// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Common/Crypto/md5.h" #include "Common/Crypto/sha1.h" // Not really sure where these belong - is it worth giving them their own file? u32 sceKernelUtilsMt19937Init(u32 ctx, u32 seed) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsMt19937Init(%08x, %08x)", ctx, seed); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctx)) return -1; void *ptr = Memory::GetPointer(ctx); // This is made to match the memory layout of a PSP MT structure exactly. // Let's just construct it in place with placement new. Elite C++ hackery FTW. new (ptr) MersenneTwister(seed); return 0; } u32 sceKernelUtilsMt19937UInt(u32 ctx) { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsMt19937UInt(%08x)", ctx); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctx)) return -1; MersenneTwister *mt = (MersenneTwister *)Memory::GetPointer(ctx); return mt->R32(); } // TODO: This MD5 stuff needs tests! static md5_context md5_ctx; int sceMd5Digest(u32 dataAddr, u32 len, u32 digestAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMd5Digest(%08x, %d, %08x)", dataAddr, len, digestAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(digestAddr)) return -1; md5(Memory::GetPointer(dataAddr), (int)len, Memory::GetPointer(digestAddr)); return 0; } int sceMd5BlockInit(u32 ctxAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMd5BlockInit(%08x)", ctxAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr)) return -1; // TODO: Until I know how large a context is, we just go all lazy and use a global context, // which will work just fine unless games do several MD5 concurrently. md5_starts(&md5_ctx); return 0; } int sceMd5BlockUpdate(u32 ctxAddr, u32 dataPtr, u32 len) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMd5BlockUpdate(%08x, %08x, %d)", ctxAddr, dataPtr, len); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(dataPtr)) return -1; md5_update(&md5_ctx, Memory::GetPointer(dataPtr), (int)len); return 0; } int sceMd5BlockResult(u32 ctxAddr, u32 digestAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMd5BlockResult(%08x, %08x)", ctxAddr, digestAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(digestAddr)) return -1; md5_finish(&md5_ctx, Memory::GetPointer(digestAddr)); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsMd5Digest(u32 dataAddr, int len, u32 digestAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsMd5Digest(%08x, %d, %08x)", dataAddr, len, digestAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(digestAddr)) return -1; md5(Memory::GetPointer(dataAddr), (int)len, Memory::GetPointer(digestAddr)); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockInit(u32 ctxAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockInit(%08x)", ctxAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr)) return -1; // TODO: Until I know how large a context is, we just go all lazy and use a global context, // which will work just fine unless games do several MD5 concurrently. md5_starts(&md5_ctx); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockUpdate(u32 ctxAddr, u32 dataPtr, int len) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockUpdate(%08x, %08x, %d)", ctxAddr, dataPtr, len); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(dataPtr)) return -1; md5_update(&md5_ctx, Memory::GetPointer(dataPtr), (int)len); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockResult(u32 ctxAddr, u32 digestAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockResult(%08x, %08x)", ctxAddr, digestAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(digestAddr)) return -1; md5_finish(&md5_ctx, Memory::GetPointer(digestAddr)); return 0; } static sha1_context sha1_ctx; int sceKernelUtilsSha1Digest(u32 dataAddr, int len, u32 digestAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsSha1Digest(%08x, %d, %08x)", dataAddr, len, digestAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(digestAddr)) return -1; sha1(Memory::GetPointer(dataAddr), (int)len, Memory::GetPointer(digestAddr)); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockInit(u32 ctxAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockInit(%08x)", ctxAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr)) return -1; // TODO: Until I know how large a context is, we just go all lazy and use a global context, // which will work just fine unless games do several MD5 concurrently. sha1_starts(&sha1_ctx); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockUpdate(u32 ctxAddr, u32 dataAddr, int len) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockUpdate(%08x, %08x, %d)", ctxAddr, dataAddr, len); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr)) return -1; sha1_update(&sha1_ctx, Memory::GetPointer(dataAddr), (int)len); return 0; } int sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockResult(u32 ctxAddr, u32 digestAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockResult(%08x, %08x)", ctxAddr, digestAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctxAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(digestAddr)) return -1; sha1_finish(&sha1_ctx, Memory::GetPointer(digestAddr)); return 0; } const HLEFunction sceMd5[] = { {0x19884A15, WrapI_U, "sceMd5BlockInit"}, {0xA30206C2, WrapI_UUU, "sceMd5BlockUpdate"}, {0x4876AFFF, WrapI_UU, "sceMd5BlockResult"}, {0x98E31A9E, WrapI_UUU, "sceMd5Digest"}, }; void Register_sceMd5() { RegisterModule("sceMd5", ARRAY_SIZE(sceMd5), sceMd5); }