// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include "android/app-android.h" #include "base/display.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "gfx_es2/glsl_program.h" #include "gfx_es2/gl_state.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_text.h" #include "gfx_es2/fbo.h" #include "input/input_state.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "Common/KeyMap.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/CoreParameter.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/GPUInterface.h" #include "GPU/GLES/Framebuffer.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceDisplay.h" #include "Core/Debugger/SymbolMap.h" #include "Core/SaveState.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "UI/ui_atlas.h" #include "UI/OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "UI/GamepadEmu.h" #include "UI/PauseScreen.h" #include "UI/MainScreen.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/DevScreens.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" #include "UI/ControlMappingScreen.h" #include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" #include "UI/InstallZipScreen.h" EmuScreen::EmuScreen(const std::string &filename) : bootPending_(true), gamePath_(filename), invalid_(true), quit_(false), pauseTrigger_(false) { memset(axisState_, 0, sizeof(axisState_)); } void EmuScreen::bootGame(const std::string &filename) { if (PSP_IsIniting()) { std::string error_string; bootPending_ = !PSP_InitUpdate(&error_string); if (!bootPending_) { invalid_ = !PSP_IsInited(); if (invalid_) { errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "%s", errorMessage_.c_str()); System_SendMessage("event", "failstartgame"); return; } bootComplete(); } return; } //pre-emptive loading of game specific config if possible, to get all the settings GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, filename, 0); if (info && !info->id.empty()) { g_Config.loadGameConfig(info->id); } invalid_ = true; CoreParameter coreParam; coreParam.cpuCore = g_Config.bJit ? CPU_JIT : CPU_INTERPRETER; coreParam.gpuCore = g_Config.bSoftwareRendering ? GPU_SOFTWARE : GPU_GLES; if (g_Config.iGPUBackend == GPU_BACKEND_DIRECT3D9) { coreParam.gpuCore = GPU_DIRECTX9; } coreParam.enableSound = g_Config.bEnableSound; coreParam.fileToStart = filename; coreParam.mountIso = ""; coreParam.mountRoot = ""; coreParam.startPaused = false; coreParam.printfEmuLog = false; coreParam.headLess = false; const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); if (g_Config.iInternalResolution == 0) { coreParam.renderWidth = bounds.w; coreParam.renderHeight = bounds.h; } else { if (g_Config.iInternalResolution < 0) g_Config.iInternalResolution = 1; coreParam.renderWidth = 480 * g_Config.iInternalResolution; coreParam.renderHeight = 272 * g_Config.iInternalResolution; } std::string error_string; if (!PSP_InitStart(coreParam, &error_string)) { bootPending_ = false; invalid_ = true; errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "%s", errorMessage_.c_str()); System_SendMessage("event", "failstartgame"); } } void EmuScreen::bootComplete() { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_INGAME); host->BootDone(); host->UpdateDisassembly(); g_gameInfoCache.FlushBGs(); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Loading %s...", PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart.c_str()); autoLoad(); I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("Screen"); #ifndef MOBILE_DEVICE if (g_Config.bFirstRun) { osm.Show(s->T("PressESC", "Press ESC to open the pause menu"), 3.0f); } #endif memset(virtKeys, 0, sizeof(virtKeys)); if (g_Config.iGPUBackend == GPU_BACKEND_OPENGL) { const char *renderer = (const char*)glGetString(GL_RENDERER); if (strstr(renderer, "Chainfire3D") != 0) { osm.Show(s->T("Chainfire3DWarning", "WARNING: Chainfire3D detected, may cause problems"), 10.0f, 0xFF30a0FF, -1, true); } else if (strstr(renderer, "GLTools") != 0) { osm.Show(s->T("GLToolsWarning", "WARNING: GLTools detected, may cause problems"), 10.0f, 0xFF30a0FF, -1, true); } } System_SendMessage("event", "startgame"); } EmuScreen::~EmuScreen() { if (!invalid_) { // If we were invalid, it would already be shutdown. PSP_Shutdown(); } } void EmuScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) { // TODO: improve the way with which we got commands from PauseMenu. // DR_CANCEL/DR_BACK means clicked on "continue", DR_OK means clicked on "back to menu", // DR_YES means a message sent to PauseMenu by NativeMessageReceived. if (result == DR_OK || quit_) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); System_SendMessage("event", "exitgame"); quit_ = false; } RecreateViews(); } static void AfterStateLoad(bool success, void *ignored) { Core_EnableStepping(false); host->UpdateDisassembly(); } void EmuScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { // External commands, like from the Windows UI. if (!strcmp(message, "pause")) { screenManager()->push(new GamePauseScreen(gamePath_)); } else if (!strcmp(message, "stop")) { // We will push MainScreen in update(). PSP_Shutdown(); bootPending_ = false; invalid_ = true; host->UpdateDisassembly(); } else if (!strcmp(message, "reset")) { PSP_Shutdown(); bootPending_ = true; invalid_ = true; host->UpdateDisassembly(); std::string resetError; if (!PSP_InitStart(PSP_CoreParameter(), &resetError)) { ELOG("Error resetting: %s", resetError.c_str()); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); System_SendMessage("event", "failstartgame"); return; } } else if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) { const char *ext = strrchr(value, '.'); if (!strcmp(ext, ".ppst")) { SaveState::Load(value, &AfterStateLoad); } else { PSP_Shutdown(); bootPending_ = true; bootGame(value); } } else if (!strcmp(message, "control mapping")) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); screenManager()->push(new ControlMappingScreen()); } else if (!strcmp(message, "settings")) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(gamePath_)); } else if (!strcmp(message, "gpu resized") || !strcmp(message, "gpu clear cache")) { if (gpu) { gpu->ClearCacheNextFrame(); gpu->Resized(); } Reporting::UpdateConfig(); RecreateViews(); } else if (!strcmp(message, "gpu dump next frame")) { if (gpu) gpu->DumpNextFrame(); } else if (!strcmp(message, "clear jit")) { currentMIPS->ClearJitCache(); if (PSP_IsInited()) { currentMIPS->UpdateCore(g_Config.bJit ? CPU_JIT : CPU_INTERPRETER); } } else if (!strcmp(message, "window minimized")) { if (!strcmp(value, "true")) { gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } else { gstate_c.skipDrawReason &= ~SKIPDRAW_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } } } //tiltInputCurve implements a smooth deadzone as described here: //http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JoshSutphin/20130416/190541/Doing_Thumbstick_Dead_Zones_Right.php inline float tiltInputCurve(float x) { const float deadzone = g_Config.fDeadzoneRadius; const float factor = 1.0f / (1.0f - deadzone); if (x > deadzone) { return (x - deadzone) * (x - deadzone) * factor; } else if (x < -deadzone) { return -(x + deadzone) * (x + deadzone) * factor; } else { return 0.0f; } } inline float clamp1(float x) { if (x > 1.0f) return 1.0f; if (x < -1.0f) return -1.0f; return x; } bool EmuScreen::touch(const TouchInput &touch) { if (root_) { root_->Touch(touch); return true; } else { return false; } } void EmuScreen::onVKeyDown(int virtualKeyCode) { I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("Screen"); switch (virtualKeyCode) { case VIRTKEY_UNTHROTTLE: PSP_CoreParameter().unthrottle = true; break; case VIRTKEY_SPEED_TOGGLE: if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == 0) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = 1; osm.Show(s->T("fixed", "Speed: alternate"), 1.0); } else if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == 1) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = 0; osm.Show(s->T("standard", "Speed: standard"), 1.0); } break; case VIRTKEY_PAUSE: pauseTrigger_ = true; break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_SWAP: KeyMap::SwapAxis(); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX: setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX: setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX: setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX: setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_ANALOG_LIGHTLY: setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX); setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX); setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX); setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_REWIND: if (SaveState::CanRewind()) { SaveState::Rewind(); } else { osm.Show(s->T("norewind", "No rewind save states available"), 2.0); } break; case VIRTKEY_SAVE_STATE: SaveState::SaveSlot(g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot, SaveState::Callback()); break; case VIRTKEY_LOAD_STATE: if (SaveState::HasSaveInSlot(g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot)) { SaveState::LoadSlot(g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot, SaveState::Callback()); } break; case VIRTKEY_NEXT_SLOT: SaveState::NextSlot(); break; case VIRTKEY_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: System_SendMessage("toggle_fullscreen", ""); break; } } void EmuScreen::onVKeyUp(int virtualKeyCode) { switch (virtualKeyCode) { case VIRTKEY_UNTHROTTLE: PSP_CoreParameter().unthrottle = false; break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX: setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX: setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX: setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX: setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX); break; case VIRTKEY_ANALOG_LIGHTLY: setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX); setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_LEFT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX); setVKeyAnalogX(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX); setVKeyAnalogY(CTRL_STICK_RIGHT, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN, VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX); break; default: break; } } inline void EmuScreen::setVKeyAnalogX(int stick, int virtualKeyMin, int virtualKeyMax) { const float value = virtKeys[VIRTKEY_ANALOG_LIGHTLY - VIRTKEY_FIRST] ? g_Config.fAnalogLimiterDeadzone : 1.0f; float axis = 0.0f; // The down events can repeat, so just trust the virtKeys array. if (virtKeys[virtualKeyMin - VIRTKEY_FIRST]) axis -= value; if (virtKeys[virtualKeyMax - VIRTKEY_FIRST]) axis += value; __CtrlSetAnalogX(axis, stick); } inline void EmuScreen::setVKeyAnalogY(int stick, int virtualKeyMin, int virtualKeyMax) { const float value = virtKeys[VIRTKEY_ANALOG_LIGHTLY - VIRTKEY_FIRST] ? g_Config.fAnalogLimiterDeadzone : 1.0f; float axis = 0.0f; if (virtKeys[virtualKeyMin - VIRTKEY_FIRST]) axis -= value; if (virtKeys[virtualKeyMax - VIRTKEY_FIRST]) axis += value; __CtrlSetAnalogY(axis, stick); } bool EmuScreen::key(const KeyInput &key) { std::vector pspKeys; KeyMap::KeyToPspButton(key.deviceId, key.keyCode, &pspKeys); if (pspKeys.size() && (key.flags & KEY_IS_REPEAT)) { // Claim that we handled this. Prevents volume key repeats from popping up the volume control on Android. return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < pspKeys.size(); i++) { pspKey(pspKeys[i], key.flags); } if (!pspKeys.size() || key.deviceId == DEVICE_ID_DEFAULT) { if ((key.flags & KEY_DOWN) && key.keyCode == NKCODE_BACK) { pauseTrigger_ = true; return true; } } return pspKeys.size() > 0; } void EmuScreen::pspKey(int pspKeyCode, int flags) { if (pspKeyCode >= VIRTKEY_FIRST) { int vk = pspKeyCode - VIRTKEY_FIRST; if (flags & KEY_DOWN) { virtKeys[vk] = true; onVKeyDown(pspKeyCode); } if (flags & KEY_UP) { virtKeys[vk] = false; onVKeyUp(pspKeyCode); } } else { // ILOG("pspKey %i %i", pspKeyCode, flags); if (flags & KEY_DOWN) __CtrlButtonDown(pspKeyCode); if (flags & KEY_UP) __CtrlButtonUp(pspKeyCode); } } bool EmuScreen::axis(const AxisInput &axis) { if (axis.value > 0) { processAxis(axis, 1); return true; } else if (axis.value < 0) { processAxis(axis, -1); return true; } else if (axis.value == 0) { // Both directions! Prevents sticking for digital input devices that are axises (like HAT) processAxis(axis, 1); processAxis(axis, -1); return true; } return false; } inline bool IsAnalogStickKey(int key) { switch (key) { case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN: case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX: return true; default: return false; } } void EmuScreen::processAxis(const AxisInput &axis, int direction) { // Sanity check if (axis.axisId < 0 || axis.axisId >= JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX) { return; } std::vector results; KeyMap::AxisToPspButton(axis.deviceId, axis.axisId, direction, &results); for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { int result = results[i]; switch (result) { case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN: __CtrlSetAnalogX(-fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_LEFT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX: __CtrlSetAnalogX(fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_LEFT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN: __CtrlSetAnalogY(-fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_LEFT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX: __CtrlSetAnalogY(fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_LEFT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MIN: __CtrlSetAnalogX(-fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_RIGHT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX: __CtrlSetAnalogX(fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_RIGHT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MIN: __CtrlSetAnalogY(-fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_RIGHT); break; case VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX: __CtrlSetAnalogY(fabs(axis.value), CTRL_STICK_RIGHT); break; } } std::vector resultsOpposite; KeyMap::AxisToPspButton(axis.deviceId, axis.axisId, -direction, &resultsOpposite); int axisState = 0; if ((direction == 1 && axis.value >= AXIS_BIND_THRESHOLD)) { axisState = 1; } else if (direction == -1 && axis.value <= -AXIS_BIND_THRESHOLD) { axisState = -1; } else { axisState = 0; } if (axisState != axisState_[axis.axisId]) { axisState_[axis.axisId] = axisState; if (axisState != 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { if (!IsAnalogStickKey(results[i])) pspKey(results[i], KEY_DOWN); } // Also unpress the other direction (unless both directions press the same key.) for (size_t i = 0; i < resultsOpposite.size(); i++) { if (!IsAnalogStickKey(resultsOpposite[i]) && std::find(results.begin(), results.end(), resultsOpposite[i]) == results.end()) pspKey(resultsOpposite[i], KEY_UP); } } else if (axisState == 0) { // Release both directions, trying to deal with some erratic controllers that can cause it to stick. for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { if (!IsAnalogStickKey(results[i])) pspKey(results[i], KEY_UP); } for (size_t i = 0; i < resultsOpposite.size(); i++) { if (!IsAnalogStickKey(resultsOpposite[i])) pspKey(resultsOpposite[i], KEY_UP); } } } } void EmuScreen::CreateViews() { const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); InitPadLayout(bounds.w, bounds.h); root_ = CreatePadLayout(bounds.w, bounds.h, &pauseTrigger_); if (g_Config.bShowDeveloperMenu) { root_->Add(new UI::Button("DevMenu"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &EmuScreen::OnDevTools); } root_->Add(new OnScreenMessagesView(new UI::AnchorLayoutParams((UI::Size)bounds.w, (UI::Size)bounds.h))); } UI::EventReturn EmuScreen::OnDevTools(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { screenManager()->push(new DevMenu()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void EmuScreen::update(InputState &input) { if (bootPending_) bootGame(gamePath_); UIScreen::update(input); // Simply forcibily update to the current screen size every frame. Doesn't cost much. // If bounds is set to be smaller than the actual pixel resolution of the display, respect that. // TODO: Should be able to use g_dpi_scale here instead. Might want to store the dpi scale in the UI context too. const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth = pixel_xres * bounds.w / dp_xres; PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight = pixel_yres * bounds.h / dp_yres; if (!invalid_) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_INGAME); } if (errorMessage_.size()) { // Special handling for ZIP files. It's not very robust to check an error message but meh, // at least it's pre-translation. if (errorMessage_.find("ZIP") != std::string::npos) { screenManager()->push(new InstallZipScreen(gamePath_)); errorMessage_ = ""; quit_ = true; return; } I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("Error"); std::string errLoadingFile = g->T("Error loading file", "Could not load game"); errLoadingFile.append(" "); errLoadingFile.append(g->T(errorMessage_.c_str())); screenManager()->push(new PromptScreen(errLoadingFile, "OK", "")); errorMessage_ = ""; quit_ = true; return; } if (invalid_) return; // Virtual keys. __CtrlSetRapidFire(virtKeys[VIRTKEY_RAPID_FIRE - VIRTKEY_FIRST]); // Apply tilt to left stick // TODO: Make into an axis #ifdef MOBILE_DEVICE /* if (g_Config.bAccelerometerToAnalogHoriz) { // Get the "base" coordinate system which is setup by the calibration system float base_x = g_Config.fTiltBaseX; float base_y = g_Config.fTiltBaseY; //convert the current input into base coordinates and normalize //TODO: check if all phones give values between [-50, 50]. I'm not sure how iOS works. float normalized_input_x = (input.acc.y - base_x) / 50.0 ; float normalized_input_y = (input.acc.x - base_y) / 50.0 ; //TODO: need a better name for computed x and y. float delta_x = tiltInputCurve(normalized_input_x * 2.0 * (g_Config.iTiltSensitivityX)) ; //if the invert is enabled, invert the motion if (g_Config.bInvertTiltX) { delta_x *= -1; } float delta_y = tiltInputCurve(normalized_input_y * 2.0 * (g_Config.iTiltSensitivityY)) ; if (g_Config.bInvertTiltY) { delta_y *= -1; } //clamp the delta between [-1, 1] leftstick_x += clamp1(delta_x); __CtrlSetAnalogX(clamp1(leftstick_x), CTRL_STICK_LEFT); leftstick_y += clamp1(delta_y); __CtrlSetAnalogY(clamp1(leftstick_y), CTRL_STICK_LEFT); } */ #endif // Make sure fpsLimit starts at 0 if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit != 0 && PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit != 1) { PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit = 0; } // This is here to support the iOS on screen back button. if (pauseTrigger_) { pauseTrigger_ = false; screenManager()->push(new GamePauseScreen(gamePath_)); } } void EmuScreen::checkPowerDown() { if (coreState == CORE_POWERDOWN && !PSP_IsIniting()) { if (PSP_IsInited()) { PSP_Shutdown(); } ILOG("SELF-POWERDOWN!"); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); bootPending_ = false; invalid_ = true; } } void EmuScreen::render() { if (invalid_) { // It's possible this might be set outside PSP_RunLoopFor(). // In this case, we need to double check it here. checkPowerDown(); return; } if (PSP_CoreParameter().freezeNext) { PSP_CoreParameter().frozen = true; PSP_CoreParameter().freezeNext = false; SaveState::SaveToRam(freezeState_); } else if (PSP_CoreParameter().frozen) { if (CChunkFileReader::ERROR_NONE != SaveState::LoadFromRam(freezeState_)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to load freeze state. Unfreezing."); PSP_CoreParameter().frozen = false; } } // Reapply the graphics state of the PSP ReapplyGfxState(); // We just run the CPU until we get to vblank. This will quickly sync up pretty nicely. // The actual number of cycles doesn't matter so much here as we will break due to CORE_NEXTFRAME, most of the time hopefully... int blockTicks = usToCycles(1000000 / 10); // Run until CORE_NEXTFRAME while (coreState == CORE_RUNNING) { PSP_RunLoopFor(blockTicks); } // Hopefully coreState is now CORE_NEXTFRAME if (coreState == CORE_NEXTFRAME) { // set back to running for the next frame coreState = CORE_RUNNING; } checkPowerDown(); if (invalid_) return; bool useBufferedRendering = g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE; if (useBufferedRendering && g_Config.iGPUBackend == GPU_BACKEND_OPENGL) fbo_unbind(); if (!osm.IsEmpty() || g_Config.bShowDebugStats || g_Config.iShowFPSCounter || g_Config.bShowTouchControls || g_Config.bShowDeveloperMenu) { Thin3DContext *thin3d = screenManager()->getThin3DContext(); screenManager()->getUIContext()->Begin(); T3DViewport viewport; viewport.TopLeftX = 0; viewport.TopLeftY = 0; viewport.Width = pixel_xres; viewport.Height = pixel_yres; viewport.MaxDepth = 1.0; viewport.MinDepth = 0.0; thin3d->SetViewports(1, &viewport); thin3d->SetBlendState(thin3d->GetBlendStatePreset(BS_STANDARD_ALPHA)); thin3d->SetScissorEnabled(false); DrawBuffer *draw2d = screenManager()->getUIContext()->Draw(); if (root_) { UI::LayoutViewHierarchy(*screenManager()->getUIContext(), root_); root_->Draw(*screenManager()->getUIContext()); } if (g_Config.bShowDebugStats) { char statbuf[4096] = {0}; __DisplayGetDebugStats(statbuf, sizeof(statbuf)); draw2d->SetFontScale(.7f, .7f); draw2d->DrawText(UBUNTU24, statbuf, 11, 11, 0xc0000000, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); draw2d->DrawText(UBUNTU24, statbuf, 10, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); draw2d->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); } if (g_Config.iShowFPSCounter) { float vps, fps, actual_fps; __DisplayGetFPS(&vps, &fps, &actual_fps); char fpsbuf[256]; switch (g_Config.iShowFPSCounter) { case 1: snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "Speed: %0.1f%%", vps / (59.94f / 100.0f)); break; case 2: snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "FPS: %0.1f", actual_fps); break; case 3: snprintf(fpsbuf, sizeof(fpsbuf), "%0.0f/%0.0f (%0.1f%%)", actual_fps, fps, vps / (59.94f / 100.0f)); break; default: return; } const Bounds &bounds = screenManager()->getUIContext()->GetBounds(); draw2d->SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f); draw2d->DrawText(UBUNTU24, fpsbuf, bounds.x2() - 8, 12, 0xc0000000, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); draw2d->DrawText(UBUNTU24, fpsbuf, bounds.x2() - 10, 10, 0xFF3fFF3f, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT | FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII); draw2d->SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f); } screenManager()->getUIContext()->End(); } #ifdef USING_GLES2 // We have no use for backbuffer depth or stencil, so let tiled renderers discard them after tiling. if (gl_extensions.GLES3 && glInvalidateFramebuffer != nullptr) { GLenum attachments[3] = { GL_DEPTH, GL_STENCIL }; glInvalidateFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 3, attachments); } else if (!gl_extensions.GLES3) { // Tiled renderers like PowerVR should benefit greatly from this. However - seems I can't call it? bool hasDiscard = gl_extensions.EXT_discard_framebuffer; // TODO if (hasDiscard) { //const GLenum targets[3] = { GL_COLOR_EXT, GL_DEPTH_EXT, GL_STENCIL_EXT }; //glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 3, targets); } } #endif } void EmuScreen::deviceLost() { ILOG("EmuScreen::deviceLost()"); if (gpu) gpu->DeviceLost(); RecreateViews(); } void EmuScreen::autoLoad() { //check if save state has save, if so, load int lastSlot = SaveState::GetNewestSlot(); if (g_Config.bEnableAutoLoad && lastSlot != -1) { SaveState::LoadSlot(lastSlot, SaveState::Callback(), 0); g_Config.iCurrentStateSlot = lastSlot; } }