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synced 2025-03-06 15:37:22 +00:00
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604 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <map>
#include "Core/HLE/HLE.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceMp3.h"
#include "Core/HW/MediaEngine.h"
#include "Core/Reporting.h"
#include "../HW/MediaEngine.h"
#ifndef PRId64
#define PRId64 "%llu"
// Urgh! Why is this needed?
#ifdef ANDROID
#ifndef UINT64_C
#define UINT64_C(c) (c ## ULL)
extern "C" {
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
//#include <libavutil/timestamp.h> // iOS build is not happy with this one.
#include <libswresample/swresample.h>
#include <libavutil/samplefmt.h>
static const int MP3_BITRATES[] = {0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320};
struct Mp3Context {
void DoState(PointerWrap &p) {
int mp3StreamStart;
int mp3StreamEnd;
u32 mp3Buf;
int mp3BufSize;
u32 mp3PcmBuf;
int mp3PcmBufSize;
int readPosition;
int bufferRead;
int bufferWrite;
int bufferAvailable;
int mp3DecodedBytes;
int mp3LoopNum;
int mp3MaxSamples;
MediaEngine *mediaengine;
int mp3Channels;
int mp3Bitrate;
int mp3SamplingRate;
int mp3Version;
AVFormatContext *avformat_context;
AVIOContext *avio_context;
AVCodecContext *decoder_context;
SwrContext *resampler_context;
int audio_stream_index;
static std::map<u32, Mp3Context *> mp3Map;
static u32 lastMp3Handle = 0;
Mp3Context *getMp3Ctx(u32 mp3) {
if (mp3Map.find(mp3) == mp3Map.end()) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "Bad mp3 handle %08x - using last one (%08x) instead", mp3, lastMp3Handle);
mp3 = lastMp3Handle;
if (mp3Map.find(mp3) == mp3Map.end())
return NULL;
return mp3Map[mp3];
/* MP3 */
int sceMp3Decode(u32 mp3, u32 outPcmPtr) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3Decode(%08x,%08x)", mp3, outPcmPtr);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
// Nothing to decode
if (ctx->bufferAvailable == 0 || ctx->readPosition >= ctx->mp3StreamEnd) {
return 0;
int bytesdecoded = 0;
#ifndef USE_FFMPEG
Memory::Memset(ctx->mp3PcmBuf, 0, ctx->mp3PcmBufSize);
Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mp3PcmBuf, outPcmPtr);
AVFrame frame;
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame));
AVPacket packet;
memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
int got_frame = 0, ret;
static int audio_frame_count = 0;
while (!got_frame) {
if ((ret = av_read_frame(ctx->avformat_context, &packet)) < 0)
if (packet.stream_index == ctx->audio_stream_index) {
got_frame = 0;
ret = avcodec_decode_audio4(ctx->decoder_context, &frame, &got_frame, &packet);
if (ret < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio %d", ret);
if (got_frame) {
//char buf[1024] = "";
//av_ts_make_time_string(buf, frame.pts, &ctx->decoder_context->time_base);
//DEBUG_LOG(ME, "audio_frame n:%d nb_samples:%d pts:%s", audio_frame_count++, frame.nb_samples, buf);
u8 *audio_dst_data;
int audio_dst_linesize;
ret = av_samples_alloc(&audio_dst_data, &audio_dst_linesize, frame.channels, frame.nb_samples, (AVSampleFormat)frame.format, 1);
if (ret < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "av_samples_alloc: Could not allocate audio buffer %d", ret);
return -1;
int decoded = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, frame.channels, frame.nb_samples, (AVSampleFormat)frame.format, 1);
u8* out = Memory::GetPointer(ctx->mp3PcmBuf + bytesdecoded);
ret = swr_convert(ctx->resampler_context, &out, frame.nb_samples, (const u8**)frame.extended_data, frame.nb_samples);
if (ret < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "swr_convert: Error while converting %d", ret);
return -1;
//av_samples_copy(&audio_dst_data, frame.data, 0, 0, frame.nb_samples, frame.channels, (AVSampleFormat)frame.format);
//memcpy(Memory::GetPointer(ctx->mp3PcmBuf + bytesdecoded), audio_dst_data, decoded);
bytesdecoded += decoded;
// av_freep(&audio_dst_data[0]);
Memory::Write_U32(ctx->mp3PcmBuf, outPcmPtr);
#if 0 && defined(_DEBUG)
char fileName[256];
sprintf(fileName, "out.wav", mp3);
FILE * file = fopen(fileName, "a+b");
if (file) {
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctx->mp3Buf)) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "sceMp3Decode mp3Buf %08X is not a valid address!", ctx->mp3Buf);
//u8 * ptr = Memory::GetPointer(ctx->mp3Buf);
fwrite(Memory::GetPointer(ctx->mp3PcmBuf), 1, bytesdecoded, file);
return bytesdecoded;
int sceMp3ResetPlayPosition(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "SceMp3ResetPlayPosition(%08x)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
ctx->readPosition = ctx->mp3StreamStart;
return 0;
int sceMp3CheckStreamDataNeeded(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3CheckStreamDataNeeded(%08x)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->bufferAvailable != ctx->mp3BufSize && ctx->readPosition < ctx->mp3StreamEnd;
int readFunc(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) {
Mp3Context *ctx = static_cast<Mp3Context*>(opaque);
int res = 0;
while (ctx->bufferAvailable && buf_size) {
// Maximum bytes we can read
int to_read = std::min(ctx->bufferAvailable, buf_size);
// Don't read past the end if the buffer loops
to_read = std::min(ctx->mp3BufSize - ctx->bufferRead, to_read);
memcpy(buf + res, Memory::GetCharPointer(ctx->mp3Buf + ctx->bufferRead), to_read);
ctx->bufferRead += to_read;
if (ctx->bufferRead == ctx->mp3BufSize)
ctx->bufferRead = 0;
ctx->bufferAvailable -= to_read;
buf_size -= to_read;
res += to_read;
if (ctx->bufferAvailable == 0) {
ctx->bufferRead = 0;
ctx->bufferWrite = 0;
#if 0 && defined(_DEBUG)
char fileName[256];
sprintf(fileName, "out.mp3");
FILE * file = fopen(fileName, "a+b");
if (file) {
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(ctx->mp3Buf)) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "sceMp3Decode mp3Buf %08X is not a valid address!", ctx->mp3Buf);
fwrite(buf, 1, res, file);
return res;
u32 sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle(u32 mp3Addr) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle(%08x)", mp3Addr);
Mp3Context *ctx = new Mp3Context;
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(Mp3Context));
ctx->mp3StreamStart = Memory::Read_U64(mp3Addr);
ctx->mp3StreamEnd = Memory::Read_U64(mp3Addr+8);
ctx->mp3Buf = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+16);
ctx->mp3BufSize = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+20);
ctx->mp3PcmBuf = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+24);
ctx->mp3PcmBufSize = Memory::Read_U32(mp3Addr+28);
ctx->readPosition = ctx->mp3StreamStart;
ctx->mp3MaxSamples = ctx->mp3PcmBufSize / 4 ;
ctx->mp3Channels = 2;
ctx->mp3Bitrate = 128;
ctx->mp3SamplingRate = 44100;
ctx->avformat_context = NULL;
ctx->avio_context = NULL;
mp3Map[mp3Addr] = ctx;
return mp3Addr;
int sceMp3InitResource() {
WARN_LOG(ME, "UNIMPL: sceMp3InitResource");
// Do nothing here
return 0;
int sceMp3TermResource() {
WARN_LOG(ME, "UNIMPL: sceMp3TermResource");
// Do nothing here
return 0;
int sceMp3Init(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3Init(%08x)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
// Read in the header and swap the endian
int header = Memory::Read_U32(ctx->mp3Buf);
header = (header >> 24) |
((header<<8) & 0x00FF0000) |
((header>>8) & 0x0000FF00) |
(header << 24);
ctx->mp3Version = ((header >> 19) & 0x3);
u8* avio_buffer = static_cast<u8*>(av_malloc(ctx->mp3BufSize));
ctx->avio_context = avio_alloc_context(avio_buffer, ctx->mp3BufSize, 0, ctx, readFunc, NULL, NULL);
ctx->avformat_context = avformat_alloc_context();
ctx->avformat_context->pb = ctx->avio_context;
int ret;
if ((ret = avformat_open_input(&ctx->avformat_context, NULL, av_find_input_format("mp3"), NULL)) < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "avformat_open_input: Cannot open input %d", ret);
return -1;
if ((ret = avformat_find_stream_info(ctx->avformat_context, NULL)) < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "avformat_find_stream_info: Cannot find stream information %d", ret);
return -1;
AVCodec *dec;
/* select the audio stream */
ret = av_find_best_stream(ctx->avformat_context, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &dec, 0);
if (ret < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "av_find_best_stream: Cannot find an audio stream in the input file %d", ret);
return -1;
ctx->audio_stream_index = ret;
ctx->decoder_context = ctx->avformat_context->streams[ctx->audio_stream_index]->codec;
/* init the audio decoder */
if ((ret = avcodec_open2(ctx->decoder_context, dec, NULL)) < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "avcodec_open2: Cannot open audio decoder %d", ret);
return -1;
ctx->resampler_context = swr_alloc_set_opts(NULL,
0, NULL);
// Let's just grab this info from FFMPEG, it seems more reliable than the code above.
ctx->mp3SamplingRate = ctx->decoder_context->sample_rate;
ctx->mp3Channels = ctx->decoder_context->channels;
ctx->mp3Bitrate = ctx->decoder_context->bit_rate / 1000;
if (!ctx->resampler_context) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "Could not allocate resampler context %d", ret);
return -1;
if ((ret = swr_init(ctx->resampler_context)) < 0) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "Failed to initialize the resampling context %d", ret);
return -1;
av_dump_format(ctx->avformat_context, 0, "mp3", 0);
return 0;
int sceMp3GetLoopNum(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetLoopNum(%08x)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->mp3LoopNum;
int sceMp3GetMaxOutputSample(u32 mp3)
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetMaxOutputSample(%08x)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->mp3MaxSamples;
int sceMp3GetSumDecodedSample(u32 mp3) {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(ME, "UNIMPL sceMp3GetSumDecodedSample(%08X)", mp3);
return 0;
int sceMp3SetLoopNum(u32 mp3, int loop) {
INFO_LOG(ME, "sceMp3SetLoopNum(%08X, %i)", mp3, loop);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
ctx->mp3LoopNum = loop;
return 0;
int sceMp3GetMp3ChannelNum(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetMp3ChannelNum(%08X)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->mp3Channels;
int sceMp3GetBitRate(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetBitRate(%08X)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->mp3Bitrate;
int sceMp3GetSamplingRate(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetSamplingRate(%08X)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->mp3SamplingRate;
int sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData(u32 mp3, u32 dstPtr, u32 towritePtr, u32 srcposPtr) {
INFO_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData(%08X, %08X, %08X, %08X)", mp3, dstPtr, towritePtr, srcposPtr);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
u32 buf, max_write;
if (ctx->readPosition < ctx->mp3StreamEnd) {
buf = ctx->mp3Buf + ctx->bufferWrite;
max_write = std::min(ctx->mp3BufSize - ctx->bufferWrite, ctx->mp3BufSize - ctx->bufferAvailable);
} else {
buf = 0;
max_write = 0;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(dstPtr))
Memory::Write_U32(buf, dstPtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(towritePtr))
Memory::Write_U32(max_write, towritePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(srcposPtr))
Memory::Write_U32(ctx->readPosition, srcposPtr);
return 0;
int sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData(u32 mp3, int size) {
INFO_LOG(ME, "sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData(%08X, %i)", mp3, size);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
ctx->readPosition += size;
ctx->bufferAvailable += size;
ctx->bufferWrite += size;
if (ctx->bufferWrite == ctx->mp3BufSize)
ctx->bufferWrite = 0;
if (ctx->readPosition >= ctx->mp3StreamEnd && ctx->mp3LoopNum != 0) {
ctx->readPosition = ctx->mp3StreamStart;
if (ctx->mp3LoopNum > 0)
return 0;
int sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle(%08X)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
delete ctx;
return 0;
u32 sceMp3EndEntry() {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(ME, "UNIMPL sceMp3EndEntry(...)");
return 0;
u32 sceMp3StartEntry() {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(ME, "UNIMPL sceMp3StartEntry(...)");
return 0;
u32 sceMp3GetFrameNum(u32 mp3) {
ERROR_LOG_REPORT(ME, "UNIMPL sceMp3GetFrameNum(%08x)", mp3);
return 0;
u32 sceMp3GetVersion(u32 mp3) {
DEBUG_LOG(ME, "sceMp3GetVersion(%08x)", mp3);
Mp3Context *ctx = getMp3Ctx(mp3);
if (!ctx) {
ERROR_LOG(ME, "%s: bad mp3 handle %08x", __FUNCTION__, mp3);
return -1;
return ctx->mp3Version;
const HLEFunction sceMp3[] = {
{0xAE6D2027,WrapU_U<sceMp3GetVersion>,"sceMp3GetVersion"}, // Name is wrong.
void Register_sceMp3() {
RegisterModule("sceMp3", ARRAY_SIZE(sceMp3), sceMp3);