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synced 2025-02-26 20:36:12 +00:00
GSdx-hw: New SW sprite renderer, used in Jak games only for now. (#3001)
Developed a new SW sprite render function, which is used to fix Jak and Daxter colors in Jak games and to remove the old Jak games hack which yielded wrong colors and clashed with TC search texture in RT function. - Remove OO_JakGames hack for palette readback from framebuffer (slow, clashes with texture in RT TC function, clashes with Target readback logic) - Developed new method SwSpriteRender with CPU rendering logic - Add OI_JakGames method using SwSpriteRender for CPU palette rendering (fast, does not clash with texture in RT TC function, no readback required) Bonus: fps also sees an improvement in Jak games 3-5 increase.
This commit is contained in:
@ -701,6 +701,199 @@ float GSRendererHW::alpha1(int L, int X0, int X1)
return float(x - X0) / (float)L;
void GSRendererHW::SwSpriteRender()
// Supported drawing attributes
ASSERT(!PRIM->IIP); // Flat shading method
ASSERT(!PRIM->AA1); // No antialiasing
ASSERT(!PRIM->FST); // STQ texture coordinates
ASSERT(!PRIM->FIX); // Normal fragment value control
ASSERT(!m_env.DTHE.DTHE); // No dithering
ASSERT(!m_context->TEST.ATE); // No alpha test
ASSERT(!m_context->TEST.DATE); // No destination alpha test
ASSERT(!m_context->DepthRead() && !m_context->DepthWrite()); // No depth handling
ASSERT(!m_context->TEX0.CSM); // No CLUT usage
// PSMCT32 pixel format
ASSERT(!PRIM->TME || (PRIM->TME && m_context->TEX0.PSM == PSM_PSMCT32));
ASSERT(m_context->FRAME.PSM == PSM_PSMCT32);
// No rasterization required
ASSERT(m_vt.m_eq.rgba == 0xffff);
ASSERT(m_vt.m_eq.z == 0x1);
ASSERT(m_vt.m_eq.q == 0x1);
bool texture_mapping_enabled = PRIM->TME;
// Setup registers for SW rendering
GIFRegBITBLTBUF bitbltbuf;
if (texture_mapping_enabled)
bitbltbuf.SBP = m_context->TEX0.TBP0;
bitbltbuf.SBW = m_context->TEX0.TBW;
bitbltbuf.SPSM = m_context->TEX0.PSM;
bitbltbuf.DBP = m_context->FRAME.Block();
bitbltbuf.DBW = m_context->FRAME.FBW;
bitbltbuf.DPSM = m_context->FRAME.PSM;
GIFRegTRXPOS trxpos;
trxpos.DSAX = 0;
trxpos.DSAY = 0;
trxpos.SSAX = 0;
trxpos.SSAY = 0;
GIFRegTRXREG trxreg;
if (texture_mapping_enabled)
trxreg.RRW = m_context->TEX0.TW * 4;
trxreg.RRH = m_context->TEX0.TH * 4;
// Check drawing region
ASSERT((GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.xyxy(m_vt.m_max.p)).rintersect(GSVector4i(m_context->scissor.in)) == GSVector4i(0, 0, trxreg.RRW, trxreg.RRH)).alltrue());
GSVector4i r = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.xyxy(m_vt.m_max.p)).rintersect(GSVector4i(m_context->scissor.in));
trxreg.RRW = r.width();
trxreg.RRH = r.height();
// SW rendering code, mainly taken from GSState::Move(), TRXPOS.DIR{X,Y} management excluded
int sx = trxpos.SSAX;
int sy = trxpos.SSAY;
int dx = trxpos.DSAX;
int dy = trxpos.DSAY;
int w = trxreg.RRW;
int h = trxreg.RRH;
GL_INS("SwSpriteRender: Dest 0x%x W:%d F:%s, size(%d %d)", bitbltbuf.DBP, bitbltbuf.DBW, psm_str(bitbltbuf.DPSM), w, h);
if (texture_mapping_enabled)
InvalidateLocalMem(bitbltbuf, GSVector4i(sx, sy, sx + w, sy + h));
InvalidateVideoMem(bitbltbuf, GSVector4i(dx, dy, dx + w, dy + h));
GSOffset* RESTRICT spo = texture_mapping_enabled ? m_mem.GetOffset(bitbltbuf.SBP, bitbltbuf.SBW, bitbltbuf.SPSM) : nullptr;
GSOffset* RESTRICT dpo = m_mem.GetOffset(bitbltbuf.DBP, bitbltbuf.DBW, bitbltbuf.DPSM);
int* RESTRICT scol = texture_mapping_enabled ? &spo->pixel.col[0][sx] : nullptr;
int* RESTRICT dcol = &dpo->pixel.col[0][dx];
bool alpha_blending_enabled = PRIM->ABE;
GSVector4i vc = m_vt.m_min.c; // 0x000000AA000000BB000000GG000000RR
vc = vc.ps32(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00AA00BB00GG00RR
GSVector4i a_mask = GSVector4i::xff000000().u8to16(); // 0x00FF00000000000000FF000000000000
bool fb_mask_enabled = m_context->FRAME.FBMSK != 0x0;
GSVector4i fb_mask = GSVector4i(m_context->FRAME.FBMSK).xxxx(); // 0x????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
uint8 tex0_tcc = m_context->TEX0.TCC;
uint8 alpha_b = m_context->ALPHA.B;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++, ++sy, ++dy)
uint32* RESTRICT s = texture_mapping_enabled ? &m_mem.m_vm32[spo->pixel.row[sy]] : nullptr;
uint32* RESTRICT d = &m_mem.m_vm32[dpo->pixel.row[dy]];
ASSERT(w % 2 == 0);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x += 2)
GSVector4i sc;
if (texture_mapping_enabled)
// Read 2 source pixel colors
ASSERT((scol[x] + 1) == scol[x + 1]); // Source pixel pair is adjacent in memory
sc = GSVector4i::loadl(&s[scol[x]]).u8to16(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00aa00bb00gg00rr
// Apply TFX
ASSERT(m_context->TEX0.TFX == 0);
sc = sc.mul16l(vc).srl16(7).clamp8(); // clamp((sc * vc) >> 7, 0, 255), srl16 is ok because 16 bit values are unsigned
if (tex0_tcc == 0)
sc = sc.blend(vc, a_mask);
sc = vc;
// No FOG
GSVector4i dc0;
GSVector4i dc;
if (alpha_blending_enabled || fb_mask_enabled)
// Read 2 destination pixel colors
ASSERT((dcol[x] + 1) == dcol[x + 1]); // Destination pixel pair is adjacent in memory
dc0 = GSVector4i::loadl(&d[dcol[x]]).u8to16(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00aa00bb00gg00rr
if (alpha_blending_enabled)
// Blending
ASSERT(m_context->ALPHA.A == 0);
ASSERT(alpha_b == 1 || alpha_b == 2);
ASSERT(m_context->ALPHA.C == 0);
ASSERT(m_context->ALPHA.D == 1);
ASSERT(m_context->ALPHA.FIX == 0);
GSVector4i sc_alpha_vec =
sc.yyww() // 0x00AA00BB00AA00BB00aa00bb00aa00bb
.srl32(16) // 0x000000AA000000AA000000aa000000aa
.ps32() // 0x00AA00AA00aa00aa00AA00AA00aa00aa
.xxyy(); // 0x00AA00AA00AA00AA00aa00aa00aa00aa
switch (alpha_b)
case 1:
dc = sc.sub16(dc0).mul16l(sc_alpha_vec).sra16(7).add16(dc0); // (((Cs - Cd) * As) >> 7) + Cd, must use sra16 due to signed 16 bit values
dc = sc.mul16l(sc_alpha_vec).sra16(7).add16(dc0); // (((Cs - 0) * As) >> 7) + Cd, must use sra16 due to signed 16 bit values
// dc alpha channels (dc.u16[3], dc.u16[7]) dirty
dc = sc;
// No dithering
// Clamping
dc = dc.clamp8(); // clamp(dc, 0, 255)
dc = dc.sll16(8).srl16(8); // Mask, lower 8 bits enabled per channel
// No Alpha Correction
ASSERT(m_context->FBA.FBA == 0);
dc = dc.blend(sc, a_mask);
// dc alpha channels valid
// Frame buffer mask
if (fb_mask_enabled)
dc = dc.blend(dc0, fb_mask);
// Store 2 pixel colors
dc = dc.pu16(GSVector4i::zero()); // 0x0000000000000000AABBGGRRaabbggrr
ASSERT((dcol[x] + 1) == dcol[x + 1]); // Destination pixel pair is adjacent in memory
GSVector4i::storel(&d[dcol[x]], dc);
template <bool linear>
void GSRendererHW::RoundSpriteOffset()
@ -1280,12 +1473,12 @@ GSRendererHW::Hacks::Hacks()
m_oi_list.push_back(HackEntry<OI_Ptr>(CRC::SuperManReturns, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OI_SuperManReturns));
m_oi_list.push_back(HackEntry<OI_Ptr>(CRC::ArTonelico2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OI_ArTonelico2));
m_oi_list.push_back(HackEntry<OI_Ptr>(CRC::ItadakiStreet, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OI_ItadakiStreet));
m_oi_list.push_back(HackEntry<OI_Ptr>(CRC::Jak2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OI_JakGames));
m_oi_list.push_back(HackEntry<OI_Ptr>(CRC::Jak3, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OI_JakGames));
m_oi_list.push_back(HackEntry<OI_Ptr>(CRC::JakX, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OI_JakGames));
m_oo_list.push_back(HackEntry<OO_Ptr>(CRC::DBZBT2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OO_DBZBT2));
m_oo_list.push_back(HackEntry<OO_Ptr>(CRC::MajokkoALaMode2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OO_MajokkoALaMode2));
m_oo_list.push_back(HackEntry<OO_Ptr>(CRC::Jak2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OO_JakGames));
m_oo_list.push_back(HackEntry<OO_Ptr>(CRC::Jak3, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OO_JakGames));
m_oo_list.push_back(HackEntry<OO_Ptr>(CRC::JakX, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::OO_JakGames));
m_cu_list.push_back(HackEntry<CU_Ptr>(CRC::DBZBT2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::CU_DBZBT2));
m_cu_list.push_back(HackEntry<CU_Ptr>(CRC::MajokkoALaMode2, CRC::RegionCount, &GSRendererHW::CU_MajokkoALaMode2));
@ -1865,6 +2058,64 @@ bool GSRendererHW::OI_ItadakiStreet(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::OI_JakGames(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* t)
GSVector4i r = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.xyxy(m_vt.m_max.p)).rintersect(GSVector4i(m_context->scissor.in));
GSVector4i r_p = GSVector4i(0, 0, 16, 16);
if (!(r == r_p).alltrue())
return true;
// Rendering 16x16 palette
if (m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xffff || m_vt.m_eq.z != 0x1 || m_vt.m_eq.q != 0x1)
return true;
// No rasterization
if (m_context->DepthRead() || m_context->DepthWrite())
return true;
// No depth handling
// Game is clearing palette content.
// Jak X does a constant RGBA color write to clear palette prior to actual rendering
// that is not being handled correctly, most likely due to TC issue, so let's bypass
// GPU render and TC and clear GS memory directly instead
bool palette_clear = PRIM->PRIM == 6
&& !PRIM->AA1
&& m_context->FRAME.FBMSK == 0x0
&& m_context->FRAME.FBW == 1
&& m_context->FRAME.PSM == PSM_PSMCT32
// Game is rendering directly to palette.
// Cannot perform GPU render to FB as reading back is both slow and clashes with
// texture inside FB reading needed for correct eye rendering,
// so perform CPU rendering instead and skip draw.
bool palette_render = !PRIM->FST
&& m_context->TEX0.TBW == 1
&& m_context->TEX0.TW == 4
&& m_context->TEX0.TH == 4
&& m_context->TEX0.PSM == PSM_PSMCT32
if (palette_clear || palette_render)
return false; // skip current draw
return true;
// OO (others output?) hacks: invalidate extra local memory after the draw call
void GSRendererHW::OO_DBZBT2()
@ -1904,27 +2155,6 @@ void GSRendererHW::OO_MajokkoALaMode2()
void GSRendererHW::OO_JakGames()
// FIXME might need a CU_Jak too
GSVector4i r = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.xyxy(m_vt.m_max.p)).rintersect(GSVector4i(m_context->scissor.in));
GSVector4i r_p = GSVector4i(0, 0, 16, 16);
if(!PRIM->FST && PRIM->TME && (r == r_p).alltrue() && m_context->TEX0.TW == 4 && m_context->TEX0.TH == 4 && m_context->TEX0.PSM == PSM_PSMCT32) {
// Game will render a texture directly into a palette.
uint32 FBP = m_context->FRAME.Block();
GL_INS("OO_JakGames read back 0x%x", FBP);
InvalidateLocalMem(BITBLTBUF, GSVector4i(0, 0, 16, 16));
// Can Upscale hacks: disable upscaling for some draw calls
bool GSRendererHW::CU_DBZBT2()
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ private:
bool OI_SuperManReturns(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* t);
bool OI_ArTonelico2(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* t);
bool OI_ItadakiStreet(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* t);
bool OI_JakGames(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* t);
void OO_DBZBT2();
void OO_MajokkoALaMode2();
void OO_JakGames();
bool CU_DBZBT2();
bool CU_MajokkoALaMode2();
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ private:
uint16 Interpolate_UV(float alpha, int t0, int t1);
float alpha0(int L, int X0, int X1);
float alpha1(int L, int X0, int X1);
void SwSpriteRender();
template <bool linear> void RoundSpriteOffset();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user