// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "ppsspp_config.h" #include #include #include "base/colorutil.h" #include "base/display.h" #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_buffer.h" #include "math/curves.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "ui/view.h" #include "ui/viewgroup.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "util/random/rng.h" #include "file/vfs.h" #include "UI/ui_atlas.h" #include "UI/ControlMappingScreen.h" #include "UI/DisplayLayoutScreen.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" #include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" #include "UI/MainScreen.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitCommon.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUtility.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/Common/PostShader.h" #include "ui_atlas.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") #endif static const int symbols[4] = { I_CROSS, I_CIRCLE, I_SQUARE, I_TRIANGLE }; static const uint32_t colors[4] = { 0xC0FFFFFF, 0xC0FFFFFF, 0xC0FFFFFF, 0xC0FFFFFF, }; static std::unique_ptr bgTexture; static bool backgroundInited; void UIBackgroundInit(UIContext &dc) { const std::string bgPng = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) + "background.png"; const std::string bgJpg = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) + "background.jpg"; if (File::Exists(bgPng) || File::Exists(bgJpg)) { const std::string &bgFile = File::Exists(bgPng) ? bgPng : bgJpg; bgTexture = CreateTextureFromFile(dc.GetDrawContext(), bgFile.c_str(), DETECT, true); } } void UIBackgroundShutdown() { bgTexture.reset(nullptr); backgroundInited = false; } void DrawBackground(UIContext &dc, float alpha) { if (!backgroundInited) { UIBackgroundInit(dc); backgroundInited = true; } static float xbase[100] = {0}; static float ybase[100] = {0}; float xres = dc.GetBounds().w; float yres = dc.GetBounds().h; static int last_xres = 0; static int last_yres = 0; if (xbase[0] == 0.0f || last_xres != xres || last_yres != yres) { GMRng rng; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { xbase[i] = rng.F() * xres; ybase[i] = rng.F() * yres; } last_xres = xres; last_yres = yres; } uint32_t bgColor = whiteAlpha(alpha); if (bgTexture != nullptr) { dc.Flush(); dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, bgTexture->GetTexture()); dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(dc.GetBounds(), 0, 0, 1, 1, bgColor); dc.Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); } else { ImageID img = I_BG; ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(img, dc.GetBounds(), bgColor); } float t = time_now(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { float x = xbase[i] + dc.GetBounds().x; float y = ybase[i] + dc.GetBounds().y + 40 * cosf(i * 7.2f + t * 1.3f); float angle = sinf(i + t); int n = i & 3; ui_draw2d.DrawImageRotated(symbols[n], x, y, 1.0f, angle, colorAlpha(colors[n], alpha * 0.1f)); } } void DrawGameBackground(UIContext &dc, const std::string &gamePath) { std::shared_ptr ginfo; if (gamePath.size()) ginfo = g_gameInfoCache->GetInfo(dc.GetDrawContext(), gamePath, GAMEINFO_WANTBG); dc.Flush(); bool hasPic = false; double loadTime; if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1.texture) { dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, ginfo->pic1.texture->GetTexture()); loadTime = ginfo->pic1.timeLoaded; hasPic = true; } else if (ginfo && ginfo->pic0.texture) { dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, ginfo->pic0.texture->GetTexture()); loadTime = ginfo->pic0.timeLoaded; hasPic = true; } if (hasPic) { uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - loadTime) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0; dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(dc.GetBounds(), 0,0,1,1, color); dc.Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); } else { ::DrawBackground(dc, 1.0f); dc.RebindTexture(); dc.Flush(); } } void HandleCommonMessages(const char *message, const char *value, ScreenManager *manager, Screen *activeScreen) { bool isActiveScreen = manager->topScreen() == activeScreen; if (!strcmp(message, "clear jit")) { if (MIPSComp::jit && PSP_IsInited()) { MIPSComp::jit->ClearCache(); } if (PSP_IsInited()) { currentMIPS->UpdateCore((CPUCore)g_Config.iCpuCore); } } else if (!strcmp(message, "control mapping") && isActiveScreen && activeScreen->tag() != "control mapping") { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); manager->push(new ControlMappingScreen()); } else if (!strcmp(message, "display layout editor") && isActiveScreen && activeScreen->tag() != "display layout screen") { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); manager->push(new DisplayLayoutScreen()); } else if (!strcmp(message, "settings") && isActiveScreen && activeScreen->tag() != "settings") { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); manager->push(new GameSettingsScreen("")); } else if (!strcmp(message, "language screen") && isActiveScreen) { I18NCategory *dev = GetI18NCategory("Developer"); auto langScreen = new NewLanguageScreen(dev->T("Language")); langScreen->OnChoice.Add([](UI::EventParams &) { NativeMessageReceived("recreateviews", ""); if (host) { host->UpdateUI(); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; }); manager->push(langScreen); } else if (!strcmp(message, "window minimized")) { if (!strcmp(value, "true")) { gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } else { gstate_c.skipDrawReason &= ~SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } } } void UIScreenWithBackground::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) { ::DrawBackground(dc, 1.0f); dc.Flush(); } void UIScreenWithGameBackground::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) { if (!gamePath_.empty()) { DrawGameBackground(dc, gamePath_); } else { ::DrawBackground(dc, 1.0f); dc.Flush(); } } void UIScreenWithGameBackground::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(message, "settings") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(gamePath_)); } else { UIScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(message, value); } } void UIDialogScreenWithGameBackground::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) { DrawGameBackground(dc, gamePath_); } void UIDialogScreenWithGameBackground::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(message, "settings") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(gamePath_)); } else { UIDialogScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(message, value); } } void UIScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { HandleCommonMessages(message, value, screenManager(), this); } void UIDialogScreenWithBackground::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) { ::DrawBackground(dc, 1.0f); dc.Flush(); } void UIDialogScreenWithBackground::AddStandardBack(UI::ViewGroup *parent) { using namespace UI; I18NCategory *di = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); parent->Add(new Choice(di->T("Back"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(150, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 10)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnBack); } void UIDialogScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { HandleCommonMessages(message, value, screenManager(), this); } PromptScreen::PromptScreen(std::string message, std::string yesButtonText, std::string noButtonText, std::function callback) : message_(message), callback_(callback) { I18NCategory *di = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); yesButtonText_ = di->T(yesButtonText.c_str()); noButtonText_ = di->T(noButtonText.c_str()); } void PromptScreen::CreateViews() { // Information in the top left. // Back button to the bottom left. // Scrolling action menu to the right. using namespace UI; Margins actionMenuMargins(0, 100, 15, 0); root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); ViewGroup *leftColumn = new AnchorLayout(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)); root_->Add(leftColumn); float leftColumnWidth = dp_xres - actionMenuMargins.left - actionMenuMargins.right - 300.0f; leftColumn->Add(new TextView(message_, ALIGN_LEFT | FLAG_WRAP_TEXT, false, new AnchorLayoutParams(leftColumnWidth, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, 10, NONE, NONE)))->SetClip(false); ViewGroup *rightColumnItems = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(300, FILL_PARENT, actionMenuMargins)); root_->Add(rightColumnItems); Choice *yesButton = rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(yesButtonText_)); yesButton->OnClick.Handle(this, &PromptScreen::OnYes); root_->SetDefaultFocusView(yesButton); if (!noButtonText_.empty()) rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(noButtonText_))->OnClick.Handle(this, &PromptScreen::OnNo); } UI::EventReturn PromptScreen::OnYes(UI::EventParams &e) { TriggerFinish(DR_OK); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn PromptScreen::OnNo(UI::EventParams &e) { TriggerFinish(DR_CANCEL); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void PromptScreen::TriggerFinish(DialogResult result) { callback_(result == DR_OK || result == DR_YES); UIDialogScreenWithBackground::TriggerFinish(result); } PostProcScreen::PostProcScreen(const std::string &title) : ListPopupScreen(title) { I18NCategory *ps = GetI18NCategory("PostShaders"); ReloadAllPostShaderInfo(); shaders_ = GetAllPostShaderInfo(); std::vector items; int selected = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)shaders_.size(); i++) { if (shaders_[i].section == g_Config.sPostShaderName) selected = i; items.push_back(ps->T(shaders_[i].section.c_str(), shaders_[i].name.c_str())); } adaptor_ = UI::StringVectorListAdaptor(items, selected); } void PostProcScreen::OnCompleted(DialogResult result) { if (result != DR_OK) return; g_Config.sPostShaderName = shaders_[listView_->GetSelected()].section; } NewLanguageScreen::NewLanguageScreen(const std::string &title) : ListPopupScreen(title) { // Disable annoying encoding warning #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4566) #endif langValuesMapping = GetLangValuesMapping(); std::vector tempLangs; VFSGetFileListing("lang", &tempLangs, "ini"); std::vector listing; int selected = -1; int counter = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tempLangs.size(); i++) { // Skip README if (tempLangs[i].name.find("README") != std::string::npos) { continue; } // We only support Arabic on platforms where we have support for the native text rendering // APIs, as proper Arabic support is way too difficult to implement ourselves. #if !(defined(USING_QT_UI) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(WINDOWS) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID)) if (tempLangs[i].name.find("ar_AE") != std::string::npos) { continue; } if (tempLangs[i].name.find("fa_IR") != std::string::npos) { continue; } #endif FileInfo lang = tempLangs[i]; langs_.push_back(lang); std::string code; size_t dot = lang.name.find('.'); if (dot != std::string::npos) code = lang.name.substr(0, dot); std::string buttonTitle = lang.name; if (!code.empty()) { if (langValuesMapping.find(code) == langValuesMapping.end()) { // No title found, show locale code buttonTitle = code; } else { buttonTitle = langValuesMapping[code].first; } } if (g_Config.sLanguageIni == code) selected = counter; listing.push_back(buttonTitle); counter++; } adaptor_ = UI::StringVectorListAdaptor(listing, selected); } void NewLanguageScreen::OnCompleted(DialogResult result) { if (result != DR_OK) return; std::string oldLang = g_Config.sLanguageIni; std::string iniFile = langs_[listView_->GetSelected()].name; size_t dot = iniFile.find('.'); std::string code; if (dot != std::string::npos) code = iniFile.substr(0, dot); if (code.empty()) return; g_Config.sLanguageIni = code; bool iniLoadedSuccessfully = false; // Allow the lang directory to be overridden for testing purposes (e.g. Android, where it's hard to // test new languages without recompiling the entire app, which is a hassle). const std::string langOverridePath = g_Config.memStickDirectory + "PSP/SYSTEM/lang/"; // If we run into the unlikely case that "lang" is actually a file, just use the built-in translations. if (!File::Exists(langOverridePath) || !File::IsDirectory(langOverridePath)) iniLoadedSuccessfully = i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.sLanguageIni); else iniLoadedSuccessfully = i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.sLanguageIni, langOverridePath); if (iniLoadedSuccessfully) { // Dunno what else to do here. if (langValuesMapping.find(code) == langValuesMapping.end()) { // Fallback to English g_Config.iLanguage = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; } else { g_Config.iLanguage = langValuesMapping[code].second; } RecreateViews(); } else { g_Config.sLanguageIni = oldLang; } } void LogoScreen::Next() { if (!switched_) { switched_ = true; if (boot_filename.size()) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(boot_filename)); } else { screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); } } } const float logoScreenSeconds = 2.5f; void LogoScreen::update() { UIScreen::update(); frames_++; if (frames_ > 60 * logoScreenSeconds) { Next(); } } void LogoScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(message, "boot") && screenManager()->topScreen() == this) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(value)); } } bool LogoScreen::key(const KeyInput &key) { if (key.deviceId != DEVICE_ID_MOUSE) { Next(); return true; } return false; } bool LogoScreen::touch(const TouchInput &touch) { if (touch.flags & TOUCH_DOWN) { Next(); return true; } return false; } void LogoScreen::render() { using namespace Draw; UIScreen::render(); UIContext &dc = *screenManager()->getUIContext(); const Bounds &bounds = dc.GetBounds(); float xres = dc.GetBounds().w; float yres = dc.GetBounds().h; dc.Begin(); float t = (float)frames_ / (60.0f * logoScreenSeconds / 3.0f); float alpha = t; if (t > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f; float alphaText = alpha; if (t > 2.0f) alphaText = 3.0f - t; uint32_t textColor = colorAlpha(dc.theme->infoStyle.fgColor, alphaText); ::DrawBackground(dc, alpha); I18NCategory *cr = GetI18NCategory("PSPCredits"); I18NCategory *gr = GetI18NCategory("Graphics"); char temp[256]; // Manually formatting UTF-8 is fun. \xXX doesn't work everywhere. snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s Henrik Rydg%c%crd", cr->T("created", "Created by"), 0xC3, 0xA5); if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(I_ICONGOLD, bounds.centerX() - 120, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.2f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); } else { dc.Draw()->DrawImage(I_ICON, bounds.centerX() - 120, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.2f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); } dc.Draw()->DrawImage(I_LOGO, bounds.centerX() + 40, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.5f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); //dc.Draw()->DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU48, "PPSSPP", xres / 2, yres / 2 - 30, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); dc.SetFontStyle(dc.theme->uiFont); dc.DrawText(temp, bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY() + 40, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); dc.DrawText(cr->T("license", "Free Software under GPL 2.0+"), bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY() + 70, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); int ppsspp_org_y = yres / 2 + 130; dc.DrawText("www.ppsspp.org", bounds.centerX(), ppsspp_org_y, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); #if (defined(_WIN32) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP)) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) // Draw the graphics API, except on UWP where it's always D3D11 std::string apiName = screenManager()->getDrawContext()->GetInfoString(InfoField::APINAME); dc.DrawText(gr->T(apiName), bounds.centerX(), ppsspp_org_y + 50, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER); #endif dc.End(); dc.Flush(); } void CreditsScreen::CreateViews() { using namespace UI; I18NCategory *di = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); I18NCategory *cr = GetI18NCategory("PSPCredits"); root_ = new AnchorLayout(new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT)); Button *back = root_->Add(new Button(di->T("Back"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, NONE, NONE, 10, 10, false))); back->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnOK); root_->SetDefaultFocusView(back); if (!System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) { root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Buy Gold"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 10, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnSupport); } root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("PPSSPP Forums"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 84, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnForums); root_->Add(new Button("www.ppsspp.org", new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 158, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg); root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Privacy Policy"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 232, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnPrivacy); #ifdef __ANDROID__ root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Share PPSSPP"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, NONE, NONE, 10, 84, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnShare); root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Twitter @PPSSPP_emu"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, NONE, NONE, 10, 154, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnTwitter); #endif if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) { root_->Add(new ImageView(I_ICONGOLD, IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(100, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false))); } else { root_->Add(new ImageView(I_ICON, IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(100, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false))); } } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnSupport(UI::EventParams &e) { #ifdef __ANDROID__ LaunchBrowser("market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold"); #else LaunchBrowser("https://central.ppsspp.org/buygold"); #endif return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnTwitter(UI::EventParams &e) { #ifdef __ANDROID__ System_SendMessage("showTwitter", "PPSSPP_emu"); #else LaunchBrowser("https://twitter.com/#!/PPSSPP_emu"); #endif return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg(UI::EventParams &e) { LaunchBrowser("https://www.ppsspp.org"); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnPrivacy(UI::EventParams &e) { LaunchBrowser("https://www.ppsspp.org/privacy.html"); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnForums(UI::EventParams &e) { LaunchBrowser("https://forums.ppsspp.org"); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnShare(UI::EventParams &e) { I18NCategory *cr = GetI18NCategory("PSPCredits"); System_SendMessage("sharetext", cr->T("CheckOutPPSSPP", "Check out PPSSPP, the awesome PSP emulator: http://www.ppsspp.org/")); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnOK(UI::EventParams &e) { TriggerFinish(DR_OK); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void CreditsScreen::update() { UIScreen::update(); UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); frames_++; } void CreditsScreen::render() { UIScreen::render(); I18NCategory *cr = GetI18NCategory("PSPCredits"); const char * credits[] = { "PPSSPP", "", cr->T("title", "A fast and portable PSP emulator"), "", "", cr->T("created", "Created by"), "Henrik Rydg\xc3\xa5rd", "", "", cr->T("contributors", "Contributors:"), "unknownbrackets", "oioitff", "xsacha", "raven02", "tpunix", "orphis", "sum2012", "mikusp", "aquanull", "The Dax", "bollu", "tmaul", "artart78", "ced2911", "soywiz", "kovensky", "xele", "chaserhjk", "evilcorn", "daniel dressler", "makotech222", "CPkmn", "mgaver", "jeid3", "cinaera/BeaR", "jtraynham", "Kingcom", "arnastia", "lioncash", "JulianoAmaralChaves", "vnctdj", "kaienfr", "shenweip", "Danyal Zia", "Igor Calabria", "Coldbird", "Kyhel", "xebra", "LunaMoo", "zminhquanz", "", cr->T("specialthanks", "Special thanks to:"), "Maxim for his amazing Atrac3+ decoder work", "Keith Galocy at nVidia (hw, advice)", "Orphis (build server)", "angelxwind (iOS builds)", "W.MS (iOS builds)", "solarmystic (testing)", "all the forum mods", "", cr->T("this translation by", ""), // Empty string as this is the original :) cr->T("translators1", ""), cr->T("translators2", ""), cr->T("translators3", ""), cr->T("translators4", ""), cr->T("translators5", ""), cr->T("translators6", ""), "", cr->T("written", "Written in C++ for speed and portability"), "", "", cr->T("tools", "Free tools used:"), #ifdef __ANDROID__ "Android SDK + NDK", #endif #if defined(USING_QT_UI) "Qt", #elif !defined(USING_WIN_UI) "SDL", #endif "CMake", "freetype2", "zlib", "PSP SDK", "", "", cr->T("website", "Check out the website:"), "www.ppsspp.org", cr->T("list", "compatibility lists, forums, and development info"), "", "", cr->T("check", "Also check out Dolphin, the best Wii/GC emu around:"), "https://www.dolphin-emu.org", "", "", cr->T("info1", "PPSSPP is only intended to play games you own."), cr->T("info2", "Please make sure that you own the rights to any games"), cr->T("info3", "you play by owning the UMD or by buying the digital"), cr->T("info4", "download from the PSN store on your real PSP."), "", "", cr->T("info5", "PSP is a trademark by Sony, Inc."), }; // TODO: This is kinda ugly, done on every frame... char temp[256]; if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) { snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "PPSSPP Gold %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); } else { snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "PPSSPP %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION); } credits[0] = (const char *)temp; UIContext &dc = *screenManager()->getUIContext(); dc.Begin(); const Bounds &bounds = dc.GetBounds(); const int numItems = ARRAY_SIZE(credits); int itemHeight = 36; int totalHeight = numItems * itemHeight + bounds.h + 200; int y = bounds.y2() - (frames_ % totalHeight); for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { float alpha = linearInOut(y+32, 64, bounds.y2() - 192, 64); uint32_t textColor = colorAlpha(dc.theme->infoStyle.fgColor, alpha); if (alpha > 0.0f) { dc.SetFontScale(ease(alpha), ease(alpha)); dc.DrawText(credits[i], dc.GetBounds().centerX(), y, textColor, ALIGN_HCENTER); dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); } y += itemHeight; } dc.End(); dc.Flush(); }