// Copyright (c) 2014- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include #include #include #include "Common.h" #include "MsgHandler.h" namespace MIPSGen { enum MIPSReg { R_ZERO = 0, R_AT, V0, V1, A0 = 4, A1 = 5, A2 = 6, A3 = 7, A4 = 8, A5 = 9, A6 = 10, A7 = 11, // Alternate names depending on ABI. T0 = 8, T1 = 9, T2 = 10, T3 = 11, T4, T5, T6, T7, S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, T8, T9, K0, K1, R_GP, R_SP, R_FP, R_RA, F_BASE = 32, F0 = 32, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24, F25, F26, F27, F28, F29, F30, F31, INVALID_REG = 0xFFFFFFFF }; enum { // All 32 except: ZERO, K0/K1 (kernel), RA. The rest are only convention. NUMGPRs = 32 - 1 - 2 - 1, NUMFPRs = 32, }; enum FixupBranchType { // 16-bit immediate jump/branch (to pc + (simm16 + 1 ops).) BRANCH_16, // 26-bit immediate jump/branch (to pc's 4 high bits + imm * 4.) BRANCH_26, }; // Beware of delay slots. struct FixupBranch { u8 *ptr; FixupBranchType type; }; class MIPSEmitter { public: MIPSEmitter() : code_(0), lastCacheFlushEnd_(0) { } MIPSEmitter(u8 *code_ptr) : code_(code_ptr), lastCacheFlushEnd_(code_ptr) { SetCodePtr(code_ptr); } virtual ~MIPSEmitter() { } void SetCodePtr(u8 *ptr); void ReserveCodeSpace(u32 bytes); const u8 *AlignCode16(); const u8 *AlignCodePage(); const u8 *GetCodePtr() const; u8 *GetWritableCodePtr(); void FlushIcache(); void FlushIcacheSection(u8 *start, u8 *end); // 20 bits valid in code. void BREAK(u32 code); void NOP() { SLL(R_ZERO, R_ZERO, 0); } // Note for all branches and jumps: // MIPS has DELAY SLOTS. This emitter makes it so if you forget that, you'll be safe. // If you want to run something inside a delay slot, emit the instruction inside a closure. // // Example: Translates to: // J(&myFunc); J(&myFunc); // ADDU(V0, V0, V1); NOP(); // ADDU(V0, V0, V1); // // J(&myFunc, [&] { J(&myFunc); // ADDU(V0, V0, V1); ADDU(V0, V0, V1); // }); // // This applies to all J*() and B*() functions (except BREAK(), which is not a branch func.) FixupBranch J(std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void J(const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); FixupBranch JAL(std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void JAL(const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void JR(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void JRRA(std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { JR(R_RA, delaySlot); } void JALR(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void JALR(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { JALR(R_RA, rs, delaySlot); } inline FixupBranch B(std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { return BEQ(R_ZERO, R_ZERO, delaySlot); } inline void B(const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { return BEQ(R_ZERO, R_ZERO, func, delaySlot); } FixupBranch BLTZ(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void BLTZ(MIPSReg rs, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); FixupBranch BEQ(MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void BEQ(MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); FixupBranch BNE(MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void BNE(MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); inline FixupBranch BEQZ(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { return BEQ(rs, R_ZERO, delaySlot); } inline void BEQZ(MIPSReg rs, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { return BEQ(rs, R_ZERO, func, delaySlot); } inline FixupBranch BNEZ(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { return BNE(rs, R_ZERO, delaySlot); } inline void BNEZ(MIPSReg rs, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr) { return BNE(rs, R_ZERO, func, delaySlot); } FixupBranch BLEZ(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void BLEZ(MIPSReg rs, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); FixupBranch BGTZ(MIPSReg rs, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void BGTZ(MIPSReg rs, const void *func, std::function delaySlot = nullptr); void SetJumpTarget(const FixupBranch &branch); bool BInRange(const void *func); bool JInRange(const void *func); // R_AT is the stereotypical scratch reg, but it is not likely to be used. void QuickCallFunction(MIPSReg scratchreg, const void *func); template void QuickCallFunction(MIPSReg scratchreg, T func) { QuickCallFunction(scratchreg, (const void *)func); } void LB(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, s16 offset); void LH(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, s16 offset); void LW(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, s16 offset); void SB(MIPSReg value, MIPSReg base, s16 offset); void SH(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, s16 offset); void SW(MIPSReg value, MIPSReg base, s16 offset); // These exist for the sole purpose of making compilation fail if you try to load/store from R+R. void LB(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, MIPSReg invalid); void LH(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, MIPSReg invalid); void LW(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, MIPSReg invalid); void SB(MIPSReg value, MIPSReg base, MIPSReg invalid); void SH(MIPSReg dest, MIPSReg base, MIPSReg invalid); void SW(MIPSReg value, MIPSReg base, MIPSReg invalid); void SLL(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, u8 sa); void SRL(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, u8 sa); void SRA(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, u8 sa); void SLLV(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs); void SRLV(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs); void SRAV(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs); void SLT(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs); void SLTU(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs); void SLTI(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, s16 imm); // Note: very importantly, *sign* extends imm before an unsigned compare. void SLTIU(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s16 imm); // ADD/SUB/ADDI intentionally omitted. They are just versions that trap. void ADDU(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt); void SUBU(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt); void ADDIU(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s16 imm); void SUBIU(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s16 imm) { ADDIU(rt, rs, -imm); } void AND(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt); void OR(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt); void XOR(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt); void ANDI(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s16 imm); void ORI(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s16 imm); void XORI(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s16 imm); // Clears the lower bits. On MIPS64, the result is sign extended. void LUI(MIPSReg rt, s16 imm); void INS(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s8 pos, s8 size); void EXT(MIPSReg rt, MIPSReg rs, s8 pos, s8 size); // MIPS64 only. Transparently uses DSLL32 to shift 32-63 bits. void DSLL(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rt, u8 sa); void MOVI2R(MIPSReg reg, u64 val); void MOVI2R(MIPSReg reg, s64 val) { MOVI2R(reg, (u64)val); } void MOVI2R(MIPSReg reg, u32 val); void MOVI2R(MIPSReg reg, s32 val) { MOVI2R(reg, (u32)val); } template void MOVP2R(MIPSReg reg, T *val) { if (sizeof(uintptr_t) > sizeof(u32)) { MOVI2R(reg, (u64)(intptr_t)(const void *)val); } else { MOVI2R(reg, (u32)(intptr_t)(const void *)val); } } protected: inline void Write32(u32 value) { *code32_++ = value; } // Less parenthesis. inline void Write32Fields(u8 pos1, u32 v1) { *code32_++ = (v1 << pos1); } inline void Write32Fields(u8 pos1, u32 v1, u8 pos2, u32 v2) { *code32_++ = (v1 << pos1) | (v2 << pos2); } inline void Write32Fields(u8 pos1, u32 v1, u8 pos2, u32 v2, u8 pos3, u32 v3) { *code32_++ = (v1 << pos1) | (v2 << pos2) | (v3 << pos3); } inline void Write32Fields(u8 pos1, u32 v1, u8 pos2, u32 v2, u8 pos3, u32 v3, u8 pos4, u32 v4) { *code32_++ = (v1 << pos1) | (v2 << pos2) | (v3 << pos3) | (v4 << pos4); } inline void Write32Fields(u8 pos1, u32 v1, u8 pos2, u32 v2, u8 pos3, u32 v3, u8 pos4, u32 v4, u8 pos5, u32 v5) { *code32_++ = (v1 << pos1) | (v2 << pos2) | (v3 << pos3) | (v4 << pos5) | (v5 << pos5); } inline void Write32Fields(u8 pos1, u32 v1, u8 pos2, u32 v2, u8 pos3, u32 v3, u8 pos4, u32 v4, u8 pos5, u32 v5, u8 pos6, u32 v6) { *code32_++ = (v1 << pos1) | (v2 << pos2) | (v3 << pos3) | (v4 << pos5) | (v5 << pos5) | (v6 << pos6); } static void SetJumpTarget(const FixupBranch &branch, const void *dst); static bool BInRange(const void *src, const void *dst); static bool JInRange(const void *src, const void *dst); FixupBranch MakeFixupBranch(FixupBranchType type); void ApplyDelaySlot(std::function delaySlot); private: union { u8 *code_; u32 *code32_; }; u8 *lastCacheFlushEnd_; }; // Everything that needs to generate machine code should inherit from this. // You get memory management for free, plus, you can use all the LUI etc functions without // having to prefix them with gen-> or something similar. class MIPSCodeBlock : public MIPSEmitter { public: MIPSCodeBlock() : region(nullptr), region_size(0) { } virtual ~MIPSCodeBlock() { if (region) { FreeCodeSpace(); } } // Call this before you generate any code. void AllocCodeSpace(int size); // Always clear code space with breakpoints, so that if someone accidentally executes // uninitialized, it just breaks into the debugger. void ClearCodeSpace(); // Call this when shutting down. Don't rely on the destructor, even though it'll do the job. void FreeCodeSpace(); bool IsInSpace(const u8 *ptr) const { return ptr >= region && ptr < region + region_size; } void ResetCodePtr() { SetCodePtr(region); } size_t GetSpaceLeft() const { return region_size - (GetCodePtr() - region); } u8 *GetBasePtr() { return region; } size_t GetOffset(const u8 *ptr) const { return ptr - region; } protected: u8 *region; size_t region_size; }; };