// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include #include #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelThread.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelInterrupt.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h" #include "Core/HLE/KernelWaitHelpers.h" const int TLS_NUM_INDEXES = 16; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STATE BEGIN BlockAllocator userMemory(256); BlockAllocator kernelMemory(256); static int vplWaitTimer = -1; static int fplWaitTimer = -1; static bool tlsUsedIndexes[TLS_NUM_INDEXES]; // STATE END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION 0x1000 #define SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILERVERSION 0x2000 int flags_ = 0; int sdkVersion_; int compilerVersion_; struct FplWaitingThread { SceUID threadID; u32 addrPtr; u64 pausedTimeout; bool operator ==(const SceUID &otherThreadID) const { return threadID == otherThreadID; } }; struct NativeFPL { u32_le size; char name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; u32_le attr; s32_le blocksize; s32_le numBlocks; s32_le numFreeBlocks; s32_le numWaitThreads; }; //FPL - Fixed Length Dynamic Memory Pool - every item has the same length struct FPL : public KernelObject { FPL() : blocks(NULL), nextBlock(0) {} ~FPL() { if (blocks != NULL) { delete [] blocks; } } const char *GetName() {return nf.name;} const char *GetTypeName() {return "FPL";} static u32 GetMissingErrorCode() { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FPLID; } static int GetStaticIDType() { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Fpl; } int GetIDType() const { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Fpl; } int findFreeBlock() { for (int i = 0; i < nf.numBlocks; i++) { int b = nextBlock++ % nf.numBlocks; if (!blocks[b]) { return b; } } return -1; } int allocateBlock() { int block = findFreeBlock(); if (block >= 0) blocks[block] = true; return block; } bool freeBlock(int b) { if (blocks[b]) { blocks[b] = false; return true; } return false; } virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("FPL", 1); if (!s) return; p.Do(nf); if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) blocks = new bool[nf.numBlocks]; p.DoArray(blocks, nf.numBlocks); p.Do(address); p.Do(alignedSize); p.Do(nextBlock); FplWaitingThread dv = {0}; p.Do(waitingThreads, dv); p.Do(pausedWaits); } NativeFPL nf; bool *blocks; u32 address; int alignedSize; int nextBlock; std::vector waitingThreads; // Key is the callback id it was for, or if no callback, the thread id. std::map pausedWaits; }; struct VplWaitingThread { SceUID threadID; u32 addrPtr; u64 pausedTimeout; bool operator ==(const SceUID &otherThreadID) const { return threadID == otherThreadID; } }; struct SceKernelVplInfo { SceSize_le size; char name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; SceUInt_le attr; s32_le poolSize; s32_le freeSize; s32_le numWaitThreads; }; struct VPL : public KernelObject { const char *GetName() {return nv.name;} const char *GetTypeName() {return "VPL";} static u32 GetMissingErrorCode() { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VPLID; } static int GetStaticIDType() { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Vpl; } int GetIDType() const { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Vpl; } VPL() : alloc(8) {} virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("VPL", 1); if (!s) return; p.Do(nv); p.Do(address); VplWaitingThread dv = {0}; p.Do(waitingThreads, dv); alloc.DoState(p); p.Do(pausedWaits); } SceKernelVplInfo nv; u32 address; std::vector waitingThreads; // Key is the callback id it was for, or if no callback, the thread id. std::map pausedWaits; BlockAllocator alloc; }; void __KernelVplTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void __KernelFplTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void __KernelVplBeginCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId); void __KernelVplEndCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId); void __KernelFplBeginCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId); void __KernelFplEndCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId); void __KernelMemoryInit() { kernelMemory.Init(PSP_GetKernelMemoryBase(), PSP_GetKernelMemoryEnd()-PSP_GetKernelMemoryBase()); userMemory.Init(PSP_GetUserMemoryBase(), PSP_GetUserMemoryEnd()-PSP_GetUserMemoryBase()); INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "Kernel and user memory pools initialized"); vplWaitTimer = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("VplTimeout", __KernelVplTimeout); fplWaitTimer = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("FplTimeout", __KernelFplTimeout); flags_ = 0; sdkVersion_ = 0; compilerVersion_ = 0; memset(tlsUsedIndexes, 0, sizeof(tlsUsedIndexes)); __KernelRegisterWaitTypeFuncs(WAITTYPE_VPL, __KernelVplBeginCallback, __KernelVplEndCallback); __KernelRegisterWaitTypeFuncs(WAITTYPE_FPL, __KernelFplBeginCallback, __KernelFplEndCallback); } void __KernelMemoryDoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("sceKernelMemory", 1); if (!s) return; kernelMemory.DoState(p); userMemory.DoState(p); p.Do(vplWaitTimer); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(vplWaitTimer, "VplTimeout", __KernelVplTimeout); p.Do(fplWaitTimer); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(fplWaitTimer, "FplTimeout", __KernelFplTimeout); p.Do(flags_); p.Do(sdkVersion_); p.Do(compilerVersion_); p.DoArray(tlsUsedIndexes, ARRAY_SIZE(tlsUsedIndexes)); } void __KernelMemoryShutdown() { INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"Shutting down user memory pool: "); userMemory.ListBlocks(); userMemory.Shutdown(); INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"Shutting down \"kernel\" memory pool: "); kernelMemory.ListBlocks(); kernelMemory.Shutdown(); } enum SceKernelFplAttr { PSP_FPL_ATTR_FIFO = 0x0000, PSP_FPL_ATTR_PRIORITY = 0x0100, PSP_FPL_ATTR_HIGHMEM = 0x4000, PSP_FPL_ATTR_KNOWN = PSP_FPL_ATTR_FIFO | PSP_FPL_ATTR_PRIORITY | PSP_FPL_ATTR_HIGHMEM, }; bool __KernelUnlockFplForThread(FPL *fpl, FplWaitingThread &threadInfo, u32 &error, int result, bool &wokeThreads) { const SceUID threadID = threadInfo.threadID; if (!HLEKernel::VerifyWait(threadID, WAITTYPE_FPL, fpl->GetUID())) return true; // If result is an error code, we're just letting it go. if (result == 0) { int blockNum = fpl->allocateBlock(); if (blockNum >= 0) { u32 blockPtr = fpl->address + fpl->alignedSize * blockNum; Memory::Write_U32(blockPtr, threadInfo.addrPtr); } else return false; } u32 timeoutPtr = __KernelGetWaitTimeoutPtr(threadID, error); if (timeoutPtr != 0 && fplWaitTimer != -1) { // Remove any event for this thread. s64 cyclesLeft = CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(fplWaitTimer, threadID); Memory::Write_U32((u32) cyclesToUs(cyclesLeft), timeoutPtr); } __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, result); wokeThreads = true; return true; } void __KernelFplBeginCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId) { auto result = HLEKernel::WaitBeginCallback(threadID, prevCallbackId, fplWaitTimer); if (result == HLEKernel::WAIT_CB_SUCCESS) DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFplCB: Suspending fpl wait for callback") else if (result == HLEKernel::WAIT_CB_BAD_WAIT_DATA) ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFplCB: wait not found to pause for callback") else WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFplCB: beginning callback with bad wait id?"); } void __KernelFplEndCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId) { auto result = HLEKernel::WaitEndCallback(threadID, prevCallbackId, fplWaitTimer, __KernelUnlockFplForThread); if (result == HLEKernel::WAIT_CB_RESUMED_WAIT) DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReceiveMbxCB: Resuming mbx wait from callback"); } bool __FplThreadSortPriority(FplWaitingThread thread1, FplWaitingThread thread2) { return __KernelThreadSortPriority(thread1.threadID, thread2.threadID); } bool __KernelClearFplThreads(FPL *fpl, int reason) { u32 error; bool wokeThreads = false; for (auto iter = fpl->waitingThreads.begin(), end = fpl->waitingThreads.end(); iter != end; ++iter) __KernelUnlockFplForThread(fpl, *iter, error, reason, wokeThreads); fpl->waitingThreads.clear(); return wokeThreads; } void __KernelSortFplThreads(FPL *fpl) { // Remove any that are no longer waiting. SceUID uid = fpl->GetUID(); HLEKernel::CleanupWaitingThreads(WAITTYPE_FPL, uid, fpl->waitingThreads); if ((fpl->nf.attr & PSP_FPL_ATTR_PRIORITY) != 0) std::stable_sort(fpl->waitingThreads.begin(), fpl->waitingThreads.end(), __FplThreadSortPriority); } int sceKernelCreateFpl(const char *name, u32 mpid, u32 attr, u32 blockSize, u32 numBlocks, u32 optPtr) { if (!name) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateFpl(): invalid name", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } if (mpid < 1 || mpid > 9 || mpid == 7) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateFpl(): invalid partition %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, mpid); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } // We only support user right now. if (mpid != 2 && mpid != 6) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateFpl(): invalid partition %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PERM, mpid); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PERM; } if (((attr & ~PSP_FPL_ATTR_KNOWN) & ~0xFF) != 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateFpl(): invalid attr parameter: %08x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR, attr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR; } // There's probably a simpler way to get this same basic formula... // This is based on results from a PSP. bool illegalMemSize = blockSize == 0 || numBlocks == 0; if (!illegalMemSize && (u64) blockSize > ((0x100000000ULL / (u64) numBlocks) - 4ULL)) illegalMemSize = true; if (!illegalMemSize && (u64) numBlocks >= 0x100000000ULL / (((u64) blockSize + 3ULL) & ~3ULL)) illegalMemSize = true; if (illegalMemSize) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateFpl(): invalid blockSize/count", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE; } int alignment = 4; if (optPtr != 0) { u32 size = Memory::Read_U32(optPtr); if (size > 8) WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateFpl(): unsupported extra options, size = %d", size); if (size >= 4) alignment = Memory::Read_U32(optPtr + 4); // Must be a power of 2 to be valid. if ((alignment & (alignment - 1)) != 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateFpl(): invalid alignment %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, alignment); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } } if (alignment < 4) alignment = 4; int alignedSize = ((int)blockSize + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1); u32 totalSize = alignedSize * numBlocks; bool atEnd = (attr & PSP_FPL_ATTR_HIGHMEM) != 0; u32 address = userMemory.Alloc(totalSize, atEnd, "FPL"); if (address == (u32)-1) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateFpl(\"%s\", partition=%i, attr=%08x, bsize=%i, nb=%i) FAILED - out of ram", name, mpid, attr, blockSize, numBlocks); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } FPL *fpl = new FPL; SceUID id = kernelObjects.Create(fpl); strncpy(fpl->nf.name, name, KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); fpl->nf.name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; fpl->nf.attr = attr; fpl->nf.size = sizeof(fpl->nf); fpl->nf.blocksize = blockSize; fpl->nf.numBlocks = numBlocks; fpl->nf.numFreeBlocks = numBlocks; fpl->nf.numWaitThreads = 0; fpl->blocks = new bool[fpl->nf.numBlocks]; memset(fpl->blocks, 0, fpl->nf.numBlocks * sizeof(bool)); fpl->address = address; fpl->alignedSize = alignedSize; DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%i=sceKernelCreateFpl(\"%s\", partition=%i, attr=%08x, bsize=%i, nb=%i)", id, name, mpid, attr, blockSize, numBlocks); return id; } int sceKernelDeleteFpl(SceUID uid) { u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelDeleteFpl(%i)", uid); bool wokeThreads = __KernelClearFplThreads(fpl, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_DELETE); if (wokeThreads) hleReSchedule("fpl deleted"); userMemory.Free(fpl->address); return kernelObjects.Destroy(uid); } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelDeleteFpl(%i): invalid fpl", uid); return error; } } void __KernelFplTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { SceUID threadID = (SceUID) userdata; HLEKernel::WaitExecTimeout(threadID); } void __KernelSetFplTimeout(u32 timeoutPtr) { if (timeoutPtr == 0 || fplWaitTimer == -1) return; int micro = (int) Memory::Read_U32(timeoutPtr); // TODO: test for fpls. // This happens to be how the hardware seems to time things. if (micro <= 5) micro = 10; // Yes, this 7 is reproducible. 6 is (a lot) longer than 7. else if (micro == 7) micro = 15; else if (micro <= 215) micro = 250; CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(micro), fplWaitTimer, __KernelGetCurThread()); } int sceKernelAllocateFpl(SceUID uid, u32 blockPtrAddr, u32 timeoutPtr) { u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFpl(%i, %08x, %08x)", uid, blockPtrAddr, timeoutPtr); int blockNum = fpl->allocateBlock(); if (blockNum >= 0) { u32 blockPtr = fpl->address + fpl->alignedSize * blockNum; Memory::Write_U32(blockPtr, blockPtrAddr); } else { SceUID threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); HLEKernel::RemoveWaitingThread(fpl->waitingThreads, threadID); FplWaitingThread waiting = {threadID, blockPtrAddr}; fpl->waitingThreads.push_back(waiting); __KernelSetFplTimeout(timeoutPtr); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_FPL, uid, 0, timeoutPtr, false, "fpl waited"); } return 0; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFpl(%i, %08x, %08x): invalid fpl", uid, blockPtrAddr, timeoutPtr); return error; } } int sceKernelAllocateFplCB(SceUID uid, u32 blockPtrAddr, u32 timeoutPtr) { u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFplCB(%i, %08x, %08x)", uid, blockPtrAddr, timeoutPtr); int blockNum = fpl->allocateBlock(); if (blockNum >= 0) { u32 blockPtr = fpl->address + fpl->alignedSize * blockNum; Memory::Write_U32(blockPtr, blockPtrAddr); } else { SceUID threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); HLEKernel::RemoveWaitingThread(fpl->waitingThreads, threadID); FplWaitingThread waiting = {threadID, blockPtrAddr}; fpl->waitingThreads.push_back(waiting); __KernelSetFplTimeout(timeoutPtr); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_FPL, uid, 0, timeoutPtr, true, "fpl waited"); } return 0; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateFplCB(%i, %08x, %08x): invalid fpl", uid, blockPtrAddr, timeoutPtr); return error; } } int sceKernelTryAllocateFpl(SceUID uid, u32 blockPtrAddr) { u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelTryAllocateFpl(%i, %08x)", uid, blockPtrAddr); int blockNum = fpl->allocateBlock(); if (blockNum >= 0) { u32 blockPtr = fpl->address + fpl->alignedSize * blockNum; Memory::Write_U32(blockPtr, blockPtrAddr); return 0; } else { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelTryAllocateFpl(%i, %08x): invalid fpl", uid, blockPtrAddr); return error; } } int sceKernelFreeFpl(SceUID uid, u32 blockPtr) { if (blockPtr > PSP_GetUserMemoryEnd()) { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelFreeFpl(%i, %08x): invalid address", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR, uid, blockPtr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; } u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { int blockNum = (blockPtr - fpl->address) / fpl->alignedSize; if (blockNum < 0 || blockNum >= fpl->nf.numBlocks) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelFreeFpl(%i, %08x): bad block ptr", uid, blockPtr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCK; } else { if (fpl->freeBlock(blockNum)) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelFreeFpl(%i, %08x)", uid, blockPtr); __KernelSortFplThreads(fpl); bool wokeThreads = false; retry: for (auto iter = fpl->waitingThreads.begin(), end = fpl->waitingThreads.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { if (__KernelUnlockFplForThread(fpl, *iter, error, 0, wokeThreads)) { fpl->waitingThreads.erase(iter); goto retry; } } if (wokeThreads) hleReSchedule("fpl freed"); return 0; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelFreeFpl(%i, %08x): already free", uid, blockPtr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCK; } } } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelFreeFpl(%i, %08x): invalid fpl", uid, blockPtr); return error; } } int sceKernelCancelFpl(SceUID uid, u32 numWaitThreadsPtr) { u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCancelFpl(%i, %08x)", uid, numWaitThreadsPtr); fpl->nf.numWaitThreads = (int) fpl->waitingThreads.size(); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(numWaitThreadsPtr)) Memory::Write_U32(fpl->nf.numWaitThreads, numWaitThreadsPtr); bool wokeThreads = __KernelClearFplThreads(fpl, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_CANCEL); if (wokeThreads) hleReSchedule("fpl canceled"); return 0; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCancelFpl(%i, %08x): invalid fpl", uid, numWaitThreadsPtr); return error; } } int sceKernelReferFplStatus(SceUID uid, u32 statusPtr) { u32 error; FPL *fpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (fpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReferFplStatus(%i, %08x)", uid, statusPtr); // Refresh waiting threads and free block count. __KernelSortFplThreads(fpl); fpl->nf.numWaitThreads = (int) fpl->waitingThreads.size(); fpl->nf.numFreeBlocks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)fpl->nf.numBlocks; ++i) { if (!fpl->blocks[i]) ++fpl->nf.numFreeBlocks; } if (Memory::Read_U32(statusPtr) != 0) Memory::WriteStruct(statusPtr, &fpl->nf); return 0; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReferFplStatus(%i, %08x): invalid fpl", uid, statusPtr); return error; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALLOCATIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //00:49:12 ector, well the partitions are 1 = kernel, 2 = user, 3 = me, 4 = kernel mirror :) enum MemblockType { PSP_SMEM_Low = 0, PSP_SMEM_High = 1, PSP_SMEM_Addr = 2, PSP_SMEM_LowAligned = 3, PSP_SMEM_HighAligned = 4, }; class PartitionMemoryBlock : public KernelObject { public: const char *GetName() {return name;} const char *GetTypeName() {return "MemoryPart";} void GetQuickInfo(char *ptr, int size) { int sz = alloc->GetBlockSizeFromAddress(address); sprintf(ptr, "MemPart: %08x - %08x size: %08x", address, address + sz, sz); } static u32 GetMissingErrorCode() { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_UID; } static int GetStaticIDType() { return PPSSPP_KERNEL_TMID_PMB; } int GetIDType() const { return PPSSPP_KERNEL_TMID_PMB; } PartitionMemoryBlock(BlockAllocator *_alloc, const char *_name, u32 size, MemblockType type, u32 alignment) { alloc = _alloc; strncpy(name, _name, 32); name[31] = '\0'; // 0 is used for save states to wake up. if (size != 0) { if (type == PSP_SMEM_Addr) { alignment &= ~0xFF; address = alloc->AllocAt(alignment, size, name); } else if (type == PSP_SMEM_LowAligned || type == PSP_SMEM_HighAligned) address = alloc->AllocAligned(size, 0x100, alignment, type == PSP_SMEM_HighAligned, name); else address = alloc->Alloc(size, type == PSP_SMEM_High, name); alloc->ListBlocks(); } } ~PartitionMemoryBlock() { if (address != (u32)-1) alloc->Free(address); } bool IsValid() {return address != (u32)-1;} BlockAllocator *alloc; virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("PMB", 1); if (!s) return; p.Do(address); p.DoArray(name, sizeof(name)); } u32 address; char name[32]; }; u32 sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize() { u32 retVal = userMemory.GetLargestFreeBlockSize(); DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x (dec %i)=sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize()", retVal, retVal); return retVal; } u32 sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize() { u32 retVal = userMemory.GetTotalFreeBytes(); DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x (dec %i)=sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize()", retVal, retVal); return retVal; } int sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(int partition, const char *name, int type, u32 size, u32 addr) { if (name == NULL) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(): invalid name", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERROR); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERROR; } if (size == 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(): invalid size %x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED, size); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } if (partition < 1 || partition > 9 || partition == 7) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(): invalid partition %x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, partition); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } // We only support user right now. if (partition != 2 && partition != 5 && partition != 6) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(): invalid partition %x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARTITION, partition); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARTITION; } if (type < PSP_SMEM_Low || type > PSP_SMEM_HighAligned) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(): invalid type %x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCKTYPE, type); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCKTYPE; } // Alignment is only allowed for powers of 2. if ((type == PSP_SMEM_LowAligned || type == PSP_SMEM_HighAligned) && ((addr & (addr - 1)) != 0 || addr == 0)) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(): invalid alignment %x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ALIGNMENT_SIZE, addr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ALIGNMENT_SIZE; } PartitionMemoryBlock *block = new PartitionMemoryBlock(&userMemory, name, size, (MemblockType)type, addr); if (!block->IsValid()) { delete block; ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "ARGH! sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory failed"); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } SceUID uid = kernelObjects.Create(block); DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"%i = sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(partition = %i, %s, type= %i, size= %i, addr= %08x)", uid, partition, name, type, size, addr); return uid; } int sceKernelFreePartitionMemory(SceUID id) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelFreePartitionMemory(%d)",id); return kernelObjects.Destroy(id); } u32 sceKernelGetBlockHeadAddr(SceUID id) { u32 error; PartitionMemoryBlock *block = kernelObjects.Get(id, error); if (block) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"%08x = sceKernelGetBlockHeadAddr(%i)", block->address, id); return block->address; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelGetBlockHeadAddr failed(%i)", id); return 0; } } int sceKernelPrintf(const char *formatString) { if (formatString == NULL) return -1; bool supported = true; int param = 1; char tempStr[24]; char tempFormat[24] = {'%'}; std::string result, format = formatString; // Each printf is a separate line already in the log, so don't double space. // This does mean we break up strings, unfortunately. if (!format.empty() && format[format.size() - 1] == '\n') format.resize(format.size() - 1); for (size_t i = 0, n = format.size(); supported && i < n; ) { size_t next = format.find('%', i); if (next == format.npos) { result += format.substr(i); break; } else if (next != i) result += format.substr(i, next - i); i = next + 1; if (i >= n) { supported = false; break; } switch (format[i]) { case '%': result += '%'; ++i; break; case 's': result += Memory::GetCharPointer(PARAM(param++)); ++i; break; case 'd': case 'i': case 'x': case 'X': case 'u': tempFormat[1] = format[i]; tempFormat[2] = '\0'; snprintf(tempStr, sizeof(tempStr), tempFormat, PARAM(param++)); result += tempStr; ++i; break; case '0': if (i + 3 > n || format[i + 1] != '8' || (format[i + 2] != 'x' && format[i + 2] != 'X')) supported = false; else { // These are the '0', '8', and 'x' or 'X' respectively. tempFormat[1] = format[i]; tempFormat[2] = format[i + 1]; tempFormat[3] = format[i + 2]; tempFormat[4] = '\0'; snprintf(tempStr, sizeof(tempStr), tempFormat, PARAM(param++)); result += tempStr; i += 3; } break; default: supported = false; break; } if (param > 6) supported = false; } // Just in case there were embedded strings that had \n's. if (!result.empty() && result[result.size() - 1] == '\n') result.resize(result.size() - 1); if (supported) INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelPrintf: %s", result.c_str()) else ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(%s, %08x, %08x, %08x)", format.c_str(), PARAM(1), PARAM(2), PARAM(3)); return 0; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion(int sdkVersion) { /* int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; bool valiSDK = false; switch(sdkMainVersion) { case 0x01000000: case 0x01050000: case 0x02000000: case 0x02050000: case 0x02060000: case 0x02070000: case 0x02080000: case 0x03000000: case 0x03010000: case 0x03030000: case 0x03040000: case 0x03050000: case 0x03060000: valiSDK = true; break; default: valiSDK = false; break; } if(valiSDK) {*/ sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; /* } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return;*/ } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion370(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x03070000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion370 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion380_390(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x03080000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x03090000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion380_390 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion395(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFFFF00; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x04000000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x04000100 || sdkMainVersion == 0x04000500 || sdkMainVersion == 0x03090500 || sdkMainVersion == 0x03090600) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion395 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion600_602(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x06010000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x06000000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x06020000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion600_602 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion500_505(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x05000000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x05050000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion500_505 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion401_402(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x04010000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x04020000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion401_402 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion507(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x05070000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion507 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion603_605(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x06040000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x06030000 || sdkMainVersion == 0x06050000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion603_605 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } void sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion606(int sdkVersion) { int sdkMainVersion = sdkVersion & 0xFFFF0000; if(sdkMainVersion == 0x06060000) { sdkVersion_ = sdkVersion; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION; } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion606 unknown SDK : %x\n",sdkVersion); } return; } int sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() { if(!(flags_ & SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILEDSDKVERSION)) return 0; return sdkVersion_; } void sceKernelSetCompilerVersion(int version) { compilerVersion_ = version; flags_ |= SCE_KERNEL_HASCOMPILERVERSION; } KernelObject *__KernelMemoryFPLObject() { return new FPL; } KernelObject *__KernelMemoryVPLObject() { return new VPL; } KernelObject *__KernelMemoryPMBObject() { // TODO: We could theoretically handle kernelMemory too, but we don't support that now anyway. return new PartitionMemoryBlock(&userMemory, "", 0, PSP_SMEM_Low, 0); } // VPL = variable length memory pool enum SceKernelVplAttr { PSP_VPL_ATTR_FIFO = 0x0000, PSP_VPL_ATTR_PRIORITY = 0x0100, PSP_VPL_ATTR_SMALLEST = 0x0200, PSP_VPL_ATTR_HIGHMEM = 0x4000, PSP_VPL_ATTR_KNOWN = PSP_VPL_ATTR_FIFO | PSP_VPL_ATTR_PRIORITY | PSP_VPL_ATTR_SMALLEST | PSP_VPL_ATTR_HIGHMEM, }; bool __KernelUnlockVplForThread(VPL *vpl, VplWaitingThread &threadInfo, u32 &error, int result, bool &wokeThreads) { const SceUID threadID = threadInfo.threadID; if (!HLEKernel::VerifyWait(threadID, WAITTYPE_VPL, vpl->GetUID())) return true; // If result is an error code, we're just letting it go. if (result == 0) { int size = (int) __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error); // Padding (normally used to track the allocation.) u32 allocSize = size + 8; u32 addr = vpl->alloc.Alloc(allocSize, true); if (addr != (u32) -1) Memory::Write_U32(addr, threadInfo.addrPtr); else return false; } u32 timeoutPtr = __KernelGetWaitTimeoutPtr(threadID, error); if (timeoutPtr != 0 && vplWaitTimer != -1) { // Remove any event for this thread. s64 cyclesLeft = CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(vplWaitTimer, threadID); Memory::Write_U32((u32) cyclesToUs(cyclesLeft), timeoutPtr); } __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, result); wokeThreads = true; return true; } void __KernelVplBeginCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId) { auto result = HLEKernel::WaitBeginCallback(threadID, prevCallbackId, vplWaitTimer); if (result == HLEKernel::WAIT_CB_SUCCESS) DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateVplCB: Suspending vpl wait for callback") else if (result == HLEKernel::WAIT_CB_BAD_WAIT_DATA) ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateVplCB: wait not found to pause for callback") else WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateVplCB: beginning callback with bad wait id?"); } void __KernelVplEndCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId) { auto result = HLEKernel::WaitEndCallback(threadID, prevCallbackId, vplWaitTimer, __KernelUnlockVplForThread); if (result == HLEKernel::WAIT_CB_RESUMED_WAIT) DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReceiveMbxCB: Resuming mbx wait from callback"); } bool __VplThreadSortPriority(VplWaitingThread thread1, VplWaitingThread thread2) { return __KernelThreadSortPriority(thread1.threadID, thread2.threadID); } bool __KernelClearVplThreads(VPL *vpl, int reason) { u32 error; bool wokeThreads = false; for (auto iter = vpl->waitingThreads.begin(), end = vpl->waitingThreads.end(); iter != end; ++iter) __KernelUnlockVplForThread(vpl, *iter, error, reason, wokeThreads); vpl->waitingThreads.clear(); return wokeThreads; } void __KernelSortFplThreads(VPL *vpl) { // Remove any that are no longer waiting. SceUID uid = vpl->GetUID(); HLEKernel::CleanupWaitingThreads(WAITTYPE_VPL, uid, vpl->waitingThreads); if ((vpl->nv.attr & PSP_VPL_ATTR_PRIORITY) != 0) std::stable_sort(vpl->waitingThreads.begin(), vpl->waitingThreads.end(), __VplThreadSortPriority); } SceUID sceKernelCreateVpl(const char *name, int partition, u32 attr, u32 vplSize, u32 optPtr) { if (!name) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateVpl(): invalid name", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERROR); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERROR; } if (partition < 1 || partition > 9 || partition == 7) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateVpl(): invalid partition %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, partition); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } // We only support user right now. if (partition != 2 && partition != 6) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateVpl(): invalid partition %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PERM, partition); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PERM; } if (((attr & ~PSP_VPL_ATTR_KNOWN) & ~0xFF) != 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateVpl(): invalid attr parameter: %08x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR, attr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR; } if (vplSize == 0) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateVpl(): invalid size", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE; } // Block Allocator seems to A-OK this, let's stop it here. if (vplSize >= 0x80000000) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateVpl(): way too big size", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } // Can't have that little space in a Vpl, sorry. if (vplSize <= 0x30) vplSize = 0x1000; vplSize = (vplSize + 7) & ~7; // We ignore the upalign to 256 and do it ourselves by 8. u32 allocSize = vplSize; u32 memBlockPtr = userMemory.Alloc(allocSize, (attr & PSP_VPL_ATTR_HIGHMEM) != 0, "VPL"); if (memBlockPtr == (u32)-1) { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateVpl(): Failed to allocate %i bytes of pool data", vplSize); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } VPL *vpl = new VPL; SceUID id = kernelObjects.Create(vpl); strncpy(vpl->nv.name, name, KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); vpl->nv.name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; vpl->nv.attr = attr; vpl->nv.size = sizeof(vpl->nv); vpl->nv.poolSize = vplSize - 0x20; vpl->nv.numWaitThreads = 0; vpl->nv.freeSize = vpl->nv.poolSize; // A vpl normally has accounting stuff in the first 32 bytes. vpl->address = memBlockPtr + 0x20; vpl->alloc.Init(vpl->address, vpl->nv.poolSize); DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%x=sceKernelCreateVpl(\"%s\", block=%i, attr=%i, size=%i)", id, name, partition, vpl->nv.attr, vpl->nv.poolSize); if (optPtr != 0) { u32 size = Memory::Read_U32(optPtr); if (size > 4) WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateVpl(): unsupported options parameter, size = %d", size); } if (attr & PSP_VPL_ATTR_SMALLEST) WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateVpl(): unsupported SMALLEST wake priority attr"); return id; } int sceKernelDeleteVpl(SceUID uid) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelDeleteVpl(%i)", uid); u32 error; VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (vpl) { bool wokeThreads = __KernelClearVplThreads(vpl, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_DELETE); if (wokeThreads) hleReSchedule("vpl deleted"); userMemory.Free(vpl->address); kernelObjects.Destroy(uid); return 0; } else return error; } // Returns false for invalid parameters (e.g. don't check callbacks, etc.) // Successful allocation is indicated by error == 0. bool __KernelAllocateVpl(SceUID uid, u32 size, u32 addrPtr, u32 &error, const char *funcname) { VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (vpl) { if (size == 0 || size > (u32) vpl->nv.poolSize) { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%s(vpl=%i, size=%i, ptrout=%08x): invalid size", funcname, uid, size, addrPtr); error = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE; return false; } VERBOSE_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%s(vpl=%i, size=%i, ptrout=%08x)", funcname, uid, size, addrPtr); // Padding (normally used to track the allocation.) u32 allocSize = size + 8; u32 addr = vpl->alloc.Alloc(allocSize, true); if (addr != (u32) -1) { Memory::Write_U32(addr, addrPtr); error = 0; } else error = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; return true; } return false; } void __KernelVplTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { SceUID threadID = (SceUID) userdata; HLEKernel::WaitExecTimeout(threadID); } void __KernelSetVplTimeout(u32 timeoutPtr) { if (timeoutPtr == 0 || vplWaitTimer == -1) return; int micro = (int) Memory::Read_U32(timeoutPtr); // This happens to be how the hardware seems to time things. if (micro <= 5) micro = 10; // Yes, this 7 is reproducible. 6 is (a lot) longer than 7. else if (micro == 7) micro = 15; else if (micro <= 215) micro = 250; CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(micro), vplWaitTimer, __KernelGetCurThread()); } int sceKernelAllocateVpl(SceUID uid, u32 size, u32 addrPtr, u32 timeoutPtr) { u32 error, ignore; if (__KernelAllocateVpl(uid, size, addrPtr, error, __FUNCTION__)) { VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, ignore); if (error == SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY) { if (timeoutPtr != 0 && Memory::Read_U32(timeoutPtr) == 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT; if (vpl) { SceUID threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); HLEKernel::RemoveWaitingThread(vpl->waitingThreads, threadID); VplWaitingThread waiting = {threadID, addrPtr}; vpl->waitingThreads.push_back(waiting); } __KernelSetVplTimeout(timeoutPtr); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_VPL, uid, size, timeoutPtr, false, "vpl waited"); } // If anyone else was waiting, the allocation causes a delay. else if (error == 0 && !vpl->waitingThreads.empty()) return hleDelayResult(error, "vpl allocated", 50); } return error; } int sceKernelAllocateVplCB(SceUID uid, u32 size, u32 addrPtr, u32 timeoutPtr) { u32 error, ignore; if (__KernelAllocateVpl(uid, size, addrPtr, error, __FUNCTION__)) { hleCheckCurrentCallbacks(); VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, ignore); if (error == SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY) { if (timeoutPtr != 0 && Memory::Read_U32(timeoutPtr) == 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT; if (vpl) { SceUID threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); HLEKernel::RemoveWaitingThread(vpl->waitingThreads, threadID); VplWaitingThread waiting = {threadID, addrPtr}; vpl->waitingThreads.push_back(waiting); } __KernelSetVplTimeout(timeoutPtr); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_VPL, uid, size, timeoutPtr, true, "vpl waited"); } // If anyone else was waiting, the allocation causes a delay. else if (error == 0 && !vpl->waitingThreads.empty()) return hleDelayResult(error, "vpl allocated", 50); } return error; } int sceKernelTryAllocateVpl(SceUID uid, u32 size, u32 addrPtr) { u32 error; __KernelAllocateVpl(uid, size, addrPtr, error, __FUNCTION__); return error; } int sceKernelFreeVpl(SceUID uid, u32 addr) { if (addr && !Memory::IsValidAddress(addr)) { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelFreeVpl(%i, %08x): Invalid address", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR, uid, addr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDR; } VERBOSE_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelFreeVpl(%i, %08x)", uid, addr); u32 error; VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (vpl) { if (vpl->alloc.FreeExact(addr)) { __KernelSortFplThreads(vpl); bool wokeThreads = false; retry: for (auto iter = vpl->waitingThreads.begin(), end = vpl->waitingThreads.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { if (__KernelUnlockVplForThread(vpl, *iter, error, 0, wokeThreads)) { vpl->waitingThreads.erase(iter); goto retry; } } if (wokeThreads) hleReSchedule("vpl freed"); return 0; } else { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelFreeVpl(%i, %08x): Unable to free", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCK, uid, addr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCK; } } else return error; } int sceKernelCancelVpl(SceUID uid, u32 numWaitThreadsPtr) { u32 error; VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (vpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCancelVpl(%i, %08x)", uid, numWaitThreadsPtr); vpl->nv.numWaitThreads = (int) vpl->waitingThreads.size(); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(numWaitThreadsPtr)) Memory::Write_U32(vpl->nv.numWaitThreads, numWaitThreadsPtr); bool wokeThreads = __KernelClearVplThreads(vpl, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_CANCEL); if (wokeThreads) hleReSchedule("vpl canceled"); return 0; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCancelVpl(%i, %08x): invalid vpl", uid, numWaitThreadsPtr); return error; } } int sceKernelReferVplStatus(SceUID uid, u32 infoPtr) { u32 error; VPL *vpl = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (vpl) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReferVplStatus(%i, %08x)", uid, infoPtr); __KernelSortFplThreads(vpl); vpl->nv.numWaitThreads = (int) vpl->waitingThreads.size(); vpl->nv.freeSize = vpl->alloc.GetTotalFreeBytes(); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(infoPtr) && Memory::Read_U32(infoPtr)) Memory::WriteStruct(infoPtr, &vpl->nv); return 0; } else return error; } // TODO: Make proper kernel objects for these instead of using the UID as a pointer. u32 AllocMemoryBlock(const char *pname, u32 type, u32 size, u32 paramsAddr) { // Just support allocating a block in the user region. if (paramsAddr) { u32 length = Memory::Read_U32(paramsAddr); if (length != 4) { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "AllockMemoryBlock(SysMemUserForUser_FE707FDF) : unknown parameters with length %d", length); } } if (type > 1) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCKTYPE; } u32 blockPtr = userMemory.Alloc(size, type == 1, pname); if (!blockPtr) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_FAILED; } INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"%08x=AllocMemoryBlock(SysMemUserForUser_FE707FDF)(%s, %i, %08x, %08x)", blockPtr, pname, type, size, paramsAddr); // Create a UID object??? Nah, let's just us the UID itself (hack!) return blockPtr; } u32 FreeMemoryBlock(u32 uid) { INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "FreeMemoryBlock(%08x)", uid); u32 blockPtr = userMemory.GetBlockStartFromAddress(uid); if (!blockPtr) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_UID; } userMemory.Free(blockPtr); return 0; } u32 GetMemoryBlockPtr(u32 uid, u32 addr) { INFO_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "GetMemoryBlockPtr(%08x, %08x)", uid, addr); u32 blockPtr = userMemory.GetBlockStartFromAddress(uid); if (!blockPtr) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_UID; } Memory::Write_U32(blockPtr, addr); return 0; } u32 SysMemUserForUser_D8DE5C1E(){ ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL,"HACKIMPL SysMemUserForUser_D8DE5C1E Returning 0"); return 0; //according to jpcsp always returns 0 } // These aren't really in sysmem, but they are memory related? enum { PSP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TLS_ID = 0x800201D0, PSP_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TLS = 0x800201D1, }; enum { // TODO: Complete untested guesses. PSP_TLS_ATTR_FIFO = 0, PSP_TLS_ATTR_PRIORITY = 0x100, PSP_TLS_ATTR_HIGHMEM = 0x4000, PSP_TLS_ATTR_KNOWN = PSP_TLS_ATTR_HIGHMEM | PSP_TLS_ATTR_PRIORITY | PSP_TLS_ATTR_FIFO, }; struct NativeTls { SceSize_le size; char name[32]; SceUInt_le attr; s32_le index; u32_le blockSize; u32_le totalBlocks; u32_le freeBlocks; u32_le numWaitThreads; }; struct TLS : public KernelObject { const char *GetName() {return ntls.name;} const char *GetTypeName() {return "TLS";} static u32 GetMissingErrorCode() { return PSP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TLS_ID; } static int GetStaticIDType() { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Tls; } int GetIDType() const { return SCE_KERNEL_TMID_Tls; } TLS() : next(0) {} virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("TLS", 1); if (!s) return; p.Do(ntls); p.Do(address); p.Do(waitingThreads); p.Do(next); p.Do(usage); } NativeTls ntls; u32 address; std::vector waitingThreads; int next; std::vector usage; }; KernelObject *__KernelTlsObject() { return new TLS; } SceUID sceKernelCreateTls(const char *name, u32 partition, u32 attr, u32 blockSize, u32 count, u32 optionsPtr) { if (!name) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(): invalid name", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } if ((attr & ~PSP_TLS_ATTR_KNOWN) >= 0x100) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(): invalid attr parameter: %08x", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR, attr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ATTR; } if (partition < 1 || partition > 9 || partition == 7) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(): invalid partition %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, partition); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } // We only support user right now. if (partition != 2 && partition != 6) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(): invalid partition %d", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PERM, partition); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PERM; } // There's probably a simpler way to get this same basic formula... // This is based on results from a PSP. bool illegalMemSize = blockSize == 0 || count == 0; if (!illegalMemSize && (u64) blockSize > ((0x100000000ULL / (u64) count) - 4ULL)) illegalMemSize = true; if (!illegalMemSize && (u64) count >= 0x100000000ULL / (((u64) blockSize + 3ULL) & ~3ULL)) illegalMemSize = true; if (illegalMemSize) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(): invalid blockSize/count", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE; } int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < TLS_NUM_INDEXES; ++i) if (tlsUsedIndexes[i] == false) { index = i; break; } if (index == -1) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(): ran out of indexes for TLS objects", PSP_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TLS); return PSP_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TLS; } u32 totalSize = blockSize * count; u32 blockPtr = userMemory.Alloc(totalSize, (attr & PSP_TLS_ATTR_HIGHMEM) != 0, name); userMemory.ListBlocks(); if (blockPtr == (u32) -1) { ERROR_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(%s, %d, %08x, %d, %d, %08x): failed to allocate memory", SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, name, partition, attr, blockSize, count, optionsPtr); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } TLS *tls = new TLS(); SceUID id = kernelObjects.Create(tls); tls->ntls.size = sizeof(tls->ntls); strncpy(tls->ntls.name, name, KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); tls->ntls.name[KERNELOBJECT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; tls->ntls.attr = attr; tls->ntls.index = index; tlsUsedIndexes[index] = true; tls->ntls.blockSize = blockSize; tls->ntls.totalBlocks = count; tls->ntls.freeBlocks = count; tls->ntls.numWaitThreads = 0; tls->address = blockPtr; tls->usage.resize(count, 0); WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "%08x=sceKernelCreateTls(%s, %d, %08x, %d, %d, %08x)", id, name, partition, attr, blockSize, count, optionsPtr); // TODO: just alignment? if (optionsPtr != 0) { u32 size = Memory::Read_U32(optionsPtr); if (size > 4) WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateTls(%s) unsupported options parameter, size = %d", name, size); } if ((attr & PSP_TLS_ATTR_PRIORITY) != 0) WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelCreateTls(%s) unsupported attr parameter: %08x", name, attr); return id; } // Parameters are an educated guess. int sceKernelDeleteTls(SceUID uid) { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelDeleteTls(%08x)", uid); u32 error; TLS *tls = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (tls) { // TODO: Wake waiting threads, probably? userMemory.Free(tls->address); tlsUsedIndexes[tls->ntls.index] = false; kernelObjects.Destroy(uid); } return error; } int sceKernelAllocateTls(SceUID uid) { // TODO: Allocate downward if PSP_TLS_ATTR_HIGHMEM? DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelAllocateTls(%08x)", uid); if (!__KernelIsDispatchEnabled() || __IsInInterrupt()) return 0; u32 error; TLS *tls = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (tls) { SceUID threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); int allocBlock = -1; // If the thread already has one, return it. for (size_t i = 0; i < tls->ntls.totalBlocks && allocBlock == -1; ++i) { if (tls->usage[i] == threadID) allocBlock = (int) i; } if (allocBlock == -1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tls->ntls.totalBlocks && allocBlock == -1; ++i) { // The PSP doesn't give the same block out twice in a row, even if freed. if (tls->usage[tls->next] == 0) allocBlock = tls->next; tls->next = (tls->next + 1) % tls->ntls.totalBlocks; } if (allocBlock != -1) { tls->usage[allocBlock] = threadID; --tls->ntls.freeBlocks; } } if (allocBlock == -1) { tls->waitingThreads.push_back(threadID); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_TLS, uid, 1, 0, false, "allocate tls"); return -1; } return tls->address + allocBlock * tls->ntls.blockSize; } else return error; } // Parameters are an educated guess. int sceKernelFreeTls(SceUID uid) { WARN_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "UNIMPL sceKernelFreeTls(%08x)", uid); u32 error; TLS *tls = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (tls) { SceUID threadID = __KernelGetCurThread(); // Find the current thread's block. int freeBlock = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < tls->ntls.totalBlocks; ++i) { if (tls->usage[i] == threadID) { freeBlock = (int) i; break; } } if (freeBlock != -1) { while (!tls->waitingThreads.empty()) { // TODO: What order do they wake in? SceUID waitingThreadID = tls->waitingThreads[0]; tls->waitingThreads.erase(tls->waitingThreads.begin()); // This thread must've been woken up. if (!HLEKernel::VerifyWait(waitingThreadID, WAITTYPE_TLS, uid)) continue; // Otherwise, if there was a thread waiting, we were full, so this newly freed one is theirs. // TODO: Is the block wiped or anything? tls->usage[freeBlock] = waitingThreadID; __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(waitingThreadID, freeBlock); // No need to continue or free it, we're done. return 0; } // No one was waiting, so now we can really free it. tls->usage[freeBlock] = 0; ++tls->ntls.freeBlocks; return 0; } // TODO: Correct error code. else return -1; } else return error; } // Parameters are an educated guess. int sceKernelReferTlsStatus(SceUID uid, u32 infoPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEKERNEL, "sceKernelReferTlsStatus(%08x, %08x)", uid, infoPtr); u32 error; TLS *tls = kernelObjects.Get(uid, error); if (tls) { // TODO: Check size. Memory::WriteStruct(infoPtr, &tls->ntls); return 0; } else return error; } const HLEFunction SysMemUserForUser[] = { {0xA291F107,WrapU_V,"sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize"}, {0xF919F628,WrapU_V,"sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize"}, {0x3FC9AE6A,WrapU_V,"sceKernelDevkitVersion"}, {0x237DBD4F,WrapI_ICIUU,"sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory"}, //(int size) ? {0xB6D61D02,WrapI_I,"sceKernelFreePartitionMemory"}, //(void *ptr) ? {0x9D9A5BA1,WrapU_I,"sceKernelGetBlockHeadAddr"}, //(void *ptr) ? {0x13a5abef,WrapI_C,"sceKernelPrintf"}, {0x7591c7db,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion"}, {0x342061E5,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion370"}, {0x315AD3A0,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion380_390"}, {0xEBD5C3E6,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion395"}, {0x057E7380,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion401_402"}, {0xf77d77cb,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompilerVersion"}, {0x91de343c,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion500_505"}, {0x7893f79a,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion507"}, {0x35669d4c,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion600_602"}, //?? {0x1b4217bc,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion603_605"}, {0x358ca1bb,&WrapV_I,"sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion606"}, {0xfc114573,&WrapI_V,"sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion"}, {0x2a3e5280,0,"sceKernelQueryMemoryInfo"}, {0xacbd88ca,0,"SysMemUserForUser_ACBD88CA"}, {0x945e45da,0,"SysMemUserForUser_945E45DA"}, {0xa6848df8,0,"sceKernelSetUsersystemLibWork"}, {0x6231a71d,0,"sceKernelSetPTRIG"}, {0x39f49610,0,"sceKernelGetPTRIG"}, // Obscure raw block API {0xDB83A952,WrapU_UU,"SysMemUserForUser_DB83A952"}, // GetMemoryBlockAddr {0x50F61D8A,WrapU_U,"SysMemUserForUser_50F61D8A"}, // FreeMemoryBlock {0xFE707FDF,WrapU_CUUU,"SysMemUserForUser_FE707FDF"}, // AllocMemoryBlock {0xD8DE5C1E,WrapU_V,"SysMemUserForUser_D8DE5C1E"}, }; void Register_SysMemUserForUser() { RegisterModule("SysMemUserForUser", ARRAY_SIZE(SysMemUserForUser), SysMemUserForUser); }