#/bin/bash NDK_VER=android-ndk-r10d download_extract() { aria2c -x 16 $1 -o $2 tar -xf $2 } # This is used for the Android NDK. download_extract_xz() { aria2c --file-allocation=none --timeout=120 --retry-wait=5 --max-tries=20 -Z -c $1 -o $2 stat -c 'ATTEMPT 1 - %s' $2 md5sum $2 # This resumes the download, in case it failed. aria2c --file-allocation=none --timeout=120 --retry-wait=5 --max-tries=20 -Z -c $1 -o $2 stat -c 'ATTEMPT 2 - %s' $2 md5sum $2 # Keep some output going during the extract, so the build doesn't timeout. pv $2 | xz -vd | tar -x } travis_before_install() { git submodule update --init --recursive if [ ! "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get install aria2 pv -qq if [ "$CMAKE" = "TRUE" ]; then sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev cmake -qq fi fi } travis_install() { # Ubuntu Linux + GCC 4.8 if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Linux" ]; then # For libsdl2-dev. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zoogie/sdl2-snapshots -y if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y fi if [ "$QT" = "TRUE" ]; then sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa fi sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev -qq if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then sudo apt-get install g++-4.8 -qq fi if [ "$QT" = "TRUE" ]; then sudo apt-get install -qq qt5-qmake qtmultimedia5-dev qtsystems5-dev qtbase5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5webkit5-dev libsqlite3-dev fi fi # Android NDK + GCC 4.8 if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Android" ]; then free -m sudo apt-get install ant -qq download_extract_xz http://hdkr.co/${NDK_VER}-x86_64.tar.xz ${NDK_VER}-x86_64.tar.xz fi # Blackberry NDK: + GCC: 4.8.2 if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Blackberry" ]; then download_extract http://downloads.blackberry.com/upr/developers/update/bbndk/10_3_beta/ndktarget_10.3.0.440/ndktargetrepo_10.3.0.440/packages/bbndk.linux.libraries. libs.tar.gz download_extract http://downloads.blackberry.com/upr/developers/update/bbndk/10_3_beta/ndktarget_10.3.0.440/ndktargetrepo_10.3.0.440/packages/bbndk.linux.tools. tools.tar.gz sed -i 's/-g../&-4.8.2/g' Blackberry/bb.toolchain.cmake fi # Symbian NDK: Belle + GCC: 4.8.3 if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Symbian" ]; then sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32bz2-1.0 -qq download_extract https://github.com/xsacha/SymbianGCC/releases/download/4.8.3/gcc4.8.3_x86-64.tar.bz2 compiler.tar.bz2 download_extract https://github.com/xsacha/SymbianGCC/releases/download/4.8.3/ndk-new.tar.bz2 ndk.tar.bz2 export EPOCROOT=$(pwd)/SDKs/SymbianSR1Qt474/ SBS_GCCE483BIN=$(pwd)/gcc4.8.3_x86-64/bin cp ffmpeg/symbian/armv6/lib/* $EPOCROOT/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/ fi } travis_script() { # Compile PPSSPP if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Linux" ]; then if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then export CXX="g++-4.8" CC="gcc-4.8" fi if [ "$QT" = "TRUE" ]; then ./b.sh --qt else ./b.sh --headless fi fi if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Android" ]; then export ANDROID_HOME=$(pwd)/${NDK_VER} NDK=$(pwd)/${NDK_VER} if [[ "$CXX" = *clang* ]]; then export NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang fi pushd android ./ab.sh -j1 popd fi if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Blackberry" ]; then export QNX_TARGET="$(pwd)/target_10_3_0_440/qnx6" QNX_HOST="$(pwd)/host_10_3_0_2702/linux/x86" && PATH="$QNX_HOST/usr/bin:$PATH" ./b.sh --release --no-package fi if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Symbian" ]; then export EPOCROOT=$(pwd)/SDKs/SymbianSR1Qt474/ SBS_GCCE483BIN=$(pwd)/gcc4.8.3_x86-64/bin PATH=$SBS_GCCE483BIN:$(pwd)/tools/sbs/bin:$EPOCROOT/epoc32/tools:$EPOCROOT/bin:$(pwd)/tools/sbs/linux-x86_64-libc2_15/bin:$PATH QMAKE_ARGS="CONFIG+=no_assets" ./b.sh --debug --no-package fi if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "iOS" ]; then ./b.sh --ios pushd build xcodebuild -configuration Release popd build fi } travis_after_success() { if [ "$PPSSPP_BUILD_TYPE" = "Linux" ]; then ./test.py fi } set -e set -x $1;