// Copyright (c) 2013- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include "base/colorutil.h" #include "base/timeutil.h" #include "gfx_es2/draw_buffer.h" #include "i18n/i18n.h" #include "math/curves.h" #include "util/text/utf8.h" #include "ui/ui_context.h" #include "ui/view.h" #include "ui/viewgroup.h" #include "UI/EmuScreen.h" #include "UI/GameScreen.h" #include "UI/GameSettingsScreen.h" #include "UI/GameInfoCache.h" #include "UI/MiscScreens.h" #include "UI/MainScreen.h" #include "UI/BackgroundAudio.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/Config.h" GameScreen::GameScreen(const std::string &gamePath) : UIDialogScreenWithGameBackground(gamePath) { SetBackgroundAudioGame(gamePath); } GameScreen::~GameScreen() { SetBackgroundAudioGame(""); } void GameScreen::CreateViews() { GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, GAMEINFO_WANTBG | GAMEINFO_WANTSIZE); I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); I18NCategory *ga = GetI18NCategory("Game"); // Information in the top left. // Back button to the bottom left. // Scrolling action menu to the right. using namespace UI; Margins actionMenuMargins(0, 100, 15, 0); root_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); ViewGroup *leftColumn = new AnchorLayout(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f)); root_->Add(leftColumn); leftColumn->Add(new Choice(d->T("Back"), "", false, new AnchorLayoutParams(150, WRAP_CONTENT, 10, NONE, NONE, 10)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnSwitchBack); if (info) { texvGameIcon_ = leftColumn->Add(new Thin3DTextureView(0, IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(144 * 2, 80 * 2, 10, 10, NONE, NONE))); tvTitle_ = leftColumn->Add(new TextView(info->title, ALIGN_LEFT, false, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 200, NONE, NONE))); // This one doesn't need to be updated. leftColumn->Add(new TextView(gamePath_, ALIGN_LEFT, true, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 250, NONE, NONE))); tvGameSize_ = leftColumn->Add(new TextView("...", ALIGN_LEFT, true, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 290, NONE, NONE))); tvSaveDataSize_ = leftColumn->Add(new TextView("...", ALIGN_LEFT, true, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 320, NONE, NONE))); tvInstallDataSize_ = leftColumn->Add(new TextView("", ALIGN_LEFT, true, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 350, NONE, NONE))); tvRegion_ = leftColumn->Add(new TextView("", ALIGN_LEFT, true, new AnchorLayoutParams(10, 380, NONE, NONE))); } ViewGroup *rightColumn = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(300, FILL_PARENT, actionMenuMargins)); root_->Add(rightColumn); LinearLayout *rightColumnItems = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL); rightColumnItems->SetSpacing(0.0f); rightColumn->Add(rightColumnItems); Choice *play = new Choice(ga->T("Play")); rightColumnItems->Add(play)->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnPlay); rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(ga->T("Game Settings")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnGameSettings); std::vector saveDirs = info->GetSaveDataDirectories(); if (saveDirs.size()) { rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(ga->T("Delete Save Data")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnDeleteSaveData); } rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(ga->T("Delete Game")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnDeleteGame); if (host->CanCreateShortcut()) { rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(ga->T("Create Shortcut")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnCreateShortcut); } if (isRecentGame(gamePath_)) { rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(ga->T("Remove From Recent")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnRemoveFromRecent); } #ifdef _WIN32 rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(ga->T("Show In Folder")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &GameScreen::OnShowInFolder); #endif UI::SetFocusedView(play); } void GameScreen::update(InputState &input) { UIScreen::update(input); I18NCategory *ga = GetI18NCategory("Game"); Thin3DContext *thin3d = screenManager()->getThin3DContext(); GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(thin3d, gamePath_, GAMEINFO_WANTBG | GAMEINFO_WANTSIZE); if (tvTitle_) tvTitle_->SetText(info->title + " (" + info->id + ")"); if (info->iconTexture && texvGameIcon_) { texvGameIcon_->SetTexture(info->iconTexture); // Fade the icon with the background. double loadTime = info->timeIconWasLoaded; if (info->pic1Texture) { loadTime = std::max(loadTime, info->timePic1WasLoaded); } if (info->pic0Texture) { loadTime = std::max(loadTime, info->timePic0WasLoaded); } uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - loadTime) * 3)); texvGameIcon_->SetColor(color); } if (info->gameSize) { char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, "%s: %1.1f %s", ga->T("Game"), (float) (info->gameSize) / 1024.f / 1024.f, ga->T("MB")); tvGameSize_->SetText(temp); sprintf(temp, "%s: %1.2f %s", ga->T("SaveData"), (float) (info->saveDataSize) / 1024.f / 1024.f, ga->T("MB")); tvSaveDataSize_->SetText(temp); if (info->installDataSize > 0) { sprintf(temp, "%s: %1.2f %s", ga->T("InstallData"), (float) (info->installDataSize) / 1024.f / 1024.f, ga->T("MB")); tvInstallDataSize_->SetText(temp); } } if (info->region >= 0 && info->region < GAMEREGION_MAX && info->region != GAMEREGION_OTHER) { static const char *regionNames[GAMEREGION_MAX] = { "Japan", "USA", "Europe", "Hong Kong", "Asia" }; tvRegion_->SetText(ga->T(regionNames[info->region])); } } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnShowInFolder(UI::EventParams &e) { #ifdef _WIN32 std::string str = std::string("explorer.exe /select,\"") + ReplaceAll(gamePath_, "/", "\\") + "\""; _wsystem(ConvertUTF8ToWString(str).c_str()); #endif return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnSwitchBack(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnPlay(UI::EventParams &e) { screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(gamePath_)); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnGameSettings(UI::EventParams &e) { GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, GAMEINFO_WANTBG | GAMEINFO_WANTSIZE); if (info && info->paramSFOLoaded) { std::string discID = info->paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_ID"); screenManager()->push(new GameSettingsScreen(gamePath_, discID)); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnDeleteSaveData(UI::EventParams &e) { I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); I18NCategory *ga = GetI18NCategory("Game"); GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, GAMEINFO_WANTBG | GAMEINFO_WANTSIZE); if (info) { // Check that there's any savedata to delete std::vector saveDirs = info->GetSaveDataDirectories(); if (saveDirs.size()) { screenManager()->push( new PromptScreen(d->T("DeleteConfirmAll", "Do you really want to delete all\nyour save data for this game?"), ga->T("ConfirmDelete"), d->T("Cancel"), std::bind(&GameScreen::CallbackDeleteSaveData, this, placeholder::_1))); } } RecreateViews(); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void GameScreen::CallbackDeleteSaveData(bool yes) { GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, 0); if (yes) { info->DeleteAllSaveData(); info->saveDataSize = 0; info->installDataSize = 0; } } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnDeleteGame(UI::EventParams &e) { I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Dialog"); I18NCategory *ga = GetI18NCategory("Game"); GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, GAMEINFO_WANTBG | GAMEINFO_WANTSIZE); if (info) { screenManager()->push( new PromptScreen(d->T("DeleteConfirmGame", "Do you really want to delete this game\nfrom your device? You can't undo this."), ga->T("ConfirmDelete"), d->T("Cancel"), std::bind(&GameScreen::CallbackDeleteGame, this, placeholder::_1))); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } void GameScreen::CallbackDeleteGame(bool yes) { GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, 0); if (yes) { info->DeleteGame(); g_gameInfoCache.Clear(); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); } } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnCreateShortcut(UI::EventParams &e) { GameInfo *info = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(NULL, gamePath_, 0); if (info) { host->CreateDesktopShortcut(gamePath_, info->title); } return UI::EVENT_DONE; } bool GameScreen::isRecentGame(const std::string &gamePath) { if (g_Config.iMaxRecent <= 0) return false; for (auto it = g_Config.recentIsos.begin(); it != g_Config.recentIsos.end(); ++it) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!strcmpIgnore((*it).c_str(), gamePath.c_str(), "\\","/")) #else if (!strcmp((*it).c_str(), gamePath.c_str())) #endif return true; } return false; } UI::EventReturn GameScreen::OnRemoveFromRecent(UI::EventParams &e) { if (g_Config.iMaxRecent <= 0) return UI::EVENT_DONE; for (auto it = g_Config.recentIsos.begin(); it != g_Config.recentIsos.end(); ++it) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!strcmpIgnore((*it).c_str(), gamePath_.c_str(), "\\","/")) { #else if (!strcmp((*it).c_str(), gamePath_.c_str())) { #endif g_Config.recentIsos.erase(it); screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen()); return UI::EVENT_DONE; } } return UI::EVENT_DONE; }