// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include "file/file_util.h" #include "Common/ChunkFile.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/FunctionWrappers.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUmd.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelThread.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelInterrupt.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernelMemory.h" #include "Core/HLE/KernelWaitHelpers.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/BlockDevices.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/MetaFileSystem.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/ISOFileSystem.h" #include "Core/FileSystems/VirtualDiscFileSystem.h" const u64 MICRO_DELAY_ACTIVATE = 4000; static u8 umdActivated = 1; static u32 umdStatus = 0; static u32 umdErrorStat = 0; static int driveCBId = 0; static int umdStatTimeoutEvent = -1; static int umdStatChangeEvent = -1; static std::vector umdWaitingThreads; static std::map umdPausedWaits; bool UMDReplacePermit = false; struct PspUmdInfo { u32_le size; u32_le type; }; void __UmdStatTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void __UmdStatChange(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void __UmdBeginCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId); void __UmdEndCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId); void __UmdInit() { umdStatTimeoutEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("UmdTimeout", __UmdStatTimeout); umdStatChangeEvent = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("UmdChange", __UmdStatChange); umdActivated = 1; umdStatus = 0; umdErrorStat = 0; driveCBId = 0; umdWaitingThreads.clear(); umdPausedWaits.clear(); __KernelRegisterWaitTypeFuncs(WAITTYPE_UMD, __UmdBeginCallback, __UmdEndCallback); } void __UmdDoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("sceUmd", 1, 2); if (!s) return; p.Do(umdActivated); p.Do(umdStatus); p.Do(umdErrorStat); p.Do(driveCBId); p.Do(umdStatTimeoutEvent); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(umdStatTimeoutEvent, "UmdTimeout", __UmdStatTimeout); p.Do(umdStatChangeEvent); CoreTiming::RestoreRegisterEvent(umdStatChangeEvent, "UmdChange", __UmdStatChange); p.Do(umdWaitingThreads); p.Do(umdPausedWaits); if (s > 1) p.Do(UMDReplacePermit); } u8 __KernelUmdGetState() { // Most games seem to expect the disc to be ready early on, active or not. // It seems like the PSP sets this state when the disc is "ready". u8 state = PSP_UMD_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_READY; if (umdActivated) { state |= PSP_UMD_READABLE; } return state; } void __UmdStatChange(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { // TODO: Why not a bool anyway? umdActivated = userdata & 0xFF; // Wake anyone waiting on this. for (size_t i = 0; i < umdWaitingThreads.size(); ++i) { const SceUID threadID = umdWaitingThreads[i]; u32 error; u32 stat = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error); bool keep = false; if (HLEKernel::VerifyWait(threadID, WAITTYPE_UMD, 1)) { if ((stat & __KernelUmdGetState()) != 0) __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, 0); // Only if they are still waiting do we keep them in the list. else keep = true; } if (!keep) umdWaitingThreads.erase(umdWaitingThreads.begin() + i--); } } void __KernelUmdActivate() { u32 notifyArg = PSP_UMD_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_READABLE; // PSP_UMD_READY will be returned when sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() != 0 if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() != 0) { notifyArg |= PSP_UMD_READY; } if (driveCBId != 0) __KernelNotifyCallback(driveCBId, notifyArg); // Don't activate immediately, take time to "spin up." CoreTiming::RemoveAllEvents(umdStatChangeEvent); CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(MICRO_DELAY_ACTIVATE), umdStatChangeEvent, 1); } void __KernelUmdDeactivate() { u32 notifyArg = PSP_UMD_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_READY; if (driveCBId != 0) __KernelNotifyCallback(driveCBId, notifyArg); CoreTiming::RemoveAllEvents(umdStatChangeEvent); __UmdStatChange(0, 0); } void __UmdBeginCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId) { SceUID pauseKey = prevCallbackId == 0 ? threadID : prevCallbackId; if (HLEKernel::VerifyWait(threadID, WAITTYPE_UMD, 1)) { // This means two callbacks in a row. PSP crashes if the same callback runs inside itself. // TODO: Handle this better? if (umdPausedWaits.find(pauseKey) != umdPausedWaits.end()) return; _dbg_assert_msg_(SCEIO, umdStatTimeoutEvent != -1, "Must have a umd timer"); s64 cyclesLeft = CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(umdStatTimeoutEvent, threadID); if (cyclesLeft != 0) umdPausedWaits[pauseKey] = CoreTiming::GetTicks() + cyclesLeft; else umdPausedWaits[pauseKey] = 0; HLEKernel::RemoveWaitingThread(umdWaitingThreads, threadID); DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB: Suspending lock wait for callback"); } else WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB: beginning callback with bad wait id?"); } void __UmdEndCallback(SceUID threadID, SceUID prevCallbackId) { SceUID pauseKey = prevCallbackId == 0 ? threadID : prevCallbackId; u32 error; u32 stat = __KernelGetWaitValue(threadID, error); if (umdPausedWaits.find(pauseKey) == umdPausedWaits.end()) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCEIO, "__UmdEndCallback(): UMD paused wait missing"); __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, 0); return; } u64 waitDeadline = umdPausedWaits[pauseKey]; umdPausedWaits.erase(pauseKey); // TODO: Don't wake up if __KernelCurHasReadyCallbacks()? if ((stat & __KernelUmdGetState()) != 0) { __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, 0); return; } s64 cyclesLeft = waitDeadline - CoreTiming::GetTicks(); if (cyclesLeft < 0 && waitDeadline != 0) __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT); else { _dbg_assert_msg_(SCEIO, umdStatTimeoutEvent != -1, "Must have a umd timer"); CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(cyclesLeft, umdStatTimeoutEvent, __KernelGetCurThread()); umdWaitingThreads.push_back(threadID); DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB: Resuming lock wait for callback"); } } int sceUmdCheckMedium() { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "1=sceUmdCheckMedium()"); return 1; //non-zero: disc in drive } u32 sceUmdGetDiscInfo(u32 infoAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdGetDiscInfo(%08x)", infoAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(infoAddr)) { auto info = PSPPointer::Create(infoAddr); if (info->size != 8) return PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM; info->type = PSP_UMD_TYPE_GAME; return 0; } else return PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM; } int sceUmdActivate(u32 mode, const char *name) { if (mode < 1 || mode > 2) return PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM; __KernelUmdActivate(); if (mode == 1) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdActivate(%d, %s)", mode, name); } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEIO, "UNTESTED 0=sceUmdActivate(%d, %s)", mode, name); } return 0; } int sceUmdDeactivate(u32 mode, const char *name) { // Why 18? No idea. if (mode > 18) return PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM; __KernelUmdDeactivate(); if (mode == 1) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdDeactivate(%d, %s)", mode, name); } else { ERROR_LOG(SCEIO, "UNTESTED 0=sceUmdDeactivate(%d, %s)", mode, name); } return 0; } u32 sceUmdRegisterUMDCallBack(u32 cbId) { int retVal = 0; // TODO: If the callback is invalid, return PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM. if (!kernelObjects.IsValid(cbId)) { retVal = PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM; } else { // There's only ever one. driveCBId = cbId; } DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "%d=sceUmdRegisterUMDCallback(id=%08x)", retVal, cbId); return retVal; } int sceUmdUnRegisterUMDCallBack(int cbId) { int retVal; if (cbId != driveCBId) { retVal = PSP_ERROR_UMD_INVALID_PARAM; } else { if (sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion() > 0x3000000) { retVal = 0; } else { retVal = cbId; } driveCBId = 0; } DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "%08x=sceUmdUnRegisterUMDCallBack(id=%08x)", retVal, cbId); return retVal; } u32 sceUmdGetDriveStat() { //u32 retVal = PSP_UMD_INITED | PSP_UMD_READY | PSP_UMD_PRESENT; u32 retVal = __KernelUmdGetState(); DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO,"0x%02x=sceUmdGetDriveStat()", retVal); return retVal; } void __UmdStatTimeout(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { SceUID threadID = (SceUID)userdata; u32 error; SceUID waitID = __KernelGetWaitID(threadID, WAITTYPE_UMD, error); // Assuming it's still waiting. if (waitID == 1) __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(threadID, SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT); HLEKernel::RemoveWaitingThread(umdWaitingThreads, threadID); } void __UmdWaitStat(u32 timeout) { // This happens to be how the hardware seems to time things. if (timeout <= 4) timeout = 15; else if (timeout <= 215) timeout = 250; CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles((int) timeout), umdStatTimeoutEvent, __KernelGetCurThread()); } /** * Wait for a drive to reach a certain state * * @param stat - The drive stat to wait for. * @return < 0 on error * */ int sceUmdWaitDriveStat(u32 stat) { if (stat == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStat(stat = %08x): bad status", stat); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERRNO_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (!__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStat(stat = %08x): dispatch disabled", stat); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CAN_NOT_WAIT; } if (__IsInInterrupt()) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStat(stat = %08x): inside interrupt", stat); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT; } if ((stat & __KernelUmdGetState()) == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStat(stat = %08x): waiting", stat); umdWaitingThreads.push_back(__KernelGetCurThread()); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_UMD, 1, stat, 0, 0, "umd stat waited"); return 0; } DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdWaitDriveStat(stat = %08x)", stat); return 0; } int sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer(u32 stat, u32 timeout) { if (stat == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): bad status", stat, timeout); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERRNO_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (!__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): dispatch disabled", stat, timeout); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CAN_NOT_WAIT; } if (__IsInInterrupt()) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): inside interrupt", stat, timeout); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT; } if ((stat & __KernelUmdGetState()) == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): waiting", stat, timeout); __UmdWaitStat(timeout); umdWaitingThreads.push_back(__KernelGetCurThread()); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_UMD, 1, stat, 0, 0, "umd stat waited with timer"); return 0; } else { hleReSchedule("umd stat checked"); } DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer(stat = %08x, timeout = %d)", stat, timeout); return 0; } int sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB(u32 stat, u32 timeout) { if (stat == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): bad status", stat, timeout); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ERRNO_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (!__KernelIsDispatchEnabled()) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): dispatch disabled", stat, timeout); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_CAN_NOT_WAIT; } if (__IsInInterrupt()) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): inside interrupt", stat, timeout); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT; } hleCheckCurrentCallbacks(); if ((stat & __KernelUmdGetState()) == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB(stat = %08x, timeout = %d): waiting", stat, timeout); if (timeout == 0) { timeout = 8000; } __UmdWaitStat(timeout); umdWaitingThreads.push_back(__KernelGetCurThread()); __KernelWaitCurThread(WAITTYPE_UMD, 1, stat, 0, true, "umd stat waited"); } else { hleReSchedule("umd stat waited"); } DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB(stat = %08x, timeout = %d)", stat, timeout); return 0; } u32 sceUmdCancelWaitDriveStat() { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO, "0=sceUmdCancelWaitDriveStat()"); for (size_t i = 0; i < umdWaitingThreads.size(); ++i) { const SceUID threadID = umdWaitingThreads[i]; CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(umdStatTimeoutEvent, threadID); HLEKernel::ResumeFromWait(threadID, WAITTYPE_UMD, 1, (int)SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_WAIT_CANCEL); } umdWaitingThreads.clear(); return 0; } u32 sceUmdGetErrorStat() { DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO,"%i=sceUmdGetErrorStat()", umdErrorStat); return umdErrorStat; } void __UmdReplace(std::string filepath) { // Only get system from disc0 seems have been enough. IFileSystem* currentUMD = pspFileSystem.GetSystem("disc0:"); if (!currentUMD) return; IFileSystem* umd2; FileInfo info; if (!getFileInfo(filepath.c_str(), &info)) // This shouldn't happen, but for safety. return; if (info.isDirectory) { umd2 = new VirtualDiscFileSystem(&pspFileSystem, filepath); } else { auto bd = constructBlockDevice(filepath.c_str()); if (!bd) return; umd2 = new ISOFileSystem(&pspFileSystem, bd); pspFileSystem.Remount(currentUMD, umd2); } delete currentUMD; // TODO Is this always correct if UMD was not activated? u32 notifyArg = PSP_UMD_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_READABLE | PSP_UMD_CHANGED; if (driveCBId != -1) __KernelNotifyCallback(driveCBId, notifyArg); } bool getUMDReplacePermit() { return UMDReplacePermit; } u32 sceUmdReplaceProhibit() { UMDReplacePermit = false; DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO,"sceUmdReplaceProhibit()"); return 0; } u32 sceUmdReplacePermit() { UMDReplacePermit = true; DEBUG_LOG(SCEIO,"sceUmdReplacePermit()"); return 0; } const HLEFunction sceUmdUser[] = { {0xC6183D47,WrapI_UC,"sceUmdActivate"}, {0x6B4A146C,&WrapU_V,"sceUmdGetDriveStat"}, {0x46EBB729,WrapI_V,"sceUmdCheckMedium"}, {0xE83742BA,WrapI_UC,"sceUmdDeactivate"}, {0x8EF08FCE,WrapI_U,"sceUmdWaitDriveStat"}, {0x56202973,WrapI_UU,"sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer"}, {0x4A9E5E29,WrapI_UU,"sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB"}, {0x6af9b50a,WrapU_V,"sceUmdCancelWaitDriveStat"}, {0x20628E6F,&WrapU_V,"sceUmdGetErrorStat"}, {0x340B7686,WrapU_U,"sceUmdGetDiscInfo"}, {0xAEE7404D,&WrapU_U,"sceUmdRegisterUMDCallBack"}, {0xBD2BDE07,&WrapI_I,"sceUmdUnRegisterUMDCallBack"}, {0x87533940,WrapU_V,"sceUmdReplaceProhibit"}, {0xCBE9F02A,WrapU_V,"sceUmdReplacePermit"}, {0x14c6c45c,0,"sceUmdUnuseUMDInMsUsbWlan"}, {0xb103fa38,0,"sceUmdUseUMDInMsUsbWlan"}, }; void Register_sceUmdUser() { RegisterModule("sceUmdUser", ARRAY_SIZE(sceUmdUser), sceUmdUser); }