#include "base/display.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stringutil.h" #include "thin3d/thin3d.h" #include "util/hash/hash.h" #include "util/text/wrap_text.h" #include "util/text/utf8.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_text.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_text_qt.h" #if defined(USING_QT_UI) #include #include #include #include TextDrawerQt::TextDrawerQt(Draw::DrawContext *draw) : TextDrawer(draw) { } TextDrawerQt::~TextDrawerQt() { ClearCache(); } uint32_t TextDrawerQt::SetFont(const char *fontName, int size, int flags) { // We will only use the default font uint32_t fontHash = 0; //hash::Adler32((const uint8_t *)fontName, strlen(fontName)); fontHash ^= size; fontHash ^= flags << 10; auto iter = fontMap_.find(fontHash); if (iter != fontMap_.end()) { fontHash_ = fontHash; return fontHash; } QFont* font = new QFont(); font->setPixelSize(size + 6); fontMap_[fontHash] = font; fontHash_ = fontHash; return fontHash; } void TextDrawerQt::SetFont(uint32_t fontHandle) { } void TextDrawerQt::MeasureString(const char *str, size_t len, float *w, float *h) { QFont* font = fontMap_.find(fontHash_)->second; QFontMetrics fm(*font); QSize size = fm.size(0, QString::fromUtf8(str, (int)len)); *w = (float)size.width() * fontScaleX_; *h = (float)size.height() * fontScaleY_; } void TextDrawerQt::MeasureStringRect(const char *str, size_t len, const Bounds &bounds, float *w, float *h, int align) { std::string toMeasure = std::string(str, len); if (align & FLAG_WRAP_TEXT) { bool rotated = (align & (ROTATE_90DEG_LEFT | ROTATE_90DEG_RIGHT)) != 0; WrapString(toMeasure, toMeasure.c_str(), rotated ? bounds.h : bounds.w); } QFont* font = fontMap_.find(fontHash_)->second; QFontMetrics fm(*font); QSize size = fm.size(0, QString::fromUtf8(toMeasure.c_str(), (int)toMeasure.size())); *w = (float)size.width() * fontScaleX_; *h = (float)size.height() * fontScaleY_; } void TextDrawerQt::DrawString(DrawBuffer &target, const char *str, float x, float y, uint32_t color, int align) { using namespace Draw; if (!strlen(str)) return; uint32_t stringHash = hash::Adler32((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str)); uint32_t entryHash = stringHash ^ fontHash_ ^ (align << 24); target.Flush(true); TextStringEntry *entry; auto iter = cache_.find(entryHash); if (iter != cache_.end()) { entry = iter->second.get(); entry->lastUsedFrame = frameCount_; draw_->BindTexture(0, entry->texture); } else { QFont *font = fontMap_.find(fontHash_)->second; QFontMetrics fm(*font); QSize size = fm.size(0, QString::fromUtf8(str)); QImage image((size.width() + 3) & ~3, (size.height() + 3) & ~3, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); if (image.isNull()) { return; } image.fill(0); QPainter painter; painter.begin(&image); painter.setFont(*font); painter.setPen(color); // TODO: Involve ALIGN_HCENTER (bounds etc.) painter.drawText(image.rect(), Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft, QString::fromUtf8(str).replace("&&", "&")); painter.end(); entry = new TextStringEntry(); entry->bmWidth = entry->width = image.width(); entry->bmHeight = entry->height = image.height(); entry->lastUsedFrame = frameCount_; TextureDesc desc{}; desc.type = TextureType::LINEAR2D; desc.format = Draw::DataFormat::B4G4R4A4_UNORM_PACK16; desc.width = entry->bmWidth; desc.height = entry->bmHeight; desc.depth = 1; desc.mipLevels = 1; desc.tag = "TextDrawer"; uint16_t *bitmapData = new uint16_t[entry->bmWidth * entry->bmHeight]; for (int x = 0; x < entry->bmWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < entry->bmHeight; y++) { bitmapData[entry->bmWidth * y + x] = 0xfff0 | image.pixel(x, y) >> 28; } } desc.initData.push_back((uint8_t *)bitmapData); entry->texture = draw_->CreateTexture(desc); delete[] bitmapData; cache_[entryHash] = std::unique_ptr(entry); } float w = entry->bmWidth * fontScaleX_; float h = entry->bmHeight * fontScaleY_; DrawBuffer::DoAlign(align, &x, &y, &w, &h); target.DrawTexRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, color); target.Flush(true); } void TextDrawerQt::ClearCache() { for (auto &iter : cache_) { if (iter.second->texture) iter.second->texture->Release(); } cache_.clear(); sizeCache_.clear(); // Also wipe the font map. for (auto iter : fontMap_) { delete iter.second; } fontMap_.clear(); fontHash_ = 0; } void TextDrawerQt::DrawStringRect(DrawBuffer &target, const char *str, const Bounds &bounds, uint32_t color, int align) { float x = bounds.x; float y = bounds.y; if (align & ALIGN_HCENTER) { x = bounds.centerX(); } else if (align & ALIGN_RIGHT) { x = bounds.x2(); } if (align & ALIGN_VCENTER) { y = bounds.centerY(); } else if (align & ALIGN_BOTTOM) { y = bounds.y2(); } std::string toDraw = str; if (align & FLAG_WRAP_TEXT) { bool rotated = (align & (ROTATE_90DEG_LEFT | ROTATE_90DEG_RIGHT)) != 0; WrapString(toDraw, str, rotated ? bounds.h : bounds.w); } DrawString(target, toDraw.c_str(), x, y, color, align); } void TextDrawerQt::OncePerFrame() { frameCount_++; // If DPI changed (small-mode, future proper monitor DPI support), drop everything. float newDpiScale = CalculateDPIScale(); if (newDpiScale != dpiScale_) { dpiScale_ = newDpiScale; ClearCache(); } // Drop old strings. Use a prime number to reduce clashing with other rhythms if (frameCount_ % 23 == 0) { for (auto iter = cache_.begin(); iter != cache_.end();) { if (frameCount_ - iter->second->lastUsedFrame > 100) { if (iter->second->texture) iter->second->texture->Release(); cache_.erase(iter++); } else { iter++; } } for (auto iter = sizeCache_.begin(); iter != sizeCache_.end(); ) { if (frameCount_ - iter->second->lastUsedFrame > 100) { sizeCache_.erase(iter++); } else { iter++; } } } } #endif