// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSDis.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSTables.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSDebugInterface.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSVFPUUtils.h" #define _RS ((op>>21) & 0x1F) #define _RT ((op>>16) & 0x1F) #define _RD ((op>>11) & 0x1F) #define _FS ((op>>11) & 0x1F) #define _FT ((op>>16) & 0x1F) #define _FD ((op>>6 ) & 0x1F) #define _POS ((op>>6 ) & 0x1F) #define _SIZE ((op>>11) & 0x1F) #define RN(i) currentDebugMIPS->GetRegName(0,i) #define FN(i) currentDebugMIPS->GetRegName(1,i) //#define VN(i) currentDebugMIPS->GetRegName(2,i) #define S_not(a,b,c) (a<<2)|(b)|(c<<5) #define SgetA(v) (((v)>>2)&0x7) #define SgetB(v) ((v)&3) #define SgetC(v) (((v)>>5)&0x3) #define HorizOff 32 #define VertOff 1 #define MtxOff 4 inline const char *VN(int v, VectorSize size) { static const char *vfpuCtrlNames[VFPU_CTRL_MAX] = { "SPFX", "TPFX", "DPFX", "CC", "INF4", "RSV5", "RSV6", "REV", "RCX0", "RCX1", "RCX2", "RCX3", "RCX4", "RCX5", "RCX6", "RCX7", }; if (size == V_Single && v >= 128 && v < 128 + VFPU_CTRL_MAX) { return vfpuCtrlNames[v - 128]; } else if (size == V_Single && v == 255) { return "(interlock)"; } return GetVectorNotation(v, size); } inline const char *MN(int v, MatrixSize size) { return GetMatrixNotation(v, size); } inline const char *VSuff(MIPSOpcode op) { int a = (op>>7)&1; int b = (op>>15)&1; a+=(b<<1); switch (a) { case 0: return ".s"; case 1: return ".p"; case 2: return ".t"; case 3: return ".q"; default: return "%"; } } namespace MIPSDis { void Dis_SV(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int offset = (signed short)(op&0xFFFC); int vt = ((op>>16)&0x1f)|((op&3)<<5); int rs = (op>>21) & 0x1f; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s\t%s, %d(%s)",name,VN(vt, V_Single),offset,RN(rs)); } void Dis_SVQ(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int offset = (signed short)(op&0xFFFC); int vt = (((op>>16)&0x1f))|((op&1)<<5); int rs = (op>>21) & 0x1f; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s\t%s, %d(%s)",name,VN(vt,V_Quad),offset,RN(rs)); if (op & 2) strcat(out, ", wb"); } void Dis_SVLRQ(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int offset = (signed short)(op&0xFFFC); int vt = (((op>>16)&0x1f))|((op&1)<<5); int rs = (op>>21) & 0x1f; int lr = (op>>1)&1; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s.q\t%s, %d(%s)",name,lr?"r":"l",VN(vt,V_Quad),offset,RN(rs)); } void Dis_Mftv(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int vr = op & 0xFF; int rt = _RT; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s",name,vr>127?"c":"", RN(rt), VN(vr, V_Single)); } void Dis_Vmftvc(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int vr = op & 0xFF; int vs = _VS; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s\t%s, %s", name, VN(vs, V_Single), VN(vr, V_Single)); } void Dis_VPFXST(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int data = op & 0xFFFFF; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s\t",name); static const char *regnam[4] = {"X","Y","Z","W"}; static const char *constan[8] = {"0","1","2","1/2","3","1/3","1/4","1/6"}; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int regnum = (data>>(i*2)) & 3; int abs = (data>>(8+i)) & 1; int negate = (data>>(16+i)) & 1; int constants = (data>>(12+i)) & 1; if (negate) strcat(out, "-"); if (abs && !constants) strcat(out, "|"); if (!constants) { strcat(out, regnam[regnum]); } else { if (abs) regnum+=4; strcat(out, constan[regnum]); } if (abs && !constants) strcat(out, "|"); strcat(out, " "); } } void Dis_VPFXD(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int data = op & 0xFFFFF; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s\t", name); static const char *satNames[4] = {"", "0-1", "X", "-1-1"}; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int sat = (data>>i*2)&3; int mask = (data>>(8+i))&1; if (sat) strcat(out, satNames[sat]); if (mask) strcat(out, "M"); if (i < 4 - 1) strcat(out, ", "); } } void Dis_Viim(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int vt = _VT; int imm = op&0xFFFF; //V(vt) = (float)imm; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int type = (op >> 23) & 7; if (type == 6) sprintf(out, "%s\t%s, %i", name, VN(vt, V_Single), imm); else if (type == 7) sprintf(out, "%s\t%s, %f", name, VN(vt, V_Single), Float16ToFloat32((u16)imm)); else sprintf(out, "%s\tARGH", name); } void Dis_Vcst(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int conNum = (op>>16) & 0x1f; int vd = _VD; static const char *constants[32] = { "(undef)", "MaxFloat", "Sqrt(2)", "Sqrt(1/2)", "2/Sqrt(PI)", "2/PI", "1/PI", "PI/4", "PI/2", "PI", "e", "Log2(e)", "Log10(e)", "ln(2)", "ln(10)", "2*PI", "PI/6", "Log10(2)", "Log2(10)", "Sqrt(3)/2" }; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); const char *c = constants[conNum]; if (c==0) c = constants[0]; sprintf(out,"%s%s\t%s, %s",name,VSuff(op),VN(vd,V_Single), c); } void Dis_MatrixSet1(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; MatrixSize sz = GetMtxSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s",name,VSuff(op),MN(vd, sz)); } void Dis_MatrixSet2(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; MatrixSize sz = GetMtxSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s",name,VSuff(op),MN(vd, sz),MN(vs,sz)); } void Dis_MatrixSet3(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; MatrixSize sz = GetMtxSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s",name,VSuff(op),MN(vd, sz),MN(vs,sz),MN(vt,sz)); } void Dis_MatrixMult(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; MatrixSize sz = GetMtxSize(op); // TODO: Xpose? sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s",name,VSuff(op),MN(vd, sz),MN(Xpose(vs),sz),MN(vt,sz)); } void Dis_Vmscl(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; MatrixSize sz = GetMtxSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s", name, VSuff(op), MN(vd, sz), MN(vs, sz), VN(vt, V_Single)); } void Dis_VectorDot(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, V_Single), VN(vs,sz), VN(vt, sz)); } void Dis_Vtfm(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; int ins = (op>>23) & 7; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); MatrixSize msz = GetMtxSize(op); int n = GetNumVectorElements(sz); if (n == ins) { //homogenous sprintf(out, "vhtfm%i%s\t%s, %s, %s", n, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), MN(vs, msz), VN(vt, sz)); } else if (n == ins+1) { sprintf(out, "vtfm%i%s\t%s, %s, %s", n, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), MN(vs, msz), VN(vt, sz)); } else { sprintf(out,"BADVTFM"); } } void Dis_Vflush(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { sprintf(out,"vflush"); } void Dis_Vcrs(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vt = _VT; int vs = _VS; int vd = _VS; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); if (sz != V_Triple) { sprintf(out, "vcrs\tERROR"); } else sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), VN(vs, sz), VN(vt,sz)); } void Dis_Vcmp(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vt = _VT; int vs = _VS; int cond = op&15; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); const char *condNames[16] = {"FL","EQ","LT","LE","TR","NE","GE","GT","EZ","EN","EI","ES","NZ","NN","NI","NS"}; sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s", name, VSuff(op), condNames[cond], VN(vs, sz), VN(vt,sz)); } void Dis_Vcmov(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int tf = (op >> 19)&3; int imm3 = (op>>16)&7; if (tf > 1) { sprintf(out, "%s\tARGH%i", name, tf); return; } if (imm3<6) sprintf(out, "%s%s%s\t%s, %s, CC[%i]", name, tf==0?"t":"f", VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), VN(vs,sz), imm3); else if (imm3 == 6) sprintf(out, "%s%s%s\t%s, %s, CC[...]", name, tf==0?"t":"f", VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), VN(vs,sz)); } void Dis_Vfad(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, V_Single), VN(vs,sz)); } void Dis_VScl(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), VN(vs,sz), VN(vt, V_Single)); } void Dis_VectorSet1(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s",name,VSuff(op),VN(vd, sz)); } void Dis_VectorSet2(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s",name,VSuff(op),VN(vd, sz),VN(vs, sz)); } void Dis_VectorSet3(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int vt = _VT; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), VN(vs,sz), VN(vt, sz)); } void Dis_VRot(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int imm = (op>>16) & 0x1f; bool negSin = (imm & 0x10) ? true : false; char c[5] = "...."; char temp[16]={""}; if (((imm>>2)&3)==(imm&3)) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) c[i]='S'; } c[(imm>>2) & 3] = 'S'; c[imm&3] = 'C'; VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); int numElems = GetNumVectorElements(sz); int pos = 0; temp[pos++] = '['; for (int i=0; i>16)&0x1f; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %i",name,VSuff(op),VN(vd, sz),VN(vs, sz),imm); } void Dis_Vs2i(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s",name,VSuff(op),VN(vd, sz),VN(vs, sz)); } void Dis_Vi2x(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); VectorSize dsz = GetHalfVectorSize(sz); if (((op>>16)&3)==0) dsz = V_Single; int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s",name,VSuff(op),VN(vd, dsz),VN(vs, sz)); } void Dis_Vwbn(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; int imm = (int)((op >> 16) & 0xFF); const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s, %d", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz), VN(vs, sz), imm); } void Dis_Vf2h(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); VectorSize dsz = GetHalfVectorSize(sz); if (((op>>16)&3)==0) dsz = V_Single; int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, dsz), VN(vs, sz)); } void Dis_Vh2f(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); VectorSize dsz = GetDoubleVectorSize(sz); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, dsz), VN(vs, sz)); } void Dis_ColorConv(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); VectorSize dsz = GetHalfVectorSize(sz); int vd = _VD; int vs = _VS; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s, %s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, dsz), VN(vs, sz)); } void Dis_Vrnds(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { int vd = _VD; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, V_Single)); } void Dis_VrndX(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { VectorSize sz = GetVecSize(op); int vd = _VD; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s%s\t%s", name, VSuff(op), VN(vd, sz)); } void Dis_VBranch(MIPSOpcode op, char *out) { u32 off = disPC; int imm = (signed short)(op&0xFFFF)<<2; int imm3 = (op>>18)&7; off += imm + 4; const char *name = MIPSGetName(op); sprintf(out, "%s\t->$%08x (CC[%i])",name,off,imm3); } }