// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // This code is part shamelessly "inspired" from JPSCP. #include #include "sceMpeg.h" #include "sceKernelThread.h" #include "HLE.h" #include "../HW/MediaEngine.h" #include "../../Core/Config.h" static bool useMediaEngine; // MPEG AVC elementary stream. static const int MPEG_AVC_ES_SIZE = 2048; // MPEG packet size. // MPEG ATRAC elementary stream. static const int MPEG_ATRAC_ES_SIZE = 2112; static const int MPEG_ATRAC_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE = 8192; // MPEG PCM elementary stream. static const int MPEG_PCM_ES_SIZE = 320; static const int MPEG_PCM_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE = 320; // MPEG Userdata elementary stream. static const int MPEG_DATA_ES_SIZE = 0xA0000; static const int MPEG_DATA_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE = 0xA0000; // MPEG analysis results. static const int MPEG_VERSION_0012 = 0; static const int MPEG_VERSION_0013 = 1; static const int MPEG_VERSION_0014 = 2; static const int MPEG_VERSION_0015 = 3; // MPEG streams. static const int MPEG_AVC_STREAM = 0; static const int MPEG_ATRAC_STREAM = 1; static const int MPEG_PCM_STREAM = 2; static const int MPEG_DATA_STREAM = 3; // Arbitrary user defined type. Can represent audio or video. static const int MPEG_AUDIO_STREAM = 15; static const int MPEG_AU_MODE_DECODE = 0; static const int MPEG_AU_MODE_SKIP = 1; static const int MPEG_MEMSIZE = 0x10000; // 64k. static const int MPEG_AVC_DECODE_SUCCESS = 1; // Internal value. static const int MPEG_AVC_DECODE_ERROR_FATAL = -8; static const int atracDecodeDelay = 3000; // Microseconds static const int avcDecodeDelay = 5400; // Microseconds static const int mpegDecodeErrorDelay = 100; // Delay in Microseconds in case of decode error static const int mpegTimestampPerSecond = 90000; // How many MPEG Timestamp units in a second. //static const int videoTimestampStep = 3003; // Value based on pmfplayer (mpegTimestampPerSecond / 29.970 (fps)). static const int audioTimestampStep = 4180; // For audio play at 44100 Hz (2048 samples / 44100 * mpegTimestampPerSecond == 4180) //static const int audioFirstTimestamp = 89249; // The first MPEG audio AU has always this timestamp static const int audioFirstTimestamp = 90000; // The first MPEG audio AU has always this timestamp static const s64 UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP = -1; // At least 2048 bytes of MPEG data is provided when analysing the MPEG header static const int MPEG_HEADER_BUFFER_MINIMUM_SIZE = 2048; static const int NUM_ES_BUFFERS = 2; static const int PSP_ERROR_MPEG_NO_DATA = 0x80618001; static const int TPSM_PIXEL_STORAGE_MODE_16BIT_BGR5650 = 0X00; static const int TPSM_PIXEL_STORAGE_MODE_32BIT_ABGR8888 = 0X03; static const int MP3_BITRATES[] = {0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320}; int getMaxAheadTimestamp(const SceMpegRingBuffer &ringbuf) { return std::max(40000, ringbuf.packets * 700); // empiric value from JPCSP, thanks! } // Internal structure struct AvcContext { int avcDetailFrameWidth; int avcDetailFrameHeight; int avcDecodeResult; int avcFrameStatus; }; struct Mp3Context { Mp3Context() : mediaengine(NULL) {} ~Mp3Context() { if (mediaengine != NULL) { delete mediaengine; } } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(mp3StreamStart); p.Do(mp3StreamEnd); p.Do(mp3Buf); p.Do(mp3BufSize); p.Do(mp3PcmBuf); p.Do(mp3BufPendingSize); p.Do(mp3PcmBufSize); p.Do(mp3InputFileReadPos); p.Do(mp3InputBufWritePos); p.Do(mp3InputBufSize); p.Do(mp3InputFileSize); p.Do(mp3DecodedBytes); p.Do(mp3LoopNum); p.Do(mp3MaxSamples); p.Do(mp3Bitrate); p.Do(mp3Channels); p.Do(mp3SamplingRate); p.Do(mp3Version); p.DoClass(mediaengine); p.DoMarker("Mp3Context"); } int mp3StreamStart; int mp3StreamEnd; int mp3StreamPosition; u32 mp3Buf; int mp3BufSize; int mp3BufPendingSize; u32 mp3PcmBuf; int mp3PcmBufSize; int mp3InputFileReadPos; int mp3InputBufWritePos; int mp3InputBufSize; int mp3InputFileSize; int mp3DecodedBytes; int mp3LoopNum; int mp3MaxSamples; int mp3Channels; int mp3Bitrate; int mp3SamplingRate; int mp3Version; MediaEngine *mediaengine; }; struct StreamInfo { int type; int num; int sid; }; typedef std::map StreamInfoMap; // Internal structure struct MpegContext { MpegContext() : mediaengine(NULL) {} ~MpegContext() { if (mediaengine != NULL) { delete mediaengine; } } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(defaultFrameWidth); p.Do(videoFrameCount); p.Do(audioFrameCount); p.Do(endOfAudioReached); p.Do(endOfVideoReached); p.Do(videoPixelMode); p.Do(mpegMagic); p.Do(mpegVersion); p.Do(mpegRawVersion); p.Do(mpegOffset); p.Do(mpegStreamSize); p.Do(mpegFirstTimestamp); p.Do(mpegLastTimestamp); p.Do(mpegFirstDate); p.Do(mpegLastDate); p.Do(mpegRingbufferAddr); p.Do(mpegStreamAddr); p.DoArray(esBuffers, NUM_ES_BUFFERS); p.Do(avc); p.Do(avcRegistered); p.Do(atracRegistered); p.Do(pcmRegistered); p.Do(dataRegistered); p.Do(ignoreAtrac); p.Do(ignorePcm); p.Do(ignoreAvc); p.Do(isAnalyzed); p.Do(streamMap); p.DoClass(mediaengine); p.DoMarker("MpegContext"); } u32 defaultFrameWidth; int videoFrameCount; int audioFrameCount; bool endOfAudioReached; bool endOfVideoReached; int videoPixelMode; u32 mpegMagic; int mpegVersion; u32 mpegRawVersion; u32 mpegOffset; u32 mpegStreamSize; u32 mpegFirstTimestamp; u32 mpegLastTimestamp; u32 mpegFirstDate; u32 mpegLastDate; u32 mpegRingbufferAddr; u32 mpegStreamAddr; bool esBuffers[NUM_ES_BUFFERS]; AvcContext avc; bool avcRegistered; bool atracRegistered; bool pcmRegistered; bool dataRegistered; bool ignoreAtrac; bool ignorePcm; bool ignoreAvc; bool isAnalyzed; StreamInfoMap streamMap; MediaEngine *mediaengine; }; static u32 streamIdGen; static bool isCurrentMpegAnalyzed; static bool fakeMode; static int actionPostPut; static std::map mpegMap; static std::map mp3Map; // TODO: Remove. static u32 lastMpegHandle = 0; static u32 lastMp3Handle = 0; MpegContext *getMpegCtx(u32 mpegAddr) { u32 mpeg = Memory::Read_U32(mpegAddr); // TODO: Remove. if (mpegMap.find(mpeg) == mpegMap.end()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Bad mpeg handle %08x - using last one (%08x) instead", mpeg, lastMpegHandle); mpeg = lastMpegHandle; } if (mpegMap.find(mpeg) == mpegMap.end()) return NULL; return mpegMap[mpeg]; } Mp3Context *getMp3Ctx(u32 mp3) { if (mp3Map.find(mp3) == mp3Map.end()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Bad mp3 handle %08x - using last one (%08x) instead", mp3, lastMp3Handle); mp3 = lastMp3Handle; } if (mp3Map.find(mp3) == mp3Map.end()) return NULL; return mp3Map[mp3]; } u32 getMpegHandle(u32 mpeg) { return Memory::Read_U32(mpeg); } static void InitRingbuffer(SceMpegRingBuffer *buf, int packets, int data, int size, int callback_addr, int callback_args) { buf->packets = packets; buf->packetsRead = 0; buf->packetsWritten = 0; buf->packetsFree = 0; // set later buf->packetSize = 2048; buf->data = data; buf->callback_addr = callback_addr; buf->callback_args = callback_args; buf->dataUpperBound = data + packets * 2048; buf->semaID = -1; buf->mpeg = 0; } u32 convertTimestampToDate(u32 ts) { return ts; // TODO } void AnalyzeMpeg(u32 buffer_addr, MpegContext *ctx) { ctx->mpegStreamAddr = buffer_addr; ctx->mpegMagic = Memory::Read_U32(buffer_addr); ctx->mpegRawVersion = Memory::Read_U32(buffer_addr + PSMF_STREAM_VERSION_OFFSET); switch (ctx->mpegRawVersion) { case PSMF_VERSION_0012: ctx->mpegVersion = MPEG_VERSION_0012; break; case PSMF_VERSION_0013: ctx->mpegVersion = MPEG_VERSION_0013; break; case PSMF_VERSION_0014: ctx->mpegVersion = MPEG_VERSION_0014; break; case PSMF_VERSION_0015: ctx->mpegVersion = MPEG_VERSION_0015; break; default: ctx->mpegVersion = -1; break; } ctx->mpegOffset = bswap32(Memory::Read_U32(buffer_addr + PSMF_STREAM_OFFSET_OFFSET)); ctx->mpegStreamSize = bswap32(Memory::Read_U32(buffer_addr + PSMF_STREAM_SIZE_OFFSET)); ctx->mpegFirstTimestamp = bswap32(Memory::Read_U32(buffer_addr + PSMF_FIRST_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET)); ctx->mpegLastTimestamp = bswap32(Memory::Read_U32(buffer_addr + PSMF_LAST_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET)); ctx->mpegFirstDate = convertTimestampToDate(ctx->mpegFirstTimestamp); ctx->mpegLastDate = convertTimestampToDate(ctx->mpegLastTimestamp); ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameWidth = (Memory::Read_U8(buffer_addr + 142) * 0x10); ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameHeight = (Memory::Read_U8(buffer_addr + 143) * 0x10); ctx->avc.avcDecodeResult = MPEG_AVC_DECODE_SUCCESS; ctx->avc.avcFrameStatus = 0; //if (!isCurrentMpegAnalyzed) { //SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; //InitRingbuffer(&ringbuffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // ???? //Memory::WriteStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); //} ctx->videoFrameCount = 0; ctx->audioFrameCount = 0; ctx->endOfAudioReached = false; ctx->endOfVideoReached = false; if ((ctx->mpegStreamSize > 0) && !ctx->isAnalyzed) { ctx->mediaengine->setFakeMode(fakeMode); ctx->mediaengine->init(buffer_addr, ctx->mpegStreamSize, ctx->mpegOffset); ctx->mediaengine->setVideoDim(ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameWidth, ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameHeight); // mysterious? //meChannel = new PacketChannel(); //meChannel.write(buffer_addr, mpegOffset); } // When used with scePsmf, some applications attempt to use sceMpegQueryStreamOffset // and sceMpegQueryStreamSize, which forces a packet overwrite in the Media Engine and in // the MPEG ringbuffer. // Mark the current MPEG as analyzed to filter this, and restore it at sceMpegFinish. ctx->isAnalyzed = true; INFO_LOG(ME, "Stream offset: %d, Stream size: 0x%X", ctx->mpegOffset, ctx->mpegStreamSize); INFO_LOG(ME, "First timestamp: %d, Last timestamp: %d", ctx->mpegFirstTimestamp, ctx->mpegLastTimestamp); } class PostPutAction : public Action { public: PostPutAction() {} void setRingAddr(u32 ringAddr) { ringAddr_ = ringAddr; } static Action *Create() { return new PostPutAction; } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(ringAddr_); p.DoMarker("PostPutAction"); } void run(MipsCall &call); private: u32 ringAddr_; }; void __MpegInit(bool useMediaEngine_) { lastMpegHandle = 0; streamIdGen = 1; fakeMode = !useMediaEngine_; isCurrentMpegAnalyzed = false; actionPostPut = __KernelRegisterActionType(PostPutAction::Create); } void __MpegDoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(lastMpegHandle); p.Do(streamIdGen); p.Do(fakeMode); p.Do(isCurrentMpegAnalyzed); p.Do(actionPostPut); __KernelRestoreActionType(actionPostPut, PostPutAction::Create); p.Do(mpegMap); p.DoMarker("sceMpeg"); } void __MpegShutdown() { std::map::iterator it, end; for (it = mpegMap.begin(), end = mpegMap.end(); it != end; ++it) { delete it->second; } mpegMap.clear(); } u32 sceMpegInit() { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegInit()"); return 0; } u32 sceMpegRingbufferQueryMemSize(int packets) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferQueryMemSize(%i)", packets); int size = packets * (104 + 2048); return size; } u32 sceMpegRingbufferConstruct(u32 ringbufferAddr, u32 numPackets, u32 data, u32 size, u32 callbackAddr, u32 callbackArg) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferConstruct(%08x, %i, %08x, %i, %08x, %i)", ringbufferAddr, numPackets, data, size, callbackAddr, callbackArg); SceMpegRingBuffer ring; InitRingbuffer(&ring, numPackets, data, size, callbackAddr, callbackArg); Memory::WriteStruct(ringbufferAddr, &ring); return 0; } u32 sceMpegCreate(u32 mpegAddr, u32 dataPtr, u32 size, u32 ringbufferAddr, u32 frameWidth, u32 mode, u32 ddrTop) { if (size < MPEG_MEMSIZE) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "ERROR_MPEG_NO_MEMORY=sceMpegCreate(%08x, %08x, %i, %08x, %i, %i, %i)", mpegAddr, dataPtr, size, ringbufferAddr, frameWidth, mode, ddrTop); return ERROR_MPEG_NO_MEMORY; } SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; if(ringbufferAddr != 0){ Memory::ReadStruct(ringbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); if (ringbuffer.packetSize == 0) { ringbuffer.packetsFree = 0; } else { ringbuffer.packetsFree = (ringbuffer.dataUpperBound - ringbuffer.data) / ringbuffer.packetSize; } ringbuffer.mpeg = mpegAddr; Memory::WriteStruct(ringbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); } // Generate, and write mpeg handle into mpeg data, for some reason int mpegHandle = dataPtr + 0x30; Memory::Write_U32(mpegHandle, mpegAddr); Memory::Memcpy(mpegHandle, "LIBMPEG.001", 12); Memory::Write_U32(-1, mpegHandle + 12); Memory::Write_U32(ringbufferAddr, mpegHandle + 16); Memory::Write_U32(ringbuffer.dataUpperBound, mpegHandle + 20); MpegContext *ctx = new MpegContext; mpegMap[mpegHandle] = ctx; lastMpegHandle = mpegHandle; ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr = ringbufferAddr; ctx->videoFrameCount = 0; ctx->audioFrameCount = 0; // TODO: What's the actual default? ctx->videoPixelMode = 0; ctx->avcRegistered = false; ctx->atracRegistered = false; ctx->pcmRegistered = false; ctx->dataRegistered = false; ctx->ignoreAtrac = false; ctx->ignorePcm = false; ctx->ignoreAvc = false; ctx->defaultFrameWidth = frameWidth; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ES_BUFFERS; i++) { ctx->esBuffers[i] = false; } // Detailed "analysis" is done later in Query* for some reason. ctx->isAnalyzed = false; ctx->mediaengine = new MediaEngine(); INFO_LOG(HLE, "%08x=sceMpegCreate(%08x, %08x, %i, %08x, %i, %i, %i)", mpegHandle, mpegAddr, dataPtr, size, ringbufferAddr, frameWidth, mode, ddrTop); return 0; } int sceMpegDelete(u32 mpeg) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegDelete(%08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegDelete(%08x)", mpeg); delete ctx; mpegMap.erase(Memory::Read_U32(mpeg)); return 0; } int sceMpegAvcDecodeMode(u32 mpeg, u32 modeAddr) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeMode(%08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, modeAddr); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeMode(%08x, %08x)", mpeg, modeAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(modeAddr)) { int mode = Memory::Read_U32(modeAddr); int pixelMode = Memory::Read_U32(modeAddr + 4); if (pixelMode >= TPSM_PIXEL_STORAGE_MODE_16BIT_BGR5650 && pixelMode <= TPSM_PIXEL_STORAGE_MODE_32BIT_ABGR8888) { ctx->videoPixelMode = pixelMode; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeMode(%i, %i): unknown pixelMode ", mode, pixelMode); } } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeMode(%08x, %08x): invalid modeAddr", mpeg, modeAddr); return -1; } return 0; } int sceMpegQueryStreamOffset(u32 mpeg, u32 bufferAddr, u32 offsetAddr) { if (!g_Config.bUseMediaEngine){ WARN_LOG(HLE, "Media Engine disabled"); return -1; } MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset(%08x, %08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, bufferAddr, offsetAddr); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, bufferAddr, offsetAddr); // Kinda destructive, no? AnalyzeMpeg(bufferAddr, ctx); if (ctx->mpegMagic != PSMF_MAGIC) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset: Bad PSMF magic"); Memory::Write_U32(0, offsetAddr); return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } else if (ctx->mpegVersion < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset: Bad version"); Memory::Write_U32(0, offsetAddr); return ERROR_MPEG_BAD_VERSION; } else if ((ctx->mpegOffset & 2047) != 0 || ctx->mpegOffset == 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset: Bad offset"); Memory::Write_U32(0, offsetAddr); return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mpegOffset, offsetAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegQueryStreamSize(u32 bufferAddr, u32 sizeAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamSize(%08x, %08x)", bufferAddr, sizeAddr); MpegContext ctx; ctx.mediaengine = new MediaEngine(); AnalyzeMpeg(bufferAddr, &ctx); if (ctx.mpegMagic != PSMF_MAGIC) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset: Bad PSMF magic"); Memory::Write_U32(0, sizeAddr); return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } else if ((ctx.mpegOffset & 2047) != 0 ) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryStreamOffset: Bad offset"); Memory::Write_U32(0, sizeAddr); return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } Memory::Write_U32(ctx.mpegStreamSize, sizeAddr); return 0; } int sceMpegRegistStream(u32 mpeg, u32 streamType, u32 streamNum) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRegistStream(%08x, %i, %i): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, streamType, streamNum); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRegistStream(%08x, %i, %i)", mpeg, streamType, streamNum); switch (streamType) { case MPEG_AVC_STREAM: ctx->avcRegistered = true; break; case MPEG_AUDIO_STREAM: case MPEG_ATRAC_STREAM: ctx->atracRegistered = true; break; case MPEG_PCM_STREAM: ctx->pcmRegistered = true; break; case MPEG_DATA_STREAM: ctx->dataRegistered = true; break; default : DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRegistStream(%i) : unknown stream type", streamType); break; } // ... u32 sid = streamIdGen++; StreamInfo info; info.type = streamType; info.num = streamNum; ctx->streamMap[sid] = info; return sid; } int sceMpegMallocAvcEsBuf(u32 mpeg) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegMallocAvcEsBuf(%08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegMallocAvcEsBuf(%08x)", mpeg); // Doesn't actually malloc, just keeps track of a couple of flags for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ES_BUFFERS; i++) { if (!ctx->esBuffers[i]) { ctx->esBuffers[i] = true; return i + 1; } } // No es buffer return 0; } int sceMpegFreeAvcEsBuf(u32 mpeg, int esBuf) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegFreeAvcEsBuf(%08x, %i): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, esBuf); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegFreeAvcEsBuf(%08x, %i)", mpeg, esBuf); if (esBuf == 0) { return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } if (esBuf >= 1 && esBuf <= NUM_ES_BUFFERS) { // TODO: Check if it's already been free'd? ctx->esBuffers[esBuf - 1] = false; } return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcDecode(u32 mpeg, u32 auAddr, u32 frameWidth, u32 bufferAddr, u32 initAddr) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecode(%08x, %08x, %d, %08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, auAddr, frameWidth, bufferAddr, initAddr); return 0; } if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(auAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(bufferAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(initAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecode: bad addresses"); return 0; } if (frameWidth == 0) { // wtf, go sudoku passes in 0xccccccccc if (!ctx->defaultFrameWidth) { frameWidth = ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameWidth; } else { frameWidth = ctx->defaultFrameWidth; } } SceMpegAu avcAu; avcAu.read(auAddr); SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); if (ringbuffer.packetsRead == 0) { // empty! return MPEG_AVC_DECODE_ERROR_FATAL; } u32 buffer = Memory::Read_U32(bufferAddr); u32 init = Memory::Read_U32(initAddr); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "*buffer = %08x, *init = %08x", buffer, init); const int width = std::min((int)frameWidth, 480); const int height = ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameHeight; int packetsInRingBuffer = ringbuffer.packets - ringbuffer.packetsFree; int processedPackets = ringbuffer.packetsRead - packetsInRingBuffer; int processedSize = processedPackets * ringbuffer.packetSize; int packetsConsumed = 3; if (ctx->mpegStreamSize > 0 && ctx->mpegLastTimestamp > 0) { // Try a better approximation of the packets consumed based on the timestamp int processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp = (int) ((((float) avcAu.pts) / ctx->mpegLastTimestamp) * ctx->mpegStreamSize); if (processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp < processedSize) { packetsConsumed = 0; } else { packetsConsumed = (processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp - processedSize) / ringbuffer.packetSize; if (packetsConsumed > 10) { packetsConsumed = 10; } } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecode consumed %d %d/%d %d", processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp, processedSize, ctx->mpegStreamSize, packetsConsumed); } if (ctx->mediaengine->stepVideo()) { ctx->mediaengine->writeVideoImage(buffer, frameWidth, ctx->videoPixelMode); packetsConsumed += ctx->mediaengine->readLength() / ringbuffer.packetSize; // The MediaEngine is already consuming all the remaining // packets when approaching the end of the video. The PSP // is only consuming the last packet when reaching the end, // not before. // Consuming all the remaining packets? if (ringbuffer.packetsFree + packetsConsumed >= ringbuffer.packets) { // Having not yet reached the last timestamp? if (ctx->mpegLastTimestamp > 0 && avcAu.pts < ctx->mpegLastTimestamp) { // Do not yet consume all the remaining packets. packetsConsumed = 0; } } ctx->mediaengine->setReadLength(ctx->mediaengine->readLength() - packetsConsumed * ringbuffer.packetSize); } else { // Consume all remaining packets packetsConsumed = ringbuffer.packets - ringbuffer.packetsFree; } ctx->avc.avcFrameStatus = 1; ctx->videoFrameCount++; // Update the ringbuffer with the consumed packets if (ringbuffer.packetsFree < ringbuffer.packets && packetsConsumed > 0) { ringbuffer.packetsFree = std::min(ringbuffer.packets, ringbuffer.packetsFree + packetsConsumed); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecode consumed %d packets, remaining %d packets", packetsConsumed, ringbuffer.packets - ringbuffer.packetsFree); } ctx->avc.avcDecodeResult = MPEG_AVC_DECODE_SUCCESS; // Flush structs back to memory avcAu.write(auAddr); Memory::WriteStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->avc.avcFrameStatus, initAddr); // 1 = showing, 0 = not showing DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecode(%08x, %08x, %i, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, auAddr, frameWidth, bufferAddr, initAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcDecodeStop(u32 mpeg, u32 frameWidth, u32 bufferAddr, u32 statusAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeStop(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, frameWidth, bufferAddr, statusAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(statusAddr)) { Memory::Write_U32(0,statusAddr); } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeStop(%08x, %08x): invalid statusAddr", mpeg, statusAddr); return -1; } return 0; } u32 sceMpegUnRegistStream(u32 mpeg, int streamUid) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegUnRegistStream(%08x, %i): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, streamUid); return -1; } StreamInfo info = {0}; switch (info.type) { case MPEG_AVC_STREAM: ctx->avcRegistered = false; break; case MPEG_AUDIO_STREAM: case MPEG_ATRAC_STREAM: ctx->atracRegistered = false; break; case MPEG_PCM_STREAM: ctx->pcmRegistered = false; break; case MPEG_DATA_STREAM: ctx->dataRegistered = false; break; default : DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegUnRegistStream(%i) : unknown streamID ", streamUid); break; } ctx->streamMap[streamUid] = info; info.type = -1; info.sid = -1 ; ctx->isAnalyzed = false; return 0; } int sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail(u32 mpeg, u32 detailAddr) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(detailAddr)) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail(%08x, %08x): invalid detailAddr", mpeg, detailAddr); return -1; } MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail(%08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, detailAddr); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail(%08x, %08x)", mpeg, detailAddr); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->avc.avcDecodeResult, detailAddr + 0); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->videoFrameCount, detailAddr + 4); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameWidth, detailAddr + 8); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->avc.avcDetailFrameHeight, detailAddr + 12); Memory::Write_U32(0, detailAddr + 16); Memory::Write_U32(0, detailAddr + 20); Memory::Write_U32(0, detailAddr + 24); Memory::Write_U32(0, detailAddr + 28); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->avc.avcFrameStatus, detailAddr + 32); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcDecodeStopYCbCr(u32 mpeg, u32 bufferAddr, u32 statusAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeStopYCbCr(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, bufferAddr, statusAddr); return 0; } int sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr(u32 mpeg, u32 auAddr, u32 bufferAddr, u32 initAddr) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, auAddr, bufferAddr, initAddr); return 0; } if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(auAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(bufferAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(initAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr: bad addresses"); return 0; } SceMpegAu avcAu; avcAu.read(auAddr); SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); if (ringbuffer.packetsRead == 0) { // empty! return MPEG_AVC_DECODE_ERROR_FATAL; } u32 buffer = Memory::Read_U32(bufferAddr); u32 init = Memory::Read_U32(initAddr); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "*buffer = %08x, *init = %08x", buffer, init); int packetsInRingBuffer = ringbuffer.packets - ringbuffer.packetsFree; int processedPackets = ringbuffer.packetsRead - packetsInRingBuffer; int processedSize = processedPackets * ringbuffer.packetSize; int packetsConsumed = 3; if (ctx->mpegStreamSize > 0 && ctx->mpegLastTimestamp > 0) { // Try a better approximation of the packets consumed based on the timestamp int processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp = (int) ((((float) avcAu.pts) / ctx->mpegLastTimestamp) * ctx->mpegStreamSize); if (processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp < processedSize) { packetsConsumed = 0; } else { packetsConsumed = (processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp - processedSize) / ringbuffer.packetSize; if (packetsConsumed > 10) { packetsConsumed = 10; } } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr consumed %d %d/%d %d", processedSizeBasedOnTimestamp, processedSize, ctx->mpegStreamSize, packetsConsumed); } if (ctx->mediaengine->stepVideo()) { // TODO: Write it somewhere or buffer it or something? packetsConsumed += ctx->mediaengine->readLength() / ringbuffer.packetSize; // Consuming all the remaining packets? if (ringbuffer.packetsFree + packetsConsumed >= ringbuffer.packets) { // Having not yet reached the last timestamp? if (ctx->mpegLastTimestamp > 0 && avcAu.pts < ctx->mpegLastTimestamp) { // Do not yet consume all the remaining packets. packetsConsumed = 0; } } ctx->mediaengine->setReadLength(ctx->mediaengine->readLength() - packetsConsumed * ringbuffer.packetSize); } else { // Consume all remaining packets packetsConsumed = ringbuffer.packets - ringbuffer.packetsFree; } ctx->avc.avcFrameStatus = 1; ctx->videoFrameCount++; // Update the ringbuffer with the consumed packets if (ringbuffer.packetsFree < ringbuffer.packets && packetsConsumed > 0) { ringbuffer.packetsFree = std::min(ringbuffer.packets, ringbuffer.packetsFree + packetsConsumed); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr consumed %d packets, remaining %d packets", packetsConsumed, ringbuffer.packets - ringbuffer.packetsFree); } ctx->avc.avcDecodeResult = MPEG_AVC_DECODE_SUCCESS; // Flush structs back to memory avcAu.write(auAddr); Memory::WriteStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->avc.avcFrameStatus, initAddr); // 1 = showing, 0 = not showing DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, auAddr, bufferAddr, initAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(u32 mpeg) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(%08x)", mpeg); if ( ctx->videoFrameCount > 0 || ctx->audioFrameCount > 0) { //__MpegFinish(); } return 0; } int sceMpegInitAu(u32 mpeg, u32 bufferAddr, u32 auPointer) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegInitAu(%08x, %i, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, bufferAddr, auPointer); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegInitAu(%08x, %i, %08x)", mpeg, bufferAddr, auPointer); SceMpegAu sceAu; sceAu.read(auPointer); if (bufferAddr >= 1 && bufferAddr <= NUM_ES_BUFFERS && ctx->esBuffers[bufferAddr - 1]) { // This esbuffer has been allocated for Avc. sceAu.esBuffer = bufferAddr; // Can this be right??? not much of a buffer pointer.. sceAu.esSize = MPEG_AVC_ES_SIZE; sceAu.dts = 0; sceAu.pts = 0; sceAu.write(auPointer); } else { // This esbuffer has been left as Atrac. sceAu.esBuffer = bufferAddr; sceAu.esSize = MPEG_ATRAC_ES_SIZE; sceAu.pts = 0; sceAu.dts = UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP; sceAu.write(auPointer); } return 0; } int sceMpegQueryAtracEsSize(u32 mpeg, u32 esSizeAddr, u32 outSizeAddr) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(esSizeAddr) || !Memory::IsValidAddress(outSizeAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryAtracEsSize(%08x, %08x, %08x) - bad address", mpeg, esSizeAddr, outSizeAddr); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryAtracEsSize(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, esSizeAddr, outSizeAddr); Memory::Write_U32(MPEG_ATRAC_ES_SIZE, esSizeAddr); Memory::Write_U32(MPEG_ATRAC_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE, outSizeAddr); return 0; } int sceMpegRingbufferAvailableSize(u32 ringbufferAddr) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ringbufferAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferAvailableSize(%08x) - bad address", ringbufferAddr); return -1; } SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ringbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "%i=sceMpegRingbufferAvailableSize(%08x)", ringbuffer.packetsFree, ringbufferAddr); return ringbuffer.packetsFree; } void PostPutAction::run(MipsCall &call) { SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ringAddr_, &ringbuffer); MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(ringbuffer.mpeg); int packetsAdded = currentMIPS->r[2]; if (packetsAdded > 0) { if (ctx) ctx->mediaengine->feedPacketData(ringbuffer.data, packetsAdded * ringbuffer.packetSize); if (packetsAdded > ringbuffer.packetsFree) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferPut clamping packetsAdded old=%i new=%i", packetsAdded, ringbuffer.packetsFree); packetsAdded = ringbuffer.packetsFree; } ringbuffer.packetsRead += packetsAdded; ringbuffer.packetsWritten += packetsAdded; ringbuffer.packetsFree -= packetsAdded; } Memory::WriteStruct(ringAddr_, &ringbuffer); call.setReturnValue(packetsAdded); } // Program signals that it has written data to the ringbuffer and gets a callback ? u32 sceMpegRingbufferPut(u32 ringbufferAddr, u32 numPackets, u32 available) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferPut(%08x, %i, %i)", ringbufferAddr, numPackets, available); if (numPackets < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sub-zero number of packets put"); return 0; } SceMpegRingBuffer ringbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ringbufferAddr, &ringbuffer); numPackets = std::min(numPackets, available); MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(ringbuffer.mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferPut(%08x, %i, %i): bad mpeg handle %08x", ringbufferAddr, numPackets, available, ringbuffer.mpeg); return 0; } // Clamp to length of mpeg stream - this seems like a hack as we don't have access to the context here really int mpegStreamPackets = (ctx->mpegStreamSize + ringbuffer.packetSize - 1) / ringbuffer.packetSize; int remainingPackets = mpegStreamPackets - ringbuffer.packetsRead; if (remainingPackets < 0) { remainingPackets = 0; } numPackets = std::min(numPackets, (u32)remainingPackets); // Execute callback function as a direct MipsCall, no blocking here so no messing around with wait states etc if (ringbuffer.callback_addr) { PostPutAction *action = (PostPutAction *) __KernelCreateAction(actionPostPut); action->setRingAddr(ringbufferAddr); u32 args[3] = {(u32)ringbuffer.data, numPackets, (u32)ringbuffer.callback_args}; __KernelDirectMipsCall(ringbuffer.callback_addr, action, args, 3, false); } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferPut: callback_addr zero"); } return 0; } int sceMpegGetAvcAu(u32 mpeg, u32 streamId, u32 auAddr, u32 attrAddr) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegGetAvcAu(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, streamId, auAddr, attrAddr); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegGetAvcAu(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, streamId, auAddr, attrAddr); SceMpegRingBuffer mpegRingbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &mpegRingbuffer); SceMpegAu sceAu; sceAu.read(auAddr); if (mpegRingbuffer.packetsRead == 0) { // delayThread(mpegErrorDecodeDelay) return PSP_ERROR_MPEG_NO_DATA; } if (ctx->streamMap.find(streamId) == ctx->streamMap.end()) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegGetAvcAu - bad stream id %i", streamId); return -1; } // Wait for audio if too much ahead if (ctx->atracRegistered && (sceAu.pts > sceAu.pts + getMaxAheadTimestamp(mpegRingbuffer))) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegGetAvcAu - video too much ahead"); return PSP_ERROR_MPEG_NO_DATA; } int result = 0; // read the au struct from ram // TODO: For now, always checking, since readVideoAu() is stubbed. if (!ctx->mediaengine->readVideoAu(&sceAu) || true) { // Only return this after the video already ended. if (ctx->endOfVideoReached) { if (mpegRingbuffer.packetsFree < mpegRingbuffer.packets) { mpegRingbuffer.packetsFree = mpegRingbuffer.packets; Memory::WriteStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &mpegRingbuffer); } result = PSP_ERROR_MPEG_NO_DATA; } if (ctx->mpegLastTimestamp <= 0 || sceAu.pts >= ctx->mpegLastTimestamp) { NOTICE_LOG(HLE, "End of video reached"); ctx->endOfVideoReached = true; } else { ctx->endOfAudioReached = false; } } // The avcau struct may have been modified by mediaengine, write it back. sceAu.write(auAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(attrAddr)) { Memory::Write_U32(1, attrAddr); } return result; } u32 sceMpegFinish() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegFinish(...)"); //__MpegFinish(); return 0; } u32 sceMpegQueryMemSize() { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryMemSize()"); return 0x10000; // 64K } int sceMpegGetAtracAu(u32 mpeg, u32 streamId, u32 auAddr, u32 attrAddr) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegGetAtracAu(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, streamId, auAddr, attrAddr); return -1; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegGetAtracAu(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, streamId, auAddr, attrAddr); SceMpegRingBuffer mpegRingbuffer; Memory::ReadStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &mpegRingbuffer); SceMpegAu sceAu; sceAu.read(auAddr); int result = 0; //... // TODO: Just faking it. sceAu.pts += videoTimestampStep; sceAu.write(auAddr); // TODO: And also audio end? if (ctx->endOfVideoReached) { if (mpegRingbuffer.packetsFree < mpegRingbuffer.packets) { mpegRingbuffer.packetsFree = mpegRingbuffer.packets; Memory::WriteStruct(ctx->mpegRingbufferAddr, &mpegRingbuffer); } result = PSP_ERROR_MPEG_NO_DATA; } if (Memory::IsValidAddress(attrAddr)) { Memory::Write_U32(0, attrAddr); } return result; } int sceMpegQueryPcmEsSize(u32 mpeg, u32 esSizeAddr, u32 outSizeAddr) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(esSizeAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(outSizeAddr)) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryPcmEsSize(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, esSizeAddr, outSizeAddr); Memory::Write_U32(MPEG_PCM_ES_SIZE, esSizeAddr); Memory::Write_U32(MPEG_PCM_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE, outSizeAddr); return 0; } ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryPcmEsSize - bad pointers(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, esSizeAddr, outSizeAddr); return -1; } u32 sceMpegChangeGetAuMode(u32 mpeg, int streamUid, int mode) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); if (!ctx) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegChangeGetAuMode(%08x, %i, %i): bad mpeg handle", mpeg, streamUid, mode); return -1; } // NOTE: Where is the info supposed to come from? StreamInfo info = {0}; info.sid = streamUid; if (info.sid) { switch (info.type) { case MPEG_AVC_STREAM: if(mode == MPEG_AU_MODE_DECODE) { ctx->ignoreAvc = false; } else if (mode == MPEG_AU_MODE_SKIP) { ctx->ignoreAvc = true; } break; case MPEG_AUDIO_STREAM: case MPEG_ATRAC_STREAM: if(mode == MPEG_AU_MODE_DECODE) { ctx->ignoreAtrac = false; } else if (mode == MPEG_AU_MODE_SKIP) { ctx->ignoreAtrac = true; } break; case MPEG_PCM_STREAM: if(mode == MPEG_AU_MODE_DECODE) { ctx->ignorePcm = false; } else if (mode == MPEG_AU_MODE_SKIP) { ctx->ignorePcm = true; } break; default: ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegChangeGetAuMode(%08x, %i): unkown streamID", mpeg, streamUid); break; } } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegChangeGetAuMode(%08x, %i): unkown streamID", mpeg, streamUid); } return 0; } u32 sceMpegChangeGetAvcAuMode(u32 mpeg, u32 stream_addr, int mode) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegChangeGetAvcAuMode(%08x, %08x, %i)", mpeg, stream_addr, mode); return 0; } u32 sceMpegGetPcmAu(u32 mpeg, int streamUid, u32 auAddr, u32 attrAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegGetPcmAu(%08x, %i, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, streamUid, auAddr, attrAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegRingbufferQueryPackNum(int memorySize) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferQueryPackNum(%i)", memorySize); int packets = memorySize / (2048 + 104); return packets; } u32 sceMpegFlushAllStream(u32 mpeg) { MpegContext *ctx = getMpegCtx(mpeg); ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegFlushAllStream(%08x)", mpeg); if ( ctx->videoFrameCount > 0 || ctx->audioFrameCount > 0) { //__MpegFinish(); } return 0; } u32 sceMpegFlushStream(u32 mpeg, int stream_addr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegFlushStream(%08x, %i)", mpeg , stream_addr); //__MpegFinish(); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcCopyYCbCr(u32 mpeg, u32 sourceAddr, u32 YCbCrAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcCopyYCbCr(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, sourceAddr, YCbCrAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAtracDecode(u32 mpeg, u32 auAddr, u32 bufferAddr, int init) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAtracDecode(%08x, %08x, %08x, %i)", mpeg, auAddr, bufferAddr, init); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(bufferAddr)) Memory::Memset(bufferAddr, 0, MPEG_ATRAC_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE); return 0; } // YCbCr -> RGB color space conversion u32 sceMpegAvcCsc(u32 mpeg, u32 sourceAddr, u32 rangeAddr, int frameWidth, u32 destAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcCsc(%08x, %08x, %08x, %i, %08x)", mpeg, sourceAddr, rangeAddr, frameWidth, destAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegRingbufferDestruct(u32 ringbufferAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegRingbufferDestruct(%08x)", ringbufferAddr); // Don't need to do anything here return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(u32 mpeg, int mode, int width, int height, u32 ycbcr_addr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %08x)", mpeg, mode, width, height, ycbcr_addr); return 0; } int sceMpegAvcQueryYCbCrSize(u32 mpeg, u32 mode, u32 width, u32 height, u32 resultAddr) { if ((width & 15) != 0 || (height & 15) != 0 || height > 272 || width > 480) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcQueryYCbCrSize: bad w/h %i x %i", width, height); return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegAvcQueryYCbCrSize(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %08x)", mpeg, mode, width, height, resultAddr); int size = (width / 2) * (height / 2) * 6 + 128; Memory::Write_U32(size, resultAddr); return 0; } u32 sceMpegQueryUserdataEsSize(u32 mpeg, u32 esSizeAddr, u32 outSizeAddr) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(esSizeAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(outSizeAddr)) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryUserdataEsSize(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, esSizeAddr, outSizeAddr); Memory::Write_U32(MPEG_DATA_ES_SIZE, esSizeAddr); Memory::Write_U32(MPEG_DATA_ES_OUTPUT_SIZE, outSizeAddr); return 0; } ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMpegQueryUserdataEsSize - bad pointers(%08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, esSizeAddr, outSizeAddr); return -1; } u32 sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcDecTopAddr(u32 mpeg) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcDecTopAddr(%08x)", mpeg); // it's just a random address return 0x12345678; } u32 sceMpegAvcResourceFinish(u32 mpeg) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"sceMpegAvcResourceFinish(%08x)", mpeg); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcEsBuf(u32 mpeg) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcEsBuf(%08x)", mpeg); return 0; } u32 sceMpegAvcResourceInit(u32 mpeg) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcResourceInit(%08x)", mpeg); if (mpeg != 1) { return ERROR_MPEG_INVALID_VALUE; } return 0; } int sceMpegAvcConvertToYuv420(u32 mpeg, u32 bufferOutput, u32 unknown1, int unknown2) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMpegAvcConvertToYuv420(%08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", mpeg, bufferOutput, unknown1, unknown2); return 0; } /* MP3 */ int sceMp3Decode(u32 mp3, u32 outPcmPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3Decode(%08x,%08x)", mp3, outPcmPtr); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } // Nothing to decode if(ctx->mp3BufPendingSize == 0 || ctx->mp3StreamPosition >= ctx->mp3StreamEnd) { return 0; } Memory::Memset(ctx->mp3PcmBuf, 0, ctx->mp3PcmBufSize); Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mp3PcmBuf, outPcmPtr); // TODO: Actually decode the data #ifdef _DEBUG char fileName[256]; sprintf(fileName, "%i.mp3", ctx->mp3StreamPosition); FILE * file = fopen(fileName, "wb"); if(file) { if(!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctx->mp3Buf)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3Decode mp3Buf %08X is not a valid address!", ctx->mp3Buf); } u8 * ptr = Memory::GetPointer(ctx->mp3Buf); fwrite(ptr, 1, ctx->mp3BufPendingSize, file); fclose(file); } #endif ctx->mp3StreamPosition += ctx->mp3BufPendingSize; if(ctx->mp3StreamPosition > ctx->mp3StreamEnd) ctx->mp3StreamPosition = ctx->mp3StreamEnd; // Reset the pending buffer size so the program will know that we need to buffer more data ctx->mp3BufPendingSize = (ctx->mp3StreamPosition < ctx->mp3StreamEnd)?-1:0; return ctx->mp3PcmBufSize; } int sceMp3ResetPlayPosition(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "SceMp3ResetPlayPosition(%08x)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } ctx->mp3StreamPosition = 0; ctx->mp3BufPendingSize = -1; return 0; } int sceMp3CheckStreamDataNeeded(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3CheckStreamDataNeeded(%08x)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return (ctx->mp3BufPendingSize < 0) && (ctx->mp3StreamPosition < ctx->mp3StreamEnd); } u32 sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle(u32 mp3Addr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle(%08x)", mp3Addr); Mp3Context *ctx = new Mp3Context; memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(Mp3Context)); ctx->mp3StreamStart = Memory::Read_U64(mp3Addr); ctx->mp3StreamEnd = Memory::Read_U64(mp3Addr+8); ctx->mp3Buf = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+16); ctx->mp3BufSize = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+20); ctx->mp3PcmBuf = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+24); ctx->mp3PcmBufSize = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+28); ctx->mp3StreamPosition = ctx->mp3StreamStart; ctx->mp3BufPendingSize = -1; ctx->mp3MaxSamples = ctx->mp3PcmBufSize / 4 ; /*ctx->mp3Channels = 2; ctx->mp3Bitrate = 128; ctx->mp3SamplingRate = 44100;*/ mp3Map[mp3Addr] = ctx; return mp3Addr; } int sceMp3InitResource() { WARN_LOG(HLE, "UNIML: sceMp3InitResource"); // Do nothing here return 0; } int sceMp3TermResource() { WARN_LOG(HLE, "UNIML: sceMp3TermResource"); // Do nothing here return 0; } int sceMp3Init(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3Init(%08x)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } // Read in the header and swap the endian int header = Memory::Read_U32(ctx->mp3Buf); header = (header >> 24) | ((header<<8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((header>>8) & 0x0000FF00) | (header << 24); int channels = ((header >> 6) & 0x3); if(channels == 0 || channels == 1 || channels == 2) ctx->mp3Channels = 2; else if(channels == 3) ctx->mp3Channels = 1; else ctx->mp3Channels = 0; // 0 == VBR int bitrate = ((header >> 10) & 0x3); if(bitrate < sizeof(MP3_BITRATES) / sizeof(MP3_BITRATES[0])) ctx->mp3Bitrate = MP3_BITRATES[bitrate]; else ctx->mp3Bitrate = -1; int samplerate = ((header >> 12) & 0x3); if (samplerate == 0) { ctx->mp3SamplingRate = 44100; } else if (samplerate == 1) { ctx->mp3SamplingRate = 48000; } else if (samplerate == 2) { ctx->mp3SamplingRate = 32000; } else { ctx->mp3SamplingRate = 0; } ctx->mp3Version = ((header >> 19) & 0x3); return 0; } int sceMp3GetLoopNum(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3GetLoopNum(%08x)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return ctx->mp3LoopNum; } int sceMp3GetMaxOutputSample(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3GetMaxOutputSample(%08x)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return ctx->mp3MaxSamples; } int sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData(u32 mp3, int size) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData(%08X, %i)", mp3, size); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } ctx->mp3BufPendingSize = size; return 0; } int sceMp3GetSumDecodedSample(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL: sceMp3GetSumDecodedSample(%08X)", mp3); return 0; } int sceMp3SetLoopNum(u32 mp3, int loop) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3SetLoopNum(%08X, %i)", mp3, loop); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } ctx->mp3LoopNum = loop; return 0; } int sceMp3GetMp3ChannelNum(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3GetMp3ChannelNum(%08X)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return ctx->mp3Channels; } int sceMp3GetBitRate(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3GetBitRate(%08X)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return ctx->mp3Bitrate; } int sceMp3GetSamplingRate(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3GetSamplingRate(%08X)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return ctx->mp3SamplingRate; } int sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData(u32 mp3, u32 dstPtr, u32 towritePtr, u32 srcposPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "HACK: sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData(%08X, %08X, %08X, %08X)", mp3, dstPtr, towritePtr, srcposPtr); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } if(Memory::IsValidAddress(dstPtr)) Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mp3Buf, dstPtr); if(Memory::IsValidAddress(towritePtr)) Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mp3BufSize, towritePtr); if(Memory::IsValidAddress(srcposPtr)) Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mp3StreamPosition, srcposPtr); return 0; } int sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle(%08X)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } mp3Map.erase(mp3Map.find(mp3)); delete ctx; return 0; } u32 sceMp3EndEntry() { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp3StartEntry(.)"); return 0; } u32 sceMp3StartEntry() { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp3StartEntry(.)"); return 0; } u32 sceMp3GetFrameNum(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp3GetFrameNum(%08x)", mp3); return 0; } u32 sceMp3GetVersion(u32 mp3) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceMp3GetVersion(%08x)", mp3); Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3); if (!ctx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3); return -1; } return ctx->mp3Version; } const HLEFunction sceMpeg[] = { {0xe1ce83a7,WrapI_UUUU,"sceMpegGetAtracAu"}, {0xfe246728,WrapI_UUUU,"sceMpegGetAvcAu"}, {0xd8c5f121,WrapU_UUUUUUU,"sceMpegCreate"}, {0xf8dcb679,WrapI_UUU,"sceMpegQueryAtracEsSize"}, {0xc132e22f,WrapU_V,"sceMpegQueryMemSize"}, {0x21ff80e4,WrapI_UUU,"sceMpegQueryStreamOffset"}, {0x611e9e11,WrapU_UU,"sceMpegQueryStreamSize"}, {0x42560f23,WrapI_UUU,"sceMpegRegistStream"}, {0x591a4aa2,WrapU_UI,"sceMpegUnRegistStream"}, {0x707b7629,WrapU_U,"sceMpegFlushAllStream"}, {0x500F0429,WrapU_UI,"sceMpegFlushStream"}, {0xa780cf7e,WrapI_U,"sceMpegMallocAvcEsBuf"}, {0xceb870b1,WrapI_UI,"sceMpegFreeAvcEsBuf"}, {0x167afd9e,WrapI_UUU,"sceMpegInitAu"}, {0x682a619b,WrapU_V,"sceMpegInit"}, {0x606a4649,WrapI_U,"sceMpegDelete"}, {0x874624d6,WrapU_V,"sceMpegFinish"}, {0x800c44df,WrapU_UUUI,"sceMpegAtracDecode"}, {0x0e3c2e9d,&WrapU_UUUUU,"sceMpegAvcDecode"}, {0x740fccd1,&WrapU_UUUU,"sceMpegAvcDecodeStop"}, {0x4571cc64,&WrapU_U,"sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush"}, {0x0f6c18d7,&WrapI_UU,"sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail"}, {0xa11c7026,WrapI_UU,"sceMpegAvcDecodeMode"}, {0x37295ed8,WrapU_UUUUUU,"sceMpegRingbufferConstruct"}, {0x13407f13,WrapU_U,"sceMpegRingbufferDestruct"}, {0xb240a59e,WrapU_UUU,"sceMpegRingbufferPut"}, {0xb5f6dc87,WrapI_U,"sceMpegRingbufferAvailableSize"}, {0xd7a29f46,WrapU_I,"sceMpegRingbufferQueryMemSize"}, {0x769BEBB6,WrapU_I,"sceMpegRingbufferQueryPackNum"}, {0x211a057c,WrapI_UUUUU,"sceMpegAvcQueryYCbCrSize"}, {0xf0eb1125,WrapI_UUUU,"sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr"}, {0xf2930c9c,WrapU_UUU,"sceMpegAvcDecodeStopYCbCr"}, {0x67179b1b,WrapU_UIIIU,"sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr"}, {0x0558B075,WrapU_UUU,"sceMpegAvcCopyYCbCr"}, {0x31bd0272,WrapU_UUUIU,"sceMpegAvcCsc"}, {0x9DCFB7EA,WrapU_UII,"sceMpegChangeGetAuMode"}, {0x8C1E027D,WrapU_UIUU,"sceMpegGetPcmAu"}, {0xC02CF6B5,WrapI_UUU,"sceMpegQueryPcmEsSize"}, {0xC45C99CC,WrapU_UUU,"sceMpegQueryUserdataEsSize"}, {0x234586AE,WrapU_UUI,"sceMpegChangeGetAvcAuMode"}, {0x63B9536A,WrapU_U,"sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcDecTopAddr"}, {0x8160a2fe,WrapU_U,"sceMpegAvcResourceFinish"}, {0xaf26bb01,WrapU_U,"sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcEsBuf"}, {0xfcbdb5ad,WrapU_U,"sceMpegAvcResourceInit"}, {0xF5E7EA31,WrapI_UUUI,"sceMpegAvcConvertToYuv420"}, }; const HLEFunction sceMp3[] = { {0x07EC321A,WrapU_U,"sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle"}, {0x0DB149F4,WrapI_UI,"sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData"}, {0x2A368661,WrapI_U,"sceMp3ResetPlayPosition"}, {0x354D27EA,WrapI_U,"sceMp3GetSumDecodedSample"}, {0x35750070,WrapI_V,"sceMp3InitResource"}, {0x3C2FA058,WrapI_V,"sceMp3TermResource"}, {0x3CEF484F,WrapI_UI,"sceMp3SetLoopNum"}, {0x44E07129,WrapI_U,"sceMp3Init"}, {0x732B042A,WrapU_V,"sceMp3EndEntry"}, {0x7F696782,WrapI_U,"sceMp3GetMp3ChannelNum"}, {0x87677E40,WrapI_U,"sceMp3GetBitRate"}, {0x87C263D1,WrapI_U,"sceMp3GetMaxOutputSample"}, {0x8AB81558,WrapU_V,"sceMp3StartEntry"}, {0x8F450998,WrapI_U,"sceMp3GetSamplingRate"}, {0xA703FE0F,WrapI_UUUU,"sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData"}, {0xD021C0FB,WrapI_UU,"sceMp3Decode"}, {0xD0A56296,WrapI_U,"sceMp3CheckStreamDataNeeded"}, {0xD8F54A51,WrapI_U,"sceMp3GetLoopNum"}, {0xF5478233,WrapI_U,"sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle"}, {0xAE6D2027,WrapU_U,"sceMp3GetVersion"}, {0x3548AEC8,WrapU_U,"sceMp3GetFrameNum"}, }; void Register_sceMpeg() { RegisterModule("sceMpeg", ARRAY_SIZE(sceMpeg), sceMpeg); } void Register_sceMp3() { RegisterModule("sceMp3", ARRAY_SIZE(sceMp3), sceMp3); }