// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // SAS is a software mixing engine that runs on the Media Engine CPU. We just HLE it. // This is a very rough implementation that needs lots of work. // // This file just contains the API, the real stuff is in HW/SasAudio.cpp/h. // // JPCSP is, as it often is, a pretty good reference although I didn't actually use it much yet: // http://code.google.com/p/jpcsp/source/browse/trunk/src/jpcsp/HLE/modules150/sceSasCore.java // // This should be multithreaded and improved at some point. Some discussion here: // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/1078 #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "Common/Log.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/FunctionWrappers.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/HW/SasAudio.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceSas.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceKernel.h" enum { ERROR_SAS_INVALID_GRAIN = 0x80420001, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_MAX_VOICES = 0x80420002, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_OUTPUT_MODE = 0x80420003, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE = 0x80420004, ERROR_SAS_BAD_ADDRESS = 0x80420005, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE = 0x80420010, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_NOISE_FREQ = 0x80420011, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PITCH = 0x80420012, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_ADSR_CURVE_MODE = 0x80420013, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PARAMETER = 0x80420014, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_LOOP_POS = 0x80420015, ERROR_SAS_VOICE_PAUSED = 0x80420016, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOLUME = 0x80420018, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_ADSR_RATE = 0x80420019, ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PCM_SIZE = 0x8042001A, ERROR_SAS_REV_INVALID_VOLUME = 0x80420023, ERROR_SAS_BUSY = 0x80420030, ERROR_SAS_NOT_INIT = 0x80420100, }; // TODO - allow more than one, associating each with one Core pointer (passed in to all the functions) // No known games use more than one instance of Sas though. static SasInstance *sas = NULL; void __SasInit() { sas = new SasInstance(); } void __SasDoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("sceSas", 1); if (!s) return; p.DoClass(sas); } void __SasShutdown() { delete sas; sas = 0; } u32 sceSasInit(u32 core, u32 grainSize, u32 maxVoices, u32 outputMode, u32 sampleRate) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(core) || (core & 0x3F) != 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasInit(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i): bad core address", core, grainSize, maxVoices, outputMode, sampleRate); return ERROR_SAS_BAD_ADDRESS; } if (maxVoices == 0 || maxVoices > PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasInit(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i): bad max voices", core, grainSize, maxVoices, outputMode, sampleRate); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_MAX_VOICES; } if (grainSize < 0x40 || grainSize > 0x800 || (grainSize & 0x1F) != 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasInit(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i): bad grain size", core, grainSize, maxVoices, outputMode, sampleRate); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_GRAIN; } if (outputMode != 0 && outputMode != 1) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasInit(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i): bad output mode", core, grainSize, maxVoices, outputMode, sampleRate); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_OUTPUT_MODE; } if (sampleRate != 44100) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasInit(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i): bad sample rate", core, grainSize, maxVoices, outputMode, sampleRate); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE; } INFO_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasInit(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i)", core, grainSize, maxVoices, outputMode, sampleRate); sas->SetGrainSize(grainSize); // Seems like maxVoices is actually ignored for all intents and purposes. sas->maxVoices = PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX; sas->outputMode = outputMode; for (int i = 0; i < sas->maxVoices; i++) { sas->voices[i].sampleRate = sampleRate; sas->voices[i].playing = false; sas->voices[i].loop = false; } return 0; } u32 sceSasGetEndFlag(u32 core) { u32 endFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sas->maxVoices; i++) { if (!sas->voices[i].playing) endFlag |= (1 << i); } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "%08x=sceSasGetEndFlag(%08x)", endFlag, core); return endFlag; } // Runs the mixer u32 _sceSasCore(u32 core, u32 outAddr) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(outAddr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasCore(%08x, %08x): invalid address", core, outAddr); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasCore(%08x, %08x)", core, outAddr); sas->Mix(outAddr); // Actual delay time seems to between 240 and 1000 us, based on grain and possibly other factors. return hleDelayResult(0, "sas core", 240); } // Another way of running the mixer, the inoutAddr should be both input and output u32 _sceSasCoreWithMix(u32 core, u32 inoutAddr, int leftVolume, int rightVolume) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(inoutAddr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasCoreWithMix(%08x, %08x, %i, %i): invalid address", core, inoutAddr, leftVolume, rightVolume); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (sas->outputMode == PSP_SAS_OUTPUTMODE_RAW) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasCoreWithMix(%08x, %08x, %i, %i): unsupported outputMode", core, inoutAddr, leftVolume, rightVolume); return 0x80000004; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasCoreWithMix(%08x, %08x, %i, %i)", core, inoutAddr, leftVolume, rightVolume); sas->Mix(inoutAddr, inoutAddr, leftVolume, rightVolume); // Actual delay time seems to between 240 and 1000 us, based on grain and possibly other factors. return hleDelayResult(0, "sas core", 240); } u32 sceSasSetVoice(u32 core, int voiceNum, u32 vagAddr, int size, int loop) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } if (size == 0 || ((u32)size & 0xF) != 0) { if (size == 0) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid size %d", __FUNCTION__, size); } else { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid size %d", __FUNCTION__, size); } return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (loop != 0 && loop != 1) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "%s: invalid loop mode %d", __FUNCTION__, loop); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_LOOP_POS; } if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(vagAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: Ignoring invalid VAG audio address %08x", __FUNCTION__, vagAddr); return 0; } if (size < 0) { // POSSIBLE HACK // SetVoice with negative sizes returns OK (0) unlike SetVoicePCM, but should not // play any audio, it seems. So let's bail and not do anything. // Needs more rigorous testing perhaps, but this fixes issue https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/5652 // while being fairly low risk to other games. size = 0; DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetVoice(%08x, %i, %08x, %i, %i) : HACK: Negative size changed to 0", core, voiceNum, vagAddr, size, loop); } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetVoice(%08x, %i, %08x, %i, %i)", core, voiceNum, vagAddr, size, loop); } SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; u32 prevVagAddr = v.vagAddr; v.type = VOICETYPE_VAG; v.vagAddr = vagAddr; // Real VAG header is 0x30 bytes behind the vagAddr v.vagSize = size; v.loop = loop ? true : false; v.ChangedParams(vagAddr == prevVagAddr); return 0; } u32 sceSasSetVoicePCM(u32 core, int voiceNum, u32 pcmAddr, int size, int loopPos) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } if (size <= 0 || size > 0x10000) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid size %d", __FUNCTION__, size); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PCM_SIZE; } if (loopPos >= size) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasSetVoicePCM(%08x, %i, %08x, %i, %i): bad loop pos", core, voiceNum, pcmAddr, size, loopPos); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_LOOP_POS; } if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(pcmAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(SCESAS, "Ignoring invalid PCM audio address %08x", pcmAddr); return 0; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetVoicePCM(%08x, %i, %08x, %i, %i)", core, voiceNum, pcmAddr, size, loopPos); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; u32 prevPcmAddr = v.pcmAddr; v.type = VOICETYPE_PCM; v.pcmAddr = pcmAddr; v.pcmSize = size; v.pcmIndex = 0; v.pcmLoopPos = loopPos >= 0 ? loopPos : 0; v.loop = loopPos >= 0 ? true : false; v.playing = true; v.ChangedParams(pcmAddr == prevPcmAddr); return 0; } u32 sceSasGetPauseFlag(u32 core) { u32 pauseFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sas->maxVoices; i++) { if (sas->voices[i].paused) pauseFlag |= (1 << i); } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasGetPauseFlag(%08x)", pauseFlag); return pauseFlag; } u32 sceSasSetPause(u32 core, u32 voicebit, int pause) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetPause(%08x, %08x, %i)", core, voicebit, pause); for (int i = 0; voicebit != 0; i++, voicebit >>= 1) { if (i < PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX && i >= 0) { if ((voicebit & 1) != 0) sas->voices[i].paused = pause ? true : false; } } return 0; } u32 sceSasSetVolume(u32 core, int voiceNum, int leftVol, int rightVol, int effectLeftVol, int effectRightVol) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetVolume(%08x, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)", core, voiceNum, leftVol, rightVol, effectLeftVol, effectRightVol); if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } bool overVolume = abs(leftVol) > PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX || abs(rightVol) > PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX; overVolume = overVolume || abs(effectLeftVol) > PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX || abs(effectRightVol) > PSP_SAS_VOL_MAX; if (overVolume) return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOLUME; SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.volumeLeft = leftVol; v.volumeRight = rightVol; v.effectLeft = effectLeftVol; v.effectRight = effectRightVol; return 0; } u32 sceSasSetPitch(u32 core, int voiceNum, int pitch) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } if (pitch < PSP_SAS_PITCH_MIN || pitch > PSP_SAS_PITCH_MAX) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetPitch(%08x, %i, %i): bad pitch", core, voiceNum, pitch); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PITCH; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetPitch(%08x, %i, %i)", core, voiceNum, pitch); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.pitch = pitch; v.ChangedParams(false); return 0; } u32 sceSasSetKeyOn(u32 core, int voiceNum) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetKeyOn(%08x, %i)", core, voiceNum); if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } if (sas->voices[voiceNum].paused || sas->voices[voiceNum].on) { return ERROR_SAS_VOICE_PAUSED; } SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.KeyOn(); return 0; } // sceSasSetKeyOff can be used to start sounds, that just sound during the Release phase! u32 sceSasSetKeyOff(u32 core, int voiceNum) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetKeyOff(%08x, %i)", core, voiceNum); if (sas->voices[voiceNum].paused || !sas->voices[voiceNum].on) { return ERROR_SAS_VOICE_PAUSED; } SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.KeyOff(); return 0; } } u32 sceSasSetNoise(u32 core, int voiceNum, int freq) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } if (freq < 0 || freq >= 64) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetNoise(%08x, %i, %i)", core, voiceNum, freq); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_NOISE_FREQ; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetNoise(%08x, %i, %i)", core, voiceNum, freq); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.type = VOICETYPE_NOISE; v.noiseFreq = freq; v.ChangedParams(true); return 0; } u32 sceSasSetSL(u32 core, int voiceNum, int level) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetSL(%08x, %i, %08x)", core, voiceNum, level); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.envelope.sustainLevel = level; return 0; } u32 sceSasSetADSR(u32 core, int voiceNum, int flag, int a, int d, int s, int r) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } // Create a mask like flag for the invalid values. int invalid = (a < 0 ? 0x1 : 0) | (d < 0 ? 0x2 : 0) | (s < 0 ? 0x4 : 0) | (r < 0 ? 0x8 : 0); if (invalid & flag) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasSetADSR(%08x, %i, %i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x): invalid value", core, voiceNum, flag, a, d, s, r); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_ADSR_RATE; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "0=sceSasSetADSR(%08x, %i, %i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", core, voiceNum, flag, a, d, s, r); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; if ((flag & 0x1) != 0) v.envelope.attackRate = a; if ((flag & 0x2) != 0) v.envelope.decayRate = d; if ((flag & 0x4) != 0) v.envelope.sustainRate = s; if ((flag & 0x8) != 0) v.envelope.releaseRate = r; return 0; } u32 sceSasSetADSRMode(u32 core, int voiceNum, int flag, int a, int d, int s, int r) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } // Probably by accident (?), the PSP ignores the top bit of these values. a = a & ~0x80000000; d = d & ~0x80000000; s = s & ~0x80000000; r = r & ~0x80000000; // This will look like the update flag for the invalid modes. int invalid = 0; if (a > 5 || (a & 1) != 0) { invalid |= 0x1; } if (d > 5 || (d & 1) != 1) { invalid |= 0x2; } if (s > 5) { invalid |= 0x4; } if (r > 5 || (r & 1) != 1) { invalid |= 0x8; } if (invalid & flag) { if (a == 5 && d == 5 && s == 5 && r == 5) { // Some games do this right at init. It seems to fail even on a PSP, but let's not report it. DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetADSRMode(%08x, %i, %i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x): invalid modes", core, voiceNum, flag, a, d, s, r); } else { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasSetADSRMode(%08x, %i, %i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x): invalid modes", core, voiceNum, flag, a, d, s, r); } return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_ADSR_CURVE_MODE; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetADSRMode(%08x, %i, %i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", core, voiceNum, flag, a, d, s, r); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; if ((flag & 0x1) != 0) v.envelope.attackType = a; if ((flag & 0x2) != 0) v.envelope.decayType = d; if ((flag & 0x4) != 0) v.envelope.sustainType = s; if ((flag & 0x8) != 0) v.envelope.releaseType = r; return 0; } u32 sceSasSetSimpleADSR(u32 core, int voiceNum, u32 ADSREnv1, u32 ADSREnv2) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { WARN_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } // This bit could be related to decay type or systain type, but gives an error if you try to set it. if ((ADSREnv2 >> 13) & 1) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasSetSimpleADSR(%08x, %d, %04x, %04x): Invalid ADSREnv2", core, voiceNum, ADSREnv1, ADSREnv2); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_ADSR_CURVE_MODE; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sasSetSimpleADSR(%08x, %i, %08x, %08x)", core, voiceNum, ADSREnv1, ADSREnv2); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.envelope.SetSimpleEnvelope(ADSREnv1 & 0xFFFF, ADSREnv2 & 0xFFFF); return 0; } u32 sceSasGetEnvelopeHeight(u32 core, int voiceNum) { if (voiceNum >= PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX || voiceNum < 0) { ERROR_LOG(SCESAS, "%s: invalid voicenum %d", __FUNCTION__, voiceNum); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_VOICE; } SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; int height = v.envelope.GetHeight(); DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "%i = sceSasGetEnvelopeHeight(%08x, %i)", height, core, voiceNum); return height; } u32 sceSasRevType(u32 core, int type) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasRevType(%08x, %i)", core, type); sas->waveformEffect.type = type; return 0; } u32 sceSasRevParam(u32 core, int delay, int feedback) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasRevParam(%08x, %i, %i)", core, delay, feedback); sas->waveformEffect.delay = delay; sas->waveformEffect.feedback = feedback; return 0; } u32 sceSasRevEVOL(u32 core, u32 lv, u32 rv) { if (lv > 0x1000 || rv > 0x1000) { WARN_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasRevEVOL(%08x, %i, %i): invalid volume", core, lv, rv); return ERROR_SAS_REV_INVALID_VOLUME; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasRevEVOL(%08x, %i, %i)", core, lv, rv); sas->waveformEffect.leftVol = lv; sas->waveformEffect.rightVol = rv; return 0; } u32 sceSasRevVON(u32 core, int dry, int wet) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasRevVON(%08x, %i, %i)", core, dry, wet); sas->waveformEffect.isDryOn = dry != 0; sas->waveformEffect.isWetOn = wet != 0; return 0; } u32 sceSasGetGrain(u32 core) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasGetGrain(%08x)", core); return sas->GetGrainSize(); } u32 sceSasSetGrain(u32 core, int grain) { INFO_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetGrain(%08x, %i)", core, grain); sas->SetGrainSize(grain); return 0; } u32 sceSasGetOutputMode(u32 core) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasGetOutputMode(%08x)", core); return sas->outputMode; } u32 sceSasSetOutputMode(u32 core, u32 outputMode) { if (outputMode != 0 && outputMode != 1) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "sceSasSetOutputMode(%08x, %i): bad output mode", core, outputMode); return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_OUTPUT_MODE; } DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasSetOutputMode(%08x, %i)", core, outputMode); sas->outputMode = outputMode; return 0; } u32 sceSasGetAllEnvelopeHeights(u32 core, u32 heightsAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(SCESAS, "sceSasGetAllEnvelopeHeights(%08x, %i)", core, heightsAddr); if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(heightsAddr)) { return ERROR_SAS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for (int i = 0; i < PSP_SAS_VOICES_MAX; i++) { int voiceHeight = sas->voices[i].envelope.GetHeight(); Memory::Write_U32(voiceHeight, heightsAddr + i * 4); } return 0; } u32 sceSasSetTriangularWave(u32 sasCore, int voice, int unknown) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "UNIMPL sceSasSetTriangularWave(%08x, %i, %i)", sasCore, voice, unknown); return 0; } u32 sceSasSetSteepWave(u32 sasCore, int voice, int unknown) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "UNIMPL sceSasSetSteepWave(%08x, %i, %i)", sasCore, voice, unknown); return 0; } u32 __sceSasSetVoiceATRAC3(u32 core, int voiceNum, u32 atrac3Context) { DEBUG_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "__sceSasSetVoiceATRAC3(%08x, %i, %08x)", core, voiceNum, atrac3Context); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; v.type = VOICETYPE_ATRAC3; v.loop = false; v.playing = true; v.atrac3.setContext(atrac3Context); Memory::Write_U32(atrac3Context, core + 56 * voiceNum + 20); return 0; } u32 __sceSasConcatenateATRAC3(u32 core, int voiceNum, u32 atrac3DataAddr, int atrac3DataLength) { DEBUG_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "__sceSasConcatenateATRAC3(%08x, %i, %08x, %i)", core, voiceNum, atrac3DataAddr, atrac3DataLength); SasVoice &v = sas->voices[voiceNum]; if (Memory::IsValidAddress(atrac3DataAddr)) v.atrac3.addStreamData(Memory::GetPointer(atrac3DataAddr), atrac3DataLength); return 0; } u32 __sceSasUnsetATRAC3(u32 core, int voiceNum) { DEBUG_LOG_REPORT(SCESAS, "__sceSasUnsetATRAC3(%08x, %i)", core, voiceNum); Memory::Write_U32(0, core + 56 * voiceNum + 20); return 0; } const HLEFunction sceSasCore[] = { {0x42778a9f, WrapU_UUUUU, "__sceSasInit"}, {0xa3589d81, WrapU_UU<_sceSasCore>, "__sceSasCore"}, {0x50a14dfc, WrapU_UUII<_sceSasCoreWithMix>, "__sceSasCoreWithMix"}, {0x68a46b95, WrapU_U, "__sceSasGetEndFlag"}, {0x440ca7d8, WrapU_UIIIII, "__sceSasSetVolume"}, {0xad84d37f, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasSetPitch"}, {0x99944089, WrapU_UIUII, "__sceSasSetVoice"}, {0xb7660a23, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasSetNoise"}, {0x019b25eb, WrapU_UIIIIII, "__sceSasSetADSR"}, {0x9ec3676a, WrapU_UIIIIII, "__sceSasSetADSRmode"}, {0x5f9529f6, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasSetSL"}, {0x74ae582a, WrapU_UI, "__sceSasGetEnvelopeHeight"}, {0xcbcd4f79, WrapU_UIUU, "__sceSasSetSimpleADSR"}, {0xa0cf2fa4, WrapU_UI, "__sceSasSetKeyOff"}, {0x76f01aca, WrapU_UI, "__sceSasSetKeyOn"}, {0xf983b186, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasRevVON"}, {0xd5a229c9, WrapU_UUU, "__sceSasRevEVOL"}, {0x33d4ab37, WrapU_UI, "__sceSasRevType"}, {0x267a6dd2, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasRevParam"}, {0x2c8e6ab3, WrapU_U, "__sceSasGetPauseFlag"}, {0x787d04d5, WrapU_UUI, "__sceSasSetPause"}, {0xa232cbe6, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasSetTrianglarWave"}, // Typo. {0xd5ebbbcd, WrapU_UII, "__sceSasSetSteepWave"}, {0xBD11B7C2, WrapU_U, "__sceSasGetGrain"}, {0xd1e0a01e, WrapU_UI, "__sceSasSetGrain"}, {0xe175ef66, WrapU_U, "__sceSasGetOutputmode"}, {0xe855bf76, WrapU_UU, "__sceSasSetOutputmode"}, {0x07f58c24, WrapU_UU, "__sceSasGetAllEnvelopeHeights"}, {0xE1CD9561, WrapU_UIUII, "__sceSasSetVoicePCM"}, {0x4AA9EAD6, WrapU_UIU<__sceSasSetVoiceATRAC3>,"__sceSasSetVoiceATRAC3"}, {0x7497EA85, WrapU_UIUI<__sceSasConcatenateATRAC3>,"__sceSasConcatenateATRAC3"}, {0xF6107F00, WrapU_UI<__sceSasUnsetATRAC3>,"__sceSasUnsetATRAC3"}, }; void Register_sceSasCore() { RegisterModule("sceSasCore", ARRAY_SIZE(sceSasCore), sceSasCore); }