// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "DinputDevice.h" #include "ControlMapping.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "input/input_state.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Xinput.h" #pragma comment(lib,"dinput8.lib") #ifdef min #undef min #undef max #endif unsigned int dinput_ctrl_map[] = { 11, PAD_BUTTON_MENU, // Open PauseScreen 10, PAD_BUTTON_BACK, // Toggle PauseScreen & Back Setting Page 1, PAD_BUTTON_A, // Cross = XBOX-A 2, PAD_BUTTON_B, // Circle = XBOX-B 0, PAD_BUTTON_X, // Square = XBOX-X 3, PAD_BUTTON_Y, // Triangle = XBOX-Y 8, PAD_BUTTON_SELECT, 9, PAD_BUTTON_START, 4, PAD_BUTTON_LBUMPER, // LTrigger = XBOX-LBumper 5, PAD_BUTTON_RBUMPER, // RTrigger = XBOX-RBumper 6, PAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB, // Turbo 7, PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB, // Open PauseScreen POV_CODE_UP, PAD_BUTTON_UP, POV_CODE_DOWN, PAD_BUTTON_DOWN, POV_CODE_LEFT, PAD_BUTTON_LEFT, POV_CODE_RIGHT, PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT, }; const unsigned int dinput_ctrl_map_size = sizeof(dinput_ctrl_map); #define DIFF (JOY_POVRIGHT - JOY_POVFORWARD) / 2 #define JOY_POVFORWARD_RIGHT JOY_POVFORWARD + DIFF #define JOY_POVRIGHT_BACKWARD JOY_POVRIGHT + DIFF #define JOY_POVBACKWARD_LEFT JOY_POVBACKWARD + DIFF #define JOY_POVLEFT_FORWARD JOY_POVLEFT + DIFF struct XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE { DWORD dwVidPid; XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE* pNext; }; XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE* g_pXInputDeviceList = NULL; bool IsXInputDevice( const GUID* pGuidProductFromDirectInput ) { XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE* pNode = g_pXInputDeviceList; while( pNode ) { if( pNode->dwVidPid == pGuidProductFromDirectInput->Data1 ) return true; pNode = pNode->pNext; } return false; } DinputDevice::DinputDevice() { pJoystick = NULL; pDI = NULL; if(FAILED(DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL),DIRECTINPUT_VERSION,IID_IDirectInput8,(void**)&pDI,NULL))) return; if(FAILED(pDI->CreateDevice(GUID_Joystick, &pJoystick, NULL ))) { pDI->Release(); pDI = NULL; return; } if(FAILED(pJoystick->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2))) { pJoystick->Release(); pJoystick = NULL; return; } // ignore if device suppert XInput DIDEVICEINSTANCE dinfo = {0}; pJoystick->GetDeviceInfo(&dinfo); if (IsXInputDevice(&dinfo.guidProduct)) { pDI->Release(); pDI = NULL; pJoystick->Release(); pJoystick = NULL; } DIPROPRANGE diprg; diprg.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE); diprg.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); diprg.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; diprg.diph.dwObj = 0; diprg.lMin = -10000; diprg.lMax = 10000; analog = FAILED(pJoystick->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &diprg.diph))?false:true; // Other devices suffer If do not set the dead zone. // TODO: the dead zone will make configurable in the Control dialog. DIPROPDWORD dipw; dipw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipw.diph.dwObj = 0; // dwData 1000 is deadzone(0% - 10%) dipw.dwData = 1000; analog |= FAILED(pJoystick->SetProperty(DIPROP_DEADZONE, &dipw.diph))?false:true; } DinputDevice::~DinputDevice() { if (pJoystick) { pJoystick->Release(); pJoystick= NULL; } if (pDI) { pDI->Release(); pDI= NULL; } } static inline int getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(unsigned int povCode) { int mergedCode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dinput_ctrl_map_size / sizeof(dinput_ctrl_map[0]); i += 2) { if (dinput_ctrl_map[i] != 0xFFFFFFFF && dinput_ctrl_map[i] > 0xFF && dinput_ctrl_map[i] & povCode) mergedCode |= dinput_ctrl_map[i + 1]; } return mergedCode; } int DinputDevice::UpdateState(InputState &input_state) { if (g_Config.iForceInputDevice == 0) return -1; if (!pJoystick) return -1; DIJOYSTATE2 js; if (FAILED(pJoystick->Poll())) { if(pJoystick->Acquire() == DIERR_INPUTLOST) return -1; } if(FAILED(pJoystick->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &js))) return -1; switch (js.rgdwPOV[0]) { case JOY_POVFORWARD: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_UP); break; case JOY_POVBACKWARD: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_DOWN); break; case JOY_POVLEFT: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_LEFT); break; case JOY_POVRIGHT: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_RIGHT); break; case JOY_POVFORWARD_RIGHT: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_UP | POV_CODE_RIGHT); break; case JOY_POVRIGHT_BACKWARD: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_RIGHT | POV_CODE_DOWN); break; case JOY_POVBACKWARD_LEFT: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_DOWN | POV_CODE_LEFT); break; case JOY_POVLEFT_FORWARD: input_state.pad_buttons |= getPadCodeFromVirtualPovCode(POV_CODE_LEFT | POV_CODE_UP); break; } if (analog) { float x = (float)js.lX / 10000.f; float y = -((float)js.lY / 10000.f); // Expand and clamp. Hack to let us reach the corners on most pads. x = std::min(1.0f, std::max(-1.0f, x * 1.2f)); y = std::min(1.0f, std::max(-1.0f, y * 1.2f)); input_state.pad_lstick_x += x; input_state.pad_lstick_y += y; } for (u8 i = 0; i < sizeof(dinput_ctrl_map)/sizeof(dinput_ctrl_map[0]); i += 2) { // DIJOYSTATE2 supported 128 buttons. for exclude the Virtual POV_CODE bit fields. if (dinput_ctrl_map[i] < DIRECTINPUT_RGBBUTTONS_MAX && js.rgbButtons[dinput_ctrl_map[i]] & 0x80) { input_state.pad_buttons |= dinput_ctrl_map[i+1]; } } const LONG rthreshold = 8000; switch (g_Config.iRightStickBind) { case 0: break; case 1: if (js.lRz > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; else if (js.lRz < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if (js.lZ > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_UP; else if (js.lZ < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_DOWN; break; case 2: if (js.lRz > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_B; else if (js.lRz < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_X; if (js.lZ > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_Y; else if (js.lZ < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_A; break; case 3: if (js.lRz > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_RBUMPER; else if (js.lRz < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_LBUMPER; break; case 4: if (js.lRz > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_RBUMPER; else if (js.lRz < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_LBUMPER; if (js.lZ > rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_Y; else if (js.lZ < -rthreshold) input_state.pad_buttons |= PAD_BUTTON_A; break; } return UPDATESTATE_SKIP_PAD; } int DinputDevice::UpdateRawStateSingle(RawInputState &rawState) { if (g_Config.iForceInputDevice == 0) return FALSE; if (!pJoystick) return FALSE; DIJOYSTATE2 js; if (FAILED(pJoystick->Poll())) { if(pJoystick->Acquire() == DIERR_INPUTLOST) return FALSE; } if(FAILED(pJoystick->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &js))) return -1; switch (js.rgdwPOV[0]) { case JOY_POVFORWARD: rawState.button = POV_CODE_UP; return TRUE; case JOY_POVBACKWARD: rawState.button = POV_CODE_DOWN; return TRUE; case JOY_POVLEFT: rawState.button = POV_CODE_LEFT; return TRUE; case JOY_POVRIGHT: rawState.button = POV_CODE_RIGHT; return TRUE; } for (int i = 0; i < DIRECTINPUT_RGBBUTTONS_MAX; i++) { if (js.rgbButtons[i] & 0x80) { rawState.button = i; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }