// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "math/lin/matrix4x4.h" #include "Common/ColorConv.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "GPU/ge_constants.h" #include "GPU/GPUState.h" #include "GPU/Debugger/Stepping.h" #include "helper/dx_state.h" #include "helper/dx_fbo.h" #include "GPU/Common/FramebufferCommon.h" #include "GPU/Common/TextureDecoder.h" #include "GPU/Directx9/FramebufferDX9.h" #include "GPU/Directx9/ShaderManagerDX9.h" #include "GPU/Directx9/TextureCacheDX9.h" #include "GPU/Directx9/TransformPipelineDX9.h" #include void ShowScreenResolution(); namespace DX9 { static void ConvertFromRGBA8888(u8 *dst, u8 *src, u32 dstStride, u32 srcStride, u32 width, u32 height, GEBufferFormat format); void FramebufferManagerDX9::ClearBuffer(bool keepState) { if (keepState) { dxstate.scissorTest.force(false); dxstate.depthWrite.force(TRUE); dxstate.colorMask.force(true, true, true, true); dxstate.stencilFunc.force(D3DCMP_ALWAYS, 0, 0); dxstate.stencilMask.force(0xFF); } else { dxstate.scissorTest.disable(); dxstate.depthWrite.set(TRUE); dxstate.colorMask.set(true, true, true, true); dxstate.stencilFunc.set(D3DCMP_ALWAYS, 0, 0); dxstate.stencilMask.set(0xFF); } pD3Ddevice->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_STENCIL|D3DCLEAR_TARGET |D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0); if (keepState) { dxstate.scissorTest.restore(); dxstate.depthWrite.restore(); dxstate.colorMask.restore(); dxstate.stencilFunc.restore(); dxstate.stencilMask.restore(); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::ClearDepthBuffer() { dxstate.scissorTest.disable(); dxstate.depthWrite.set(TRUE); dxstate.colorMask.set(false, false, false, false); dxstate.stencilFunc.set(D3DCMP_NEVER, 0, 0); pD3Ddevice->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DisableState() { dxstate.blend.disable(); dxstate.cullMode.set(false, false); dxstate.depthTest.disable(); dxstate.scissorTest.disable(); dxstate.stencilTest.disable(); dxstate.colorMask.set(true, true, true, true); dxstate.stencilMask.set(0xFF); } FramebufferManagerDX9::FramebufferManagerDX9() : drawPixelsTex_(0), convBuf(0), stencilUploadPS_(nullptr), stencilUploadVS_(nullptr), stencilUploadFailed_(false), gameUsesSequentialCopies_(false) { } FramebufferManagerDX9::~FramebufferManagerDX9() { if (drawPixelsTex_) { drawPixelsTex_->Release(); } for (auto it = tempFBOs_.begin(), end = tempFBOs_.end(); it != end; ++it) { fbo_destroy(it->second.fbo); } for (auto it = offscreenSurfaces_.begin(), end = offscreenSurfaces_.end(); it != end; ++it) { it->second.surface->Release(); } delete [] convBuf; if (stencilUploadPS_) { stencilUploadPS_->Release(); } if (stencilUploadVS_) { stencilUploadVS_->Release(); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::MakePixelTexture(const u8 *srcPixels, GEBufferFormat srcPixelFormat, int srcStride, int width, int height) { u8 *convBuf = NULL; D3DLOCKED_RECT rect; // TODO: Check / use D3DCAPS2_DYNAMICTEXTURES? if (drawPixelsTex_ && (drawPixelsTexW_ != width || drawPixelsTexH_ != height)) { drawPixelsTex_->Release(); drawPixelsTex_ = nullptr; } if (!drawPixelsTex_) { int usage = 0; D3DPOOL pool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED; if (pD3DdeviceEx) { pool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT; usage = D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC; } HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->CreateTexture(width, height, 1, usage, D3DFMT(D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8), pool, &drawPixelsTex_, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { drawPixelsTex_ = nullptr; ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to create drawpixels texture"); } drawPixelsTexW_ = width; drawPixelsTexH_ = height; } if (!drawPixelsTex_) { return; } drawPixelsTex_->LockRect(0, &rect, NULL, 0); convBuf = (u8*)rect.pBits; // Final format is BGRA(directx) if (srcPixelFormat != GE_FORMAT_8888 || srcStride != 512) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { switch (srcPixelFormat) { case GE_FORMAT_565: { const u16_le *src = (const u16_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; u32 *dst = (u32 *)(convBuf + rect.Pitch * y); ConvertRGB565ToBGRA8888(dst, src, width); } break; // faster case GE_FORMAT_5551: { const u16_le *src = (const u16_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; u32 *dst = (u32 *)(convBuf + rect.Pitch * y); ConvertRGBA5551ToBGRA8888(dst, src, width); } break; case GE_FORMAT_4444: { const u16_le *src = (const u16_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; u8 *dst = (u8 *)(convBuf + rect.Pitch * y); ConvertRGBA4444ToBGRA8888((u32 *)dst, src, width); } break; case GE_FORMAT_8888: { const u32_le *src = (const u32_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; u32 *dst = (u32 *)(convBuf + rect.Pitch * y); ConvertRGBA8888ToBGRA8888(dst, src, width); } break; } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { const u32_le *src = (const u32_le *)srcPixels + srcStride * y; u32 *dst = (u32 *)(convBuf + rect.Pitch * y); ConvertRGBA8888ToBGRA8888(dst, src, width); } } drawPixelsTex_->UnlockRect(0); // D3DXSaveTextureToFile("game:\\cc.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, drawPixelsTex_, NULL); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DrawPixels(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, int dstX, int dstY, const u8 *srcPixels, GEBufferFormat srcPixelFormat, int srcStride, int width, int height) { if (useBufferedRendering_ && vfb && vfb->fbo) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(vfb->fbo); DXSetViewport(0, 0, vfb->renderWidth, vfb->renderHeight); } else { float x, y, w, h; CenterDisplayOutputRect(&x, &y, &w, &h, 480.0f, 272.0f, (float)pixelWidth_, (float)pixelHeight_, ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL); DXSetViewport(x, y, w, h); } MakePixelTexture(srcPixels, srcPixelFormat, srcStride, width, height); DisableState(); DrawActiveTexture(drawPixelsTex_, dstX, dstY, width, height, vfb->bufferWidth, vfb->bufferHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL); textureCache_->ForgetLastTexture(); dxstate.viewport.restore(); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DrawFramebufferToOutput(const u8 *srcPixels, GEBufferFormat srcPixelFormat, int srcStride, bool applyPostShader) { MakePixelTexture(srcPixels, srcPixelFormat, srcStride, 512, 272); DisableState(); // This might draw directly at the backbuffer (if so, applyPostShader is set) so if there's a post shader, we need to apply it here. // Should try to unify this path with the regular path somehow, but this simple solution works for most of the post shaders // (it always runs at output resolution so FXAA may look odd). float x, y, w, h; int uvRotation = (g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) ? g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation : ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL; CenterDisplayOutputRect(&x, &y, &w, &h, 480.0f, 272.0f, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, uvRotation); DrawActiveTexture(drawPixelsTex_, x, y, w, h, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f, 480.0f / 512.0f, 1.0f, uvRotation); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DrawActiveTexture(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 tex, float x, float y, float w, float h, float destW, float destH, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, int uvRotation) { // TODO: StretchRect instead? float coord[20] = { x,y,0, u0,v0, x+w,y,0, u1,v0, x+w,y+h,0, u1,v1, x,y+h,0, u0,v1, }; static const short indices[4] = { 0, 1, 3, 2 }; if (uvRotation != ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL) { float temp[8]; int rotation = 0; switch (uvRotation) { case ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL180: rotation = 2; break; case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL: rotation = 1; break; case ROTATION_LOCKED_VERTICAL180: rotation = 3; break; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp[i * 2] = coord[((i + rotation) & 3) * 5 + 3]; temp[i * 2 + 1] = coord[((i + rotation) & 3) * 5 + 4]; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { coord[i * 5 + 3] = temp[i * 2]; coord[i * 5 + 4] = temp[i * 2 + 1]; } } float invDestW = 1.0f / (destW * 0.5f); float invDestH = 1.0f / (destH * 0.5f); float halfPixelX = invDestW * 0.5f; float halfPixelY = invDestH * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { coord[i * 5] = coord[i * 5] * invDestW - 1.0f - halfPixelX; coord[i * 5 + 1] = -(coord[i * 5 + 1] * invDestH - 1.0f - halfPixelY); } pD3Ddevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); pD3Ddevice->SetVertexDeclaration(pFramebufferVertexDecl); pD3Ddevice->SetPixelShader(pFramebufferPixelShader); pD3Ddevice->SetVertexShader(pFramebufferVertexShader); shaderManager_->DirtyLastShader(); if (tex != NULL) { pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(0, tex); } HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, coord, 5 * sizeof(float)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "DrawActiveTexture() failed: %08x", hr); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DestroyFramebuf(VirtualFramebuffer *v) { textureCache_->NotifyFramebuffer(v->fb_address, v, NOTIFY_FB_DESTROYED); if (v->fbo) { fbo_destroy(v->fbo); v->fbo = 0; } // Wipe some pointers if (currentRenderVfb_ == v) currentRenderVfb_ = 0; if (displayFramebuf_ == v) displayFramebuf_ = 0; if (prevDisplayFramebuf_ == v) prevDisplayFramebuf_ = 0; if (prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_ == v) prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_ = 0; delete v; } void FramebufferManagerDX9::RebindFramebuffer() { if (currentRenderVfb_ && currentRenderVfb_->fbo) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(currentRenderVfb_->fbo); } else { fbo_unbind(); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::ResizeFramebufFBO(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, u16 w, u16 h, bool force) { VirtualFramebuffer old = *vfb; if (force) { vfb->bufferWidth = w; vfb->bufferHeight = h; } else { if (vfb->bufferWidth >= w && vfb->bufferHeight >= h) { return; } // In case it gets thin and wide, don't resize down either side. vfb->bufferWidth = std::max(vfb->bufferWidth, w); vfb->bufferHeight = std::max(vfb->bufferHeight, h); } SetRenderSize(vfb); bool trueColor = g_Config.bTrueColor; if (hackForce04154000Download_ && vfb->fb_address == 0x00154000) { trueColor = true; } if (trueColor) { vfb->colorDepth = FBO_8888; } else { switch (vfb->format) { case GE_FORMAT_4444: vfb->colorDepth = FBO_4444; break; case GE_FORMAT_5551: vfb->colorDepth = FBO_5551; break; case GE_FORMAT_565: vfb->colorDepth = FBO_565; break; case GE_FORMAT_8888: default: vfb->colorDepth = FBO_8888; break; } } textureCache_->ForgetLastTexture(); fbo_unbind(); if (!useBufferedRendering_) { if (vfb->fbo) { fbo_destroy(vfb->fbo); vfb->fbo = 0; } return; } vfb->fbo = fbo_create(vfb->renderWidth, vfb->renderHeight, 1, true, (FBOColorDepth)vfb->colorDepth); if (old.fbo) { INFO_LOG(SCEGE, "Resizing FBO for %08x : %i x %i x %i", vfb->fb_address, w, h, vfb->format); if (vfb->fbo) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(vfb->fbo); ClearBuffer(); if (!g_Config.bDisableSlowFramebufEffects) { BlitFramebuffer(vfb, 0, 0, &old, 0, 0, std::min(vfb->bufferWidth, vfb->width), std::min(vfb->height, vfb->bufferHeight), 0); } } fbo_destroy(old.fbo); if (vfb->fbo) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(vfb->fbo); } } if (!vfb->fbo) { ERROR_LOG(SCEGE, "Error creating FBO! %i x %i", vfb->renderWidth, vfb->renderHeight); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::NotifyRenderFramebufferCreated(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb) { if (!useBufferedRendering_) { fbo_unbind(); // Let's ignore rendering to targets that have not (yet) been displayed. gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_NON_DISPLAYED_FB; } textureCache_->NotifyFramebuffer(vfb->fb_address, vfb, NOTIFY_FB_CREATED); ClearBuffer(); // ugly... if (gstate_c.curRTWidth != vfb->width || gstate_c.curRTHeight != vfb->height) { shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX); } if (gstate_c.curRTRenderWidth != vfb->renderWidth || gstate_c.curRTRenderHeight != vfb->renderHeight) { shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJMATRIX); shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::NotifyRenderFramebufferSwitched(VirtualFramebuffer *prevVfb, VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, bool isClearingDepth) { if (ShouldDownloadFramebuffer(vfb) && !vfb->memoryUpdated) { ReadFramebufferToMemory(vfb, true, 0, 0, vfb->width, vfb->height); } textureCache_->ForgetLastTexture(); if (useBufferedRendering_) { if (vfb->fbo) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(vfb->fbo); } else { // wtf? This should only happen very briefly when toggling bBufferedRendering fbo_unbind(); } } else { if (vfb->fbo) { // wtf? This should only happen very briefly when toggling bBufferedRendering textureCache_->NotifyFramebuffer(vfb->fb_address, vfb, NOTIFY_FB_DESTROYED); fbo_destroy(vfb->fbo); vfb->fbo = 0; } fbo_unbind(); // Let's ignore rendering to targets that have not (yet) been displayed. if (vfb->usageFlags & FB_USAGE_DISPLAYED_FRAMEBUFFER) { gstate_c.skipDrawReason &= ~SKIPDRAW_NON_DISPLAYED_FB; } else { gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_NON_DISPLAYED_FB; } } textureCache_->NotifyFramebuffer(vfb->fb_address, vfb, NOTIFY_FB_UPDATED); // Copy depth pixel value from the read framebuffer to the draw framebuffer if (prevVfb && !g_Config.bDisableSlowFramebufEffects) { if (!prevVfb->fbo || !vfb->fbo || !useBufferedRendering_ || !prevVfb->depthUpdated || isClearingDepth) { // If depth wasn't updated, then we're at least "two degrees" away from the data. // This is an optimization: it probably doesn't need to be copied in this case. } else { // TODO: Needs work BlitFramebufferDepth(prevVfb, vfb); } } if (vfb->drawnFormat != vfb->format) { // TODO: Might ultimately combine this with the resize step in DoSetRenderFrameBuffer(). ReformatFramebufferFrom(vfb, vfb->drawnFormat); } // ugly... if (gstate_c.curRTWidth != vfb->width || gstate_c.curRTHeight != vfb->height) { shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX); } if (gstate_c.curRTRenderWidth != vfb->renderWidth || gstate_c.curRTRenderHeight != vfb->renderHeight) { shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJMATRIX); shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::NotifyRenderFramebufferUpdated(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, bool vfbFormatChanged) { if (vfbFormatChanged) { textureCache_->NotifyFramebuffer(vfb->fb_address, vfb, NOTIFY_FB_UPDATED); if (vfb->drawnFormat != vfb->format) { ReformatFramebufferFrom(vfb, vfb->drawnFormat); } } // ugly... if (gstate_c.curRTWidth != vfb->width || gstate_c.curRTHeight != vfb->height) { shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX); } if (gstate_c.curRTRenderWidth != vfb->renderWidth || gstate_c.curRTRenderHeight != vfb->renderHeight) { shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJMATRIX); shaderManager_->DirtyUniform(DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::ReformatFramebufferFrom(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, GEBufferFormat old) { if (!useBufferedRendering_ || !vfb->fbo) { return; } fbo_bind_as_render_target(vfb->fbo); // Technically, we should at this point re-interpret the bytes of the old format to the new. // That might get tricky, and could cause unnecessary slowness in some games. // For now, we just clear alpha/stencil from 565, which fixes shadow issues in Kingdom Hearts. // (it uses 565 to write zeros to the buffer, than 4444 to actually render the shadow.) // // The best way to do this may ultimately be to create a new FBO (combine with any resize?) // and blit with a shader to that, then replace the FBO on vfb. Stencil would still be complex // to exactly reproduce in 4444 and 8888 formats. if (old == GE_FORMAT_565) { dxstate.scissorTest.disable(); dxstate.depthWrite.set(FALSE); dxstate.colorMask.set(false, false, false, true); dxstate.stencilFunc.set(D3DCMP_ALWAYS, 0, 0); dxstate.stencilMask.set(0xFF); float coord[20] = { -1.0f,-1.0f,0, 0,0, 1.0f,-1.0f,0, 0,0, 1.0f,1.0f,0, 0,0, -1.0f,1.0f,0, 0,0, }; dxstate.cullMode.set(false, false); pD3Ddevice->SetVertexDeclaration(pFramebufferVertexDecl); pD3Ddevice->SetPixelShader(pFramebufferPixelShader); pD3Ddevice->SetVertexShader(pFramebufferVertexShader); shaderManager_->DirtyLastShader(); pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(0, nullptr); DXSetViewport(0, 0, vfb->renderWidth, vfb->renderHeight); // This should clear stencil and alpha without changing the other colors. HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, coord, 5 * sizeof(float)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "ReformatFramebufferFrom() failed: %08x", hr); } dxstate.viewport.restore(); } RebindFramebuffer(); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::BlitFramebufferDepth(VirtualFramebuffer *src, VirtualFramebuffer *dst) { if (src->z_address == dst->z_address && src->z_stride != 0 && dst->z_stride != 0 && src->renderWidth == dst->renderWidth && src->renderHeight == dst->renderHeight) { // Doesn't work. Use a shader maybe? /*fbo_unbind(); LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 srcTex = fbo_get_depth_texture(src->fbo); LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 dstTex = fbo_get_depth_texture(dst->fbo); if (srcTex && dstTex) { D3DSURFACE_DESC srcDesc; srcTex->GetLevelDesc(0, &srcDesc); D3DSURFACE_DESC dstDesc; dstTex->GetLevelDesc(0, &dstDesc); D3DLOCKED_RECT srcLock; D3DLOCKED_RECT dstLock; HRESULT srcLockRes = srcTex->LockRect(0, &srcLock, nullptr, D3DLOCK_READONLY); HRESULT dstLockRes = dstTex->LockRect(0, &dstLock, nullptr, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(srcLockRes) && SUCCEEDED(dstLockRes)) { int pitch = std::min(srcLock.Pitch, dstLock.Pitch); u32 h = std::min(srcDesc.Height, dstDesc.Height); const u8 *srcp = (const u8 *)srcLock.pBits; u8 *dstp = (u8 *)dstLock.pBits; for (u32 y = 0; y < h; ++y) { memcpy(dstp, srcp, pitch); dstp += dstLock.Pitch; srcp += srcLock.Pitch; } } if (SUCCEEDED(srcLockRes)) { srcTex->UnlockRect(0); } if (SUCCEEDED(dstLockRes)) { dstTex->UnlockRect(0); } } RebindFramebuffer();*/ } } FBO *FramebufferManagerDX9::GetTempFBO(u16 w, u16 h, FBOColorDepth depth) { u64 key = ((u64)depth << 32) | ((u32)w << 16) | h; auto it = tempFBOs_.find(key); if (it != tempFBOs_.end()) { it->second.last_frame_used = gpuStats.numFlips; return it->second.fbo; } textureCache_->ForgetLastTexture(); FBO *fbo = fbo_create(w, h, 1, false, depth); if (!fbo) return fbo; fbo_bind_as_render_target(fbo); ClearBuffer(true); const TempFBO info = {fbo, gpuStats.numFlips}; tempFBOs_[key] = info; return fbo; } LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 FramebufferManagerDX9::GetOffscreenSurface(LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 similarSurface, VirtualFramebuffer *vfb) { D3DSURFACE_DESC desc = {}; HRESULT hr = similarSurface->GetDesc(&desc); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unable to get size for offscreen surface at %08x", vfb->fb_address); return nullptr; } u64 key = ((u64)desc.Format << 32) | (desc.Width << 16) | desc.Height; auto it = offscreenSurfaces_.find(key); if (it != offscreenSurfaces_.end()) { it->second.last_frame_used = gpuStats.numFlips; return it->second.surface; } textureCache_->ForgetLastTexture(); LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 offscreen = nullptr; hr = pD3Ddevice->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &offscreen, NULL); if (FAILED(hr) || !offscreen) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unable to create offscreen surface %dx%d @%d", desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format); return nullptr; } const OffscreenSurface info = {offscreen, gpuStats.numFlips}; offscreenSurfaces_[key] = info; return offscreen; } void FramebufferManagerDX9::BindFramebufferColor(int stage, VirtualFramebuffer *framebuffer, int flags) { if (framebuffer == NULL) { framebuffer = currentRenderVfb_; } if (!framebuffer->fbo || !useBufferedRendering_) { pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(stage, nullptr); gstate_c.skipDrawReason |= SKIPDRAW_BAD_FB_TEXTURE; return; } // currentRenderVfb_ will always be set when this is called, except from the GE debugger. // Let's just not bother with the copy in that case. bool skipCopy = (flags & BINDFBCOLOR_MAY_COPY) == 0; if (GPUStepping::IsStepping() || g_Config.bDisableSlowFramebufEffects) { skipCopy = true; } if (!skipCopy && currentRenderVfb_ && framebuffer->fb_address == gstate.getFrameBufRawAddress()) { // TODO: Maybe merge with bvfbs_? Not sure if those could be packing, and they're created at a different size. FBO *renderCopy = GetTempFBO(framebuffer->renderWidth, framebuffer->renderHeight, (FBOColorDepth)framebuffer->colorDepth); if (renderCopy) { VirtualFramebuffer copyInfo = *framebuffer; copyInfo.fbo = renderCopy; int x = 0; int y = 0; int w = framebuffer->drawnWidth; int h = framebuffer->drawnHeight; // If max is not > min, we probably could not detect it. Skip. // See the vertex decoder, where this is updated. if ((flags & BINDFBCOLOR_MAY_COPY_WITH_UV) == BINDFBCOLOR_MAY_COPY_WITH_UV && gstate_c.vertBounds.maxU > gstate_c.vertBounds.minU) { x = gstate_c.vertBounds.minU; y = gstate_c.vertBounds.minV; w = gstate_c.vertBounds.maxU - x; h = gstate_c.vertBounds.maxV - y; // If we bound a framebuffer, apply the byte offset as pixels to the copy too. if (flags & BINDFBCOLOR_APPLY_TEX_OFFSET) { x += gstate_c.curTextureXOffset; y += gstate_c.curTextureYOffset; } } BlitFramebuffer(©Info, x, y, framebuffer, x, y, w, h, 0); RebindFramebuffer(); pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(stage, fbo_get_color_texture(renderCopy)); } else { pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(stage, fbo_get_color_texture(framebuffer->fbo)); } } else { pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(stage, fbo_get_color_texture(framebuffer->fbo)); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::CopyDisplayToOutput() { fbo_unbind(); if (useBufferedRendering_) { DXSetViewport(0, 0, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight); } currentRenderVfb_ = 0; u32 offsetX = 0; u32 offsetY = 0; VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = GetVFBAt(displayFramebufPtr_); if (!vfb) { // Let's search for a framebuf within this range. const u32 addr = (displayFramebufPtr_ & 0x03FFFFFF) | 0x04000000; for (size_t i = 0; i < vfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *v = vfbs_[i]; const u32 v_addr = (v->fb_address & 0x03FFFFFF) | 0x04000000; const u32 v_size = FramebufferByteSize(v); if (addr >= v_addr && addr < v_addr + v_size) { const u32 dstBpp = v->format == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; const u32 v_offsetX = ((addr - v_addr) / dstBpp) % v->fb_stride; const u32 v_offsetY = ((addr - v_addr) / dstBpp) / v->fb_stride; // We have enough space there for the display, right? if (v_offsetX + 480 > (u32)v->fb_stride || v->bufferHeight < v_offsetY + 272) { continue; } // Check for the closest one. if (offsetY == 0 || offsetY > v_offsetY) { offsetX = v_offsetX; offsetY = v_offsetY; vfb = v; } } } if (vfb) { // Okay, we found one above. INFO_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(displayoffset, HLE, "Rendering from framebuf with offset %08x -> %08x+%dx%d", addr, vfb->fb_address, offsetX, offsetY); } } if (vfb && vfb->format != displayFormat_) { if (vfb->last_frame_render + FBO_OLD_AGE < gpuStats.numFlips) { // The game probably switched formats on us. vfb->format = displayFormat_; } else { vfb = 0; } } if (!vfb) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(displayFramebufPtr_)) { // The game is displaying something directly from RAM. In GTA, it's decoded video. // First check that it's not a known RAM copy of a VRAM framebuffer though, as in MotoGP for (auto iter = knownFramebufferRAMCopies_.begin(); iter != knownFramebufferRAMCopies_.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == displayFramebufPtr_) { vfb = GetVFBAt(iter->first); } } if (!vfb) { // Just a pointer to plain memory to draw. Draw it. DrawFramebufferToOutput(Memory::GetPointer(displayFramebufPtr_), displayFormat_, displayStride_, true); return; } } else { DEBUG_LOG(SCEGE, "Found no FBO to display! displayFBPtr = %08x", displayFramebufPtr_); // No framebuffer to display! Clear to black. ClearBuffer(); return; } } vfb->usageFlags |= FB_USAGE_DISPLAYED_FRAMEBUFFER; vfb->last_frame_displayed = gpuStats.numFlips; vfb->dirtyAfterDisplay = false; vfb->reallyDirtyAfterDisplay = false; if (prevDisplayFramebuf_ != displayFramebuf_) { prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_ = prevDisplayFramebuf_; } if (displayFramebuf_ != vfb) { prevDisplayFramebuf_ = displayFramebuf_; } displayFramebuf_ = vfb; if (resized_) { ClearBuffer(); } if (vfb->fbo) { DEBUG_LOG(SCEGE, "Displaying FBO %08x", vfb->fb_address); DisableState(); LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 colorTexture = fbo_get_color_texture(vfb->fbo); // Output coordinates float x, y, w, h; int uvRotation = (g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) ? g_Config.iInternalScreenRotation : ROTATION_LOCKED_HORIZONTAL; CenterDisplayOutputRect(&x, &y, &w, &h, 480.0f, 272.0f, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, uvRotation); const float u0 = offsetX / (float)vfb->bufferWidth; const float v0 = offsetY / (float)vfb->bufferHeight; const float u1 = (480.0f + offsetX) / (float)vfb->bufferWidth; const float v1 = (272.0f + offsetY) / (float)vfb->bufferHeight; if (1) { const u32 rw = PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth; const u32 rh = PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight; const RECT srcRect = {(LONG)(u0 * vfb->renderWidth), (LONG)(v0 * vfb->renderHeight), (LONG)(u1 * vfb->renderWidth), (LONG)(v1 * vfb->renderHeight)}; const RECT dstRect = {(LONG)(x * rw / w, y * rh / h), (LONG)((x + w) * rw / w, (y + h) * rh / h)}; HRESULT hr = fbo_blit_color(vfb->fbo, &srcRect, nullptr, &dstRect, g_Config.iBufFilter == SCALE_LINEAR ? D3DTEXF_LINEAR : D3DTEXF_POINT); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(blit_fail, G3D, "fbo_blit_color failed on display: %08x", hr); DXSetViewport(0, 0, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight); // These are in the output display coordinates if (g_Config.iBufFilter == SCALE_LINEAR) { dxstate.texMagFilter.set(D3DTEXF_LINEAR); dxstate.texMinFilter.set(D3DTEXF_LINEAR); } else { dxstate.texMagFilter.set(D3DTEXF_POINT); dxstate.texMinFilter.set(D3DTEXF_POINT); } dxstate.texMipFilter.set(D3DTEXF_NONE); dxstate.texMipLodBias.set(0); DrawActiveTexture(colorTexture, x, y, w, h, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, u0, v0, u1, v1, uvRotation); } } /* else if (usePostShader_ && extraFBOs_.size() == 1 && !postShaderAtOutputResolution_) { // An additional pass, post-processing shader to the extra FBO. fbo_bind_as_render_target(extraFBOs_[0]); int fbo_w, fbo_h; fbo_get_dimensions(extraFBOs_[0], &fbo_w, &fbo_h); DXSetViewport(0, 0, fbo_w, fbo_h); DrawActiveTexture(colorTexture, 0, 0, fbo_w, fbo_h, fbo_w, fbo_h, true, 1.0f, 1.0f, postShaderProgram_); fbo_unbind(); // Use the extra FBO, with applied post-processing shader, as a texture. // fbo_bind_color_as_texture(extraFBOs_[0], 0); if (extraFBOs_.size() == 0) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "WTF?"); return; } colorTexture = fbo_get_color_texture(extraFBOs_[0]); DXSetViewport(0, 0, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight); // These are in the output display coordinates DrawActiveTexture(colorTexture, x, y, w, h, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, true, 480.0f / (float)vfb->width, 272.0f / (float)vfb->height); } else { // Use post-shader, but run shader at output resolution. DXSetViewport(0, 0, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight); // These are in the output display coordinates DrawActiveTexture(colorTexture, x, y, w, h, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, (float)PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, true, 480.0f / (float)vfb->width, 272.0f / (float)vfb->height, postShaderProgram_); } */ pD3Ddevice->SetTexture(0, NULL); } dxstate.viewport.restore(); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::ReadFramebufferToMemory(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, bool sync, int x, int y, int w, int h) { #if 0 if (sync) { PackFramebufferAsync_(NULL); // flush async just in case when we go for synchronous update } #endif if (vfb) { // We'll pseudo-blit framebuffers here to get a resized version of vfb. // For now we'll keep these on the same struct as the ones that can get displayed // (and blatantly copy work already done above while at it). VirtualFramebuffer *nvfb = 0; // We maintain a separate vector of framebuffer objects for blitting. for (size_t i = 0; i < bvfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *v = bvfbs_[i]; if (v->fb_address == vfb->fb_address && v->format == vfb->format) { if (v->bufferWidth == vfb->bufferWidth && v->bufferHeight == vfb->bufferHeight) { nvfb = v; v->fb_stride = vfb->fb_stride; v->width = vfb->width; v->height = vfb->height; break; } } } // Create a new fbo if none was found for the size if(!nvfb) { nvfb = new VirtualFramebuffer(); nvfb->fbo = 0; nvfb->fb_address = vfb->fb_address; nvfb->fb_stride = vfb->fb_stride; nvfb->z_address = vfb->z_address; nvfb->z_stride = vfb->z_stride; nvfb->width = vfb->width; nvfb->height = vfb->height; nvfb->renderWidth = vfb->bufferWidth; nvfb->renderHeight = vfb->bufferHeight; nvfb->bufferWidth = vfb->bufferWidth; nvfb->bufferHeight = vfb->bufferHeight; nvfb->format = vfb->format; nvfb->drawnWidth = vfb->drawnWidth; nvfb->drawnHeight = vfb->drawnHeight; nvfb->drawnFormat = vfb->format; nvfb->usageFlags = FB_USAGE_RENDERTARGET; nvfb->dirtyAfterDisplay = true; nvfb->colorDepth = FBO_8888; textureCache_->ForgetLastTexture(); nvfb->fbo = fbo_create(nvfb->width, nvfb->height, 1, true, (FBOColorDepth)nvfb->colorDepth); if (!(nvfb->fbo)) { ERROR_LOG(SCEGE, "Error creating FBO! %i x %i", nvfb->renderWidth, nvfb->renderHeight); delete nvfb; return; } nvfb->last_frame_render = gpuStats.numFlips; bvfbs_.push_back(nvfb); fbo_bind_as_render_target(nvfb->fbo); ClearBuffer(); } else { nvfb->usageFlags |= FB_USAGE_RENDERTARGET; gstate_c.textureChanged = true; nvfb->last_frame_render = gpuStats.numFlips; nvfb->dirtyAfterDisplay = true; #if 0 if (nvfb->fbo) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(nvfb->fbo); } // Some tiled mobile GPUs benefit IMMENSELY from clearing an FBO before rendering // to it. This broke stuff before, so now it only clears on the first use of an // FBO in a frame. This means that some games won't be able to avoid the on-some-GPUs // performance-crushing framebuffer reloads from RAM, but we'll have to live with that. if (nvfb->last_frame_render != gpuStats.numFlips) { ClearBuffer(); } #endif } if (gameUsesSequentialCopies_) { // Ignore the x/y/etc., read the entire thing. x = 0; y = 0; w = vfb->width; h = vfb->height; } if (x == 0 && y == 0 && w == vfb->width && h == vfb->height) { vfb->memoryUpdated = true; } else { const static int FREQUENT_SEQUENTIAL_COPIES = 3; static int frameLastCopy = 0; static u32 bufferLastCopy = 0; static int copiesThisFrame = 0; if (frameLastCopy != gpuStats.numFlips || bufferLastCopy != vfb->fb_address) { frameLastCopy = gpuStats.numFlips; bufferLastCopy = vfb->fb_address; copiesThisFrame = 0; } if (++copiesThisFrame > FREQUENT_SEQUENTIAL_COPIES) { gameUsesSequentialCopies_ = true; } } BlitFramebuffer(nvfb, x, y, vfb, x, y, w, h, 0); PackFramebufferDirectx9_(nvfb, x, y, w, h); RebindFramebuffer(); } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::BlitFramebuffer(VirtualFramebuffer *dst, int dstX, int dstY, VirtualFramebuffer *src, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int bpp) { if (!dst->fbo || !src->fbo || !useBufferedRendering_) { // This can happen if they recently switched from non-buffered. fbo_unbind(); return; } float srcXFactor = (float)src->renderWidth / (float)src->bufferWidth; float srcYFactor = (float)src->renderHeight / (float)src->bufferHeight; const int srcBpp = src->format == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; if (srcBpp != bpp && bpp != 0) { srcXFactor = (srcXFactor * bpp) / srcBpp; } int srcX1 = srcX * srcXFactor; int srcX2 = (srcX + w) * srcXFactor; int srcY1 = srcY * srcYFactor; int srcY2 = (srcY + h) * srcYFactor; float dstXFactor = (float)dst->renderWidth / (float)dst->bufferWidth; float dstYFactor = (float)dst->renderHeight / (float)dst->bufferHeight; const int dstBpp = dst->format == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; if (dstBpp != bpp && bpp != 0) { dstXFactor = (dstXFactor * bpp) / dstBpp; } int dstX1 = dstX * dstXFactor; int dstX2 = (dstX + w) * dstXFactor; int dstY1 = dstY * dstYFactor; int dstY2 = (dstY + h) * dstYFactor; LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 srcSurf = fbo_get_color_for_read(src->fbo); LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 dstSurf = fbo_get_color_for_write(dst->fbo); RECT srcRect = {srcX1, srcY1, srcX2, srcY2}; RECT dstRect = {dstX1, dstY1, dstX2, dstY2}; D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; srcSurf->GetDesc(&desc); srcRect.right = std::min(srcRect.right, (LONG)desc.Width); srcRect.bottom = std::min(srcRect.bottom, (LONG)desc.Height); dstSurf->GetDesc(&desc); dstRect.right = std::min(dstRect.right, (LONG)desc.Width); dstRect.bottom = std::min(dstRect.bottom, (LONG)desc.Height); // Direct3D 9 doesn't support rect -> self. FBO *srcFBO = src->fbo; if (src == dst) { FBO *tempFBO = GetTempFBO(src->renderWidth, src->renderHeight, (FBOColorDepth)src->colorDepth); HRESULT hr = fbo_blit_color(src->fbo, &srcRect, tempFBO, &srcRect, D3DTEXF_POINT); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { srcFBO = tempFBO; } } HRESULT hr = fbo_blit_color(srcFBO, &srcRect, dst->fbo, &dstRect, D3DTEXF_POINT); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "fbo_blit_color failed in blit: %08x (%08x -> %08x)", hr, src->fb_address, dst->fb_address); } } // TODO: SSE/NEON // Could also make C fake-simd for 64-bit, two 8888 pixels fit in a register :) void ConvertFromRGBA8888(u8 *dst, u8 *src, u32 dstStride, u32 srcStride, u32 width, u32 height, GEBufferFormat format) { // Must skip stride in the cases below. Some games pack data into the cracks, like MotoGP. const u32 *src32 = (const u32 *)src; if (format == GE_FORMAT_8888) { u32 *dst32 = (u32 *)dst; if (src == dst) { return; } else { for (u32 y = 0; y < height; ++y) { ConvertBGRA8888ToRGBA8888(dst32, src32, width); src32 += srcStride; dst32 += dstStride; } } } else { // But here it shouldn't matter if they do intersect u16 *dst16 = (u16 *)dst; switch (format) { case GE_FORMAT_565: // BGR 565 for (u32 y = 0; y < height; ++y) { ConvertBGRA8888ToRGB565(dst16, src32, width); src32 += srcStride; dst16 += dstStride; } break; case GE_FORMAT_5551: // ABGR 1555 for (u32 y = 0; y < height; ++y) { ConvertBGRA8888ToRGBA5551(dst16, src32, width); src32 += srcStride; dst16 += dstStride; } break; case GE_FORMAT_4444: // ABGR 4444 for (u32 y = 0; y < height; ++y) { ConvertBGRA8888ToRGBA4444(dst16, src32, width); src32 += srcStride; dst16 += dstStride; } break; case GE_FORMAT_8888: case GE_FORMAT_INVALID: // Not possible. break; } } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::PackFramebufferDirectx9_(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!vfb->fbo) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT_ONCE(vfbfbozero, SCEGE, "PackFramebufferDirectx9_: vfb->fbo == 0"); fbo_unbind(); return; } const u32 fb_address = (0x04000000) | vfb->fb_address; const int dstBpp = vfb->format == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; // We always need to convert from the framebuffer native format. // Right now that's always 8888. DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "Reading framebuffer to mem, fb_address = %08x", fb_address); LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 renderTarget = fbo_get_color_for_read(vfb->fbo); D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; renderTarget->GetDesc(&desc); LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 offscreen = GetOffscreenSurface(renderTarget, vfb); if (offscreen) { HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->GetRenderTargetData(renderTarget, offscreen); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { D3DLOCKED_RECT locked; u32 widthFactor = vfb->renderWidth / vfb->bufferWidth; u32 heightFactor = vfb->renderHeight / vfb->bufferHeight; RECT rect = {(LONG)(x * widthFactor), (LONG)(y * heightFactor), (LONG)((x + w) * widthFactor), (LONG)((y + h) * heightFactor)}; hr = offscreen->LockRect(&locked, &rect, D3DLOCK_READONLY); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // TODO: Handle the other formats? We don't currently create them, I think. const int dstByteOffset = (y * vfb->fb_stride + x) * dstBpp; // Pixel size always 4 here because we always request BGRA8888. ConvertFromRGBA8888(Memory::GetPointer(fb_address + dstByteOffset), (u8 *)locked.pBits, vfb->fb_stride, locked.Pitch / 4, w, h, vfb->format); offscreen->UnlockRect(); } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unable to lock rect from %08x: %d,%d %dx%d of %dx%d", fb_address, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, vfb->renderWidth, vfb->renderHeight); } } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Unable to download render target data from %08x", fb_address); } } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::EndFrame() { if (resized_) { DestroyAllFBOs(); // Actually, auto mode should be more granular... // Round up to a zoom factor for the render size. int zoom = g_Config.iInternalResolution; if (zoom == 0) { // auto mode // Use the longest dimension if (!g_Config.IsPortrait()) { zoom = (PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth + 479) / 480; } else { zoom = (PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight + 479) / 480; } } if (zoom <= 1) zoom = 1; if (g_Config.IsPortrait()) { PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth = 272 * zoom; PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight = 480 * zoom; } else { PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth = 480 * zoom; PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight = 272 * zoom; } UpdateSize(); ShowScreenResolution(); resized_ = false; } #if 0 // We flush to memory last requested framebuffer, if any PackFramebufferAsync_(NULL); #endif } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DeviceLost() { DestroyAllFBOs(); resized_ = false; } std::vector FramebufferManagerDX9::GetFramebufferList() { std::vector list; for (size_t i = 0; i < vfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = vfbs_[i]; FramebufferInfo info; info.fb_address = vfb->fb_address; info.z_address = vfb->z_address; info.format = vfb->format; info.width = vfb->width; info.height = vfb->height; info.fbo = vfb->fbo; list.push_back(info); } return list; } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DecimateFBOs() { if (g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) { fbo_unbind(); } currentRenderVfb_ = 0; bool updateVram = !(g_Config.iRenderingMode == FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE || g_Config.iRenderingMode == FB_BUFFERED_MODE); for (size_t i = 0; i < vfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = vfbs_[i]; int age = frameLastFramebufUsed_ - std::max(vfb->last_frame_render, vfb->last_frame_used); if (ShouldDownloadFramebuffer(vfb) && age == 0 && !vfb->memoryUpdated) { ReadFramebufferToMemory(vfb, false, 0, 0, vfb->width, vfb->height); } // Let's also "decimate" the usageFlags. UpdateFramebufUsage(vfb); if (vfb != displayFramebuf_ && vfb != prevDisplayFramebuf_ && vfb != prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_) { if (age > FBO_OLD_AGE) { INFO_LOG(SCEGE, "Decimating FBO for %08x (%i x %i x %i), age %i", vfb->fb_address, vfb->width, vfb->height, vfb->format, age); DestroyFramebuf(vfb); vfbs_.erase(vfbs_.begin() + i--); } } } for (auto it = tempFBOs_.begin(); it != tempFBOs_.end(); ) { int age = frameLastFramebufUsed_ - it->second.last_frame_used; if (age > FBO_OLD_AGE) { fbo_destroy(it->second.fbo); tempFBOs_.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } for (auto it = offscreenSurfaces_.begin(); it != offscreenSurfaces_.end(); ) { int age = frameLastFramebufUsed_ - it->second.last_frame_used; if (age > FBO_OLD_AGE) { it->second.surface->Release(); offscreenSurfaces_.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } // Do the same for ReadFramebuffersToMemory's VFBs for (size_t i = 0; i < bvfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = bvfbs_[i]; int age = frameLastFramebufUsed_ - vfb->last_frame_render; if (age > FBO_OLD_AGE) { INFO_LOG(SCEGE, "Decimating FBO for %08x (%i x %i x %i), age %i", vfb->fb_address, vfb->width, vfb->height, vfb->format, age); DestroyFramebuf(vfb); bvfbs_.erase(bvfbs_.begin() + i--); } } } void FramebufferManagerDX9::DestroyAllFBOs() { fbo_unbind(); currentRenderVfb_ = 0; displayFramebuf_ = 0; prevDisplayFramebuf_ = 0; prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_ = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < vfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = vfbs_[i]; INFO_LOG(SCEGE, "Destroying FBO for %08x : %i x %i x %i", vfb->fb_address, vfb->width, vfb->height, vfb->format); DestroyFramebuf(vfb); } vfbs_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < bvfbs_.size(); ++i) { VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = bvfbs_[i]; DestroyFramebuf(vfb); } bvfbs_.clear(); for (auto it = tempFBOs_.begin(), end = tempFBOs_.end(); it != end; ++it) { fbo_destroy(it->second.fbo); } tempFBOs_.clear(); for (auto it = offscreenSurfaces_.begin(), end = offscreenSurfaces_.end(); it != end; ++it) { it->second.surface->Release(); } offscreenSurfaces_.clear(); DisableState(); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::FlushBeforeCopy() { // Flush anything not yet drawn before blitting, downloading, or uploading. // This might be a stalled list, or unflushed before a block transfer, etc. // TODO: It's really bad that we are calling SetRenderFramebuffer here with // all the irrelevant state checking it'll use to decide what to do. Should // do something more focused here. SetRenderFrameBuffer(gstate_c.framebufChanged, gstate_c.skipDrawReason); transformDraw_->Flush(); } void FramebufferManagerDX9::Resized() { resized_ = true; } bool FramebufferManagerDX9::GetCurrentFramebuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { u32 fb_address = gstate.getFrameBufRawAddress(); int fb_stride = gstate.FrameBufStride(); VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = currentRenderVfb_; if (!vfb) { vfb = GetVFBAt(fb_address); } if (!vfb) { // If there's no vfb and we're drawing there, must be memory? buffer = GPUDebugBuffer(Memory::GetPointer(fb_address | 0x04000000), fb_stride, 512, gstate.FrameBufFormat()); return true; } LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 renderTarget = vfb->fbo ? fbo_get_color_for_read(vfb->fbo) : nullptr; bool success = false; if (renderTarget) { LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 offscreen = GetOffscreenSurface(renderTarget, vfb); if (offscreen) { success = GetRenderTargetFramebuffer(renderTarget, offscreen, vfb->renderWidth, vfb->renderHeight, buffer); } } return success; } bool FramebufferManagerDX9::GetDisplayFramebuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { fbo_unbind(); LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 renderTarget = nullptr; HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->GetRenderTarget(0, &renderTarget); bool success = false; if (renderTarget && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; renderTarget->GetDesc(&desc); LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 offscreen = nullptr; HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &offscreen, NULL); if (offscreen && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { success = GetRenderTargetFramebuffer(renderTarget, offscreen, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth, PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight, buffer); offscreen->Release(); } renderTarget->Release(); } return success; } bool FramebufferManagerDX9::GetRenderTargetFramebuffer(LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 renderTarget, LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 offscreen, int w, int h, GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; renderTarget->GetDesc(&desc); bool success = false; HRESULT hr = pD3Ddevice->GetRenderTargetData(renderTarget, offscreen); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { D3DLOCKED_RECT locked; RECT rect = {0, 0, w, h}; hr = offscreen->LockRect(&locked, &rect, D3DLOCK_READONLY); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // TODO: Handle the other formats? We don't currently create them, I think. buffer.Allocate(locked.Pitch / 4, desc.Height, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_8888_BGRA, false); memcpy(buffer.GetData(), locked.pBits, locked.Pitch * desc.Height); offscreen->UnlockRect(); success = true; } } return success; } bool FramebufferManagerDX9::GetCurrentDepthbuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { u32 fb_address = gstate.getFrameBufRawAddress(); int fb_stride = gstate.FrameBufStride(); u32 z_address = gstate.getDepthBufRawAddress(); int z_stride = gstate.DepthBufStride(); VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = currentRenderVfb_; if (!vfb) { vfb = GetVFBAt(fb_address); } if (!vfb) { // If there's no vfb and we're drawing there, must be memory? buffer = GPUDebugBuffer(Memory::GetPointer(z_address | 0x04000000), z_stride, 512, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_16BIT); return true; } bool success = false; LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 tex = fbo_get_depth_texture(vfb->fbo); if (tex) { D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; D3DLOCKED_RECT locked; tex->GetLevelDesc(0, &desc); RECT rect = {0, 0, (LONG)desc.Width, (LONG)desc.Height}; HRESULT hr = tex->LockRect(0, &locked, &rect, D3DLOCK_READONLY); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GPUDebugBufferFormat fmt = GPU_DBG_FORMAT_24BIT_8X; int pixelSize = 4; buffer.Allocate(locked.Pitch / pixelSize, desc.Height, fmt, false); memcpy(buffer.GetData(), locked.pBits, locked.Pitch * desc.Height); success = true; tex->UnlockRect(0); } } return success; } bool FramebufferManagerDX9::GetCurrentStencilbuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer) { u32 fb_address = gstate.getFrameBufRawAddress(); int fb_stride = gstate.FrameBufStride(); u32 z_address = gstate.getDepthBufRawAddress(); int z_stride = gstate.DepthBufStride(); VirtualFramebuffer *vfb = currentRenderVfb_; if (!vfb) { vfb = GetVFBAt(fb_address); } if (!vfb) { // If there's no vfb and we're drawing there, must be memory? buffer = GPUDebugBuffer(Memory::GetPointer(z_address | 0x04000000), z_stride, 512, GPU_DBG_FORMAT_16BIT); return true; } bool success = false; LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 tex = fbo_get_depth_texture(vfb->fbo); if (tex) { D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; D3DLOCKED_RECT locked; tex->GetLevelDesc(0, &desc); RECT rect = {0, 0, (LONG)desc.Width, (LONG)desc.Height}; HRESULT hr = tex->LockRect(0, &locked, &rect, D3DLOCK_READONLY); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GPUDebugBufferFormat fmt = GPU_DBG_FORMAT_24X_8BIT; int pixelSize = 4; buffer.Allocate(locked.Pitch / pixelSize, desc.Height, fmt, false); memcpy(buffer.GetData(), locked.pBits, locked.Pitch * desc.Height); success = true; tex->UnlockRect(0); } } return success; } } // namespace DX9