#include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "UI/ui_atlas.h" #include "base/colorutil.h" #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_buffer.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" OnScreenMessages osm; void OnScreenMessagesView::Draw(UIContext &dc) { // First, clean out old messages. osm.Lock(); osm.Clean(); // Get height float w, h; dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, "Wg", &w, &h); float y = 10.0f; // Then draw them all. const std::list &messages = osm.Messages(); for (auto iter = messages.begin(); iter != messages.end(); ++iter) { float alpha = (iter->endTime - time_now_d()) * 4.0f; if (alpha > 1.0) alpha = 1.0f; if (alpha < 0.0) alpha = 0.0f; // Messages that are wider than the screen are left-aligned instead of centered. float tw, th; dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, iter->text.c_str(), &tw, &th); float x = bounds_.centerX(); int align = ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_HCENTER; if (tw > bounds_.w) { align = ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_LEFT; x = 2; } dc.SetFontStyle(dc.theme->uiFont); dc.DrawTextShadow(iter->text.c_str(), x, y, colorAlpha(iter->color, alpha), align); y += h; } osm.Unlock(); } void OnScreenMessages::Clean() { restart: double now = time_now_d(); for (auto iter = messages_.begin(); iter != messages_.end(); iter++) { if (iter->endTime < now) { messages_.erase(iter); goto restart; } } } void OnScreenMessages::Show(const std::string &text, float duration_s, uint32_t color, int icon, bool checkUnique, const char *id) { double now = time_now_d(); std::lock_guard guard(mutex_); if (checkUnique) { for (auto iter = messages_.begin(); iter != messages_.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->text == text || (id && iter->id && !strcmp(iter->id, id))) { Message msg = *iter; msg.endTime = now + duration_s; msg.text = text; msg.color = color; messages_.erase(iter); messages_.insert(messages_.begin(), msg); return; } } } Message msg; msg.text = text; msg.color = color; msg.endTime = now + duration_s; msg.icon = icon; msg.id = id; messages_.insert(messages_.begin(), msg); } void OnScreenMessages::ShowOnOff(const std::string &message, bool b, float duration_s, uint32_t color, int icon) { Show(message + (b ? ": on" : ": off"), duration_s, color, icon); }