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synced 2024-11-27 10:20:49 +00:00
Should help distros packaging ppsspp. Note: if you currently use PPSSPPQt, you will need to move the config dir from PPSSPPQt to ppsspp. For distro packagers, you can now use PREFIX and DESTDIR for installs.
115 lines
3.2 KiB
115 lines
3.2 KiB
TARGET = ppsspp
# Main Qt modules
QT += core gui opengl
# PPSSPP Modules
symbian: LIBS += -lCore.lib -lGPU.lib -lCommon.lib -lNative.lib
else: LIBS += -lCore -lGPU -lCommon -lNative
# To support Sailfish which is stuck on GCC 4.6
linux-g++:system($$QMAKE_CXX --version | grep "4.6."): DEFINES+=override
lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) {
macx: error(PPSSPP requires Qt5 for OS X but $$[QT_VERSION] was detected.)
else:lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 7): error(PPSSPP requires Qt 4.7 or newer but Qt $$[QT_VERSION] was detected.)
# Extra Qt modules
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION,4) {
QT += widgets
# Most platforms don't have this pre-installed. Especially hard to get on OSX.
exists($$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtSystemInfo) {
QT += systeminfo
mobile_platform: QT += sensors
} else:!maemo5:mobile_platform {
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += sensors
symbian: MOBILITY += systeminfo feedback
# External (platform-dependant) libs
macx|equals(PLATFORM_NAME, "linux") {
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$CONFIG_DIR/libCommon.a $$CONFIG_DIR/libCore.a $$CONFIG_DIR/libGPU.a $$CONFIG_DIR/libNative.a
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
packagesExist(sdl) {
SOURCES += $$P/SDL/SDLJoystick.cpp
HEADERS += $$P/SDL/SDLJoystick.h
macx {
LIBS += -F/Library/Frameworks -framework SDL
INCLUDEPATH += /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/Headers
unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, system-zlib) {
LIBS += -lz
# Qt Multimedia (if SDL is not found)
!contains(DEFINES, QT_HAS_SDL) {
lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION,5):!exists($$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtMultimedia) {
# Fallback to mobility audio
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += multimedia
else: QT += multimedia
# Main
SOURCES += $$P/native/base/QtMain.cpp
HEADERS += $$P/native/base/QtMain.h
symbian {
SOURCES += $$P/native/base/SymbianMediaKeys.cpp
HEADERS += $$P/native/base/SymbianMediaKeys.h
# UI
SOURCES += $$P/UI/*.cpp \
arm:android: SOURCES += $$P/android/jni/ArmEmitterTest.cpp
HEADERS += $$P/UI/*.h
INCLUDEPATH += $$P $$P/Common $$P/native $$P/native/ext $$P/native/ext/glew
mobile_platform: RESOURCES += $$P/Qt/assets.qrc
else {
# TODO: Rewrite Debugger with same backend as Windows version
# Do not use .ui forms. Use Qt5 + C++11 features to minimise code
SOURCES += $$P/Qt/*.cpp $$P/Qt/Debugger/*.cpp
HEADERS += $$P/Qt/*.h $$P/Qt/Debugger/*.h
FORMS += $$P/Qt/Debugger/*.ui
RESOURCES += $$P/Qt/desktop_assets.qrc
INCLUDEPATH += $$P/Qt $$P/Qt/Debugger
# Creating translations should be done by Qt, really
LREL_TOOL = lrelease
# Grab all possible directories (win32/unix)
win32: PATHS = $$split($$(PATH), ;)
else: PATHS = $$split($$(PATH), :)
# Either -qt4 or -qt5 will work.
for(bin, PATHS): exists($${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt4): LREL_TOOL=$${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt4
for(bin, PATHS): exists($${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt5): LREL_TOOL=$${bin}/$${LREL_TOOL}-qt5
# Translations
TRANSLATIONS = $$files($$P/Qt/languages/ppsspp_*.ts)
lang.name = $$LREL_TOOL ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
lang.input = TRANSLATIONS
lang.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
lang.commands = $$LREL_TOOL ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
lang.CONFIG = no_link
PRE_TARGETDEPS += compiler_lang_make_all