#include #include "native/base/mutex.h" #include "native/base/timeutil.h" #include "GeDisasm.h" #include "GPUCommon.h" #include "GPUState.h" #include "ChunkFile.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelInterrupt.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelThread.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceGe.h" GPUCommon::GPUCommon() : dumpNextFrame_(false), dumpThisFrame_(false) { Reinitialize(); SetThreadEnabled(g_Config.bSeparateCPUThread); } void GPUCommon::Reinitialize() { easy_guard guard(listLock); memset(dls, 0, sizeof(dls)); for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) { dls[i].state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE; dls[i].waitTicks = 0; } nextListID = 0; currentList = NULL; isbreak = false; drawCompleteTicks = 0; busyTicks = 0; timeSpentStepping_ = 0.0; interruptsEnabled_ = true; UpdateTickEstimate(0); } void GPUCommon::PopDLQueue() { easy_guard guard(listLock); if(!dlQueue.empty()) { dlQueue.pop_front(); if(!dlQueue.empty()) { bool running = currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING; currentList = &dls[dlQueue.front()]; if (running) currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING; } else { currentList = NULL; } } } bool GPUCommon::BusyDrawing() { u32 state = DrawSync(1); if (state == PSP_GE_LIST_DRAWING || state == PSP_GE_LIST_STALLING) { lock_guard guard(listLock); if (currentList && currentList->state != PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED) { return true; } } return false; } u32 GPUCommon::DrawSync(int mode) { if (ThreadEnabled()) { // Sync first, because the CPU is usually faster than the emulated GPU. SyncThread(); } easy_guard guard(listLock); if (mode < 0 || mode > 1) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_MODE; if (mode == 0) { if (!__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CAN_NOT_WAIT; } if (__IsInInterrupt()) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT; } if (drawCompleteTicks > CoreTiming::GetTicks()) { __GeWaitCurrentThread(GPU_SYNC_DRAW, 1, "GeDrawSync"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) { if (dls[i].state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) { dls[i].state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE; } } } return 0; } // If there's no current list, it must be complete. DisplayList *top = NULL; for (auto it = dlQueue.begin(), end = dlQueue.end(); it != end; ++it) { if (dls[*it].state != PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) { top = &dls[*it]; break; } } if (!top || top->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) return PSP_GE_LIST_COMPLETED; if (currentList->pc == currentList->stall) return PSP_GE_LIST_STALLING; return PSP_GE_LIST_DRAWING; } void GPUCommon::CheckDrawSync() { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (dlQueue.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) dls[i].state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE; } } int GPUCommon::ListSync(int listid, int mode) { if (ThreadEnabled()) { // Sync first, because the CPU is usually faster than the emulated GPU. SyncThread(); } easy_guard guard(listLock); if (listid < 0 || listid >= DisplayListMaxCount) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_ID; if (mode < 0 || mode > 1) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_MODE; DisplayList& dl = dls[listid]; if (mode == 1) { switch (dl.state) { case PSP_GE_DL_STATE_QUEUED: if (dl.interrupted) return PSP_GE_LIST_PAUSED; return PSP_GE_LIST_QUEUED; case PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING: if (dl.pc == dl.stall) return PSP_GE_LIST_STALLING; return PSP_GE_LIST_DRAWING; case PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED: return PSP_GE_LIST_COMPLETED; case PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED: return PSP_GE_LIST_PAUSED; default: return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_ID; } } if (!__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CAN_NOT_WAIT; } if (__IsInInterrupt()) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT; } if (dl.waitTicks > CoreTiming::GetTicks()) { __GeWaitCurrentThread(GPU_SYNC_LIST, listid, "GeListSync"); } return PSP_GE_LIST_COMPLETED; } int GPUCommon::GetStack(int index, u32 stackPtr) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (currentList == NULL) { // Seems like it doesn't return an error code? return 0; } if (currentList->stackptr <= index) { return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_INDEX; } if (index >= 0) { auto stack = PSPPointer::Create(stackPtr); if (stack.IsValid()) { auto entry = currentList->stack[index]; // Not really sure what most of these values are. stack[0] = 0; stack[1] = entry.pc + 4; stack[2] = entry.offsetAddr; stack[7] = entry.baseAddr; } } return currentList->stackptr; } u32 GPUCommon::EnqueueList(u32 listpc, u32 stall, int subIntrBase, PSPPointer args, bool head) { easy_guard guard(listLock); // TODO Check the stack values in missing arg and ajust the stack depth // Check alignment // TODO Check the context and stack alignement too if (((listpc | stall) & 3) != 0) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER; int id = -1; u64 currentTicks = CoreTiming::GetTicks(); u32_le stackAddr = args.IsValid() ? args->stackAddr : 0; // Check compatibility if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() > 0x01FFFFFF) { //numStacks = 0; //stack = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) { if (dls[i].state != PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE && dls[i].state != PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) { // Logically, if the CPU has not interrupted yet, it hasn't seen the latest pc either. // Exit enqueues right after an END, which fails without ignoring pendingInterrupt lists. if (dls[i].pc == listpc && !dls[i].pendingInterrupt) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "sceGeListEnqueue: can't enqueue, list address %08X already used", listpc); return 0x80000021; } else if (stackAddr != 0 && dls[i].stackAddr == stackAddr && !dls[i].pendingInterrupt) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "sceGeListEnqueue: can't enqueue, stack address %08X already used", stackAddr); return 0x80000021; } } } } // TODO Check if list stack dls[i].stack already used then return 0x80000021 as above for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) { int possibleID = (i + nextListID) % DisplayListMaxCount; auto possibleList = dls[possibleID]; if (possibleList.pendingInterrupt) { continue; } if (possibleList.state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE) { id = possibleID; break; } if (possibleList.state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED && possibleList.waitTicks < currentTicks) { id = possibleID; } } if (id < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "No DL ID available to enqueue"); for (auto it = dlQueue.begin(); it != dlQueue.end(); ++it) { DisplayList &dl = dls[*it]; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "DisplayList %d status %d pc %08x stall %08x", *it, dl.state, dl.pc, dl.stall); } return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nextListID = id + 1; DisplayList &dl = dls[id]; dl.id = id; dl.startpc = listpc & 0x0FFFFFFF; dl.pc = listpc & 0x0FFFFFFF; dl.stall = stall & 0x0FFFFFFF; dl.subIntrBase = std::max(subIntrBase, -1); dl.stackptr = 0; dl.signal = PSP_GE_SIGNAL_NONE; dl.interrupted = false; dl.waitTicks = (u64)-1; dl.interruptsEnabled = interruptsEnabled_; dl.started = false; dl.offsetAddr = 0; dl.bboxResult = false; dl.stackAddr = stackAddr; if (args.IsValid() && args->context.IsValid()) dl.context = args->context; else dl.context = 0; if (head) { if (currentList) { if (currentList->state != PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_QUEUED; } dl.state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED; currentList = &dl; dlQueue.push_front(id); } else if (currentList) { dl.state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_QUEUED; dlQueue.push_back(id); } else { dl.state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING; currentList = &dl; dlQueue.push_front(id); drawCompleteTicks = (u64)-1; // TODO save context when starting the list if param is set guard.unlock(); ProcessDLQueue(); } return id; } u32 GPUCommon::DequeueList(int listid) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (listid < 0 || listid >= DisplayListMaxCount || dls[listid].state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_ID; auto &dl = dls[listid]; if (dl.started) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_BUSY; dl.state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE; if (listid == dlQueue.front()) PopDLQueue(); else dlQueue.remove(listid); dl.waitTicks = 0; __GeTriggerWait(GPU_SYNC_LIST, listid); CheckDrawSync(); return 0; } u32 GPUCommon::UpdateStall(int listid, u32 newstall) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (listid < 0 || listid >= DisplayListMaxCount || dls[listid].state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_ID; auto &dl = dls[listid]; if (dl.state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ALREADY; dl.stall = newstall & 0x0FFFFFFF; guard.unlock(); ProcessDLQueue(); return 0; } u32 GPUCommon::Continue() { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (!currentList) return 0; if (currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED) { if (!isbreak) { // TODO: Supposedly this returns SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_BUSY in some case, previously it had // currentList->signal == PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_PAUSE, but it doesn't reproduce. currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING; currentList->signal = PSP_GE_SIGNAL_NONE; // TODO Restore context of DL is necessary // TODO Restore BASE // We have a list now, so it's not complete. drawCompleteTicks = (u64)-1; } else currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_QUEUED; } else if (currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING) { if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() >= 0x02000000) return 0x80000020; return -1; } else { if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() >= 0x02000000) return 0x80000004; return -1; } guard.unlock(); ProcessDLQueue(); return 0; } u32 GPUCommon::Break(int mode) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (mode < 0 || mode > 1) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_INVALID_MODE; if (!currentList) return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ALREADY; if (mode == 1) { // Clear the queue dlQueue.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) { dls[i].state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE; dls[i].signal = PSP_GE_SIGNAL_NONE; } nextListID = 0; currentList = NULL; return 0; } if (currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE || currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) { if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() >= 0x02000000) return 0x80000004; return -1; } if (currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED) { if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() > 0x02000010) { if (currentList->signal == PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_PAUSE) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "sceGeBreak: can't break signal-pausing list"); } else return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ALREADY; } return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_BUSY; } if (currentList->state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_QUEUED) { currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED; return currentList->id; } // TODO Save BASE // TODO Adjust pc to be just before SIGNAL/END // TODO: Is this right? if (currentList->signal == PSP_GE_SIGNAL_SYNC) currentList->pc += 8; currentList->interrupted = true; currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED; currentList->signal = PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_SUSPEND; isbreak = true; return currentList->id; } void GPUCommon::NotifySteppingEnter() { if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats) { time_update(); timeSteppingStarted_ = time_now_d(); } } void GPUCommon::NotifySteppingExit() { if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats) { if (timeSteppingStarted_ <= 0.0) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Mismatched stepping enter/exit."); } time_update(); timeSpentStepping_ += time_now_d() - timeSteppingStarted_; timeSteppingStarted_ = 0.0; } } bool GPUCommon::InterpretList(DisplayList &list) { // Initialized to avoid a race condition with bShowDebugStats changing. double start = 0.0; if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats) { time_update(); start = time_now_d(); } easy_guard guard(listLock); if (list.state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED) return false; currentList = &list; if (!list.started && list.context.IsValid()) { gstate.Save(list.context); } list.started = true; gstate_c.offsetAddr = list.offsetAddr; if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(list.pc)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "DL PC = %08x WTF!!!!", list.pc); return true; } cycleLastPC = list.pc; cyclesExecuted += 60; downcount = list.stall == 0 ? 0x0FFFFFFF : (list.stall - list.pc) / 4; list.state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_RUNNING; list.interrupted = false; gpuState = list.pc == list.stall ? GPUSTATE_STALL : GPUSTATE_RUNNING; guard.unlock(); const bool useDebugger = host->GPUDebuggingActive(); const bool useFastRunLoop = !dumpThisFrame_ && !useDebugger; while (gpuState == GPUSTATE_RUNNING) { { easy_guard innerGuard(listLock); if (list.pc == list.stall) { gpuState = GPUSTATE_STALL; downcount = 0; } } if (useFastRunLoop) { FastRunLoop(list); } else { SlowRunLoop(list); } { easy_guard innerGuard(listLock); downcount = list.stall == 0 ? 0x0FFFFFFF : (list.stall - list.pc) / 4; if (gpuState == GPUSTATE_STALL && list.stall != list.pc) { // Unstalled. gpuState = GPUSTATE_RUNNING; } } } FinishDeferred(); // We haven't run the op at list.pc, so it shouldn't count. if (cycleLastPC != list.pc) { UpdatePC(list.pc - 4, list.pc); } list.offsetAddr = gstate_c.offsetAddr; if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats) { time_update(); double total = time_now_d() - start - timeSpentStepping_; hleSetSteppingTime(timeSpentStepping_); timeSpentStepping_ = 0.0; gpuStats.msProcessingDisplayLists += total; } return gpuState == GPUSTATE_DONE || gpuState == GPUSTATE_ERROR; } void GPUCommon::SlowRunLoop(DisplayList &list) { const bool dumpThisFrame = dumpThisFrame_; while (downcount > 0) { host->GPUNotifyCommand(list.pc); u32 op = Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(list.pc); u32 cmd = op >> 24; u32 diff = op ^ gstate.cmdmem[cmd]; PreExecuteOp(op, diff); if (dumpThisFrame) { char temp[256]; u32 prev; if (Memory::IsValidAddress(list.pc - 4)) { prev = Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(list.pc - 4); } else { prev = 0; } GeDisassembleOp(list.pc, op, prev, temp, 256); NOTICE_LOG(G3D, "%08x: %s", op, temp); } gstate.cmdmem[cmd] = op; ExecuteOp(op, diff); list.pc += 4; --downcount; } } // The newPC parameter is used for jumps, we don't count cycles between. void GPUCommon::UpdatePC(u32 currentPC, u32 newPC) { // Rough estimate, 2 CPU ticks (it's double the clock rate) per GPU instruction. u32 executed = (currentPC - cycleLastPC) / 4; cyclesExecuted += 2 * executed; cycleLastPC = newPC; if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats) { gpuStats.otherGPUCycles += 2 * executed; gpuStats.gpuCommandsAtCallLevel[std::min(currentList->stackptr, 3)] += executed; } // Exit the runloop and recalculate things. This happens a lot in some games. easy_guard innerGuard(listLock); if (currentList) downcount = currentList->stall == 0 ? 0x0FFFFFFF : (currentList->stall - newPC) / 4; else downcount = 0; } void GPUCommon::ReapplyGfxState() { if (IsOnSeparateCPUThread()) { ScheduleEvent(GPU_EVENT_REAPPLY_GFX_STATE); } else { ReapplyGfxStateInternal(); } } void GPUCommon::ReapplyGfxStateInternal() { // ShaderManager_DirtyShader(); // The commands are embedded in the command memory so we can just reexecute the words. Convenient. // To be safe we pass 0xFFFFFFFF as the diff. for (int i = GE_CMD_VERTEXTYPE; i < GE_CMD_BONEMATRIXNUMBER; i++) { if (i != GE_CMD_ORIGIN && i != GE_CMD_OFFSETADDR) { ExecuteOp(gstate.cmdmem[i], 0xFFFFFFFF); } } // Can't write to bonematrixnumber here for (int i = GE_CMD_MORPHWEIGHT0; i <= GE_CMD_PATCHFACING; i++) { ExecuteOp(gstate.cmdmem[i], 0xFFFFFFFF); } // There are a few here in the middle that we shouldn't execute... for (int i = GE_CMD_VIEWPORTX1; i < GE_CMD_TRANSFERSTART; i++) { ExecuteOp(gstate.cmdmem[i], 0xFFFFFFFF); } // Let's just skip the transfer size stuff, it's just values. } inline void GPUCommon::UpdateState(GPUState state) { gpuState = state; if (state != GPUSTATE_RUNNING) downcount = 0; } void GPUCommon::ProcessEvent(GPUEvent ev) { switch (ev.type) { case GPU_EVENT_PROCESS_QUEUE: ProcessDLQueueInternal(); break; case GPU_EVENT_REAPPLY_GFX_STATE: ReapplyGfxStateInternal(); break; default: ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unexpected GPU event type: %d", (int)ev); } } int GPUCommon::GetNextListIndex() { easy_guard guard(listLock); auto iter = dlQueue.begin(); if (iter != dlQueue.end()) { return *iter; } else { return -1; } } bool GPUCommon::ProcessDLQueue() { ScheduleEvent(GPU_EVENT_PROCESS_QUEUE); return true; } void GPUCommon::ProcessDLQueueInternal() { startingTicks = CoreTiming::GetTicks(); cyclesExecuted = 0; UpdateTickEstimate(std::max(busyTicks, startingTicks + cyclesExecuted)); // Game might've written new texture data. gstate_c.textureChanged = TEXCHANGE_UPDATED; // Seems to be correct behaviour to process the list anyway? if (startingTicks < busyTicks) { DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Can't execute a list yet, still busy for %lld ticks", busyTicks - startingTicks); //return; } for (int listIndex = GetNextListIndex(); listIndex != -1; listIndex = GetNextListIndex()) { DisplayList &l = dls[listIndex]; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Okay, starting DL execution at %08x - stall = %08x", l.pc, l.stall); if (!InterpretList(l)) { return; } else { easy_guard guard(listLock); // Some other list could've taken the spot while we dilly-dallied around. if (l.state != PSP_GE_DL_STATE_QUEUED) { // At the end, we can remove it from the queue and continue. dlQueue.erase(std::remove(dlQueue.begin(), dlQueue.end(), listIndex), dlQueue.end()); } UpdateTickEstimate(std::max(busyTicks, startingTicks + cyclesExecuted)); } } easy_guard guard(listLock); currentList = NULL; drawCompleteTicks = startingTicks + cyclesExecuted; busyTicks = std::max(busyTicks, drawCompleteTicks); __GeTriggerSync(GPU_SYNC_DRAW, 1, drawCompleteTicks); // Since the event is in CoreTiming, we're in sync. Just set 0 now. UpdateTickEstimate(0); } void GPUCommon::PreExecuteOp(u32 op, u32 diff) { // Nothing to do } void GPUCommon::Execute_OffsetAddr(u32 op, u32 diff) { gstate_c.offsetAddr = op << 8; } void GPUCommon::Execute_Origin(u32 op, u32 diff) { easy_guard guard(listLock); gstate_c.offsetAddr = currentList->pc; } void GPUCommon::Execute_Jump(u32 op, u32 diff) { easy_guard guard(listLock); const u32 target = gstate_c.getRelativeAddress(op & 0x00FFFFFC); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(target)) { UpdatePC(currentList->pc, target - 4); currentList->pc = target - 4; // pc will be increased after we return, counteract that } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "JUMP to illegal address %08x - ignoring! data=%06x", target, op & 0x00FFFFFF); } } void GPUCommon::Execute_BJump(u32 op, u32 diff) { if (!currentList->bboxResult) { // bounding box jump. easy_guard guard(listLock); const u32 target = gstate_c.getRelativeAddress(op & 0x00FFFFFC); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(target)) { UpdatePC(currentList->pc, target - 4); currentList->pc = target - 4; // pc will be increased after we return, counteract that } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "BJUMP to illegal address %08x - ignoring! data=%06x", target, op & 0x00FFFFFF); } } } void GPUCommon::Execute_Call(u32 op, u32 diff) { easy_guard guard(listLock); // Saint Seiya needs correct support for relative calls. const u32 retval = currentList->pc + 4; const u32 target = gstate_c.getRelativeAddress(op & 0x00FFFFFC); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(target)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "CALL to illegal address %08x - ignoring! data=%06x", target, op & 0x00FFFFFF); return; } // Bone matrix optimization - many games will CALL a bone matrix (!). if ((Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(target) >> 24) == GE_CMD_BONEMATRIXDATA) { // Check for the end if ((Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(target + 11 * 4) >> 24) == GE_CMD_BONEMATRIXDATA && (Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(target + 12 * 4) >> 24) == GE_CMD_RET) { // Yep, pretty sure this is a bone matrix call. FastLoadBoneMatrix(target); return; } } if (currentList->stackptr == ARRAY_SIZE(currentList->stack)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "CALL: Stack full!"); } else { auto &stackEntry = currentList->stack[currentList->stackptr++]; stackEntry.pc = retval; stackEntry.offsetAddr = gstate_c.offsetAddr; // The base address is NOT saved/restored for a regular call. UpdatePC(currentList->pc, target - 4); currentList->pc = target - 4; // pc will be increased after we return, counteract that } } void GPUCommon::Execute_Ret(u32 op, u32 diff) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (currentList->stackptr == 0) { DEBUG_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "RET: Stack empty!"); } else { auto &stackEntry = currentList->stack[--currentList->stackptr]; gstate_c.offsetAddr = stackEntry.offsetAddr; // We always clear the top (uncached/etc.) bits const u32 target = stackEntry.pc & 0x0FFFFFFF; UpdatePC(currentList->pc, target - 4); currentList->pc = target - 4; if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(currentList->pc)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Invalid DL PC %08x on return", currentList->pc); UpdateState(GPUSTATE_ERROR); } } } void GPUCommon::Execute_End(u32 op, u32 diff) { easy_guard guard(listLock); const u32 prev = Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(currentList->pc - 4); UpdatePC(currentList->pc); // Count in a few extra cycles on END. cyclesExecuted += 60; switch (prev >> 24) { case GE_CMD_SIGNAL: { // TODO: see http://code.google.com/p/jpcsp/source/detail?r=2935# SignalBehavior behaviour = static_cast((prev >> 16) & 0xFF); const int signal = prev & 0xFFFF; const int enddata = op & 0xFFFF; bool trigger = true; currentList->subIntrToken = signal; switch (behaviour) { case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_SUSPEND: // Suspend the list, and call the signal handler. When it's done, resume. // Before sdkver 0x02000010, listsync should return paused. if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() <= 0x02000010) currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED; currentList->signal = behaviour; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal with wait. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_CONTINUE: // Resume the list right away, then call the handler. currentList->signal = behaviour; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal without wait. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_PAUSE: // Pause the list instead of ending at the next FINISH. // Call the handler with the PAUSE signal value at that FINISH. // Technically, this ought to trigger an interrupt, but it won't do anything. // But right now, signal is always reset by interrupts, so that causes pause to not work. trigger = false; currentList->signal = behaviour; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal with Pause. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_SYNC: // Acts as a memory barrier, never calls any user code. // Technically, this ought to trigger an interrupt, but it won't do anything. // Triggering here can cause incorrect rescheduling, which breaks 3rd Birthday. // However, this is likely a bug in how GE signal interrupts are handled. trigger = false; currentList->signal = behaviour; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal with Sync. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_JUMP: { trigger = false; currentList->signal = behaviour; // pc will be increased after we return, counteract that. u32 target = ((signal << 16) | enddata) - 4; if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(target)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Signal with Jump: bad address. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } else { UpdatePC(currentList->pc, target); currentList->pc = target; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal with Jump. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } } break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_CALL: { trigger = false; currentList->signal = behaviour; // pc will be increased after we return, counteract that. u32 target = ((signal << 16) | enddata) - 4; if (currentList->stackptr == ARRAY_SIZE(currentList->stack)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Signal with Call: stack full. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } else if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(target)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Signal with Call: bad address. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } else { // TODO: This might save/restore other state... auto &stackEntry = currentList->stack[currentList->stackptr++]; stackEntry.pc = currentList->pc; stackEntry.offsetAddr = gstate_c.offsetAddr; stackEntry.baseAddr = gstate.base; UpdatePC(currentList->pc, target); currentList->pc = target; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal with Call. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } } break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_RET: { trigger = false; currentList->signal = behaviour; if (currentList->stackptr == 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Signal with Return: stack empty. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } else { // TODO: This might save/restore other state... auto &stackEntry = currentList->stack[--currentList->stackptr]; gstate_c.offsetAddr = stackEntry.offsetAddr; gstate.base = stackEntry.baseAddr; UpdatePC(currentList->pc, stackEntry.pc); currentList->pc = stackEntry.pc; DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Signal with Return. signal/end: %04x %04x", signal, enddata); } } break; default: ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "UNKNOWN Signal UNIMPLEMENTED %i ! signal/end: %04x %04x", behaviour, signal, enddata); break; } // TODO: Technically, jump/call/ret should generate an interrupt, but before the pc change maybe? if (currentList->interruptsEnabled && trigger) { if (__GeTriggerInterrupt(currentList->id, currentList->pc, startingTicks + cyclesExecuted)) { currentList->pendingInterrupt = true; UpdateState(GPUSTATE_INTERRUPT); } } } break; case GE_CMD_FINISH: switch (currentList->signal) { case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_PAUSE: currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_PAUSED; if (currentList->interruptsEnabled) { if (__GeTriggerInterrupt(currentList->id, currentList->pc, startingTicks + cyclesExecuted)) { currentList->pendingInterrupt = true; UpdateState(GPUSTATE_INTERRUPT); } } break; case PSP_GE_SIGNAL_SYNC: currentList->signal = PSP_GE_SIGNAL_NONE; // TODO: Technically this should still cause an interrupt. Probably for memory sync. break; default: currentList->subIntrToken = prev & 0xFFFF; UpdateState(GPUSTATE_DONE); if (currentList->interruptsEnabled && __GeTriggerInterrupt(currentList->id, currentList->pc, startingTicks + cyclesExecuted)) { currentList->pendingInterrupt = true; } else { currentList->state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED; currentList->waitTicks = startingTicks + cyclesExecuted; busyTicks = std::max(busyTicks, currentList->waitTicks); __GeTriggerSync(GPU_SYNC_LIST, currentList->id, currentList->waitTicks); if (currentList->started && currentList->context.IsValid()) { gstate.Restore(currentList->context); ReapplyGfxStateInternal(); } } break; } break; default: DEBUG_LOG(G3D,"Ah, not finished: %06x", prev & 0xFFFFFF); break; } } void GPUCommon::ExecuteOp(u32 op, u32 diff) { const u32 cmd = op >> 24; // Handle control and drawing commands here directly. The others we delegate. switch (cmd) { case GE_CMD_NOP: break; case GE_CMD_OFFSETADDR: Execute_OffsetAddr(op, diff); break; case GE_CMD_ORIGIN: Execute_Origin(op, diff); break; case GE_CMD_JUMP: Execute_Jump(op, diff); break; case GE_CMD_BJUMP: Execute_BJump(op, diff); break; case GE_CMD_CALL: Execute_Call(op, diff); break; case GE_CMD_RET: Execute_Ret(op, diff); break; case GE_CMD_SIGNAL: case GE_CMD_FINISH: // Processed in GE_END. break; case GE_CMD_END: Execute_End(op, diff); break; default: DEBUG_LOG(G3D,"DL Unknown: %08x @ %08x", op, currentList == NULL ? 0 : currentList->pc); break; } } void GPUCommon::FastLoadBoneMatrix(u32 target) { gstate.FastLoadBoneMatrix(target); } struct DisplayList_v1 { int id; u32 startpc; u32 pc; u32 stall; DisplayListState state; SignalBehavior signal; int subIntrBase; u16 subIntrToken; DisplayListStackEntry stack[32]; int stackptr; bool interrupted; u64 waitTicks; bool interruptsEnabled; bool pendingInterrupt; bool started; size_t contextPtr; u32 offsetAddr; bool bboxResult; }; struct DisplayList_v2 { int id; u32 startpc; u32 pc; u32 stall; DisplayListState state; SignalBehavior signal; int subIntrBase; u16 subIntrToken; DisplayListStackEntry stack[32]; int stackptr; bool interrupted; u64 waitTicks; bool interruptsEnabled; bool pendingInterrupt; bool started; PSPPointer context; u32 offsetAddr; bool bboxResult; }; void GPUCommon::DoState(PointerWrap &p) { easy_guard guard(listLock); auto s = p.Section("GPUCommon", 1, 3); if (!s) return; p.Do(dlQueue); if (s >= 3) { p.DoArray(dls, ARRAY_SIZE(dls)); } else if (s >= 2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dls); ++i) { DisplayList_v2 oldDL; p.Do(oldDL); // Copy over everything except the last, new member (stackAddr.) memcpy(&dls[i], &oldDL, sizeof(DisplayList_v2)); dls[i].stackAddr = 0; } } else { // Can only be in read mode here. for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dls); ++i) { DisplayList_v1 oldDL; p.Do(oldDL); // On 32-bit, they're the same, on 64-bit oldDL is bigger. memcpy(&dls[i], &oldDL, sizeof(DisplayList)); // Fix the other fields. Let's hope context wasn't important, it was a pointer. dls[i].context = 0; dls[i].offsetAddr = oldDL.offsetAddr; dls[i].bboxResult = oldDL.bboxResult; dls[i].stackAddr = 0; } } int currentID = 0; if (currentList != NULL) { ptrdiff_t off = currentList - &dls[0]; currentID = (int) (off / sizeof(DisplayList)); } p.Do(currentID); if (currentID == 0) { currentList = NULL; } else { currentList = &dls[currentID]; } p.Do(interruptRunning); p.Do(gpuState); p.Do(isbreak); p.Do(drawCompleteTicks); p.Do(busyTicks); } void GPUCommon::InterruptStart(int listid) { interruptRunning = true; } void GPUCommon::InterruptEnd(int listid) { easy_guard guard(listLock); interruptRunning = false; isbreak = false; DisplayList &dl = dls[listid]; dl.pendingInterrupt = false; // TODO: Unless the signal handler could change it? if (dl.state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED || dl.state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE) { if (dl.started && dl.context.IsValid()) { gstate.Restore(dl.context); ReapplyGfxState(); } dl.waitTicks = 0; __GeTriggerWait(GPU_SYNC_LIST, listid); } guard.unlock(); ProcessDLQueue(); } // TODO: Maybe cleaner to keep this in GE and trigger the clear directly? void GPUCommon::SyncEnd(GPUSyncType waitType, int listid, bool wokeThreads) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (waitType == GPU_SYNC_DRAW && wokeThreads) { for (int i = 0; i < DisplayListMaxCount; ++i) { if (dls[i].state == PSP_GE_DL_STATE_COMPLETED) { dls[i].state = PSP_GE_DL_STATE_NONE; } } } } bool GPUCommon::GetCurrentDisplayList(DisplayList &list) { easy_guard guard(listLock); if (!currentList) { return false; } list = *currentList; return true; } std::vector GPUCommon::ActiveDisplayLists() { std::vector result; easy_guard guard(listLock); for (auto it = dlQueue.begin(), end = dlQueue.end(); it != end; ++it) { result.push_back(dls[*it]); } return result; } void GPUCommon::ResetListPC(int listID, u32 pc) { if (listID < 0 || listID >= DisplayListMaxCount) { _dbg_assert_msg_(G3D, false, "listID out of range: %d", listID); return; } easy_guard guard(listLock); dls[listID].pc = pc; } void GPUCommon::ResetListStall(int listID, u32 stall) { if (listID < 0 || listID >= DisplayListMaxCount) { _dbg_assert_msg_(G3D, false, "listID out of range: %d", listID); return; } easy_guard guard(listLock); dls[listID].stall = stall; } void GPUCommon::ResetListState(int listID, DisplayListState state) { if (listID < 0 || listID >= DisplayListMaxCount) { _dbg_assert_msg_(G3D, false, "listID out of range: %d", listID); return; } easy_guard guard(listLock); dls[listID].state = state; } GPUDebugOp GPUCommon::DissassembleOp(u32 pc, u32 op) { char buffer[1024]; GeDisassembleOp(pc, op, Memory::Read_U32(pc - 4), buffer, sizeof(buffer)); GPUDebugOp info; info.pc = pc; info.cmd = op >> 24; info.op = op; info.desc = buffer; return info; } std::vector GPUCommon::DissassembleOpRange(u32 startpc, u32 endpc) { char buffer[1024]; std::vector result; GPUDebugOp info; // Don't trigger a pause. u32 prev = Memory::IsValidAddress(startpc - 4) ? Memory::Read_U32(startpc - 4) : 0; for (u32 pc = startpc; pc < endpc; pc += 4) { u32 op = Memory::IsValidAddress(pc) ? Memory::Read_U32(pc) : 0; GeDisassembleOp(pc, op, prev, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); prev = op; info.pc = pc; info.cmd = op >> 24; info.op = op; info.desc = buffer; result.push_back(info); } return result; } u32 GPUCommon::GetRelativeAddress(u32 data) { return gstate_c.getRelativeAddress(data); } u32 GPUCommon::GetVertexAddress() { return gstate_c.vertexAddr; } u32 GPUCommon::GetIndexAddress() { return gstate_c.indexAddr; } GPUgstate GPUCommon::GetGState() { return gstate; } void GPUCommon::SetCmdValue(u32 op) { u32 cmd = op >> 24; u32 diff = op ^ gstate.cmdmem[cmd]; PreExecuteOp(op, diff); gstate.cmdmem[cmd] = op; ExecuteOp(op, diff); }