// This file is Qt's equivalent of NativeApp.cpp #include #include #include #include "QtHost.h" #include "LogManager.h" #include "Core/Debugger/SymbolMap.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "base/NativeApp.h" #include "UI/MenuScreens.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/UIShader.h" #include "UI/ui_atlas.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "GPU/ge_constants.h" #include "EmuThread.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" const char *stateToLoad = NULL; std::string boot_filename = ""; Texture *uiTexture; UIContext *uiContext; ScreenManager *screenManager; std::string config_filename; std::string game_title; event m_hGPUStepEvent; recursive_mutex m_hGPUStepMutex; recursive_mutex pendingMutex; static bool isMessagePending; static std::string pendingMessage; static std::string pendingValue; QtHost::QtHost(MainWindow *mainWindow_) : mainWindow(mainWindow_) , m_GPUStep(false) , m_GPUFlag(0) { QObject::connect(this,SIGNAL(BootDoneSignal()),mainWindow,SLOT(Boot())); } bool QtHost::InitGL(std::string *error_string) { } void QtHost::ShutdownGL() { } void QtHost::SetWindowTitle(const char *message) { QString title = "PPSSPP " + QString(PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION) + " - " + QString::fromUtf8(message); mainWindow->setWindowTitle(title); } void QtHost::UpdateUI() { mainWindow->UpdateMenus(); } void QtHost::UpdateMemView() { if(mainWindow->GetDialogMemory()) mainWindow->GetDialogMemory()->Update(); } void QtHost::UpdateDisassembly() { if(mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()) { mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()->GotoPC(); mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()->Update(); } if(mainWindow->GetDialogDisplaylist()) { mainWindow->GetDialogDisplaylist()->Update(); } } void QtHost::SetDebugMode(bool mode) { if(mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()) mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()->SetDebugMode(mode); } void QtHost::BeginFrame() { mainWindow->Update(); } void QtHost::EndFrame() { } void QtHost::InitSound(PMixer *mixer) { g_mixer = mixer; } void QtHost::ShutdownSound() { g_mixer = 0; } void QtHost::BootDone() { symbolMap.SortSymbols(); emit BootDoneSignal(); } static QString SymbolMapFilename(QString currentFilename) { std::string result = currentFilename.toStdString(); size_t dot = result.rfind('.'); if (dot == result.npos) return (result + ".map").c_str(); result.replace(dot, result.npos, ".map"); return result.c_str(); } bool QtHost::AttemptLoadSymbolMap() { return symbolMap.LoadSymbolMap(SymbolMapFilename(GetCurrentFilename()).toStdString().c_str()); } void QtHost::PrepareShutdown() { symbolMap.SaveSymbolMap(SymbolMapFilename(GetCurrentFilename()).toStdString().c_str()); } void QtHost::AddSymbol(std::string name, u32 addr, u32 size, int type=0) { symbolMap.AddSymbol(name.c_str(), addr, size, (SymbolType)type); } bool QtHost::IsDebuggingEnabled() { #ifdef _DEBUG return true; #else return false; #endif } void QtHost::SendCoreWait(bool isWaiting) { mainWindow->CoreEmitWait(isWaiting); } bool QtHost::GpuStep() { return m_GPUStep; } void QtHost::SendGPUStart() { EmuThread_LockDraw(false); if(m_GPUFlag == -1) { m_GPUFlag = 0; } EmuThread_LockDraw(true); } void QtHost::SendGPUWait(u32 cmd, u32 addr, void *data) { EmuThread_LockDraw(false); if((m_GPUFlag == 1 && (cmd == GE_CMD_PRIM || cmd == GE_CMD_BEZIER || cmd == GE_CMD_SPLINE))) { // Break after the draw m_GPUFlag = 0; } else if(m_GPUFlag == 0) { mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()->UpdateDisplayList(); mainWindow->GetDialogDisplaylist()->Update(); m_hGPUStepEvent.wait(m_hGPUStepMutex); } else if(m_GPUFlag == 2 && addr == m_GPUData) { mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()->UpdateDisplayList(); mainWindow->GetDialogDisplaylist()->Update(); m_hGPUStepEvent.wait(m_hGPUStepMutex); } else if(m_GPUFlag == 3 && (cmd == GE_CMD_PRIM || cmd == GE_CMD_BEZIER || cmd == GE_CMD_SPLINE)) { GPUgstate *state = (GPUgstate*)data; u32 texAddr = (state->texaddr[0] & 0xFFFFF0) | ((state->texbufwidth[0]<<8) & 0x0F000000); if(texAddr == m_GPUData) { mainWindow->GetDialogDisasm()->UpdateDisplayList(); mainWindow->GetDialogDisplaylist()->Update(); m_hGPUStepEvent.wait(m_hGPUStepMutex); } } EmuThread_LockDraw(true); } void QtHost::SetGPUStep(bool value, int flag, int data) { m_GPUStep = value; m_GPUFlag = flag; m_GPUData = data; } void QtHost::NextGPUStep() { m_hGPUStepEvent.notify_one(); } void NativeInit(int argc, const char *argv[], const char *savegame_directory, const char *external_directory, const char *installID) { std::string config_filename; Common::EnableCrashingOnCrashes(); isMessagePending = false; std::string user_data_path = savegame_directory; VFSRegister("", new DirectoryAssetReader("assets/")); VFSRegister("", new DirectoryAssetReader(user_data_path.c_str())); config_filename = user_data_path + "ppsspp.ini"; g_Config.Load(config_filename.c_str()); const char *fileToLog = 0; bool hideLog = true; #ifdef _DEBUG hideLog = false; #endif bool gfxLog = false; // Parse command line LogTypes::LOG_LEVELS logLevel = LogTypes::LINFO; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'd': // Enable debug logging logLevel = LogTypes::LDEBUG; break; case 'g': gfxLog = true; break; case 'j': g_Config.bJit = true; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case 'i': g_Config.bJit = false; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case 'l': hideLog = false; break; case 's': g_Config.bAutoRun = false; g_Config.bSaveSettings = false; break; case '-': if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--log") && i < argc - 1) fileToLog = argv[++i]; if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--log=", strlen("--log=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--log=")) fileToLog = argv[i] + strlen("--log="); if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--state") && i < argc - 1) stateToLoad = argv[++i]; if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--state=", strlen("--state=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--state=")) stateToLoad = argv[i] + strlen("--state="); break; } } else if (fileToStart.isNull()) { fileToStart = QString(argv[i]); if (!QFile::exists(fileToStart)) { qCritical("File '%s' does not exist!", qPrintable(fileToStart)); exit(1); } } else { qCritical("Can only boot one file. Ignoring file '%s'", qPrintable(fileToStart)); } } if (g_Config.currentDirectory == "") { g_Config.currentDirectory = QDir::homePath().toStdString(); } g_Config.memCardDirectory = QDir::homePath().toStdString()+"/.ppsspp/"; g_Config.flashDirectory = g_Config.memCardDirectory+"/flash/"; LogManager::Init(); if (fileToLog != NULL) LogManager::GetInstance()->ChangeFileLog(fileToLog); LogManager::GetInstance()->SetLogLevel(LogTypes::G3D, LogTypes::LERROR); g_gameInfoCache.Init(); #if !defined(USING_GLES2) // Start Desktop UI MainWindow* mainWindow = new MainWindow(); mainWindow->show(); #endif } int NativeMix(short *audio, int num_samples) { if (g_mixer) return g_mixer->Mix(audio, num_samples); else return 0; } void NativeInitGraphics() { gl_lost_manager_init(); ui_draw2d.SetAtlas(&ui_atlas); screenManager = new ScreenManager(); if (boot_filename.empty()) { screenManager->switchScreen(new LogoScreen(boot_filename)); } else { // Go directly into the game. screenManager->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(boot_filename)); } // screenManager->switchScreen(new FileSelectScreen()); UIShader_Init(); UITheme theme = {0}; theme.uiFont = UBUNTU24; theme.uiFontSmall = UBUNTU24; theme.uiFontSmaller = UBUNTU24; theme.buttonImage = I_BUTTON; theme.buttonSelected = I_BUTTON_SELECTED; theme.checkOn = I_CHECKEDBOX; theme.checkOff = I_SQUARE; ui_draw2d.Init(); ui_draw2d_front.Init(); UIInit(&ui_atlas, theme); uiTexture = new Texture(); if (!uiTexture->Load("ui_atlas.zim")) { qDebug() << "Failed to load texture"; } uiTexture->Bind(0); uiContext = new UIContext(); uiContext->Init(UIShader_Get(), UIShader_GetPlain(), uiTexture, &ui_draw2d, &ui_draw2d_front); screenManager->setUIContext(uiContext); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glstate.viewport.set(0, 0, pixel_xres, pixel_yres); } void NativeRender() { EnableFZ(); // Clearing the screen at the start of the frame is an optimization for tiled mobile GPUs, as it then doesn't need to keep it around between frames. glClearColor(0,0,0,1); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); glstate.Restore(); glViewport(0, 0, pixel_xres, pixel_yres); Matrix4x4 ortho; ortho.setOrtho(0.0f, dp_xres, dp_yres, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); glsl_bind(UIShader_Get()); glUniformMatrix4fv(UIShader_Get()->u_worldviewproj, 1, GL_FALSE, ortho.getReadPtr()); screenManager->render(); } void NativeMessageReceived(const char *message, const char *value) { lock_guard lock(pendingMutex); if (!isMessagePending) { pendingMessage = message; pendingValue = value; isMessagePending = true; } } void NativeUpdate(InputState &input) { { lock_guard lock(pendingMutex); if (isMessagePending) { screenManager->sendMessage(pendingMessage.c_str(), pendingValue.c_str()); isMessagePending = false; } } UIUpdateMouse(0, input.pointer_x[0], input.pointer_y[0], input.pointer_down[0]); screenManager->update(input); } void NativeShutdownGraphics() { delete uiTexture; uiTexture = NULL; screenManager->shutdown(); delete screenManager; screenManager = 0; ui_draw2d.Shutdown(); ui_draw2d_front.Shutdown(); UIShader_Shutdown(); gl_lost_manager_shutdown(); } void NativeShutdown() { delete host; host = 0; g_Config.Save(); LogManager::Shutdown(); // This means that the activity has been completely destroyed. PPSSPP does not // boot up correctly with "dirty" global variables currently, so we hack around that // by simply exiting. #ifdef ANDROID exit(0); #endif }