioni Core."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
"Puoi cambiare il percorso predefinito dei file utente di PCSX2 in questa "
"sezione (sono incluse memory card, screenshot, impostazioni e salvataggi di "
"stato). Questa opzione preimposterà i percorsi standard in modo da "
"utilizzare questo percorso base."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Dopo aver cambiato i plugin utilizzati è consigliato un completo "
"spegnimento e reset della macchina virtuale PS2. PCSX2 tenterà ora di "
"salvare e ripristinare uno stato, ma se i nuovi plugin selezionati sono "
"incompatibili con quelli precedenti il ripristino potrà fallire facendo "
"perdere tutti i progressi correnti.\n"
"Sei sicuro di voler applicare adesso le impostazioni?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr ""
"Tutti i plugin selezionati devono essere validi per garantire l'esecuzione "
"di %s. Se non sei in grado i fornire delle impostazioni valide a causa di "
"plugin mancanti o un'installazione incompleta di %s, allora premi Annulla "
"per chiudere il pannello di configurazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr ""
"Gli SpeedHack generalmente migliorano la velocità di emulazione ma possono "
"causare glitch, audio corrotto e rilevazioni FPS non corrette. Se hai "
"problemi di emulazione, prima di tutto disattiva le opzioni di questo "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr ""
"Avviso: a causa del design hardware della PS2, un salto dei fotogrammi "
"preciso non è possibile. La sua attivazione può causare gravi errori grafici "
"in alcuni giochi."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr ""
"Il tuo sistema ha troppe poche risorse virtuali per eseguire PCSX2. Questo "
"può essere causato da un file di swap troppo piccolo o disattivato, o da "
"altri programmi che stanno occupando troppe risorse."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"Memoria Esaurita (più o meno): il ricompilatore SuperVU non è riuscito a "
"riservare il range di memoria specifico richiesto, non sarà quindi "
"disponibile all'utilizzo. Questo non è un errore critico, dato che il "
"ricompilatore sVU è obsoleto e in ogni caso dovresti utilizzare microVU. :)"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Nessuna spiegazione data."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr ""
"Attività dei thread: avvio, distacco, sincronizzazione, cancellazione, ecc."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Include la processazione degli eventi d'inattività ed alcuni altri utilizzi "
"non comuni di eventi."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"Durante l'attesa per l'apertura del plugin GS il thread MTGS si è bloccato."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Non è stato possibile inizializzare il plugin interno Memory Card."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Sicura +"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Sicura (più veloce)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Bilanciata"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressiva"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressiva +"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Quasi dannosa"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Infila un mucchio di log in un'area microcosmicamente piccola."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "È quello che uso io (il tizio programmatore)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "È bello e leggibile."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Nel caso tu possieda uno schermo veramente ad alta risoluzione."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Schema predefinito a colori tenui."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Schema di colore nero classico, per la gente che si diverte ad avere il "
"testo marchiato a fuoco nei propri nervi ottici."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
"Quando questa opzione è attivata, la finestra di log sarà visibile sopra le "
"altre finestre attive."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"La compressione NTFS può essere modificata aprendo le proprietà dei singoli "
"file Memory Card in Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Utilizza sempre questa opzione se desideri il comportamento delle memory "
"card più affidabile."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
"Le memory card da 16 e 32 MiB hanno grosso modo lo stesso fattore di "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Utilizzala a tuo rischio e pericolo. È possibile che la memory card si "
"comporti \n"
"in modo imprevedibile (anche se non è un'eventualità così probabile)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"In questa cartella PCSX2 salverà le tue impostazioni, incluse le "
"impostazioni create dalla maggior parte dei plugin (alcuni vecchi plugin "
"potrebbero non attenersi a questa impostazione)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Stai eseguendo PCSX2 con le opzioni da riga di comando che "
"sovrascrivono le impostazioni configurate.\n"
"Queste opzioni da riga di comando non saranno mostrate nella finestra delle "
"e saranno disabilitate se applicherai qualche modifica."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Stai eseguendo PCSX2 con le opzioni da riga di comando che "
"sovrascrivono le impostazioni dei plugin e/o le cartelle configurate.\n"
"Queste opzioni da riga di comando non saranno mostrate nella finestra delle "
"e saranno disabilitate se applicherai qualche modifica."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Le Preimpostazioni applicano SpeedHack ed alcune opzioni dei ricompilatori "
"per aumentare la velocità.\n"
"I GameFix ('Patch') noti saranno applicati automaticamente.\n"
"Informazioni sulle Preimpostazioni:\n"
"1 - L'emulazione più accurata ma anche la più lenta.\n"
"3 --> Prova a bilanciare la velocità con la compatibilità.\n"
"4 - Alcuni hack più aggressivi.\n"
"6 - Troppi hack che probabilmente rallenteranno la maggior parte dei "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Le Preimpostazioni applicano SpeedHack, alcune opzioni dei ricompilatori per "
"aumentare la velocità.\n"
"I GameFix ('Patch') importanti noti saranno applicati automaticamente.\n"
"--> Deseleziona per modificare automaticamente le impostazioni (utilizzando "
"la Preimpostazione corrente come base)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr ""
"Mostra il log degli eventi come sono trasmessi alla macchina virtuale PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, questa cartella rifletterà automaticamente l'impostazione "
"predefinita associata alla modalità utente scelta in PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"La sincronia verticale elimina il tearing dello schermo ma di solito ha un "
"forte impatto sulle prestazioni. \n"
"Normalmente viene applicata alla sola modalità a schermo intero e potrebbe "
"non funzionare con tutti i plugin GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Abilita la sincronia verticale quando la frequenza fotogrammi è esattamente "
"alla velocità corretta.\n"
"Dovesse scendere al di sotto della velocità corretta, la sincronia verticale "
"sarà disattivata per evitare \n"
"ulteriori penalità alle prestazioni.\n"
"Attenzione: Attualmente questa opzione funziona bene con il plugin GS GSdx "
"configurato per utilizzare \n"
"il rendering hardware DX10/11.\n"
"Qualsiasi altro plugin ignorerà questa opzione o produrrà un fotogramma nero "
"che farà lampeggiare lo \n"
"schermo al cambio di modalità.\n"
"Richiede inoltre che la Sincronia Verticale sia abilitata."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"rSpunta questa opzione per forzare l'invisibilità del cursore all'interno "
"della finestra GS. \n"
"Utile se utilizzi il mouse come periferica di controllo principale nel "
"gioco. Per impostazione \n"
"predefinita il mouse viene nascosto automaticamente dopo due secondi di "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Abilita il passaggio automatico alla modalità a schermo intero quando si "
"avvia o si riprende l'emulazione. È sempre possibile passare in ogni momento "
"dalla modalità a schermo intero a finestra e viceversa utilizzando Alt+Invio."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Con questa opzione la finestra GS, che occupa spazio e consuma risorse, sarà "
"automaticamente alla premendo ESC o quado si mette in pausa l'emulazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II e III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (corregge FMV e crash)\n"
" * SSX (corregge errori nella grafica e crash)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (causa texture alterate) "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"Questa è la cartella dove PCSX2 registra i salvataggi di stato, che sono "
"creati utilizzando i menu/barre degli strumenti, o premendo F1/F3 (carica/"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Questa è la cartella dove PCSX2 salva le screenshot. Il formato e le "
"modalità della screenshot varia in base al plugin GS utilizzato."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Questa è la cartella dove PCSX2 salva i file di log e i dump diagnostici. La "
"maggior parte dei plugin salveranno qui i loro log, tuttavia alcuni vecchi "
"plugin potrebbero ignorare questa impostazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Cyclerate predefinito.\n"
"Eguaglia accuratamente la velocità dell'EmotionEngine della PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Riduce EE Cyclerate di circa il 33%.\n"
"Aumento di velocità lieve per la maggior parte dei giochi mantenendo buona "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Riduce EE Cyclerate di circa il 50%.\n"
"Aumento di velocità moderato, ma di sicuro causerà stuttering audio in molti "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr ""
"0 - Disabilita il VU Cycle Stealing.\n"
"È l'impostazione più compatibile!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - VU Cycle Stealing lieve.\n"
"Abbassa la compatibilità, ma garantisce un aumento di velocità per la "
"maggior parte dei giochi"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - VU Cycle Stealing moderato.\n"
"Abbassa ulteriormente la compatibilità, ma porta significativi aumenti di "
"velocità in alcuni giochi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - VU Cycle Stealing massimo.\n"
"L'utilità è limitata dato che causa visuali traballanti o rallentamenti in "
"parecchi giochi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Impostando i valori più elevati di questa slider si riduce di fatto la "
"frequenza della CPU core R5900 dell'EmotionEngine portando a grossi aumenti "
"di velocità in quei giochi che non riescono ad utilizzare il pieno "
"potenziale dell'hardware della PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Questa slider controlla l'ammontare di cicli che l'unità VU 'ruba' "
"all'EmotionEngine. \n"
"Valori più alti aumentano il numero di cicli 'rubati' dall'EE per ogni "
"microprogramma VU eseguito dal gioco."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna le Flag di stato solo nei blocchi che le leggeranno, invece che "
"tutte le volte. Questo va bene \n"
"per la maggior parte dei casi e superVU fa qualcosa del genere in maniera "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Prevede che nel futuro prossimo i blocchi non avranno bisogno della vecchia "
"Flag 'instance data'. \n"
"Questo dovrebbe essere abbastanza sicuro. Non si sa se crea problemi in "
"qualche gioco..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Questo hack funziona al meglio nei giochi che utilizzano il registro di "
"Stato INTC per attendere la sincronia verticale, principalmente i GdR non in "
"3D. I giochi che non utilizzano questo metodo di sincronia verticale "
"otterranno un aumento di velocità minimo se non nullo."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"L'obiettivo principale è l'idle loop (ciclo per inattività) dell'EE "
"nell'indirizzo del kernel 0x81FC0; questo hack prova a rilevare i cicli i "
"cui corpi mantengono uno stato macchina uguale per ogni iterazione fino a "
"quando un evento scatena l'emulazione di un'altra unità. Dopo una sola "
"iterazione di questo tipo di ciclo, l'elaborazione passa all'evento "
"successivo o alla fine del tempo riservato al processore, qualunque venga "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Controlla la lista compatibilità di HDLoader per sapere quali giochi creano "
"problemi \n"
"con questo SpeedHack. (spesso indicati con 'mode 1' o 'slow DVD' necessario)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Nota che quando il Limitatore Fotogrammi è disattivato anche le modalità "
"Turbo e Rallentatore non saranno più disponibili."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Errore nell'interpretazione dell'impostazione della frequenza dei fotogrammi "
"PAL o NTSC. L'impostazione deve avere un valore numerico con virgola valido."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Solo per rilevare eventuali bug nel MTGS, dato che potenzialmente è molto "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Disattiva completamente l'attività del plugin GS; ideale per fare un "
"benchmark dei componenti EEcore."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Attiva questa opzione se pensi che la perdita di sincrona del thread MTGS "
"sia la causa di crash o problemi grafici."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Nei benchmark, permette di rimuovere ogni interferenza causata dal thread "
"MTGS o da una GPU lenta. Questa opzione è sfruttata al meglio in "
"congiunzione ai salvataggi di stato: salva uno stato prima della scena "
"ideale, quindi abilita questa opzione e ricarica il salvataggio di stato.\n"
"Attenzione: Questa opzione può essere attivata durante l'esecuzione ma non "
"disattivata (la schermata visualizzata sarà in pratica spazzatura "
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-09 10:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-30 10:48+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: oreore\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Japanese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: JAPAN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "十分な仮想メモリがありません。もしくは他のプロセスやDLLによって予約済みです。"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "PCSX2 は Playstation のゲームをサポートしていません。プレイしたい場合は ePSXe や PCSX などのPS1エミュレータを入手して下さい。"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "警告: あるPS2リコンパイラが初期化が失敗で、無効にされました:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr ""
"インフォ: PCSX2が動作するにはリコンパイラが必要ではありません、しかしながら、\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2が動作するにはPS2 BIOSが必要です。 著作権法律上の理由によってあなた\n"
"(借物ではいけません)。 ダンプするのやり方ならFAQとガイドを参照してください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr ""
"「キャンセル」 スレッドを取り消すのを試行する。\n"
"「終止」 すぐにPCSX2を終了します'。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "このウィザードではプラグイン、メモリーカード、BIOSの設定の手助けします。 また、初めて PCSX2 をインストールされる場合は以下の Readme や構成ガイドを一読することをおすすめします。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr "PCSX2 でゲームをプレイするためには *合法な* PS2 の BIOS のコピーが必要です。友人やインターネットを通じてコピーして使用しないでください。あなたは*自分の* Playstation 2 コンソールから BIOS をダンプしなければなりません。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr ""
"指定したフォルダに既に %s の設定ファイルがあります。\n"
"これらの設定をインポートするか、%s の初期値で上書きしてください。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "NTFS 圧縮はビルドインで高速かつ完璧な信頼性があり、多くの場合で高い圧縮率を誇ります (このオプションを強く推奨します)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "メモリーカードの破損を防ぐために、ステートセーブを読み込んだ後に強制的にメモリーカードの着脱を行います。ただしいくつかのゲームで互換性が失われます(ギターヒーローなど)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "スレッド「%s」は応じていません。デッドロックしているかもしれないか、ただもの凄く遅くて執行しているかもしれません。"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "この操作はPS2仮想マシンをリセットするため、現在作業中のデータは失われます。よろしいですか?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"このコマンドは %s の設定を全て消去してスタートアップウィザードからやり直します。この操作のあと手動で %s を再起動する必要があります。\n"
"警告!! OK を押すと %s の設定は*全て*消えてしまい、強制的にアプリケーションが終了し、エミュレーション中のデータも失われます。本当にいいですか?\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr ""
"PS2-スロット%dは自動的に無効にされました。問題を修正したら、 いつでも、\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "有効な BIOS を指定してください。もし有効なものを用意できないのであればキャンセルを押してウィザードを閉じてください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgstr "注意: ほとんどのゲームはデフォルト設定のままで構いません。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgstr "注意: ほとんどのゲームはデフォルト設定のままで構いません。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "指定されたパスやフォルダーは存在していません。 それを作成してよろしいでしょうか?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
"Gamefix は一部タイトルのエミュレーションの不具合を回避することができます。しかし互換性やパフォーマンスの問題を引き起こす可能性があります。\n"
"(自動Gamefix とはテスト済みの特定のゲームにのみ、特定の修正を適用するという機能です)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "あなたはフォーマット済みメモリーカード '%s' を削除しようとしています。このカード内のデータは全て失われます!本当によろしいですか?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "失敗エラー: 複写は空のPS2-ポートに、または、ファイルシステムに書き込むしかできません。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "失敗エラー: 目的地メモリカード%sは使用中です。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgstr ""
"警告! プラグインを変えるのはPS2仮想機械の完全な停止して、リセットを必要とします。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Speedhack はエミュレーション速度を向上させる事ができますが、不具合やサウンドの問題、FPS値の異常を引き起こす可能性があります。エミュレーションに不具合が発生した場合は無効にしてください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "注意!PS2はハードの設計上正確なフレームスキップはできません。よって一部のゲームでは深刻なグラフィックのエラーが発生します。"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr ""
"仮想記憶リソース少ないによって起こされているかもしれません。 "
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
"メモリがたりなかった(似たい状況)。 SuperVU リコンパイラは必要の特定メモリ範囲を予約できないで、\n"
"利用不可能になるでしょう。致命的なエラーではありませんが、sVU リコンパイラはもう廃れたため、\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "不明な理由"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "スレッドのアクティビティ; 開始、分離、同期、削除など"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "アイドル状態のイベント処理と、いくつかの他の珍しいイベント"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "GS プラグインを開くまで MTGS スレッドはしなくなる事があります。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "内蔵メモリーカードプラグインの初期化に失敗しました。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最も安定"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "最も安定(高速)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "バランス"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "アグレッシブ"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "アグレッシブ+"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "害にしかならない"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "小スペースに大量のログを表示します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "それは私(プログラマたち)が使用します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "読みやすくてナイスです。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "非常に高い解像度にした場合。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "デフォルトのソフトな配色。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "クラシックな黒い配色。文字を見えやすくしたい場合などに。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "チェックするとログウィンドウを常に手前に表示します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"NTFS 圧縮の設定は、Windowsのエクスプローラーでファイルのプロパティを開くこと"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 MB と 32 MB のメモリーカードの互換性は同等程度です。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"このフォルダはプラグインを含む PCSX2 のほとんどの設定ファイルを保存するフォル"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!コマンドラインオプションを使用して PCSX2 の設定上書きして実行していま"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!コマンドラインオプションを使用して PCSX2 のプラグイン設定上書きして実行"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"プリセットを有効にするといくつかのSpeedhack、コンパイラオプション、既知の "
"Gamefix を適用して速度を向上させます。\n"
"既知の重要な Gamefix は自動で有効になります。\n"
"1 - 最も精密にエミュレーションを行います。\n"
"3 --> 互換性とスピードのバランスを取ってエミュレーションを行います。\n"
"4 - より積極的に hack を行います。\n"
"6 - hack のしすぎで多くの場合は速度の低下が起きてしまいます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"プリセットを有効にするといくつかのSpeedhack、コンパイラオプション、既知の "
"Gamefix を適用して速度を向上させます。\n"
"既知の重要な Gamefix は自動で有効になります。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "PS2 仮想マシンに渡されてからイベントを記録します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"VSYNC を同期させるとティアリング現象を解消できますが、パフォーマンスに重大な"
"通常はフルスクリーンモードでのみ使用します。また一部の GS プラグインでは機能"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"フレームレートが最速の時に VSYNC を有効にします。最速でない場合は速度の低下を"
"注意:現時点ではDX10/11ハードウェアレンダリングで GSdx を使用している時のみ動"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"GS ウィンドウ上でマウスを強制的に非表示にします。マウス操作がメインのゲームで"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "ESC を押したりしてゲームを一時停止した時にGSウィンドウを閉じます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
" * デジタルデビルサーガ (FMVでのクラッシュの問題)\n"
" * SSX (グラフィックの不具合やクラッシュの問題)\n"
" * バイオハザード ガンサバイバー4 (テクスチャの問題)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
" * BLEACH~ブレイド・バトラーズ~\n"
" * グローランサー2&3\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
" * マナケミア~学園の錬金術士たち~"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"このフォルダは PCSX2 のステートセーブの保存場所です。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"このフォルダは PCSX2 のスナップショットの保存場所です。ご使用の GS プラグイン"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"このフォルダは PCSX2 のログとダンプデータの保存場所です。一部の古いプラグイン"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 通常のサイクルレート。これは実機のPS2の EmotionEngine の速度に近いもので"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - EEのサイクルレートを約33%低下。多くのゲームで互換性を維持したままある程度"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"2 - EEのサイクルレートを約50%低下。中々の高速化が期待できますが *恐らく* FMV"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - VU サイクルスティーリング無効。最も互換性の高い設定!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 少しだけVU サイクルスティーリング実行。互換性は下がりますがほとんどのゲームで若干の"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 適度にVU サイクルスティーリング実行。より互換性は下がりますがいくつかのゲームで大幅"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 限界までVU サイクルスティーリング実行。画面のちらつきが発生し多くのゲームで速度の低"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"このhackは主に非3D系RPGにある INTC ステータスレジスタを使用しVSYNC待ちをする"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"主にEEのカーネル空間のアドレス 0x81FC0 のアイドルループ処理を対象にしていま"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"HDLoader互換性リストを参照してください(主に'MODE 1'や'低速DVD'など)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"NTSC または PAL のフレームレートの設定の解析中にエラーが発生しました。有効な"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "MTGSに潜在的なバグがあった場合のみ有効に。非常に低速になります。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"映像の不具合の原因が MTGS スレッドの同期によるものだと思われる場合有効にして"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"す。このオプションはステートセーブと併用するのが最良です。; 最適な場面でス"
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-20 23:29-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _d;pxDt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: common\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: pcsx2\n"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:96
msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr "Extrai informação detalhada de executáveis (ELFs) de PS2."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr ""
"Registra logs de proteção manual, blocos separados e outras coisas que podem "
"impactar na performance."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (EE processor)"
msgstr "Exibe o texto de log do desenvolvedor do jogo (processador EE)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:111
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (IOP processor)"
msgstr "Exibe o texto de log do desenvolvedor do jogo (processador IOP)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:116
msgid "Shows DECI2 debugging logs (EE processor)"
msgstr "Exibe os logs de depuração de DECI2 (processador EE)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:145
msgid "SYSCALL and DECI2 activity."
msgstr "Atividade de SYSCALL e DECI2"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:151
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr ""
"Acesso direto a memória para espaço de memória EE desconhecido ou não "
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr ""
"Desmontagem das instruções do núcleo de execução (excluindo COPs e CACHE)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:163
msgid "Disasm of COP0 instructions (MMU, cpu and dma status, etc)."
msgstr "Desmontagem das instruções COP0 (MMU, status do dma e cpu, etc)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:169
msgid "Disasm of the EE's floating point unit (FPU) only."
msgstr "Desmontagem de somente a unidade de ponto flutuante (FPU) do EE."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:175
msgid "Disasm of the EE's VU0macro co-processor instructions."
msgstr "Desmontagem das instruções do co-processador VM0macro do EE."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:181
msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr "Execução das instruções de cache do EE."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr ""
"Acessos a todos registradores de hardware (muito lento!); não inclusas "
"opções de sub-filtros abaixo."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr ""
"Registra somente acessos não conhecidos, não mapeados ou não implementados "
"de registradores."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr "Registra somente registradores relacionados a DMA."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:205
msgid "IPU activity: hardware registers, decoding operations, DMA status, etc."
msgstr ""
"Atividade IPU: registradores de hardware, operações de decodificação, status "
"de DMA, etc."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:211
msgid "All GIFtag parse activity; path index, tag type, etc."
msgstr ""
"Todas atividade de análise do GIFtag; índice de caminho, tipo de tag, etc."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:217
msgid "All VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts."
msgstr "Todo processamento de VIFcode; comando, estilo de tag, interrupções."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:223
msgid "All processing involved in Path3 Masking"
msgstr "Todo processamento envolvido no Path3 Masking"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:229
msgid "Scratchpad's MFIFO activity."
msgstr "Atividade MFIFO do Bloco de Rascunho."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:235
msgid "Actual data transfer logs, bus right arbitration, stalls, etc."
msgstr ""
"Logs de transferência de dados real, arbitragem de direito de via, "
"obstruções, etc."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:241
msgid "Tracks all EE counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr ""
"Rastreia todos eventos de contadores de EE e algumas atividades de "
"registradores de contador."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:247
msgid "Dumps various VIF and VIFcode processing data."
msgstr "Extrai vários dados de processamento de VIF e VIFcode."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:253
msgid "Dumps various GIF and GIFtag parsing data."
msgstr "Extrai vários dados de análise de GIF e GIFtag."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:264
msgid "SYSCALL and IRX activity."
msgstr "Atividade SYSCALL e IRX."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:270
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped IOP memory space."
msgstr ""
"Acessos direto a memória para espaço de memória IOP não conhecido ou não "
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:282
msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr "Desmontagem das instruções do co-processador GPU do IOP."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr ""
"Acessos a todos registradores de hardware conhecidos, não incluso os sub-"
"filtros abaixo."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
msgid "Memorycard reads, writes, erases, terminators, and other processing."
msgstr ""
"Leituras, escritas, exclusão, exterminadores e outros processamentos de "
"cartão de memória."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:312
msgid "Gamepad activity on the SIO."
msgstr "Atividade do gamepad no SIO."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:318
msgid "Actual DMA event processing and data transfer logs."
msgstr ""
"Registro de atuais processamento de eventos DMA e transferência de dados."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:324
msgid "Tracks all IOP counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr ""
"Rastreia todos eventos dos contadores IOP e algumas atividades dos "
"registrador de contador."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:330
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "Registro log detalhado do hardware de CDVD."
#~ msgid "Safest"
#~ msgstr "Mais seguro"
#~ msgid "Safe (faster)"
#~ msgstr "Seguro (mais rápido)"
#~ msgid "Balanced"
#~ msgstr "Balanceado"
#~ msgid "Aggressive"
#~ msgstr "Agressivo"
#~ msgid "Aggressive plus"
#~ msgstr "Agressivo plus"
#~ msgid "Mostly Harmful"
#~ msgstr "Principalmente prejudicial"
#~ msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Armazena um muito conteúdo de log em uma área microscopicamente pequena."
#~ msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
#~ msgstr "É o que eu uso (o programador)."
#~ msgid "Its nice and readable."
#~ msgstr "É bom e legível."
#~ msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
#~ msgstr "Para o caso de você ter um monitor de realmente alta resolução."
#~ msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
#~ msgstr "Esquema padrão de cores em tons suaves."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
#~ "their optic nerves."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Clássico esquema de cor preta para pessoas que gostam de ter texto "
#~ "cauterizado nos seus nervos ópticos."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Quando marcado, a janela de registro estará visível sobre outras janelas "
#~ "de primeiro plano."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
#~ "behavior."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sempre use essa opção caso você queira o mais seguro e certo dos "
#~ "comportamentos de cartão de memória."
#~ msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cartões de 16 e 32 MB têm aproximadamente o mesmo fator de "
#~ "compatibilidade."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
#~ "unlikely)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Use por sua conta e risco. É possível que ocorra algum comportamento "
#~ "irregular do cartão de memória (apesar de ser improvável)."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must "
#~ "be valid floating point numerics."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Erro enquanto analisava as configurações de taxas de Frame de ou NTSC ou "
#~ "PAL. As configurações devem ser pontos flutuantes númericos válidos."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
#~ "very slow."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Para solucionar problemas de bugs em potencial no MTGS somente, uma vez "
#~ "que esse é potencialmente muito lento."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
#~ "components."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Desabilita completamente toda atividade do plug-in de GS; ideal para "
#~ "avaliar a performance dos componentes centrais do EE."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin "
#~ "to open."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A thread MTGS não está respondendo enquanto espera pelo plug-in GS abrir."
#~ msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
#~ msgstr "Plug-in de cartão de memória interno falhou em inicializar."
#~ msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Registra logs de eventos quando eles são passados para a máquina virtual "
#~ "do PS2."
#~ msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
#~ msgstr "Atividade das threads: início, fim, sincronização, exclusão, etc."
#~ msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Inclui processamento de eventos ociosos e alguns outros usos de eventos "
#~ "incomuns."
#~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "Nenhuma razão dada."
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
# This is a translation file for Portuguese (Brazil), or pt_BR.
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
# Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-07 12:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-20 23:29-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-01 21:11-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
@ -12,12 +17,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: common\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: pcsx2\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
@ -191,26 +193,26 @@ msgstr "Nota: A maioria dos jogos ficarão bem com as opções padrão"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "O caminho/diretório especificado não existe. Você gostaria de criá-lo?"
msgstr "O caminho/diretório especificado não existe. Você gostaria de criá-lo?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Gamefixes podem consertar emulação incorreta em alguns jogos. Porém podem "
"Correções de Jogos podem consertar emulação incorreta em alguns jogos. Porém "
"causar problemas de compatibilidade ou performance em outros games. Você vai "
"podem causar problemas de compatibilidade ou performance em outros games. "
"precisar desativar manualmente os fixes."
"Você vai precisar desativar manualmente os fixes."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Você está para excluir o cartão de memória formatado no conector %u. Todos "
"Você está para excluir o cartão de memória formatado no conector %u. Todos "
"dados nesse cartão serão perdidos! Você tem absoluta e bem positiva certeza?"
"dados nesse cartão serão perdidos! Você tem absoluta e bem positiva certeza?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Falhou: Duplicação só é permitida para uma Porta-PS2 vazia ou para o sistema "
"Falhou: Duplicação só é permitida para uma Porta-PS2 vazia ou para o sistema "
"de arquivos."
"de arquivos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Erro! Não foi possível copiar o cartão de memória para o conector %u. O "
"Erro! Não foi possível copiar o cartão de memória para o conector %u. O "
@ -220,16 +222,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Favor selecionar o seu local preferido para os documentos de nível de "
"Favor selecionar o seu local preferido para os documentos de nível de "
"usuário do PCSX2 aqui (inclui cartões de memória, screenshots, configurações "
"usuário do PCSX2 aqui (inclui cartões de memória, capturas de tela, "
"e savestates)"
"configurações e savestates)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Você pode alterar o local padrão preferido para documentos de nível de "
"Você pode alterar o local padrão preferido para documentos de nível de "
"usuário do PCSX2 aqui (inclui cartões de memória, screenshots, configurações "
"usuário do PCSX2 aqui (inclui cartões de memória, capturas de tela, "
"e savestates). Essa opção somente afeta Caminhos Padrões, os quais são "
"configurações e savestates). Essa opção somente afeta Caminhos Padrões, os "
"configurados para usar o valor padrão de instalação."
"quais são configurados para usar o valor padrão de instalação."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
@ -324,8 +326,8 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#~ msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
#~ "As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
#~ "recompiladores e algumas reparações de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
#~ "recompiladores e algumas correções de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
#~ "velocidade. Reparações de jogos ('Patches') conhecidos como importantes "
#~ "velocidade. Correções de jogos ('Patches') conhecidos como importantes "
#~ "serão aplicados automaticamente.\n"
#~ "serão aplicados automaticamente.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Informações de Pré-Definições:\n"
#~ "Informações de Pré-Definições:\n"
@ -341,8 +343,8 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#~ msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
#~ "As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
#~ "recompiladores e algumas reparações de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
#~ "recompiladores e algumas correções de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
#~ "velocidade. Reparações de jogos ('Patches') conhecidas como importantes "
#~ "velocidade. Correções de jogos ('Patches') conhecidas como importantes "
#~ "serão aplicadas automaticamente.\n"
#~ "serão aplicadas automaticamente.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "--> Desmarque para modifcar configurações manualmente (com base na pré-"
#~ "--> Desmarque para modifcar configurações manualmente (com base na pré-"
@ -353,3 +355,406 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "PCSX2 não conseguiu criar um diretório de documentos no local "
#~ "PCSX2 não conseguiu criar um diretório de documentos no local "
#~ "requisitado. O caminho bate com um arquivo existente. Exclua o arquivo ou "
#~ "requisitado. O caminho bate com um arquivo existente. Exclua o arquivo ou "
#~ "mude o local para os documentos."
#~ "mude o local para os documentos."
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Nenhuma razão dada."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr ""
"Manipulação de threads: iniciar, desanexar, sincronizar, exclusão, etc."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Inclui eventos ociosos de processamento e alguns outros usos de eventos "
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "A thread MTGS não está respondendo enquanto espera o plug-in GS abrir."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Plug-in de Cartão de Memória interno falhou em inicializar."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Mais seguro"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Seguro (+ rápido)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Balanceado"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agressivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agressivo plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Prejudicial"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr ""
"Armazena um muito conteúdo de log em uma área microscopicamente pequena."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "É o que eu uso (o programador)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "É bom e legível."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Para o caso de você ter um monitor de realmente alta resolução."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Esquema padrão de cores em tons suaves."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Clássico esquema de cor preta para pessoas que gostam de ter texto "
"cauterizado nos seus nervos ópticos."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
"Quando marcado, a janela de registro estará visível sobre outras janelas de "
"primeiro plano."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"Compressão NTFS pode ser alterada manualmente a qualquer tempo usando as "
"propriedades do arquivo no Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Sempre use essa opção caso você queira o mais seguro e certo dos "
"comportamentos de cartão de memória."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
"Cartões de 16 e 32 MB têm aproximadamente o mesmo fator de compatibilidade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Use por sua conta e risco. É possível que ocorra algum comportamento "
"irregular do cartão memória (apesar de ser improvável)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Esta é a pasta onde PCSX2 salva suas configurações, incluindo as geradas "
"pela maioria dos plug-ins (plug-ins antigos podem não seguir esse "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Você está rodando PCSX2 com opções de linha de comando que substituem "
"suas configurações armazenadas. Essas opções de linha de comando não vão "
"refletir na janela de Configurações, e vão ser desfeitas se você aplicar "
"qualquer alteração aqui."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Você está rodando PCSX2 com opções de linha de comando que substituem "
"as configurações de seu plug-in e/ou diretório. Essas opções de linha de "
"comando não vão refletir na tela de Configurações, e vão ser desativadas "
"quando você aplicar qualquer alteração aqui."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, algumas opções de "
"recompiladores e algumas correções de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar "
"velocidade. Correções de jogos conhecidas como importantes serão aplicados "
"Informações das Pré-Definições:\n"
"1 - A emulação mais precisa, mas também a mais lenta.\n"
"3 --> Tenta balancear velocidade com compatibilidade.\n"
"4 - Alguns hacks mais agressivos.\n"
"6 - Hacks demais, o que provavelmente vai deixar a maioria dos jogos "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
"recompiladores e algumas correções de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
"velocidade. Correções de jogos conhecidas como importantes serão aplicadas "
"--> Desmarque para modifcar configurações manualmente (com base na pré-"
"definição selecionada)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr ""
"Registra eventos assim que eles são passados para a máquina virtual do PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Quando marcado essa pasta vai refletir automaticamente a associação "
"automática com a configuração de modo usuário do PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"Vsync elimina ranhuras na tela, mas tipicamente ataca em muito a "
"performance. Isso normalmente se aplica ao modo tela cheia, e pode não "
"funcionar com todos plugins GS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Habilita Vsync quando o framerate está exatamente na velocidade máxima. "
"Abaixo disso, VSync é desabilitado para evitar problemas de performance. "
"Nota: Só funciona bem com GSdx como plugin de GS, estando esse configurado "
"para usar renderização de hardware DX10/11. Qualquer outro plug-in ou modo "
"de renderização vai ignorar a opção ou vai produzir uma janela preta que "
"pisca quando alterado o modo. Essa opção requer que Vsync esteja habilitado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Marque para forçar a ocultação do cursor do mouse dentro da janela do GS; "
"útil se usando o mouse como dispositivo de controle primário para jogar. Por "
"padrão o mouse se auto-oculta após 2 segundos de inatividade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Habilita alteração automática para tela cheia quando iniciando ou resumindo "
"emulação. Você pode ativar/desativar tela cheia a qualquer tempo com Alt"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Fecha completamente a normalmente grande e volumosa janela do GS quando "
"pressionado ESC ou suspendido o emulador."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os seguintes jogos:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Conserta FMV e travamentos)\n"
" * SSX (Conserta gráficos ruins e travamentos)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causa texturas confusas)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os jogos:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II e III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os seguintes jogos:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva os savestates, os quais são salvados tanto "
"usando menus/barras de ferramentas, ou pressionando F1/F3 (carregar/salvar)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva as capturas de tela. O formato e estilo real "
"da imagem de captura de tela pode variar dependendo do plug-in de GS está "
"sendo usado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva seus arquivos de log e de extração para "
"diagnóstico. A maioria dos plug-ins vão também aderir a essa pasta, mas "
"alguns plug-ins antigos podem acabar por ignorá-la."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Frequência de ciclo normal. Isso quase corresponde com a real velocidade "
"de uma EmotionEngine real de PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Reduz a frequência de ciclo do EE em mais ou menos 33%. Aceleração suave "
"para a maioria dos jogos com alta compatibilidade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Reduz a frequência de ciclo do EE em mais ou menos 55%. Aceleração "
"moderada, mas *vai* causar falhas de áudio em muitos FMVs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - Desativa Roubo de Ciclo do VU. Configuração mais compatível!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Suave Roubo de Ciclo do VU. Menor compatibilidade, mas é alguma "
"aceleração para maioria dos jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Moderado Roubo de Ciclo de VU. Ainda menor compatibilidade, mas a "
"aceleração é significante em alguns jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Máximo de Roubo de Ciclo de VU. Utilidade é limitada, uma vez que isso "
"pode causar oscilações visuais ou desaceleração na maioria dos jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Definir valores mais altos nesse slider reduz efetivamente a velocidade de "
"clock da CPU núcleo R5900 da EmotionEngine e normalmente traz grande "
"aceleração para jogos que falham em utilizar todo potencial do hardware de "
"PS real."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Esse slider controla a quantidade de ciclos que a unidade VU rouba da "
"EmotionEngine. Maiores valores aumentam o número de ciclos roubados do EE "
"para cada micro-programa VU que o jogo roda."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Atualiza Sinalizadores de Estado somente nos blocos que vão ler eles, ao "
"contrário de de o tempo todo. Isso é seguro na maioria do tempo, e o Super "
"VU faz coisa semelhante por padrão."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Presume que num futuro bem distante os blocos não vão precisar dos dados de "
"instâncias de sinalizadores antigos. Isso pode ser bem seguro. Não se sabe "
"se isso quebra algum jogo..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Esse hack funciona melhor para jogos que usam o registrador de INTC Status "
"para esperar por vsyncs, o qual inclui primariamente títulos de RPG não-3D. "
"Jogos que não usam esse método de vsync vão aproveitar um pouco ou nada de "
"aceleração desse hack."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Mirando primariamente o loop ocioso do EE no endereço 0x81Fc0 no kernel, "
"esse hack tenta detectar loops cujo conteúdo garantidamente resulta no mesmo "
"estado da máquina para toda iteração até que um evento agendado dispare "
"emulação de outra unidade. Depois de uma interação desses loops, nós "
"avançamos para a vez do evento seguinte ou o fim da fatia de tempo do "
"processador, seja qual for que vier a ocorrer primeiro."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Verifica lista de compatibilidade de HDLoader para jogos conhecidos que "
"tenham problemas com isso. (Muitas vezes marcado por precisar de 'modo 1' ou "
"'DVD lento')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Note que quando o Limitador de Frames está desabilitado, os modos Turbo e "
"Câmera Lenta também não vão estar disponíveis."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Erro enquanto analisava as configurações de taxas de frame de NTSC ou PAL. "
"As cofigurações devem ser pontos flutuantes numéricos válidos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Para solucionar problemas de bugs em potencial no MTGS somente, uma vez que "
"esse é potencialmente muito lento."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Desabilita completamente toda atividade do plug-in de GS; idela para avaliar "
"a performance dos componentes centrais do EE."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Habilite isso se você achar que a sincronização da thread MTGS está causando "
"travamentos ou erros gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Remove qualquer ruído padrão causado pela sobrecarga da thread MTGS ou da "
"GPU. Essa opção é melhor usada em conjunto com savestates: armazene o estado "
"em uma cena ideal, habilite essa opção e recarregue o savestate.\n"
"Aviso: Essa opção pode ser ativada durante o jogo, mas normalmente não pode "
"ser desativada durante o jogo (o vídeo normalmente ficará estragado)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Usa o Min/Máx de Operações com Pontos Flutuantes do SSE ao invés de "
#~ "rotinas de Min/Máx de lógica personalizadas. Sabe-se que quebra Gran "
#~ "Turismo 4, Tekken 5."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mode Exclusivo Tela Cheia pode ficar melhor em CRTs mais velhos e pode "
#~ "ficar um pouco mais rápido em placas de vídeo antigas."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-19 09:22-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _t;pxLt;pxEt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: common\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: pcsx2\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Nenhuma razão dada."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr ""
"Manipulação de threads: iniciar, desanexar, sincronizar, exclusão, etc."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Inclui eventos ociosos de processamento e alguns outros usos de eventos "
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "A thread MTGS não está respondendo enquanto espera o plug-in GS abrir."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Plug-in the Cartão de Memória Interno falhou em inicializar."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Mais seguro"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Seguro (mais rápido)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Balanceado"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agressivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agressivo plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Prejudicial"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr ""
"Armazena um muito conteúdo de log em uma área microscopicamente pequena."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "É o que eu uso (o programador)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "É bom e legível."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Para o caso de você ter um monitor de realmente alta resolução."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Esquema padrão de cores em tons suaves."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Clássico esquema de cor preta para pessoas que gostam de ter texto "
"cauterizado nos seus nervos ópticos."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
"Quando marcado, a janela de registro estará visível sobre outras janelas de "
"primeiro plano."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"Compressão NTFS pode ser alterada manualmente a qualquer tempo usando as "
"propriedades do arquivo no Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Sempre use essa opção caso você queira o mais seguro e certo dos "
"comportamentos de cartão de memória."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
"CArtões de 16 32 MB têm aproximadamente o mesmo fator de compatibilidade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Use por sua conta e risco. É possível que ocorra algum comportamento "
"irregular do cartão memória (apesar de ser improvável)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Essa é a pasta onde PCSX2 salva as configurações, incluindo as configurações "
"geradas pela maioria dos plug-ins (alguns plug-ins antigos podem não "
"respeitar esse valor)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Você está rodando PCSX2 com opções de linha de comando que substituem "
"suas configurações armazenadas. Essas opções de linha de comando não vão "
"refletir na tela de Configurações, e vão ser desativadas se você aplicar "
"qualquer alteração aqui."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Você está rodando PCSX2 com opções de linha de comando que substituem "
"as configurações de seu plug-in e/ou diretório. Essas opções de linha de "
"comando não vão refletir na tela de Configurações, e vão ser desativadas "
"quando você aplicar qualquer alteração aqui."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
"recompiladores e algumas reparações de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
"velocidade. Reparações de jogos ('Patches') conhecidos como importantes "
"serão aplicados automaticamente.\n"
"Informações das Pré-Definições:\n"
"1 - A emulação mais precisa, mas também a mais lenta.\n"
"3 --> Tenta balancear velocidade com compatibilidade.\n"
"4 - Alguns hacks mais agressivos.\n"
"6 - Hacks demais, o que provavelmente vai deixar a maioria dos jogos "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
"recompiladores e algumas reparações de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
"velocidade. Reparações de jogos ('Patches') conhecidas como importantes "
"serão aplicadas automaticamente.\n"
"--> Desmarque para modifcar configurações manualmente (com base na pré-"
"definição selecionada)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr ""
"Registra eventos assim que eles são passados para a máquina virtual do PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Quando marcado essa pasta vai refletir automaticamente a associação "
"automática com a configuração de modo usuário do PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"Vsync elimina ranhuras na tela, mas tipicamente ataca em muito a performance."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Habilita Vsync quando o framerate está exatamente na velocidade máxima. "
"Abaixo disso, VSync é desabilitado para evitar problemas de performance. "
"Nota: Só funciona bem com GSdx como plugin de GS, estando esse configurado "
"para usar renderização de hardware DX10/11. Outros plugins ou modo de "
"renderização vão ignorar a opção ou vão produzir uma janela preta que pisca "
"quando alterado o modo. Essa opção requer que Vsync esteja habilitado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Marque para forçar a ocultação do cursor do mouse dentro da janela do GS; "
"útil se usando o mouse como dispositivo de controle primário para jogar. Por "
"padrão o mouse se auto-oculta após 2 segundos de inatividade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Ativa alteração automática para tela cheia quando iniciando ou resumindo "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Fecha completamente a normalmente grande e volumosa janela do GS quando "
"pressionado ESC ou suspendido o emulador."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os seguintes jogos:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Conserta FMV e travamentos)\n"
" * SSX (Conserta gráficos ruins e travamentos)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causa texturas confusas)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os jogos:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II e III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva os savestates; os quais são salvados tanto "
"usando menus/barras de ferramentas, ou pressionando F1/F3 (carregar/salvar)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva as capturas de tela. O formato e estilo real "
"da imagem de captura de tela pode variar dependendo do plug-in de GS está "
"sendo usado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva seus arquivos de log e de extração para "
"diagnóstico. A maioria dos plug-ins vão também aderir a essa pasta, mas "
"alguns plug-ins antigos podem acabar por ignorar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Frequência de ciclo normal. Isso quase corresponde com a real velocidade "
"de uma EmotionEngine real de PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Reduz a frequência de ciclo do EE em mais ou menos 33%. Aceleração suave "
"para a maioria dos jogos com alta compatibilidade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Reduz a frequência de ciclo do EE em mais ou menos 55%. Aceleração "
"moderada, mas *vai* causar falhas de áudio em muitos FMVs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - Desativa Roubo de Ciclo do VU. Configuração mais compatível!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Suave Roubo de Ciclo do VU. Menor compatibilidade, mas é alguma "
"aceleração para maioria dos jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Moderado Roubo de Ciclo de VU. Ainda menor compatibilidade, mas a "
"aceleração é significante em alguns jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Máximo de Roubo de Ciclo de VU. Utilidade é limitada, uma vez que isso "
"pode causar oscilações visuais ou desaceleração na maioria dos jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Definir valores mais altos nesse slider reduz efetivamente a velocidade de "
"clock da CPU núcleo R5900 da EmotionEngine e normalmente traz grande "
"aceleração para jogos que falham em utilizar todo potencial do hardware de "
"PS real."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Esse slider controla a quantidade de ciclos que a unidade VU rouba da "
"EmotionEngine. Maiores valores aumentam o número de ciclos roubados do EE "
"para cada micro-programa VU que o jogo roda."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Atualiza Sinalizadores de Estado somente nos blocos que vão ler eles, ao "
"contrário de de o tempo todo. Isso é seguro na maioria do tempo, e o Super "
"VU faz coisa semelhante por padrão."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Presume que num futuro bem distante os blocos não vão precisar dos dados de "
"instâncias de sinalizadores antigos. Isso pode ser bem seguro. Não se sabe "
"se isso quebra algum jogo..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr ""
"Usa o Min/Máx de Operações com Pontos Flutuantes do SSE ao invés de rotinas "
"de Min/Máx de lógica personalizadas. Sabe-se que quebra Gran Turismo 4, "
"Tekken 5."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Esse hack funciona melhor para jogos que usam o registrador de INTC Status "
"para esperar por vsyncs, o qual inclui primariamente títulos de RPG não-3D. "
"Jogos que não usam esse método de vsync vão aproveitar um pouco ou nada de "
"aceleração desse hack."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Mirando primariamente o loop ocioso do EE no endereço 0x81Fc0 no kernel, "
"esse hack tenta detectar loops cujo conteúdo garantidamente resulta no mesmo "
"estado da máquina para toda iteração até que um evento agendado dispare "
"emulação de outra unidade. Depois de uma interação desses loops, nós "
"avançamos para a vez do evento seguinte ou o fim da fatia de tempo do "
"processador, seja qual for que vier a ocorrer primeiro."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Verifica lista de compatibilidade de HDLoader para jogos conhecidos que "
"tenham problemas com isso. (Muitas vezes marcado por precisar de 'modo 1' ou "
"'DVD lento')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Note que quando o Limitador de Frames está desabilitado, os modos Turbo e "
"Câmera Lenta também não vão estar disponíveis."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Erro enquanto analisava as configurações de taxas de frame de NTSC ou PAL. "
"As cofigurações devem ser pontos flutuantes numéricos válidos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Para solucionar problemas de bugs em potencial no MTGS somente, uma vez que "
"esse é potencialmente muito lento."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Desabilita completamente toda atividade do plug-in de GS; idela para avaliar "
"a performance dos componentes centrais do EE."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Habilite isso se você achar que a sincronização da thread MTGS está causando "
"travamentos ou erros gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Remove qualquer ruído padrão causado pela sobrecarga da thread MTGS ou da "
"GPU. Essa opção é melhor usada em conjunto com savestates: armazene o estado "
"em uma cena ideal, habilite essa opção e recarregue o savestate.\n"
"Aviso: Essa opção pode ser ativada durante o jogo, mas normalmente não pode "
"ser desativada durante o jogo (o vídeo normalmente ficará estragado)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mode Exclusivo Tela Cheia pode ficar melhor em CRTs mais velhos e pode "
#~ "ficar um pouco mais rápido em placas de vídeo antigas."
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-25 18:54+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-28 13:54+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE_dev;pxDt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:96
msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr ""
"Отображает детальную информацию касательно исполняемых файлов PS2 (ELF-"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr ""
"Отображает информацию о manual protection, split blocks, и других "
"источниках, которые могут влиять на производительность."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (EE processor)"
msgstr "Отображает отладочную информацию касательно EE-процессора."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:111
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (IOP processor)"
msgstr "Отображает отладочную информацию касательно IOP-процессора."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:116
msgid "Shows DECI2 debugging logs (EE processor)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:145
msgid "SYSCALL and DECI2 activity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:151
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:163
msgid "Disasm of COP0 instructions (MMU, cpu and dma status, etc)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:169
msgid "Disasm of the EE's floating point unit (FPU) only."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:175
msgid "Disasm of the EE's VU0macro co-processor instructions."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:181
msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:205
msgid "IPU activity: hardware registers, decoding operations, DMA status, etc."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:211
msgid "All GIFtag parse activity; path index, tag type, etc."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:217
msgid "All VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:223
msgid "All processing involved in Path3 Masking"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:229
msgid "Scratchpad's MFIFO activity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:235
msgid "Actual data transfer logs, bus right arbitration, stalls, etc."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:241
msgid "Tracks all EE counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:247
msgid "Dumps various VIF and VIFcode processing data."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:253
msgid "Dumps various GIF and GIFtag parsing data."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:264
msgid "SYSCALL and IRX activity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:270
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped IOP memory space."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:282
msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
msgid "Memorycard reads, writes, erases, terminators, and other processing."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:312
msgid "Gamepad activity on the SIO."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:318
msgid "Actual DMA event processing and data transfer logs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:324
msgid "Tracks all IOP counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:330
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "Выводит в лог детальную информацию о CDVD-системе."
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-01 20:15+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-28 13:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 01:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
"Last-Translator: Bukhartsev Dmitriy <bukhartsev.dm@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -20,262 +22,160 @@ msgstr ""
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr ""
msgstr "В вашей системе недостаточно виртуальной памяти, либо же, доступное адресное пространство уже занято другим процессом, службой или библиотеками."
"В вашей системе недостаточно виртуальной памяти, либо же, доступное адресное "
"пространство уже занято другим процессом, службой или библиотеками."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Эмулятор PCSX2 не поддерживает игры от PlayStation. Если вы желаете запустить игры от PSX, используйте соответствующий эмулятор: ePSXe или PCSX."
"Эмулятор PCSX2 не поддерживает игры от PlayStation. Если вы желаете "
"запустить игры от PSX, используйте соответствующий эмулятор: ePSXe или PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Рекомпилятор не смог зарезервировать непрерывный блок памяти, необходимый для внутреннего кэша. Данная проблема может быть вызвана недостатком виртуальной памяти и/или свободных ресурсов (например, малым объемом своп-файла или программой, которая использует слишком много системных ресурсов). Если хотите, вы можете попробовать уменьшить значения кэша для всех рекомпиляторов PCSX2 (см. «Основные настройки»)."
"Рекомпилятор не смог зарезервировать непрерывный блок памяти, необходимый "
"для внутреннего кэша. Данная проблема может быть вызвана недостатком "
"виртуальной памяти и/или свободных ресурсов (например, малым объемом своп-"
"файла или программой, которая использует слишком много системных ресурсов). "
"Если хотите, вы можете попробовать уменьшить значения кэша для всех "
"рекомпиляторов PCSX2 (см. «Основные настройки»)."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Эмулятор PCSX2 не смог зарезервировать объем памяти, необходимый для виртуальной машины PS2. Попробуйте закрыть какие-либо \"тяжелые\" приложения (антивирус, браузер) и перезапустите PCSX2."
"Эмулятор PCSX2 не смог зарезервировать объем памяти, необходимый для "
"виртуальной машины PS2. Попробуйте закрыть какие-либо \"тяжелые\" приложения "
"(антивирус, браузер) и перезапустите PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Внимание: ваш компьютер не поддерживает SSE2-инструкции, необходимые для работы многих плагинов и опций PCSX2. Вы будете ограничены в настройках эмулятора, а сам процесс эмуляции будет *очень* медленным."
"Внимание: ваш компьютер не поддерживает SSE2-инструкции, необходимые для "
"работы многих плагинов и опций PCSX2. Вы будете ограничены в настройках "
"эмулятора, а сам процесс эмуляции будет *очень* медленным."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Внимание: произошла ошибка инициализации некоторых рекомпиляторов PCSX2, они будут автоматически отключены."
"Внимание: произошла ошибка инициализации некоторых рекомпиляторов PCSX2, они "
"будут автоматически отключены."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Примечание: наличие рекомпиляторов не критично для работы PCSX2 в целом, однако, они позволяют ускорить процесс эмуляции в разы. Вы можете включить их снова в настройках эмуляции PCSX2 сразу после того, как устраните причину ошибки."
"Примечание: наличие рекомпиляторов не критично для работы PCSX2 в целом, "
"однако, они позволяют ускорить процесс эмуляции в разы. Вы можете включить "
"их снова в настройках эмуляции PCSX2 сразу после того, как устраните причину "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:538
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Для работы эмулятора PCSX2 вам нужна *легальная* копия образа BIOS'а из вашей PS2. Вы не можете использовать образ, скачанный из интернета или полученный от друзей. Используйте спец-программы для сохранения вашей собственной копии BIOS'а с вашей консоли."
"Для работы эмулятора PCSX2 вам нужна *легальная* копия образа BIOS'а из "
"вашей PS2. Вы не можете использовать образ, скачанный из интернета или "
"полученный от друзей. Используйте спец-программы для сохранения вашей "
"собственной копии BIOS'а с вашей консоли."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:621
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Выберите 'Игнорировать' если хотите подождать ответа.Выберите 'Отмена' если желаете закрыть поток.Выберите 'Выход' если хотите завершить работу PCSX2."
"Выберите 'Игнорировать' если хотите подождать ответа.Выберите 'Отмена' если "
"желаете закрыть поток.Выберите 'Выход' если хотите завершить работу PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Пожалуста убедитесь что эти папки были созданы и ваш пользовательский аккаунт предоставил им разрешение на запись -- или перезапустите PCSX2 с повышанными (Административными) правами, которые предоставят PCSX2 возможность создавать необходимые папки самому. Если у вас нет повышенных прав на этом компьютере то вам придеться переключиться на пользовательский \"мод\" (кликните на кнопочку рядом)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ниже вы можете указать отдельную папку для хранения настроек PCSX2. Если вы укажете папку с уже существующимим настройками PCSX2 вам будет предложен выбор импортировать их в текущую конфигурацию."
"Ниже вы можете указать отдельную папку для хранения настроек PCSX2. Если вы "
"укажете папку с уже существующимим настройками PCSX2 вам будет предложен "
"выбор импортировать их в текущую конфигурацию."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Этот волшебник поможет вам пройти через дебри настроек плагинов, карт памяти и БИОСа. Строго рекомендуеться если вы впервые производите установку %s то посмотрите FAQ и гайд по конфигурации."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Для работы эмулятора PCSX2 вам нужна *легальная* копия образа BIOS'а PS2. Вы не можете использовать образ, скачанный из интернета или полученный от друзей. Используйте спец-программы для сохранения вашей собственной копии BIOS'а с вашей консоли. Для более подробной информации обратитесь к руководству программы."
"Для работы эмулятора PCSX2 вам нужна *легальная* копия образа BIOS'а PS2. Вы "
"не можете использовать образ, скачанный из интернета или полученный от "
"друзей. Используйте спец-программы для сохранения вашей собственной копии "
"BIOS'а с вашей консоли. Для более подробной информации обратитесь к "
"руководству программы."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Программа настройки %s нашла старые настройки эмулятора в указанной вами "
"Программа настройки %s нашла старые настройки эмулятора в указанной вами папке. Желаете импортировать эти настройки или перезаписать настройками %s по умолчанию?\n"
"папке. Желаете импортировать эти настройки или перезаписать настройками %s "
"по умолчанию?\n"
"(нажмите \"Отмена\" для выбора другой папки)"
"(нажмите \"Отмена\" для выбора другой папки)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Режим NTFS-компрессии быстр, надежен и нативен для Windows. Весьма неплохое сжатие файлов карт памяти ставит его в один ряд с другими рекомендуемыми настройками."
"Режим NTFS-компрессии быстр, надежен и нативен для Windows. Весьма неплохое "
"сжатие файлов карт памяти ставит его в один ряд с другими рекомендуемыми "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Позволяет избежать возможной порчи вирутальных карты памяти при использовании быстрых сохранений. Сразу после загрузки оного, эмулятор \"заставит\" игру перечитать содержимое карты. Данный режим несоместим с некоторыми играми (Guitar Hero 4)."
"Позволяет избежать возможной порчи вирутальных карты памяти при "
"использовании быстрых сохранений. Сразу после загрузки оного, эмулятор "
"\"заставит\" игру перечитать содержимое карты. Данный режим несоместим с "
"некоторыми играми (Guitar Hero 4)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Нет ответа от потока '%s'. Возможно он завис или работет *очень* медленно."
"Нет ответа от потока '%s'. Возможно он завис или работет *очень* медленно."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Данная операция перезапустит вирутальную машину PS2. Все несохраненные данные будут потеряны. Хотите продолжить?"
"Данная операция перезапустит вирутальную машину PS2. Все несохраненные "
"данные будут потеряны. Хотите продолжить?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Данная команда удалит текущие настройки PCSX2 и позволит вам запустить "
"Данная команда удалит текущие настройки PCSX2 и позволит вам запустить Мастер настройки при следующем запуске PCSX2.\n"
"Мастер настройки при следующем запуске PCSX2.\n"
"ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Если вы нажмете OK вы подтвердите удаление ВСЕХ ваших настроек. "
"ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Если вы нажмете OK вы подтвердите удаление ВСЕХ ваших настроек. Сразу же после этого действия работа программы будет завершена, все несохраненные данные - потеряны. Вы точно уверены что хотите сделать это? Точно-точно? А если вилку в глаз и переспросить?\n"
"Сразу же после этого действия работа программы будет завершена, все "
"несохраненные данные - потеряны. Вы точно уверены что хотите сделать это? "
"Точно-точно? А если вилку в глаз и переспросить?\n"
"(примечание: все настройки плагинов сохранятся)"
"(примечание: все настройки плагинов сохранятся)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Карта памяти в слоте %d была автоматически отключена. После того, как вы "
"Карта памяти в слоте %d была автоматически отключена. После того, как вы исправите проблему,\n"
"исправите проблему,\n"
"вы можете включить ее опять в окне управления картами памяти: Настройки -> Настройки карт памя"
"вы можете включить ее опять в окне управления картами памяти: Настройки -> "
"Настройки карт памя"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Для продолжения работы вам необходимо выбрать образ BIOS'а. Если вы не уверены в своем выборе, нажмите Cancel дабы закрыть окно настроек без применения изменений."
"Для продолжения работы вам необходимо выбрать образ BIOS'а. Если вы не "
"уверены в своем выборе, нажмите Cancel дабы закрыть окно настроек без "
"применения изменений."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Примечание: большинство игр хорошо работают со стандартными настройками"
"Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный "
"пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может "
"спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Примечание: большинство игр хорошо работают со стандартными настройками"
"Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный "
"пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может "
"спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "Указаные путь/папка не существуют. Желаете создать их?"
msgstr "Указаные путь/папка не существуют. Желаете создать их?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Определенные игровые хаки исправляют ошибки эмуляции в определенных играх, однако почти всегда вызывают ошибки и проблемы в других. При смене игры вам необходимо отключить хаки вручную (если какие-либо их них были включены)."
"Определенные игровые хаки исправляют ошибки эмуляции в определенных играх, "
"однако почти всегда вызывают ошибки и проблемы в других. При смене игры вам "
"необходимо отключить хаки вручную (если какие-либо их них были включены)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить отформатированную карту памяти в слоте %u? Все сохраненные данные на ней будут потеряны!"
"Вы действительно хотите удалить отформатированную карту памяти в слоте %u? "
"Все сохраненные данные на ней будут потеряны!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Облом: Дубликация разершена только на пустой PS2-порт или на файловую систему"
"Вы действительно хотите удалить отформатированную карту памяти в слоте %u? "
"Все сохраненные данные на ней будут потеряны!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ошибка! Невозможно скопировать выбранную карту памяти в слот %u. Указанный файл уже используется."
"Ошибка! Невозможно скопировать выбранную карту памяти в слот %u. Указанный "
"файл уже используется."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Выберите место, куда PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши пользовательские данные (настройки, карты памяти, быстрые сохранения, скриншоты и т.д.). Папка, которую вы выберете, будет основной рабочей папкой PCSX2, но вы всегда сможете изменить ее месторасположение через меню настроек эмулятора."
"Выберите место, куда PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши пользовательские данные "
"(настройки, карты памяти, быстрые сохранения, скриншоты и т.д.). Папка, "
"которую вы выберете, будет основной рабочей папкой PCSX2, но вы всегда "
"сможете изменить ее месторасположение через меню настроек эмулятора."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Данная опция позволит вам изменить папку, где PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши пользовательские данные (настройки, карты памяти, быстрые сохранения, скриншоты и т.д.). Произведенные изменения затронут только те стандартные папки, у которых стоит галочка \"Использовать настройки по умолчанию\"."
"Данная опция позволит вам изменить папку, где PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши "
"пользовательские данные (настройки, карты памяти, быстрые сохранения, "
"скриншоты и т.д.). Произведенные изменения затронут только те стандартные "
"папки, у которых стоит галочка \"Использовать настройки по умолчанию\"."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Внимание! Смена плагинов требует перезапуска вирутальной машины PS2. Сейчас "
"Внимание! Смена плагинов требует перезапуска вирутальной машины PS2. Сейчас PCSX2 попробует сохранить текущее состояние и восстановить его с новыми настройками, однако если выбранные вами плагины окажутся несовместимы, данная операция чревата потерей всех данных.\"\n"
"PCSX2 попробует сохранить текущее состояние и восстановить его с новыми "
"настройками, однако если выбранные вами плагины окажутся несовместимы, "
"данная операция чревата потерей всех данных.\"\n"
"Вы действительно хотите продолжить?"
"Вы действительно хотите продолжить?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Для нормальной работы %s вам необходимо указать и выбрать все доступные плагины. Если вы не можете сделать выбор ввиду отсутствия некоторых плагинов %s, нажмите \"Отмена\" для выхода из окна настроек."
"Для нормальной работы %s вам необходимо указать и выбрать все доступные "
"плагины. Если вы не можете сделать выбор ввиду отсутствия некоторых плагинов "
"%s, нажмите \"Отмена\" для выхода из окна настроек."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Спидхаки позволяют вам ускорить эмуляцию той или иной игры, но в большинстве случаев вам придется расплачиваться за скорость различными багами, испорченным звуком, некорректными значениями FPS. При наличии каких-либо критичных проблем - первым делом отключите ВСЕ спидхаки."
"Спидхаки позволяют вам ускорить эмуляцию той или иной игры, но в большинстве "
"случаев вам придется расплачиваться за скорость различными багами, "
"испорченным звуком, некорректными значениями FPS. При наличии каких-либо "
"критичных проблем - первым делом отключите ВСЕ спидхаки."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх."
"Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный "
"пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может "
"спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Недостаточно виртуальной памяти для запуска PCSX2. Возможно, у вас отключен своп-файл или какая-то другая программа \"съела\" все системные ресурсы."
"Недостаточно виртуальной памяти для запуска PCSX2. Возможно, у вас отключен "
"своп-файл или какая-то другая программа \"съела\" все системные ресурсы."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:362
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Out of Memory (типа): рекомпилятор SuperVU не смог зарезервировать необходимое адресное пространство и не может быть использован. Впрочем, не стоит расстраиваться, ведь SuperVU устарел и вы всегда можете выбрать \"новый и блестящий\" microVU :P"
"Out of Memory (типа): рекомпилятор SuperVU не смог зарезервировать "
"необходимое адресное пространство и не может быть использован. Впрочем, не "
"стоит расстраиваться, ведь SuperVU устарел и вы всегда можете выбрать "
"\"новый и блестящий\" microVU :P"
#~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite"
#~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
@ -311,3 +211,287 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "Внутрениий ограничитель кадров эмулятора регулирует скорость вирутальной "
#~ "Внутрениий ограничитель кадров эмулятора регулирует скорость вирутальной "
#~ "машины. Первые три значения - это процентарное смещение относительно двух "
#~ "машины. Первые три значения - это процентарное смещение относительно двух "
#~ "стандартных (для каждого региона) значений ниже."
#~ "стандартных (для каждого региона) значений ниже."
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Причина неизвестна."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Потоковая акивность: start, detach, sync, deletion, и т.д."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "Включает в себя обработку событий ожидания и других редко используемых событий."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid "The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to open."
msgstr "Связь с MTGS-потоком была потеряна в период ожидания открытия GS-плагина."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Ошибка инициализации встроенного плагина карт памяти."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Очень безопасно"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Безопасно (и быстрее)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Сбалансировано"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Агрессивно"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Более агрессивно!"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "В большинстве случаев губительно..."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Вмещает чудовищное количество \"лога\" в чудовищно малое пространство."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Это то что я использую. (Программист)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Это хорошо и читаемо."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "В случае если у вас в наличии дисплей ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО высокого разрешения."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Стандартная цветовая схема в мягких тонах."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid "Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into their optic nerves."
msgstr "Классическая черная цветовая схема для людей которые любят когда текст врезаеться им в глаза и нервы."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid "When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "Когда выбрана эта опция, окно логов будет видно поверх всех окон на переднем плане."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "Режим NTFS-компрессии может быть изменен в любой момент времени через свойства файла Проводника Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid "Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card behavior."
msgstr "Всегда используйте эту опцию если хотите более быстрое и надежную реакцию от карты памяти."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 и 32 МБ карты имеют приблизительно один и тот же фактор совместимости."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid "Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though unlikely)."
msgstr "Используйте на свой страх и риск! Возможно нестандартное поведение карты (хотя вряд ли)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Папка, где PCSX2 будет хранить свои настройки, в том числе и настройки большинства плагинов (некоторые устаревшие плагины могут игнорировать данную опцию)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Осторожно! PCSX2 был запущен с опцией командной строки, которая замещает некоторые опции которые были определены до этого. Эти опции не будут отражены на панели, и будут отключены когда здесь будут применины какие-либо изменения."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Осторожно! PCSX2 был запущен с опцией командной строки, которая замещает настройки ваших плагинов и папок . Эти настройки не будут отражены на панели, и будут отключены когда здесь будут применины какие-либо изменения."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"При выборе предварительных настроек будут выбраны speed-хаки, несколько опций рекомпилятора и некоторые исправления которые могут увеличить производительность.\n"
"Важные исправления для игр будут применяться автоматически.\n"
"Варианты предварительных настроек:\n"
"1 -> Самая медленная, но и самая точная эмуляция.\n"
"3 -> Попытка сбалансировать скорость с совместимостью.\n"
"4 -> Немного более агрессивные хаки.\n"
"6 -> Как можно больше хаков, однако это скорее всего замедлит большинство игр."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"При выборе предварительных настроек будут использованы speed-хаки, несколько опций рекомпилятора и некоторые исправления которые могут увеличить производительность.\n"
"Важные исправления для игр будут применяться автоматически.\n"
" \n"
" -> Отмените выделение для ручной модификации настроек (с пред-настройками как основой)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Отображает события которые отправляются вирутальной машине PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Активируйте данную опцию, если желаете чтобы PCSX2 создавала соответствующие папки относительно пути указанному в настройках пользовательского режима."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "Устраняет \"излом\" изображения при активной смене картинки на экране, однако сия роскошь чревата общим понижением производительности. Актуально лишь при использовании полноэкранного режима и лишь в связке с теми видео-плагинами, которые его поддерживают."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Включает режим вертикальной синхронизации (Vsync) когда скорость смены кадров происходит на полной мощности. В случае падения ниже этой скорости, синхронизация отменяеться дабы избежать падения производительности. Примечание: На данный момент это хорошо работает с плагинами GSdx и GS настроенными на использование DX10/11 с рендерингом при помощи \"железа\". Любой другой плагин или вид рендеринга будет игнорировать это или будет выдавать черный кадр каждый раз когда происходит переключение режимов."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "По умолчанию, курсор мыши скрывается после 2-ух секунд бездействия. Данная опция моментально скрывает курсор мыши в видеоокне. Удобно, если вы используете управление мышью в игре."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Автоматически переводит видеоокно в полный режим при запуске игры. Впрочем, вы всегда можете выйти из данного режима с помощью комбинации ALT+ENTER."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Скрывает видеоокно при установке паузы или нажатии ESC."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (исправляет видеозаставки и вылеты)\n"
"* SSX (исправляет графические ошибки и вылеты)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (исправляет неправильные текстуры)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II and III\n"
"* Wizardry\""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (\"выходя за пределы кампуса\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "Папка, куда PCSX2 будет записывать ваши быстрые сохранения."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "Папка, куда PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши скриншоты. Форма, размер и стиль скриншотов зависят от используемого плагина."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "Данная папка предназначена для сохранения логов и дампов PCSX2. Последние версии плагинов так же используют данную директорию для сохранения разной отладочной информации."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "1 - Стандартное значение скорости работы виртуального процессора PS2 (нет прироста скорости)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - понижает цикл работы EE примерно на 33%. Неплохое ускорение для большинства игр, без потери совместимости."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "3 - понижает цикл работы EE примерно на 50%. Хорошее ускорение, чревато возможным заиканием звука."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - VU Cycle Stealing отключен. Наиболее безопасная опция в плане совместимости."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "1 - среднее значение VU Cycle Stealing. Может повлиять на совместимость, но при этом ускоряет некоторые игры."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "2 - высокое значение VU Cycle Stealing. Наверняка скажется на совместимости, окупается неплохим ускорением эмуляции."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "1 - максимальное значение VU Cycle Stealing. В этом режиме будет проявляться множество графических багов."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Позволяет последовательно понизить цикл работы EmotionEngine процессора эмулируемой машины и тем самым ускорить игры, которые не полностью используют аппаратные ресурсы PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "Позволяет настроить количество циклов, \"воруемых\" VU-юнитом у EmotionEngine. Более высокое значение хака увеличивает количество циклов, которые будут \"позаимствованы\" у EE для обработки микропрограмм VU."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Обновляет флаги состояния только на тех блоках, которые будут читать данные флаги (вместо постоянного обновления всех блоков). Вполне безопасный хак, SuperVU-рекомпилятор делает нечто подобное по-умолчанию."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "Предугадывает, какие блоки микропрограмм не будут читать данные флагов в обозримом будущем. Неизвестно, провоцирует ли это какие-либо проблемы в каких-либо играх, посему, данный хак можно считать безопасным."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Данный хак лучше всего применять для игр которые используют регистрацию статуса INTC при ожидании вертикального синхроимпульса. В основном это RPG, не использующие 3D. Все остальные игры либо не получат никакого ускорения, либо оно будет чрезвычайно мало."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Изначально нацеленный на пустые циклы EE-рекомпилятора по адресу ядра 0x81FC0,\n"
"данный хак пытается определить циклы, результат работы которых\n"
"(после каждой последующей итерации) никак не скажется на текущем состоянии машины\n"
"до тех пор, пока запланированое событие не запустит эмуляцию другого юнита. После\n"
"первой итерации таких \"пустых\" циклов, мы просто переходим к следующему событию или\n"
"вообще к концу процессорного интервала."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Для получения списка игр, которые испытывают проблемы при использовании данного хака, вы можете обратитьcя к списку совмесимости HDLoader'а (смотрите по \"mode1\" и \"slow DVD\")."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Отключение лимита кадров отключит так же и Turbo-/Slowmotion-режимы."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "Возникла ошибка при чтении настроек частот кадров или NTSC или PAL. Настройки должны быть действительными числами с плавающей точкой."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially very slow."
msgstr "Только для поиска потенциальных багов и неисправностей в MTGS, так как (потенциально) это слишком медленно"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore components."
msgstr "Сводит на ноль всю активность GS плагина. Идеально для тестирования компонентов EE ядра."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Включайте данную опцию только в том случае, если вы думаете что синхронизация потоков MTGS приводит к вылетам или графическим артефактам."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Отключает обработку всех GS-данных, тем самым убирая возможный замедляющий фактор при замерах производительность остальных компонентов эмулятора. Идеально для использования в комбинации с быстрыми сохранениями: выберите нужную сцену в игре, сохранитесь, включите данную опцию и загрузите быстрое сохранение.\n"
"Примечание: данная опция применяется \"на лету\", однако ее последующее отключение в реальном времени чревато появлением графического мусора в игре. "
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Использует SSEx-инструкции для Min/Max-операции с плавающей точкой, "
#~ "вместо дополнительных Min/Max-операций при просчете логики. \"Ломает\" "
#~ "Gran Turismo 4 и Tekken 5. Возможно что-то еще."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Эксклюзивный полноэкранный режим немного улучшает качество видеоряда на "
#~ "старых CRT-мониторах и немного ускоряет отображение кадров на старых "
#~ "видеокартах. Однако, ввиду его особенностей, может приводить к утчекам "
#~ "памяти и вылетам при частой его активации/деактивации (alt+enter)."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-28 13:40+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: g:\\Internet\\SVN\\PCSX2\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Russian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Причина неизвестна."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Потоковая акивность: start, detach, sync, deletion, и т.д."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Включает в себя обработку событий ожидания и других редко используемых "
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"Связь с MTGS-потоком была потеряна в период ожидания открытия GS-плагина."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Ошибка инициализации встроенного плагина карт памяти."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"Режим NTFS-компрессии может быть изменен в любой момент времени через "
"свойства файла Проводника Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Папка, где PCSX2 будет хранить свои настройки, в том числе и настройки "
"большинства плагинов (некоторые устаревшие плагины могут игнорировать данную "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Отображает события которые отправляются вирутальной машине PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"Активируйте данную опцию, если желаете чтобы PCSX2 создавала соответствующие "
"папки относительно пути указанному в настройках пользовательского режима."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"Устраняет \"излом\" изображения при активной смене картинки на экране, "
"однако сия роскошь чревата общим понижением производительности. Актуально "
"лишь при использовании полноэкранного режима и лишь в связке с теми видео-"
"плагинами, которые его поддерживают."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Устраняет \"излом\" изображения при активной смене картинки на экране, "
"однако сия роскошь чревата общим понижением производительности. Актуально "
"лишь при использовании полноэкранного режима и лишь в связке с теми видео-"
"плагинами, которые его поддерживают."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"По умолчанию, курсор мыши скрывается после 2-ух секунд бездействия. Данная "
"опция моментально скрывает курсор мыши в видеоокне. Удобно, если вы "
"используете управление мышью в игре."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Автоматически переводит видеоокно в полный режим при запуске игры. Впрочем, "
"вы всегда можете выйти из данного режима с помощью комбинации ALT+ENTER."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Скрывает видеоокно при установке паузы или нажатии ESC."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (исправляет видеозаставки и вылеты)\n"
"* SSX (исправляет графические ошибки и вылеты)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (исправляет неправильные текстуры)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II and III\n"
"* Wizardry\""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "Папка, куда PCSX2 будет записывать ваши быстрые сохранения."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"Папка, куда PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши скриншоты. Форма, размер и стиль "
"скриншотов зависят от используемого плагина."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"Данная папка предназначена для сохранения логов и дампов PCSX2. Последние "
"версии плагинов так же используют данную директорию для сохранения разной "
"отладочной информации."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Стандартное значение скорости работы виртуального процессора PS2 (нет "
"прироста скорости)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - понижает цикл работы EE примерно на 33%. Неплохое ускорение для "
"большинства игр, без потери совместимости."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - понижает цикл работы EE примерно на 50%. Хорошее ускорение, чревато "
"возможным заиканием звука."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr ""
"0 - VU Cycle Stealing отключен. Наиболее безопасная опция в плане "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - среднее значение VU Cycle Stealing. Может повлиять на совместимость, но "
"при этом ускоряет некоторые игры."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - высокое значение VU Cycle Stealing. Наверняка скажется на совместимости, "
"окупается неплохим ускорением эмуляции."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"1 - максимальное значение VU Cycle Stealing. В этом режиме будет проявляться "
"множество графических багов."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Позволяет последовательно понизить цикл работы EmotionEngine процессора "
"эмулируемой машины и тем самым ускорить игры, которые не полностью "
"используют аппаратные ресурсы PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Позволяет настроить количество циклов, \"воруемых\" VU-юнитом у "
"EmotionEngine. Более высокое значение хака увеличивает количество циклов, "
"которые будут \"позаимствованы\" у EE для обработки микропрограмм VU."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Обновляет флаги состояния только на тех блоках, которые будут читать данные "
"флаги (вместо постоянного обновления всех блоков). Вполне безопасный хак, "
"SuperVU-рекомпилятор делает нечто подобное по-умолчанию."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Предугадывает, какие блоки микропрограмм не будут читать данные флагов в "
"обозримом будущем. Неизвестно, провоцирует ли это какие-либо проблемы в "
"каких-либо играх, посему, данный хак можно считать безопасным."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr ""
"Использует SSEx-инструкции для Min/Max-операции с плавающей точкой, вместо "
"дополнительных Min/Max-операций при просчете логики. \"Ломает\" Gran Turismo "
"4 и Tekken 5. Возможно что-то еще."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Данный хак лучше всего применять для игр которые используют регистрацию "
"статуса INTC при ожидании вертикального синхроимпульса. В основном это RPG, "
"не использующие 3D. Все остальные игры либо не получат никакого ускорения, "
"либо оно будет чрезвычайно мало."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"Изначально нацеленный на пустые циклы EE-рекомпилятора по адресу ядра "
"данный хак пытается определить циклы, результат работы которых\n"
"(после каждой последующей итерации) никак не скажется на текущем состоянии "
"до тех пор, пока запланированое событие не запустит эмуляцию другого юнита. "
"первой итерации таких \"пустых\" циклов, мы просто переходим к следующему "
"событию или\n"
"вообще к концу процессорного интервала."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Для получения списка игр, которые испытывают проблемы при использовании "
"данного хака, вы можете обратитьcя к списку совмесимости HDLoader'а "
"(смотрите по \"mode1\" и \"slow DVD\")."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Отключение лимита кадров отключит так же и Turbo-/Slowmotion-режимы."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Включайте данную опцию только в том случае, если вы думаете что "
"синхронизация потоков MTGS приводит к вылетам или графическим артефактам."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Отключает обработку всех GS-данных, тем самым убирая возможный замедляющий "
"фактор при замерах производительность остальных компонентов эмулятора. "
"Идеально для использования в комбинации с быстрыми сохранениями: выберите "
"нужную сцену в игре, сохранитесь, включите данную опцию и загрузите быстрое "
"Примечание: данная опция применяется \"на лету\", однако ее последующее "
"отключение в реальном времени чревато появлением графического мусора в игре. "
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Эксклюзивный полноэкранный режим немного улучшает качество видеоряда на "
#~ "старых CRT-мониторах и немного ускоряет отображение кадров на старых "
#~ "видеокартах. Однако, ввиду его особенностей, может приводить к утчекам "
#~ "памяти и вылетам при частой его активации/деактивации (alt+enter)."
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-19 13:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE_dev;pxDt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Arkiv\\PCSX2\\SVN\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Swedish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: SWEDEN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:96
msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr "Dumpar detaljerad information om PS2 verkställare (ELFar)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr ""
"Loggar manuellt skydd, delar block, och annat som kan vara av betydelse för "
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (EE processor)"
msgstr "Visar spelutveklarens loggningstext (EE processor)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:111
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (IOP processor)"
msgstr "Visar spelutvecklarens loggningstext (IOP processor)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:116
msgid "Shows DECI2 debugging logs (EE processor)"
msgstr "Visar DECI2 felsökningsloggar (EE processor)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:145
msgid "SYSCALL and DECI2 activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL och DECI2 aktivitet."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:151
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr "Direkt minnestillgång till okänt eller ofördelat EE minne."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr ""
"Avassembering av verkställande kärninstruktioner (exklusive COPar och CACHE)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:163
msgid "Disasm of COP0 instructions (MMU, cpu and dma status, etc)."
msgstr "Avassemblering av COP0 instruktioner (MMU, CPU och DMA status etc)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:169
msgid "Disasm of the EE's floating point unit (FPU) only."
msgstr "Endast avassemblering av EE's flyttalsenhet (FPU)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:175
msgid "Disasm of the EE's VU0macro co-processor instructions."
msgstr "Avassemblering av EE's VU0macro hjälpprocessorinstruktioner."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:181
msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr "Verkställande av EE cacheinstruktioner."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr ""
"Alla kända hårdvaruregister ges åtkomst (mycket långsamt!); ej inräknat "
"underfiltermöjligheterna nedanför."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr "Loggar endast okända, ofördelade, eller ogenomförda registeråtkomster."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr "Loggar endast DMA-närliggande register."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:205
msgid "IPU activity: hardware registers, decoding operations, DMA status, etc."
msgstr ""
"IPU aktivitet: hårdvaruregister, avkådningsprocedurer, DMA status, etc."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:211
msgid "All GIFtag parse activity; path index, tag type, etc."
msgstr "All slags GIF-märkesaktivitetstolkningar; sökvägsindex, märktyp, etc."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:217
msgid "All VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts."
msgstr "All slags VIF-kodsbearbetning; betingande, märkstil, avbrott."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:223
msgid "All processing involved in Path3 Masking"
msgstr "All bearbetning inblandat i Path3 Maskning."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:229
msgid "Scratchpad's MFIFO activity."
msgstr "Antekningshäftets MFIFO aktivitet."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:235
msgid "Actual data transfer logs, bus right arbitration, stalls, etc."
msgstr "Faktiska dataöverföringsloggar, rätt buss medling, uppehåll, etc."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:241
msgid "Tracks all EE counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "Spårar all EE räknarbegivenhet och en del registerräknaraktivitet."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:247
msgid "Dumps various VIF and VIFcode processing data."
msgstr "Dumpar diverse VIF och VIF-kod bearbetningsdata."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:253
msgid "Dumps various GIF and GIFtag parsing data."
msgstr "Dumpar diverse GIF och GIF-märkt tolkningsdata."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:264
msgid "SYSCALL and IRX activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL och IRX aktivitet."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:270
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped IOP memory space."
msgstr "Direkt minnestillgång till okänd eller ofördelat IOP minne."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:282
msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr "Avassemblering av IOP's GPU-hjälpprocessorinstruktioner."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr ""
"Alla kända hårdvaruregister ges tillgång, ej inräknat underfilterna nedanför."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
msgid "Memorycard reads, writes, erases, terminators, and other processing."
msgstr ""
"Minneskorts läs-, skriv-, raderings-, avslutar-, och andra, bearbetningar."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:312
msgid "Gamepad activity on the SIO."
msgstr "Spelplattsaktivitet hos SIO."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:318
msgid "Actual DMA event processing and data transfer logs."
msgstr "Faktisk DMA begivenhetsbearbetning och dataöverföringsloggar."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:324
msgid "Tracks all IOP counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr ""
"Spårar alla IOP räknares begivenheter och några räknarregisters aktiviteter."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:330
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "Detaljerad loggning av CDVD hårdvara."
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2 Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-07 12:06+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-19 13:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-06 18:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
@ -198,26 +200,26 @@ msgstr "Bemärk: De flesta spel har det fint med förvalsmöjligheterna."
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "Den angivna sökvägen/katalogen finnes ej. Vill Ni skapa den?"
msgstr "Den angivna sökvägen/katalogen finnes ej. Vill Ni skapa den?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Spelfixar kan åtgärda felaktig emulering för vissa spel. \n"
"Spelfixar kan åtgärda felaktig emulering för vissa spel. \n"
"De kan dock orsaka kompabilitets- eller prestandaproblem för andra spel. \n"
"De kan dock orsaka kompabilitets- eller prestandaproblem för andra spel. \n"
"Ni får stänga av Spelfixar manuellt när Ni byter spel."
"Ni får stänga av Spelfixar manuellt när Ni byter spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Ni är på väg att radera det formaterade minneskortet i sockel %u. \n"
"Ni är på väg att radera det formaterade minneskortet i sockel %u. \n"
"All data på detta kort kommer att förloras! Är Ni helt säker?"
"All data på detta kort kommer att förloras! Är Ni helt säker?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Misslyckades: Dubblering är endast tillåtet till en tom PS2-Sockel, eller "
"Misslyckades: Dubblering är endast tillåtet till en tom PS2-Sockel, eller "
"till ett filsystem."
"till ett filsystem."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Fel! Kunde inte kopiera innehållet till sockel %u. Målfilen används "
"Fel! Kunde inte kopiera innehållet till sockel %u. Målfilen används "
@ -298,24 +300,6 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "minneskortet i sockel %u. \n"
#~ "minneskortet i sockel %u. \n"
#~ "All data i sockel %u kommer att förloras. Är Ni säker?"
#~ "All data i sockel %u kommer att förloras. Är Ni säker?"
#~ msgid "!Panel:Presets:Name:1"
#~ msgstr "Säkrast"
#~ msgid "!Panel:Presets:Name:2"
#~ msgstr "Säkert (snabbare)"
#~ msgid "!Panel:Presets:Name:3"
#~ msgstr "Balanserat"
#~ msgid "!Panel:Presets:Name:4"
#~ msgstr "Aggresivt"
#~ msgid "!Panel:Presets:Name:5"
#~ msgstr "Aggresivt plus"
#~ msgid "!Panel:Presets:Name:6"
#~ msgstr "Mest skadligt"
#~ msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
#~ msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Varning! Ni kör PCSX2 med instruktionsmöjligheter som upphäver Era "
#~ "Varning! Ni kör PCSX2 med instruktionsmöjligheter som upphäver Era "
@ -367,3 +351,442 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "PCSX2 kan inte skapa dokumentmappen i den begärda platsen. Sökvägens namn "
#~ "PCSX2 kan inte skapa dokumentmappen i den begärda platsen. Sökvägens namn "
#~ "överensstämmer med en befintlig fil. Radera filen eller ändra sökväg, och "
#~ "överensstämmer med en befintlig fil. Radera filen eller ändra sökväg, och "
#~ "försök igen."
#~ "försök igen."
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Ingen anledning given."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Trådaktivitet: start, avskiljning, sync, borttagning, etc."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Inkluderar tomgångshändelsebearbetning och några andra ovanliga "
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"MTGS tråden har blivit osvarandes under inväntningen av att GS-"
"insticksprogrammet ska öppna."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr ""
"Det interna minneskorts-insticksprogrammet misslyckades att initialiseras."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Säkrast"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Säkert (snabare)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Balanserat"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressivt"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressivt plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Mest Skadligt"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Klämmer in mycket loggning i en mikroskopiskt liten yta."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Det är vad Jag använder (programmerarsnubben)."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Det är fint och läsbart."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Utifall att Ni har en riktigt hög upplösning."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Förvals mjukatmosfärs färgtema."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
"Klassiskt svart färgtema för folk som njuter av att ha text svedd in i sina "
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "När markerad kommer loggfönstret att bli synligt över andra fönster."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"NTFS komprimering kan ändras manuellt när som helst genom att använda "
"filegenskaper hos Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
"Använd alltid denna möjlighet om Ni vill ha det säkraste och "
"tillförlitligaste minneskortsbeteendet."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 och 32 MB kort har ungefär samma kompabilitetsfaktor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Använd på egen risk. Oberäkneliga minneskortsbeteenden är möjliga (dock "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Detta är mappen där PCSX2 sparar Era inställningar, och då även "
"inställningar skapade \n"
"av de flesta insticksprogram (gäller måhända dock inte för vissa äldre "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Varning! Ni kör PCSX2 med instruktionsmöjligheter som kan överskrida Era "
"konfigurationsinställningar. \n"
"Dessa instruktionsmöjligheter kommer inte att beaktas i "
"Inställningsdialogen, \n"
"och kommer att förhindras om Ni tillämpar förändringar här."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Varning! Ni kör PCSX2 med instruktionsmöjligheter som kan överskrida Ert "
"konfigurerade insticksprogram och/eller mappinställningar. \n"
"Dessa instruktionsmöjligheter kommer inte att beaktas i "
"inställningsdialogen, \n"
"och kommer att förhindras när Ni tillämpar förändringar här."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Förinställningarna tillämpar snabbfixar, några omkompilerarmöjligheter, och "
"några spelfixar som till vetskap höjer hastgheten.\n"
"Spelfixar ('Patchar') som till vetskap är viktiga kommer att tillämpas "
"1 - Den nogrannaste emuleringen, men också den långsammaste.\n"
"3 --> Försöker att balansera hastighet med kompabilitet.\n"
"4 - Mera aggresiva fixar.\n"
"6 - För många fixar kommer troligen att sakta ner de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Förinställningarna tillämpar snabbfixar, några omkompilerarmöjligheter, och "
"några spelfixar som till vetskap höjer hastigheten.\n"
"Spelfixar ('Patchar') som till vetskap är viktiga kommer att tillämpas "
"--> Avmarkera för att modifiera inställningarna manuellt (med nuvarande "
"förinställningar som bas)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Loggar händelser medans de skickas till PS2-VM."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"När markerad kommer denna mapp att automatiskt begrunda förvalen assosierade "
"med PCSX2's nuvarande användarinställningar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"Vsync slår ut skärmsönderrivning men har oftast en stor prestationseffekt. \n"
"Det tillämpar vanligtvis bara i helskärmsläge, och kanske inte fungerar för "
"alla GS insticksprogram."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör Vsync när bildfrekvensen är precis på full hastighet. \n"
"Skulle den falla under denna så förhindras Vsync för att undvika vidare "
"prestandastraff. \n"
"Bemärk: Detta fungerar för närvarande bara bra med GSdx som GS "
"insticksprogram, \n"
"och konfigurationen DX10/11 Hårdvarutolkning. \n"
"Annat insticksprogram eller annat tolkningsläge kommer antigen att "
"ignoreras \n"
"eller producera en svart skärm som blinkar när läget byts. \n"
"Det kräver även att Vsync möjliggörs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Markera denna för att tvinga muspekaren att bli osynlig när den är i ett GS-"
"fönster; \n"
"användbart om man har musen som främsta kontroll-mojäng för spelande. \n"
"Som förval auto-gömmer sig musen efter 2 sekunders inaktivitet."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör automatiskt lägesbyte till fullskärm när emulering statas eller "
"återupptas. \n"
"Ni kan ännu växla mellan helskärm och fönsterläge genom att trycka Alt + "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Stänger helt det ofta stora och omfångsrika GS-fönstret \n"
"när Ni trycker på Esc eller avbryter emulatorn."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixar FMV och crashar)\n"
" * SSX (Fixar dålig grafik och crashar)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Orsakar förvrängda texturer)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Går \"bortom behörighet\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 sparpunkter, vilka är sparade antingen genom "
"användning \n"
"av menyer/verktygsrad, eller genom att trycka på F1/F3 (spara/ladda)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 skärmbilder. Det faktiska skärmbildsformatet och "
"stilen \n"
"kan variera beroende på vilket GS-insticksprogram som användes."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 sina loggfiler och diagnostiska rapporter. De "
"flesta insticksprogram \n"
"håller fast vid denna mapp, men dock kan vissa äldre insticksprogram "
"ignorera den."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Förvals cykelgrad. Detta överensstämmer nästan med den faktiska "
"hastigheten hos en PS2 RörelseMotor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Minskar EE's cykelgrad med ungefär 33%. Mild uppsnabbning för de flesta "
"spel med hög kompabilitet."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Minskar EE's cykelgrad med ungefär 50%. Måttfull upsnabbning, \n"
"men *kommer* att orsaka stamningsaudio hos många FMV'er."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - Förhndrar VU Cykelstöld. Den mest kompatibla inställningen!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Mild VU Cykelstöld. Lägre kompabilitet, men en viss uppsnabbning för de "
"flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Måttfull VU Cykelstöld. Ännu lägre kompabilitet, men markant "
"uppsnabbning hos vissa spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Maximal VU Cykelstöld. Användningen är begränsad, \n"
"eftersom detta kommer att orsaka synligt flimrande hos de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Att sätta ett högre värde för denna glidare minskar verkningsfullt "
"klockhastigheten hos RörelseMotorns R5900 kärn-CPU, \n"
"och för oftast en hastghetsökning till spel som misslyckas att nyttja "
"möjligheterna med PS2's verkliga hårdvara fullt ut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Denna glidare kontrollerar mängden cykler som VU-enheten stjäl ifrån "
"RörelseMotorn. \n"
"Högre värden ökar antalet cykler som stjäls från EE'n för varje VU-"
"microprogram spelt kör."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Updaterar endast Statusflaggor för block som kommer att läsa dem, isället "
"för alltid. \n"
"Detta är för det mesta säkert, och Super-VU gör något liknande som standard."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Förmodar att väldigt långt in i framtiden så kommer block inte behöva "
"gammelflagg-instansdata. \n"
"Detta borde vara rätt säkert. Det är okänt ifall detta har sönder något "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Denna fix fungerar bäst för spel som använder INTC-statusregistret för att "
"invänta vsyncs, vilket i första hand inkluderar icke-3D \n"
"RPG titlar. Spel som inte använder denna vsync-metod kommer på sin höjd att "
"få en liten uppsnabbning av denna fix."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"I första hand inriktat på EE tomgångs-loop hos adress 0x81FC0 i kärnan, "
"denna fix försöker att \n"
"upptäcka loopar vars kroppar garanterat resulterar i samma maskintillstånd "
"för varje upprepning \n"
"tills en schemaläggd händelse utlöser emulering av en annan enhet. Efter en "
"enskild upprepning av en sådan loop, \n"
"avanserar vi till tiden för nästa händelse eller till slutet av processorns "
"tidskvantum, vilket som än kommer först."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Kolla HDLaddar-kompabilitetslistan för spel som till vetskap kommer till "
"fråga med det här (ofta markerat som behövande 'läge 1' eller 'långsam DVD')."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Bemärk att när Bildbegränsning är förhindrad så kommer Turbo och SlowMotion "
"lägena \n"
"inte att vara tillgängliga heller."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"Fel under tolkning av antingen NTSC eller PAL bildfrekvensinstälningar. "
"Inställningarna måste vara giltliga flyttalsnummer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Enbart för att problemlösa eventuella fel inom MTGS, \n"
"eftersom det möjligen är mycket långsamt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Förhindrar helt all GS-insticksprogramsaktivitet; \n"
"idealt som utgångspunkt för EE-kärnkomponenter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör detta ifall Ni tror att MTGS trådsync orsakar krascher eller "
"grafiska fel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Tar bort allt norm-oljud orsakat av MTGS-trådens eler GPU'ns överdrag. Denna "
"möjlighet användes bäst i förening med sparpunkter: \n"
"spara ett tillstånd i en idealisk scen, möjliggör denna möjlighet, och "
"återladda sparpunkten.\n"
"Varning: Denna möjlighet kan möjliggöras dynamiskt men kan vanligtvis inte "
"förhindras på samma vis (video blir ofta skräp)."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zoom = 100: Passar in hela bilden i fönstret utan beskärkning.\n"
#~ "Över/Under 100: Zooma In/Ut\n"
#~ "0: Automatisk-Inzoomning tills de svarta räckena är borta "
#~ "(Bildförhållande bibehålls, en del av bilden går utanför skärmen).\n"
#~ "BEMÄRK: Vissa spel ritar sina egna svarta räcken, vilka inte tas bort med "
#~ "'0'.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Tangentbord: Ctrl + Sifferbord-Plus: Inzoomning, Ctrl + Sifferbord-Minus: "
#~ "Utzooming, Ctrl + Sifferbord-*: Växla 100/0"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings.\n"
#~ "\tNTSC Input = %s\n"
#~ "\tPAL Input = %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fel under tolkning av antingen NTSC eller PAL bildfrekvensinstälningar.\n"
#~ "\tNTSC Input = %s\n"
#~ "\tPAL Input = %s"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Använder SSE's Min/Max Flyttalsoperationer istället för logiska Min/Max "
#~ "rutiner, som annars är brukligt. \n"
#~ "Känt att förstöra Gran Turismo 4 & Tekken 5."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Exklusivt helskärmsläge kan se bätte ut hos äldre CRTs och kan vara lite "
#~ "snabbare hos äldre videokort, \n"
#~ "men oftast leder det till minnesläckor eler slumpmässiga kraschar när "
#~ "helskärmsläget slås på eller av."
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-15 04:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt;pxLt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Arkiv\\PCSX2\\SVN\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Swedish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: SWEDEN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Ingen anledning given."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "Trådaktivitet: start, avskiljning, sync, borttagning, etc."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr ""
"Inkluderar tomgångshändelsebearbetning och några andra ovanliga "
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"MTGS tråden har blivit osvarandes under inväntningen av att GS-"
"insticksprogrammet ska öppna."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr ""
"Det interna minneskorts-insticksprogrammet misslyckades att initialiseras."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"NTFS komprimering kan ändras manuellt när som helst genom att använda "
"filegenskaper hos Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"Detta är mappen där PCSX2 sparar Era inställningar, och då även "
"inställningar skapade \n"
"av de flesta insticksprogram (gäller måhända dock inte för vissa äldre "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Varning! Ni kör PCSX2 med instruktionsmöjligheter som kan överskrida Era "
"konfigurationsinställningar. \n"
"Dessa instruktionsmöjligheter kommer inte att beaktas i "
"Inställningsdialogen, \n"
"och kommer att förhindras om Ni tillämpar förändringar här."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"Varning! Ni kör PCSX2 med instruktionsmöjligheter som kan överskrida Ert "
"konfigurerade insticksprogram och/eller mappinställningar. \n"
"Dessa instruktionsmöjligheter kommer inte att beaktas i "
"inställningsdialogen, \n"
"och kommer att förhindras när Ni tillämpar förändringar här."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"Förinställningarna tillämpar snabbfixar, några omkompilerarmöjligheter, och "
"några spelfixar som till vetskap höjer hastgheten.\n"
"Spelfixar ('Patchar') som till vetskap är viktiga kommer att tillämpas "
"1 - Den nogrannaste emuleringen, men också den långsammaste.\n"
"3 --> Försöker att balansera hastighet med kompabilitet.\n"
"4 - Mera aggresiva fixar.\n"
"6 - För många fixar kommer troligen att sakta ner de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Förinställningarna tillämpar snabbfixar, några omkompilerarmöjligheter, och "
"några spelfixar som till vetskap höjer hastigheten.\n"
"Spelfixar ('Patchar') som till vetskap är viktiga kommer att tillämpas "
"--> Avmarkera för att modifiera inställningarna manuellt (med nuvarande "
"förinställningar som bas)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Loggar händelser medans de skickas till PS2-VM."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"När markerad kommer denna mapp att automatiskt begrunda förvalen assosierade "
"med PCSX2's nuvarande användarinställningar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"Vsync slår ut skärmsönderrivning men har oftast en stor prestationseffekt. \n"
"Det tillämpar vanligtvis bara i helskärmsläge, och kanske inte fungerar för "
"alla GS insticksprogram."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör Vsync när bildfrekvensen är precis på full hastighet. \n"
"Skulle den falla under denna så förhindras Vsync för att undvika vidare "
"prestandastraff. \n"
"Bemärk: Detta fungerar för närvarande bara bra med GSdx som GS "
"insticksprogram, \n"
"och konfigurationen DX10/11 Hårdvarutolkning. \n"
"Annat insticksprogram eller annat tolkningsläge kommer antigen att "
"ignoreras \n"
"eller producera en svart skärm som blinkar när läget byts. \n"
"Det kräver även att Vsync möjliggörs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"Markera denna för att tvinga muspekaren att bli osynlig när den är i ett GS-"
"fönster; \n"
"användbart om man har musen som främsta kontroll-mojäng för spelande. \n"
"Som förval auto-gömmer sig musen efter 2 sekunders inaktivitet."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör automatiskt lägesbyte till fullskärm när emulering statas eller "
"återupptas. \n"
"Ni kan ännu växla mellan helskärm och fönsterläge genom att trycka Alt + "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"Stänger helt det ofta stora och omfångsrika GS-fönstret \n"
"när Ni trycker på Esc eller avbryter emulatorn."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixar FMV och crashar)\n"
" * SSX (Fixar dålig grafik och crashar)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Orsakar förvrängda texturer)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 sparpunkter, vilka är sparade antingen genom "
"användning \n"
"av menyer/verktygsrad, eller genom att trycka på F1/F3 (spara/ladda)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 skärmbilder. Det faktiska skärmbildsformatet och "
"stilen \n"
"kan variera beroende på vilket GS-insticksprogram som användes."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 sina loggfiler och diagnostiska rapporter. De "
"flesta insticksprogram \n"
"håller fast vid denna mapp, men dock kan vissa äldre insticksprogram "
"ignorera den."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Förvals cykelgrad. Detta överensstämmer nästan med den faktiska "
"hastigheten hos en PS2 RörelseMotor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Minskar EE's cykelgrad med ungefär 33%. Mild uppsnabbning för de flesta "
"spel med hög kompabilitet."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Minskar EE's cykelgrad med ungefär 50%. Måttfull upsnabbning, \n"
"men *kommer* att orsaka stamningsaudio hos många FMV'er."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - Förhndrar VU Cykelstöld. Den mest kompatibla inställningen!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - Mild VU Cykelstöld. Lägre kompabilitet, men en viss uppsnabbning för de "
"flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - Måttfull VU Cykelstöld. Ännu lägre kompabilitet, men markant "
"uppsnabbning hos vissa spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - Maximal VU Cykelstöld. Användningen är begränsad, \n"
"eftersom detta kommer att orsaka synligt flimrande hos de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"Att sätta ett högre värde för denna glidare minskar verkningsfullt "
"klockhastigheten hos RörelseMotorns R5900 kärn-CPU, \n"
"och för oftast en hastghetsökning till spel som misslyckas att nyttja "
"möjligheterna med PS2's verkliga hårdvara fullt ut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"Denna glidare kontrollerar mängden cykler som VU-enheten stjäl ifrån "
"RörelseMotorn. \n"
"Högre värden ökar antalet cykler som stjäls från EE'n för varje VU-"
"microprogram spelt kör."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"Updaterar endast Statusflaggor för block som kommer att läsa dem, isället "
"för alltid. \n"
"Detta är för det mesta säkert, och Super-VU gör något liknande som standard."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Förmodar att väldigt långt in i framtiden så kommer block inte behöva "
"gammelflagg-instansdata. \n"
"Detta borde vara rätt säkert. Det är okänt ifall detta har sönder något "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr ""
"Använder SSE's Min/Max Flyttalsoperationer istället för logiska Min/Max "
"rutiner, som annars är brukligt. \n"
"Känt att förstöra Gran Turismo 4 & Tekken 5."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"Denna fix fungerar bäst för spel som använder INTC-statusregistret för att "
"invänta vsyncs, vilket i första hand inkluderar icke-3D \n"
"RPG titlar. Spel som inte använder denna vsync-metod kommer på sin höjd att "
"få en liten uppsnabbning av denna fix."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"I första hand inriktat på EE tomgångs-loop hos adress 0x81FC0 i kärnan, "
"denna fix försöker att \n"
"upptäcka loopar vars kroppar garanterat resulterar i samma maskintillstånd "
"för varje upprepning \n"
"tills en schemaläggd händelse utlöser emulering av en annan enhet. Efter en "
"enskild upprepning av en sådan loop, \n"
"avanserar vi till tiden för nästa händelse eller till slutet av processorns "
"tidskvantum, vilket som än kommer först."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"Kolla HDLaddar-kompabilitetslistan för spel som till vetskap kommer till "
"fråga med det här (ofta markerat som behövande 'läge 1' eller 'långsam DVD')."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr ""
"Bemärk att när Bildbegränsning är förhindrad så kommer Turbo och SlowMotion "
"lägena \n"
"inte att vara tillgängliga heller."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
"Enbart för att problemlösa eventuella fel inom MTGS, \n"
"eftersom det möjligen är mycket långsamt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Förhindrar helt all GS-insticksprogramsaktivitet; \n"
"idealt som utgångspunkt för EE-kärnkomponenter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör detta ifall Ni tror att MTGS trådsync orsakar krascher eller "
"grafiska fel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"Tar bort allt norm-oljud orsakat av MTGS-trådens eler GPU'ns överdrag. Denna "
"möjlighet användes bäst i förening med sparpunkter: \n"
"spara ett tillstånd i en idealisk scen, möjliggör denna möjlighet, och "
"återladda sparpunkten.\n"
"Varning: Denna möjlighet kan möjliggöras dynamiskt men kan vanligtvis inte "
"förhindras på samma vis (video blir ofta skräp)."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Exklusivt helskärmsläge kan se bätte ut hos äldre CRTs och kan vara lite "
#~ "snabbare hos äldre videokort, \n"
#~ "men oftast leder det till minnesläckor eler slumpmässiga kraschar när "
#~ "helskärmsläget slås på eller av."
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-07 19:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-06 02:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE_dev;pxDt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Turkish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: TURKEY\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:96
msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr "PS2 ELF dosyalarını ayrıntılı olarak günlükle."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr ""
"Manual koruma, blok ayırma ve diğer performansı etkileyecek zamazingoları "
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (EE processor)"
msgstr "Oyun üreticisinin günlükleme dosyasını gösterir (EE işlemcisi)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:111
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (IOP processor)"
msgstr "Oyun üreticisinin günlükleme dosyasını gösterir (IOP işlemcisi)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:116
msgid "Shows DECI2 debugging logs (EE processor)"
msgstr "DECI2 test günlükleri (EE işlemcisi)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:145
msgid "SYSCALL and DECI2 activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL ve DECI2 etkinliği."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:151
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen ya da belirtilmemiş EE hafıza konumuna doğrudan erişim."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr "Yürütme yönergelerinin ayrımı (COPs ve CACHE hariç)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:163
msgid "Disasm of COP0 instructions (MMU, cpu and dma status, etc)."
msgstr "COP0 yönergelerinin ayrımı (MMU, işlemci ve dma durumları vb)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:169
msgid "Disasm of the EE's floating point unit (FPU) only."
msgstr "EE'nin FPU ayrımı."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:175
msgid "Disasm of the EE's VU0macro co-processor instructions."
msgstr "EE'nin VU0macro işlemci yönergelerinin ayrımı."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:181
msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr "EE önbellek yönergelerinin yürütülmesi."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr ""
"Altta belirtilen filtreler hariç tüm bilinen donanım erişimleri (ÇOK YAVAŞ!)."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr ""
"Yalnızca bilinmeyen, ayarlanmamış ve düzenlenmemiş erişim girdilerini "
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr "Yalnızca DMA ile ilgili girişleri günlükler."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:205
msgid "IPU activity: hardware registers, decoding operations, DMA status, etc."
msgstr ""
"IPU etkinliği: donanım erişimleri, çözümleme işlemleri, DMA durumu vb..."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:211
msgid "All GIFtag parse activity; path index, tag type, etc."
msgstr "Tüm GIFtag etkinliği; klasör indeksleme, etiket türü vb..."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:217
msgid "All VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts."
msgstr "Tüm VIFcode işlemleri; komutlar, tag türü, hatalar."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:223
msgid "All processing involved in Path3 Masking"
msgstr "Path3 Masking'deki tüm işlemler"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:229
msgid "Scratchpad's MFIFO activity."
msgstr "Scratchpad'in MFIFO etkinliği."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:235
msgid "Actual data transfer logs, bus right arbitration, stalls, etc."
msgstr "Dosya transfer günlükleri, beklemeler vb."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:241
msgid "Tracks all EE counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "Tüm EE sayaç olaylarını ve bazı girdi etkinliklerini izler."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:247
msgid "Dumps various VIF and VIFcode processing data."
msgstr "Çeşitli VIF ve VIFcode işlemlerini yığınlar."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:253
msgid "Dumps various GIF and GIFtag parsing data."
msgstr "Çeşitlli GIF ve GIFtag verilerini yığınlar."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:264
msgid "SYSCALL and IRX activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL ve IRX etkinliği."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:270
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped IOP memory space."
msgstr "Bilinmeyen ya da belirtilmemiş IOP hafıza konumuna doğrudan erişim."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:282
msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr "IOS'nin GPU işlemcili yönergelerininin ayrımı."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr "Alttaki filtreleri içermeyen tüm bilinen donanım erişimleri."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
msgid "Memorycard reads, writes, erases, terminators, and other processing."
msgstr "Hafıza kartı okumaları, yazmaları, silmeleri ve diğer işlemler."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:312
msgid "Gamepad activity on the SIO."
msgstr "SIO'daki oyun kolu etkinliği."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:318
msgid "Actual DMA event processing and data transfer logs."
msgstr "DMA olay işlemi ve dosya transfer günlükleri."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:324
msgid "Tracks all IOP counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "Tüm IOP sayaç olaylarını ve diğer sayaç girdisi etkinliklerini izler."
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:330
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "CDVD donanımının detaylı günlüklemesi."
@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2_Dev_Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-01 20:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-06 02:27+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-08 19:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE;pxExpandMsg\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Turkish\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Turkish\n"
@ -114,20 +119,19 @@ msgstr "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
@ -163,17 +167,271 @@ msgstr "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
#~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite"
#~ msgstr "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite"
#~ msgid "!Notice:DocsFolderFileConflict"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
#~ msgstr "!Notice:DocsFolderFileConflict"
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Sebep belirtilmemiş."
#~ msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
#~ msgstr "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "İşlem etkinliği; başlat, çıkart, eşleştir, sil vb..."
#~ msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
#~ msgstr "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "Boş olay işlemesi ve diğer yaygın olmayan olay işlemelerini içerir."
#~ msgid "!Panel:Framelimiter:Heading"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
#~ msgstr "!Panel:Framelimiter:Heading"
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"MTGS işlemcisi GS eklentisinin açılmasını beklerken yanıt vermeyi durdurdu."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Hafıza kartı eklentisi başlatılamadı."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "En Güvenli"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Güvenli (daha hızlı)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Dengeli"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresif"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Daha Agresif"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Çoğu Zaman Zararlı"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Çok küçük bir alana birçok günlük dosyası sığdırır."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Benim kullandığım. :) (Geliştiricinin)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Güzel ve okunur."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Yüksek çözünürlüklü bir ekranınız varsa."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Varsayılan yumuşak tonlu renk şeması"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "Yazıların gözüne girmesinden hoşlananlar için klasik siyah tema."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "Seçildiğinde günlük diğer pencerelerin önünde gözükür."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "Hafıza kartını en güvenli ve kararlı yapan seçenek."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 ve 32 MB kartlar neredeyse aynı uyumluluk oranına sahiptir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Riski size ait olmak üzere kullanın. Hafıza kartınız çıldırabilir (nadiren)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Olayları PS2 sanal makinesindeki gibi günlükler."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"NTSC ya da PAL kare hızı ayarlarında hata. Ayarlar geçerli rakamlardan "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "MTGS hatalarını tespit etmek için. Çok yavaştır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Tüm GS eklenti işlemlerini devre dışı bırakır; EEcore bileşenlerini test "
"etmek için idealdir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-06 02:34+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt;pxLt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: trunk\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Turkish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: TURKEY\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "Sebep yok."
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "İşlem etkinliği; başalt, çıkart, eşleştir, sil vb..."
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr ""
"MTGS işlemcisi GS eklentisinin açılmasını beklerken yanıt vermeyi durdurdu."
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "Hafıza kartı eklentisi başlatılamadı."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "En güvenli"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Güvenli (daha hızlı)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Dengeli"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresif"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Daha agresif"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Çoğu Zaman Zararlı"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "Benim kullandığım. :) (Programcı)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "Güzel ve okunur."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "Cidden yüksek çözünürlüklü bir ekranınız varsa."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "Varsayılan yumuşak ton renk şeması"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "Yazıların gözüne girmesinden hoşlananlar için klasik siyah tema."
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "Seçildiğinde günlük diğer pencerelerin önünde gözükür."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "En güvenli ve kesin hafıza kartı davranışı için bu seçeneği kullanın."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 ve 32 MB kartlar çoğunlukla aynı uyumluluk oranına sahiptir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr ""
"Riski size ait olmak üzere kullanın. Hafıza kartınız çıldırabilir (çoğu "
"zaman olmasa da)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "Olayları PS2 sanal makinesindeki gibi günlükler."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"NTSC ya da PAL kare hızı ayarlarında hata. Ayarlar geçerli rakamlardan "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "MTGS hatalarını tespit etmek için. Çok yavaştır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"Tüm GS eklenti işlemlerini devre dışı bırakır; EEcore bileşenlerini test "
"etmek için idealdir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
# Simplified Chinese Translation for PCSX2
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 PCSX2 Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
# Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-21 17:28+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE_dev;pxDt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: pcsx2\\\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:96
msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr "转储 PS2 可执行文件 (ELF) 的详细信息。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr "记录手动保护、分割块以及其它可能影响性能的东西。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (EE processor)"
msgstr "显示游戏开发者的日志记录文本 (EE 处理器)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:111
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (IOP processor)"
msgstr "显示游戏开发者的日志记录文本 (IOP 处理器)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:116
msgid "Shows DECI2 debugging logs (EE processor)"
msgstr "显示 DECI2 调试日志记录 (EE 处理器)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:145
msgid "SYSCALL and DECI2 activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL 及 DECI2 活动。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:151
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr "到未知或未映射的内存空间的直接内存访问。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr "反汇编执行核心指令 (除了 COP 指令及 CACHE 指令)。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:163
msgid "Disasm of COP0 instructions (MMU, cpu and dma status, etc)."
msgstr "反汇编 COP0 指令 (MMU,CPU/DMA 状态,等等)。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:169
msgid "Disasm of the EE's floating point unit (FPU) only."
msgstr "仅反汇编 EE 浮点运算单元 (FPU)。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:175
msgid "Disasm of the EE's VU0macro co-processor instructions."
msgstr "反汇编 EE VU0macro 协处理器指令。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:181
msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr "EE 缓存指令的执行。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr "全部已知硬件寄存器访问 (很慢!);不包括以下子过滤器选项。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr "仅记录未知、未映射或未实现的寄存器访问。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr "仅记录 DMA 相关寄存器。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:205
msgid "IPU activity: hardware registers, decoding operations, DMA status, etc."
msgstr "IPU 活动: 硬件寄存器、解码操作、DMA 状态等等。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:211
msgid "All GIFtag parse activity; path index, tag type, etc."
msgstr "全部 GIF 标签解析活动;路径索引、标签类型,等等。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:217
msgid "All VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts."
msgstr "全部 VIF 代码处理;命令、标签风格、中断。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:223
msgid "All processing involved in Path3 Masking"
msgstr "全部与 Path3 标志有关的处理"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:229
msgid "Scratchpad's MFIFO activity."
msgstr "暂存器的 MFIFO 活动。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:235
msgid "Actual data transfer logs, bus right arbitration, stalls, etc."
msgstr "实际的数据传输日志、总线权限仲裁、总线阻塞等等。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:241
msgid "Tracks all EE counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "跟踪所有的 EE 计数器事件和一些计数器寄存器活动。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:247
msgid "Dumps various VIF and VIFcode processing data."
msgstr "转储各种 VIF 和 VIF 代码处理数据。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:253
msgid "Dumps various GIF and GIFtag parsing data."
msgstr "转储各种 GIF 和 GIF 标签解析数据。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:264
msgid "SYSCALL and IRX activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL 及 IRX 活动。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:270
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped IOP memory space."
msgstr "到未知或未映射的内存空间的直接内存访问。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:282
msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr "反汇编 IOP GPU 协处理器指令。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr "全部已知硬件寄存器访问,不包括以下子过滤器。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
msgid "Memorycard reads, writes, erases, terminators, and other processing."
msgstr "记忆卡读取、写入、擦除、终止符,及其它操作。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:312
msgid "Gamepad activity on the SIO."
msgstr "SIO 上的手柄活动。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:318
msgid "Actual DMA event processing and data transfer logs."
msgstr "实际的 DMA 事件处理及数据传输日志。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:324
msgid "Tracks all IOP counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "跟踪所有 IOP 计数器事件和一些计数器寄存器活动。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:330
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "详细记录 CDVD 硬件信息。"
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-07 12:14+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-21 17:28+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-07 13:27+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
@ -159,22 +159,24 @@ msgstr "注: 大多数游戏使用默认选项即可。"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "指定的路径/目录不存在。是否需要创建?"
msgstr "指定的路径/目录不存在。是否需要创建?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"建议在主菜单启用 '自动应用游戏特殊修正',不建议在此手动设置 ('自动' 即针对特"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"即将删除已格式化的位于 %u 插柄上的记忆卡。此记忆卡中所有数据将丢失! 是否确定?"
"即将删除已格式化的位于 %u 插柄上的记忆卡。此记忆卡中所有数据将丢失! 是否确定?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "失败: 只允许复制到一个空的 PS2 端口或文件系统。"
msgstr "失败: 只允许复制到一个空的 PS2 端口或文件系统。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "错误! 无法将记忆卡复到到插槽 %u。目标文件正在使用。"
msgstr "错误! 无法将记忆卡复到到插槽 %u。目标文件正在使用。"
@ -231,3 +233,346 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "此操作将把 %u 插槽上的记忆卡内容复制到 %u 插槽。目标插槽记忆卡的数据将丢"
#~ "此操作将把 %u 插槽上的记忆卡内容复制到 %u 插槽。目标插槽记忆卡的数据将丢"
#~ "失。是否确认?"
#~ "失。是否确认?"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "无理由给出。"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "线程活动: 开始、分离、同步、删除等等。"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "包含空闲事件处理及一些其它的非常见事件使用。"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "MTGS 线程在等待 GS 插件打开时失去响应。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "内置记忆卡插件初始化失败。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全 (较快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "较激进"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "激进"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "不稳定"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "在较小区域中显示较多日志内容。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "我使用的 (程序员)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "可读性较高。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "仅用于较高分辩率。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "默认柔色调色彩主题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "经典黑色主题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "如选中,日志窗口将在其它窗口上面显示。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "NTFS 压缩可以随时使用 Windows 资源管理器中的文件属性更改。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "如果您需要最安全的记忆卡行为,请使用此选项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16MB 或 32MB 记忆卡通常具有相同的兼容性。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr "可能出现错误的记忆卡行为 (一般不会)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"这是 PCSX2 保存您的设置选项的文件夹,包括大多数插件生成的设置选项 (此选项对于"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告! 您正在使用命令行选项运行 PCSX2,这将覆盖您已配置的设定。这些命令行选项"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告! 您正在使用命令行选项运行 PCSX2,这将覆盖您已配置的插件或文件夹设定。这"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"预置将影响速度 Hack、一些重编译器选项及一些已经可提升速度的游戏特殊修正。\n"
"已知的游戏特殊修正 (\"补丁\") 将自动被应用。\n"
"1 - 模拟精确度最高,但速度最低。\n"
"3 --> 试图平衡速度及兼容性。\n"
"4 - 一些更多的 Hack。\n"
"6 - 过多 Hack,有可能拖慢大多数游戏的速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"预置将影响速度 Hack、一些重编译器选项及一些已经可提升速度的游戏特殊修正。\n"
"已知的游戏特殊修正 (\"补丁\") 将自动被应用。\n"
"--> 取消此项可手动修改设置 (基于当前预置)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "在事件被传递至 PS2 虚拟机时记录到日志中。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "选中时此文件夹将自动反映当前 PCSX2 用户设置选项相关的默认值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"对所有的 GS 插件都有效。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"注:此选项目前仅可用于 GSdx 插件,且被配置为 DX10/11 硬件渲染模式。其它插件或"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"选中此项强制 GS 窗口中不显示鼠标光标。在使用鼠标控制游戏时比较有用。默认状态"
"鼠标在 2 秒不活动后隐藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"启动或恢复模拟时自动切换至全屏。您可以使用 Alt+Enter 随时切换全屏或窗口模式。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "在按 ESC 或挂起模拟器时彻底关闭 GS 窗口。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
" * 数码恶魔传说 (修正 CG 及崩溃问题)\n"
" * 极限滑雪 (修正图像错误及崩溃问题)\n"
" * 生化危机: 死亡目标 (导致纹理混乱)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃战士\n"
" * 梦幻骑士 2 和 3\n"
" * 巫术"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
" * Mana Khemia 1 (学校的炼金术士)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存即时存档的位置;即时存档可使用菜单/工具栏或 F1/F3 (保存/"
"读取) 使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存截图的位置。实际截图格式和风格对于不同的 GS 插件可能不"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存日志记录和诊断转储的位置。大多数插件也将使用此文件夹,但"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "1 - 默认周期频率。完全重现 PS2 实机情感引擎的实际速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - 将 EE 周期频率减少约 33%。对大多数游戏有轻微提速效果,兼容性较高。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 将 EE 周期频率减少约 50%。中等提速效果,但将导致很多 CG 动画中的音频出现"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - 禁用 VU 周期挪用。兼容性最高!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "1 - 轻微 VU 周期挪用。兼容性较低,但对大多数游戏有一定的提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "2 - 中等 VU 周期挪用。兼容性更低,但对一些游戏有较大的提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU 周期挪用。对大多数游戏将造成图像闪烁或速度拖慢,用途有限。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"提高此数值可减少情感引擎的 R5900 CPU 的时钟速度,通常对于未完全使用 PS2 实机"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"此选项控制 VU 单元从情感引擎挪用的时钟周期数目。较高数值将增加各个被游戏执行"
"的 VU 微程序从 EE 挪用的周期数目。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"仅在标志位被读取时更新,而不是总是更新。此选项通常是安全的,Super VU 默认会以"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"此选项对于使用 INTC 状态寄存器来等待垂直同步的游戏效果较好,包括一些主要的 "
"3D RPG 游戏。对于不使用此方法的游戏没有提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"主要针对位于内核地址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空闲循环,此 Hack 试图检测循环体在一个另外"
"后,将下一事件的时间或处理器的时间片结束时间 (孰早) 做出更新。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"请参看 HDLoader 兼容性列表以获取启用此项会出现问题的游戏列表。(通常标记为需"
"要 'mode 1' 或 '慢速 DVD')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意: 如限帧被禁用,快速模式和慢动作模式将不可用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "解析 NTSC 或 PAL 帧率时出错。设定值必须是一个合法的浮点数值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "仅供诊断 MTGS 中可能的错误,可能会非常慢。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr "彻底禁用所有的 GS 插件活动;可用于评测 EE 内核组件性能。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "如您认为 MTGS 线程同步导致崩溃或图像错误,请启用此项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"禁用全部由 MTGS 线程或 GPU 开销导致的测试信息。此选项可与即时存档配合使用: 在"
"警告: 此选项可以即时启用但通常不能即时关闭 (通常会导致图像损坏)。"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "缩放 = 100: 图像适合窗口大小,无任何裁剪。\n"
#~ "大于或小于 100: 放大/缩小。\n"
#~ "0: 自动放大直到黑条消失 (纵横比将被保持,部分图像将位于屏幕外面)。\n"
#~ " 注: 一些游戏手动绘制黑条,这种情况黑条将不会被移除。\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "键盘: Ctrl+小键盘加号: 放大,Ctrl+小键盘减号: 缩小,Ctrl+小键盘星号: 在 "
#~ "100 和 0 之间切换"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "使用 SSE 的浮点最大值/最小值操作来代替自定义的最大值/最小值过程。已经导致 "
#~ "GT 赛车和铁拳 5 出现问题。"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "独占全屏模式可能在旧的 CRT 显示器上效果较好,对一些旧显卡速度较快。但通常"
#~ "可能在进入或退出全屏模式时导致内存泄露或随机崩溃。"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 PCSX2 Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
# Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-21 17:33+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt;pxLt;_t\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: pcsx2\\\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "无理由给出。"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "线程活动: 开始、分离、同步、删除等等。"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "包含空闲事件处理及一些其它的非常见事件使用。"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "MTGS 线程在等待 GS 插件打开时失去响应。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "内置记忆卡插件初始化失败。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全 (较快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "较激进"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "激进"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "不稳定"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "在较小区域中显示较多日志内容。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "我使用的 (程序员)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "可读性较高。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "仅用于较高分辩率。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "默认柔色调色彩主题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "经典黑色主题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "如选中,日志窗口将在其它窗口上面显示。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "NTFS 压缩可以随时使用 Windows 资源管理器中的文件属性更改。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "如果您需要最安全的记忆卡行为,请使用此选项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16MB 或 32MB 记忆卡通常具有相同的兼容性。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr "可能出现错误的记忆卡行为 (一般不会)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"这是 PCSX2 保存您的设置选项的文件夹,包括大多数插件生成的设置选项 (此选项对于"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告! 您正在使用命令行选项运行 PCSX2,这将覆盖您已配置的设定。这些命令行选项"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告! 您正在使用命令行选项运行 PCSX2,这将覆盖您已配置的插件或文件夹设定。这"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"预置将影响速度 Hack、一些重编译器选项及一些已经可提升速度的游戏特殊修正。\n"
"已知的游戏特殊修正 (\"补丁\") 将自动被应用。\n"
"1 - 模拟精确度最高,但速度最低。\n"
"3 --> 试图平衡速度及兼容性。\n"
"4 - 一些更多的 Hack。\n"
"6 - 过多 Hack,有可能拖慢大多数游戏的速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"预置将影响速度 Hack、一些重编译器选项及一些已经可提升速度的游戏特殊修正。\n"
"已知的游戏特殊修正 (\"补丁\") 将自动被应用。\n"
"--> 取消此项可手动修改设置 (基于当前预置)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "在事件被传递至 PS2 虚拟机时记录到日志中。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "选中时此文件夹将自动反映当前 PCSX2 用户设置选项相关的默认值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"对所有的 GS 插件都有效。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"注:此选项目前仅可用于 GSdx 插件,且被配置为 DX10/11 硬件渲染模式。其它插件或"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"选中此项强制 GS 窗口中不显示鼠标光标。在使用鼠标控制游戏时比较有用。默认状态"
"鼠标在 2 秒不活动后隐藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"启动或恢复模拟时自动切换至全屏。您可以使用 Alt+Enter 随时切换全屏或窗口模式。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "在按 ESC 或挂起模拟器时彻底关闭 GS 窗口。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
" * 数码恶魔传说 (修正 CG 及崩溃问题)\n"
" * 极限滑雪 (修正图像错误及崩溃问题)\n"
" * 生化危机: 死亡目标 (导致纹理混乱)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃战士\n"
" * 梦幻骑士 2 和 3\n"
" * 巫术"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存即时存档的位置;即时存档可使用菜单/工具栏或 F1/F3 (保存/"
"读取) 使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存截图的位置。实际截图格式和风格对于不同的 GS 插件可能不"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存日志记录和诊断转储的位置。大多数插件也将使用此文件夹,但"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "1 - 默认周期频率。完全重现 PS2 实机情感引擎的实际速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - 将 EE 周期频率减少约 33%。对大多数游戏有轻微提速效果,兼容性较高。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 将 EE 周期频率减少约 50%。中等提速效果,但将导致很多 CG 动画中的音频出现"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - 禁用 VU 周期挪用。兼容性最高!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "1 - 轻微 VU 周期挪用。兼容性较低,但对大多数游戏有一定的提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "2 - 中等 VU 周期挪用。兼容性更低,但对一些游戏有较大的提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU 周期挪用。对大多数游戏将造成图像闪烁或速度拖慢,用途有限。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"提高此数值可减少情感引擎的 R5900 CPU 的时钟速度,通常对于未完全使用 PS2 实机"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"此选项控制 VU 单元从情感引擎挪用的时钟周期数目。较高数值将增加各个被游戏执行"
"的 VU 微程序从 EE 挪用的周期数目。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"仅在标志位被读取时更新,而不是总是更新。此选项通常是安全的,Super VU 默认会以"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr ""
"使用 SSE 的浮点最大值/最小值操作来代替自定义的最大值/最小值过程。已经导致 GT "
"赛车和铁拳 5 出现问题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"此选项对于使用 INTC 状态寄存器来等待垂直同步的游戏效果较好,包括一些主要的 "
"3D RPG 游戏。对于不使用此方法的游戏没有提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"主要针对位于内核地址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空闲循环,此 Hack 试图检测循环体在一个另外"
"后,将下一事件的时间或处理器的时间片结束时间 (孰早) 做出更新。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"请参看 HDLoader 兼容性列表以获取启用此项会出现问题的游戏列表。(通常标记为需"
"要 'mode 1' 或 '慢速 DVD')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意: 如限帧被禁用,快速模式和慢动作模式将不可用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "解析 NTSC 或 PAL 帧率时出错。设定值必须是一个合法的浮点数值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "仅供诊断 MTGS 中可能的错误,可能会非常慢。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr "彻底禁用所有的 GS 插件活动;可用于评测 EE 内核组件性能。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "如您认为 MTGS 线程同步导致崩溃或图像错误,请启用此项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"禁用全部由 MTGS 线程或 GPU 开销导致的测试信息。此选项可与即时存档配合使用: 在"
"警告: 此选项可以即时启用但通常不能即时关闭 (通常会导致图像损坏)。"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "独占全屏模式可能在旧的 CRT 显示器上效果较好,对一些旧显卡速度较快。但通常"
#~ "可能在进入或退出全屏模式时导致内存泄露或随机崩溃。"
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-07 19:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-02 04:06+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE_dev;pxDt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: F:\\PCSX2_0.9.7_GUI_翻譯\\SRC_4378\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: TAIWAN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:96
msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr "擷取 PS2 執行檔(ELF)的詳細資訊"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr "記錄手動保護、分塊,以及其他可能影響效能的東西。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (EE processor)"
msgstr "顯示遊戲開發人員的日誌(EE processor)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:111
msgid "Shows the game developer's logging text (IOP processor)"
msgstr "顯示遊戲開發人員的日誌(IOP processor)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:116
msgid "Shows DECI2 debugging logs (EE processor)"
msgstr "顯示 DECI2 偵錯日誌(EE processor)"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:145
msgid "SYSCALL and DECI2 activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL 和 DECI2 的活動。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:151
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr "直接記憶體存取至未知或未映射的 EE 記憶體空間。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr "執行核心指令集的反組譯(不包含 COP 和 CACHE)。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:163
msgid "Disasm of COP0 instructions (MMU, cpu and dma status, etc)."
msgstr "COP0 指令集的反組譯(MMU、cpu 和 dma 的狀態,以及其他)。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:169
msgid "Disasm of the EE's floating point unit (FPU) only."
msgstr "僅 EE 浮點運算器的反組譯。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:175
msgid "Disasm of the EE's VU0macro co-processor instructions."
msgstr "EE 的 VU0macro 輔助處理器指令集的反組譯。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:181
msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr "EE 快取指令集的執行。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr "所有已知的硬體暫存器存取(非常慢!);不包括下面的分項選項。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr "僅記錄未知、未映射,或未實現的暫存器存取。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr "僅記錄 DMA 相關的暫存器。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:205
msgid "IPU activity: hardware registers, decoding operations, DMA status, etc."
msgstr "IPU 活動:硬體暫存器、解碼操作、DMA 狀態,以及其他。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:211
msgid "All GIFtag parse activity; path index, tag type, etc."
msgstr "全部 GIFtag 解析活動;路徑索引,標籤類型,以及其他。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:217
msgid "All VIFcode processing; command, tag style, interrupts."
msgstr "全部 VIFcode 處理;命令,標籤風格,中斷。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:223
msgid "All processing involved in Path3 Masking"
msgstr "Path3 Masking 裡面的全部處理"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:229
msgid "Scratchpad's MFIFO activity."
msgstr "便條式暫存的 MFIFO 活動。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:235
msgid "Actual data transfer logs, bus right arbitration, stalls, etc."
msgstr "實際的資料傳輸日誌、匯流排正確的仲裁、停頓,以及其他。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:241
msgid "Tracks all EE counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "追蹤全部 EE 計數器事件以及一些計數器暫存器活動。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:247
msgid "Dumps various VIF and VIFcode processing data."
msgstr "擷取各種各樣的 VIF 和 VIFcode 處理資料。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:253
msgid "Dumps various GIF and GIFtag parsing data."
msgstr "擷取各種各樣的 GIF 和 GIFtag 解析資料。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:264
msgid "SYSCALL and IRX activity."
msgstr "SYSCALL 和 IRX 的活動。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:270
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped IOP memory space."
msgstr "直接記憶體存取至未知或未映射的 IOP 記憶體空間。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:282
msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr "IOP 的 GPU 輔助處理器指令集的反組譯。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr "所有已知的硬體暫存器存取,不包括下面的分項。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
msgid "Memorycard reads, writes, erases, terminators, and other processing."
msgstr "記憶卡的讀取、寫入、清除、終結者,以及其他處理。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:312
msgid "Gamepad activity on the SIO."
msgstr "SIO 上的遊戲手把活動。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:318
msgid "Actual DMA event processing and data transfer logs."
msgstr "實際的直接記憶體存取事件處理和資料傳輸日誌。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:324
msgid "Tracks all IOP counters events and some counter register activity."
msgstr "追蹤全部 IOP 計數器事件以及一些計數器暫存器活動。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:330
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "CDVD 硬體的詳細日誌紀錄。"
@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011 PCSX2 Team
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PCSX2 package.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-01 08:17+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-02 06:48+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-14 14:28+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
"Language: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE\n"
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"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: F:\\PCSX2_0.9.7_GUI_翻譯\\SRC_4378\\\n"
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"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
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"X-Poedit-Country: TAIWAN\n"
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"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
@ -171,27 +173,29 @@ msgstr "注意:大多數遊戲只需使用預設設定即可。"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "指定的路徑 / 資料夾不存在。您想要新增嗎?"
msgstr "指定的路徑 / 資料夾不存在。您想要新增嗎?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:103
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"因為預設勾選『 主選單 -> 檔案 -> 自動使用遊戲修正 』,在運行相應的遊戲時會自"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:717
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"您即將刪除 %u 插槽已格式化的記憶卡。\n"
"您即將刪除 %u 插槽已格式化的記憶卡。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:755
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr ""
msgstr "失敗:僅允許建立副本至空的記憶卡插口或檔案系統。"
"您即將刪除 %u 插槽已格式化的記憶卡。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr "錯誤!無法複製記憶卡至插槽 %u。目標檔案使用中。"
msgstr "錯誤!無法複製記憶卡至插槽 %u。目標檔案使用中。"
@ -235,8 +239,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"注意:由於 PS2 的硬體設計,精確的跳框是不可能的。啟用跳框將導致一些遊戲出現嚴"
"由於 PS2 的硬體設計,精確的跳框是不可能的。\n"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:702
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
@ -282,3 +287,372 @@ msgstr ""
#~ "以百分數表示的可供調整的數值,\n"
#~ "以百分數表示的可供調整的數值,\n"
#~ "基於同樣也可以調整的\n"
#~ "基於同樣也可以調整的\n"
#~ "NTSC 和 PAL 區域的預設 FPS。"
#~ "NTSC 和 PAL 區域的預設 FPS。"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "未給出原因。"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "執行緒的活動:開始、分離、同步、刪除,以及其他。"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "包含閒置的事件處理和一些其他不尋常的事件使用。"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "當等候圖形插件開啟時,多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒停止回應。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "初始化內部記憶卡插件失敗。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:818
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:819
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全(速度更快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:820
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:821
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:822
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "更加激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:823
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "基本上有害"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "在同等區域中顯示較多日誌"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "這是 PCSX2 程式設計師們使用的字型大小"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "令人心曠神怡而且便於閱讀"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "適用於高螢幕解析度"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "預設的軟色調顏色主題"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "經典的黑色主題,獻給喜歡讓文字灼燒視神經的人。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "當勾選時,日誌視窗總是保持在最前端。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"NTFS 壓縮能夠在任何時候手動變更,透過從檔案總管使用右鍵選單的「內容」選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "如果您想要最安全可靠的記憶卡行為,就一直使用這個選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 MB 和 32 MB 記憶卡的相容性係數大致相同。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr "使用者自擔風險。可能出現不確定的記憶卡行為(儘管可能性不大)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存您的設定,包括大多數插件的設定。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有插件 / 資料夾設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"1 - 最準確的模擬、速度最慢。\n"
"3 --> 嘗試在遊戲速度和相容性之間取得平衡。\n"
"4 - 一些更加激進的速度駭客、模擬器選項。\n"
"6 - 非常多的速度駭客,可能會降低大多數遊戲的遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"--> 當取消勾選時,可以手動變更模擬器設定(基於當前滑桿所選擇的預先定義的設"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "隨著事件傳遞給 PS2 虛擬機,記錄事件。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"當勾選時,此資料夾將會自動反映與 PCSX2 當前的使用者設定所關聯的預設值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"垂直同步消除遊戲畫面出現斷層(Screen tearing),但是效能大幅損失。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"注意:僅用於 GSdx 的 Renderer 設定為 Direct3D10/11 (Hardware)。\n"
"任何其他的圖形插件或 GSdx 的 Renderer 設定將會忽略本選項,\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:77
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"預設,滑鼠指標在 2 秒非活動之後自動隱藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"您仍能使用 Alt + Enter,在視窗模式和全螢幕模式之間隨時切換。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:94
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"當按 ESC 或透過選單「檔案 -> 暫停遊戲」暫停模擬器的模擬時,\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
" * 數位惡魔傳說(Digital Devil Saga)(修正遊戲動畫和遊戲當掉)\n"
" * SSX(修正糟糕的圖形和遊戲當掉)\n"
" * 惡靈古堡:英雄不死(Resident Evil: Dead Aim)(導致混亂的紋理)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃戰士(Bleach Blade Battler)\n"
" * 夢幻騎士(Growlancer)II 和 III\n"
" * 巫術(Wizardry)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
" * Mana Khemia 1 離開校園(Off Campus)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存即時存檔;\n"
"即時存檔透過「選單 / 工具列」寫入,或熱鍵 F1 / F3(寫檔 / 讀檔)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存遊戲擷圖。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存日誌和用於診斷的轉存。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 預設值。\n"
"緊密地匹配正港 PS2 CPU 的實際速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 33%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 50%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr ""
"0 - 停用 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 溫和的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 適度的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"數值愈高,就愈能有效降低 EE 的 CPU 核心 R5900 的時脈。\n"
"對於那些無法利用真實 PS2 硬體全部潛能的遊戲,能夠大幅提升遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"滑桿控制著 VU 從 EE 偷竊的週期的數目。\n"
"數值愈高,遊戲執行的每一個 VU 微程式從 EE 偷的就愈多。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"大部分時間是安全的,Super VU 預設做類似的事情。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"對於使用 INTC 狀態暫存器等待垂直同步的遊戲,表現最好。\n"
"主要包括 RPG 遊戲非 3D 的標題。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"主要把核心內位址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空閒循環作為目標。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:206
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"查閱 HDLoader 相容性列表,以確定已知使用這個選項會出現問題的遊戲。\n"
"通常是有注明需要 mode 1(模式 1)或 slow DVD(慢速 DVD)的遊戲。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意:當畫框限制停用時,渦輪加速和慢動作無法使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"當解析 NTSC 遊戲或 PAL 遊戲的畫框速率設定時出現錯誤。設定值必須是有效的浮點"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"適合用來做 EEcore 的效能測試"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"移除任何由多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒過載或 GPU 過載引起的效能測試產生的噪音。\n"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "可能在 CRT 螢幕上,畫面看起來更好;可能在老舊的顯示卡中,速度稍微快一"
#~ "些。\n"
#~ "但會導致當視窗模式和全螢幕模式之間切換時,記憶體洩漏或模擬器隨機當掉。"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "使用 SSE 的 Min/Max 浮點操作,取代自訂邏輯 Min/Max 例行程序。\n"
#~ "已知令 Gran Turismo 4(GT4)和 Tekken 5(鐵拳 5)遊戲不正常。"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-21 18:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-04 03:40+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: F:\\PCSX2_0.9.7_GUI_翻譯\\SRC_4378\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: TAIWAN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "未給出原因。"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "執行緒的活動:開始、分離、同步、刪除,以及其他。"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "包含閒置的事件處理和一些其他不尋常的事件使用。"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:815
msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "當等候圖形插件開啟時,多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒停止回應。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "初始化內部記憶卡插件失敗。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全(速度更快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:782
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "更加激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:783
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "基本上有害"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:413
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "在同等區域中顯示較多日誌"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "這是 PCSX2 程式設計師們使用的字型大小"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:417
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "令人心曠神怡而且便於閱讀"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:419
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "適用於高螢幕解析度"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "預設的軟色調顏色主題"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "經典的黑色主題,獻給喜歡讓文字灼燒視神經的人。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "當勾選時,日誌視窗總是保持在最前端。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr ""
"NTFS 壓縮能夠在任何時候手動變更,透過從檔案總管使用右鍵選單的「內容」選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "如果您想要最安全可靠的記憶卡行為,就一直使用這個選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:204
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 MB 和 32 MB 記憶卡的相容性係數大致相同。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr "使用者自擔風險。可能出現不確定的記憶卡行為(儘管可能性不大)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存您的設定,包括大多數插件的設定。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有插件 / 資料夾設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"1 - 最準確的模擬、速度最慢。\n"
"3 --> 嘗試在遊戲速度和相容性之間取得平衡。\n"
"4 - 一些更加激進的速度駭客、模擬器選項。\n"
"6 - 非常多的速度駭客,可能會降低大多數遊戲的遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"--> 當取消勾選時,可以手動變更模擬器設定(基於當前滑桿所選擇的預先定義的設"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "隨著事件傳遞給 PS2 虛擬機,記錄事件。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr ""
"當勾選時,此資料夾將會自動反映與 PCSX2 當前的使用者設定所關聯的預設值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:53
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"垂直同步消除遊戲畫面出現斷層(Screen tearing),但是效能大幅損失。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr ""
"垂直同步消除遊戲畫面出現斷層(Screen tearing),但是效能大幅損失。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:66
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"預設,滑鼠指標在 2 秒非活動之後自動隱藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:72
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"您仍能使用 Alt + Enter,在視窗模式和全螢幕模式之間隨時切換。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:83
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"當按 ESC 或透過選單「檔案 -> 暫停遊戲」暫停模擬器的模擬時,\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
" * 數位惡魔傳說(Digital Devil Saga)(修正遊戲動畫和遊戲當掉)\n"
" * SSX(修正糟糕的圖形和遊戲當掉)\n"
" * 惡靈古堡:英雄不死(Resident Evil: Dead Aim)(導致混亂的紋理)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃戰士(Bleach Blade Battler)\n"
" * 夢幻騎士(Growlancer)II 和 III\n"
" * 巫術(Wizardry)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存即時存檔;\n"
"即時存檔透過「選單 / 工具列」寫入,或熱鍵 F1 / F3(寫檔 / 讀檔)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存遊戲擷圖。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存日誌和用於診斷的轉存。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 預設值。\n"
"緊密地匹配正港 PS2 CPU 的實際速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 33%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 50%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr ""
"0 - 停用 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 溫和的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 適度的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"數值愈高,就愈能有效降低 EE 的 CPU 核心 R5900 的時脈。\n"
"對於那些無法利用真實 PS2 硬體全部潛能的遊戲,能夠大幅提升遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"滑桿控制著 VU 從 EE 偷竊的週期的數目。\n"
"數值愈高,遊戲執行的每一個 VU 微程式從 EE 偷的就愈多。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"大部分時間是安全的,Super VU 預設做類似的事情。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr ""
"使用 SSE 的 Min/Max 浮點操作,取代自訂邏輯 Min/Max 例行程序。\n"
"已知令 Gran Turismo 4(GT4)和 Tekken 5(鐵拳 5)遊戲不正常。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"對於使用 INTC 狀態暫存器等待垂直同步的遊戲,表現最好。\n"
"主要包括 RPG 遊戲非 3D 的標題。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"主要把核心內位址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空閒循環作為目標。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"查閱 HDLoader 相容性列表,以確定已知使用這個選項會出現問題的遊戲。\n"
"通常是有注明需要 mode 1(模式 1)或 slow DVD(慢速 DVD)的遊戲。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意:當畫框限制停用時,渦輪加速和慢動作無法使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr ""
"當解析 NTSC 遊戲或 PAL 遊戲的畫框速率設定時出現錯誤。設定值必須是有效的浮點"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr ""
"適合用來做 EEcore 的效能測試"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"移除任何由多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒過載或 GPU 過載引起的效能測試產生的噪音。\n"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "可能在 CRT 螢幕上,畫面看起來更好;可能在老舊的顯示卡中,速度稍微快一"
#~ "些。\n"
#~ "但會導致當視窗模式和全螢幕模式之間切換時,記憶體洩漏或模擬器隨機當掉。"
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