// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include #include "../Globals.h" #include "ge_constants.h" #include "Common/Common.h" // PSP uses a curious 24-bit float - it's basically the top 24 bits of a regular IEEE754 32-bit float. // This is used for light positions, transform matrices, you name it. inline float getFloat24(unsigned int data) { data <<= 8; float f; memcpy(&f, &data, 4); return f; } // in case we ever want to generate PSP display lists... inline unsigned int toFloat24(float f) { unsigned int i; memcpy(&i, &f, 4); return i >> 8; } struct GPUgstate { // Getting rid of this ugly union in favor of the accessor functions // might be a good idea.... union { u32 cmdmem[256]; struct { u32 nop, vaddr, iaddr, pad00, prim, bezier, spline, boundBox, jump, bjump, call, ret, end, pad01, signal, finish, base, pad02, vertType, offsetAddr, origin, region1, region2, lightingEnable, lightEnable[4], clipEnable, cullfaceEnable, textureMapEnable, fogEnable, ditherEnable, alphaBlendEnable, alphaTestEnable, zTestEnable, stencilTestEnable, antiAliasEnable, patchCullEnable, colorTestEnable, logicOpEnable, pad03, boneMatrixNumber, boneMatrixData, morphwgt[8], //dont use pad04[2], patchdivision, patchprimitive, patchfacing, pad04_a, worldmtxnum, // 0x3A worldmtxdata, // 0x3B viewmtxnum, // 0x3C viewmtxdata, // 0x3D projmtxnum, // 0x3E projmtxdata, // 0x3F texmtxnum, // 0x40 texmtxdata, // 0x41 viewportx1, // 0x42 viewporty1, // 0x43 viewportz1, // 0x44 viewportx2, // 0x45 viewporty2, // 0x46 viewportz2, // 0x47 texscaleu, // 0x48 texscalev, // 0x49 texoffsetu, // 0x4A texoffsetv, // 0x4B offsetx, // 0x4C offsety, // 0x4D pad111[2], shademodel, // 0x50 reversenormals, // 0x51 pad222, materialupdate, // 0x53 materialemissive, // 0x54 materialambient, // 0x55 materialdiffuse, // 0x56 materialspecular, // 0x57 materialalpha, // 0x58 pad333[2], materialspecularcoef, // 0x5B ambientcolor, // 0x5C ambientalpha, // 0x5D lmode, // 0x5E ltype[4], // 0x5F-0x62 lpos[12], // 0x63-0x6E ldir[12], // 0x6F-0x7A latt[12], // 0x7B-0x86 lconv[4], // 0x87-0x8A lcutoff[4], // 0x8B-0x8E lcolor[12], // 0x8F-0x9A cullmode, // 0x9B fbptr, // 0x9C fbwidth, // 0x9D zbptr, // 0x9E zbwidth, // 0x9F texaddr[8], // 0xA0-0xA7 texbufwidth[8], // 0xA8-0xAF clutaddr, // 0xB0 clutaddrupper, // 0xB1 transfersrc, // 0xB2 transfersrcw, // 0xB3 transferdst, // 0xB4 transferdstw, // 0xB5 padxxx[2], texsize[8], // 0xB8-BF texmapmode, // 0xC0 texshade, // 0xC1 texmode, // 0xC2 texformat, // 0xC3 loadclut, // 0xC4 clutformat, // 0xC5 texfilter, // 0xC6 texwrap, // 0xC7 texlevel, // 0xC8 texfunc, // 0xC9 texenvcolor, // 0xCA texflush, // 0xCB texsync, // 0xCC fog1, // 0xCD fog2, // 0xCE fogcolor, // 0xCF texlodslope, // 0xD0 padxxxxxx, // 0xD1 framebufpixformat, // 0xD2 clearmode, // 0xD3 scissor1, scissor2, minz, maxz, colortest, colorref, colormask, alphatest, stenciltest, stencilop, ztestfunc, blend, blendfixa, blendfixb, dith1, dith2, dith3, dith4, lop, // 0xE6 zmsk, pmskc, pmska, transferstart, transfersrcpos, transferdstpos, pad99, transfersize; // 0xEE u32 pad05[0xFF- 0xEE]; }; }; float worldMatrix[12]; float viewMatrix[12]; float projMatrix[16]; float tgenMatrix[12]; float boneMatrix[12 * 8]; // Eight bone matrices. GEBufferFormat FrameBufFormat() const { return static_cast(framebufpixformat & 3); } int FrameBufStride() const { return fbwidth&0x7C0; } int DepthBufStride() const { return zbwidth&0x7C0; } // Pixel Pipeline bool isModeClear() const { return clearmode & 1; } bool isFogEnabled() const { return fogEnable & 1; } // Cull bool isCullEnabled() const { return cullfaceEnable & 1; } int getCullMode() const { return cullmode & 1; } bool isClearModeDepthWriteEnabled() const { return (clearmode&0x400) != 0; } bool isClearModeColorMask() const { return (clearmode&0x100) != 0; } bool isClearModeAlphaMask() const { return (clearmode&0x200) != 0; } bool isClearModeDepthMask() const { return (clearmode&0x400) != 0; } u32 getClearModeColorMask() const { return ((clearmode&0x100) ? 0xFFFFFF : 0) | ((clearmode&0x200) ? 0xFF000000 : 0); } // TODO: Different convention than getColorMask, confusing! // Blend GEBlendSrcFactor getBlendFuncA() const { return (GEBlendSrcFactor)(blend & 0xF); } u32 getFixA() const { return blendfixa & 0xFFFFFF; } u32 getFixB() const { return blendfixb & 0xFFFFFF; } GEBlendDstFactor getBlendFuncB() const { return (GEBlendDstFactor)((blend >> 4) & 0xF); } GEBlendMode getBlendEq() const { return static_cast((blend >> 8) & 0x7); } bool isAlphaBlendEnabled() const { return alphaBlendEnable & 1; } // AntiAlias bool isAntiAliasEnabled() const { return antiAliasEnable & 1; } // Dither bool isDitherEnabled() const { return ditherEnable & 1; } // Color Mask u32 getColorMask() const { return (pmskc & 0xFFFFFF) | ((pmska & 0xFF) << 24); } bool isLogicOpEnabled() const { return logicOpEnable & 1; } GELogicOp getLogicOp() const { return static_cast(lop & 0xF); } // Depth Test bool isDepthTestEnabled() const { return zTestEnable & 1; } bool isDepthWriteEnabled() const { return !(zmsk & 1); } GEComparison getDepthTestFunction() const { return static_cast(ztestfunc & 0x7); } u16 getDepthRangeMin() const { return minz & 0xFFFF; } u16 getDepthRangeMax() const { return maxz & 0xFFFF; } // Stencil Test bool isStencilTestEnabled() const { return stencilTestEnable & 1; } GEComparison getStencilTestFunction() const { return static_cast(stenciltest & 0x7); } int getStencilTestRef() const { return (stenciltest>>8) & 0xFF; } int getStencilTestMask() const { return (stenciltest>>16) & 0xFF; } GEStencilOp getStencilOpSFail() const { return static_cast(stencilop & 0x7); } GEStencilOp getStencilOpZFail() const { return static_cast((stencilop>>8) & 0x7); } GEStencilOp getStencilOpZPass() const { return static_cast((stencilop>>16) & 0x7); } // Alpha Test bool isAlphaTestEnabled() const { return alphaTestEnable & 1; } GEComparison getAlphaTestFunction() { return static_cast(alphatest & 0x7); } int getAlphaTestRef() const { return (alphatest >> 8) & 0xFF; } int getAlphaTestMask() const { return (alphatest >> 16) & 0xFF; } // Color Test bool isColorTestEnabled() const { return colorTestEnable & 1; } GEComparison getColorTestFunction() { return static_cast(colortest & 0x3); } u32 getColorTestRef() const { return colorref & 0xFFFFFF; } u32 getColorTestMask() const { return colormask & 0xFFFFFF; } // Texturing // TODO: Verify getTextureAddress() alignment? u32 getTextureAddress(int level) const { return (texaddr[level] & 0xFFFFF0) | ((texbufwidth[level] << 8) & 0x0F000000); } int getTextureWidth(int level) const { return 1 << (texsize[level] & 0xf);} int getTextureHeight(int level) const { return 1 << ((texsize[level] >> 8) & 0xf);} u16 getTextureDimension(int level) const { return texsize[level] & 0xf0f;} bool isTextureMapEnabled() const { return textureMapEnable & 1; } GETexFunc getTextureFunction() const { return static_cast(texfunc & 0x7); } bool isColorDoublingEnabled() const { return (texfunc & 0x10000) != 0; } bool isTextureAlphaUsed() const { return (texfunc & 0x100) != 0; } GETextureFormat getTextureFormat() const { return static_cast(texformat & 0xF); } bool isTextureFormatIndexed() const { return (texformat & 4) != 0; } // GE_TFMT_CLUT4 - GE_TFMT_CLUT32 are 0b1xx. int getTextureEnvColR() const { return texenvcolor&0xFF; } int getTextureEnvColG() const { return (texenvcolor>>8)&0xFF; } int getTextureEnvColB() const { return (texenvcolor>>16)&0xFF; } u32 getClutAddress() const { return (clutaddr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((clutaddrupper << 8) & 0x0F000000); } int getClutLoadBytes() const { return (loadclut & 0x3F) * 32; } GEPaletteFormat getClutPaletteFormat() { return static_cast(clutformat & 3); } int getClutIndexShift() const { return (clutformat >> 2) & 0x1F; } int getClutIndexMask() const { return (clutformat >> 8) & 0xFF; } int getClutIndexStartPos() const { return ((clutformat >> 16) & 0x1F) << 4; } int transformClutIndex(int index) const { return ((index >> getClutIndexShift()) & getClutIndexMask()) | getClutIndexStartPos(); } bool isClutIndexSimple() const { return (clutformat & ~3) == 0xC500FF00; } // Meaning, no special mask, shift, or start pos. bool isTextureSwizzled() const { return texmode & 1; } // Lighting bool isLightingEnabled() const { return lightingEnable & 1; } bool isLightChanEnabled(int chan) const { return lightEnable[chan] & 1; } GELightComputation getLightComputation(int chan) const { return static_cast(ltype[chan] & 0x3); } bool isUsingPoweredDiffuseLight(int chan) const { return getLightComputation(chan) == GE_LIGHTCOMP_BOTHWITHPOWDIFFUSE; } bool isUsingSpecularLight(int chan) const { return getLightComputation(chan) != GE_LIGHTCOMP_ONLYDIFFUSE; } bool isUsingSecondaryColor() const { return lmode & 1; } GELightType getLightType(int chan) const { return static_cast((ltype[chan] >> 8) & 3); } bool isDirectionalLight(int chan) const { return getLightType(chan) == GE_LIGHTTYPE_DIRECTIONAL; } bool isPointLight(int chan) const { return getLightType(chan) == GE_LIGHTTYPE_POINT; } bool isSpotLight(int chan) const { return getLightType(chan) == GE_LIGHTTYPE_SPOT; } GEShadeMode getShadeMode() const { return static_cast(shademodel & 1); } unsigned int getAmbientR() const { return ambientcolor&0xFF; } unsigned int getAmbientG() const { return (ambientcolor>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getAmbientB() const { return (ambientcolor>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getAmbientA() const { return ambientalpha&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialAmbientR() const { return materialambient&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialAmbientG() const { return (materialambient>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialAmbientB() const { return (materialambient>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialAmbientA() const { return materialalpha&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialDiffuseR() const { return materialdiffuse&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialDiffuseG() const { return (materialdiffuse>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialDiffuseB() const { return (materialdiffuse>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialEmissiveR() const { return materialemissive&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialEmissiveG() const { return (materialemissive>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialEmissiveB() const { return (materialemissive>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialSpecularR() const { return materialspecular&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialSpecularG() const { return (materialspecular>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getMaterialSpecularB() const { return (materialspecular>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getLightAmbientColorR(int chan) const { return lcolor[chan*3]&0xFF; } unsigned int getLightAmbientColorG(int chan) const { return (lcolor[chan*3]>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getLightAmbientColorB(int chan) const { return (lcolor[chan*3]>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getDiffuseColorR(int chan) const { return lcolor[1+chan*3]&0xFF; } unsigned int getDiffuseColorG(int chan) const { return (lcolor[1+chan*3]>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getDiffuseColorB(int chan) const { return (lcolor[1+chan*3]>>16)&0xFF; } unsigned int getSpecularColorR(int chan) const { return lcolor[2+chan*3]&0xFF; } unsigned int getSpecularColorG(int chan) const { return (lcolor[2+chan*3]>>8)&0xFF; } unsigned int getSpecularColorB(int chan) const { return (lcolor[2+chan*3]>>16)&0xFF; } int getPatchDivisionU() const { return patchdivision & 0x7F; } int getPatchDivisionV() const { return (patchdivision >> 8) & 0x7F; } // UV gen GETexMapMode getUVGenMode() const { return static_cast(texmapmode & 3);} // 2 bits GETexProjMapMode getUVProjMode() const { return static_cast((texmapmode >> 8) & 3);} // 2 bits int getUVLS0() const { return texshade & 0x3; } // 2 bits int getUVLS1() const { return (texshade >> 8) & 0x3; } // 2 bits bool isTexCoordClampedS() const { return texwrap & 1; } bool isTexCoordClampedT() const { return (texwrap >> 8) & 1; } int getScissorX1() const { return scissor1 & 0x3FF; } int getScissorY1() const { return (scissor1 >> 10) & 0x3FF; } int getScissorX2() const { return scissor2 & 0x3FF; } int getScissorY2() const { return (scissor2 >> 10) & 0x3FF; } int getRegionX1() const { return region1 & 0x3FF; } int getRegionY1() const { return (region1 >> 10) & 0x3FF; } int getRegionX2() const { return (region2 & 0x3FF); } int getRegionY2() const { return (region2 >> 10) & 0x3FF; } float getViewportX1() const { return fabsf(getFloat24(viewportx1) * 2.0f); } float getViewportY1() const { return fabsf(getFloat24(viewporty1) * 2.0f); } // Fixed 16 point. int getOffsetX16() const { return offsetx & 0xFFFF; } // Fixed 16 point. int getOffsetY16() const { return offsety & 0xFFFF; } float getOffsetX() const { return (float)getOffsetX16() / 16.0f; } float getOffsetY() const { return (float)getOffsetY16() / 16.0f; } // Vertex type bool isModeThrough() const { return (vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH) != 0; } bool areNormalsReversed() const { return reversenormals & 1; } GEPatchPrimType getPatchPrimitiveType() const { return static_cast(patchprimitive & 3); } // Transfers u32 getTransferSrcAddress() const { return (transfersrc & 0xFFFFF0) | ((transfersrcw & 0xFF0000) << 8); } u32 getTransferSrcStride() const { return transfersrcw & 0x3F8; } int getTransferSrcX() const { return (transfersrcpos >> 0) & 0x3FF; } int getTransferSrcY() const { return (transfersrcpos >> 10) & 0x3FF; } u32 getTransferDstAddress() const { return (transferdst & 0xFFFFF0) | ((transferdstw & 0xFF0000) << 8); } u32 getTransferDstStride() const { return transferdstw & 0x3F8; } int getTransferDstX() const { return (transferdstpos >> 0) & 0x3FF; } int getTransferDstY() const { return (transferdstpos >> 10) & 0x3FF; } int getTransferWidth() const { return ((transfersize >> 0) & 0x3FF) + 1; } int getTransferHeight() const { return ((transfersize >> 10) & 0x3FF) + 1; } int getTransferBpp() const { return (transferstart & 1) ? 4 : 2; } // Real data in the context ends here void Save(u32_le *ptr); void Restore(u32_le *ptr); }; enum SkipDrawReasonFlags { SKIPDRAW_SKIPFRAME = 1, SKIPDRAW_NON_DISPLAYED_FB = 2, // Skip drawing to FBO:s that have not been displayed. SKIPDRAW_BAD_FB_TEXTURE = 4, }; inline bool vertTypeIsSkinningEnabled(u32 vertType) { return ((vertType & GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_MASK) != GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_NONE); } inline int vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(u32 vertType) { return 1 + ((vertType & GE_VTYPE_WEIGHTCOUNT_MASK) >> GE_VTYPE_WEIGHTCOUNT_SHIFT); } inline int vertTypeGetWeightMask(u32 vertType) { return vertType & GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_MASK; } inline int vertTypeGetTexCoordMask(u32 vertType) { return vertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK; } // The rest is cached simplified/converted data for fast access. // Does not need to be saved when saving/restoring context. struct UVScale { float uScale, vScale; float uOff, vOff; }; struct GPUStateCache { u32 vertexAddr; u32 indexAddr; u32 offsetAddr; bool textureChanged; bool textureFullAlpha; bool framebufChanged; int skipDrawReason; UVScale uv; bool flipTexture; float lightpos[4][3]; float lightdir[4][3]; float lightatt[4][3]; float lightColor[3][4][3]; // Ambient Diffuse Specular float lightangle[4]; // spotlight cone angle (cosine) float lightspotCoef[4]; // spotlight dropoff float morphWeights[8]; u32 curTextureWidth; u32 curTextureHeight; u32 actualTextureHeight; float vpWidth; float vpHeight; u32 curRTWidth; u32 curRTHeight; u32 getRelativeAddress(u32 data) const; int gpuVendor; }; // TODO: Implement support for these. struct GPUStatistics { void Reset() { // Never add a vtable :) memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } void ResetFrame() { numDrawCalls = 0; numCachedDrawCalls = 0; numVertsSubmitted = 0; numCachedVertsDrawn = 0; numUncachedVertsDrawn = 0; numTrackedVertexArrays = 0; numTextureInvalidations = 0; numTextureSwitches = 0; numShaderSwitches = 0; numFlushes = 0; numTexturesDecoded = 0; numAlphaTestedDraws = 0; numNonAlphaTestedDraws = 0; msProcessingDisplayLists = 0; vertexGPUCycles = 0; otherGPUCycles = 0; memset(gpuCommandsAtCallLevel, 0, sizeof(gpuCommandsAtCallLevel)); } // Per frame statistics int numDrawCalls; int numCachedDrawCalls; int numFlushes; int numVertsSubmitted; int numCachedVertsDrawn; int numUncachedVertsDrawn; int numTrackedVertexArrays; int numTextureInvalidations; int numTextureSwitches; int numShaderSwitches; int numTexturesDecoded; double msProcessingDisplayLists; int vertexGPUCycles; int otherGPUCycles; int gpuCommandsAtCallLevel[4]; int numAlphaTestedDraws; int numNonAlphaTestedDraws; // Total statistics, updated by the GPU core in UpdateStats int numVBlanks; int numFlips; int numTextures; int numVertexShaders; int numFragmentShaders; int numShaders; int numFBOs; }; bool GPU_Init(); void GPU_Shutdown(); void InitGfxState(); void ShutdownGfxState(); void ReapplyGfxState(); class GPUInterface; extern GPUgstate gstate; extern GPUStateCache gstate_c; extern GPUInterface *gpu; extern GPUStatistics gpuStats; inline u32 GPUStateCache::getRelativeAddress(u32 data) const { u32 baseExtended = ((gstate.base & 0x000F0000) << 8) | data; return (gstate_c.offsetAddr + baseExtended) & 0x0FFFFFFF; }