
1375 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
# 感谢您参与 PPSSPP 模拟器的界面汉化工作!
# 您可以根据本文件创建您本地语言的ini文件
# 或者对已有的ini文件进行更新
# 请查看一下网址以了解您的语言的对应编码
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191664/list-of-all-locales-and-their-short-codes
# 翻译须知:
# 1. 在菜单项的某个英文字符的左边加上"&"号,就能为菜单添加相应的热键,热键字符将会被加上下划线
# 请注意,热键功能目前仅支持[DesktopUI]配置段中.
# 例 1: "文件 ". 这样就能在你电脑键盘上按下 ALT + F 时打开"文件"菜单.
# 例 2: "自制游戏 && 试玩版",这样就能在菜单中显示一个正常的"&"号.
# 祝您工作愉快.
Audio backend = 音频引擎 (需要重启)
Audio hacks = 音频修正
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Audio Latency = 音频延迟
Audio sync = 音频同步(使用重新采样)
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Auto = 自动
DSound (compatible) = DirectSound (兼容)
Enable Sound = 开启声音
Global volume = 全局音量
Sound speed hack (DOA etc.) = 声音速度修正(生死格斗等)
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
WASAPI (fast) = WASAPI (快)
Analog Limiter = 摇杆限制器
Analog Mapper High End = 模拟映射器的高端(轴灵敏度)
Analog Mapper Low End = 模拟映射器的低端(反盲区)
Analog Mapper Mode = 模拟映射器模式
Analog Stick = 摇杆
Auto = 自动
Auto-centering analog stick = 摇杆自动定心
Auto-hide buttons after seconds = 自动隐藏按钮时间
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Button Opacity = 按钮透明度
Button style = 按键样式
Calibrate D-Pad = 校准D-Pad
Calibration = 校准
Classic = 传统
Combo Key Setting = 组合键设置
Combo Key Setup = 组合键设置
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Control Mapping = 按键映射
Custom layout... = 自定义布局
Customize tilt = 自定义倾斜
D-PAD = 方向键
Deadzone Radius = 盲区半径
DInput Analog Settings = DInput模拟设置
Disable D-Pad diagonals (4-way touch) = 禁止D-Pad对角线四方向触控
HapticFeedback = 按键反馈 (震动)
Ignore gamepads when not focused = 忽略游戏手柄焦点
Ignore Windows Key = 忽略Windows键
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Invert Axes = 轴反转
Invert Tilt along X axis = 沿X轴倾斜反转
Invert Tilt along Y axis = 沿Y轴倾斜反转
Keyboard = 键盘控制设定
L/R Trigger Buttons = L/R 触发按钮
Landscape = 横向
Landscape Reversed = 横向反转
None (Disabled) = 无(禁用)
Off = 关闭
OnScreen = 屏幕虚拟按钮
Portrait = 纵向
Portrait Reversed = 纵向反转
PSP Action Buttons = PSP功能键
Screen Rotation = 屏幕旋转
seconds, 0 : off = 秒, 0 = 关闭
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Sensitivity = 灵敏度
Show Touch Pause Menu Button = 显示触摸暂停菜单键
Thin borders = 薄边框
Tilt Input Type = 倾斜替代按键
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = 沿X轴倾斜灵敏度
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = 沿Y轴倾斜灵敏度
To Calibrate = 为了校准,保证设备在一个平面上,然后按"校准"
Touch Control Visibility = 触摸控制可视性
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Visibility = 可见设定
X + Y = X + Y
X = X
XInput Analog Settings = XINPUT模拟设置
Y = Y
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Cheats = 金手指
Edit Cheat File = 编辑金手指文件
Enable/Disable All = 启用/禁用所有金手指
Import Cheats = 导入金手指
Options = 选项
Refresh Rate = 刷新率
# If your language does not show well with the default font, you can use Font to specify a different one.
# Just add it to your language's ini file and uncomment it (remove the # by Font).
Font = 微软雅黑
About PPSSPP... = 关于 PPSSPP(&A)...
Auto = 自动(&A)
Backend = 引擎模式(需要PPSSPP重新启动)(&3)
Bicubic = &双线性内插
Buffered Rendering = 缓冲渲染(&B)
Buy Gold = 购买黄金版(&G)
Control Mapping... = 按键映射(&O)
Debugging = 调试(&D)
Deposterize = 色调融合(&D)
Direct3D9 = Direct3D9(&D)
Disassembly = 反汇编(&D)...
Display Layout Editor = 显示布局编辑器...
Display Rotation = 显示旋转
Dump Next Frame to Log = 转储下一帧到调试日志(&U)
Emulation = 模拟(&E)
Enable Cheats = 启用金手指(&C)(游戏将会复位)
Enable Sound = 开启声音(&O)
Exit = 退出(X)
Extract File... = 提取文件
File = 文件(&F)
Frame Skipping = 跳帧(&F)
Fullscreen = 全屏幕(&L)
Game Settings = 设置(&G)
GE Debugger... = GE调试器(&R)...
Hardware Transform = 硬件几何变换(&H)
Help = 帮助(&H)
Hybrid + Bicubic = 混合 + 双线性内插
Hybrid = &混合
Ignore Illegal Reads/Writes = 忽略读写错误(&I)
Ignore Windows Key = 忽略 Windows 键
Keep PPSSPP On Top = 窗口总在最前(&K)
Landscape = 横向
Landscape reversed = 横向反转
Language... = 语言(&L)
Linear = 线性过滤(&L)
Linear on FMV = 在CG中使用线性过滤(&F)
Load .sym File... = 加载.sym文件(&a)...
Load = 载入(&L)...
Load Map File... = 载入内存镜像文件(&M)...
Load State = 快速读档
Load State File... = 读取即时存档(&L)...
Log Console = 控制台日志(&L)
Memory View... = 查看内存(&M)...
More Settings... = 更多设置(&M)
Nearest = 邻近取样(&N)
Non-Buffered Rendering = 跳过缓冲效果(非缓冲,更快)
Off = 关闭(&O)
Open Directory... = 打开目录(&D)...
Open from MS:/PSP/GAME... = 打开 MS:/PSP/GAME(P)...
Open Memory Stick = 打开记忆棒(&M)
OpenGL = OpenGL(&O)
Pause = 暂停(&P)
Pause When Not Focused = 后台运行时自动暂停 (&P)
Portrait = 纵向
Portrait reversed = 纵向反转
Postprocessing Shader = 后处理着色器
PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP 官方论坛(&F)
Read Framebuffers To Memory (CPU) = 阅读帧缓存到内存中 (&CPU, 有问题)
Read Framebuffers To Memory (GPU) = 阅读帧缓存到内存中 (&GPU, 有问题)
Rendering Mode = 渲染模式(&O)
Rendering Resolution = 画面分辨率(&R)
Reset = 复位(&E)
Reset Symbol Table = 重置符号表(&R)
Run = 运行(&R)
Run on Load = 载入后运行(&L)
Save .sym File... = 保存.sym文件(&e)...
Save Map File... = 保存内存镜像文件(&S)...
Save State = 快速存档
Save State File... = 保存即时存档(&S)...
Savestate Slot = 即时存档位置(&T)
Screen Scaling Filter = 屏幕缩放滤镜
Show Debug Statistics = 显示调试信息(&G)
Show FPS Counter = 显示 &FPS 计数器
Stop = 停止(&S)
Switch UMD = 切换光碟
Take Screenshot = 屏幕截图(&T)
Texture Filtering = 纹理过滤方式(&X)
Texture Scaling = 纹理缩放方式(&T)
Vertex Cache = 顶点缓存(&V)
VSync = 垂直同步(&Y)
Window Size = 窗口缩放(&Z)
www.ppsspp.org = 访问 www.&ppsspp.org
xBRZ = &高清过滤
Backspace = 向前删
Block address = 内存块地址
By Address = 通过地址定位
Current = 当前
Dump Decrypted Eboot = 当载入游戏时转储已解密的EBOOT.BIN
Dump Frame GPU Commands = 转储帧GPU命令
Enable Logging = 启用调试日志
Enter address = 输入地址
Frame Profiler = 帧分析器
Jit Compare = Jit 比较
Language = 语言设置
Load language ini = 读取语言配置
Log Level = 日志级别
Log View = 日志查看
Logging Channels = 调试日志频道
Next = 下一个
No block = 没有内存块
Prev = 之前
Random = 随机
RestoreDefaultSettings = 您确定要将所有设置恢复到默认?(按键映射除外)\n该操作无法撤销。\n\n操作将在 PPSSPP 重新启动后生效.
RestoreGameDefaultSettings = 你确定你要恢复的游戏特定的设置\n回到PPSSPP默认?
Run CPU Tests = 运行CPU测试
Save language ini = 保存语言配置
Shader Viewer = Shader 查看器
Show Developer Menu = 显示开发者菜单
Stats = 统计
System Information = 系统信息
Toggle Audio Debug = 切换音频调试
Toggle Freeze = 切换冻结
* PSP res = * PSP 分辨率
Back = 返回
Cancel = 取消
Center = Center
ChangingGPUBackends = 改变引擎模式后需要PPSSPP重新启动。现在重新启动
Choose PPSSPP save folder = 选择PPSSPP存档的文件夹
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Confirm Overwrite = 您要覆盖这个存档吗?
Confirm Save = 您要将进度写入到这个存档吗?
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
ConfirmLoad = 您要读取这个存档吗?
Delete = 删除
Delete all = 全部删除
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Delete completed = 已删除。
DeleteConfirm = 存档将被删除。\n您确定吗
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
DeleteConfirmAll = 将删除该游戏的所有存档。\n您确定吗
DeleteConfirmGame = 将删除该游戏, 该操作不能撤销。\n您确定吗
DeleteConfirmGameConfig = 游戏设置删除确认
DeleteFailed = 无法删除资料
Deleting = 删除中\n请稍候……
Enter = 确定
Finish = 完成
Load = 读取
Load completed = 已读取。
Loading = 读取中\n请稍候……
LoadingFailed = 无法载入资料
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Move = 移动
Network Connection = 网路连线
NEW DATA = 新建存档
No = 否
OK = 确定
Old savedata detected = 检测到旧版本的保存数据
Options = 选项
Reset = 重设
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Resize = 调整大小
Retry = 重试
Save = 保存
Save completed = 已保存。
Saving = 保存中\n请稍候……
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
SavingFailed = 无法储存资料
Select = 选择
Shift = 翻页
Space = 空格键
Start = 开始
Submit = 提交
There is no data = 存档不存在.
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Toggle All = 切换全部
When you save, it will load on a PSP, but not an older PPSSPP = 当您保存它会加载一个真正的PSP但不是旧版本PPSSPP
Yes = 是
Zoom = 放大
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
7z file detected (Require 7-Zip) = 这是7ZIP压缩文件。\n请试着使用 7-zip或WinRAR 进行解压缩。Zip or WinRAR).
Could not save screenshot file = 无法保存截图文件
Disk full while writing data = 写入数据时磁盘已满
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Error loading file = 文件载入错误:
Error reading file = 文件读取错误。
Failed to identify file = 无法识别的文件。
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Failed to load executable: File corrupt = 加载可执行文件失败:文件已损坏
InsufficientOpenGLDriver = 您想尝试使用DirectX9吗\n\nDirectX目前只兼容较少游戏但在你的GPU也可能是唯一的选择。
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Just a directory. = 这只是个文件夹……
No EBOOT.PBP, misidentified game = 找不到 EBOOT.PBP无法正确识别游戏。
OpenGLDriverError = OpenGL驱动程序错误
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
PPSSPPDoesNotSupportInternet = PPSSPP目前不支持连线到网路进行DLC、PSN或游戏的更新
PS1 EBOOTs are not supported by PPSSPP. = 不支持由 PS1 EBOOT 生成的游戏镜像。
PSX game image detected. = 检测到不支持的 PS1 游戏映像。
RAR file detected (Require UnRAR) = 这是RAR压缩文件。\n请试着使用 UnRAR 进行解压缩。
RAR file detected (Require WINRAR) = 这是RAR压缩文件。\n请试着使用 WinRAR 进行解压缩。
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP = 保存加密失败。这个保存的文件将无法在真正的PSP工作
Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full = 无法创建金手指文件,磁盘可能已满
Unable to write savedata, disk may be full = 无法写入保存数据,磁盘可能已满
Warning: Video memory FULL, reducing upscaling and switching to slow caching mode = 警告:视频内存已满,降低像素提升并切换到慢缓存模式.
Warning: Video memory FULL, switching to slow caching mode = 警告:视频内存已满,切换到慢缓存模式.
ZIP file detected (Require UnRAR) = 这是ZIP压缩文件。\n请试着使用 UnRAR 进行解压缩。
ZIP file detected (Require WINRAR) = 这是ZIP压缩文件。\n请试着使用 WinRAR 进行解压缩。
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
ConfirmDelete = 确认删除
Create Game Config = 建立游戏配置
Create Shortcut = 创建快捷方式
Delete Game = 删除游戏
Delete Game Config = 删除游戏配置
Delete Save Data = 删除存档
Game = 游戏
Game Settings = 游戏设置
InstallData = 安装数据
Play = 启动游戏
Remove From Recent = 删除游戏记录
SaveData = 存档
Show In Folder = 显示文件夹
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
# Unused currently.
# True Color = 真彩色
% of the void = % 的空间
% of viewport = % 的可视区域
%, 0:unlimited = %, 0 = 无限制
(upscaling) = (放大)
10x PSP = 10倍 PSP
16x = 16倍
1x PSP = 1倍 PSP
2x = 2倍
2x PSP = 2倍 PSP
3x = 3倍
3x PSP = 3倍 PSP
4x = 4倍
4x PSP = 4倍 PSP
5x = 5倍
5x PSP = 5倍 PSP
6x PSP = 6倍 PSP
7x PSP = 7倍 PSP
8x = 8倍
8x PSP = 8倍 PSP
9x PSP = 9倍 PSP
Aggressive = 激进
Alternative Speed = 自定义速度
Always Depth Write = 启用深度写入修正圣斗士Ω机动战士AGE
Anisotropic Filtering = 各向异性过滤
Auto (1:1) = 自动 (1:1)
Auto (same as Rendering) = 自动(同渲染分辨率)
Auto = 自动
Auto FrameSkip = 自动跳帧
Auto Scaling = 自动缩放
Backend = 引擎模式
Balanced = 均衡
Bicubic = 双线性内插
Both = 全部显示
Buffered Rendering = 缓冲渲染
Cardboard Screen Size = 屏幕大小(视区%)
Cardboard Screen X Shift = 水平%
Cardboard Screen Y Shift = 垂直%
Cardboard Settings = 谷歌纸板设置
Debugging = 调试设置
Deposterize = 色调融合
Direct3D9 = Direct3D9
Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = 禁用alpha测试PowerVR GPU会加速)
Disable slower effects (speedup) = 停用较慢的渲染效果(提升速度)
Disable Stencil Test = 禁用模版测试修正最终幻想4
Display layout editor = 显示布局编辑器
Display Resolution (HW scaler) = 显示分辨率(硬件缩放)
Dump next frame to log = 转储下一帧到调试日志
Enable Cardboard = 启用谷歌纸板
Features = 特效选择
Force max 60 FPS (helps GoW) = 最大FPS强制为60 (修正《战神》)
FPS = 每秒帧数 (FPS)
Frame Rate Control = 帧率控制
Frame Skipping = 跳帧
FullScreen = 全屏幕
Hack Settings = 渲染修正
Hardware Transform = 硬件几何变换
hardware transform error - falling back to software = 硬件变换错误,改用软件模式
High = 高
Hybrid + Bicubic = 混合 + 双线性内插
Hybrid = 混合
Immersive Mode = 沉浸模式,支持 安卓4.4 以上系统虚拟按键的自动隐藏
Internal Resolution = 内部分辨率
Lazy texture caching = 减少缓存存取(提升速度)
Linear = 线性过滤
Linear on FMV = 在CG中使用线性过滤
Low = 低
LowCurves = 低品质样条函数/贝兹曲线(提升速度)
Lower resolution for effects (reduces artifacts) = 对于影响较低的分辨率(减少纹理)
Manual Scaling = 手动缩放
Medium = 中
Mipmapping = 多级纹理映射Mipmap)
Mode = 渲染模式
Must Restart = 重启生效
Native device resolution = 本机设备原生的分辨率
Nearest = 邻近取样
Non-Buffered Rendering = 跳过缓冲效果(非缓冲,更快)
None = 不显示
Off = 关闭
OpenGL = OpenGL
Overlay Information = 叠加信息
Partial Stretch = 局部拉伸
Performance = 性能
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Postprocessing Shader = 后处理着色器
Read Framebuffers To Memory (CPU) = 阅读帧缓存到内存中 (CPU, 有问题)
Read Framebuffers To Memory (GPU) = 阅读帧缓存到内存中 (GPU, 有问题)
Rendering Mode = 渲染模式
Rendering Resolution = 画面分辨率
Retain changed textures = 保留更改纹理(有时更慢)
Rotation = 旋转
Safe = 安全
Screen Scaling Filter = 屏幕缩放滤镜
Show Debug Statistics = 显示调试信息
Show FPS Counter = 显示FPS计数器...
Simulate Block Transfer = 模拟数据块传输
Software Rendering = 软件渲染 (试验)
Software Skinning = 减少绘图调用(提升速度)
Speed = 运行速度
Stretching = 拉伸
Texture Coord Speedhack = 加速贴图坐标
Texture Filter = 纹理过滤方式
Texture Filtering = 纹理过滤
Texture Scaling = 纹理缩放
Timer Hack = 定时器修改
Unlimited = 无限制
Upscale Level = 纹理缩放级别
Upscale Type = 纹理缩放方式
Vertex Cache = 顶点缓存
VSync = 垂直同步
Window Size = 窗口大小
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Delete ZIP file = 删除ZIP档案
Install = 安装
Install game from ZIP file? = 从ZIP档案安装游戏?
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Installed! = 安装完成!
Autoconfigure = 自动配置
Autoconfigure for device = 设备自动配置
Clear All = 全部清除
Default All = 恢复默认
Map a new key for = 映射新按键:
Test Analogs = 测试摇杆
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Browse = 浏览…
Credits = 开发团队
DownloadFromStore = 从PPSSPP自制软件商店下载
Exit = 退出程序
Game Settings = 游戏设置
Games = 载入新游戏
Give PPSSPP permission to access storage = 给予PPSSPP访问存储器权限
Home = 主目录
Homebrew & Demos = 自制游戏与试玩
How to get games = 如何获得游戏
How to get homebrew & demos = 如何获得自制游戏与试玩版
Load = 载入游戏…
PinPath = 标记
Recent = 玩过的游戏
Support PPSSPP = 支持 PPSSPP
UnpinPath = 取消标记
www.ppsspp.org = www.ppsspp.org
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Audio = 声音设置
Controls = 控制设置
Graphics = 图像设置
Networking = 联网
System = 系统设置
Tools = 工具
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
An.Down = 左摇杆: 下
An.Left = 左摇杆: 左
An.Right = 左摇杆: 右
An.Up = 左摇杆: 上
Analog limiter = 摇杆限制器
Analog Stick = 类比摇杆
AxisSwap = 轴交换
DevMenu = DevMenu
Down = 方向键: 下
Dpad = Dpad
Left = 方向键: 左
Load State = 载入存档
Next Slot = 下一槽
Pause = 暂停按钮
RapidFire = 连射按钮
Rewind = 倒回
Right = 方向键: 右
RightAn.Down = 右摇杆: 下
RightAn.Left = 右摇杆: 左
RightAn.Right = 右摇杆: 右
RightAn.Up = 右摇杆: 上
Save State = 即时存档
SpeedToggle = 加速按钮
Unthrottle = 解除按钮
Up = 方向键: 上
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Adhoc Multiplayer forum = 关于联网问题请点击访问官方论坛(英文)
Change Mac Address = 改变网络 MAC 地址
Change proAdhocServer Address = 改变 PRO Ad-hoc 网络地址
Enable built-in PRO Adhoc Server = 启用内置PRO Adhoc服务器
Enable networking = 启用联网/无线区域网路(测试)
Network Initialized = 网络已初始化
Port offset = 端口偏移0=PSP实机兼容
Cheats = 金手指
Continue = 继续游戏
Create Game Config = 建立游戏配置
Delete Game Config = 删除游戏配置
Exit to menu = 返回主菜单
Game Settings = 游戏设置
Load State = 读取即时存档
Rewind = 倒带
Save State = 保存即时存档
Settings = 设置
Switch UMD = 切换 UMD 光碟
AAColor = AA-Color
Bloom = Bloom
Cartoon = Cartoon
CRT = CRT scanlines
FXAA = FXAA Antialiasing
Grayscale = Grayscale
InverseColors = Inverse Colors
Natural = Natural Colors
Off = 关闭
Scanlines = Scanlines (CRT)
Sharpen = Sharpen
UpscaleSpline36 = Spline36 Upscaler
Vignette = Vignette
Buy Gold = 购买黄金版
check = 同时请查阅海豚模拟器,最好用的 Wii/GC 模拟器
contributors = 参与者:
created = 作者:
info1 = PPSSPP 主要用于教学研究,不应被用于商业用途。
info2 = 请确认您持有游戏镜像的正版拷贝:
info3 = 这可以是您购买了游戏的正版光盘,
info4 = 或者通过 PSP 在 PSN 商店购买的数字版游戏。
info5 = PSP® 是索尼公司的注册商标。
license = 遵循 GPL 2.0+ 许可协议的自由软件
list = 以了解兼容性列表、官方论坛以及开发动态
PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP官方论坛
specialthanks = 鸣谢:
this translation by = 界面汉化:
title = 效率高、移植性好的 PSP 模拟器
tools = 使用的第三方开源库:
# translators1-6这6行用于添加汉化人员名单 for up to 6 lines of translator credits.
# 不需要的行留空一行4个人这样的排版看起来比较合适.
# 在这里添加PPSSPP界面汉化人员的名单
translators1 = sum2012, kaienfr, raven02, aquanull, xiwo4525
translators2 = xiwo4525, wuspring, zzq920817, W-MS, xzapk
translators3 = Arthur200000
translators4 =
translators5 =
translators6 =
website = 请访问官方网站
written = 使用 C++ 编写以保证速度与移植性
Bad = 坏
FeedbackDesc = 模拟兼容性怎样?让我们知道
Gameplay = 游戏过程
Graphics = 图形
Great = 很好
In-game = 在游戏中
Menu/Intro = 菜单/简介
Nothing = 没画面
OK = 好
Open Browser = 打开浏览器
Overall = 总体
Perfect = 完美
Plays = 可玩
ReportButton = 报告反馈
Speed = 速度
Submit Feedback = 提交反馈
No screenshot = 没有截图
None yet. Things will appear here after you save. = 暂无。在你保存后将会在此出现数据.
Save Data = 保存数据
Savedata Manager = 保存数据管理
Save States = 保存快速状态
Chainfire3DWarning = 警告: 检测到设备上安装了 Chainfile3D(3D神器),可能会导致问题
Failed to load state = 无法载入即时存档
Failed to save state = 无法存档即时存档
fixed = 速度: 固定
GLToolsWarning = 警告: 检测到设备上安装了 GLTools可能会导致问题
Load savestate failed = 无法载入即时存档
Loaded State = 已读取即时存档
LoadStateDoesntExist = 即时存档读取失败: 存档不存在
LoadStateWrongVersion = 即时存档读取失败: 存档是其他版本的 PPSSPP 生成的!
norewind = 倒带快速存档不可用
PressESC = 按下 ESC 键以暂停游戏
Save State Failed = 即时存档保存失败!
Saved State = 已保存即时存档
standard = 速度: 标准
Already Installed = 已安装
Connection Error = 连接错误
Install = 安装
Launch Game = 开始游戏
Loading... = 载入中...
Size = 文件大小
Uninstall = 卸载
(broken) = (损坏)
12HR = 12小时制
24HR = 24小时制
Auto = Auto
Auto Load Newest Savestate = 自动载入最新即时存档
Cache ISO in RAM = 在内存中缓存ISO
Change CPU Clock = 修改 CPU 频率 (不稳定)
Change Nickname = 修改昵称
Cheats = 作弊设置
Clear Recent Games List = 清除玩过的游戏列表
Confirmation Button = 确认按钮
Date Format = 日期格式
Day Light Saving = 夏令时
Developer Tools = 开发者工具
Dynarec = 动态重编译 (JIT)
DynarecisJailed = 动态重编译 (JIT) -(未越狱 - 不可用)
Emulation = 模拟设置
Enable Cheats = 开启金手指
Enable Compatibility Server Reports = 向服务器报告兼容性问题
Enable Windows native keyboard = 启用 Windows 自带键盘
Failed to load state. Error in the file system. = 无法加载快速存珰。在文件系统错误。
Fast (lag on slow storage) = 快速(滞后于慢速存储)
Fast Memory = 快速内存访问(不稳定)
Force real clock sync (slower, less lag) = 强制实际时钟同步(降低速度但减少延迟)
frames, 0:off = frames, 0 = 关闭
General = 常规设置
Help the PPSSPP team = 帮助PPSSPP团队
Host (bugs, less lag) = 主机(少滞后),修正皇牌空战,魔法少女小圆
I/O on thread (experimental) = I/O 多线程(试验)
IO timing method = 输入输出计时方法
iOS9NoDynarec = JIT暂时不能在Arm64架构的iOS9下工作
MHz, 0:default = MHz, 默认为0
Multithreaded (experimental) = CPU 多线程(试验)
Not a PSP game = 不是PSP游戏
Off = 关闭
PSP Model = PSP 机型
PSP Settings = PSP设置
Restore Default Settings = 恢复 PPSSPP 设置到默认值
Rewind Snapshot Frequency = 快照倒回频率 (mem hog)
Save path in installed.txt = 存档路径在installed.txt
Save path in My Documents = 存档路径在我的文件
Savestate Slot = 即时存档位置
Screenshots as PNG = 截图为 PNG 格式
Simulate UMD delays = 模拟UMD延迟,修正纸箱战机W
Storage full = 存储容量已满
Time Format = 时间格式
UI Language = 界面语言
Use O to confirm = 使用按钮 O 确认
Use X to confirm = 使用按钮 X 确认
VersionCheck = 检查 PPSSPP 新版本
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Dismiss = 忽略
Download = 下载
New version of PPSSPP available = 新版本 PPSSPP 已经就绪
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Audio backend = 音頻引擎(改變需要重新啟動)
Audio hacks = 音訊修正
Audio Latency = 音訊延遲
Audio sync = 音頻同步(使用重新採樣)
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Auto = 自動
DSound (compatible) = DirectSound (兼容)
Enable Sound = 開啟聲音
Global volume = 全局音量
Sound speed hack (DOA etc.) = 聲音速度修正 (生死格鬥 etc.)
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
WASAPI (fast) = WASAPI (快)
Analog Limiter = 摇杆限制器
Analog Mapper High End = 模擬映射器的高端(軸靈敏度)
Analog Mapper Low End = 模擬映射器的低端(反盲區)
Analog Mapper Mode = 模擬映射模式
Analog Stick = 搖桿
Auto = 自動
Auto-centering analog stick = 自動定心搖桿
Auto-hide buttons after seconds = 自動隱藏按鈕在幾秒後
Button Opacity = 按鈕透明度
Button style = 按鍵樣式
Calibrate D-Pad = 校準D-Pad
Calibration = 校準
Classic = 傳統
Combo Key Setting = 組合鍵設置
Combo Key Setup = 組合鍵設置
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Control Mapping = 控制映射
Custom layout... = 自定義佈局
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Customize tilt = 自定義傾斜
D-PAD = 方向鍵
Deadzone Radius = 死區半徑
DInput Analog Settings = DInput模擬設置
Disable D-Pad diagonals (4-way touch) = 禁止D-Pad對角線 (四方向觸控)
HapticFeedback = 按鍵反饋 (震動)
Ignore gamepads when not focused = 忽略遊戲手柄焦點
Ignore Windows Key = 忽略Windows鍵
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Invert Axes = 軸反轉
Invert Tilt along X axis = 沿X軸傾斜反轉
Invert Tilt along Y axis = 沿Y軸傾斜反轉
Keyboard = 鍵盤控制設定
L/R Trigger Buttons = L/R 觸發按鈕
Landscape = 橫向
Landscape Reversed = 橫向反轉
None (Disabled) = 無(禁用)
Off = 關閉
OnScreen = 顯示虛擬控制器
Portrait = 縱向
Portrait Reversed = 縱向反轉
PSP Action Buttons = PSP的功能鍵
Screen Rotation = 屏幕旋轉
seconds, 0 : off = 秒0, 0 = 關閉
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Sensitivity = 靈敏度
Show Touch Pause Menu Button = 顯示觸摸暫停菜單鍵
Thin borders = 薄邊框
Tilt Input Type = 傾斜輸入類型
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = 沿X軸傾斜靈敏度
Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = 沿Y軸傾斜靈敏度
To Calibrate = 為了校準,保證設備在一個平面上,然後按 "校準"
Touch Control Visibility = 觸摸控制可視性
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Visibility = 可視設定
X + Y = X + Y
X = X
XInput Analog Settings = XINPUT模擬設置
Y = Y
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Cheats = 金手指
Edit Cheat File = 編輯金手指文件
Enable/Disable All = 啟用/禁用所有
Import Cheats = 由Cheats載入
Options = 設定
Refresh Rate = 刷新率
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
About PPSSPP... = 關於PPSSPP...
Auto = 自動
Backend = 引擎模式(需要PPSSPP重新啟動)
Bicubic = &Bicubic
Buffered Rendering = 緩衝渲染
Buy Gold = 購買黃金版
Control Mapping... = 控制映射
Debugging = 除錯
Deposterize = 色調混合
Direct3D9 = Direct3D9
Disassembly = 反彙編
Display Layout Editor = 顯示佈局編輯器...
Display Rotation = 顯示旋轉
Dump Next Frame to Log = 轉儲下一幀到除錯日誌
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Emulation = 模擬
Enable Cheats = 啓用作弊碼
Enable Sound = 開啟聲音
Exit = 離開
Extract File... = 提取檔案...
File = 檔案
# If your language does not show well with the default font, you can use Font to specify a different one.
# Just add it to your language's ini file and uncomment it (remove the # by Font).
Font = Microsoft YaHei
Frame Skipping = 跳幀
Fullscreen = 全螢幕
Game Settings = 遊戲設定
GE Debugger... = GE除錯器
Hardware Transform = 硬體幾何轉換
Help = 幫助
Hybrid + Bicubic = H&ybrid + Bicubic
Hybrid = &Hybrid
Ignore Illegal Reads/Writes = 忽略非法讀寫
Ignore Windows Key = 忽略Windows鍵
Keep PPSSPP On Top = 視窗最上層顯示
Landscape = 横向
Landscape reversed = 橫向反轉
Language... = 語言設定
Linear = 線性
Linear on FMV = Linear on &FMV
Load .sym File... = Lo&ad .sym File...
Load = 載入遊戲...
Load Map File... = 載入Map檔案...
Load State = 載入存檔
Load State File... = 載入即時存檔檔案...
Log Console = 控制台日誌
Memory View... = 查看記憶體...
More Settings... = 更多設定
Nearest = &Nearest
Non-Buffered Rendering = 跳過緩衝效果(非緩衝,更快)
Off = 關閉
Open Directory... = 打開目錄...
Open from MS:/PSP/GAME... = 打開 MS:/PSP/GAME...
Open Memory Stick = 打開記憶卡
OpenGL = OpenGL
Pause = 暫停
Pause When Not Focused = 在非使用中時暫停
Portrait = 縱向
Portrait reversed = 縱向反轉
Postprocessing Shader = 後處理著色器
PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP官方論壇
Read Framebuffers To Memory (CPU) = 閱讀幀緩存到內存中 (&CPU, 毛刺)
Read Framebuffers To Memory (GPU) = 閱讀幀緩存到內存中 (&GPU, 毛刺)
Rendering Mode = 渲染模式
Rendering Resolution = 渲染解析度
Reset = 重置
Reset Symbol Table = 重置符號表
Run = 執行
Run on Load = 載入後執行
Save .sym File... = 保存 .sym 檔案...
Save Map File... = 保存Map檔案...
Save State = 即時存檔
Save State File... = 保存即時存檔檔案...
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Savestate Slot = 即時存檔插槽
Screen Scaling Filter = 螢幕縮放濾鏡
Show Debug Statistics = 顯示除錯數據
Show FPS Counter = 顯示FPS計數器
Stop = 停止
Switch UMD = 切換光碟
Take Screenshot = 截圖
Texture Filtering = 紋理過濾
Texture Scaling = 紋理縮放
Vertex Cache = 頂點快取
VSync = 垂直同步
Window Size = 視窗大小
www.ppsspp.org = 訪問 www.&ppsspp.org
xBRZ = &xBRZ
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Backspace = 向前删
Block address = Block address
By Address = 由地址
Current = 當前
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Dump Decrypted Eboot = 當載入遊戲時轉儲已解密的EBOOT.BIN
Dump Frame GPU Commands = 轉儲幀GPU命令
Enable Logging = 啟用日誌記錄
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Enter address = 輸入地址
Frame Profiler = 幀分析器
Jit Compare = Jit 比較
Language = 語言設定
Load language ini = 載入語言設定
Log Level = 日誌級別
Log View = 日誌查看
Logging Channels = 記錄頻道
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Next = 下一個
No block = 沒有內存塊
Prev = 之前
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Random = 隨機
RestoreDefaultSettings = 你確定要恢復所有設定(除控制映射)\n返回其默認?\n該操作無法撤銷。\n請重新啟動PPSSPP以恢復設定。
RestoreGameDefaultSettings = 你確定你要恢復的遊戲特定的設置\n回到PPSSPP默認
Run CPU Tests = 執行CPU測試
Save language ini = 儲存語言設定
Shader Viewer = Shader viewer
Show Developer Menu = 顯示開發者選單
Stats = 統計
System Information = 系統資料
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Toggle Audio Debug = 切換音頻調試
Toggle Freeze = 切換凍結
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
* PSP res = * PSP 解析度
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Back = 返回
Cancel = 取消
Center = 中間
ChangingGPUBackends = 改變引擎模式後需要PPSSPP重新啟動。現在重新啟動
Choose PPSSPP save folder = 選擇PPSSPP存璫的文件夾
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Confirm Overwrite = 您想要覆蓋這份檔案嗎?
Confirm Save = 您想要儲存這份檔案嗎?
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
ConfirmLoad = 您想要載入這份檔案嗎?
Delete = 刪除
Delete all = 全部刪除
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Delete completed = 檔案已刪除。
DeleteConfirm = 這份檔案將被刪除。\n您確定要繼續嗎?
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
DeleteConfirmAll = 您確定要刪除此遊戲的所有檔案?
DeleteConfirmGame = 您確定要刪除此遊戲?\n該操作無法撤銷
DeleteConfirmGameConfig = 你真的要刪除這個遊戲的設置?
DeleteFailed = 無法刪除資料
Deleting = 刪除中\n請稍候...
Enter = 決定
Finish = 完成
Load = 載入
Load completed = 檔案已載入。
Loading = 載入中\n請稍候...
LoadingFailed = 無法載入資料
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Move = 位置設定
Network Connection = 網路連線
NEW DATA = 建立新檔案
No = 否
OK = 確定
Old savedata detected = 檢測到舊版本的保存數據
Options = 選項
Reset = 重設
Resize = 大小設定
Retry = 重新嘗試
Save = 儲存
Save completed = 檔案已儲存。
Saving = 儲存中\n請稍候...
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
SavingFailed = 無法儲存資料
Select = 選擇
Shift = 翻頁
Space = 空格鍵
Start = 開始
Submit = 提交
There is no data = 沒有檔案。
Toggle All = 切換全部
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
When you save, it will load on a PSP, but not an older PPSSPP = 當您保存它會加載一個真正的PSP但不是舊版本PPSSPP
Yes = 是
Zoom = 放大
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
7z file detected (Require 7-Zip) = 檔案是7z壓縮檔.\ n請先解壓縮 (需使用7-zip或WinRAR)
Could not save screenshot file = 無法保存截圖文件
Disk full while writing data = 寫入數據時硬磁盤資料滿了
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Error loading file = 檔案載入錯誤
Error reading file = 讀取檔案錯誤.
Failed to identify file = 未能識別檔案.
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Failed to load executable: File corrupt = 未能加載可執行檔案:文件損壞
InsufficientOpenGLDriver = 檢測到對OpenGL驅動程式支持不足\n\n您想嘗試使用DirectX9嗎\n\nDirectX目前較少的遊戲兼容但在你的GPU也可能是唯一的選擇。
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Just a directory. = 只是一個目錄.
No EBOOT.PBP, misidentified game = 沒有EBOOT.PBP錯誤識別遊戲.
OpenGLDriverError = OpenGL驅動程式錯誤
PPSSPPDoesNotSupportInternet = PPSSPP目前不支持連線到網路進行DLC、PSN或遊戲的更新
PS1 EBOOTs are not supported by PPSSPP. = PPSSPP不支持PS1 EBOOTS.
PSX game image detected. = 抱歉不支持PSX遊戲
RAR file detected (Require UnRAR) = 檔案是RAR壓縮檔.\ n請先解壓縮 (需使用UnRAR)
RAR file detected (Require WINRAR) = 檔案是RAR壓縮檔.\ n請先解壓縮 (需使用WinRAR)
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP = 保存加密失敗。這個保存的文件將無法在真正的PSP工作
Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full = 無法創建金手指文件,磁盤可能已滿
Unable to write savedata, disk may be full = 無法寫入保存數據,磁盤可能已滿
Warning: Video memory FULL, reducing upscaling and switching to slow caching mode = 警告:視頻內存已滿,降低像素提升並切換到慢緩存模式.
Warning: Video memory FULL, switching to slow caching mode = 警告:視頻內存已滿,切換到慢緩存模式.
ZIP file detected (Require UnRAR) = 檔案是ZIP壓縮檔.\ n請先解壓縮 (需使用UnRAR)
ZIP file detected (Require WINRAR) = 檔案是ZIP壓縮檔.\ n請先解壓縮 (需使用WinRAR)
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
ConfirmDelete = 確定
Create Game Config = 建立遊戲配置
Create Shortcut = 創建捷徑
Delete Game = 刪除遊戲
Delete Game Config = 刪除遊戲配置
Delete Save Data = 刪除存檔
Game = 遊戲
Game Settings = 遊戲設定
InstallData = 安裝數據
Play = 開始遊戲
Remove From Recent = 刪除此記錄
SaveData = 存檔
Show In Folder = 顯示資料夾
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
# Unused currently.
# True Color = True color
% of the void = % of the void
% of viewport = % of viewport
%, 0:unlimited = %, 0 = 無限
(upscaling) = (倍增)
10x PSP = 10倍PSP
16x = 16倍
1x PSP = 1倍PSP
2x = 2倍
2x PSP = 2倍PSP
3x = 3倍
3x PSP = 3倍PSP
4x = 4倍
4x PSP = 4倍PSP
5x = 5倍
5x PSP = 5倍PSP
6x PSP = 6倍PSP
7x PSP = 7倍PSP
8x = 8倍
8x PSP = 8倍PSP
9x PSP = 9倍PSP
Aggressive = 激進
Alternative Speed = 速度控制(%)
Always Depth Write = 啟用深度寫入 (修正聖鬥士Ω、機動戰士AGE)
Anisotropic Filtering = 非等方性過濾
Auto (1:1) = 自動(1:1)
Auto (same as Rendering) = 自動(同渲染)
Auto = 自動
Auto FrameSkip = 自動跳幀
Auto Scaling = Auto scaling
Backend = 引擎模式
Balanced = 均衡
Bicubic = Bicubic
Both = 兩者
Buffered Rendering = 緩衝渲染
Cardboard Screen Size = 屏幕大小(視區%)
Cardboard Screen X Shift = 水平%
Cardboard Screen Y Shift = 垂直%
Cardboard Settings = 谷歌紙板設置
Debugging = 除錯
Deposterize = 色調混合
Direct3D9 = Direct3D9
Disable Alpha Test (PowerVR speedup) = 禁用alpha測試PowerVR加速)
Disable slower effects (speedup) = 停用較慢的渲染效果 (提升速度)
Disable Stencil Test = 禁用模版測试 (修正最終幻想4)
Display layout editor = 顯示佈局編輯器
Display Resolution (HW scaler) = 顯示分辨率 (硬件縮放)
Dump next frame to log = 轉儲下一幀到除錯日誌
Enable Cardboard = 啟用谷歌紙板
Features = 特性
Force max 60 FPS (helps GoW) = 強制60最大FPS
Frame Rate Control = 幀速率控制
Frame Skipping = 跳幀
FullScreen = 全螢幕
Hack Settings = 渲染修正
Hardware Transform = 硬體幾何轉換
hardware transform error - falling back to software = 硬件變換錯誤,改用軟件模式
High = 高
Hybrid + Bicubic = Hybrid + Bicubic
Hybrid = Hybrid
Immersive Mode = 沉浸模式支持4.4系統虛擬按鍵的自動隱藏
Internal Resolution = Internal resolution
Lazy texture caching = 緩慢紋理快取 (提升速度)
Linear = 線性
Linear on FMV = Linear on FMV
Low = 低
LowCurves = 樣條函數/貝茲曲線品質
Lower resolution for effects (reduces artifacts) = 對於影響較低的分辨率 (降低纹理)
Manual Scaling = 手動縮放
Medium = 中
Mipmapping = Mipmap貼圖
Mode = 模式
Must Restart = 您必須重新啟動PPSSPP,此更改才生效
Native device resolution = 原生設備的分辨率
Nearest = 鄰近取樣
Non-Buffered Rendering = 跳过缓冲效果(非缓冲,更快)
None = 關閉
Off = 關閉
OpenGL = OpenGL
Overlay Information = 覆蓋訊息
Partial Stretch = 局部拉伸
Performance = 性能
Postprocessing Shader = 後處理著色器
Read Framebuffers To Memory (CPU) = 閱讀幀緩存到內存中 (CPU, 毛刺)
Read Framebuffers To Memory (GPU) = 閱讀幀緩存到內存中 (GPU, 毛刺)
Rendering Mode = 渲染模式
Rendering Resolution = 渲染解析度
Retain changed textures = 保留更改紋理(有時更慢)
Rotation = 旋轉
Safe = 安全
Screen Scaling Filter = 螢幕縮放濾鏡
Show Debug Statistics = 顯示除錯數據
Show FPS Counter = 顯示FPS計數器
Simulate Block Transfer = 模擬塊傳輸的影響
Software Rendering = 軟體渲染
Software Skinning = 減少繪圖調用 (提升速度)
Speed = 速度
Stretching = 拉伸
Texture Coord Speedhack = 加速貼圖坐標
Texture Filter = 紋理過濾
Texture Filtering = 紋理過濾
Texture Scaling = 紋理縮放
Timer Hack = 定時器修改
Unlimited = 無限
Upscale Level = 像素提升級別
Upscale Type = 像素提升類型
Vertex Cache = 頂點快取
VSync = 垂直同步
Window Size = 窗口大小
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Delete ZIP file = 刪除ZIP檔案
Install = 安裝
Install game from ZIP file? = 從ZIP檔案安裝遊戲?
Installed! = 安裝完成!
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Autoconfigure = 自動配置
Autoconfigure for device = 設備自動配置
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Clear All = 全部清除
Default All = 恢復默認
Map a new key for = 按下要映射到的按鈕:
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Test Analogs = 測試搖桿
Browse = 瀏覽...
Credits = 製作組
DownloadFromStore = 從PPSSPP自製軟體商店下載
Exit = 離開
Game Settings = 遊戲設定
Games = 遊戲
Give PPSSPP permission to access storage = 給PPSSPP權限訪問存儲
Home = Home
Homebrew & Demos = 自製遊戲和試玩
How to get games = 如何獲得遊戲
How to get homebrew & demos = 如何獲得自製遊戲和試玩
Load = 載入遊戲...
PinPath = 標記
Recent = 最近執行的遊戲
UnpinPath = 取消标记
www.ppsspp.org = www.ppsspp.org
Audio = 聲音設定
Controls = 控制器設定
Graphics = 圖形設定
Networking = 聯網
System = 系統設定
Tools = 工具
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
An.Down = 左搖桿: 下
An.Left = 左搖桿: 左
An.Right = 左搖桿: 右
An.Up = 左搖桿: 上
Analog limiter = 搖桿限制器
Analog Stick = 搖桿
AxisSwap = 軸交換
DevMenu = DevMenu
Down = 方向鍵: 下
Dpad = Dpad
Left = 方向鍵: 左
Load State = 載入存檔
Next Slot = 下一槽
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Pause = 暫停
RapidFire = 連射
Rewind = 倒回
Right = 方向鍵: 右
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
RightAn.Down = 右搖桿: 下
RightAn.Left = 右搖桿: 左
RightAn.Right = 右搖桿: 右
RightAn.Up = 右搖桿: 上
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Save State = 即時存檔
SpeedToggle = 速度切換
Unthrottle = 解除速限
Up = 方向鍵: 上
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Adhoc Multiplayer forum = 關於聯網問題請點撃訪問官方論壇(英文)
Change Mac Address = 改變Mac網絡地址
Change proAdhocServer Address = 改變pro Adhoc網絡地址
Enable built-in PRO Adhoc Server = 啟用內置PRO Adhoc服務器
Enable networking = 啟用聯網/無線區域網路 (測試)
Network Initialized = 網絡已初始化
Port offset = 端口偏移0=PSP實機兼容
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Cheats = 金手指
Continue = 繼續
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Create Game Config = 建立遊戲配置
Delete Game Config = 刪除遊戲配置
Exit to menu = 返回主選單
Game Settings = 遊戲設定
Load State = 載入存檔
Rewind = 倒回
Save State = 即時存檔
Settings = 設置
Switch UMD = 切換光碟
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
AAColor = AA-Color
Bloom = Bloom
Cartoon = Cartoon
CRT = CRT scanlines
FXAA = FXAA Antialiasing
Grayscale = Grayscale
InverseColors = Inverse Colors
Natural = Natural Colors
Off = 關閉
Scanlines = Scanlines (CRT)
Sharpen = Sharpen
UpscaleSpline36 = Spline36 Upscaler
Vignette = Vignette
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Buy Gold = 購買黃金版
check = 海豚模擬器,最好用的 Wii/GC 模擬器
contributors = 參與者:
created = 作者:
info1 = PPSSPP 主要用於教學研究,不應被用於商業用途。
info2 = 請確認您持有遊戲鏡像的正版拷貝:
info3 = 這可以是您購買了遊戲的正版光盤,
info4 = 或者通過PSP 在PSN 商店購買的數字版遊戲。
info5 = PSP® 是索尼公司的註冊商標。
license = 遵循GPL 2.0+ 許可協議的自由軟件
list = 以了解兼容性列表、官方論壇以及開發動態
PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP官方論壇
specialthanks = 特別感謝:
this translation by = 這個翻譯:
title = 快速和便攜PSP模擬器
tools = 使用免費工具:
# Add translators or contributors who translated PPSSPP into your language here.
# Add translators1-6 for up to 6 lines of translator credits.
# Leave extra lines blank. 4 contributors per line seems to look best.
translators1 = sum2012
translators2 =
translators3 =
translators4 =
translators5 =
translators6 =
website = Check out the website:
written = Written in C++ for speed and portability
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Bad = 壞
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
FeedbackDesc = 模擬兼容性怎樣?讓我們知道
Gameplay = 遊戲過程
Graphics = 圖形
Great = 很好
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
In-game = 在遊戲中
Menu/Intro = 菜單/簡介
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Nothing = 沒晝面
OK = 好
Open Browser = 打開瀏覽器
Overall = 總体
Perfect = 完美
Plays = 可玩
ReportButton = 報告反饋
Speed = 速度
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Submit Feedback = 提交反饋
No screenshot = 沒有截圖
None yet. Things will appear here after you save. = 暫無。在你保存後將會在此出現數據.
Save Data = 保存數據
Savedata Manager = 保存數據管理
Save States = 保存快速狀態
2015-01-31 15:29:57 +01:00
Chainfire3DWarning = 警告:檢測到Chainfire3D可能造成問題
Failed to load state = 無法載入快速存檔
Failed to save state = 無法存檔快速存檔
fixed = 速度:固定
GLToolsWarning = 警告:檢測到GLTools可能造成問題
Load savestate failed = 無法載入快速存檔
Loaded State = 存檔已經載入
LoadStateDoesntExist = 無法載入:存檔不存在!
LoadStateWrongVersion = 無法載入: 存檔為舊版本的PPSSPP的!
norewind = 倒带快速存璫不可用
PressESC = 按下ESC鍵以暫停遊戲
Save State Failed = 快速存檔無法儲存!
Saved State = 存檔已經儲存
standard = 速度:標準
Already Installed = 已安裝完成
Connection Error = 連線錯誤
Install = 安裝
Launch Game = 開始遊戲
Loading... = 載入中...
Size = 大小
Uninstall = 解除安裝
(broken) = (壞了)
12HR = 12小時
24HR = 24小時
Auto = 自動
Auto Load Newest Savestate = 自動載入最新即時存檔
Cache ISO in RAM = 在内存中緩存ISO
Change CPU Clock = 調整CPU時鐘 (不穩定)
Change Nickname = 更改別名
Cheats = 秘籍 (實驗,見官方論壇)
Clear Recent Games List = 清除最近遊戲記錄
Confirmation Button = 確認鍵
Date Format = 日期格式
Day Light Saving = 日光節約時間
Developer Tools = 開發者工具
Dynarec = 動態重新編譯 (JIT)
DynarecisJailed = 動態重新編譯 (JIT) - 尚未越獄故無法使用
Emulation = 模擬
Enable Cheats = 啓用作弊碼
Enable Compatibility Server Reports = 向網路伺服器報告相容性問題
Enable Windows native keyboard = 啟用Windows自帶鍵盤
Failed to load state. Error in the file system. = 無法加載快速存璫。在文件系統錯誤。
Fast (lag on slow storage) = 快速(滯後於慢速存儲)
Fast Memory = 快速記憶體存取 (不穩定)
Force real clock sync (slower, less lag) = 強制實際時鐘同步 (減少延遲, 會降低速度)
frames, 0:off = 幀, 0 = 關閉
General = 一般
Help the PPSSPP team = 幫助PPSSPP團隊
Host (bugs, less lag) = 主機(少滯後),修正皇牌空戰,魔法少女小圓
I/O on thread (experimental) = I/O多執行緒
IO timing method = 輸入輸出計時方法
iOS9NoDynarec = JIT暫時不能在Arm64架構的iOS9下工作
MHz, 0:default = MHz, 默認為0
Multithreaded (experimental) = CPU多執行緒 (試驗)
Not a PSP game = 不是PSP遊戲
Off = Off
PSP Model = PSP機型
PSP Settings = PSP設定
Restore Default Settings = 還原默認設定
Rewind Snapshot Frequency = 快照倒回頻率
Save path in installed.txt = 存璫路徑在installed.txt
Save path in My Documents = 存璫路徑在我的文件
Savestate Slot = 即時存檔插槽
Screenshots as PNG = PNG格式截圖
Simulate UMD delays = 模擬UMD延誤,修正紙箱戰機W
Storage full = 存儲容量已滿
Time Format = 時間格式
UI Language = 介面語言
Use O to confirm = 使用O確認
Use X to confirm = 使用X確認
VersionCheck = 檢查PPSSPP新版本
Dismiss = 忽略
Download = 下載
New version of PPSSPP available = 新版本PPSSPP已經就緒
ja_JP = "日本語"
en_US = "English"
fi_FI = "Suomi"
fr_FR = "Français"
es_ES = "Castellano (España)"
es_LA = "Español (América Latina)"
de_DE = "Deutsch"
it_IT = "Italiano"
nl_NL = "Nederlands"
pt_PT = "Português"
pt_BR = "Português Brasileiro"
ru_RU = "Русский"
ko_KR = "한국어"
zh_TW = "繁體中文"
zh_CN = "简体中文"
ar_AE = "العربية"
az_AZ = "Azeri"
ca_ES = "Català"
gl_ES = "Galego"
gr_EL = "Ελληνικά"
he_IL = "עברית"
hu_HU = "Magyar"
id_ID = "Indonesia"
pl_PL = "Polski"
ro_RO = "Român"
sv_SE = "Svenska"
tr_TR = "Türk"
uk_UA = "Українська"
vi_VN = "Tiếng Việt"
cz_CZ = "Česky"
tg_PH = "Tagalog"
th_TH = "ไทย"
dr_ID = "Duri"
fa_IR = "فارسی"
ms_MY = "Melayu"
da_DK = "Dansk"
no_NO = "Norsk"
bg_BG = "български език"
lt-LT = "Lithuanian"
fr_FR = "FRENCH"
de_DE = "GERMAN"
nl_NL = "DUTCH"
ko_KR = "KOREAN"
th_TH = "THAI"