[spline/bezier]Fix about quality.

This commit is contained in:
xebra 2018-02-02 17:36:02 +09:00
parent da1176f2b3
commit 24123e6268

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@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#include "GPU/ge_constants.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h" // only needed for UVScale stuff
#define HALF_CEIL(x) (x + 1) / 2 // Integer ceil = (int)ceil((float)x / 2.0f)
static void CopyQuadIndex(u16 *&indices, GEPatchPrimType type, const int idx0, const int idx1, const int idx2, const int idx3) {
if (type == GE_PATCHPRIM_LINES) {
*(indices++) = idx0;
@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ static void TessellateSplinePatchHardware(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, c
template <bool sampleNrm, bool sampleCol, bool sampleTex, bool useSSE4>
static void SplinePatchFullQuality(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, const SplinePatchLocal &spatch, u32 origVertType, int quality, int maxVertices) {
static void SplinePatchFullQuality(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, const SplinePatchLocal &spatch) {
// Full (mostly) correct tessellation of spline patches.
// Not very fast.
@ -314,29 +316,6 @@ static void SplinePatchFullQuality(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, const Sp
// Increase tessellation based on the size. Should be approximately right?
int patch_div_s = (spatch.count_u - 3) * spatch.tess_u;
int patch_div_t = (spatch.count_v - 3) * spatch.tess_v;
if (quality == 0) {
// Low quality
patch_div_s = (spatch.count_u - 3) * 2;
patch_div_t = (spatch.count_v - 3) * 2;
if (quality > 1) {
// Don't cut below 2, though.
if (patch_div_s > 2) {
patch_div_s /= quality;
if (patch_div_t > 2) {
patch_div_t /= quality;
// Downsample until it fits, in case crazy tessellation factors are sent.
while ((patch_div_s + 1) * (patch_div_t + 1) > maxVertices) {
patch_div_s /= 2;
patch_div_t /= 2;
if (patch_div_s < 1) patch_div_s = 1;
if (patch_div_t < 1) patch_div_t = 1;
// First compute all the vertices and put them in an array
SimpleVertex *&vertices = (SimpleVertex*&)dest;
@ -413,8 +392,8 @@ static void SplinePatchFullQuality(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, const Sp
// Define class TemplateParameterDispatcherTess
void TessellateSplinePatch(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, const SplinePatchLocal &spatch, u32 origVertType, int maxVertexCount) {
using TessFunc = void(*)(u8 *&, u16 *, int &, const SplinePatchLocal &, u32, int, int);
void TessellateSplinePatch(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, SplinePatchLocal &spatch, u32 origVertType, int maxVertices) {
using TessFunc = void(*)(u8 *&, u16 *, int &, const SplinePatchLocal &);
constexpr int NumParams = 4;
static TemplateParameterDispatcherTess<TessFunc, NumParams> dispatcher; // Initialize only once
@ -428,15 +407,26 @@ void TessellateSplinePatch(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, const SplinePatc
switch (g_Config.iSplineBezierQuality) {
(*func)(dest, indices, count, spatch, origVertType, 0, maxVertexCount);
spatch.tess_u = 2;
spatch.tess_v = 2;
(*func)(dest, indices, count, spatch, origVertType, 2, maxVertexCount);
// Don't cut below 2, though.
if (spatch.tess_u > 2) spatch.tess_u = HALF_CEIL(spatch.tess_u);
if (spatch.tess_v > 2) spatch.tess_v = HALF_CEIL(spatch.tess_v);
// Pass through
(*func)(dest, indices, count, spatch, origVertType, 1, maxVertexCount);
int num_patches_u = spatch.count_u - 3;
int num_patches_v = spatch.count_v - 3;
// Downsample until it fits, in case crazy tessellation factors are sent.
while ((num_patches_u * spatch.tess_u + 1) * (num_patches_v * spatch.tess_v + 1) > maxVertices) {
(*func)(dest, indices, count, spatch);
// Tessellate single patch (4x4 control points)
@ -577,18 +567,29 @@ static void TessellateBezierPatchHardware(u8 *&dest, u16 *indices, int &count, i
BuildIndex(indices, count, tess_u, tess_v, primType);
void TessellateBezierPatch(u8 *&dest, u16 *&indices, int &count, int tess_u, int tess_v, const BezierPatch &patch, u32 origVertType) {
void TessellateBezierPatch(u8 *&dest, u16 *&indices, int &count, int tess_u, int tess_v, const BezierPatch &patch, u32 origVertType, int maxVertices) {
switch (g_Config.iSplineBezierQuality) {
_BezierPatchHighQuality(dest, indices, count, 2, 2, patch, origVertType);
tess_u = 2;
tess_v = 2;
_BezierPatchHighQuality(dest, indices, count, std::max(tess_u / 2, 1), std::max(tess_v / 2, 1), patch, origVertType);
// Don't cut below 2, though.
if (tess_u > 2) tess_u = HALF_CEIL(tess_u);
if (tess_v > 2) tess_v = HALF_CEIL(tess_v);
// Pass through
_BezierPatchHighQuality(dest, indices, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType);
int num_patches_u = (patch.count_u - 1) / 3;
int num_patches_v = (patch.count_v - 1) / 3;
// Downsample until it fits, in case crazy tessellation factors are sent.
while ((tess_u + 1) * (tess_v + 1) * num_patches_u * num_patches_v > maxVertices) {
_BezierPatchHighQuality(dest, indices, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType);
static void CopyControlPoints(const SimpleVertex *const *points, float *pos, float *tex, float *col, int posStride, int texStride, int colStride, int size, bool hasColor, bool hasTexCoords) {
@ -664,6 +665,10 @@ void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitSpline(const void *control_points, const void *indi
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex));
// If specified as 0, uses 1.
if (tess_u < 1) tess_u = 1;
if (tess_v < 1) tess_v = 1;
// Make an array of pointers to the control points, to get rid of indices.
const SimpleVertex **points = (const SimpleVertex **)managedBuf.Allocate(sizeof(SimpleVertex *) * count_u * count_v);
for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++)
@ -795,12 +800,7 @@ void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitBezier(const void *control_points, const void *indi
patch.col[idx] = Vec4f::FromRGBA(points[idx]->color_32);
int maxVertices = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize;
// Downsample until it fits, in case crazy tessellation factors are sent.
while ((tess_u + 1) * (tess_v + 1) * num_patches_u * num_patches_v > maxVertices) {
tess_u /= 2;
tess_v /= 2;
TessellateBezierPatch(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType);
TessellateBezierPatch(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType, maxVertices);
u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;