// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "base/colorutil.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "input/keycodes.h" #include "input/input_state.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "ui/view.h" #include "ui/viewgroup.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceCtrl.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Common/KeyMap.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "UI/ui_atlas.h" #include "UI/ControlMappingScreen.h" #include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" class ControlMapper : public UI::LinearLayout { public: ControlMapper(ControlMappingScreen *ctrlScreen, int pspKey, std::string keyName, ScreenManager *scrm, UI::LinearLayoutParams *layoutParams = 0); virtual void Update(const InputState &input); int GetPspKey() const { return pspKey_; } private: void Refresh(); UI::EventReturn OnAdd(UI::EventParams ¶ms); UI::EventReturn OnDelete(UI::EventParams ¶ms); UI::EventReturn OnReplace(UI::EventParams ¶ms); UI::EventReturn OnReplaceAll(UI::EventParams ¶ms); void MappedCallback(KeyDef key); enum Action { NONE, REPLACEONE, REPLACEALL, ADD, }; ControlMappingScreen *ctrlScreen_; Action action_; int actionIndex_; int pspKey_; std::string keyName_; ScreenManager *scrm_; bool refresh_; }; ControlMapper::ControlMapper(ControlMappingScreen *ctrlScreen, int pspKey, std::string keyName, ScreenManager *scrm, UI::LinearLayoutParams *layoutParams) : UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, layoutParams), ctrlScreen_(ctrlScreen), action_(NONE), pspKey_(pspKey), keyName_(keyName), scrm_(scrm), refresh_(false) { Refresh(); } void ControlMapper::Update(const InputState &input) { if (refresh_) { refresh_ = false; Refresh(); } } void ControlMapper::Refresh() { bool hasFocus = UI::GetFocusedView() == this; Clear(); I18NCategory *mc = GetI18NCategory("MappableControls"); std::map keyImages; keyImages["Circle"] = I_CIRCLE; keyImages["Cross"] = I_CROSS; keyImages["Square"] = I_SQUARE; keyImages["Triangle"] = I_TRIANGLE; keyImages["Start"] = I_START; keyImages["Select"] = I_SELECT; keyImages["L"] = I_L; keyImages["R"] = I_R; using namespace UI; float itemH = 45; LinearLayout *root = Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(550, WRAP_CONTENT))); root->SetSpacing(3.0f); const int padding = 4; auto iter = keyImages.find(keyName_); // First, look among images. if (iter != keyImages.end()) { Choice *c = root->Add(new Choice(iter->second, new LinearLayoutParams(200, itemH))); c->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMapper::OnReplaceAll); } else { // No image? Let's translate. Choice *c = new Choice(mc->T(keyName_.c_str()), new LinearLayoutParams(200, itemH)); c->SetCentered(true); root->Add(c)->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMapper::OnReplaceAll); } Choice *p = root->Add(new Choice(" + ", new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, itemH))); p->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMapper::OnAdd); LinearLayout *rightColumn = root->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f))); rightColumn->SetSpacing(2.0f); std::vector mappings; KeyMap::KeyFromPspButton(pspKey_, &mappings); for (size_t i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i++) { std::string deviceName = GetDeviceName(mappings[i].deviceId); std::string keyName = KeyMap::GetKeyOrAxisName(mappings[i].keyCode); int image = -1; LinearLayout *row = rightColumn->Add(new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT))); row->SetSpacing(1.0f); Choice *c = row->Add(new Choice(deviceName + "." + keyName, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, itemH, 1.0f))); char tagbuf[16]; sprintf(tagbuf, "%i", (int)i); c->SetTag(tagbuf); c->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMapper::OnReplace); Choice *d = row->Add(new Choice(" X ", new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, itemH))); d->SetTag(tagbuf); d->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMapper::OnDelete); } if (mappings.size() == 0) { // look like an empty line Choice *c = rightColumn->Add(new Choice("", new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, itemH))); c->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMapper::OnAdd); } if (hasFocus) this->SetFocus(); } void ControlMapper::MappedCallback(KeyDef kdf) { switch (action_) { case ADD: KeyMap::SetKeyMapping(pspKey_, kdf, false); break; case REPLACEALL: KeyMap::SetKeyMapping(pspKey_, kdf, true); break; case REPLACEONE: KeyMap::g_controllerMap[pspKey_][actionIndex_] = kdf; break; default: ; } refresh_ = true; ctrlScreen_->KeyMapped(pspKey_); // After this, we do not exist any more. So the refresh_ = true is probably irrelevant. } UI::EventReturn ControlMapper::OnReplace(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { actionIndex_ = atoi(params.v->Tag().c_str()); action_ = REPLACEONE; scrm_->push(new KeyMappingNewKeyDialog(pspKey_, true, std::bind(&ControlMapper::MappedCallback, this, placeholder::_1))); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ControlMapper::OnReplaceAll(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { action_ = REPLACEALL; scrm_->push(new KeyMappingNewKeyDialog(pspKey_, true, std::bind(&ControlMapper::MappedCallback, this, placeholder::_1))); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ControlMapper::OnAdd(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { action_ = ADD; scrm_->push(new KeyMappingNewKeyDialog(pspKey_, true, std::bind(&ControlMapper::MappedCallback, this, placeholder::_1))); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ControlMapper::OnDelete(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { int index = atoi(params.v->Tag().c_str()); KeyMap::g_controllerMap[pspKey_].erase(KeyMap::g_controllerMap[pspKey_].begin() + index); refresh_ = true; return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void ControlMappingScreen::CreateViews() { using namespace UI; mappers_.clear(); I18NCategory *k = GetI18NCategory("KeyMapping"); I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); LinearLayout *leftColumn = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(200, FILL_PARENT)); leftColumn->Add(new Choice(k->T("Clear All")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMappingScreen::OnClearMapping); leftColumn->Add(new Choice(k->T("Default All")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMappingScreen::OnDefaultMapping); if (KeyMap::GetSeenPads().size()) { leftColumn->Add(new Choice(k->T("Autoconfigure")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMappingScreen::OnAutoConfigure); } leftColumn->Add(new Choice(k->T("Test Analogs")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &ControlMappingScreen::OnTestAnalogs); leftColumn->Add(new Spacer(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); leftColumn->Add(new Choice(d->T("Back")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnBack); rightScroll_ = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)); rightScroll_->SetScrollToTop(false); LinearLayout *rightColumn = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)); rightScroll_->Add(rightColumn); root_->Add(leftColumn); root_->Add(rightScroll_); std::vector mappableKeys = KeyMap::GetMappableKeys(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mappableKeys.size(); i++) { ControlMapper *mapper = rightColumn->Add(new ControlMapper(this, mappableKeys[i].key, mappableKeys[i].name, screenManager(), new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT))); mappers_.push_back(mapper); } } void ControlMappingScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) { // Always call the base class method first to handle the most common messages. UIDialogScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(message, value); if (!strcmp(message, "settings")) { UpdateUIState(UISTATE_MENU); screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen("")); } } UI::EventReturn ControlMappingScreen::OnClearMapping(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { KeyMap::g_controllerMap.clear(); RecreateViews(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ControlMappingScreen::OnDefaultMapping(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { KeyMap::RestoreDefault(); RecreateViews(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ControlMappingScreen::OnAutoConfigure(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { std::vector items; const auto seenPads = KeyMap::GetSeenPads(); for (auto s = seenPads.begin(), end = seenPads.end(); s != end; ++s) { items.push_back(*s); } I18NCategory *keyI18N = GetI18NCategory("KeyMapping"); ListPopupScreen *autoConfList = new ListPopupScreen(keyI18N->T("Autoconfigure for device"), items, -1); screenManager()->push(autoConfList); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn ControlMappingScreen::OnTestAnalogs(UI::EventParams ¶ms) { screenManager()->push(new AnalogTestScreen()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void ControlMappingScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) { if (result == DR_OK && dialog->tag() == "listpopup") { ListPopupScreen *popup = (ListPopupScreen *)dialog; KeyMap::AutoConfForPad(popup->GetChoiceString()); RecreateViews(); } } void ControlMappingScreen::KeyMapped(int pspkey) { // Notification to let us refocus the same one after recreating views. for (size_t i = 0; i < mappers_.size(); i++) { if (mappers_[i]->GetPspKey() == pspkey) SetFocusedView(mappers_[i]); } } void KeyMappingNewKeyDialog::CreatePopupContents(UI::ViewGroup *parent) { using namespace UI; I18NCategory *keyI18N = GetI18NCategory("KeyMapping"); std::string pspButtonName = KeyMap::GetPspButtonName(this->pspBtn_); parent->Add(new TextView(std::string(keyI18N->T("Map a new key for")) + " " + pspButtonName, new LinearLayoutParams(Margins(10,0)))); } bool KeyMappingNewKeyDialog::key(const KeyInput &key) { if (mapped_) return false; if (key.flags & KEY_DOWN) { if (key.keyCode == NKCODE_EXT_MOUSEBUTTON_1) { return true; } mapped_ = true; KeyDef kdf(key.deviceId, key.keyCode); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); if (callback_) callback_(kdf); } return true; } bool KeyMappingNewKeyDialog::axis(const AxisInput &axis) { if (mapped_) return false; switch (axis.axisId) { // Ignore the accelerometer for mapping for now. case JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_X: case JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_Y: case JOYSTICK_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER_Z: return false; // Also ignore some weird axis events we get on Ouya. case JOYSTICK_AXIS_OUYA_UNKNOWN1: case JOYSTICK_AXIS_OUYA_UNKNOWN2: case JOYSTICK_AXIS_OUYA_UNKNOWN3: case JOYSTICK_AXIS_OUYA_UNKNOWN4: return false; default: ; } if (axis.value > AXIS_BIND_THRESHOLD) { mapped_ = true; KeyDef kdf(axis.deviceId, KeyMap::TranslateKeyCodeFromAxis(axis.axisId, 1)); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); if (callback_) callback_(kdf); } if (axis.value < -AXIS_BIND_THRESHOLD) { mapped_ = true; KeyDef kdf(axis.deviceId, KeyMap::TranslateKeyCodeFromAxis(axis.axisId, -1)); screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); if (callback_) callback_(kdf); } return true; } class JoystickHistoryView : public UI::InertView { public: JoystickHistoryView(int xAxis, int xDevice, int yAxis, int yDevice, UI::LayoutParams *layoutParams = nullptr) : UI::InertView(layoutParams), xAxis_(xAxis), xDevice_(xDevice), yAxis_(yAxis), yDevice_(yDevice), curX_(0.0f), curY_(0.0f), maxCount_(500) {} void Draw(UIContext &dc) override; void Update(const InputState &input_state) override; void Axis(const AxisInput &input) { if (input.axisId == xAxis_) { curX_ = input.value; } else if (input.axisId == yAxis_) { curY_ = input.value; } } private: struct Location { Location() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) {} Location(float xx, float yy) : x(xx), y(yy) {} float x; float y; }; int xAxis_; int yAxis_; int xDevice_; int yDevice_; float curX_; float curY_; std::deque locations_; int maxCount_; }; void JoystickHistoryView::Draw(UIContext &dc) { if (xAxis_ > -1 && yAxis_ > -1) { const AtlasImage &image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[I_CROSS]; float minRadius = std::min(bounds_.w, bounds_.h) * 0.5f - image.w; int a = maxCount_ - (int)locations_.size(); for (auto iter = locations_.begin(); iter != locations_.end(); ++iter) { float x = bounds_.centerX() + minRadius * iter->x; float y = bounds_.centerY() - minRadius * iter->y; float alpha = (float)a / maxCount_; if (alpha < 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f; dc.Draw()->DrawImage(I_CROSS, x, y, 0.8f, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, alpha), ALIGN_CENTER); a++; } dc.End(); dc.BeginNoTex(); dc.Draw()->RectOutline(bounds_.centerX() - minRadius, bounds_.centerY() - minRadius, minRadius * 2, minRadius * 2, 0x80FFFFFF); dc.End(); dc.Begin(); } else { dc.DrawText("N/A", bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_CENTER); } } void JoystickHistoryView::Update(const InputState &input_state) { locations_.push_back(Location(curX_, curY_)); if (locations_.size() > maxCount_) { locations_.pop_front(); } } void AnalogTestScreen::CreateViews() { root_ = new UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL); UI::LinearLayout *theTwo = new UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)); int axis1, device1, dir1; int axis2, device2, dir2; if (!KeyMap::AxisFromPspButton(VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX, &device1, &axis1, &dir1)) axis1 = -1; if (!KeyMap::AxisFromPspButton(VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX, &device2, &axis2, &dir2)) axis2 = -1; theTwo->Add(new JoystickHistoryView(axis1, device1, axis2, device2, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); if (!KeyMap::AxisFromPspButton(VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_X_MAX, &device1, &axis1, &dir1)) axis1 = -1; if (!KeyMap::AxisFromPspButton(VIRTKEY_AXIS_RIGHT_Y_MAX, &device2, &axis2, &dir2)) axis2 = -1; theTwo->Add(new JoystickHistoryView(axis1, device1, axis2, device2, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(1.0f))); root_->Add(theTwo); root_->Add(new UI::Button("Back"))->OnClick.Handle(this, &UIScreen::OnBack); }