// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Globals.h" #include "Common/Common.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/ISOFileSystem.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include #include #include const int sectorSize = 2048; bool parseLBN(std::string filename, u32 *sectorStart, u32 *readSize) { // The format of this is: "/sce_lbn" "0x"? HEX* ANY* "_size" "0x"? HEX* ANY* // That means that "/sce_lbn/_size1/" is perfectly valid. // Most commonly, it looks like /sce_lbn0x10_size0x100 or /sce_lbn10_size100 (always hex.) // If it doesn't starts with /sce_lbn or doesn't have _size, look for a file instead. if (filename.compare(0, sizeof("/sce_lbn") - 1, "/sce_lbn") != 0) return false; size_t size_pos = filename.find("_size"); if (size_pos == filename.npos) return false; // TODO: Return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERRNO_INVALID_ARGUMENT when >= 32 long but passes above checks. if (filename.size() >= 32) return false; const char *filename_c = filename.c_str(); size_t pos = strlen("/sce_lbn"); if (sscanf(filename_c + pos, "%x", sectorStart) != 1) *sectorStart = 0; pos = size_pos + strlen("_size"); if (sscanf(filename_c + pos, "%x", readSize) != 1) *readSize = 0; return true; } #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) struct DirectoryEntry { u8 size; u8 sectorsInExtendedRecord; u32_le firstDataSectorLE; // LBA u32_be firstDataSectorBE; u32_le dataLengthLE; // Size u32_be dataLengthBE; u8 years; u8 month; u8 day; u8 hour; u8 minute; u8 second; u8 offsetFromGMT; u8 flags; // 2 = directory u8 fileUnitSize; u8 interleaveGap; u16_le volSeqNumberLE; u16_be volSeqNumberBE; u8 identifierLength; //identifier comes right after u8 firstIdChar; #if COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN u32 firstDataSector() const { return firstDataSectorLE; } u32 dataLength() const { return dataLengthLE; } u32 volSeqNumber() const { return volSeqNumberLE; } #else u32 firstDataSector() const { return firstDataSectorBE; } u32 dataLength() const { return dataLengthBE; } u32 volSeqNumber() const { return volSeqNumberBE; } #endif }; struct DirectorySector { DirectoryEntry entry; char space[2048-sizeof(DirectoryEntry)]; }; struct VolDescriptor { char type; char cd001[6]; char version; char sysid[32]; char volid[32]; char zeros[8]; u32_le numSectorsLE; u32_be numSectoreBE; char morezeros[32]; u16_le volSetSizeLE; u16_be volSetSizeBE; u16_le volSeqNumLE; u16_be volSeqNumBE; u16_le sectorSizeLE; u16_be sectorSizeBE; u32_le pathTableLengthLE; u32_be pathTableLengthBE; u16_le firstLETableSectorLE; u16_be firstLETableSectorBE; u16_le secondLETableSectorLE; u16_be secondLETableSectorBE; u16_le firstBETableSectorLE; u16_be firstBETableSectorBE; u16_le secondBETableSectorLE; u16_be secondBETableSectorBE; DirectoryEntry root; char volumeSetIdentifier[128]; char publisherIdentifier[128]; char dataPreparerIdentifier[128]; char applicationIdentifier[128]; char copyrightFileIdentifier[37]; char abstractFileIdentifier[37]; char bibliographicalFileIdentifier[37]; char volCreationDateTime[17]; char mreModDateTime[17]; char volExpireDateTime[17]; char volEffectiveDateTime[17]; char one; char zero; char reserved[512]; char zeroos[653]; }; #pragma pack(pop) ISOFileSystem::ISOFileSystem(IHandleAllocator *_hAlloc, BlockDevice *_blockDevice, std::string _restrictPath) { if (!_restrictPath.empty()) { size_t pos = _restrictPath.find_first_not_of('/'); while (pos != _restrictPath.npos) { size_t endPos = _restrictPath.find_first_of('/', pos); if (endPos == _restrictPath.npos) endPos = _restrictPath.length(); if (pos != endPos) restrictTree.push_back(_restrictPath.substr(pos, endPos - pos)); pos = _restrictPath.find_first_not_of('/', endPos); } } blockDevice = _blockDevice; hAlloc = _hAlloc; VolDescriptor desc; blockDevice->ReadBlock(16, (u8*)&desc); entireISO.name = ""; entireISO.isDirectory = false; entireISO.startingPosition = 0; entireISO.size = _blockDevice->GetNumBlocks() * _blockDevice->GetBlockSize(); entireISO.flags = 0; entireISO.parent = NULL; if (memcmp(desc.cd001, "CD001", 5)) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "ISO looks bogus? trying anyway..."); } treeroot = new TreeEntry(); treeroot->isDirectory = true; treeroot->startingPosition = 0; treeroot->size = 0; treeroot->flags = 0; treeroot->parent = NULL; u32 rootSector = desc.root.firstDataSector(); u32 rootSize = desc.root.dataLength(); ReadDirectory(rootSector, rootSize, treeroot, 0); } ISOFileSystem::~ISOFileSystem() { delete blockDevice; delete treeroot; } void ISOFileSystem::ReadDirectory(u32 startsector, u32 dirsize, TreeEntry *root, size_t level) { for (u32 secnum = startsector, endsector = dirsize/2048 + startsector; secnum < endsector; ++secnum) { u8 theSector[2048]; blockDevice->ReadBlock(secnum, theSector); for (int offset = 0; offset < 2048; ) { DirectoryEntry &dir = *(DirectoryEntry *)&theSector[offset]; u8 sz = theSector[offset]; // Nothing left in this sector. There might be more in the next one. if (sz == 0) break; const int IDENTIFIER_OFFSET = 33; if (offset + IDENTIFIER_OFFSET + dir.identifierLength > 2048) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Directory entry crosses sectors, corrupt iso?"); return; } offset += dir.size; bool isFile = (dir.flags & 2) ? false : true; bool relative; TreeEntry *e = new TreeEntry(); if (dir.identifierLength == 1 && (dir.firstIdChar == '\x00' || dir.firstIdChar == '.')) { e->name = "."; relative = true; } else if (dir.identifierLength == 1 && dir.firstIdChar == '\x01') { e->name = ".."; relative = true; } else { e->name = std::string((char *)&dir.firstIdChar, dir.identifierLength); relative = false; } e->size = dir.dataLength(); e->startingPosition = dir.firstDataSector() * 2048; e->isDirectory = !isFile; e->flags = dir.flags; e->parent = root; // Let's not excessively spam the log - I commented this line out. //DEBUG_LOG(FILESYS, "%s: %s %08x %08x %i", e->isDirectory?"D":"F", e->name.c_str(), dir.firstDataSectorLE, e->startingPosition, e->startingPosition); if (e->isDirectory && !relative) { if (dir.firstDataSector() == startsector) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "WARNING: Appear to have a recursive file system, breaking recursion"); } else { bool doRecurse = true; if (!restrictTree.empty()) doRecurse = level < restrictTree.size() && restrictTree[level] == e->name; if (doRecurse) ReadDirectory(dir.firstDataSector(), dir.dataLength(), e, level + 1); else continue; } } root->children.push_back(e); } } } ISOFileSystem::TreeEntry *ISOFileSystem::GetFromPath(std::string path, bool catchError) { if (path.length() == 0) { //Ah, the device! "umd0:" return &entireISO; } if (path.substr(0,2) == "./") path.erase(0,2); if (path[0] == '/') path.erase(0,1); if (path == "umd0") return &entireISO; TreeEntry *e = treeroot; if (path.length() == 0) return e; while (true) { TreeEntry *ne = 0; std::string name = ""; if (path.length()>0) { for (size_t i=0; ichildren.size(); i++) { std::string n = (e->children[i]->name); for (size_t j = 0; j < n.size(); j++) { n[j] = tolower(n[j]); } std::string curPath = path.substr(0, path.find_first_of('/')); for (size_t j = 0; j < curPath.size(); j++) { curPath[j] = tolower(curPath[j]); } if (curPath == n) { //yay we got it ne = e->children[i]; name = n; break; } } } if (ne) { e = ne; size_t l = name.length(); path.erase(0, l); if (path.length() == 0 || (path.length()==1 && path[0] == '/')) return e; path.erase(0, 1); while (path[0] == '/') path.erase(0, 1); } else { if (catchError) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS,"File %s not found", path.c_str()); } return 0; } } } u32 ISOFileSystem::OpenFile(std::string filename, FileAccess access, const char *devicename) { // LBN unittest /* u32 a, b; if (parseLBN("/sce_lbn0x307aa_size0xefffe000", &a, &b)) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "lbn: %08x %08x", a, b); } else { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "faillbn: %08x %08x", a, b); }*/ OpenFileEntry entry; entry.isRawSector = false; entry.isBlockSectorMode = false; if (filename.compare(0,8,"/sce_lbn") == 0) { u32 sectorStart = 0xFFFFFFFF, readSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; parseLBN(filename, §orStart, &readSize); if (sectorStart >= blockDevice->GetNumBlocks()) { WARN_LOG(FILESYS, "Unable to open raw sector: %s, sector %08x, max %08x", filename.c_str(), sectorStart, blockDevice->GetNumBlocks()); return 0; } DEBUG_LOG(FILESYS, "Got a raw sector open: %s, sector %08x, size %08x", filename.c_str(), sectorStart, readSize); u32 newHandle = hAlloc->GetNewHandle(); entry.seekPos = 0; entry.file = 0; entry.isRawSector = true; entry.sectorStart = sectorStart; entry.openSize = readSize; // when open as "umd1:/sce_lbn0x0_size0x6B49D200", that mean open umd1 as a block device. // the param in sceIoLseek and sceIoRead is lba mode. we must mark it. if(strncmp(devicename, "umd0:", 5)==0 || strncmp(devicename, "umd1:", 5)==0) entry.isBlockSectorMode = true; entries[newHandle] = entry; return newHandle; } if (access & FILEACCESS_WRITE) { ERROR_LOG(FILESYS, "Can't open file %s with write access on an ISO partition", filename.c_str()); return 0; } // May return entireISO for "umd0:" entry.file = GetFromPath(filename); if (!entry.file){ return 0; } if (entry.file==&entireISO) entry.isBlockSectorMode = true; entry.seekPos = 0; u32 newHandle = hAlloc->GetNewHandle(); entries[newHandle] = entry; return newHandle; } void ISOFileSystem::CloseFile(u32 handle) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); if (iter != entries.end()) { //CloseHandle((*iter).second.hFile); hAlloc->FreeHandle(handle); entries.erase(iter); } else { //This shouldn't happen... ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Hey, what are you doing? Closing non-open files?"); } } bool ISOFileSystem::OwnsHandle(u32 handle) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); return (iter != entries.end()); } size_t ISOFileSystem::ReadFile(u32 handle, u8 *pointer, s64 size) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); if (iter != entries.end()) { OpenFileEntry &e = iter->second; if (e.isBlockSectorMode) { // Whole sectors! Shortcut to this simple code. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { blockDevice->ReadBlock(e.seekPos, pointer + i * 2048); e.seekPos++; } return (size_t)size; } u32 positionOnIso; if (e.isRawSector) { positionOnIso = e.sectorStart * 2048 + e.seekPos; if (e.seekPos + size > e.openSize) { size = e.openSize - e.seekPos; } } else { _dbg_assert_msg_(HLE, e.file != 0, "Expecting non-raw fd to have a tree entry."); //clamp read length if ((s64)e.seekPos > e.file->size - (s64)size) { size = e.file->size - (s64)e.seekPos; } positionOnIso = e.file->startingPosition + e.seekPos; } //okay, we have size and position, let's rock u32 totalRead = 0; int secNum = positionOnIso / 2048; int posInSector = positionOnIso & 2047; s64 remain = size; u8 theSector[2048]; while (remain > 0) { blockDevice->ReadBlock(secNum, theSector); size_t bytesToCopy = 2048 - posInSector; if ((s64)bytesToCopy > remain) bytesToCopy = (size_t)remain; memcpy(pointer, theSector + posInSector, bytesToCopy); totalRead += (u32)bytesToCopy; pointer += bytesToCopy; remain -= bytesToCopy; posInSector = 0; secNum++; } e.seekPos += (unsigned int)size; return totalRead; } else { //This shouldn't happen... ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Hey, what are you doing? Reading non-open files?"); return 0; } } size_t ISOFileSystem::WriteFile(u32 handle, const u8 *pointer, s64 size) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Hey, what are you doing? You can't write to an ISO!"); return 0; } size_t ISOFileSystem::SeekFile(u32 handle, s32 position, FileMove type) { EntryMap::iterator iter = entries.find(handle); if (iter != entries.end()) { OpenFileEntry &e = iter->second; switch (type) { case FILEMOVE_BEGIN: e.seekPos = position; break; case FILEMOVE_CURRENT: e.seekPos += position; break; case FILEMOVE_END: if (e.isRawSector) e.seekPos = e.openSize + position; else e.seekPos = (unsigned int)(e.file->size + position); break; } return (size_t)e.seekPos; } else { //This shouldn't happen... ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Hey, what are you doing? Seeking in non-open files?"); return 0; } } PSPFileInfo ISOFileSystem::GetFileInfo(std::string filename) { if (filename.compare(0,8,"/sce_lbn") == 0) { u32 sectorStart = 0xFFFFFFFF, readSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; parseLBN(filename, §orStart, &readSize); PSPFileInfo fileInfo; fileInfo.name = filename; fileInfo.exists = true; fileInfo.size = readSize; fileInfo.startSector = sectorStart; fileInfo.isOnSectorSystem = true; fileInfo.numSectors = (readSize + sectorSize - 1) / sectorSize; return fileInfo; } TreeEntry *entry = GetFromPath(filename, false); PSPFileInfo x; if (!entry) { x.size = 0; x.exists = false; } else { x.name = entry->name; x.access = FILEACCESS_READ; x.size = entry->size; x.exists = true; x.type = entry->isDirectory ? FILETYPE_DIRECTORY : FILETYPE_NORMAL; x.isOnSectorSystem = true; x.startSector = entry->startingPosition/2048; } return x; } std::vector ISOFileSystem::GetDirListing(std::string path) { std::vector myVector; TreeEntry *entry = GetFromPath(path); if (!entry) { return myVector; } for (size_t i=0; ichildren.size(); i++) { TreeEntry *e = entry->children[i]; if(!strcmp(e->name.c_str(), ".") || !strcmp(e->name.c_str(), "..")) // do not include the relative entries in the list continue; PSPFileInfo x; x.name = e->name; x.access = FILEACCESS_READ; x.size = e->size; x.type = e->isDirectory ? FILETYPE_DIRECTORY : FILETYPE_NORMAL; x.isOnSectorSystem = true; x.startSector = e->startingPosition/2048; myVector.push_back(x); } return myVector; } std::string ISOFileSystem::EntryFullPath(TreeEntry *e) { if (e == &entireISO) return ""; size_t fullLen = 0; TreeEntry *cur = e; while (cur != NULL && cur != treeroot) { // For the "/". fullLen += 1 + cur->name.size(); cur = cur->parent; } std::string path; path.resize(fullLen); cur = e; while (cur != NULL && cur != treeroot) { path.replace(fullLen - cur->name.size(), cur->name.size(), cur->name); path.replace(fullLen - cur->name.size() - 1, 1, "/"); fullLen -= 1 + cur->name.size(); cur = cur->parent; } return path; } void ISOFileSystem::DoState(PointerWrap &p) { int n = (int) entries.size(); p.Do(n); if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) { entries.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { u32 fd; OpenFileEntry of; p.Do(fd); p.Do(of.seekPos); p.Do(of.isRawSector); p.Do(of.isBlockSectorMode); p.Do(of.sectorStart); p.Do(of.openSize); bool hasFile = false; p.Do(hasFile); if (hasFile) { std::string path; p.Do(path); of.file = GetFromPath(path); } else { of.file = NULL; } entries[fd] = of; } } else { for (EntryMap::iterator it = entries.begin(), end = entries.end(); it != end; ++it) { OpenFileEntry &of = it->second; p.Do(it->first); p.Do(of.seekPos); p.Do(of.isRawSector); p.Do(of.isBlockSectorMode); p.Do(of.sectorStart); p.Do(of.openSize); bool hasFile = of.file != NULL; p.Do(hasFile); if (hasFile) { std::string path = ""; path = EntryFullPath(of.file); p.Do(path); } } } p.DoMarker("ISOFileSystem"); }