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// Minimal audio streaming using OpenSL.
// Loosely based on the Android NDK sample code.
// Hardcoded to 44.1kHz stereo 16-bit audio, because as far as I'm concerned,
// that's the only format that makes any sense.
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// for native audio
#include <SLES/OpenSLES.h>
#include <SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h>
#include "../base/logging.h"
#include "native-audio-so.h"
// This is kinda ugly, but for simplicity I've left these as globals just like in the sample,
// as there's not really any use case for this where we have multiple audio devices yet.
// engine interfaces
static SLObjectItf engineObject;
static SLEngineItf engineEngine;
static SLObjectItf outputMixObject;
// buffer queue player interfaces
static SLObjectItf bqPlayerObject = NULL;
static SLPlayItf bqPlayerPlay;
static SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bqPlayerBufferQueue;
static SLMuteSoloItf bqPlayerMuteSolo;
static SLVolumeItf bqPlayerVolume;
// Double buffering.
static short *buffer[2];
static int curBuffer = 0;
static int framesPerBuffer;
int sampleRate;
static AndroidAudioCallback audioCallback;
// This callback handler is called every time a buffer finishes playing.
// The documentation available is very unclear about how to best manage buffers.
// I've chosen to this approach: Instantly enqueue a buffer that was rendered to the last time,
// and then render the next. Hopefully it's okay to spend time in this callback after having enqueued.
static void bqPlayerCallback(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq, void *context) {
if (bq != bqPlayerBufferQueue) {
ELOG("Wrong bq!");
int renderedFrames = audioCallback(buffer[curBuffer], framesPerBuffer);
int sizeInBytes = framesPerBuffer * 2 * sizeof(short);
memset(buffer[curBuffer] + renderedFrames * 2, 0, (framesPerBuffer - renderedFrames) * 4);
SLresult result = (*bqPlayerBufferQueue)->Enqueue(bqPlayerBufferQueue, buffer[curBuffer], sizeInBytes);
// Comment from sample code:
// the most likely other result is SL_RESULT_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT,
// which for this code example would indicate a programming error
if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
ELOG("OpenSL ES: Failed to enqueue! %i %i", renderedFrames, sizeInBytes);
curBuffer ^= 1; // Switch buffer
// create the engine and output mix objects
extern "C" bool OpenSLWrap_Init(AndroidAudioCallback cb, int _FramesPerBuffer, int _SampleRate) {
audioCallback = cb;
framesPerBuffer = _FramesPerBuffer;
if (framesPerBuffer == 0)
framesPerBuffer = 256;
if (framesPerBuffer < 32)
framesPerBuffer = 32;
sampleRate = _SampleRate;
if (sampleRate != 44100 && sampleRate != 48000) {
ELOG("Invalid sample rate %i - choosing 44100", sampleRate);
sampleRate = 44100;
buffer[0] = new short[framesPerBuffer * 2];
buffer[1] = new short[framesPerBuffer * 2];
SLresult result;
// create engine
result = slCreateEngine(&engineObject, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*engineObject)->Realize(engineObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*engineObject)->GetInterface(engineObject, SL_IID_ENGINE, &engineEngine);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*engineEngine)->CreateOutputMix(engineEngine, &outputMixObject, 0, 0, 0);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*outputMixObject)->Realize(outputMixObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
int sr = SL_SAMPLINGRATE_44_1;
if (sampleRate == 48000) {
SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq = {SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, 2};
SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm = {
SLDataSource audioSrc = {&loc_bufq, &format_pcm};
// configure audio sink
SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix = {SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX, outputMixObject};
SLDataSink audioSnk = {&loc_outmix, NULL};
// create audio player
const SLInterfaceID ids[2] = {SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE, SL_IID_VOLUME};
const SLboolean req[2] = {SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE};
result = (*engineEngine)->CreateAudioPlayer(engineEngine, &bqPlayerObject, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, 2, ids, req);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->Realize(bqPlayerObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->GetInterface(bqPlayerObject, SL_IID_PLAY, &bqPlayerPlay);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->GetInterface(bqPlayerObject, SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE,
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*bqPlayerBufferQueue)->RegisterCallback(bqPlayerBufferQueue, bqPlayerCallback, NULL);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*bqPlayerObject)->GetInterface(bqPlayerObject, SL_IID_VOLUME, &bqPlayerVolume);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
result = (*bqPlayerPlay)->SetPlayState(bqPlayerPlay, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
// Render and enqueue a first buffer. (or should we just play the buffer empty?)
curBuffer = 0;
audioCallback(buffer[curBuffer], framesPerBuffer);
result = (*bqPlayerBufferQueue)->Enqueue(bqPlayerBufferQueue, buffer[curBuffer], sizeof(buffer[curBuffer]));
if (SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) {
return false;
curBuffer ^= 1;
return true;
// shut down the native audio system
extern "C" void OpenSLWrap_Shutdown() {
SLresult result;
ILOG("OpenSLWrap_Shutdown - stopping playback");
result = (*bqPlayerPlay)->SetPlayState(bqPlayerPlay, SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED);
assert(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result);
ILOG("OpenSLWrap_Shutdown - deleting player object");
if (bqPlayerObject != NULL) {
bqPlayerObject = NULL;
bqPlayerPlay = NULL;
bqPlayerBufferQueue = NULL;
bqPlayerMuteSolo = NULL;
bqPlayerVolume = NULL;
ILOG("OpenSLWrap_Shutdown - deleting mix object");
if (outputMixObject != NULL) {
outputMixObject = NULL;
ILOG("OpenSLWrap_Shutdown - deleting engine object");
if (engineObject != NULL) {
engineObject = NULL;
engineEngine = NULL;
delete [] buffer[0];
delete [] buffer[1];
ILOG("OpenSLWrap_Shutdown - finished");