// Copyright (c) 2014- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "base/functional.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "ext/vjson/json.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "ui/screen.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "ui/viewgroup.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_buffer.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Common/StringUtils.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/Store.h" const std::string storeBaseUrl = "http://store.ppsspp.org/"; // baseUrl is assumed to have a trailing slash, and not contain any subdirectories. std::string ResolveUrl(std::string baseUrl, std::string url) { if (url.empty()) { return baseUrl; } else if (url[0] == '/') { return baseUrl + url.substr(1); } else if (url.substr(0, 7) == "http://") { return url; } else { // Huh. return baseUrl + url; } } class HttpImageFileView : public UI::View { public: HttpImageFileView(http::Downloader *downloader, const std::string &path, UI::ImageSizeMode sizeMode = UI::IS_DEFAULT, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0) : UI::View(layoutParams), path_(path), color_(0xFFFFFFFF), sizeMode_(sizeMode), downloader_(downloader), texture_(nullptr), textureFailed_(false), fixedSizeW_(0.0f), fixedSizeH_(0.0f) {} ~HttpImageFileView() { if (download_) download_->Cancel(); delete texture_; } void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const override; void Draw(UIContext &dc) override; void SetFilename(std::string filename); void SetColor(uint32_t color) { color_ = color; } void SetFixedSize(float fixW, float fixH) { fixedSizeW_ = fixW; fixedSizeH_ = fixH; } void SetCanBeFocused(bool can) { canFocus_ = can; } bool CanBeFocused() const override { return false; } const std::string &GetFilename() const { return path_; } private: void DownloadCompletedCallback(http::Download &download); bool canFocus_; std::string path_; uint32_t color_; UI::ImageSizeMode sizeMode_; http::Downloader *downloader_; std::shared_ptr download_; std::string textureData_; Thin3DTexture *texture_; bool textureFailed_; float fixedSizeW_; float fixedSizeH_; }; void HttpImageFileView::GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const { switch (sizeMode_) { case UI::IS_FIXED: w = fixedSizeW_; h = fixedSizeH_; break; case UI::IS_DEFAULT: default: if (texture_) { float texw = (float)texture_->Width(); float texh = (float)texture_->Height(); w = texw; h = texh; } else { w = 16; h = 16; } break; } } void HttpImageFileView::SetFilename(std::string filename) { if (path_ != filename) { textureFailed_ = false; path_ = filename; if (texture_) { texture_->Release(); texture_ = nullptr; } } } void HttpImageFileView::DownloadCompletedCallback(http::Download &download) { if (download.IsCancelled()) { // We were probably destroyed. Can't touch "this" (heh). return; } if (download.ResultCode() == 200) { download.buffer().TakeAll(&textureData_); } else { textureFailed_ = true; } } void HttpImageFileView::Draw(UIContext &dc) { if (!texture_ && !textureFailed_ && !path_.empty() && !download_) { download_ = downloader_->StartDownloadWithCallback(path_, "", std::bind(&HttpImageFileView::DownloadCompletedCallback, this, placeholder::_1)); download_->SetHidden(true); } if (!textureData_.empty()) { texture_ = dc.GetThin3DContext()->CreateTextureFromFileData((const uint8_t *)(textureData_.data()), (int)textureData_.size(), DETECT); if (!texture_) textureFailed_ = true; textureData_.clear(); download_.reset(); } if (HasFocus()) { dc.FillRect(dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle.background, bounds_.Expand(3)); } // TODO: involve sizemode if (texture_) { dc.Flush(); dc.GetThin3DContext()->SetTexture(0, texture_); dc.Draw()->Rect(bounds_.x, bounds_.y, bounds_.w, bounds_.h, color_); dc.Flush(); dc.RebindTexture(); } else { // draw a black rectangle to represent the missing image. dc.FillRect(UI::Drawable(0xFF000000), GetBounds()); } } // This is the entry in a list. Does not have install buttons and so on. class ProductItemView : public UI::Choice { public: ProductItemView(const StoreEntry &entry, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = 0) : UI::Choice(entry.name, layoutParams), entry_(entry) {} virtual void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const { w = 300; h = 164; } virtual void Update(const InputState &input_state); virtual void Draw(UIContext &dc); StoreEntry GetEntry() const { return entry_; } private: const StoreEntry &entry_; }; void ProductItemView::Draw(UIContext &dc) { UI::Choice::Draw(dc); // dc.DrawText(entry_.name.c_str(), bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_CENTER); } void ProductItemView::Update(const InputState &input_state) { View::Update(input_state); } // This is a "details" view of a game. Lets you install it. class ProductView : public UI::LinearLayout { public: ProductView(const StoreEntry &entry) : LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL), entry_(entry), installButton_(0), wasInstalled_(false) { CreateViews(); } virtual void Update(const InputState &input_state); UI::Event OnClickLaunch; private: void CreateViews(); UI::EventReturn OnInstall(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnUninstall(UI::EventParams &e); UI::EventReturn OnLaunchClick(UI::EventParams &e); bool IsGameInstalled() { return g_GameManager.IsGameInstalled(entry_.file); } StoreEntry entry_; UI::Button *installButton_; bool wasInstalled_; }; void ProductView::CreateViews() { using namespace UI; Clear(); if (!entry_.iconURL.empty()) { Add(new HttpImageFileView(&g_DownloadManager, ResolveUrl(storeBaseUrl, entry_.iconURL), IS_FIXED))->SetFixedSize(144, 88); } Add(new TextView(entry_.name)); Add(new TextView(entry_.author)); I18NCategory *st = GetI18NCategory("Store"); wasInstalled_ = IsGameInstalled(); if (!wasInstalled_) { installButton_ = Add(new Button(st->T("Install"))); installButton_->OnClick.Handle(this, &ProductView::OnInstall); } else { installButton_ = nullptr; Add(new TextView(st->T("Already Installed"))); Add(new Button(st->T("Uninstall")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &ProductView::OnUninstall); Add(new Button(st->T("Launch Game")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &ProductView::OnLaunchClick); } // Add star rating, comments etc? Add(new TextView(entry_.description)); float size = entry_.size / (1024.f * 1024.f); char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, "%s: %.2f %s", st->T("Size"), size, st->T("MB")); Add(new TextView(temp)); } void ProductView::Update(const InputState &input_state) { if (wasInstalled_ != IsGameInstalled()) { CreateViews(); } if (installButton_) { installButton_->SetEnabled(!g_GameManager.IsInstallInProgress()); } View::Update(input_state); } UI::EventReturn ProductView::OnInstall(UI::EventParams &e) { std::string zipUrl; if (entry_.downloadURL.empty()) { // Construct the URL, easy to predict from our server zipUrl = storeBaseUrl + "files/" + entry_.file + ".zip"; } else { // Use the provided URL, for external hosting. zipUrl = entry_.downloadURL; } if (installButton_) { installButton_->SetEnabled(false); } INFO_LOG(HLE, "Triggering install of %s", zipUrl.c_str()); g_GameManager.DownloadAndInstall(zipUrl); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ProductView::OnUninstall(UI::EventParams &e) { g_GameManager.Uninstall(entry_.file); CreateViews(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ProductView::OnLaunchClick(UI::EventParams &e) { std::string pspGame = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_GAME); std::string path = pspGame + entry_.file; #ifdef _WIN32 path = ReplaceAll(path, "\\", "/"); #endif UI::EventParams e2; e2.s = path; // Insta-update - here we know we are already on the right thread. OnClickLaunch.Trigger(e2); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } StoreScreen::StoreScreen() : loading_(true), connectionError_(false) { StoreFilter noFilter; SetFilter(noFilter); lang_ = g_Config.sLanguageIni; loading_ = true; std::string indexPath = storeBaseUrl + "index.json"; listing_ = g_DownloadManager.StartDownload(indexPath, ""); } StoreScreen::~StoreScreen() { g_DownloadManager.CancelAll(); } // Handle async download tasks void StoreScreen::update(InputState &input) { UIDialogScreenWithBackground::update(input); g_DownloadManager.Update(); if (listing_.get() != 0 && listing_->Done()) { if (listing_->ResultCode() == 200) { std::string listingJson; listing_->buffer().TakeAll(&listingJson); // printf("%s\n", listingJson.c_str()); loading_ = false; connectionError_ = false; ParseListing(listingJson); RecreateViews(); } else { // Failed to contact store. Don't do anything. ELOG("Download failed : error code %d", listing_->ResultCode()); connectionError_ = true; loading_ = false; RecreateViews(); } // Forget the listing. listing_.reset(); } } void StoreScreen::ParseListing(std::string json) { JsonReader reader(json.c_str(), json.size()); if (!reader.ok()) { ELOG("Error parsing JSON from store"); connectionError_ = true; RecreateViews(); return; } json_value *root = reader.root(); const json_value *entries = root->getArray("entries"); if (entries) { entries_.clear(); const json_value *game = entries->first_child; while (game) { StoreEntry e; e.type = ENTRY_PBPZIP; e.name = GetTranslatedString(game, "name"); e.description = GetTranslatedString(game, "description", ""); e.author = game->getString("author", "?"); e.size = game->getInt("size"); e.downloadURL = game->getString("download-url", ""); e.iconURL = game->getString("icon-url", ""); e.hidden = game->getBool("hidden", false); const char *file = game->getString("file", 0); if (!file) continue; e.file = file; entries_.push_back(e); game = game->next_sibling; } } } void StoreScreen::CreateViews() { using namespace UI; root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL); I18NCategory *di = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); I18NCategory *st = GetI18NCategory("Store"); // Top bar LinearLayout *topBar = root_->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL)); topBar->Add(new Button(di->T("Back")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnBack); topBar->Add(new TextView("PPSSPP Homebrew Store")); UI::Drawable solid(0xFFbd9939); topBar->SetBG(solid); LinearLayout *content; if (connectionError_ || loading_) { content = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT, 1.0f)); content->Add(new TextView(loading_ ? st->T("Loading...") : st->T("Connection Error"))); content->Add(new Button(di->T("Retry")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &StoreScreen::OnRetry); content->Add(new Button(di->T("Back")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnBack); } else { content = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT, 1.0f)); ScrollView *leftScroll = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, FILL_PARENT, 0.4f)); leftScroll->SetTag("StoreMainList"); content->Add(leftScroll); LinearLayout *scrollItemView = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)); leftScroll->Add(scrollItemView); std::vector entries = FilterEntries(); for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { scrollItemView->Add(new ProductItemView(entries_[i]))->OnClick.Handle(this, &StoreScreen::OnGameSelected); } // TODO: Similar apps, etc etc productPanel_ = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(0.5f)); leftScroll->SetTag("StoreMainProduct"); content->Add(productPanel_); } root_->Add(content); } std::vector StoreScreen::FilterEntries() { std::vector filtered; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_.size(); i++) { // TODO: Actually filter by category etc. if (!entries_[i].hidden) filtered.push_back(entries_[i]); } return filtered; } UI::EventReturn StoreScreen::OnGameSelected(UI::EventParams &e) { ProductItemView *item = static_cast(e.v); if (!item) return UI::EVENT_DONE; productPanel_->Clear(); ProductView *productView = new ProductView(item->GetEntry()); productView->OnClickLaunch.Handle(this, &StoreScreen::OnGameLaunch); productPanel_->Add(productView); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn StoreScreen::OnGameLaunch(UI::EventParams &e) { std::string path = e.s; screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(path)); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void StoreScreen::SetFilter(const StoreFilter &filter) { filter_ = filter; RecreateViews(); } UI::EventReturn StoreScreen::OnRetry(UI::EventParams &e) { SetFilter(filter_); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } std::string StoreScreen::GetStoreJsonURL(std::string storePath) const { std::string path = storeBaseUrl + storePath; if (*path.rbegin() != '/') path += '/'; path += "index.json"; return path; } std::string StoreScreen::GetTranslatedString(const json_value *json, std::string key, const char *fallback) const { const json_value *dict = json->getDict("en_US"); if (dict && json->hasChild(lang_.c_str(), JSON_OBJECT)) { if (json->getDict(lang_.c_str())->hasChild(key.c_str(), JSON_STRING)) { dict = json->getDict(lang_.c_str()); } } const char *str = 0; if (dict) { str = dict->getString(key.c_str(), 0); } if (str) { return std::string(str); } else { return fallback ? fallback : "(error)"; } }