TARGET = ppsspp # Main Qt modules QT += core gui opengl # PPSSPP Modules symbian: LIBS += -lCore.lib -lGPU.lib -lCommon.lib -lNative.lib else: LIBS += -lCore -lGPU -lCommon -lNative include(Settings.pri) # To support Sailfish which is stuck on GCC 4.6 linux-g++:system($$QMAKE_CXX --version | grep \"4\.6\.\"): DEFINES+=override lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { macx: error(PPSSPP requires Qt5 for OS X but $$[QT_VERSION] was detected.) else:lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 7): error(PPSSPP requires Qt 4.7 or newer but Qt $$[QT_VERSION] was detected.) } # Extra Qt modules greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION,4) { QT += widgets # Most platforms don't have this pre-installed. Especially hard to get on OSX. exists($$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtSystemInfo) { QT += systeminfo DEFINES += QT_HAS_SYSTEMINFO } mobile_platform: QT += sensors } else:!maemo5:mobile_platform { CONFIG += mobility MOBILITY += sensors symbian: MOBILITY += systeminfo feedback } # External (platform-dependant) libs macx|equals(PLATFORM_NAME, "linux") { PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$CONFIG_DIR/libCommon.a $$CONFIG_DIR/libCore.a $$CONFIG_DIR/libGPU.a $$CONFIG_DIR/libNative.a CONFIG += link_pkgconfig packagesExist(sdl2) { DEFINES += SDL SOURCES += $$P/SDL/SDLJoystick.cpp HEADERS += $$P/SDL/SDLJoystick.h PKGCONFIG += sdl2 } } !symbian:exists( /usr/include/GL/glew.h ) { LIBS += -lGLEW } exists( /usr/include/snappy-c.h ) { LIBS += -lsnappy } exists( /usr/include/zip.h ) { LIBS += -lzip } unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, system-zlib) { LIBS += -lz } # Qt Multimedia (if SDL is not found) !contains(DEFINES, SDL) { lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION,5):!exists($$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtMultimedia) { # Fallback to mobility audio CONFIG += mobility MOBILITY += multimedia } else: QT += multimedia } # Main SOURCES += $$P/ext/native/base/QtMain.cpp HEADERS += $$P/ext/native/base/QtMain.h symbian { SOURCES += $$P/ext/native/base/SymbianMediaKeys.cpp HEADERS += $$P/ext/native/base/SymbianMediaKeys.h } # UI SOURCES += $$P/UI/*.cpp \ $$P/android/jni/TestRunner.cpp arm:android: SOURCES += $$P/android/jni/ArmEmitterTest.cpp HEADERS += $$P/UI/*.h INCLUDEPATH += $$P $$P/Common $$P/ext/native $$P/ext/native/ext !exists( /usr/include/GL/glew.h ) { INCLUDEPATH += $$P/ext/native/ext/glew } mobile_platform { !no_assets: RESOURCES += $$P/Qt/assets.qrc } else { # TODO: Rewrite Debugger with same backend as Windows version # Do not use .ui forms. Use Qt5 + C++11 features to minimise code SOURCES += $$P/Qt/*.cpp $$P/Qt/Debugger/*.cpp HEADERS += $$P/Qt/*.h $$P/Qt/Debugger/*.h FORMS += $$P/Qt/Debugger/*.ui !no_assets: RESOURCES += $$P/Qt/desktop_assets.qrc INCLUDEPATH += $$P/Qt $$P/Qt/Debugger # Creating translations should be done by Qt, really isEmpty(LREL_TOOL): LREL_TOOL = lrelease # Grab all possible directories (win32/unix) win32: PATHS = $$split($$(PATH), ;) else: PATHS = $$split($$(PATH), :) # Either -qt4 or -qt5 will work. for(bin, PATHS): exists($${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt4): LREL_TOOL=$${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt4 for(bin, PATHS): exists($${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt5): LREL_TOOL=$${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt5 # Translations TRANSLATIONS = $$files($$P/Qt/languages/ppsspp_*.ts) = $$LREL_TOOL ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} lang.input = TRANSLATIONS lang.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm lang.commands = $$LREL_TOOL ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} lang.CONFIG = no_link QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += lang PRE_TARGETDEPS += compiler_lang_make_all }