// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "DinputDevice.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "input/input_state.h" #include "base/NativeApp.h" #include "input/keycodes.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Xinput.h" #pragma comment(lib,"dinput8.lib") #ifdef min #undef min #undef max #endif //initialize static members of DinputDevice unsigned int DinputDevice::pInstances = 0; LPDIRECTINPUT8 DinputDevice::pDI = NULL; std::vector DinputDevice::devices; // In order from 0. There can be 128, but most controllers do not have that many. static const int dinput_buttons[] = { NKCODE_BUTTON_1, NKCODE_BUTTON_2, NKCODE_BUTTON_3, NKCODE_BUTTON_4, NKCODE_BUTTON_5, NKCODE_BUTTON_6, NKCODE_BUTTON_7, NKCODE_BUTTON_8, NKCODE_BUTTON_9, NKCODE_BUTTON_10, NKCODE_BUTTON_11, NKCODE_BUTTON_12, NKCODE_BUTTON_13, NKCODE_BUTTON_14, NKCODE_BUTTON_15, NKCODE_BUTTON_16, }; static float NormalizedDeadzoneFilter(short value); #define DIFF (JOY_POVRIGHT - JOY_POVFORWARD) / 2 #define JOY_POVFORWARD_RIGHT JOY_POVFORWARD + DIFF #define JOY_POVRIGHT_BACKWARD JOY_POVRIGHT + DIFF #define JOY_POVBACKWARD_LEFT JOY_POVBACKWARD + DIFF #define JOY_POVLEFT_FORWARD JOY_POVLEFT + DIFF struct XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE { DWORD dwVidPid; XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE* pNext; }; XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE* g_pXInputDeviceList = NULL; bool IsXInputDevice( const GUID* pGuidProductFromDirectInput ) { XINPUT_DEVICE_NODE* pNode = g_pXInputDeviceList; while( pNode ) { if( pNode->dwVidPid == pGuidProductFromDirectInput->Data1 ) return true; pNode = pNode->pNext; } return false; } LPDIRECTINPUT8 DinputDevice::getPDI() { if (pDI == NULL) { if (FAILED(DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (void**)&pDI, NULL))) { pDI = NULL; } } return pDI; } BOOL CALLBACK DinputDevice::DevicesCallback( LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef ) { //check if a device with the same Instance guid is already saved auto res = std::find_if(devices.begin(), devices.end(), [lpddi](const DIDEVICEINSTANCE &to_consider){ return lpddi->guidInstance == to_consider.guidInstance; }); if (res == devices.end()) //not yet in the devices list { // Ignore if device supports XInput if (!IsXInputDevice(&lpddi->guidProduct)) { devices.push_back(*lpddi); } } return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } void DinputDevice::getDevices() { if (devices.empty()) { getPDI()->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, &DinputDevice::DevicesCallback, NULL, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); } } DinputDevice::DinputDevice(int devnum) { pInstances++; pDevNum = devnum; pJoystick = NULL; memset(lastButtons_, 0, sizeof(lastButtons_)); memset(lastPOV_, 0, sizeof(lastPOV_)); last_lX_ = 0; last_lY_ = 0; last_lZ_ = 0; last_lRx_ = 0; last_lRy_ = 0; last_lRz_ = 0; if (getPDI() == NULL) { return; } if (devnum >= MAX_NUM_PADS) { return; } getDevices(); if ( (devnum >= (int)devices.size()) || FAILED(getPDI()->CreateDevice(devices.at(devnum).guidInstance, &pJoystick, NULL))) { return; } if (FAILED(pJoystick->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2))) { pJoystick->Release(); pJoystick = NULL; return; } DIPROPRANGE diprg; diprg.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE); diprg.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); diprg.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; diprg.diph.dwObj = 0; diprg.lMin = -10000; diprg.lMax = 10000; analog = FAILED(pJoystick->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &diprg.diph)) ? false : true; // Other devices suffer if the deadzone is not set. // TODO: The dead zone will be made configurable in the Control dialog. DIPROPDWORD dipw; dipw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipw.diph.dwObj = 0; // dwData 10000 is deadzone(0% - 100%), multiply by config scalar dipw.dwData = (int)(g_Config.fDInputAnalogDeadzone * 10000); analog |= FAILED(pJoystick->SetProperty(DIPROP_DEADZONE, &dipw.diph)) ? false : true; } DinputDevice::~DinputDevice() { if (pJoystick) { pJoystick->Release(); pJoystick = NULL; } pInstances--; //the whole instance counter is obviously highly thread-unsafe //but I don't think creation and destruction operations will be //happening at the same time and other values like pDI are //unsafe as well anyway if (pInstances == 0 && pDI) { pDI->Release(); pDI = NULL; } } void SendNativeAxis(int deviceId, short value, short &lastValue, int axisId) { if (value == lastValue) return; AxisInput axis; axis.deviceId = deviceId; axis.axisId = axisId; axis.value = (float)value / 10000.0f; // Convert axis to normalised float NativeAxis(axis); lastValue = value; } inline float Signs(short val) { return (0 < val) - (val < 0); } inline float LinearMaps(short val, short a0, short a1, short b0, short b1) { return b0 + (((val - a0) * (b1 - b0)) / (a1 - a0)); } int DinputDevice::UpdateState() { if (!pJoystick) return -1; DIJOYSTATE2 js; if (FAILED(pJoystick->Poll())) { if(pJoystick->Acquire() == DIERR_INPUTLOST) return -1; } if(FAILED(pJoystick->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &js))) return -1; ApplyButtons(js); if (analog) { AxisInput axis; axis.deviceId = DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum; // Circle to Square mapping, cribbed from XInputDevice float sx = js.lX; float sy = js.lY; float scaleFactor = sqrtf((sx * sx + sy * sy) / std::max(sx * sx, sy * sy)); js.lX = (short)(sx * scaleFactor); js.lY = (short)(sy * scaleFactor); // Linear range mapping (used to invert deadzones) float dz = g_Config.fDInputAnalogDeadzone; int idzm = g_Config.iDInputAnalogInverseMode; float idz = g_Config.fDInputAnalogInverseDeadzone; float md = std::max(dz, idz); float st = g_Config.fDInputAnalogSensitivity; float magnitude = sqrtf(js.lX * js.lX + js.lY * js.lY); if (magnitude > dz * 10000.0f) { if (idzm == 1) { short xSign = Signs(js.lX); if (xSign != 0.0f) { js.lX = LinearMaps(js.lX, xSign * (short)(dz * 10000), xSign * 10000, xSign * (short)(md * 10000), xSign * 10000 * st); } } else if (idzm == 2) { short ySign = Signs(js.lY); if (ySign != 0.0f) { js.lY = LinearMaps(js.lY, ySign * (short)(dz * 10000.0f), ySign * 10000, ySign * (short)(md * 10000.0f), ySign * 10000 * st); } } else if (idzm == 3) { float xNorm = (float)js.lX / magnitude; float yNorm = (float)js.lY / magnitude; float mapMag = LinearMaps(magnitude, dz * 10000.0f, 10000.0f, md * 10000.0f, 10000.0f * st); js.lX = (short)(xNorm * mapMag); js.lY = (short)(yNorm * mapMag); } } else { js.lX = 0; js.lY = 0; } js.lX = (short)std::min(10000.0f, std::max((float)js.lX, -10000.0f)); js.lY = (short)std::min(10000.0f, std::max((float)js.lY, -10000.0f)); SendNativeAxis(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum, js.lX, last_lX_, JOYSTICK_AXIS_X); SendNativeAxis(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum, js.lY, last_lY_, JOYSTICK_AXIS_Y); SendNativeAxis(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum, js.lZ, last_lZ_, JOYSTICK_AXIS_Z); SendNativeAxis(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum, js.lRx, last_lRx_, JOYSTICK_AXIS_RX); SendNativeAxis(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum, js.lRy, last_lRy_, JOYSTICK_AXIS_RY); SendNativeAxis(DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum, js.lRz, last_lRz_, JOYSTICK_AXIS_RZ); } //check if the values have changed from last time and skip polling the rest of the dinput devices if they did //this doesn't seem to quite work if only the axis have changed if ((memcmp(js.rgbButtons, pPrevState.rgbButtons, sizeof(BYTE) * 128) != 0) || (memcmp(js.rgdwPOV, pPrevState.rgdwPOV, sizeof(DWORD) * 4) != 0) || js.lVX != 0 || js.lVY != 0 || js.lVZ != 0 || js.lVRx != 0 || js.lVRy != 0 || js.lVRz != 0) { pPrevState = js; return UPDATESTATE_SKIP_PAD; } return -1; } void DinputDevice::ApplyButtons(DIJOYSTATE2 &state) { BYTE *buttons = state.rgbButtons; u32 downMask = 0x80; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dinput_buttons); ++i) { if (state.rgbButtons[i] == lastButtons_[i]) { continue; } bool down = (state.rgbButtons[i] & downMask) == downMask; KeyInput key; key.deviceId = DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum; key.flags = down ? KEY_DOWN : KEY_UP; key.keyCode = dinput_buttons[i]; NativeKey(key); lastButtons_[i] = state.rgbButtons[i]; } // Now the POV hat, which can technically go in any degree but usually does not. if (LOWORD(state.rgdwPOV[0]) != lastPOV_[0]) { KeyInput dpad[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { dpad[i].deviceId = DEVICE_ID_PAD_0 + pDevNum; dpad[i].flags = KEY_UP; } dpad[0].keyCode = NKCODE_DPAD_UP; dpad[1].keyCode = NKCODE_DPAD_LEFT; dpad[2].keyCode = NKCODE_DPAD_DOWN; dpad[3].keyCode = NKCODE_DPAD_RIGHT; if (LOWORD(state.rgdwPOV[0]) != JOY_POVCENTERED) { // These are the edges, so we use or. if (state.rgdwPOV[0] >= JOY_POVLEFT_FORWARD || state.rgdwPOV[0] <= JOY_POVFORWARD_RIGHT) { dpad[0].flags = KEY_DOWN; } if (state.rgdwPOV[0] >= JOY_POVBACKWARD_LEFT && state.rgdwPOV[0] <= JOY_POVLEFT_FORWARD) { dpad[1].flags = KEY_DOWN; } if (state.rgdwPOV[0] >= JOY_POVRIGHT_BACKWARD && state.rgdwPOV[0] <= JOY_POVBACKWARD_LEFT) { dpad[2].flags = KEY_DOWN; } if (state.rgdwPOV[0] >= JOY_POVFORWARD_RIGHT && state.rgdwPOV[0] <= JOY_POVRIGHT_BACKWARD) { dpad[3].flags = KEY_DOWN; } } NativeKey(dpad[0]); NativeKey(dpad[1]); NativeKey(dpad[2]); NativeKey(dpad[3]); lastPOV_[0] = LOWORD(state.rgdwPOV[0]); } } size_t DinputDevice::getNumPads() { if (devices.empty()) { getDevices(); } return devices.size(); }