Preliminary work on a new version of the plugin api. Not hooked up, and very subject to change. Mainly committed both for backup, and for other devs to mess with...

git-svn-id: 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
arcum42 2009-03-13 07:25:00 +00:00
parent 43d7191927
commit c15b3129d4
10 changed files with 1081 additions and 0 deletions

common/include/Pcsx2Api.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __PCSX2API_H__
#define __PCSX2API_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Types.h"
#include "Pcsx2Defs.h"
// Indicate to use the new versions.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define EXPORT_C(type) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) type CALLBACK
#define EXPORT_C(type) extern "C" type
EXPORT_C(u32) PS2EgetLibType(void);
EXPORT_C(u32) PS2EgetLibVersion2(u32 type);
EXPORT_C(char*) PS2EgetLibName(void);
// PS2EgetLibType returns (may be OR'd)
enum {
PS2E_LT_GS = 0x01,
PS2E_LT_PAD = 0x02, // -=[ OBSOLETE ]=-
PS2E_LT_SPU2 = 0x04,
PS2E_LT_CDVD = 0x08,
PS2E_LT_DEV9 = 0x10,
PS2E_LT_USB = 0x20,
PS2E_LT_FW = 0x40,
PS2E_LT_SIO = 0x80
} PluginLibType;
// PS2EgetLibVersion2 (high 16 bits)
enum {
PS2E_GS_VERSION = 0x0006,
PS2E_PAD_VERSION = 0x0002, // -=[ OBSOLETE ]=-
PS2E_SPU2_VERSION = 0x0005,
PS2E_DEV9_VERSION = 0x0003,
PS2E_USB_VERSION = 0x0003,
PS2E_FW_VERSION = 0x0002,
} PluginLibVersion;
enum {
SIO_TYPE_PAD = 0x00000001,
SIO_TYPE_MTAP = 0x00000004,
SIO_TYPE_RM = 0x00000040,
SIO_TYPE_MC = 0x00000100
} SioTypes;
// freeze modes:
enum {
} FreezeModes;
typedef struct _GSdriverInfo {
char name[8];
void *common;
} GSdriverInfo;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
typedef struct _winInfo { // unsupported values must be set to zero
HWND hWnd;
HMENU hMenu;
HWND hStatusWnd;
} winInfo;
#endif // __PCSX2API_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
extern "C" {
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _PS2EgetLibType)(void);
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _PS2EgetLibVersion2)(u32 type);
typedef char*(CALLBACK* _PS2EgetLibName)(void);
// GS
// NOTE: GSreadFIFOX/GSwriteCSR functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _GSinit)(char *configpath);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _GSopen)(char *Title, bool multithread);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSclose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSshutdown)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSvsync)(int field);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSgifTransfer1)(u32 *pMem, u32 addr);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSgifTransfer2)(u32 *pMem, u32 size);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSgifTransfer3)(u32 *pMem, u32 size);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSgetLastTag)(u64* ptag); // returns the last tag processed (64 bits)
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSgifSoftReset)(u32 mask);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSreadFIFO)(u64 *pMem);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSreadFIFO2)(u64 *pMem, int qwc);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSkeyEvent)(keyEvent* ev);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSchangeSaveState)(s32 state, const char* filename);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSirqCallback)(void (*callback)());
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSprintf)(s32 timeout, char *fmt, ...);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSsetBaseMem)(void*);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSsetGameCRC)(s32 crc, s32 gameoptions);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSsetFrameSkip)(int frameskip);
typedef bool (CALLBACK* _GSsetupRecording)(bool start);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSreset)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSwriteCSR)(u32 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSgetDriverInfo)(GSdriverInfo *info);
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _GSsetWindowInfo)(winInfo *info);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSmakeSnapshot)(const char *path);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSmakeSnapshot2)(const char *path, int*, int);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _GSfreeze)(u8 mode, freezeData *data);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSconfigure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _GStest)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _GSabout)();
// PAD
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _PADinit)(char *configpath, u32 flags);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _PADopen)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _PADclose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _PADshutdown)();
typedef keyEvent* (CALLBACK* _PADkeyEvent)();
typedef u8 (CALLBACK* _PADstartPoll)(u8 pad);
typedef u8 (CALLBACK* _PADpoll)(u8 value);
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _PADquery)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _PADupdate)(u8 pad);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _PADgsDriverInfo)(GSdriverInfo *info);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _PADconfigure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _PADtest)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _PADabout)();
// SIO
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SIOinit)(char *configpath, u32 port, u32 slot, SIOchangeSlotCB f);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SIOopen)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SIOclose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SIOshutdown)();
typedef u8 (CALLBACK* _SIOstartPoll)(u8 value);
typedef u8 (CALLBACK* _SIOpoll)(u8 value);
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _SIOquery)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SIOconfigure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SIOtest)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SIOabout)();
// SPU2
// NOTE: The read/write functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SPU2init)(char *configpath);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SPU2open)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2close)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2shutdown)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2write)(u32 mem, u16 value);
typedef u16 (CALLBACK* _SPU2read)(u32 mem);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2readDMAMem)(u16 *pMem, u32 size, u8 core);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2writeDMAMem)(u16 *pMem, u32 size, u8 core);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2interruptDMA)(u8 core);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2setDMABaseAddr)(uptr baseaddr);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2irqCallback)(void (*SPU2callback)(),void (*DMA4callback)(),void (*DMA7callback)());
typedef bool (CALLBACK* _SPU2setupRecording)(bool start);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2setClockPtr)(u32*ptr);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2setTimeStretcher)(short int enable);
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _SPU2ReadMemAddr)(u8 core);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2WriteMemAddr)(u8 core,u32 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2async)(u32 cycles);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SPU2freeze)(int mode, freezeData *data);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2configure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _SPU2test)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _SPU2about)();
// NOTE: The read/write functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDinit)(char *configpath);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDopen)(const char* pTitleFilename);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _CDVDclose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _CDVDshutdown)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDreadTrack)(u32 lsn, int mode);
typedef u8* (CALLBACK* _CDVDgetBuffer)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDreadSubQ)(u32 lsn, cdvdSubQ* subq);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDgetTN)(cdvdTN *Buffer);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDgetTD)(u8 Track, cdvdTD *Buffer);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDgetTOC)(void* toc);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDgetDiskType)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDgetTrayStatus)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDctrlTrayOpen)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDctrlTrayClose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _CDVDconfigure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _CDVDtest)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _CDVDabout)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _CDVDnewDiskCB)(void (*callback)());
// DEV9
// NOTE: The read/write functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _DEV9init)(char *configpath);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _DEV9open)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9close)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9shutdown)();
typedef u8 (CALLBACK* _DEV9read8)(u32 mem);
typedef u16 (CALLBACK* _DEV9read16)(u32 mem);
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _DEV9read32)(u32 mem);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9write8)(u32 mem, u8 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9write16)(u32 mem, u16 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9write32)(u32 mem, u32 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9readDMA8Mem)(u32 *pMem, int size);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9writeDMA8Mem)(u32 *pMem, int size);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9irqCallback)(DEV9callback callback);
typedef DEV9handler (CALLBACK* _DEV9irqHandler)(void);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _DEV9freeze)(int mode, freezeData *data);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9configure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _DEV9test)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _DEV9about)();
// USB
// NOTE: The read/write functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _USBinit)(char *configpath);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _USBopen)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBclose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBshutdown)();
typedef u8 (CALLBACK* _USBread8)(u32 mem);
typedef u16 (CALLBACK* _USBread16)(u32 mem);
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _USBread32)(u32 mem);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBwrite8)(u32 mem, u8 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBwrite16)(u32 mem, u16 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBwrite32)(u32 mem, u32 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBasync)(u32 cycles);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBirqCallback)(USBcallback callback);
typedef USBhandler (CALLBACK* _USBirqHandler)(void);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBsetRAM)(void *mem);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _USBfreeze)(int mode, freezeData *data);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBconfigure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _USBtest)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _USBabout)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _FWinit)(char *configpath);
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _FWopen)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _FWclose)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _FWshutdown)();
typedef u32 (CALLBACK* _FWread32)(u32 mem);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _FWwrite32)(u32 mem, u32 value);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _FWirqCallback)(void (*callback)());
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _FWfreeze)(int mode, freezeData *data);
typedef void (CALLBACK* _FWconfigure)();
typedef s32 (CALLBACK* _FWtest)();
typedef void (CALLBACK* _FWabout)();
// GS
extern _GSinit GSinit;
extern _GSopen GSopen;
extern _GSclose GSclose;
extern _GSshutdown GSshutdown;
extern _GSvsync GSvsync;
extern _GSgifTransfer1 GSgifTransfer1;
extern _GSgifTransfer2 GSgifTransfer2;
extern _GSgifTransfer3 GSgifTransfer3;
extern _GSgetLastTag GSgetLastTag;
extern _GSgifSoftReset GSgifSoftReset;
extern _GSreadFIFO GSreadFIFO;
extern _GSreadFIFO2 GSreadFIFO2;
extern _GSkeyEvent GSkeyEvent;
extern _GSchangeSaveState GSchangeSaveState;
extern _GSmakeSnapshot GSmakeSnapshot;
extern _GSmakeSnapshot2 GSmakeSnapshot2;
extern _GSirqCallback GSirqCallback;
extern _GSprintf GSprintf;
extern _GSsetBaseMem GSsetBaseMem;
extern _GSsetGameCRC GSsetGameCRC;
extern _GSsetFrameSkip GSsetFrameSkip;
extern _GSsetupRecording GSsetupRecording;
extern _GSreset GSreset;
extern _GSwriteCSR GSwriteCSR;
extern _GSgetDriverInfo GSgetDriverInfo;
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
extern _GSsetWindowInfo GSsetWindowInfo;
extern _GSfreeze GSfreeze;
extern _GSconfigure GSconfigure;
extern _GStest GStest;
extern _GSabout GSabout;
// PAD1
extern _PADinit PAD1init;
extern _PADopen PAD1open;
extern _PADclose PAD1close;
extern _PADshutdown PAD1shutdown;
extern _PADkeyEvent PAD1keyEvent;
extern _PADstartPoll PAD1startPoll;
extern _PADpoll PAD1poll;
extern _PADquery PAD1query;
extern _PADupdate PAD1update;
extern _PADgsDriverInfo PAD1gsDriverInfo;
extern _PADconfigure PAD1configure;
extern _PADtest PAD1test;
extern _PADabout PAD1about;
// PAD2
extern _PADinit PAD2init;
extern _PADopen PAD2open;
extern _PADclose PAD2close;
extern _PADshutdown PAD2shutdown;
extern _PADkeyEvent PAD2keyEvent;
extern _PADstartPoll PAD2startPoll;
extern _PADpoll PAD2poll;
extern _PADquery PAD2query;
extern _PADupdate PAD2update;
extern _PADgsDriverInfo PAD2gsDriverInfo;
extern _PADconfigure PAD2configure;
extern _PADtest PAD2test;
extern _PADabout PAD2about;
// SIO[2]
extern _SIOinit SIOinit[2][9];
extern _SIOopen SIOopen[2][9];
extern _SIOclose SIOclose[2][9];
extern _SIOshutdown SIOshutdown[2][9];
extern _SIOstartPoll SIOstartPoll[2][9];
extern _SIOpoll SIOpoll[2][9];
extern _SIOquery SIOquery[2][9];
extern _SIOconfigure SIOconfigure[2][9];
extern _SIOtest SIOtest[2][9];
extern _SIOabout SIOabout[2][9];
// SPU2
extern _SPU2init SPU2init;
extern _SPU2open SPU2open;
extern _SPU2close SPU2close;
extern _SPU2shutdown SPU2shutdown;
extern _SPU2write SPU2write;
extern _SPU2read SPU2read;
extern _SPU2readDMA4Mem SPU2readDMA4Mem;
extern _SPU2writeDMA4Mem SPU2writeDMA4Mem;
extern _SPU2interruptDMA4 SPU2interruptDMA4;
extern _SPU2readDMA7Mem SPU2readDMA7Mem;
extern _SPU2writeDMA7Mem SPU2writeDMA7Mem;
extern _SPU2setDMABaseAddr SPU2setDMABaseAddr;
extern _SPU2interruptDMA7 SPU2interruptDMA7;
extern _SPU2ReadMemAddr SPU2ReadMemAddr;
extern _SPU2setupRecording SPU2setupRecording;
extern _SPU2WriteMemAddr SPU2WriteMemAddr;
extern _SPU2irqCallback SPU2irqCallback;
extern _SPU2setClockPtr SPU2setClockPtr;
extern _SPU2setTimeStretcher SPU2setTimeStretcher;
extern _SPU2async SPU2async;
extern _SPU2freeze SPU2freeze;
extern _SPU2configure SPU2configure;
extern _SPU2test SPU2test;
extern _SPU2about SPU2about;
extern _CDVDinit CDVDinit;
extern _CDVDopen CDVDopen;
extern _CDVDclose CDVDclose;
extern _CDVDshutdown CDVDshutdown;
extern _CDVDreadTrack CDVDreadTrack;
extern _CDVDgetBuffer CDVDgetBuffer;
extern _CDVDreadSubQ CDVDreadSubQ;
extern _CDVDgetTN CDVDgetTN;
extern _CDVDgetTD CDVDgetTD;
extern _CDVDgetTOC CDVDgetTOC;
extern _CDVDgetDiskType CDVDgetDiskType;
extern _CDVDgetTrayStatus CDVDgetTrayStatus;
extern _CDVDctrlTrayOpen CDVDctrlTrayOpen;
extern _CDVDctrlTrayClose CDVDctrlTrayClose;
extern _CDVDconfigure CDVDconfigure;
extern _CDVDtest CDVDtest;
extern _CDVDabout CDVDabout;
extern _CDVDnewDiskCB CDVDnewDiskCB;
// DEV9
extern _DEV9init DEV9init;
extern _DEV9open DEV9open;
extern _DEV9close DEV9close;
extern _DEV9shutdown DEV9shutdown;
extern _DEV9read8 DEV9read8;
extern _DEV9read16 DEV9read16;
extern _DEV9read32 DEV9read32;
extern _DEV9write8 DEV9write8;
extern _DEV9write16 DEV9write16;
extern _DEV9write32 DEV9write32;
extern _DEV9readDMA8Mem DEV9readDMA8Mem;
extern _DEV9writeDMA8Mem DEV9writeDMA8Mem;
extern _DEV9irqCallback DEV9irqCallback;
extern _DEV9irqHandler DEV9irqHandler;
extern _DEV9configure DEV9configure;
extern _DEV9freeze DEV9freeze;
extern _DEV9test DEV9test;
extern _DEV9about DEV9about;
// USB
extern _USBinit USBinit;
extern _USBopen USBopen;
extern _USBclose USBclose;
extern _USBshutdown USBshutdown;
extern _USBread8 USBread8;
extern _USBread16 USBread16;
extern _USBread32 USBread32;
extern _USBwrite8 USBwrite8;
extern _USBwrite16 USBwrite16;
extern _USBwrite32 USBwrite32;
extern _USBasync USBasync;
extern _USBirqCallback USBirqCallback;
extern _USBirqHandler USBirqHandler;
extern _USBsetRAM USBsetRAM;
extern _USBconfigure USBconfigure;
extern _USBfreeze USBfreeze;
extern _USBtest USBtest;
extern _USBabout USBabout;
// FW
extern _FWinit FWinit;
extern _FWopen FWopen;
extern _FWclose FWclose;
extern _FWshutdown FWshutdown;
extern _FWread32 FWread32;
extern _FWwrite32 FWwrite32;
extern _FWirqCallback FWirqCallback;
extern _FWconfigure FWconfigure;
extern _FWfreeze FWfreeze;
extern _FWtest FWtest;
extern _FWabout FWabout;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __CDVDAPI_H__
#define __CDVDAPI_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
/* CDVD plugin API */
// Basic functions.
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDinit(char *configpath);
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDopen(const char* pTitleFilename);
EXPORT_C_(void) CDVDclose();
EXPORT_C_(void) CDVDshutdown();
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDreadTrack(u32 lsn, int mode);
// return can be NULL (for async modes)
EXPORT_C_(u8*) CDVDgetBuffer();
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDreadSubQ(u32 lsn, cdvdSubQ* subq);//read subq from disc (only cds have subq data)
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDgetTN(cdvdTN *Buffer); //disk information
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDgetTD(u8 Track, cdvdTD *Buffer); //track info: min,sec,frame,type
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDgetTOC(void* toc); //gets ps2 style toc from disc
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDgetDiskType(); //CDVD_TYPE_xxxx
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDgetTrayStatus(); //CDVD_TRAY_xxxx
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDctrlTrayOpen(); //open disc tray
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDctrlTrayClose(); //close disc tray
// Extended functions
EXPORT_C_(void) CDVDconfigure();
EXPORT_C_(void) CDVDabout();
EXPORT_C_(s32) CDVDtest();
EXPORT_C_(void) CDVDnewDiskCB(void (*callback)());
typedef struct _cdvdSubQ {
u8 ctrl:4; // control and mode bits
u8 mode:4; // control and mode bits
u8 trackNum; // current track number (1 to 99)
u8 trackIndex; // current index within track (0 to 99)
u8 trackM; // current minute location on the disc (BCD encoded)
u8 trackS; // current sector location on the disc (BCD encoded)
u8 trackF; // current frame location on the disc (BCD encoded)
u8 pad; // unused
u8 discM; // current minute offset from first track (BCD encoded)
u8 discS; // current sector offset from first track (BCD encoded)
u8 discF; // current frame offset from first track (BCD encoded)
} cdvdSubQ;
typedef struct _cdvdTD { // NOT bcd coded
u32 lsn;
u8 type;
} cdvdTD;
typedef struct _cdvdTN {
u8 strack; //number of the first track (usually 1)
u8 etrack; //number of the last track
} cdvdTN;
// CDVDreadTrack mode values:
enum {
CDVD_MODE_2352 0, // full 2352 bytes
CDVD_MODE_2340 1, // skip sync (12) bytes
CDVD_MODE_2328 2, // skip sync+head+sub (24) bytes
CDVD_MODE_2048 3, // skip sync+head+sub (24) bytes
CDVD_MODE_2368 4 // full 2352 bytes + 16 subq
} TrackModes
// CDVDgetDiskType returns:
enum {
CDVD_TYPE_ILLEGAL = 0xff, // Illegal Disc
CDVD_TYPE_DVDV = 0xfe, // DVD Video
CDVD_TYPE_CDDA = 0xfd, // Audio CD
CDVD_TYPE_PS2CDDA = 0x13, // PS2 CD (with audio)
CDVD_TYPE_PS2CD = 0x12, // PS2 CD
CDVD_TYPE_PSCDDA = 0x11, // PS CD (with audio)
CDVD_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x05, // Unknown
CDVD_TYPE_DETCTDVDD = 0x04, // Detecting Dvd Dual Sided
CDVD_TYPE_DETCTDVDS = 0x03, // Detecting Dvd Single Sided
CDVD_TYPE_DETCTCD = 0x02, // Detecting Cd
CDVD_TYPE_DETCT = 0x01, // Detecting
CDVD_TYPE_NODISC = 0x00 // No Disc
} DiskType;
// CDVDgetTrayStatus returns:
enum {
} TrayStatus;
// cdvdTD.type (track types for cds)
enum {
enum {
// CDROM_DATA_TRACK 0x04 //do not enable this! (from linux kernel)
} CDVD_Masks;
#endif // __CDVDAPI_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __DEV9API_H__
#define __DEV9API_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
typedef void (*DEV9callback)(int cycles);
typedef int (*DEV9handler)(void);
// Basic functions.
// NOTE: The read/write functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
EXPORT_C_(s32) DEV9init(char *configpath);
EXPORT_C_(s32) DEV9open();
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9close();
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9shutdown();
EXPORT_C_(u8) DEV9read8(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(u16) DEV9read16(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(u32) DEV9read32(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9write8(u32 addr, u8 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9write16(u32 addr, u16 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9write32(u32 addr, u32 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9readDMA8Mem(u32 *pMem, int size);
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9writeDMA8Mem(u32 *pMem, int size);
// cycles = IOP cycles before calling callback,
// if callback returns 1 the irq is triggered, else not
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9irqCallback(DEV9callback callback);
EXPORT_C_(DEV9handler) DEV9irqHandler(void);
// Extended functions
EXPORT_C_(s32) DEV9freeze(int mode, freezeData *data);
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9configure();
EXPORT_C_(void) DEV9about();
EXPORT_C_(s32) DEV9test();
#endif // __DEV9API_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __FWAPI_H__
#define __FWAPI_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
/* FW plugin API */
// Basic functions.
// NOTE: The read/write functions CANNOT use XMM/MMX regs
// If you want to use them, need to save and restore current ones
EXPORT_C_(s32) CALLBACK FWinit(char *configpath);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK FWclose();
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK FWshutdown();
EXPORT_C_(u32) CALLBACK FWread32(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK FWwrite32(u32 addr, u32 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK FWirqCallback(void (*callback)());
// Extended functions
EXPORT_C_(s32) CALLBACK FWfreeze(int mode, freezeData *data);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK FWconfigure();
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK FWabout();
#endif // __USBAPI_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __GSAPI_H__
#define __GSAPI_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
typedef struct _GSdriverInfo {
char name[8];
void *common;
} GSdriverInfo;
// Basic functions.
EXPORT_C_(s32) GSinit(char *configpath);
EXPORT_C_(s32) GSopen(char *Title, bool multithread);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSclose();
EXPORT_C_(void) GSshutdown();
EXPORT_C_(void) GSvsync(int field);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifTransfer1(u32 *pMem, u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifTransfer2(u32 *pMem, u32 size);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifTransfer3(u32 *pMem, u32 size);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSgetLastTag(u64* ptag); // returns the last tag processed (64 bits)
EXPORT_C_(void) GSgifSoftReset(u32 mask);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSreadFIFO(u64 *mem);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSreadFIFO2(u64 *mem, int qwc);
// Extended functions
// GSkeyEvent gets called when there is a keyEvent from the PAD plugin
EXPORT_C_(void) GSkeyEvent(keyEvent *ev);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSchangeSaveState(s32 state, const char* filename);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSmakeSnapshot(char *path);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSmakeSnapshot2(char *pathname, int* snapdone, int savejpg);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSirqCallback(void (*callback)());
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK GSprintf(s32 timeout, char *fmt, ...);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetBaseMem(void*);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetGameCRC(s32 crc, s32 gameoptions);
// controls frame skipping in the GS, if this routine isn't present, frame skipping won't be done
EXPORT_C_(void) GSsetFrameSkip(int frameskip);
// if start is true, starts recording spu2 data, else stops
// returns true if successful
// for now, pData is not used
EXPORT_C_(bool) GSsetupRecording(bool start);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSreset();
EXPORT_C_(void) GSwriteCSR(u32 value);
EXPORT_C_(void ) GSgetDriverInfo(GSdriverInfo *info);
#ifdef _WIN32
EXPORT_C_(s32) CALLBACK GSsetWindowInfo(winInfo *info);
EXPORT_C_(s32) GSfreeze(u8 mode, freezeData *data);
EXPORT_C_(void) GSconfigure();
EXPORT_C_(void) GSabout();
EXPORT_C_(s32) GStest();
#endif // __GSAPI_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __PADAPI_H__
#define __PADAPI_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
/* PAD plugin API */
/* So obsolete that everyone uses it. */
// Basic functions.
EXPORT_C_(s32) CALLBACK PADinit(char *configpath, u32 flags);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK PADclose();
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK PADshutdown();
// PADkeyEvent is called every vsync (return NULL if no event)
EXPORT_C_(keyEvent*) CALLBACK PADkeyEvent();
EXPORT_C_(u8) CALLBACK PADstartPoll(u8 pad);
EXPORT_C_(u8) CALLBACK PADpoll(u8 value);
// returns: 1 if supported pad1
// 2 if supported pad2
// 3 if both are supported
// call to give a hint to the PAD plugin to query for the keyboard state. A
// good plugin will query the OS for keyboard state ONLY in this function.
// This function is necessary when multithreading because otherwise
// the PAD plugin can get into deadlocks with the thread that really owns
// the window (and input). Note that PADupdate can be called from a different
// thread than the other functions, so mutex or other multithreading primitives
// have to be added to maintain data integrity.
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK PADupdate(u8 pad);
// Extended functions
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK PADgsDriverInfo(GSdriverInfo *info);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK PADconfigure();
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK PADabout();
#endif // __PADAPI_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SIOAPI_H__
#define __SIOAPI_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
/* SIO plugin API */
// basic funcs
s32 CALLBACK SIOinit(char *configpath, u32 port, u32 slot, SIOchangeSlotCB f);
s32 CALLBACK SIOopen();
void CALLBACK SIOclose();
void CALLBACK SIOshutdown();
u8 CALLBACK SIOstartPoll(u8 value);
u8 CALLBACK SIOpoll(u8 value);
// returns: SIO_TYPE_{PAD,MTAP,RM,MC}
u32 CALLBACK SIOquery();
// extended funcs
void CALLBACK SIOconfigure();
void CALLBACK SIOabout();
s32 CALLBACK SIOtest();
#endif // __SIOAPI_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SPU2API_H__
#define __SPU2API_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
EXPORT_C_(s32) SPU2init(char *configpath);
EXPORT_C_(s32) SPU2open();
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2close();
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2shutdown();
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2write(u32 mem, u16 value);
EXPORT_C_(u16) SPU2read(u32 mem);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2readDMAMem(u16 *pMem, u32 size, u8 core);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2writeDMAMem(u16 *pMem, u32 size, u8 core);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2interruptDMA(u8 core);
// all addresses passed by dma will be pointers to the array starting at baseaddr
// This function is necessary to successfully save and reload the spu2 state
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2setDMABaseAddr(uptr baseaddr);
EXPORT_C_(u32) SPU2ReadMemAddr(u8 core);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2WriteMemAddr(u8 core,u32 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2irqCallback(void (*SPU2callback)(),void (*DMA4callback)(),void (*DMA7callback)());
// extended funcs
// if start is true, starts recording spu2 data, else stops
// returns true if successful
EXPORT_C_(bool) SPU2setupRecording(bool start);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2setClockPtr(u32* ptr);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2async(u32 cycles);
EXPORT_C_(s32) SPU2freeze(u8 mode, freezeData *data);
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2configure();
EXPORT_C_(void) SPU2about();
EXPORT_C_(s32) SPU2test();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
/* Pcsx2 - Pc Ps2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Pcsx2 Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __USBAPI_H__
#define __USBAPI_H__
// Note; this header is experimental, and will be a shifting target. Only use this if you are willing to repeatedly fix breakage.
* Based on PS2E Definitions by,
* and
#include "Pcsx2Api.h"
typedef void (*USBcallback)(int cycles);
typedef int (*USBhandler)(void);
// Basic functions.
EXPORT_C_(s32) CALLBACK USBinit(char *configpath);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBclose();
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBshutdown();
EXPORT_C_(u8) CALLBACK USBread8(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(u16) CALLBACK USBread16(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(u32) CALLBACK USBread32(u32 addr);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBwrite8(u32 addr, u8 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBwrite16(u32 addr, u16 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBwrite32(u32 addr, u32 value);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBasync(u32 cycles);
// cycles = IOP cycles before calling callback,
// if callback returns 1 the irq is triggered, else not
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBirqCallback(USBcallback callback);
EXPORT_C_(USBhandler) CALLBACK USBirqHandler(void);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBsetRAM(void *mem);
// Extended functions
EXPORT_C_(s32) CALLBACK USBfreeze(int mode, freezeData *data);
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBconfigure();
EXPORT_C_(void) CALLBACK USBabout();
#endif // __USBAPI_H__