// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once // There's a good description of the thread scheduling rules in: // http://code.google.com/p/jpcsp/source/browse/trunk/src/jpcsp/HLE/modules150/ThreadManForUser.java #include "sceKernelModule.h" #include "HLE.h" void sceKernelChangeThreadPriority(); void sceKernelCreateThread(); void sceKernelDelayThread(); void sceKernelDelayThreadCB(); void sceKernelDeleteThread(); void sceKernelExitDeleteThread(); void sceKernelExitThread(); void _sceKernelExitThread(); void sceKernelGetThreadId(); void sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority(); void sceKernelStartThread(SceUID threadToStartID, u32 argSize, u32 argBlockPtr); u32 sceKernelSuspendDispatchThread(); u32 sceKernelResumeDispatchThread(u32 suspended); void sceKernelWaitThreadEnd(); void sceKernelReferThreadStatus(); void sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr(); void sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue(); void sceKernelCheckThreadStack(); void sceKernelSuspendThread(); void sceKernelResumeThread(); void sceKernelWakeupThread(); void sceKernelCancelWakeupThread(); void sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(); void sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB(); void sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus(); void sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType(); enum WaitType //probably not the real values { WAITTYPE_NONE = 0, WAITTYPE_SLEEP = 1, WAITTYPE_DELAY = 2, WAITTYPE_SEMA = 3, WAITTYPE_EVENTFLAG = 4, WAITTYPE_MBX = 5, WAITTYPE_VPL = 6, WAITTYPE_FPL = 7, WAITTYPE_MSGPIPE = 8, // fake WAITTYPE_THREADEND = 9, WAITTYPE_AUDIOCHANNEL = 10, // this is fake, should be replaced with 8 eventflags ( ?? ) WAITTYPE_UMD = 11, // this is fake, should be replaced with 1 eventflag ( ?? ) WAITTYPE_VBLANK = 12, // fake WAITTYPE_MUTEX = 13, }; struct ThreadContext { void reset(); u32 r[32]; float f[32]; float v[128]; u32 vfpuCtrl[16]; u32 hi; u32 lo; u32 pc; u32 fpcond; u32 fcr0; u32 fcr31; }; // Internal API, used by implementations of kernel functions void __KernelThreadingInit(); void __KernelThreadingShutdown(); void __KernelScheduleWakeup(int usFromNow, int threadnumber); SceUID __KernelGetCurThread(); void __KernelSaveContext(ThreadContext *ctx); void __KernelLoadContext(ThreadContext *ctx); // TODO: Replace this with __KernelResumeThread over time as it's misguided. bool __KernelTriggerWait(WaitType type, int id, bool dontSwitch = false); u32 __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(SceUID threadID); // can return an error value u32 __KernelResumeThreadFromWait(SceUID threadID, int retval); u32 __KernelGetWaitValue(SceUID threadID, u32 &error); void __KernelWaitCurThread(WaitType type, SceUID waitId, u32 waitValue, u32 timeoutPtr, bool processCallbacks); void __KernelReSchedule(const char *reason = "no reason"); void __KernelReSchedule(bool doCallbacks, const char *reason); // Registered callback types enum RegisteredCallbackType { THREAD_CALLBACK_UMD = 0, THREAD_CALLBACK_IO = 1, THREAD_CALLBACK_MEMORYSTICK = 2, THREAD_CALLBACK_MEMORYSTICK_FAT = 3, THREAD_CALLBACK_POWER = 4, THREAD_CALLBACK_EXIT = 5, THREAD_CALLBACK_USER_DEFINED = 6, THREAD_CALLBACK_SIZE = 7, THREAD_CALLBACK_NUM_TYPES = 8, }; // These operate on the current thread u32 __KernelRegisterCallback(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId); u32 __KernelUnregisterCallback(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId); // If cbId == -1, all the callbacks of the type on all the threads get notified. // If not, only this particular callback gets notified. u32 __KernelNotifyCallbackType(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID cbId, int notifyArg); SceUID __KernelGetCurThread(); SceUID __KernelGetCurThreadModuleId(); void __KernelSetupRootThread(SceUID moduleId, int args, const char *argp, int prio, int stacksize, int attr); //represents the real PSP elf loader, run before execution void __KernelStartIdleThreads(); void __KernelReturnFromThread(); // Called as HLE function u32 __KernelGetThreadPrio(SceUID id); void __KernelIdle(); u32 __KernelMipsCallReturnAddress(); u32 __KernelInterruptReturnAddress(); // TODO: remove // Internal access - used by sceSetGeCallback u32 __KernelCreateCallback(const char *name, u32 entrypoint, u32 signalArg); void sceKernelCreateCallback(); void sceKernelDeleteCallback(); void sceKernelNotifyCallback(); void sceKernelCancelCallback(); void sceKernelGetCallbackCount(); void sceKernelCheckCallback(); void sceKernelGetCallbackCount(); void sceKernelReferCallbackStatus(); void __KernelReturnFromMipsCall(); // Called as HLE function bool __KernelInCallback(); // Should be called by (nearly) all ...CB functions. bool __KernelCheckCallbacks(); class Thread; void __KernelSwitchContext(Thread *target, const char *reason); bool __KernelExecutePendingMipsCalls(); void __KernelNotifyCallback(RegisteredCallbackType type, SceUID threadId, SceUID cbId, int notifyArg); // A call into game code. These can be pending on a thread. // Similar to Callback-s (NOT CallbackInfos) in JPCSP. class Action; struct MipsCall { u32 entryPoint; u32 cbId; u32 args[6]; int numArgs; Action *doAfter; u32 savedIdRegister; u32 savedRa; u32 savedPc; u32 savedV0; u32 savedV1; bool returnVoid; const char *tag; }; enum ThreadStatus { THREADSTATUS_RUNNING = 1, THREADSTATUS_READY = 2, THREADSTATUS_WAIT = 4, THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND = 8, THREADSTATUS_DORMANT = 16, THREADSTATUS_DEAD = 32, THREADSTATUS_WAITSUSPEND = THREADSTATUS_WAIT | THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND }; void __KernelChangeThreadState(Thread *thread, ThreadStatus newStatus);